- VERSION 5.00
- Object = "{44866F2D-0AC7-481F-B05C-288034CAD931}#3.7#0"; "etTT37.ocx"
- Begin VB.Form Form1
- Caption = "etAnswerPlayDigits - www.exceletel.com"
- ClientHeight = 3645
- ClientLeft = 1140
- ClientTop = 1515
- ClientWidth = 1560
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
- ScaleHeight = 3645
- ScaleWidth = 1560
- Begin etTT37.etPlay etPlay1
- Height = 360
- Left = 840
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 3120
- Width = 360
- DeviceActive = 0 'False
- DeviceName = "SoundMAX Digital Audio"
- DeviceID = 0
- PopupOnDone = 0 'False
- PopupOnError = 0 'False
- PopupOnLoaded = 0 'False
- PopupOnLoop = 0 'False
- PopupOnTimer = 0 'False
- PopupOnWarning = 0 'False
- PositionByte = 0
- PositionPercent = 0
- PositionSecond = 0
- SourceBufferActive= 0 'False
- SourceBufferHandle= 0
- Enabled = -1 'True
- EnabledControl = -1 'True
- DeviceDelay = 0
- DeviceLoop = 0 'False
- DevicePause = 0 'False
- DeviceTimeout = 4000
- DeviceWait = 0 'False
- SourceFileName = ""
- SourceMaxSize = 0
- TimerEnabled = -1 'True
- TimerInterval = 100
- VolumeDefault = -1 'True
- VolumeEnabled = -1 'True
- VolumeReset = -1 'True
- VolumePosition = 50
- TeleScopeEvents = -1 'True
- TeleScopeHeight = 0
- TeleScopeLeft = 0
- TeleScopeTop = 0
- TeleScopeWidth = 0
- TeleScopeWindowState= 0
- AboutCompany = "ExceleTel Inc."
- AboutLoadSerialNumber= 0 'False
- AboutLevel = "Enterprise"
- AboutLines = "30 Lines"
- AboutName = "TeleTools (Evaluation)"
- AboutSerialNumber= "3U1D-014R-6H0U-2CG0"
- AboutUser = "Pete Berry"
- AboutVersion = ""
- TeleScopeLogActive= -1 'True
- TeleScopeLogCount= 50
- TeleScopeLogTimeStamp= 0 'False
- TeleScopeDevEnv = 3
- TeleScopeStayOnTop= 0 'False
- TeleScopeVisible= 0 'False
- DoubleBuffered = 0 'False
- Object.Visible = -1 'True
- Cursor = 0
- SourceBufferAuthor= ""
- SourceBufferCategory= ""
- SourceBufferComments= ""
- SourceBufferCopyright= ""
- SourceBufferCreationDate= 0
- SourceBufferKeywords= ""
- SourceBufferSubject= ""
- SourceBufferName= ""
- DeviceCODECsEnabled= 0 'False
- End
- Begin etTT37.etLine etLine1
- Height = 360
- Left = 360
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 3120
- Width = 360
- AddressForwardActive= 0 'False
- AddressForwardCaller= ""
- AddressForwardMode= 1
- AddressForwardPhoneNumber= ""
- AddressForwardParametersAddressID= 0
- AddressForwardParametersBearerMode= 1
- AddressForwardParametersFlags= 0
- AddressForwardParametersDefaults= -1 'True
- AddressForwardParametersMediaMode= 4
- AddressForwardParametersNoAnswerTimeout= 0
- AddressID = 0
- AddressName = "Address.ID = 0 <Name not available>"
- CallActive = 0 'False
- CallBearerMode = 0
- CallGatherDigitsActive= 0 'False
- CallGatherDigitsCount= 5
- CallGatherDigitsTerminate= "#*"
- CallGatherDigitsTimeOut= 5000
- CallHandle = 0
- CallMediaMode = 0
- CallOwner = 0 'False
- CallPhoneNumber = ""
- CallTag = 0
- DeviceActive = 0 'False
- DeviceName = "Standard 33600 bps Modem"
- DeviceID = 0
- DeviceMediaModesActive= 20
- PopupOnAddressState= 0 'False
- PopupOnLineState= 0 'False
- PopupOnDevSpecific= 0 'False
- PopupOnDevSpecificFeature= 0 'False
- PopupOnHold = 0 'False
- PopupOnHoldPendingConference= 0 'False
- PopupOnHoldPendingTransfer= 0 'False
- PopupOnAddressForward= 0 'False
- PopupOnDigitsGathered= 0 'False
- PopupOnBusy = 0 'False
- PopupOnCallBegin= 0 'False
- PopupOnCalledID = 0 'False
- PopupOnCallEnd = 0 'False
- PopupOnCallerID = 0 'False
- PopupOnCallInfo = 0 'False
- PopupOnCallMediaModeChange= 0 'False
- PopupOnCallOwnerChange= 0 'False
- PopupOnCallState= 0 'False
- PopupOnConnected= 0 'False
- PopupOnConnectedID= 0 'False
- PopupOnDialing = 0 'False
- PopupOnProceeding= 0 'False
- PopupOnDialtone = 0 'False
- PopupOnDigitReceived= 0 'False
- PopupOnDigitsSent= 0 'False
- PopupOnToneSent = 0 'False
- PopupOnDisconnected= 0 'False
- PopupOnError = 0 'False
- PopupOnIdle = 0 'False
- PopupOnMessageOff= 0 'False
- PopupOnMessageOn= 0 'False
- PopupOnOffering = 0 'False
- PopupOnRedirectingID= 0 'False
- PopupOnRedirectionID= 0 'False
- PopupOnRing = 0 'False
- PopupOnRingBack = 0 'False
- PopupOnSilence = 0 'False
- PopupOnSpecialInfo= 0 'False
- PopupOnTAPIMessage= 0 'False
- PopupOnTAPIReply= 0 'False
- TerminalID = 0
- TerminalActiveModes= 0
- TAPIHighVersion = 131074
- TAPILowVersion = 65539
- TAPIExtensionHighVersion= 0
- TAPIExtensionLowVersion= 0
- ConferenceConsultCall= 0
- ConferencePhoneNumber= ""
- ConferencePrimaryCall= 0
- TransferPhoneNumber= ""
- TransferPrimaryCall= 0
- TransferConsultCall= 0
- Enabled = -1 'True
- EnabledControl = -1 'True
- CallCalledIDEventFilter= -1 'True
- CallCalledIDFormatName= -1 'True
- CallCalledIDMaskNumber= "000-000-0000;0;*"
- CallCallerIDEventFilter= -1 'True
- CallCallerIDFormatName= -1 'True
- CallCallerIDMaskNumber= "000-000-0000;0;*"
- CallConnectedIDEventFilter= -1 'True
- CallConnectedIDFormatName= -1 'True
- CallConnectedIDMaskNumber= "000-000-0000;0;*"
- CallMonitorDigitsActive= 0 'False
- CallMonitorMediaModesActive= 0 'False
- CallMonitorMediaModesMediaModes= 0
- CallMonitorSilenceActive= 0 'False
- CallMonitorSilenceDuration= 0
- CallParametersAddressID= 0
- CallParametersBearerMode= 1
- CallParametersFlags= 0
- CallParametersDefaults= -1 'True
- CallParametersMediaMode= 4
- CallParametersNoAnswerTimeout= 0
- CallRedirectingIDEventFilter= -1 'True
- CallRedirectingIDFormatName= -1 'True
- CallRedirectingIDMaskNumber= "000-000-0000;0;*"
- CallRedirectionIDEventFilter= -1 'True
- CallRedirectionIDFormatName= -1 'True
- CallRedirectionIDMaskNumber= "000-000-0000;0;*"
- ConferenceParametersAddressID= 0
- ConferenceParametersBearerMode= 1
- ConferenceParametersFlags= 0
- ConferenceParametersDefaults= -1 'True
- ConferenceParametersMediaMode= 4
- ConferenceParametersNoAnswerTimeout= 0
- CommEnabled = 0 'False
- CommDeviceClass = "comm/datamodem"
- DeviceIdleDelay = 0
- DeviceUnformatPhoneNumber= 0 'False
- DeviceTranslatePhoneNumber= 0 'False
- PhoneDeviceClass= "tapi/phone"
- PrivilegeMonitor= -1 'True
- PrivilegeNone = 0 'False
- PrivilegeOwner = -1 'True
- TAPIReplyTimeout= 60000
- TransferParametersAddressID= 0
- TransferParametersBearerMode= 1
- TransferParametersFlags= 0
- TransferParametersDefaults= -1 'True
- TransferParametersMediaMode= 4
- TransferParametersNoAnswerTimeout= 0
- WavePlayDeviceClass= "wave/out"
- WaveRecordDeviceClass= "wave/in"
- TeleScopeEvents = -1 'True
- TeleScopeHeight = 0
- TeleScopeLeft = 0
- TeleScopeTop = 0
- TeleScopeWidth = 0
- TeleScopeWindowState= 0
- AboutCompany = "ExceleTel Inc."
- AboutLoadSerialNumber= 0 'False
- AboutLevel = "Enterprise"
- AboutLines = "30 Lines"
- AboutName = "TeleTools (Evaluation)"
- AboutSerialNumber= "3U1D-014R-6H0U-2CG0"
- AboutUser = "Pete Berry"
- AboutVersion = ""
- TeleScopeLogActive= -1 'True
- TeleScopeLogCount= 50
- TeleScopeLogTimeStamp= 0 'False
- TeleScopeDevEnv = 3
- TeleScopeStayOnTop= 0 'False
- TeleScopeVisible= 0 'False
- DoubleBuffered = 0 'False
- Object.Visible = -1 'True
- Cursor = 0
- PopupOnConferenced= 0 'False
- End
- Begin VB.CheckBox CheckMonitorDigits
- Caption = "MonitorDigits"
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 1320
- Width = 1215
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton CommandPlay
- Caption = "Play"
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 720
- Width = 1215
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox TextDigits
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 1920
- Width = 1215
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton CommandAnswer
- Caption = "Answer"
- Enabled = 0 'False
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 120
- Width = 1215
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton CommandHangup
- Caption = "Hang up"
- Enabled = 0 'False
- Height = 495
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 2520
- Width = 1215
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- ' This program uses the wave files 0-9 supplied with ExceleTel TeleTools. Place them
- 'in the same directory as the program.
- Private Sub CheckMonitorDigits_Click()
- If CheckMonitorDigits.Value = 0 Then
- etLine1.CallMonitorDigitsActive = False
- Else
- etLine1.CallMonitorDigitsActive = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandAnswer_Click()
- If Not etLine1.CallAnswer Then
- ' error
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandHangup_Click()
- ' We need to make sure that the wave play device is deactivated. This code can be found in 4 location.
- ' CommandHangup_Click, etLine1_OnDisconnected, etLine1_OnIdle and Form_Unload
- If etPlay1.DeviceActive Then
- etPlay1.DeviceActive = False
- If etPlay1.DeviceActive Then
- ' error
- End If
- End If
- 'Make sure that we do not hangup a call that is already gone!
- If etLine1.CallState <> LINECALLSTATE_IDLE Then
- If Not etLine1.CallHangup Then
- ' error
- End If
- End If
- etLine1_OnIdle (CallHandle) 'Set all the buttons
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandPlay_Click()
- CommandPlay.Enabled = False
- etPlay1.SourceFileName = App.Path & "