资源名称:httpd.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include "config.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include "local.h"
- #include "setenv.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "path.h"
- #ifndef NOFORWARDS
- extern VOID error PROTO((const char *));
- extern VOID redirect PROTO((const char *, int));
- extern VOID server_error PROTO((const char *, const char *));
- static int difference PROTO((const char *, const char *));
- static int check_user PROTO((const struct passwd *));
- static VOID user_unknown PROTO((void));
- static VOID post_on_non_cgi PROTO((void));
- static VOID invalid_path PROTO((void));
- static VOID dir_not_avail PROTO((void));
- static VOID not_regular PROTO((void));
- static VOID permission PROTO((void));
- static VOID not_found PROTO((void));
- static VOID no_relative_urls PROTO((void));
- static VOID unknown_method PROTO((void));
- static VOID unauthorized PROTO((void));
- static VOID local_no_page PROTO((void));
- static VOID local_invalid_link PROTO((void));
- #endif /* NOFORWARDS */
- typedef struct
- {
- char username[32];
- int rank;
- } userinfo;
- static const char *error_code, *error_readable, *error_url,
- *error_url_escaped, *error_url_expanded,
- *local_mode_str;
- static char buffer[BUFSIZ], *temp;
- char rootdir[XS_PATH_MAX];
- int localmode;
- extern VOID
- error DECL1C(char *, what)
- {
- printf("Content-type: text/htmlrnrn");
- printf("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>500 Error occurred</TITLE></HEADn");
- printf("<BODY><H1>500 Error occurred</H1>n");
- printf("The <TT>error</TT> utility encountered the followingn");
- printf("error: <B>%s</B></BODY></HTML>n", what);
- exit(0);
- }
- extern VOID
- redirect DECL2C_(char *, redir, int, code)
- {
- printf("[redirect() called - transform_user_dir() is broken]n");
- }
- extern VOID
- server_error DECL2CC(char *, readable, char *, code)
- {
- printf("[server_error() called - transform_user_dir() is broken]n");
- }
- static int
- difference DECL2CC(char *, what1, char *, what2)
- {
- int rank;
- const char *search, *follow;
- char ch;
- rank = 0;
- for (search = what1, follow = what2; (ch = *search); search++)
- {
- if (ch == *follow)
- rank--;
- else if (!strchr(what2, ch))
- rank += 5;
- else
- rank += 2;
- if (*follow)
- follow++;
- }
- rank += strlen(follow);
- if (rank < 0)
- rank = 0;
- return(rank);
- }
- static int
- check_user DECL1C(struct passwd *, userinfo)
- {
- char dirname[XS_PATH_MAX], *end;
- if (transform_user_dir(dirname, userinfo, 0))
- return(0);
- strcat(dirname, "/");
- end = dirname + strlen(dirname);
- strcpy(end, INDEX_HTML);
- if (!access(dirname, F_OK))
- return(1);
- strcpy(end, INDEX_HTML_2);
- if (!access(dirname, F_OK))
- return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- static VOID
- user_unknown DECL0
- {
- userinfo top[10];
- const struct passwd *user;
- int count, count2, rank, said;
- char filename[XS_PATH_MAX];
- strcpy(buffer, error_url_escaped + 2);
- if ((temp = strchr(buffer, '/')))
- *temp = 0;
- printf("The user <B>%s</B> is unknown to this system.<P>n", buffer);
- strcpy(buffer, error_url + 2);
- if ((temp = strchr(buffer, '/')))
- *(temp++) = 0;
- for (count = 0; count < 10; count++)
- {
- top[count].username[0] = 0;
- top[count].rank = 10000;
- }
- while ((user = getpwent()))
- {
- rank = difference(buffer, user->pw_name);
- count = 0;
- while ((count < 10) && (top[count].rank < rank))
- count++;
- if (count < 10)
- {
- if (!check_user(user))
- continue;
- for (count2 = 9; count2 > count; count2--)
- top[count2] = top[count2 - 1];
- top[count].rank = rank;
- strcpy(top[count].username, user->pw_name);
- }
- }
- said = 0;
- for (count = 0; (count < 10) && (top[count].rank <= 20); count++)
- {
- if (!said)
- {
- printf("There are a few usernames that look similarn");
- printf("to what you typed. Perhaps you meant one ofn");
- printf("these users:n<UL>n");
- said = 1;
- }
- printf("<LI><A HREF="/%%7E%s/">%s</A>n",
- top[count].username, top[count].username);
- }
- if (said)
- printf("</UL>n");
- else
- {
- printf("There are no usernames here that even look liken");
- printf("what you typed...<P>n");
- }
- printf("You may look at the <A HREF="/">main index page</A>");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/users.html", HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT);
- if (!access(calcpath(filename), F_OK))
- printf(" or the <A HREF="/users.html">user list</A>n");
- printf(".n");
- }
- static VOID
- post_on_non_cgi DECL0
- {
- printf("You or your browser has attempted to use the <B>POST</B>n");
- printf("method on something that is not a CGI binary. <B>POST</B>n");
- printf("may only be used on CGI binaries. You can try using then");
- printf("<B>GET</B> and/or <B>HEAD</B> methods instead.<P>n");
- printf("<A HREF="/">Get out of here!</A>n");
- }
- static VOID
- invalid_path DECL0
- {
- printf("You have asked for a URL that the server does not like.n");
- printf("In particular, the server does not accept paths withn");
- printf("<B>..</B> in them. Please retry using another URL.<P>n");
- printf("<A HREF="/">Get out of here!</A>n");
- }
- static VOID
- not_found DECL0
- {
- char prefix[BUFSIZ], base[XS_PATH_MAX], filename[XS_PATH_MAX];
- const char *begin, *match;
- int len;
- struct stat statbuf;
- printf("The file <B>%s</B> does not exist on this server.n",
- error_url_escaped);
- if (error_url[1] == '~')
- {
- match = error_url + 2;
- while (*match && (*match != '/'))
- match++;
- begin = match;
- strcpy(prefix, error_url);
- prefix[match - error_url] = 0;
- strcpy(base, error_url_expanded);
- base[(strlen(error_url_expanded) - strlen(error_url) +
- (match - error_url))] = 0;
- strcat(base, "/");
- } else
- {
- prefix[0] = 0;
- sprintf(base, "%s/%s/", HTTPD_ROOT, HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT);
- begin = error_url;
- }
- len = strlen(begin);
- while (len >= 0)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%*.*s", base, -len, len, begin);
- if (!stat(buffer, &statbuf))
- {
- if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%*.*s", prefix,
- -len, len, begin);
- break;
- }
- if (!(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)))
- continue;
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%*.*s%s%s", base, -len, len, begin,
- (begin[len-1] == '/') ? "" : "/", INDEX_HTML);
- if (!stat(buffer, &statbuf) && S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%*.*s%s", prefix,
- -len, len, begin,
- (begin[len - 1] == '/') ? "" : "/");
- break;
- }
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%*.*s%s%s", base, -len, len, begin,
- (begin[len-1] == '/') ? "" : "/", INDEX_HTML_2);
- if (!stat(buffer, &statbuf) && S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%*.*s%s", prefix,
- -len, len, begin,
- (begin[len - 1] == '/') ? "" : "/");
- break;
- }
- }
- len--;
- }
- if ((len >= 0) && strcmp(buffer, error_url) && strcmp(buffer, "/"))
- {
- printf("The path does seem to partially exist.n");
- printf("Perhaps the path <A HREF="%s">%s</A> will help.n",
- buffer, buffer);
- printf("<P>Alternatively, y");
- } else
- printf("Y");
- printf("ou may take a look at <A HREF="/">the main index</A>");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/users.html", HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT);
- if (!access(calcpath(filename), F_OK))
- printf(" or the <A HREF="/users.html">user list</A>n");
- printf(".n");
- }
- static VOID
- not_regular DECL0
- {
- printf("What you requested is neither a directory nor a file.n");
- printf("This error should never occur. Please notify then");
- printf("system administration of this machine.n");
- }
- static VOID
- permission DECL0
- {
- printf("The file <B>%s</B>, which you tried to retrieve fromn",
- error_url_escaped);
- printf("this server, is protected. You are not allowed ton");
- printf("retrieve it. If this seems to be in error, pleasen");
- printf("contact the person that created the file.n");
- printf("<P><A HREF="/">Get out of here!</A>n");
- }
- static VOID
- dir_not_avail DECL0
- {
- printf("The directory in which the file <B>%s</B> is locatedn",
- error_url_escaped);
- printf("is currently not available for retrieval. Perhaps youn");
- printf("can try later.n");
- printf("<P><A HREF="/">Get out of here!</A>n");
- }
- static VOID
- no_relative_urls DECL0
- {
- printf("Your browser has made a <EM>relative</EM> request ton");
- printf("this server. This server, however, does not supportn");
- printf("relative URLs.n");
- printf("<P><A HREF="/">Get out of here!</A>n");
- }
- static VOID
- unknown_method DECL0
- {
- const char *env;
- env = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
- printf("Your browser has used a retrieval method other thann");
- printf("<B>GET</B>, <B>POST</B> and <B>HEAD</B>. In fact itn");
- printf("used the method <B>%s</B>, which this server does notn",
- env ? env : "(unknown)");
- printf("understand.n");
- printf("<P><A HREF="/">Get out of here!</A>n");
- }
- static VOID
- unauthorized DECL0
- {
- printf("You have entered a usercode/password combinationn");
- printf("which is not valid for the URL that you have requestedn");
- printf("Please try again with another usercode and/or password.n");
- }
- static VOID
- local_no_page DECL0
- {
- const char *env;
- char filename[XS_PATH_MAX];
- strcpy(buffer, error_url_escaped + 2);
- if ((temp = strchr(buffer, '/')))
- *temp = 0;
- printf("The user <B>%s</B>, whom you specified in your URL,n", buffer);
- printf("exists on this system, but has no home page.n");
- if ((env = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) && !strncmp(env, "131.155.140.", 12))
- {
- printf("If you would like to start a home page,n");
- printf("please mail to <A HREF="mailto:");
- printf("">");
- printf("</A>.n");
- }
- printf("<P>Perhaps you meant somebody else; in this case, pleasen");
- printf("have a look at the <A HREF="/">main index</A>");
- sprintf(filename, "%s/users.html", HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT);
- if (!access(calcpath(filename), F_OK))
- printf(" or the <A HREF="/users.html">user list</A>n");
- printf(".n");
- }
- static VOID
- local_invalid_link DECL0
- {
- strcpy(buffer, error_url_escaped + 2);
- if ((temp = strchr(buffer, '/')))
- *temp = 0;
- printf("An error has been made in linking <B>/www/%s</B> ton", buffer);
- printf("a correct location. Please contactn");
- printf("<A HREF="">");
- printf("</A>.n");
- printf("The problem will then be corrected as soon as possible.n");
- }
- extern int
- main DECL2(int, argc, char **, argv)
- {
- if (getenv("HTTPD_ROOT"))
- strcpy(rootdir, getenv("HTTPD_ROOT"));
- else
- strcpy(rootdir, HTTPD_ROOT);
- alarm(240);
- if (!(error_code = getenv("ERROR_CODE")) ||
- !(error_readable = getenv("ERROR_READABLE")) ||
- !(error_url = getenv("ERROR_URL")) ||
- !(error_url_expanded = getenv("ERROR_URL_EXPANDED")) ||
- !(error_url_escaped = getenv("ERROR_URL_ESCAPED")) ||
- !(local_mode_str = getenv("LOCALMODE")))
- error("Not called properly - the server must call me");
- localmode = atoi(local_mode_str);
- printf("Content-type: text/htmlrn");
- printf("Status: %srnrn", error_readable);
- printf("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>", error_readable);
- printf("<BODY><H1>%s</H1>n", error_readable);
- if (!strcmp(error_code, "USER_UNKNOWN"))
- user_unknown();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "POST_ON_NON_CGI"))
- post_on_non_cgi();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "INVALID_PATH"))
- invalid_path();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "DIR_NOT_AVAIL"))
- dir_not_avail();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "NOT_REGULAR"))
- not_regular();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "PERMISSION"))
- permission();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "NOT_FOUND"))
- not_found();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "NO_RELATIVE_URLS"))
- no_relative_urls();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "UNKNOWN_METHOD"))
- unknown_method();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "UNAUTHORIZED"))
- unauthorized();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "LOCAL_NO_PAGE"))
- local_no_page();
- else if (!strcmp(error_code, "LOCAL_INVALID_LINK"))
- local_invalid_link();
- printf("</BODY></HTML>n");
- exit(0);
- }