- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goods]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goods]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodsattachments]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodsattachments]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodscategories]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodscategories]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodscreditrules]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodscreditrules]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodsleavewords]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodsleavewords]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodsrates]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodsrates]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodstags]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodstags]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodstradelogs]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodstradelogs]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_goodsusercredits]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_goodsusercredits]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_shopcategories]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_shopcategories]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_shoplinks]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_shoplinks]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_shops]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_shops]
- ;
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_shopthemes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_shopthemes]
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goods] (
- [goodsid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [shopid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [categoryid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [parentcategorylist] [char] (300) NOT NULL ,
- [shopcategorylist] [char] (300) NOT NULL ,
- [recommend] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [discount] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [selleruid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [seller] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [account] [nchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [title] [nchar] (60) NOT NULL ,
- [magic] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [price] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [amount] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [quality] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [lid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [locus] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [transport] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [ordinaryfee] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [expressfee] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [emsfee] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [itemtype] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [dateline] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [expiration] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [lastbuyer] [nchar] (10) NOT NULL ,
- [lasttrade] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [lastupdate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [totalitems] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [tradesum] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [closed] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [aid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [goodspic] [nchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [displayorder] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [costprice] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [invoice] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [repair] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [message] [ntext] NOT NULL ,
- [otherlink] [nchar] (250) NOT NULL ,
- [readperm] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [tradetype] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [viewcount] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [invisible] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [smileyoff] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [bbcodeoff] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [parseurloff] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [highlight] [varchar] (500) NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodsattachments] (
- [aid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [uid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [goodsid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [categoryid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [postdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [readperm] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [filename] [nchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [description] [nchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [filetype] [nchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [filesize] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [attachment] [nchar] (100) NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodscategories] (
- [categoryid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [parentid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [layer] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [parentidlist] [char] (300) NOT NULL ,
- [displayorder] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [categoryname] [nchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [haschild] [bit] NOT NULL ,
- [fid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [pathlist] [nchar] (3000) NOT NULL ,
- [goodscount] [int] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodscreditrules] (
- [id] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [lowerlimit] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [upperlimit] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [sellericon] [varchar] (20) NULL ,
- [buyericon] [varchar] (20) NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodsleavewords] (
- [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [goodsid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [tradelogid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [isbuyer] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [uid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [username] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [message] [nchar] (200) NOT NULL ,
- [invisible] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [ip] [nvarchar] (15) NOT NULL ,
- [usesig] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [htmlon] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [smileyoff] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [parseurloff] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [bbcodeoff] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [postdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodsrates] (
- [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [goodstradelogid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [message] [nchar] (200) NOT NULL ,
- [explain] [nchar] (200) NOT NULL ,
- [ip] [nvarchar] (15) NOT NULL ,
- [uid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [uidtype] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [username] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [ratetouid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [ratetousername] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [postdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [goodsid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [goodstitle] [nchar] (60) NOT NULL ,
- [price] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [ratetype] [tinyint] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodstags] (
- [tagid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [goodsid] [int] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodstradelogs] (
- [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [goodsid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [orderid] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [tradeno] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [subject] [nchar] (60) NOT NULL ,
- [price] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [quality] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [categoryid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [number] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [tax] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [locus] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [sellerid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [seller] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [selleraccount] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [buyerid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [buyer] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [buyercontact] [nchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [buyercredit] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
- [buyermsg] [nchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [status] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [lastupdate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [offline] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [buyername] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [buyerzip] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [buyerphone] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [buyermobile] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [transport] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [transportfee] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [transportpay] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [tradesum] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [baseprice] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL ,
- [discount] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [ratestatus] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [message] [ntext] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_goodsusercredits] (
- [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [uid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [oneweek] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [onemonth] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [sixmonth] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [sixmonthago] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [ratefrom] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
- [ratetype] [tinyint] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_shopcategories] (
- [categoryid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [parentid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [parentidlist] [char] (300) NOT NULL ,
- [layer] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [childcount] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [syscategoryid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [name] [nchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [categorypic] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [shopid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [displayorder] [int] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_shoplinks] (
- [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [shopid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [displayorder] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [name] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [linkshopid] [int] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_shops] (
- [shopid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [logo] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [shopname] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [categoryid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [themeid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [themepath] [nchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [uid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [username] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [introduce] [nvarchar] (500) NOT NULL ,
- [lid] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [locus] [nchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
- [bulletin] [nvarchar] (500) NOT NULL ,
- [createdatetime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
- [invisible] [int] NOT NULL ,
- [viewcount] [int] NOT NULL
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_shopthemes] (
- [themeid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [directory] [varchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [name] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [author] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL ,
- [createdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [copyright] [nvarchar] (100) NOT NULL
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodscategories] WITH NOCHECK ADD
- (
- [categoryid]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goods] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_shopid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [shopid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_usergoodstypeid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [categoryid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_parentidlist] DEFAULT ('') FOR [parentcategorylist],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_shopcategorylist] DEFAULT (',') FOR [shopcategorylist],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_recommend] DEFAULT (0) FOR [recommend],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_discount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [discount],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_selleruid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [selleruid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_seller] DEFAULT ('') FOR [seller],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_magic] DEFAULT (0) FOR [magic],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_price] DEFAULT (0) FOR [price],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_amount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [amount],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_quality] DEFAULT (1) FOR [quality],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_transport] DEFAULT (0) FOR [transport],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_ordinaryfee] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ordinaryfee],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_expressfee] DEFAULT (0) FOR [expressfee],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_itemtype] DEFAULT (0) FOR [itemtype],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_dateline] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [dateline],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_lastbuyer] DEFAULT ('') FOR [lastbuyer],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_lastupdate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [lastupdate],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_tradesum] DEFAULT (0) FOR [tradesum],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_closed] DEFAULT (0) FOR [closed],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_goodspic] DEFAULT ('') FOR [goodspic],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_displayorder] DEFAULT (0) FOR [displayorder],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_costprice] DEFAULT (0) FOR [costprice],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_invoice] DEFAULT (0) FOR [invoice],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_repair] DEFAULT (0) FOR [repair],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_viewcount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [viewcount],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_invisible] DEFAULT (0) FOR [invisible],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_bbcodeoff] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bbcodeoff],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goods_highlight] DEFAULT ('') FOR [highlight]
- ;
- CREATE INDEX [parentcagegory] ON [dnt_goods]([parentcategorylist]) ON [PRIMARY]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodsattachments] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_uid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [uid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_goodsid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [goodsid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_categoryid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [categoryid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_postdatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [postdatetime],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_readperm] DEFAULT (0) FOR [readperm],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_filename] DEFAULT ('') FOR [filename],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_description] DEFAULT ('') FOR [description],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_filetype] DEFAULT ('') FOR [filetype],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_filesize] DEFAULT (0) FOR [filesize],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsattachments_attachment] DEFAULT ('') FOR [attachment]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodscategories] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_parentid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [parentid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_layer] DEFAULT (0) FOR [layer],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_parentidlist] DEFAULT ('') FOR [parentidlist],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_displayorder] DEFAULT (0) FOR [displayorder],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_categoryname] DEFAULT ('') FOR [categoryname],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_haschild] DEFAULT (0) FOR [haschild],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_fid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [fid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_pathlist] DEFAULT ('') FOR [pathlist],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscategories_goodscount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [goodscount]
- ;
- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [categoryid] ON [dnt_goodscategories]([categoryid]) ON [PRIMARY]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodscreditrules] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscreditrules_buyercredit] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lowerlimit],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscreditrules_sellercredit] DEFAULT (0) FOR [upperlimit],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscreditrules_sellericon] DEFAULT ('') FOR [sellericon],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscreditrules_buyericon] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyericon]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodsleavewords] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_goodsid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [goodsid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_isbuyer] DEFAULT (0) FOR [isbuyer],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_uid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [uid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_username] DEFAULT ('') FOR [username],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_invisible] DEFAULT (0) FOR [invisible],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_ip] DEFAULT ('') FOR [ip],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_usesig] DEFAULT (0) FOR [usesig],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsleaveword_postdatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [postdatetime]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodsrates] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_goodstradelogid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [goodstradelogid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_message] DEFAULT ('') FOR [message],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_explain] DEFAULT ('') FOR [explain],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_ip] DEFAULT ('') FOR [ip],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_uid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [uid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_username] DEFAULT ('') FOR [username],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_ratetouid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ratetouid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_ratetoname] DEFAULT ('') FOR [ratetousername],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_postdatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [postdatetime],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_goodstitle] DEFAULT ('') FOR [goodstitle],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_price] DEFAULT (0) FOR [price],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodsrates_ratetype] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ratetype]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodstradelogs] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_goodsid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [goodsid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_orderid] DEFAULT ('') FOR [orderid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_tradeno] DEFAULT ('') FOR [tradeno],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_subject] DEFAULT ('') FOR [subject],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_price] DEFAULT (0) FOR [price],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_categoryid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [categoryid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_number] DEFAULT (0) FOR [number],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_locus] DEFAULT ('') FOR [locus],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_sellerid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [sellerid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_seller] DEFAULT ('') FOR [seller],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyerid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [buyerid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyer] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyer],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyercontact] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyercontact],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyercredits] DEFAULT (0) FOR [buyercredit],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyermsg] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyermsg],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_status] DEFAULT (0) FOR [status],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_lastupdate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [lastupdate],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_offline] DEFAULT (0) FOR [offline],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyername] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyername],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyerzip] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyerzip],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_buyermobile] DEFAULT ('') FOR [buyermobile],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_transport] DEFAULT (0) FOR [transport],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_transportfee] DEFAULT (0) FOR [transportfee],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodstradelogs_transportpay] DEFAULT (1) FOR [transportpay],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodstradelogs_tradesum] DEFAULT (0) FOR [tradesum],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_baseprice] DEFAULT (0) FOR [baseprice],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_discount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [discount],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_ratestatus] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ratestatus],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_tradelog_message] DEFAULT ('') FOR [message]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_goodsusercredits] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscredits_uid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [uid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscredits_oneweek] DEFAULT (0) FOR [oneweek],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscredits_onemonth] DEFAULT (0) FOR [onemonth],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscredits_sixmonth] DEFAULT (0) FOR [sixmonth],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscredits_sixmonthago] DEFAULT (0) FOR [sixmonthago],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_goodscredits_ratetype] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ratetype]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_shopcategories] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_parentcid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [parentid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_parentidlist] DEFAULT (0) FOR [parentidlist],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_layer] DEFAULT (0) FOR [layer],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_childcount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [childcount],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_name] DEFAULT ('') FOR [name],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_categorypic] DEFAULT ('') FOR [categorypic],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_shopid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [shopid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopcategories_displayorder] DEFAULT (0) FOR [displayorder]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_shoplinks] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shoplinks_shopid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [shopid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shoplinks_linkshopid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [linkshopid]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_shops] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_shopname] DEFAULT ('') FOR [shopname],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_categoryid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [categoryid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_themeid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [themeid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_themepath] DEFAULT ('') FOR [themepath],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_uid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [uid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_username] DEFAULT ('') FOR [username],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_introduce] DEFAULT ('') FOR [introduce],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_lid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lid],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_announcement] DEFAULT ('') FOR [bulletin],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_createdatetime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [createdatetime],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shops_viewcount] DEFAULT (0) FOR [viewcount]
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_shopthemes] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopthemes_directory] DEFAULT ('') FOR [directory],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopthemes_name] DEFAULT ('') FOR [name],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopthemes_author] DEFAULT ('') FOR [author],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopthemes_createdate] DEFAULT ('') FOR [createdate],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_shopthemes_copyright] DEFAULT ('') FOR [copyright]
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_locations]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_locations]
- ;
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_locations] (
- [lid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
- [city] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [state] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [country] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
- [zipcode] [nvarchar] (20) NOT NULL
- ;
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_locations] ADD
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_locations_city] DEFAULT ('') FOR [city],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_locations_state] DEFAULT ('') FOR [state],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_locations_country] DEFAULT ('') FOR [country],
- CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_locations_zipcode] DEFAULT ('') FOR [zipcode]
- ;
- DELETE FROM [dnt_goodscreditrules];
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(1,0,11,'sellercredit_1.gif','buyercredit_1.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(2,12,40,'sellercredit_2.gif','buyercredit_2.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(3,41,90,'sellercredit_3.gif','buyercredit_3.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(4,91,150,'sellercredit_4.gif','buyercredit_4.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(5,151,250,'sellercredit_5.gif','buyercredit_5.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(6,251,500,'sellercredit_6.gif','buyercredit_6.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(7,501,1000,'sellercredit_7.gif','buyercredit_7.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(8,1001,2000,'sellercredit_8.gif','buyercredit_8.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(9,2001,5000,'sellercredit_9.gif','buyercredit_9.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(10,5001,10000,'sellercredit_10.gif','buyercredit_10.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(11,10001,20000,'sellercredit_11.gif','buyercredit_11.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(12,20001,50000,'sellercredit_12.gif','buyercredit_12.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(13,50001,100000,'sellercredit_13.gif','buyercredit_13.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(14,100001,200000,'sellercredit_14.gif','buyercredit_14.gif');
- INSERT INTO [dnt_goodscreditrules] VALUES(15,200001,500000,'sellercredit_15.gif','buyercredit_15.gif');