



  1. #! @SCRIPT_SH@
  2. #    $Id: dict-en.in,v 1.1 2008/01/18 19:28:14 faxguy Exp $
  3. CHARSET=iso-8859-1;
  4. DICTRECEIVEAGENT="The HylaFAX Receive Agent";
  5. DICTRECEIVEDFROM="Facsimile received from $SENDER";
  6. DICTRETRIEVEDFROM="Facsimile retrieved from $SENDER";
  7. DICTMSGINTRO="The full document was not received because:";
  8. DICTLOGFOLLOWS="    ---- Transcript of session follows ----";
  9. DICTLOGFOLLOWS2="Transcript of session follows";
  10. DICTNOLOGAVAIL="    No transcript available";
  11. DICTDISPATCHEDTO="The facsimile was automatically dispatched to: $SENDTO.";
  12. DICTPOLLDISPATCHTO="The facsimile was polled by and delivered to: $MAILADDR.";
  13. DICTNOTRECEIVED="facsimile not received";
  14. DICTATTEMPTEDFAXFAILED="An attempt to receive facsimile on $DEVICE failed because:"
  15. DICTATTEMPTEDPOLLFAILED="An attempt to retrieve facsimile on $DEVICE failed because:";
  16. DICTFAILEDBECAUSE="failed because:";
  17. DICTUNKNOWNDOCTYPE="Unknown document type";
  18. DICTNOFILEEXISTS="File does not exist";
  19. DICTDESTINATION="Destination";
  20. DICTJOBID="JobID";
  21. DICTGROUPID="GroupID";
  22. DICTSENDER="Sender";
  23. DICTMAILADDR="Mailaddr";
  24. DICTMODEM="Modem";
  25. DICTCOMMID="CommID";
  26. DICTSUBMITTEDFROM="Submitted From";
  27. DICTPAGEWIDTH="Page Width";
  28. DICTPAGELENGTH="Page Length";
  29. DICTRES="Resolution";
  30. DICTNOTHINGAVAIL="nothing available";
  31. DICTSTATUS="Status";
  32. DICTREMOTEEXCHANGES="exchanges with remote device";
  33. DICTDIALOGS="Dialogs";
  34. DICTFAILEDCALLS="consecutive failed calls to destination";
  35. DICTDIALS="Dials";
  36. DICTTOTALCALLS="total phone calls placed";
  37. DICTCALLS="Calls";
  38. DICTPAGESTRANSMITTED="pages transmitted";
  39. DICTPAGES="Pages";
  40. DICTTOTALPAGES="total pages to transmit";
  41. DICTTOTPAGES="TotPages";
  42. DICTATTEMPTSPAGE="attempts to send current page";
  43. DICTATTEMPTS="Attempts";
  44. DICTDIRNEXTPAGE="directory of next page to send";
  45. DICTDIRNUM="Dirnum";
  46. DICTDOCSSUBMITTED="Documents submitted for transmission";
  47. DICTDOCSTEXT1="The following documents were submitted for transmission and are";
  48. DICTDOCSTEXT2="available on the server for reuse until they are automatically";
  49. DICTDOCSTEXT3="purged when this job is `if [ "$doneop" = archive ]; then echo 'archived'; else echo 'removed'; fi`. Documents may also be manually";
  50. DICTDOCSTEXT4="removed using the faxrm command; consult faxrm(1) for information.";
  51. DICTFILENAME="Filename";
  52. DICTSIZE="Size";
  53. DICTTYPE="Type";
  54. DICTUNSENTPAGES="Unsent pages submitted for transmission";
  55.         DICTUNSENTJOBSTATUS="Unsent job status";
  56. DICTPIN="PIN ";
  57. DICTMESSAGETEXT="Message text";
  58. DICTNOREASON="no reason recorded";
  59. DICTYOURJOBTO="Your $THISJOBTYPE job to $number";
  60. DICTfacsimile="facsimile";
  61. DICTpager="pager";
  62. DICTJOB="$THISJOBTYPE job $jobid";
  63. DICTAT="at";
  64. DICTTO="to";
  65. DICTCOMPLETED="completed";
  66. DICTCOMPLETEDSUCCESSFULLY=" was completed successfully.";
  67. DICTRECEIVER="Receiver";
  68. DICTQUALITY="Quality";
  69. DICTFINE="Fine";
  70. DICTNORMAL="Normal";
  71. DICTSIGNALRATE="Signal Rate";
  72. DICTDATAFORMAT="Data Format";
  73. DICTREMOTEEQUIPMENT="Remote Equipment";
  74. DICTREMOTESTATION="Remote Station";
  75. DICTPROCESSINGTIME="Processing time was";
  76. DICTADDITIONALINFO="  Additional information:";
  77. DICTFAILED="failed";
  78. DICTREJECTEDBECAUSE="was rejected because:";
  79. DICTBLOCKED="blocked";
  80. DICTDELAYEDBECAUSE="is delayed in the scheduling queues because:";
  81. DICTASSOONASPOSSIBLE="The job will be processed as soon as possible.";
  82. DICTREQUEUED="requeued";
  83. DICTWASNOTSENT="was not sent because:";
  84. DICTWILLBERETRIED="The job will be retried at";
  85. DICTREMOVEDFROMQUEUE="removed from queue";
  86. DICTWASDELETED="was deleted from the queue.";
  87. DICTTIMEDOUT="could not be completed before the appointed deadline.";
  88. DICTCONVERSION1="was not sent because document conversion";
  89. DICTCONVERSION2="to facsimile failed.  The output from the converter program was:";
  90. DICTCONVERSION3="Check any PostScript documents for non-standard fonts and invalid constructs";
  91. DICTNOFORMATTER1="was not sent because";
  92. DICTNOFORMATTER2="the document conversion script was not found.";
  93. DICTNOTICEABOUT="Notice about";
  94. DICTPOLLINGFAILED=", a polling request,ncould not be completed because ";
  95. DICTREMOTEREJECTED="the remote side rejected your request.";
  96. DICTNODOCTOPOLL="no document was available for retrieval.";
  97. DICTUNSPECIFIEDPROBLEM="an unspecified problem occurred.";
  98. DICTUNKNOWNREASON1="had something happen to it.";
  99. DICTUNKNOWNREASON2="Unfortunately, the notification script was invoked with an unknown reason";
  100. DICTUNKNOWNREASON3="so the rest of this message is for debugging:";
  101. DICTUNKNOWNREASON4="This should not happen, please report it to your administrator.";
  102. DICTRECEIVEDON="Received On";
  103. DICTPOLLFAILED="facsimile poll retrieval failed";
  104. DICTYES="Yes";
  105. DICTNO="No";
  106. DICTRECEIVED="Received";
  107. DICTTIMETORECV="Time To Receive";
  108. DICTERRCORRECT="Error Correct";
  109. DICTCALLID1="CallID1";
  110. DICTCALLID2="CallID2";
  111. DICTCALLID3="CallID3";
  112. DICTCALLID4="CallID4";
  113. DICTCALLID5="CallID5";
  114. DICTCALLID6="CallID6";
  115. DICTCALLID7="CallID7";