资源名称:httpd.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include "config.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_ERR_H
- #include <err.h>
- #else /* Not HAVE_ERR_H */
- #include "err.h"
- #endif /* HAVE_ERR_H */
- #include "string.h"
- #include "getopt.h"
- typedef struct mime
- {
- struct mime *n;
- char type[BUFSIZ], ext[BUFSIZ], icon[BUFSIZ],
- alt[BUFSIZ], small[BUFSIZ];
- } mime;
- static int show_size = 1, show_type = 1, show_back = 1,
- max_filename = 0, max_mimetype = 0, max_mimealt = 0,
- max_mimeshort = 0, force_overwrite = 0;
- static char mimefile[XS_PATH_MAX];
- static mime *mimes;
- #ifndef NOFORWARDS
- static VOID usage PROTO((void));
- static VOID loadmime PROTO((const char *));
- static const char *encode PROTO((const char *));
- static const char *neatsize PROTO((long));
- static const mime *findmime PROTO((const char *));
- #endif /* NOFORWARDS */
- static VOID
- usage DECL0
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Usage: xsindex [-b] [-f] [-m mimefile] [-s] [-t number] titlen");
- fprintf(stderr, " -b Do not create a `back' link (..)n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -f Do not ask whether to overwrite %sn",
- fprintf(stderr, " -m mimefile Use your own mime.index filen");
- fprintf(stderr, " (default is %s/mime.index)n",
- fprintf(stderr, " -s Do not give size of each filen");
- fprintf(stderr, " -t number Specify `file type' field options:n");
- fprintf(stderr, " 1 - Full mime typen");
- fprintf(stderr, " 2 - Short mime typen");
- fprintf(stderr, " 3 - Do not give typesn");
- fprintf(stderr, " title Title of the %s pagen", INDEX_HTML);
- fprintf(stderr, " Use "'s if it's more than one wordn");
- }
- static VOID
- loadmime DECL1C(char *, name)
- {
- FILE *input;
- char buffer[BUFSIZ], *end;
- mime *new;
- mimes = NULL;
- if (!(input = fopen(name, "r")))
- err(1, "fopen(`%s')", name);
- while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, input))
- {
- if (strchr(buffer, '#'))
- *strchr(buffer, '#') = 0;
- end = buffer + strlen(buffer);
- while ((end > buffer) && (*(end - 1) <= ' '))
- *(--end) = 0;
- if (!buffer[0])
- continue;
- if (!(new = (mime *)malloc(sizeof(mime))))
- errx(1, "Out of memory in loadmime()");
- if (sscanf(buffer, "%s %s %s %s %[^n]n", new->type,
- new->ext, new->icon, new->alt, new->small) != 5)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse line `%s'", buffer);
- continue;
- }
- new->n = mimes; mimes = new;
- }
- fclose(input);
- if (!mimes)
- errx(1, "Empty mime.index file: you need at least a default!");
- }
- static const char *
- encode DECL1C(char *, what)
- {
- static char buffer[BUFSIZ], *put;
- put = buffer;
- while (*what)
- {
- switch(*what)
- {
- case '<':
- strcpy(put, "<"); put += 4;
- break;
- case '>':
- strcpy(put, ">"); put += 4;
- break;
- case '&':
- strcpy(put, "&"); put += 5;
- break;
- case '"':
- strcpy(put, """); put += 6;
- break;
- default:
- *(put++) = *what;
- }
- what++;
- }
- *put = 0;
- return(buffer);
- }
- static const char *
- neatsize DECL1(long, size)
- {
- long temp;
- static char buffer1[BUFSIZ];
- char buffer2[BUFSIZ];
- buffer1[0] = 0;
- while (size)
- {
- temp = size / 1000;
- if (temp)
- sprintf(buffer2, "%03d,%s", (int)(size % 1000), buffer1);
- else
- sprintf(buffer2, "%d,%s", (int)(size % 1000), buffer1);
- strcpy(buffer1, buffer2);
- size = temp;
- }
- if (buffer1[0])
- buffer1[strlen(buffer1) - 1] = 0;
- else
- strcpy(buffer1, "0");
- return(buffer1);
- }
- static const mime *
- findmime DECL1C(char *, ext)
- {
- const mime *search;
- const char *end;
- if (!strcmp(ext, ".."))
- {
- end = "..";
- } else if (!strcmp(ext, ".directory."))
- {
- end = ".directory.";
- } else
- {
- end = strrchr(ext, '.');
- end = (end ? (end + 1) : "txt");
- }
- search = mimes;
- while (search)
- {
- if (!strcasecmp(search->ext, end))
- break;
- search = search->n;
- }
- if (!search)
- search = mimes;
- return(search);
- }
- extern int
- main DECL2(int, argc, char **, argv)
- {
- int option, amount, count;
- char **listing, buffer[BUFSIZ];
- FILE *output, *ls;
- struct stat statbuf;
- const mime *search;
- sprintf(mimefile, "%s/mime.index", HTTPD_ROOT);
- while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "bfm:st:")) != EOF)
- {
- switch(option)
- {
- case 'b':
- show_back = 0;
- break;
- case 'f':
- force_overwrite = 1;
- break;
- case 'm':
- strcpy(mimefile, optarg);
- break;
- case 's':
- show_size = 0;
- break;
- case 't':
- show_type = atoi(optarg);
- if ((show_type < 1) || (show_type > 3))
- {
- usage();
- errx(1, "Invalid argument to -t");
- }
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (optind != (argc - 1))
- {
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- loadmime(mimefile);
- if (!(ls = popen("ls -a", "r")))
- err(1, "popen(`ls -a', `r')");
- amount = 0;
- if (!(listing = (char **)malloc(16 * sizeof(char *))))
- errx(1, "Out of memory");
- while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, ls))
- {
- if (buffer[0] && (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] < ' '))
- buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0;
- if (!strcmp(buffer, ".") || !strcmp(buffer, INDEX_HTML) ||
- !strcmp(buffer, ".xsuid") || !strcmp(buffer, ".noxs") ||
- !strcmp(buffer, ".xsauth"))
- continue;
- if ((strlen(buffer) >= 6) &&
- (!strcmp(buffer + strlen(buffer) - 6, ".redir")))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp(buffer, "..") && !show_back)
- continue;
- if (!(listing[amount] = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1)))
- errx(1, "Out of memory");
- strcpy(listing[amount], buffer);
- if (max_filename < strlen(listing[amount]))
- max_filename = strlen(listing[amount]);
- if (!((amount + 1) & 0xf))
- {
- if (!(listing = (char **)realloc(listing,
- (amount + 17) * sizeof(char *))))
- errx(1, "Out of memory");
- }
- if (stat(listing[amount], &statbuf))
- err(1, "stat(`%s')", listing[amount]);
- if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
- search = findmime(".directory.");
- else
- search = findmime(listing[amount]);
- if (max_mimealt < strlen(search->alt))
- max_mimealt = strlen(search->alt);
- if (max_mimetype < strlen(search->type))
- max_mimetype = strlen(search->type);
- if (max_mimeshort < strlen(search->small))
- max_mimeshort = strlen(search->small);
- amount++;
- }
- pclose(ls);
- if (!force_overwrite && !access(INDEX_HTML, F_OK))
- {
- printf("A file called %s already exists.n", INDEX_HTML);
- printf("Do you want to overwrite it (y/n)? ");
- fflush(stdout);
- if (!fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin) || strcmp(buffer, "yn"))
- errx(1, "Cancelled on user's request");
- }
- remove(INDEX_HTML);
- if (!(output = fopen(INDEX_HTML, "w")))
- err(1, "fopen(%s)", INDEX_HTML);
- fprintf(output, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>n",
- argv[optind]);
- fprintf(output, "<H1>%s</H1><HR><PRE>n", argv[optind]);
- for (count = 0; count < amount; count++)
- {
- if (stat(listing[count], &statbuf))
- err(1, "stat(`%s')", listing[count]);
- if (strcmp(listing[count], "..") && (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
- search = findmime(".directory.");
- else
- search = findmime(listing[count]);
- fprintf(output, "<A HREF="%s">", encode(listing[count]));
- fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC="%s" ", encode(search->icon));
- fprintf(output, "ALT="[%s]%*.*s">", encode(search->alt),
- (int)(max_mimealt - strlen(search->alt)),
- (int)(max_mimealt - strlen(search->alt)), "");
- fprintf(output, "</A> ");
- fprintf(output, "<A HREF="%s">", encode(listing[count]));
- fprintf(output, "%s</A>%*.*s ", encode(listing[count]),
- (int)(max_filename - strlen(listing[count])),
- (int)(max_filename - strlen(listing[count])), "");
- switch(show_type)
- {
- case 1:
- fprintf(output, "%-*.*s", max_mimetype, max_mimetype,
- search->type);
- break;
- case 2:
- fprintf(output, "%-*.*s", max_mimeshort, max_mimeshort,
- search->small);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (show_size && (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG))
- fprintf(output, " %11.11s",
- neatsize((long)(statbuf.st_size)));
- fprintf(output, "n");
- }
- fclose(output);
- printf("`%s' is now ready...n", INDEX_HTML);
- exit(0);
- }