- unit WinSkinMenu;
- {.$define menutest}
- interface
- uses windows,Messages,SysUtils,Classes,Graphics,
- WinSkinData,controls,Forms;
- const c_menuprop = 'WinSkinPopMenu';
- Type
- TWinSkinPopMenu = class(Tobject)
- protected
- FPrevWndProc: Pointer;
- FObjectInst: Pointer;
- done:boolean;
- procedure WinWndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- procedure Default(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure AddLog(Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMPrint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMPrintClient(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure UpdateMenu(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure NcPaint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMERASEBKGND(var Msg: Tmessage);
- public
- hwnd:Thandle;
- fsd:TSkindata;
- SelIndex:integer;
- MenuBg:Tbitmap;
- hmenu :Hmenu;
- crop:boolean;
- clientRgn : hRgn;
- ownerdraw : boolean;//
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure InitSkin(ahwnd:Thandle;afsd:Tskindata;amenu:Hmenu);
- procedure UnSubClass;
- end;
- var newskinmenu:TWinSkinPopMenu;
- implementation
- uses Winskinform,winskindlg;
- constructor TWinSkinPopMenu.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- SelIndex:=-1;
- MenuBg:=Tbitmap.create;
- hmenu:=0;
- fobjectinst:=nil;
- end;
- destructor TWinSkinPopMenu.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited destroy;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.InitSkin(ahwnd:Thandle;afsd:Tskindata;amenu:Hmenu);
- var rc,r1:Trect;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- begin
- hwnd:=ahwnd;
- fsd:=afsd;
- hmenu:=amenu;
- // SetProp(ahwnd, c_menuprop, Cardinal(self));
- FObjectInst := MakeObjectInstance(WinWndProc);
- FPrevWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FObjectInst));
- // SetProp(ahwnd, MakeIntAtom(ControlAtom), THandle(Self));
- ownerdraw :=false;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.UnSubClass;
- begin
- if fobjectinst<>nil then begin
- if crop then begin
- DeleteObject(clientRgn);
- end;
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FPrevWndProc));
- FreeObjectInstance(FObjectInst);
- // RemoveProp(hwnd, MakeIntAtom(ControlAtom));
- // RemoveProp(hwnd, c_menuprop);
- MenuBg.assign(nil);
- fobjectinst:=nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.AddLog(Msg: TMessage);
- var s:string;
- begin
- s:=MsgtoStr(Msg);
- if s='' then exit;
- if s='' then
- s:=format('%4.0x(%4.0x,%04x,%04x,%04x)',[hwnd,msg.msg,msg.wparam,msg.lparam,msg.result]);
- s:=format('Menu hook:%4x %s',[hwnd,s]);
- fsd.DoDebug(s);
- //skinaddlog(s);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.Default(Var Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FPrevWndProc,hwnd,Msg.msg,msg.WParam,msg.LParam);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WinWndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- var Old: boolean;
- s:string;
- begin
- {$IFDEF menutest}
- addlog(aMsg);
- {$ENDIF}
- if aMsg.Msg=CN_IsSkined then begin
- amsg.result := 1;
- exit;
- end;
- if not then begin
- default(amsg);
- exit;
- end;
- done:=false;
- if aMsg.Msg=WM_DESTROY then begin
- UnSubClass;
- end;
- //create bk in WM_print, ignore WM_ERASEBKGND
- if true then begin
- case aMsg.Msg of
- WM_print: WMPrint(amsg);
- // WM_printclient:WMPrintclient(amsg);
- // WM_Ncpaint: if ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 5) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 1)) or
- // WM_Ncpaint: Ncpaint(amsg);
- WM_Ncpaint: if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) or
- (winversion >= $80000000) then Ncpaint(amsg);
- WM_ERASEBKGND:// amsg.Result:=1;
- if (winversion < $80000000) then WMERASEBKGND(amsg);
- else default(amsg);
- end;
- end else default(amsg);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.UpdateMenu(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc:Trect;
- begin
- if (SelIndex <> msg.wparam) then begin
- // skinaddlog('menu hook: $1e5');
- default(msg);
- GetClientRect(hwnd,rc);
- selindex:=msg.wparam;
- InvalidateRect(hwnd,@rc,FALSE);
- done:=true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMERASEBKGND(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- begin
- if not (xoMenuBG in fsd.Options) then begin
- default(msg);
- end;
- msg.result:=1;
- exit;
- { if (fsd.empty) or(fsd.MenuItemBG=nil)
- or (
- or (not ownerdraw) then begin
- default(msg);
- msg.result:=1;
- exit;
- end; }
- default(msg);
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc);
- r1:=rc;
- OffsetRect(r1,-r1.left,;
- DC := GetWindowDC(hwnd);
- // fsd.DoDebug('***WMERASEBKGND');
- if MenuBg.empty then begin
- temp:=GetHMap(r1,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- MenuBg.assign(temp);
- end;
- if hmenu=0 then newskinmenu:=self;
- // BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- // MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- // DrawRect2(msg.wParam,rc,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,
- // 0,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- BitBlt(DC,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- msg.result:=1;
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMPrint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- clientRgn : hRgn;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- begin
- if fsd.empty or (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then begin
- default(msg);
- exit;
- end;
- // default(msg);
- if hmenu=0 then newskinmenu:=self;
- if GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc) then begin
- OffsetRect(rc,-rc.left,;
- r1:=rc;
- InflateRect(r1,-3,-3);
- clientRgn :=CreateRectRgn(r1.left,,r1.right,r1.bottom);
- temp:=GetHMap(rc,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- MenuBg.assign(temp);
- SetBkMode(temp.canvas.handle,TRANSPARENT);
- SelectClipRgn(temp.canvas.handle, clientRgn);
- msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FPrevWndProc,hwnd,Msg.msg,temp.canvas.handle,msg.LParam);
- SelectClipRgn(temp.canvas.handle, 0);
- BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- temp.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- DeleteObject(clientRgn);
- end else default(msg);
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMPrint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- clientRgn : hRgn;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- OldMode: integer;
- begin
- if fsd.empty or (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then begin
- default(msg);
- exit;
- end;
- // default(msg);
- if hmenu=0 then newskinmenu:=self;
- if GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc) then begin
- OffsetRect(rc,-rc.left,;
- r1:=rc;
- InflateRect(r1,-3,-3);
- clientRgn :=CreateRectRgn(r1.left,,r1.right,r1.bottom);
- temp:=GetHMap(rc,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- MenuBg.assign(temp);
- BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- OldMode := SetBkMode(msg.wparam, TRANSPARENT);
- SelectClipRgn(msg.wParam, clientRgn);
- msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FPrevWndProc,hwnd,Msg.msg,msg.wparam,msg.LParam);
- SelectClipRgn(msg.wParam, 0);
- DeleteObject(clientRgn);
- SetBkMode(msg.wparam, OldMode);
- end else default(msg);
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMPrint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- clientRgn : hRgn;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- OldMode: integer;
- begin
- if fsd.empty or (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then begin
- default(msg);
- exit;
- end;
- if hmenu=0 then newskinmenu:=self;
- if GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc) then begin
- OffsetRect(rc,-rc.left,;
- r1:=rc;
- InflateRect(r1,-3,-3);
- temp:=GetHMap(rc,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- MenuBg.assign(temp);
- default(msg);
- if ownerdraw then begin
- ExcludeClipRect(msg.wParam,rc.left+3,,rc.right-3,rc.bottom-3);
- BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- SelectClipRgn(msg.wParam, 0);
- end;
- end else default(msg);
- end;}
- {procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMPrint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- clientRgn : hRgn;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- begin
- if fsd.empty then exit;
- if (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then exit;
- // default(msg);
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc);
- OffsetRect(rc,-rc.left,;
- r1:=rc;
- InflateRect(r1,-3,-3);
- clientRgn :=CreateRectRgn(r1.left,,r1.right,r1.bottom);
- temp:=GetHMap(rc,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- MenuBg.assign(temp);
- if hmenu=0 then newskinmenu:=self;
- temp:=Tbitmap.create;
- temp.width:=rc.right;
- temp.height:=rc.bottom;
- temp.canvas.brush.color:=clFuchsia;
- temp.canvas.fillrect(rc);
- // BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- // MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- SelectClipRgn(temp.canvas.handle, clientRgn);
- // msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FPrevWndProc,hwnd,Msg.msg,msg.wparam,msg.LParam);
- msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FPrevWndProc,hwnd,Msg.msg,temp.canvas.handle,msg.LParam);
- BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- temp.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- SelectClipRgn(temp.canvas.handle, 0);
- DeleteObject(clientRgn);
- done:=true;
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.NcPaint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- clientRgn : hRgn;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- begin
- if fsd.empty or (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then begin
- default(msg);
- exit;
- end;
- if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 5) and (Win32MinorVersion > 1) then
- Dc := GetWindowDC(hwnd)
- else
- Dc := GetDCEx(hwnd, msg.WParam, DCX_WINDOW or DCX_INTERSECTRGN or $10000 );
- // Dc := GetDCEx(hwnd, msg.WParam, DCX_WINDOW or DCX_INTERSECTRGN or $10000 );
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc);
- r1:=rc;
- InflateRect(r1,-3,-3);
- OffsetRect(rc,-rc.left,;
- temp:=GetHMap(rc,,fsd.MenuItemBG.r,1,1,fsd.MenuItemBG.Tile);
- MenuBg.assign(temp);
- if hmenu=0 then newskinmenu:=self;
- BitBlt(dc,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- StretchBlt(dc,rc.left ,rc.bottom-3,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,rc.left ,rc.bottom-3,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom,Srccopy);
- StretchBlt(dc,rc.left,,rc.left+3,rc.bottom-3,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle,rc.left,,rc.left+3,rc.bottom-3,Srccopy);
- StretchBlt(dc,rc.right-3,,rc.right,rc.bottom,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,rc.right-3,,rc.right,rc.bottom,Srccopy);
- BitBlt(dc,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- // fsd.DoDebug(format('NCPaint %1d %1d',[rc.right,rc.bottom]));
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, DC);
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMPrintClient(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- temp:Tbitmap;
- c:Tcolor;
- begin
- if fsd.empty then exit;
- if (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then exit;
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc);
- InflateRect(rc,-3,-3);
- OffsetRect(rc,-rc.left,;
- temp:=Tbitmap.create;
- temp.width:=rc.right;
- temp.height:=rc.bottom;
- c:=GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU);
- temp.canvas.brush.color:=c;
- SetBkMode(temp.canvas.handle,TRANSPARENT);
- temp.canvas.fillrect(rc);
- msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FPrevWndProc,hwnd,Msg.msg,temp.canvas.handle,msg.LParam);
- DrawTranmap(msg.wParam,rc,temp,c);
- done:=true;
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinPopMenu.WMPrintClient(var Msg: Tmessage);
- var rc, R1: TRect;
- DC: HDC;
- c:Tcolor;
- begin
- default(msg);
- if fsd.empty then exit;
- if (fsd.MenuItemBG=nil) or ( then exit;
- if GetWindowRect(hwnd, rc) then begin
- ExcludeClipRect(msg.wParam,rc.left+3,,rc.right-3,rc.bottom-3);
- BitBlt(msg.wParam,rc.left ,,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.Top,
- MenuBg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,Srccopy);
- SelectClipRgn(msg.wParam, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end.