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资源名称:Cimage.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- chapter{Introduction}label{introduction}
- pagenumbering{arabic}%
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}%
- The CImage class enables an application to load, save and display a variety of bitmap
- types. JPEG, PNG and BMP reading and writing are implemented, plus GIF reading.
- There are also facilities for manipulating the image directly.
- This code is the result of efforts from many people: I have just modified it, essentially to
- make it suitable for MFC usage.
- Acknowledgements are due to at least the following.
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- item Alejandro Aguilar-Sierra for the original wxImage class;
- item Andrew Davison and Paul Shirley for modifications;
- item Guy Eric Schalnat for the PNG library;
- item members of the Independent JPEG Group for the JPEG library;
- item Phil Katz, Peter Deutsch, Jean-Loup Gailly, Mark Adler for the ZLIB library
- used in the PNG code;
- item Microsoft for the DIB utilities;
- item Steven A. Bennett for the GIF decoder.
- end{itemize}
- It would be great if people can contribute to the class, such as GIF
- writing code, implementations for other formats, bug fixes etc. My address is:
- {bf Julian Smart <julian.smart@ukonline.co.uk>\
- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/Members/julian.smart}
- chapter{Files}label{files}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}%
- This distribution comprises the following files.
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- item cimage/*.*: CImage class, DIB utilities and GIF decoder
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- item cimage.h, cimage.cpp: CImage class
- item imaiter.h: CImageIter iterator class
- item cimageb.h, cimageb.cpp: CImageImpl class (base class for CImageGIF etc.)
- item cmap.h, cmap.cpp: CImagePalette class
- item dibutils.h, dibutils.cpp: DIB utilities
- item gifdecod.h, gifdecod.cpp: GIF decoder
- item imagif.h, imagif.cpp: CImageGIF class
- item imajpg.h, imajpg.cpp: CImageJPG class
- item imapng.h, imapng.cpp: CImagePNG class
- item imabmp.h, imabmp.cpp: CImageBMP class
- end{itemize}
- item jpeg/*.*: JPEG library
- item png/*.*: PNG library
- item zlib/*.*: compression code for the PNG decoder
- item demo/*.*: sources for the sample MFC application
- item docs/*.*: sources for documentation
- item distrib/*.*: files for archiving CImage
- item cimage.hlp: this help file
- item cimage.cnt: help file contents
- item demo.exe: demo executable
- item test*.*: test image files
- end{itemize}
- chapter{Compilation}label{compilation}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}%
- Unarchive the distribution into a suitable directory, and compile each
- of the {tt jpeg, png, zlib, cimage} and {tt demo} directories using the MS VC++
- 4.0 project files provided.
- To use the library in your application, you will need to link with the
- various libraries. For Debug and Release versions, add one of
- the following lines to your link setting, prepending a suitable
- absolute or relative path to each library specification:
- begin{verbatim}
- cimageDebugcimage.lib jpegDebugjpeg.lib pngDebugpng.lib zlibDebugzlib.lib
- cimageReleasecimage.lib jpegReleasejpeg.lib pngReleasepng.lib zlibReleasezlib.lib
- end{verbatim}
- Include the file {tt cimage.h}, and also {tt imaiter.h} if you wish to use the
- CImageIterator class.