


Visual C++

  1. VERSION 5.00
  2. Object = "{44866F2D-0AC7-481F-B05C-288034CAD931}#3.7#0"; "etTT37.ocx"
  3. Begin VB.Form Form1 
  4.    Caption         =   "etAnswerPlayDigits -"
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  57.       AboutLines      =   "30 Lines"
  58.       AboutName       =   "TeleTools (Evaluation)"
  59.       AboutSerialNumber=   "3U1D-014R-6H0U-2CG0"
  60.       AboutUser       =   "Pete Berry"
  61.       AboutVersion    =   ""
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  80.    End
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  89.       AddressForwardMode=   1
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  92.       AddressForwardParametersBearerMode=   1
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  95.       AddressForwardParametersMediaMode=   4
  96.       AddressForwardParametersNoAnswerTimeout=   0
  97.       AddressID       =   0
  98.       AddressName     =   "Address.ID = 0 <Name not available>"
  99.       CallActive      =   0   'False
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  102.       CallGatherDigitsCount=   5
  103.       CallGatherDigitsTerminate=   "#*"
  104.       CallGatherDigitsTimeOut=   5000
  105.       CallHandle      =   0
  106.       CallMediaMode   =   0
  107.       CallOwner       =   0   'False
  108.       CallPhoneNumber =   ""
  109.       CallTag         =   0
  110.       DeviceActive    =   0   'False
  111.       DeviceName      =   "Standard 33600 bps Modem"
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  113.       DeviceMediaModesActive=   20
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  122.       PopupOnDigitsGathered=   0   'False
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  124.       PopupOnCallBegin=   0   'False
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  127.       PopupOnCallerID =   0   'False
  128.       PopupOnCallInfo =   0   'False
  129.       PopupOnCallMediaModeChange=   0   'False
  130.       PopupOnCallOwnerChange=   0   'False
  131.       PopupOnCallState=   0   'False
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  136.       PopupOnDialtone =   0   'False
  137.       PopupOnDigitReceived=   0   'False
  138.       PopupOnDigitsSent=   0   'False
  139.       PopupOnToneSent =   0   'False
  140.       PopupOnDisconnected=   0   'False
  141.       PopupOnError    =   0   'False
  142.       PopupOnIdle     =   0   'False
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  147.       PopupOnRedirectionID=   0   'False
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  153.       PopupOnTAPIReply=   0   'False
  154.       TerminalID      =   0
  155.       TerminalActiveModes=   0
  156.       TAPIHighVersion =   131074
  157.       TAPILowVersion  =   65539
  158.       TAPIExtensionHighVersion=   0
  159.       TAPIExtensionLowVersion=   0
  160.       ConferenceConsultCall=   0
  161.       ConferencePhoneNumber=   ""
  162.       ConferencePrimaryCall=   0
  163.       TransferPhoneNumber=   ""
  164.       TransferPrimaryCall=   0
  165.       TransferConsultCall=   0
  166.       Enabled         =   -1  'True
  167.       EnabledControl  =   -1  'True
  168.       CallCalledIDEventFilter=   -1  'True
  169.       CallCalledIDFormatName=   -1  'True
  170.       CallCalledIDMaskNumber=   "000-000-0000;0;*"
  171.       CallCallerIDEventFilter=   -1  'True
  172.       CallCallerIDFormatName=   -1  'True
  173.       CallCallerIDMaskNumber=   "000-000-0000;0;*"
  174.       CallConnectedIDEventFilter=   -1  'True
  175.       CallConnectedIDFormatName=   -1  'True
  176.       CallConnectedIDMaskNumber=   "000-000-0000;0;*"
  177.       CallMonitorDigitsActive=   0   'False
  178.       CallMonitorMediaModesActive=   0   'False
  179.       CallMonitorMediaModesMediaModes=   0
  180.       CallMonitorSilenceActive=   0   'False
  181.       CallMonitorSilenceDuration=   0
  182.       CallParametersAddressID=   0
  183.       CallParametersBearerMode=   1
  184.       CallParametersFlags=   0
  185.       CallParametersDefaults=   -1  'True
  186.       CallParametersMediaMode=   4
  187.       CallParametersNoAnswerTimeout=   0
  188.       CallRedirectingIDEventFilter=   -1  'True
  189.       CallRedirectingIDFormatName=   -1  'True
  190.       CallRedirectingIDMaskNumber=   "000-000-0000;0;*"
  191.       CallRedirectionIDEventFilter=   -1  'True
  192.       CallRedirectionIDFormatName=   -1  'True
  193.       CallRedirectionIDMaskNumber=   "000-000-0000;0;*"
  194.       ConferenceParametersAddressID=   0
  195.       ConferenceParametersBearerMode=   1
  196.       ConferenceParametersFlags=   0
  197.       ConferenceParametersDefaults=   -1  'True
  198.       ConferenceParametersMediaMode=   4
  199.       ConferenceParametersNoAnswerTimeout=   0
  200.       CommEnabled     =   0   'False
  201.       CommDeviceClass =   "comm/datamodem"
  202.       DeviceIdleDelay =   0
  203.       DeviceUnformatPhoneNumber=   0   'False
  204.       DeviceTranslatePhoneNumber=   0   'False
  205.       PhoneDeviceClass=   "tapi/phone"
  206.       PrivilegeMonitor=   -1  'True
  207.       PrivilegeNone   =   0   'False
  208.       PrivilegeOwner  =   -1  'True
  209.       TAPIReplyTimeout=   60000
  210.       TransferParametersAddressID=   0
  211.       TransferParametersBearerMode=   1
  212.       TransferParametersFlags=   0
  213.       TransferParametersDefaults=   -1  'True
  214.       TransferParametersMediaMode=   4
  215.       TransferParametersNoAnswerTimeout=   0
  216.       WavePlayDeviceClass=   "wave/out"
  217.       WaveRecordDeviceClass=   "wave/in"
  218.       TeleScopeEvents =   -1  'True
  219.       TeleScopeHeight =   0
  220.       TeleScopeLeft   =   0
  221.       TeleScopeTop    =   0
  222.       TeleScopeWidth  =   0
  223.       TeleScopeWindowState=   0
  224.       AboutCompany    =   "ExceleTel Inc."
  225.       AboutLoadSerialNumber=   0   'False
  226.       AboutLevel      =   "Enterprise"
  227.       AboutLines      =   "30 Lines"
  228.       AboutName       =   "TeleTools (Evaluation)"
  229.       AboutSerialNumber=   "3U1D-014R-6H0U-2CG0"
  230.       AboutUser       =   "Pete Berry"
  231.       AboutVersion    =   ""
  232.       TeleScopeLogActive=   -1  'True
  233.       TeleScopeLogCount=   50
  234.       TeleScopeLogTimeStamp=   0   'False
  235.       TeleScopeDevEnv =   3
  236.       TeleScopeStayOnTop=   0   'False
  237.       TeleScopeVisible=   0   'False
  238.       DoubleBuffered  =   0   'False
  239.       Object.Visible         =   -1  'True
  240.       Cursor          =   0
  241.       PopupOnConferenced=   0   'False
  242.    End
  243.    Begin VB.CheckBox CheckMonitorDigits 
  244.       Caption         =   "MonitorDigits"
  245.       Height          =   495
  246.       Left            =   120
  247.       TabIndex        =   6
  248.       Top             =   1320
  249.       Width           =   1215
  250.    End
  251.    Begin VB.CommandButton CommandPlay 
  252.       Caption         =   "Play"
  253.       Height          =   495
  254.       Left            =   120
  255.       TabIndex        =   5
  256.       Top             =   720
  257.       Width           =   1215
  258.    End
  259.    Begin VB.TextBox TextDigits 
  260.       Height          =   495
  261.       Left            =   120
  262.       TabIndex        =   4
  263.       Top             =   1920
  264.       Width           =   1215
  265.    End
  266.    Begin VB.CommandButton CommandAnswer 
  267.       Caption         =   "Answer"
  268.       Enabled         =   0   'False
  269.       Height          =   495
  270.       Left            =   120
  271.       TabIndex        =   1
  272.       Top             =   120
  273.       Width           =   1215
  274.    End
  275.    Begin VB.CommandButton CommandHangup 
  276.       Caption         =   "Hang up"
  277.       Enabled         =   0   'False
  278.       Height          =   495
  279.       Left            =   120
  280.       TabIndex        =   0
  281.       Top             =   2520
  282.       Width           =   1215
  283.    End
  284. End
  285. Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
  286. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  287. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  288. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  289. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  290. '  This program uses the wave files 0-9 supplied with ExceleTel TeleTools.  Place them
  291. 'in the same directory as the program.
  292. Private Sub CheckMonitorDigits_Click()
  293.     If CheckMonitorDigits.Value = 0 Then
  294.         etLine1.CallMonitorDigitsActive = False
  295.     Else
  296.         etLine1.CallMonitorDigitsActive = True
  297.     End If
  298. End Sub
  299. Private Sub CommandAnswer_Click()
  300.     If Not etLine1.CallAnswer Then
  301.         ' error
  302.     End If
  303. End Sub
  304. Private Sub CommandHangup_Click()
  305.     ' We need to make sure that the wave play device is deactivated.  This code can be found in 4 location.
  306.     ' CommandHangup_Click, etLine1_OnDisconnected, etLine1_OnIdle and Form_Unload
  307.     If etPlay1.DeviceActive Then
  308.         etPlay1.DeviceActive = False
  309.         If etPlay1.DeviceActive Then
  310.             ' error
  311.         End If
  312.     End If
  313.     'Make sure that we do not hangup a call that is already gone!
  314.     If etLine1.CallState <> LINECALLSTATE_IDLE Then
  315.         If Not etLine1.CallHangup Then
  316.             ' error
  317.         End If
  318.     End If
  319.     etLine1_OnIdle (CallHandle) 'Set all the buttons
  320. End Sub
  321. Private Sub CommandPlay_Click()
  322.     CommandPlay.Enabled = False
  323.     etPlay1.SourceFileName = App.Path & ",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"  'Set the wave file(s) to be played
  324.     etPlay1.DeviceActive = True 'Begin Playing the wave file
  325. End Sub
  326. Private Sub etLine1_OnConnected(ByVal CallHandle As Long)
  327.     CommandAnswer.Enabled = False
  328.     CommandPlay.Enabled = True
  329.     CheckMonitorDigits.Enabled = True
  330.     CommandHangup.Enabled = True
  331. End Sub
  332. Private Sub etLine1_OnDigitReceived(ByVal CallHandle As Long, ByVal Digit As Integer, ByVal Tag As Long)
  333.     If Chr(Digit) = "#" Then
  334.         'Stop monitoring for digits
  335.         'You really don't have to do this next line of code because it will stop monitoing when
  336.         'the device is deactivated in the next routine
  337.         etLine1.CallMonitorDigitsActive = False
  338.         CheckMonitorDigits.Value = 0
  339.     Else
  340.         'Add the newest digit to the display
  341.         TextDigits.Text = TextDigits.Text & Chr(Digit)
  342.     End If
  343. End Sub
  344. Private Sub etLine1_OnDisconnected(ByVal CallHandle As Long)
  345.     CommandHangup_Click
  346. End Sub
  347. Private Sub etLine1_OnIdle(ByVal CallHandle As Long)
  348.     CommandPlay.Enabled = False
  349.     CheckMonitorDigits.Value = 0
  350.     CheckMonitorDigits.Enabled = False
  351.     CommandHangup.Enabled = False
  352. End Sub
  353. Private Sub etLine1_OnOffering(ByVal CallHandle As Long)
  354.     CommandAnswer.Enabled = True
  355. End Sub
  356. Private Sub etPlay1_OnDone()
  357.     CommandPlay.Enabled = True
  358. End Sub
  359. Private Sub Form_Load()
  360. ' This routine fires when the application starts
  361.     etLine1.EnabledControl = True  'Enabled the line control
  362.     etPlay1.EnabledControl = True  'Enabled the play control
  364.     etLine1.TeleScopeVisible = True  'Display the control's TeleScope
  365.     etPlay1.TeleScopeVisible = True  'Display the control's TeleScope
  367.     CommandAnswer.Enabled = False
  368.     CommandPlay.Enabled = False
  369.     CheckMonitorDigits.Enabled = False
  370.     CommandHangup.Enabled = False
  371. End Sub
  372. Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
  373.     ' We need to make sure that the wave play device is deactivated.  This code can be found in 4 location.
  374.     ' CommandHangup_Click, etLine1_OnDisconnected, etLine1_OnIdle and Form_Unload
  375.     If etPlay1.DeviceActive Then
  376.         etPlay1.DeviceActive = False
  377.         If etPlay1.DeviceActive Then
  378.             'error
  379.         End If
  380.     End If
  381.     etLine1.DeviceActive = False
  382. End Sub