- function social() {
this.txtVersion = "1.2";
- this.addtoInterval = null;
- this.popupWin = '';
- this.addtoMethod=1;
- this.AddTitle=null;
- this.AddURL=null;
- this.Horizontal=false;
- this.Showname=false;
- this.ObjectTypeId=0;
- this.ObjectId=0;
- this.PlaceholderId='';
- this.sns=[
- {name:'Digg', image: 'AddTo_Digg.png', url: '', urlVar: 'url', titleVar: '', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&phase=2' },
- {name:'', image: 'AddTo_Delicious.png', url: '', urlVar: 'url', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' },
- {name:'Google', image: 'AddTo_Google.png', url: '', urlVar: 'bkmk', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&op=edit' },
- {name:'Windows Live', image: 'AddTo_Live.png', url: '', urlVar: 'url', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&marklet=1&mkt=en-us&top=1' },
- //{name:'Yahoo! MyWeb', image: 'AddTo_Yahoo.png', url: '', urlVar: 'u', titleVar: 't', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&d=&ei=UTF-8' },
- {name:'Technorati', image: 'AddTo_Technorati.png', url: '', urlVar: 'add', titleVar: '', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' },
- {name:'Blink', image: 'AddTo_Blink.png', url: '', urlVar: 'url', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: 'description', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&Action=Blink/addblink.php' },
- {name:'Facebook', image: 'AddTo_Facebook.png', url: '', urlVar: 'u', titleVar: 't', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' },
- {name:'Furl', image: 'AddTo_Furl.png', url: '', urlVar: 'u', titleVar: 't', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' },
- {name:'Simpy', image: 'AddTo_Simpy.png', url: '', urlVar: 'href', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: 'note', returnVar: '_doneURI', otherVars: '&v=6&src=bookmarklet' },
- {name:'Reddit', image: 'AddTo_Reddit.png', url: '', urlVar: 'url', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' },
- {name:'Newsvine', image: 'AddTo_Newsvine.png', url: '', urlVar: 'u', titleVar: '', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&popoff=0' },
- {name:'Stumbleupon', image: 'AddTo_stumbleupon.png', url: '', urlVar: 'url', titleVar: 'title', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' },
- {name:'Mr. Wong', image: 'AddTo_MrWong.png', url: '',urlVar: 'bm_url', titleVar: 'bm_description', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '&action=addurl' },
- {name:'Send as Email', image: 'envelope.gif', url: '/script/common/TellFriend.aspx?obtid={0}&obid={1}&',urlVar: '', titleVar: '', noteVar: '', returnVar: '', otherVars: '' }
- ];
- this.DrawLink = function(varName, index, cellClass)
- {
- var prompt = (index == (this.sns.length - 1)) ? '' : 'Add this page to ';
- var text = "<a class="" + cellClass + "" title="" + prompt + this.sns[index].name +
- "" onclick="return " + varName + ".addto(" + index.toString() + ");" " +
- "href="#"><img align="absmiddle" src="/images/" + this.sns[index].image +
- "" width="16px" height="16px" border="0" /> ";
- if (this.Showname) text += this.sns[index].name;
- return text + "</a> ";
- };
- this.setupLinks = function (varName, href, title, cols, width, headClass, cellClass)
- {
- var text = "";
- this.AddTitle = title;
- this.AddURL = href;
- if (cols > this.sns.length) {
- if (this.Horizontal)text += "<span class="" + headClass + "">Add this article to: </span> ";
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sns.length; i++) {
- if (!this.Horizontal) text+="<div>";
- text+=this.DrawLink(varName, i, cellClass)
- text+= (this.Horizontal?" ":"</div>");
- }
- } else {
- text+="<table width="" + width.toString() + "" border="0" cellspacing="0" " +
- "cellpadding="0"><tr><tr><td colspan="" + cols.toString() + "" class="" +
- headClass + "" height="20">Add this article to:</td></tr>n";
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sns.length; i++) {
- text+="<td valign="middle">";
- text+=this.DrawLink(varName, i, cellClass);
- text+="</td>";
- if ( (((i+1)%cols) == 0) && (i != (this.sns.length-1))) text+="</tr><tr>";
- }
- text+="</td></tr></table>";
- }
- $("#ATD")[0].innerHTML = text;
- };
- this.addtoWin = function(addtoFullURL)
- {
- if (!this.popupWin.closed && this.popupWin.location){
- this.popupWin.location.href = addtoFullURL;
- //this.addtoInterval = setInterval("this.closeAddTo();",1000);
- }
- else{
- this.popupWin =,'addtoPopUp','width=770px,height=500px,menubar=1,toolbar=1,status=1,location=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,left=0,top=100');
- //this.addtoInterval = setInterval("this.closeAddTo();",1000);
- if (!this.popupWin.opener) this.popupWin.opener = self;
- }
- if (window.focus) {this.popupWin.focus()}
- return false;
- };
- // closes the popupWin
- this.closeAddTo = function() {
- if (!this.popupWin.closed && this.popupWin.location){
- if (this.popupWin.location.href == this.AddURL) //if it's the same url as what was bookmarked, close the win
- this.popupWin.close();
- }
- else { //if it's closed - clear the timer
- clearInterval(this.addtoInterval)
- return true
- }
- };
- this.addto = function(index){
- if (!this.AddURL) this.AddURL = document.location.href;
- if (!this.AddTitle) this.AddTitle = escape(document.title);
- var url = this.sns[index].url.replace("{0}", this.ObjectTypeId.toString());
- url = url.replace("{1}", this.ObjectId.toString());
- var addtoFullURL = url + this.sns[index].urlVar + "=" + this.AddURL +
- "&" + this.sns[index].titleVar + "=" + this.AddTitle + this.sns[index].otherVars;
- if (this.sns[index].noteVar != "")
- addtoFullURL = addtoFullURL + "&" + this.sns[index].noteVar + "=" + this.AddTitle;
- if (this.sns[index].returnVar != "")
- addtoFullURL = addtoFullURL + "&" + this.sns[index].returnVar + "=" + this.AddURL;
- switch(this.addtoMethod){
- case 0: // 0=direct link
- self.location = addtoFullURL
- break
- case 1: // 1=popup
- this.addtoWin(addtoFullURL);
- break
- default:
- }
- return false;
- };
- this.setupMenu = function() {
- var over = false;
- $(document).ready(function(){
- var e=$("#SBI"), m=$("#ATD");
- var pos = document.all?$(e).position():$(e).offset();
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- var mWidth = $(m).outerWidth();
- var eHeight = $(e).outerHeight();
- var left = (pos.left + (eWidth - mWidth)/2) + "px";
- var top = + "px";
- $(m).css({ left: left, top: top });
- $(e).hover(
- function() { $(m).stop(true, true).fadeIn('fast'); },
- function() { setTimeout( function() { if (!over) $("#ATD").fadeOut('fast');}, 200); }
- );
- $(m).hover( function() { over=true;}, function() { over=false; $(m).fadeOut('fast');} );
- });
- }
- }
- // checking across domains causes errors - this is to suppress these
- //function handleError() {return true;}
- //window.onerror = handleError;