- /******************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************************
- * Helper method for creating per-object callbacks
- * @param target object to invoke the callback on
- * @param callback method to be called on the object
- *****************************************************************************/
- function delegate(target, callback) {
- var func = function() {
- callback.apply(target, arguments);
- }
- return func;
- }
- function createGlobalMethod(delegate) {
- if (!window.methodID)
- window.methodID = 0;
- var callbackName = "uniqueCallback" + (window.methodID++);
- eval(callbackName + " = delegate;");
- return " " + callbackName;
- }
- function hookEvent(control, eventName, delegate)
- {
- // no such control? ignore..
- if (control==null)
- return;
- var callbackName = get_UniqueName("uniqueCallback");
- eval(callbackName + " = delegate;");
- control.addEventListener(eventName, "" + callbackName);
- }
- function get_UniqueName(strBase)
- {
- if (!window.uniqueID)
- window.uniqueID = 1;
- return strBase + (++window.uniqueID);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Creates an XML Object checking for browser type
- * @return the xml object if successful, false if not
- *****************************************************************************/
- function createXmlObj(){
- var httprequest = false;
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // if Mozilla, Safari etc
- httprequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
- if (httprequest.overrideMimeType)
- httprequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml');
- }
- else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE
- try {
- httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- }
- catch (e){
- try{
- httprequest=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- }
- catch (e){}
- }
- }
- return httprequest;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Replaces all instances of the given substring
- *
- * @param strTarget The substring you want to replace
- * @param strSubString The string you want to replace in.
- * @return The updated string with replacements
- *****************************************************************************/
- String.prototype.replaceAll = function( strTarget, strSubString ){
- var strText = this;
- var intIndexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( strTarget );
- // Keep looping while an instance of the target string
- // still exists in the string.
- while (intIndexOfMatch != -1){
- // Relace out the current instance.
- strText = strText.replace( strTarget, strSubString );
- // Get the index of any next matching substring.
- intIndexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( strTarget );
- }
- // Return the updated string with ALL the target strings
- // replaced out with the new substring.
- return( strText );
- }
- String.prototype.cleanAndKeepNames = function(list, id)
- {
- var keepNames = list;
- var strText = this;
- var name = 'x:Name="';
- var indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name );
- // Keep looping while an instance of the target string
- // still exists in the string.
- while (indexOfMatch != -1){
- var indexNextQuote = strText.indexOf( '"', indexOfMatch+8 );
- var thisName = strText.substr(indexOfMatch+8, (indexNextQuote-indexOfMatch)-8);
- var keep = false;
- for (var i=0; i<keepNames.length; i++)
- {
- if (thisName == keepNames[i]) {
- keep = true;
- }
- }
- if (!keep)
- {
- var newText = strText.substr(0, indexOfMatch);
- newText += strText.substr(indexNextQuote+1);
- strText = newText;
- indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name, indexOfMatch );
- } else {
- var newText = strText.substr(0, indexOfMatch);
- newText += 'x:Name="'+thisName+id+'"';
- newText += strText.substr(indexNextQuote+1);
- strText = newText;
- indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name, indexNextQuote );
- }
- }
- return( strText );
- }
- String.prototype.cleanAndKeepSources = function()
- {
- var strText = this;
- var imagePath = new Array();
- var name = 'Source="';
- var indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name );
- // Keep looping while an instance of the target string
- // still exists in the string.
- count = 1;
- while (indexOfMatch != -1){
- var indexNextQuote = strText.indexOf( '"', indexOfMatch+8 );
- var indexName = strText.lastIndexOf( 'x:Name="', indexOfMatch );
- var indexNextQuoteName = strText.indexOf( '"', indexName+8 );
- var thisName = strText.substr(indexName+8, (indexNextQuoteName-indexName)-8);
- var thisSource = strText.substr(indexOfMatch+8, (indexNextQuote-indexOfMatch)-8);
- imagePath[count] = new Object();
- imagePath[count].name = thisName;
- imagePath[count].source = thisSource;
- count++;
- var newText = strText.substr(0, indexOfMatch);
- newText += 'Source=""';
- newText += strText.substr(indexNextQuote+1);
- strText = newText;
- indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name, indexNextQuote );
- }
- imagePath[0] = strText;
- return( imagePath );
- }
- String.prototype.cleanAndKeepTargets = function(list, id)
- {
- var keepNames = list;
- var strText = this;
- var name = 'TargetName="';
- var indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name );
- // Keep looping while an instance of the target string
- // still exists in the string.
- while (indexOfMatch != -1){
- var indexNextQuote = strText.indexOf( '"', indexOfMatch+12 );
- var thisName = strText.substr(indexOfMatch+12, (indexNextQuote-indexOfMatch)-12);
- var keep = false;
- for (var i=0; i<keepNames.length; i++)
- {
- if (thisName == keepNames[i]) {
- keep = true;
- }
- }
- if (!keep)
- {
- var newText = strText.substr(0, indexOfMatch);
- newText += strText.substr(indexNextQuote+1);
- strText = newText;
- indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name, indexOfMatch );
- } else {
- var newText = strText.substr(0, indexOfMatch);
- newText += 'TargetName="'+thisName+id+'"';
- newText += strText.substr(indexNextQuote+1);
- strText = newText;
- indexOfMatch = strText.indexOf( name, indexNextQuote );
- }
- }
- return( strText );
- }
- function bringToFront(parent, element) {
- if (element == null) return;
- parent.Children.Remove(element);
- parent.Children.Add(element);
- }