- /* $Id: CopyQuality.c++,v 1.17 2008/11/24 06:17:59 faxguy Exp $ */ /*
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- * HylaFAX is a trademark of Silicon Graphics
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- *
- *
- */
- /*
- * Page Data Receive and Copy Quality Support for Modem Drivers.
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include "Sys.h"
- #include "FaxModem.h"
- #include "FaxTrace.h"
- #include "ModemConfig.h"
- #include "StackBuffer.h"
- #include "FaxServer.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define RCVBUFSIZ (32*1024) // XXX
- static void setupCompression(TIFF*, u_int, u_int, uint32);
- void
- FaxModem::setupStartPage(TIFF* tif, const Class2Params& params)
- {
- /*
- * Not doing copy quality checking so compression and
- * Group3Options must reflect the negotiated session
- * parameters for the forthcoming page data.
- */
- setupCompression(tif, params.df,, group3opts);
- /*
- * Do magic at page start to collect the file offset
- * to the start of the page data--this is used in case
- * of an error to overwrite unacceptable page data.
- *
- * NB: This must be done *after* setting the compression
- * scheme, otherwise the TIFF library will disallow
- * setting the Compression tag.
- */
- recvStartPage(tif);
- }
- void
- FaxModem::recvEndPage(TIFF* tif, const Class2Params& params)
- {
- /*
- * FAXRECVPARAMS is limited to a 32-bit value, and as that is quite
- * limited in comparison to all possible fax parameters, FAXDCS is
- * intended to be used to discern most fax parameters. The DCS
- * signal, however, does not contain bitrate information when V.34-Fax
- * is used, so tiffinfo, for example, will use FAXDCS for all fax
- * parameters except for bitrate which comes from FAXRECVPARAMS.
- *
- * As FAXDCS is more recent in libtiff than is FAXRECVPARAMS some
- * installations may not be able to use FAXDCS, in which case those
- * installations will be limited to the 32-bit restraints.
- */
- // NB: must set these after compression tag
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS, (uint32) params.encode());
- #endif
- FaxParams pageparams = FaxParams(params);
- fxStr faxdcs = "";
- pageparams.asciiEncode(faxdcs);
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXDCS, (const char*) faxdcs);
- #endif
- if (sub != "")
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS, (const char*) sub);
- #endif
- (uint32) server.setPageTransferTime());
- #endif
- }
- void
- FaxModem::resetLineCounts()
- {
- recvEOLCount = 0; // count of EOL codes
- recvBadLineCount = 0; // rows with a decoding error
- recvConsecutiveBadLineCount = 0; // max consecutive bad rows
- linesWereA4Width = 0; // rows that measured 1728 pels
- }
- void
- FaxModem::initializeDecoder(const Class2Params& params)
- {
- setupDecoder(recvFillOrder, params.is2D(), (params.df == DF_2DMMR));
- u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 4864
- tiff_runlen_t runs[2*4864]; // run arrays for cur+ref rows
- setRuns(runs, runs+4864, rowpixels);
- setIsECM(false);
- resetLineCounts();
- }
- /*
- * Receive Phase C data with or without copy
- * quality checking and erroneous row fixup.
- */
- bool
- FaxModem::recvPageDLEData(TIFF* tif, bool checkQuality,
- const Class2Params& params, fxStr& emsg)
- {
- /* For debugging purposes we may want to write the image-data to file. */
- if (conf.saverawimage) imagefd = Sys::open("/tmp/in.fax", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL);
- initializeDecoder(params);
- u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 4864
- /*
- * Data destined for the TIFF file is buffered in buf.
- * recvRow points to the next place in buf where data
- * (decoded or undecoded) is to be placed. Beware
- * that this is not an automatic variable because our
- * use of setjmp/longjmp to deal with EOF and RTC detection
- * does not guarantee correct values being restored to
- * automatic variables when the stack is unwound.
- */
- u_char buf[RCVBUFSIZ]; // output buffer
- recvRow = buf; // current decoded row
- recvStrip = 0; // TIFF strip number
- bytePending = 0;
- if (EOFraised()) {
- abortPageRecv();
- emsg = "Missing EOL after 5 seconds {E050}";
- recvTrace("%s", (const char*) emsg);
- return (false);
- }
- if (checkQuality && == EC_DISABLE) {
- /*
- * Receive a page of data w/ copy quality checking.
- * Note that since we decode and re-encode we can
- * trivially do transcoding by just changing the
- * TIFF tag values setup for each received page. This
- * may however be too much work for some CPUs.
- *
- * Copy quality checking is superfluous when using ECM.
- */
- tsize_t rowSize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif);// scanline buffer size
- /*
- * When copy quality checking is done we generate multi-strip
- * images where the strip size is dependent on the size of the
- * receive buffer used to buffer decoded image data. There is
- * a balance here between reducing i/o, minimizing encoding
- * overhead, and minimizing delays that occur in the middle of
- * page data receive operations. If the receive buffer is made
- * too large then a modem with little buffering may have a
- * data underrun occur. On the other hand encoding each row of
- * data adds to the overhead both in setup time for the encoder
- * and in various accounting work done by the TIFF library when
- * images are grown row-by-row. All this is also dependent on
- * the speed of the host CPU and i/o performance.
- */
- /*
- * Since we decode and re-encode we can choose any
- * compression scheme we want for the data that's
- * eventually written to the file.
- */
- u_int df = (conf.recvDataFormat == DF_ALL ?
- params.df : conf.recvDataFormat);
- setupCompression(tif, df, 0, 0); // XXX maybe zero-fill EOLs?
- /*
- * Do magic at page start to collect the file offset
- * to the start of the page data--this is used in case
- * of an error to overwrite unacceptable page data.
- *
- * NB: This must be done *after* setting the compression
- * scheme, otherwise the TIFF library will disallow
- * setting the Compression tag.
- */
- recvStartPage(tif);
- u_char* curGood = (u_char*) malloc((size_t) rowSize);
- memset(curGood, 0, (size_t) rowSize); // clear to white
- recvBuf = NULL; // don't need raw data
- lastRowBad = false; // no previous row
- cblc = 0; // current bad line run
- if (!RTCraised()) {
- for (;;) {
- /*
- * Decode the next row of data into the raster. If
- * an error is encountered, replicate the last good
- * row and continue. We track statistics on bad
- * lines and consecutive bad lines; these are used
- * later for deciding whether or not the page quality
- * is acceptable.
- */
- decodedPixels = rowpixels; // assume no error
- bool decodeOK = decodeRow(recvRow, rowpixels);
- if (seenRTC()) // seen RTC, flush everything
- continue;
- if (decodeOK) {
- if (lastRowBad) { // reset run statistics
- lastRowBad = false;
- if (cblc > recvConsecutiveBadLineCount)
- recvConsecutiveBadLineCount = cblc;
- cblc = 0;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * Our copy-quality correction mechanism involves decoding
- * and re-encoding each line (as is being done), and if a
- * line is decoded with error (short pixel count) then the
- * remaining pixels are carried-over from the row above.
- * This is done instead of replacing the corrupt row with
- * the last good row to avoid severe data loss where the
- * decoded data is still valid (only incomplete), and this
- * is done instead of replacing the missing data with white
- * to avoid visual disconnect of blackened areas.
- */
- if ((u_int) decodedPixels < rowpixels) {
- u_int filledchars = (decodedPixels + 7) / 8;
- u_short rembits = decodedPixels % 8;
- memcpy(recvRow + filledchars, curGood + filledchars, rowSize - filledchars);
- if (rembits) {
- // now deal with the transitional character
- u_char remmask = 0;
- for (u_short bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
- remmask<<=1;
- if (bit < rembits) remmask |= 1;
- }
- recvRow[filledchars-1] = (recvRow[filledchars-1] & remmask) | (curGood[filledchars-1] & ~remmask);
- }
- } else if ((u_int) decodedPixels >= rowpixels) {
- /*
- * If we get a long pixel count, then our correction mechanism
- * involves trimming horizontal "streaks" at the end of the
- * scanline and replacing that data with the corresponding data
- * from the preceding scanline. If the streak doesn't exceed
- * rowpixels, then copy quality checking won't catch it, so
- * streaks can still appear, but this does well at getting most
- * of them in practice.
- */
- u_int pos = rowSize - 1;
- u_char streak = recvRow[pos];
- if (streak == 0xFF || streak == 0x00) {
- while (pos && recvRow[pos] == streak) {
- recvRow[pos] = curGood[pos];
- pos--;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Some senders signal the wrong page width in DCS, such as A3,
- * and then proceed to deliver A4 page image data. The copy
- * quality correction mechanism will allow the image data to get
- * through, with white space on the right, but it's better to
- * avoid sending RTN, as it will only cause more of the same or
- * will cause the sender to disconnect. So if the we seem to
- * be getting A4 page data when something else was negotiated
- * we don't count those lines as bad.
- */
- linesWereA4Width += decodedPixels == 1728 ? 1 : 0;
- if (decodedPixels != 1728 || linesWereA4Width < ((recvEOLCount + 1) * 95 / 100)) {
- recvBadLineCount++;
- cblc++;
- lastRowBad = true;
- }
- }
- if (decodedPixels) memcpy(curGood, recvRow, (size_t) rowSize);
- /*
- * Advance forward a scanline and if necessary
- * flush the buffer. Note that we leave the
- * pointer to the last good row of data at the
- * last decoded line near the end of the buffer.
- * We assume the buffer is large enough that we
- * don't have to worry about overlapping with the
- * next decoded scanline.
- */
- recvRow += rowSize;
- recvEOLCount++;
- if (recvRow + rowSize > &buf[RCVBUFSIZ]) {
- flushEncodedData(tif, recvStrip++, buf, recvRow - buf, emsg);
- recvRow = buf;
- }
- }
- }
- free(curGood);
- if (seenRTC()) { // RTC found in data stream
- /*
- * Adjust everything to reflect the location
- * at which RTC was found in the data stream.
- */
- copyQualityTrace("Adjusting for RTC found at row %u", getRTCRow());
- // # EOL's in recognized RTC
- u_int n = (u_int)(recvEOLCount - getRTCRow());
- if (cblc - n > recvConsecutiveBadLineCount)
- recvConsecutiveBadLineCount = cblc - n;
- if ((recvRow -= n*rowSize) < buf)
- recvRow = buf;
- if (n > recvBadLineCount) // deduct RTC
- recvBadLineCount = 0;
- else
- recvBadLineCount -= n;
- recvEOLCount = getRTCRow(); // adjust row count
- } else if (lastRowBad) {
- /*
- * Adjust the received line count to deduce the last
- * consecutive bad line run since the RTC is often not
- * readable and/or is followed by line noise or random
- * junk from the sender.
- */
- copyQualityTrace("Adjusting for trailing noise (%lu run)", cblc);
- if (cblc > recvConsecutiveBadLineCount)
- recvConsecutiveBadLineCount = cblc;
- recvEOLCount -= cblc;
- recvBadLineCount -= cblc;
- if ((recvRow -= cblc*rowSize) < buf)
- recvRow = buf;
- }
- recvTrace("%lu total lines, %lu bad lines, %lu consecutive bad lines"
- , recvEOLCount
- , recvBadLineCount
- , recvConsecutiveBadLineCount
- );
- if (recvRow > &buf[0])
- flushEncodedData(tif, recvStrip, buf, recvRow - buf, emsg);
- } else {
- /*
- * Receive a page of data w/o doing copy quality analysis.
- *
- * NB: the image is written as a single strip of data.
- */
- setupStartPage(tif, params);
- if (params.df == DF_JBIG || == JP_GREY || == JP_COLOR) {
- if (params.df != DF_JBIG) {
- /*
- * In the case of JPEG we have to buffer it all, alter SOF
- * after seeing DNL, and then write it to disk... because
- * most JPEG parsers won't know how to handle DNL as it's
- * rather fax-specific.
- */
- recvEOLCount = 0;
- recvRow = (u_char*) malloc(1024*1000); // 1M should do it?
- fxAssert(recvRow != NULL, "page buffering error (JPEG page).");
- recvPageStart = recvRow;
- }
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- parserCount[1] = 0;
- parserCount[2] = 0;
- memset(parserBuf, 0, 16);
- int cc = 0, c;
- bool fin = false;
- if (params.df == DF_JBIG) {
- for (; cc < 20; cc++) {
- c = getModemChar(30000);
- if (c == EOF || wasTimeout()) {
- fin = true;
- break;
- }
- if (c == DLE) {
- c = getModemChar(30000);
- if (c == EOF || c == ETX || wasTimeout()) {
- fin = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- buf[cc] = c;
- }
- parseJBIGBIH(buf);
- flushRawData(tif, 0, (const u_char*) buf, cc, emsg);
- }
- if (!fin) {
- do {
- cc = 0;
- do {
- c = getModemChar(30000);
- if (c == EOF || wasTimeout()) {
- fin = true;
- break;
- }
- if (c == DLE) {
- c = getModemChar(30000);
- if (c == EOF || c == ETX || wasTimeout()) {
- fin = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (params.df == DF_JBIG) parseJBIGStream(c);
- else parseJPEGStream(c);
- buf[cc++] = c;
- } while (cc < RCVBUFSIZ && !fin);
- if (params.df == DF_JBIG) {
- flushRawData(tif, 0, (const u_char*) buf, cc, emsg);
- } else {
- memcpy(recvRow, (const char*) buf, cc);
- recvRow += cc;
- }
- } while (!fin);
- if (params.df == DF_JBIG) clearSDNORMCount();
- else fixupJPEG(tif, emsg);
- }
- if (imagefd > 0) Sys::close(imagefd);
- recvEndPage(tif, params);
- return (true);
- }
- /*
- * NB: There is a potential memory leak here if the
- * stack buffer gets expanded, such that memory gets
- * malloc'd, and EOF is raised. In that case the destructor
- * may not be invoked (in fact it almost certainly won't).
- * This is an unlikely scenario so for now we'll leave
- * the code the way it is.
- */
- fxStackBuffer raw; // XXX may leak
- recvBuf = &raw;
- if (!RTCraised()) {
- for (;;) {
- raw.reset();
- (void) decodeRow(NULL, rowpixels);
- if (seenRTC())
- continue;
- u_int n = raw.getLength();
- if (recvRow + n >= &buf[RCVBUFSIZ]) {
- flushRawData(tif, 0, buf, recvRow - buf, emsg);
- recvRow = buf;
- }
- if (n >= RCVBUFSIZ)
- flushRawData(tif, 0, (const u_char*) raw, n, emsg);
- else {
- memcpy(recvRow, (const char*) raw, n);
- recvRow += n;
- }
- recvEOLCount++;
- }
- }
- if (recvRow > &buf[0])
- flushRawData(tif, 0, buf, recvRow - buf, emsg);
- if (seenRTC()) { // RTC found in data stream
- /*
- * Adjust the received line count to reflect the
- * location at which RTC was found in the data stream.
- */
- if (params.df == DF_2DMMR) {
- copyQualityTrace("Adjusting for EOFB at row %u", getRTCRow());
- } else {
- copyQualityTrace("Adjusting for RTC found at row %u", getRTCRow());
- }
- recvEOLCount = getRTCRow();
- }
- }
- if (imagefd > 0) Sys::close(imagefd);
- recvEndPage(tif, params);
- return (true);
- }
- /*
- * Setup "stock TIFF tags" in preparation for receiving a page of data.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::recvSetupTIFF(TIFF* tif, long, int fillOrder, const fxStr& id)
- {
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, (uint32) params.pageWidth());
- if ( == JP_COLOR || == JP_GREY) {
- /* If PHOTOMETRIC_ITULAB is not available the admin cannot enable color fax anyway.
- This is done so that older libtiffs without it can build fine. */
- #endif
- // libtiff requires IMAGELENGTH to be set before SAMPLESPERPIXEL,
- // or StripOffsets and StripByteCounts will have SAMPLESPERPIXEL values
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, 2000); // we adjust this later
- } else {
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, (uint16) fillOrder);
- }
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, (uint32) -1);
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, (float) params.horizontalRes());
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, (float) params.verticalRes());
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, (const char*) id);
- char dateTime[24];
- time_t now = Sys::now();
- strftime(dateTime, sizeof (dateTime), "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DATETIME, dateTime);
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_MAKE, (const char*) getManufacturer());
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_MODEL, (const char*) getModel());
- TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER, (const char*) server.hostname);
- }
- /*
- * Setup the compression scheme and related tags.
- */
- static void
- setupCompression(TIFF* tif, u_int df, u_int jp, uint32 opts)
- {
- u_int dataform = df + (jp ? jp + 4 : 0);
- switch (dataform) {
- case JP_GREY+4:
- case JP_COLOR+4:
- break;
- case DF_JBIG:
- break;
- case DF_2DMMR:
- break;
- break;
- case DF_2DMR:
- break;
- case DF_1DMH:
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write a strip of decoded data to the receive file.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::flushEncodedData(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, const u_char* buf, u_int cc, fxStr& emsg)
- {
- if (imagefd > 0) Sys::write(imagefd, (const char*) buf, cc);
- // NB: must update ImageLength for each new strip
- if (TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(tif, strip, (tdata_t)buf, cc) == -1) {
- serverTrace("RECV: %s: write error", TIFFFileName(tif));
- abortPageRecv();
- emsg = "Write error to TIFF file {E052}";
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write a strip of raw data to the receive file.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::flushRawData(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, const u_char* buf, u_int cc, fxStr& emsg)
- {
- if (imagefd > 0) Sys::write(imagefd, (const char*) buf, cc);
- recvTrace("%u bytes of data, %lu total lines", cc, recvEOLCount);
- if (TIFFWriteRawStrip(tif, strip, (tdata_t)buf, cc) == -1) {
- serverTrace("RECV: %s: write error", TIFFFileName(tif));
- abortPageRecv();
- emsg = "Write error to TIFF file {E052}";
- }
- }
- void
- FaxModem::clearSDNORMCount()
- {
- if (parserCount[1]) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found %d SDNORM Marker Segments in BID", parserCount[1]);
- parserCount[1] = 0;
- }
- }
- void
- FaxModem::parseJBIGStream(u_char c)
- {
- /*
- * parserCount[n]
- * n = 0, bytes since last marker
- * n = 1, SDNORM marker counter
- * n = 2, framelength bypass countdown
- */
- parserCount[0]++;
- if (parserCount[2]) {
- // just skipping bytes
- parserCount[2]--;
- return;
- }
- for (u_short i = 15; i > 0; i--) parserBuf[i] = parserBuf[i-1];
- parserBuf[0] = c;
- u_long framelength = 0;
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0x04) {
- clearSDNORMCount();
- copyQualityTrace("Found ABORT Marker Segment in BID");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 8 && parserBuf[7] == 0xFF && parserBuf[6] == 0x06) {
- clearSDNORMCount();
- copyQualityTrace("Found ATMOVE Marker Segment in BID, Yat %d, tx %d, ty %d",
- 256*256*256*parserBuf[5]+256*256*parserBuf[4]+256*parserBuf[3]+parserBuf[2], parserBuf[1], parserBuf[0]);
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 6 && parserBuf[5] == 0xFF && parserBuf[4] == 0x07) {
- clearSDNORMCount();
- parserCount[2] = 256*256*256*parserBuf[3]+256*256*parserBuf[2]+256*parserBuf[1]+parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found COMMENT Marker Segment in BID");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 6 && parserBuf[5] == 0xFF && parserBuf[4] == 0x05) {
- clearSDNORMCount();
- framelength = 256*256*256*parserBuf[3];
- framelength += 256*256*parserBuf[2];
- framelength += 256*parserBuf[1];
- framelength += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found NEWLEN Marker Segment in BID, Yd = %d", framelength);
- // T.82: "The new Yd shall never be greater than the original"
- if (framelength < 65535 && (!recvEOLCount || framelength < recvEOLCount)) recvEOLCount = framelength;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0x01) {
- clearSDNORMCount();
- copyQualityTrace("Found RESERVE Marker Segment in BID");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0x02) {
- parserCount[1]++; // SDNORM
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0x03) {
- clearSDNORMCount();
- copyQualityTrace("Found SDRST Marker Segment in BID");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- void
- FaxModem::parseJBIGBIH(u_char* buf)
- {
- copyQualityTrace("BIH: Dl %d, D %d, P %d, fill %d", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]);
- /*
- * Parse JBIG BIH to get the image length.
- *
- * See T.82 6.6.2
- * These three integers are coded most significant byte first. In
- * other words, XD is the sum of 256^3 times the fifth byte in BIH, 256^2
- * times the sixth byte, 256 times the seventh byte, and the eighth byte.
- */
- u_long framelength = 0;
- framelength = 256*256*256*buf[8];
- framelength += 256*256*buf[9];
- framelength += 256*buf[10];
- framelength += buf[11];
- /*
- * Senders commonly use 0xFFFF and 0xFFFFFFFF as "maximum Yd". We ignore such large
- * values because if we use them and no NEWLEN marker is received, then the page
- * length causes problems for viewers (specifically libtiff).
- */
- if (framelength < 65535 && framelength > recvEOLCount) recvEOLCount = framelength;
- copyQualityTrace("BIH: Xd %d, Yd %d, L0 %d, Mx %d, My %d",
- 256*256*256*buf[4]+256*256*buf[5]+256*buf[6]+buf[7],
- framelength,
- 256*256*256*buf[12]+256*256*buf[13]+256*buf[14]+buf[15],
- buf[16], buf[17]);
- copyQualityTrace("BIH: fill %d, HITOLO %d, SEQ %d, ILEAVE %d, SMID %d",
- (buf[18]&0xF0)>>4, (buf[18]&0x8)>>3, (buf[18]&0x4)>>2, (buf[18]&0x2)>>1, buf[18]&0x1);
- copyQualityTrace("BIH: fill %d, LRLTWO %d, VLENGTH %d, TPDON %d, TPBON %d, DPON %d, DPPRIV %u, DPLAST %u",
- (buf[19]&0x80)>>7, (buf[19]&0x40)>>6, (buf[19]&0x20)>>5, (buf[19]&0x10)>>4, (buf[19]&0x8)>>3,
- (buf[19]&0x4)>>2, (buf[19]&0x2)>>1, buf[19]&0x1);
- }
- void
- FaxModem::parseJPEGStream(u_char c)
- {
- /*
- * parserCount[n]
- * n = 0, bytes since last marker
- * n = 1, framelength bypass countdown
- */
- parserCount[0]++;
- if (parserCount[1]) {
- // just skipping bytes
- parserCount[1]--;
- return;
- }
- for (u_short i = 15; i > 0; i--) parserBuf[i] = parserBuf[i-1];
- parserBuf[0] = c;
- u_long framelength = 0, framewidth = 0, fsize = 0;
- if (parserCount[0] >= 9 && parserBuf[8] == 0xFF && parserBuf[7] >= 0xC0 && parserBuf[7] <= 0xCF
- && parserBuf[7] != 0xC4 && parserBuf[7] != 0xC8 && parserBuf[7] != 0xCC) {
- u_short type = parserBuf[7] - 0xC0;
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[6];
- fsize += parserBuf[5];
- framelength = 256*parserBuf[3];
- framelength += parserBuf[2];
- framewidth = 256*parserBuf[1];
- framewidth += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Start of Frame (SOF%u) Marker, size: %lu x %lu", type, framewidth, framelength);
- if (framelength < 65535 && framelength > recvEOLCount) recvEOLCount = framelength;
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 9;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0xC8) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found JPEG Extensions (JPG) Marker");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xC4) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Define Huffman Tables (DHT) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xCC) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Define Arithmatic Coding Conditionings (DAC) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] >= 0xD0 && parserBuf[0] <= 0xD7) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found Restart (RST) Marker");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0xD8) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found Start of Image (SOI) Marker");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0xD9) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found End of Image (EOI) Marker");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xDA) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Start of Scan (SOS) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xDB) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Define Quantization Tables (DQT) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 6 && parserBuf[5] == 0xFF && parserBuf[4] == 0xDC) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[3];
- fsize += parserBuf[2];
- framelength = 256*parserBuf[1];
- framelength += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Define Number of Lines (DNL) Marker, lines: %lu", framelength);
- if (framelength < 65535) recvEOLCount = framelength;
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 6;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xDD) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Define Restart Interval (DRI) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0xDE) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found Define Hierarchial Progression (DHP) Marker");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xDF) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Expand Reference Components (EXP) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] >= 0xE0 && parserBuf[2] <= 0xEF) {
- u_short type = parserBuf[2] - 0xE0;
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Application Segment (APP%u) Marker", type);
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] >= 0xF0 && parserBuf[0] <= 0xFD) {
- u_short type = parserBuf[0] - 0xF0;
- copyQualityTrace("Found JPEG Extension (JPG%u) Marker", type);
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 4 && parserBuf[3] == 0xFF && parserBuf[2] == 0xFE) {
- fsize = 256*parserBuf[1];
- fsize += parserBuf[0];
- copyQualityTrace("Found Comment (COM) Marker");
- parserCount[1] = fsize - 4;
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] == 0x01) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found Temporary Private Use (TEM) Marker");
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (parserCount[0] >= 2 && parserBuf[1] == 0xFF && parserBuf[0] >= 0x02 && parserBuf[0] <= 0xBF) {
- copyQualityTrace("Found Reserved (RES) Marker 0x%X", parserBuf[0]);
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- void
- FaxModem::fixupJPEG(TIFF* tif, fxStr& emsg)
- {
- if (!recvEOLCount) {
- /*
- * We didn't detect an image length marker (DNL/NEWLEN). So
- * we use the session parameters to guess at one, and we hope that
- * the eventual viewing decoder can cope with things if the data
- * is short.
- *
- * This approach doesn't seem to work with JBIG, so for now we only do it with JPEG.
- */
- u_int len, res;
- switch (params.ln) {
- case LN_A4: len = 297; break;
- default: len = 364; break; // LN_INF, LN_B4
- }
- switch (params.vr) { // values in mm/100 to avoid floats
- case VR_NORMAL: res = 385; break;
- case VR_FINE: res = 770; break;
- case VR_200X100: res = 394; break;
- case VR_200X200: res = 787; break;
- case VR_200X400: res = 1575; break;
- case VR_300X300: res = 1181; break;
- default: res = 1540; break; // VR_R16, VR_R8
- }
- recvEOLCount = (u_long) ((len * res) / 100);
- protoTrace("RECV: assumed image length of %lu lines", recvEOLCount);
- }
- /*
- * DNL markers generally are not usable in TIFF files. Furthermore,
- * many TIFF viewers cannot use them, either. So, we go back
- * through the strip and replace any "zero" image length attributes
- * of any SOF markers with recvEOLCount. Perhaps we should strip
- * out the DNL marker entirely, but leaving it in seems harmless.
- */
- u_long pagesize = recvRow - recvPageStart;
- recvRow = recvPageStart;
- for (uint32 i = 0; i < (pagesize - 6); i++) {
- if (recvRow[i] == 0xFF && recvRow[i+1] == 0xC0 && recvRow[i+5] == 0x00 && recvRow[i+6] == 0x00) {
- recvRow[i+5] = recvEOLCount >> 8;
- recvRow[i+6] = recvEOLCount & 0xFF;
- protoTrace("RECV: fixing zero image frame length in SOF marker at byte %lu to %lu", i, recvEOLCount);
- }
- }
- if (TIFFWriteRawStrip(tif, 0, (tdata_t) recvRow, pagesize) == -1) {
- serverTrace("RECV: %s: write error", TIFFFileName(tif));
- abortPageRecv();
- emsg = "Write error to TIFF file {E052}";
- }
- free(recvRow);
- }
- /*
- * In ECM mode the ECM module provides the line-counter.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::writeECMData(TIFF* tif, u_char* buf, u_int cc, const Class2Params& params, u_short seq, fxStr& emsg)
- {
- /*
- * Start a decoding child process to which the parent pipes the image data
- * through a decoding pipe. The child will return the line count back
- * through a second counting pipe. The fork is only executed on the first
- * block, and the child exits after returning the line count after the last
- * block. In-between blocks merely dump data into the pipe.
- */
- u_int dataform = params.df + ( ? + 4 : 0);
- char cbuf[4]; // size of the page count signal
- if (seq & 1) { // first block
- switch (dataform) {
- case DF_1DMH:
- case DF_2DMR:
- case DF_2DMMR:
- {
- decoderFd[1] = -1;
- initializeDecoder(params);
- setupStartPage(tif, params);
- u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 4864
- recvBuf = NULL; // just count lines, don't save it
- if (pipe(decoderFd) >= 0 && pipe(counterFd) >= 0) {
- setDecoderFd(decoderFd[0]);
- decoderPid = fork();
- switch (decoderPid) {
- case -1: // error
- recvTrace("Could not fork decoding.");
- Sys::close(decoderFd[0]);
- Sys::close(decoderFd[1]);
- Sys::close(counterFd[0]);
- Sys::close(counterFd[1]);
- break;
- case 0: // child
- Sys::close(decoderFd[1]);
- Sys::close(counterFd[0]);
- setIsECM(true); // point decoder to the pipe rather than the modem for data
- if (!EOFraised() && !RTCraised()) {
- for (;;) {
- (void) decodeRow(NULL, rowpixels);
- if (seenRTC()) {
- break;
- }
- recvEOLCount++;
- }
- }
- if (seenRTC()) { // RTC found in data stream
- if (params.df == DF_2DMMR) {
- /*
- * In the case of MMR, it's not really RTC, but EOFB.
- * However, we don't actually *find* EOFB, but rather we
- * wait for the first line decoding error and assume it
- * to be EOFB. This is safe because MMR data after a
- * corrupted line is useless anyway.
- */
- copyQualityTrace("Adjusting for EOFB at row %u", getRTCRow());
- } else
- copyQualityTrace("Adjusting for RTC found at row %u", getRTCRow());
- recvEOLCount = getRTCRow();
- }
- // write the line count to the pipe
- Sys::write(counterFd[1], (const char*) &recvEOLCount, sizeof(recvEOLCount));
- _exit(0);
- default: // parent
- Sys::close(decoderFd[0]);
- Sys::close(counterFd[1]);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- recvTrace("Could not open decoding pipe.");
- }
- }
- break;
- case DF_JBIG:
- {
- setupStartPage(tif, params);
- parseJBIGBIH(buf);
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- parserCount[1] = 0;
- parserCount[2] = 0;
- memset(parserBuf, 0, 16);
- }
- break;
- case JP_GREY+4:
- case JP_COLOR+4:
- recvEOLCount = 0;
- recvRow = (u_char*) malloc(1024*1000); // 1M should do it?
- fxAssert(recvRow != NULL, "page buffering error (JPEG page).");
- recvPageStart = recvRow;
- setupStartPage(tif, params);
- parserCount[0] = 0;
- parserCount[1] = 0;
- parserCount[2] = 0;
- memset(parserBuf, 0, 16);
- break;
- }
- }
- switch (dataform) {
- case DF_1DMH:
- case DF_2DMR:
- case DF_2DMMR:
- {
- if (decoderFd[1] != -1) { // only if pipe succeeded
- for (u_int i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- cbuf[0] = 0x00; // data marker
- cbuf[1] = buf[i];
- Sys::write(decoderFd[1], cbuf, 2);
- }
- }
- if (decoderFd[1] != -1 && seq & 2) { // last block
- cbuf[0] = 0xFF; // this signals...
- cbuf[1] = 0xFF; // ... end of data
- Sys::write(decoderFd[1], cbuf, 2);
- // read the page count from the counter pipe
- Sys::read(counterFd[0], (char*) &recvEOLCount, sizeof(recvEOLCount));
- (void) Sys::waitpid(decoderPid);
- Sys::close(decoderFd[1]);
- Sys::close(counterFd[0]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DF_JBIG:
- case JP_GREY+4:
- case JP_COLOR+4:
- // search for Marker Segments in Image Data
- {
- u_int i = 0;
- if ((dataform == DF_JBIG) && (seq & 1)) i += 20; // skip BIH
- for (; i < cc; i++) {
- if (dataform == DF_JBIG) parseJBIGStream(buf[i]);
- else parseJPEGStream(buf[i]);
- }
- if (dataform == DF_JBIG) clearSDNORMCount();
- }
- break;
- }
- if ( != JP_GREY && != JP_COLOR) {
- flushRawData(tif, 0, (const u_char*) buf, cc, emsg);
- } else {
- memcpy(recvRow, (const char*) buf, cc);
- recvRow += cc;
- }
- if (seq & 2 && ( == JP_GREY || == JP_COLOR)) {
- fixupJPEG(tif, emsg);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Check if the configuration parameters indicate if
- * copy quality checking should be done on recvd pages.
- */
- bool
- FaxModem::checkQuality()
- {
- return (conf.percentGoodLines != 0 && conf.maxConsecutiveBadLines != 0);
- }
- /*
- * Check the statistics accumulated during a page recived
- * against the configuration parameters and return an
- * indication of whether or not the page quality is acceptable.
- */
- bool
- FaxModem::isQualityOK(const Class2Params& params)
- {
- if (conf.percentGoodLines != 0 && recvEOLCount != 0) {
- u_long percent = 100 * (recvEOLCount - recvBadLineCount) / recvEOLCount;
- if (percent < conf.percentGoodLines) {
- serverTrace("RECV: REJECT page quality, %u%% good lines (%u%% required)",
- percent, conf.percentGoodLines);
- return (false);
- }
- }
- u_int cblc = conf.maxConsecutiveBadLines;
- if (cblc != 0) {
- if (params.vr == VR_FINE)
- cblc *= 2;
- if (recvConsecutiveBadLineCount > cblc) {
- serverTrace("RECV: REJECT page quality, %u-line run (max %u)",
- recvConsecutiveBadLineCount, cblc);
- return (false);
- }
- }
- if (recvEOLCount == 0 || recvEOLCount < conf.minAcceptedLineCount) {
- serverTrace("RECV: REJECT page quality, too few scanlines: %u",
- recvEOLCount);
- return (false);
- }
- return (true);
- }
- /*
- * Return the next decoded byte of page data.
- */
- int
- FaxModem::nextByte()
- {
- int b;
- if (getIsECM()) {
- char buf[2];
- decoderFd[0] = getDecoderFd();
- while (Sys::read(decoderFd[0], buf, 2) < 1);
- if (((unsigned) buf[0] & 0xFF) == 0xFF) raiseEOF();
- b = (unsigned) buf[1] & 0xFF;
- } else {
- if (bytePending & 0x100) {
- b = bytePending & 0xff;
- bytePending = 0;
- } else {
- b = getModemDataChar();
- if (b == EOF) {
- raiseEOF();
- }
- }
- if (b == DLE) {
- switch (b = getModemDataChar()) {
- case EOF: raiseEOF();
- case ETX: raiseRTC();
- case DLE: break; // <DLE><DLE> -> <DLE>
- default:
- bytePending = b | 0x100;
- b = DLE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- b = getBitmap()[b];
- if (recvBuf) // record raw data
- recvBuf->put(b);
- return (b);
- }
- u_long FaxModem::getRecvEOLCount() const
- { return recvEOLCount; }
- u_long FaxModem::getRecvBadLineCount() const
- { return recvBadLineCount; }
- u_long FaxModem::getRecvConsecutiveBadLineCount() const
- { return recvConsecutiveBadLineCount; }
- /*
- * Trace a protocol-receive related activity.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::recvTrace(const char* fmt ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- static const fxStr recv("RECV: ");
- server.vtraceStatus(FAXTRACE_PROTOCOL, recv | fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- }
- /*
- * Note an invalid G3 code word.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::invalidCode(const char* type, int x)
- {
- if (!seenRTC())
- copyQualityTrace("Invalid %s code word, row %u, x %d",
- type, getReferenceRow(), x);
- }
- /*
- * Note a row decode that gives the wrong pixel count.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::badPixelCount(const char* type, int got, int expected)
- {
- if (!seenRTC()) {
- copyQualityTrace("Bad %s pixel count, row %u, got %d, expected %d",
- type, getReferenceRow(), got, expected);
- decodedPixels = got;
- }
- }
- void
- FaxModem::badDecodingState(const char* type, int x)
- {
- copyQualityTrace("Panic, bad %s decoding state, row %u, x %d",
- type, getReferenceRow(), x);
- }
- /*
- * Trace a copy quality-reated activity.
- */
- void
- FaxModem::copyQualityTrace(const char* fmt ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- static const fxStr cq("RECV/CQ: ");
- server.vtraceStatus(FAXTRACE_COPYQUALITY, cq | fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- }