- if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_invitation]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_invitation]
- GO
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_invitation](
- [inviteid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_dnt_invitation_inviteid] PRIMARY KEY([inviteid]),
- [invitecode] [nchar](7) NOT NULL,
- [creatorid] [int] NOT NULL,
- [creator] [nchar](20) NOT NULL,
- [successcount] [int] NOT NULL,
- [createdtime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
- [expiretime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
- [maxcount] [int] NOT NULL,
- [invitetype] [int] NOT NULL,
- [isdeleted] [int] NOT NULL
- )
- GO
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_invitation] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_invitation_usecount] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [successcount]
- GO
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_invitation] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_invitation_isdelete] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [isdeleted]
- GO
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dnt_orders]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
- drop table [dnt_orders]
- GO
- CREATE TABLE [dnt_orders](
- [orderid] [int] IDENTITY(10000,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_dnt_orders_orderid] PRIMARY KEY([orderid]),
- [ordercode] [char](32) NOT NULL,
- [uid] [int] NOT NULL,
- [buyer] [char](20) NOT NULL,
- [paytype] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
- [tradeno] [char](32) NULL,
- [price] [decimal](18, 2) NOT NULL,
- [orderstatus] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
- [createdtime] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
- [confirmedtime] [smalldatetime] NULL,
- [credit] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
- [amount] [int] NOT NULL
- )
- GO
- ALTER TABLE [dnt_orders] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dnt_orders_createdtime] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [createdtime]
- GO
- CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [dnt_orders_ordercode] ON [dnt_orders]
- (
- [ordercode] ASC
- )
- GO
- -------------删除表--------------------------------------------
- IF OBJECT_ID('catchsoftstatics') IS NOT NULL
- DROP TABLE catchsoftstatics
- GO
- -------------创建索引--------------------------------------------
- CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [code] ON [dnt_invitation]
- (
- [invitecode] ASC
- )
- GO
- CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [creatorid] ON [dnt_invitation]
- (
- [creatorid] ASC
- )
- GO
- CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [invitetype] ON [dnt_invitation]
- (
- [invitetype] ASC
- )
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [IX_dnt_topictagcaches_tid] ON dnt_topictagcaches(tid) INCLUDE (linktid, linktitle);
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [dnt_polls_tid] ON dnt_polls(tid)
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [IX_dnt_attachpaymentlog_uid] ON dnt_attachpaymentlog([uid],[aid])
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [IX_dnt_forums_status] ON dnt_forums([status],[layer],[parentid])
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [dnt_forumfields_fid] ON dnt_forumfields(fid)
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [IX_dnt_smilies_type] ON dnt_smilies ([type], [displayorder],[id]) include(code,url)
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [dnt_bbcodes_available] ON dnt_bbcodes(available)
- GO
- CREATE INDEX [dnt_moderatormanagelog_tid] ON dnt_moderatormanagelog(tid)