- {$R-} // Turn off Range Checking because of ARRAY[0..0] construct below
- unit ImgUtil;
- // The new algorithms are 5 to 8 imes faster (dirty but fast) and they
- // not need so many memory (if the bitmap very large you have a problem ->
- // windows must use the swapfile).
- //{$HINTS OFF}
- interface
- uses Windows, Graphics,math;
- procedure SpiegelnHorizontal (Bitmap:TBitmap);
- procedure SpiegelnVertikal (Bitmap:TBitmap);
- procedure Drehen90Grad (Bitmap:TBitmap);
- procedure Drehen270Grad (Bitmap:TBitmap);
- procedure Drehen180Grad (Bitmap:TBitmap);
- FUNCTION Rotate90(Bitmap:TBitmap): TBitmap;
- procedure ConvertBitmapToGrayscale (const Bmp: TBitmap);
- procedure ChangeTrans(abmp:Tbitmap;colorf:Tcolor);
- function Blend(C1, C2: TColor; W1: Integer): TColor;
- procedure GradFill(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect; ClrTopLeft, ClrBottomRight: TColor; Kind: integer = 1);
- function GetHSV(c:Tcolor):integer;
- implementation
- USES dialogs,
- Classes, // Rect
- SysUtils;
- EBitmapError = CLASS(Exception);
- TRGBArray = ARRAY[0..0] OF TRGBTriple;
- pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
- procedure ConvertBitmapToGrayscale (const Bmp: TBitmap);
- var
- x, y, Gray: Integer;
- Row: PRGBArray;
- begin
- Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
- for y := 0 to Bmp.Height - 1 do
- begin
- Row := Bmp.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to Bmp.Width - 1 do
- begin
- Gray := (Row[x].rgbtRed + Row[x].rgbtGreen + Row[x].rgbtBlue) div 3;
- Row[x].rgbtRed := Gray;
- Row[x].rgbtGreen := Gray;
- Row[x].rgbtBlue := Gray;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ChangeTrans(abmp:Tbitmap;colorf:Tcolor);
- var x, y, Gray: Integer;
- Row: PRGBArray;
- r,g,b:integer;
- begin
- r:=GetRValue(colorf);
- g:=GetGValue(colorf);
- b:=GetBValue(colorf);
- if (abmp.PixelFormat<>pf24bit) then
- abmp.PixelFormat:=pf24bit;
- for y := 0 to aBmp.Height - 1 do begin
- Row := aBmp.ScanLine[y];
- for x := 0 to aBmp.Width - 1 do begin
- if (Row[x].rgbtRed=255) and
- (Row[x].rgbtGreen=0) and
- (Row[x].rgbtBlue =255) then begin
- Row[x].rgbtRed:=r;
- Row[x].rgbtGreen:=g;
- Row[x].rgbtBlue :=b;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SpiegelnHorizontal(Bitmap:TBitmap);
- var i,j,w,n : INTEGER;
- RowIn : pRGBArray;
- RowOut: pRGBArray;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- begin
- temp:=Tbitmap.create;
- temp.Width := Bitmap.Width;
- temp.Height := Bitmap.Height;
- temp.PixelFormat := Bitmap.PixelFormat; // only pf24bit for now
- n:=bitmap.width;
- for j := 0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin
- rowout := temp.Scanline[j];
- rowin := Bitmap.Scanline[j];
- for i := 0 to n-1 do rowout[i] := rowin[n-1-i];
- end;
- bitmap.Assign(temp);
- end;
- procedure SpiegelnVertikal(Bitmap : TBitmap);
- var j,w : INTEGER;
- help : TBitmap;
- begin
- help := TBitmap.Create;
- help.Width := Bitmap.Width;
- help.Height := Bitmap.Height;
- help.PixelFormat := Bitmap.PixelFormat;
- w := Bitmap.Width*sizeof(TRGBTriple);
- for j := 0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do move(Bitmap.Scanline[j]^,Help.Scanline[Bitmap.Height - 1 - j]^,w);
- Bitmap.Assign(help);
- end;
- type THelpRGB = packed record
- rgb : TRGBTriple;
- dummy : byte;
- end;
- procedure Drehen270Grad(Bitmap:TBitmap);
- var aStream : TMemorystream;
- header : TBITMAPINFO;
- dc : hDC;
- P : ^THelpRGB;
- x,y,b,h : Integer;
- RowOut: pRGBArray;
- aStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- aStream.SetSize(Bitmap.Height*Bitmap.Width * 4);
- with header.bmiHeader do begin
- biWidth := Bitmap.Width;
- biHeight := Bitmap.Height;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := 32;
- biCompression := 0;
- biSizeimage := aStream.Size;
- biXPelsPerMeter :=1;
- biYPelsPerMeter :=1;
- biClrUsed :=0;
- biClrImportant :=0;
- end;
- dc := GetDC(0);
- P := aStream.Memory;
- GetDIBits(dc,Bitmap.Handle,0,Bitmap.Height,P,header,dib_RGB_Colors);
- ReleaseDC(0,dc);
- b := bitmap.Height; // rotate
- h := bitmap.Width; // rotate
- bitmap.Width := b;
- bitmap.height := h;
- for y := 0 to (h-1) do begin
- rowOut := Bitmap.ScanLine[(h-1)-y];
- P := aStream.Memory; // reset pointer
- inc(p,y);
- for x := (b-1) downto 0 do begin
- rowout[x] := p^.rgb;
- inc(p,h);
- end;
- end;
- aStream.Free;
- end;
- procedure Drehen90Grad(Bitmap:TBitmap);
- var aStream : TMemorystream;
- header : TBITMAPINFO;
- dc : hDC;
- P : ^THelpRGB;
- x,y,b,h : Integer;
- RowOut: pRGBArray;
- aStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- aStream.SetSize(Bitmap.Height*Bitmap.Width * 4);
- with header.bmiHeader do begin
- biWidth := Bitmap.Width;
- biHeight := Bitmap.Height;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := 32;
- biCompression := 0;
- biSizeimage := aStream.Size;
- biXPelsPerMeter :=1;
- biYPelsPerMeter :=1;
- biClrUsed :=0;
- biClrImportant :=0;
- end;
- dc := GetDC(0);
- P := aStream.Memory;
- GetDIBits(dc,Bitmap.Handle,0,Bitmap.Height,P,header,dib_RGB_Colors);
- ReleaseDC(0,dc);
- b := bitmap.Height; // rotate
- h := bitmap.Width; // rotate
- bitmap.Width := b;
- bitmap.height := h;
- for y := 0 to (h-1) do begin
- rowOut := Bitmap.ScanLine[y];
- P := aStream.Memory; // reset pointer
- inc(p,y);
- for x := 0 to (b-1) do begin
- rowout[x] := p^.rgb;
- inc(p,h);
- end;
- end;
- aStream.Free;
- end;
- procedure Drehen180Grad(Bitmap:TBitmap);
- var i,j : INTEGER;
- rowIn : pRGBArray;
- rowOut: pRGBArray;
- help : TBitmap;
- begin
- help := TBitmap.Create;
- help.Width := Bitmap.Width;
- help.Height := Bitmap.Height;
- help.PixelFormat := Bitmap.PixelFormat; // only pf24bit for now
- FOR j := 0 TO Bitmap.Height - 1 DO BEGIN
- rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j];
- rowOut := help.ScanLine[Bitmap.Height - j - 1];
- FOR i := 0 TO Bitmap.Width - 1 DO rowOut[Bitmap.Width - i - 1] := rowIn[i]
- END;
- bitmap.assign(help);
- end;
- FUNCTION Rotate90(Bitmap:TBitmap): TBitmap;
- VAR i,j : INTEGER;
- rowIn : pRGBArray;
- IF Bitmap.PixelFormat <> pf24bit then
- exit;
- RESULT := TBitmap.Create;
- RESULT.Width := Bitmap.Height;
- RESULT.Height := Bitmap.Width;
- RESULT.PixelFormat := Bitmap.PixelFormat; // only pf24bit for now
- // Out[j, Right - i - 1] = In[i, j]
- FOR j := 0 TO Bitmap.Height - 1 DO BEGIN
- rowIn := Bitmap.ScanLine[j];
- FOR i := 0 TO Bitmap.Width - 1 DO
- pRGBArray(RESULT.ScanLine[Bitmap.Width - i - 1])[j] := rowIn[i]
- END;
- END;
- function Blend(C1, C2: TColor; W1: Integer): TColor;
- var
- W2, A1, A2, D, F, G: Integer;
- begin
- if C1 < 0 then C1 := GetSysColor(C1 and $FF);
- if C2 < 0 then C2 := GetSysColor(C2 and $FF);
- if W1 >= 100 then D := 1000
- else D := 100;
- W2 := D - W1;
- F := D div 2;
- A2 := C2 shr 16 * W2;
- A1 := C1 shr 16 * W1;
- G := (A1 + A2 + F) div D and $FF;
- Result := G shl 16;
- A2 := (C2 shr 8 and $FF) * W2;
- A1 := (C1 shr 8 and $FF) * W1;
- G := (A1 + A2 + F) div D and $FF;
- Result := Result or G shl 8;
- A2 := (C2 and $FF) * W2;
- A1 := (C1 and $FF) * W1;
- G := (A1 + A2 + F) div D and $FF;
- Result := Result or G;
- end;
- const
- type
- PRGBQuad = ^TRGBQuad;
- TRGBQuad = Integer;
- PRGBQuadArray = ^TRGBQuadArray;
- TRGBQuadArray = array [0..0] of TRGBQuad;
- var
- GradientCache: array [0..GRADIENT_CACHE_SIZE] of array of TRGBQuad;
- NextCacheIndex: Integer = 0;
- function FindGradient(Size: Integer; CL, CR: TRGBQuad): Integer;
- begin
- Assert(Size > 0);
- Result := GRADIENT_CACHE_SIZE - 1;
- while Result >= 0 do
- begin
- if (Length(GradientCache[Result]) = Size) and
- (GradientCache[Result][0] = CL) and
- (GradientCache[Result][Length(GradientCache[Result]) - 1] = CR) then Exit;
- Dec(Result);
- end;
- end;
- function MakeGradient(Size: Integer; CL, CR: TRGBQuad): Integer;
- var
- R1, G1, B1: Integer;
- R2, G2, B2: Integer;
- R, G, B: Integer;
- I: Integer;
- Bias: Integer;
- begin
- Assert(Size > 0);
- Result := NextCacheIndex;
- Inc(NextCacheIndex);
- if NextCacheIndex >= GRADIENT_CACHE_SIZE then NextCacheIndex := 0;
- R1 := CL and $FF;
- G1 := CL shr 8 and $FF;
- B1 := CL shr 16 and $FF;
- R2 := CR and $FF - R1;
- G2 := CR shr 8 and $FF - G1;
- B2 := CR shr 16 and $FF - B1;
- SetLength(GradientCache[Result], Size);
- Dec(Size);
- Bias := Size div 2;
- if Size > 0 then
- for I := 0 to Size do
- begin
- R := R1 + (R2 * I + Bias) div Size;
- G := G1 + (G2 * I + Bias) div Size;
- B := B1 + (B2 * I + Bias) div Size;
- GradientCache[Result][I] := R + G shl 8 + B shl 16;
- end
- else
- begin
- R := R1 + R2 div 2;
- G := G1 + G2 div 2;
- B := B1 + B2 div 2;
- GradientCache[Result][0] := R + G shl 8 + B shl 16;
- end;
- end;
- function GetGradient(Size: Integer; CL, CR: TRGBQuad): Integer;
- begin
- Result := FindGradient(Size, CL, CR);
- if Result < 0 then Result := MakeGradient(Size, CL, CR);
- end;
- procedure GradFill(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect; ClrTopLeft, ClrBottomRight: TColor; Kind: integer = 1);
- const
- W: array [0..1] of Integer = (2, 1);
- H: array [0..1] of Integer = (1, 2);
- type
- TriVertex = packed record
- X, Y: Longint;
- R, G, B, A: Word;
- end;
- var
- V: array [0..1] of TriVertex;
- Size, I, Start, Finish: Integer;
- GradIndex: Integer;
- R, CR: TRect;
- Brush: HBRUSH;
- begin
- if not RectVisible(DC, ARect) then Exit;
- ClrTopLeft := ColorToRGB(ClrTopLeft);
- ClrBottomRight := ColorToRGB(ClrBottomRight);
- { Have to do it manually if msimg32.dll is not available }
- GetClipBox(DC, CR);
- if Kind = 0 then begin
- Size := ARect.Right - ARect.Left;
- if Size <= 0 then Exit;
- Start := 0; Finish := Size - 1;
- if CR.Left > ARect.Left then Inc(Start, CR.Left - ARect.Left);
- if CR.Right < ARect.Right then Dec(Finish, ARect.Right - CR.Right);
- R := ARect; Inc(R.Left, Start); R.Right := R.Left + 1;
- end else begin
- Size := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
- if Size <= 0 then Exit;
- Start := 0; Finish := Size - 1;
- if CR.Top > ARect.Top then Inc(Start, CR.Top - ARect.Top);
- if CR.Bottom < ARect.Bottom then Dec(Finish, ARect.Bottom - CR.Bottom);
- R := ARect; Inc(R.Top, Start); R.Bottom := R.Top + 1;
- end;
- GradIndex := GetGradient(Size, ClrTopLeft, ClrBottomRight);
- for I := Start to Finish do begin
- Brush := CreateSolidBrush(GradientCache[GradIndex][I]);
- Windows.FillRect(DC, R, Brush);
- OffsetRect(R, Integer(Kind = 0), Integer(Kind = 1));
- DeleteObject(Brush);
- end;
- end;
- function GetHSV(c:Tcolor):integer;
- var
- Delta: double;
- Min : double;
- R,G,B: integer;
- ss,vv,hh:double;
- H,S,V:Integer;
- begin
- R := C and $FF;
- G := C shr 8 and $FF;
- B := C shr 16 and $FF;
- Min := MinIntValue( [R, G, B] );
- V := MaxIntValue( [R, G, B] );
- Delta := V - Min;
- if V = 0 then ss := 0
- else ss := Delta/V;
- if ss = 0 then hh := 0
- else begin
- if R = V then hh := 60 * (G - B) / Delta
- else if G = V then hh := 120 + 60 * (B - R) / Delta
- else if B = V then hh := 240 + 60 * (R - G) / Delta;
- if hh < 0 then hh := hh + 360;
- end;
- S := round(ss*255);
- H := round(hh*255/360);
- if (r<160) and (g<160) and (b<160) then s:=200;
- result:=s;
- end;
- end.