- #ifndef _MODULE_DES3_H_
- #define _MODULE_DES3_H_
- /*
- * des3 - NBS Data Encryption Standard Library
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1992,93,94 by SWS. All Rights Reserved.
- * Stefan Wolf Software; Gartenstr 22; D-61449 Steinbach/Ts.
- * FAX: +49 (0) 6171 980483; CI$ Email: 100111,140
- *
- * Synopsis: desinit(key)
- * Description: intializes all arrays and permutation tables for
- * single DES
- * Input: key - 64-bit DES key
- * Output: 0 if OK; >0 if a (semi) weak was selected
- *
- * Synopsis: des3init(key)
- * Description: intializes all arrays and permutation tables for
- * triple DES
- * Input: key - 128-bit DES key
- * Output: 0 if OK; >0 if a (semi) weak was selected
- *
- * Synopsis: ecbXcode(inblock,outblock)
- * Description: encrypts (X=en) or decrypts (X=de) 64-bit inblock to
- * 64-bit outblock using single DES in ECB mode
- * Input: inblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer of input data
- * outblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer for output data
- * Output: 0 if OK
- *
- * Synopsis: ecb3Xcode(inblock,outblock)
- * Description: encrypts (X=en) or decrypts (X=de) 64-bit inblock to
- * 64-bit outblock using triple DES in ECB mode
- * Input: inblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer of input data
- * outblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer for output data
- * Output: 0 if OK
- *
- * Synopsis: cbcXcode(inblock,outblock,ivec)
- * Description: encrypts (X=en) or decrypts (X=de) 64-bit inblock to
- * 64-bit outblock using single DES in CBC mode
- * Input: inblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer of input data
- * outblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer for output data
- * ivec - pointer to 64-bit initilization vector
- * Output: 0 if OK
- *
- * Synopsis: cbc3Xcode(inblock,outblock,ivec)
- * Description: encrypts (X=en) or decrypts (X=de) 64-bit inblock to
- * 64-bit outblock using triple DES in CBC mode
- * Input: inblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer of input data
- * outblock - pointer to 64-bit buffer for output data
- * ivec - pointer to 64-bit initilization vector
- * Output: 0 if OK
- *
- */
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #define WIN16
- #if defined(WIN16)
- #define DECL int far pascal
- #define UCHAR uchar far
- #endif /* WIN16 */
- #if defined(WIN32)
- /* remove pascal for MS VC */
- #define DECL int pascal
- #define UCHAR uchar
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- #if !defined(WIN16) && !defined(WIN32)
- #define DECL int
- #define UCHAR uchar
- #endif /* !WIN16 && !WIN32 */
- DECL desinit(UCHAR *key1);
- DECL ecbencode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock);
- DECL ecbdecode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock);
- DECL cbcencode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock, UCHAR *ivec);
- DECL cbcdecode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock, UCHAR *ivec);
- DECL des3init(UCHAR *key3);
- DECL ecb3encode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock);
- DECL ecb3decode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock);
- DECL cbc3encode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock, UCHAR *ivec);
- DECL cbc3decode(UCHAR *inblock, UCHAR *outblock, UCHAR *ivec);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* _MODULE_DES3_H_ */