- Unit WinSkinForm;
- {$I Compilers.Inc}
- {$IFDEF demo}
- {.$define test}
- {$ELSE}
- {.$define test}
- {$ENDIF}
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- ExtCtrls,StdCtrls,ComCtrls,Menus,Buttons,ImgList,grids,commctrl,
- WinSkinData,winsubclass,Consts,typinfo;
- const
- CN_FormUPdate = WM_USER + $3102;
- CN_NewForm = WM_USER + $3103;
- CN_IsSkined = WM_USER + $3123;
- CN_NewMDIChild = WM_USER + $3116;
- CN_ReCreateWnd = WM_USER + $3117;
- CN_MenuSelect = WM_USER + $3118;
- cKey1 = 27969;
- cKey2 = 380323;
- Max_MenuitemID=$1000;
- c_demo : Array[0..12] of char =
- (#$0ca, #$33, #$70, #$30, #$0f1, #$9a,
- #$01, #$65, #$0e9, #$32, #$0dc, #$82,#$4f);
- type
- TWinSkinForm = class;
- TWinSkinSpy = class;
- hdr : NMHDR;
- dwDrawStage :DWORD;
- hdc : HDC ;
- rc : TRect;
- uItem :UINT ;
- uState :UINT ;
- nBar : UINT ;
- end;
- TNCObject = class(Tobject)
- private
- public
- SF: TWinSkinForm;
- fsd : TSkinData;
- bounds : Trect;
- visible:boolean;
- state : integer;
- enabled : boolean;
- procedure MouseDown; virtual;
- procedure MouseUp; virtual;
- procedure MouseEnter; virtual;
- procedure MouseLeave; virtual;
- procedure Draw;virtual;
- end;
- TMenuBtn = class(TNCObject)
- private
- public
- menuitem: Tmenuitem;
- FSD : TSkinData;
- index: integer;
- caption :widestring;
- enabled:boolean;
- hsubmenu:Hmenu;
- mid: integer;
- procedure draw;override;
- end;
- TWinSysButton = class(TNCObject)
- private
- public
- data : TDataSkinSysButton;
- procedure draw;override;
- end;
- TWinSkinMenu = class(TComponent)
- private
- procedure Copymenu(source,dst:Hmenu);
- public
- Buttons: array of TMenuBtn;
- menu: Tmainmenu;
- Bar : Trect;
- FSD : TSkinData;
- SF : TWinSkinForm;
- bkmap : Tbitmap;
- count:integer;
- topmenu:boolean;
- hmenu:HMenu;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure UpdataBtn;
- procedure UpdataBtn1;
- procedure UpdataBtn2(newmenu:Thandle);
- procedure UpdataBtn3;
- procedure DrawMenu(dc:HDC;rc:TRect);
- function FindBtn(p:Tpoint):TNcobject;
- procedure MouseMove(p:Tpoint);
- procedure SetMenuRect;
- end;
- TSkinFormStyle = (sfsNormal,sfsMDIform,sfsMDIChild,sfsChild);
- TSkinFormBorder = (sbsSizeable,sbsSingle,sbsNone,sbsDialog);
- TSkinWindowState = (swsNormal,swsMax,swsMin);
- TSkinFormIcon = (sbiMax,sbiMin,sbiHelp,sbisystem,sbicaption);
- TSkinFormIcons = set of TSkinFormIcon;
- TWinSkinForm = class(TComponent)
- private
- done,done2 : boolean;
- OldWndProc: TWndMethod;
- FPrevWndProc: Pointer;
- FObjectInst: Pointer;
- FMDIWndProc: Pointer;
- FMDIObjectInst: Pointer;
- CaptionFont: Tfont;
- FActive: boolean;
- BorderIcons:TBorderIcons;
- FOverrideOwnerDraw: boolean;
- timer:TTimer;
- bstr,astr:widestring;
- classname:string;
- hassysbtn,menuauto,sMainMenu:boolean;
- fClientRect:TRect;
- msglock:integer;
- poptime : dword;
- DoubleTime : integer;
- charwidth:integer;
- parenthwnd:Thandle;
- DefIcon: HIcon;
- Iconx : integer;
- procedure GetIcon(var bmp:Tbitmap);
- procedure DeleteControls;
- procedure SetActive(const Value: boolean);
- procedure WinWndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- procedure NewWndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- procedure Default(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMActive(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCCalcSize(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCActive(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCPaint(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCMouseMove(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCLButtonDown(var Msg:TMessage);
- procedure WMNCLBUTTONDBLCLK(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCLButtonUp(var Msg:TMessage);
- procedure WMNCRButtonUp(var Msg:TMessage);
- procedure WMMouseMove(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMNCHitTest(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMSysCommand(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMCommand(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMINITMENU(hm:Hmenu);
- procedure WMMEASUREITEM(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMMEASUREITEMH(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMDRAWITEM(var Msg: Tmessage);
- // procedure WMPaint(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMERASEBKGND(var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMSize(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure CMDialogChar(var Message: TMessage);
- procedure WMCtlcolor(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMWINDOWPOSCHANGED(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMWindowPosChanging(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMMDIACTIVATE(var aMsg: TMessage);
- procedure WMMDIACTIVATE2(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure WMMDITile(var aMsg: TMessage);
- procedure WMReCreateWnd(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure DrawLine(acanvas:Tcanvas;rc:TRect);
- procedure CreateCaptionFont;
- procedure Drawborder(n:integer;Rc:Trect;dc:HDC);
- procedure SetSysbtnRect;
- procedure DrawAllSysbtn(acanvas:Tcanvas;rc:TRect);
- procedure DrawMin(dc:HDC);
- function SysBtnVisible(i:integer):boolean;
- function FindBtn(Point: TPoint): TNcobject;
- function GetWinXY(x,y:Smallint):Tpoint;
- procedure SysBtnAction(x,y:smallint);
- // procedure UpdateNc;
- // procedure UpdateNc(Rgn: HRgn=1);
- procedure UpdateNc(adc:HDC=0);
- procedure DrawFLine(dc:HDC);
- procedure ToolBarDrawButton(Sender: TToolBar;
- Button: TToolButton; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean);
- procedure ToolBarDrawBackground(Sender: TToolBar; const ARect: TRect; var DefaultDraw: Boolean);
- procedure MeasureItemPop(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
- var Width, Height: Integer);
- function GetMenuBG:Tbitmap;
- procedure DrawMenuCaption(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- procedure WMDrawMenuitem(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure WMDrawMenuitemH(var Msg: Tmessage);
- procedure DrawHMenuItem2(Amenu:Hmenu;Sender:TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- Selected: Boolean);
- function CreateMenuItem(amenu:Hmenu;aid:integer):Tmenuitem;
- procedure DefaultMenuItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- Selected: Boolean);
- procedure DrawItemText(Item:TMenuitem;ACanvas: TCanvas;
- ARect: TRect;Selected:boolean);
- procedure DoDrawText(item:Tmenuitem;ACanvas: TCanvas; const ACaption: widestring;
- var Rect: TRect; Selected: Boolean; Flags: Longint);
- procedure OnTimer(Sender: TObject);
- // procedure ClearTempMenu;
- procedure CancelMenu;
- function FindButtonFromAccel(Accel: Word): TMenuBtn;
- procedure CreateSysmenu;
- procedure CreateSysmenu2;
- procedure DoSysMenu(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DoSysMenu2(Sender: TObject);
- function IsScrollControl(acontrol:TComponent):boolean;
- procedure KeepClient;
- procedure SelectMDIform(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ChangeMDIStyle;
- function Lookupcontrol(ahwnd:Thandle):Tskincontrol;
- procedure GetWindowstate;
- procedure GetFormstyle;
- procedure PopSysmenu(p:Tpoint);
- procedure MDIChildAction(const action:Integer);
- procedure UnSubclassMDI;
- procedure SubclassMDI;
- procedure WinMDIProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- procedure DefaultMDI(Var Msg: TMessage);
- procedure DeleteSkinDeleted;
- procedure InitToolbarMenu(Item: TMenuItem;enable:boolean);
- procedure DrawIcon(dc:HDC;rc:Trect);
- procedure AfterSkin;
- procedure DoSkinEdit(aEdit: Twincontrol);
- procedure GetBorderSize;
- procedure UpdateStyle(b:boolean);
- procedure DisableControl(Comp: TControl);
- function CheckSysmenu:boolean;
- procedure MenuSelect(var Msg:TMessage);
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure StopUpdate;
- procedure InitSkin(afsd:Tskindata);
- function GetSysBtnHint(i:integer):string;
- protected
- caption : widestring;
- bw,wTr,ctr,oldsize : TRect;
- MenuHeight,BtnCount : integer;
- fInMenu,Creating,bidileft :boolean;
- fSizeable,fMaxable,fminable:boolean;
- isunicode,ismessagebox:boolean;
- ischildform:boolean;
- // FTempMenu :Tpopupmenu;
- // FButtonMenu : Tmenuitem;
- backstr:string;
- sysmenu:TPopupmenu;
- ClientHwnd,NewChildHwnd : Thandle;
- hmenu,hsysmenu,tempmenu,activemenu:hmenu;
- formcolor:Tcolor;
- dwstyle:dword;
- RightBtn:integer;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure DrawSysbtn(btn:TWinsysButton;i:integer);
- procedure ResizeForm(i:integer);
- function FindSkinComp(acomp:Tcontrol):boolean;
- function FindSkinComp2(ctrl:Twincontrol):boolean;
- procedure InitControlA(wForm: TWinControl);
- procedure InitChildCtrl(wForm: TWinControl);
- function Find3rdControl(aname:string;comp:Twincontrol):boolean;
- procedure HintReset();
- public
- ActiveBtn : TNCObject;
- crop: boolean;
- WinRgn : THandle;
- FForm: TForm;
- Hwnd : Thandle;
- fCanvas,fcanvas2: TCanvas;
- fsd : TSkinData;
- menu :TWinSkinMenu;
- SysBtn : array of TWinSysButton;
- IconBmp:Tbitmap;
- CaptionBuf:Tbitmap;
- Controllist:Tlist;
- fwidth,fheight:integer;
- crwidth,crheight:integer;
- FWindowActive : boolean;
- FormStyle: TSkinFormStyle;
- FormBorder: TSkinFormBorder ;
- FormIcons: TSkinFormIcons;
- Windowstate: TSkinWindowState;
- Skinstate:integer;
- Activeskincontrol:Tskincontrol;
- mode:integer;
- formclass:string;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Refresh;
- procedure Minimize;
- procedure Maximize;
- procedure Restore;
- procedure RestoreMDI;
- // property Form: TForm read FForm write fform;
- procedure UnSubclass;
- procedure UnSubclass2;
- procedure UnSubclass3;
- function CheckMenu(Button: TMenuBtn): Boolean;
- function MDIChildMax:boolean;
- procedure ClickButton(Button: TMenuBtn);
- procedure getClipMap(fbmp:Tbitmap);
- procedure doLog(msg:string);
- procedure InitPopMenu(wForm: TWinControl; Enable, Update: boolean );
- procedure InitMainMenu(wForm: TWinControl; Enable, Update: boolean );
- property Active: boolean read FActive write setactive;
- procedure SkinChange;
- procedure AddSysMenuitem(acaption:string;action:integer);
- procedure EnableSysbtn(b:boolean);
- procedure Uncropwindow;
- procedure Cropwindow;
- procedure InitTform(afsd:Tskindata;aform:Tform);
- procedure InitControls(wForm: TWinControl);
- procedure AddComp(Comp: TControl;wForm: TWinControl);
- procedure InitNestform(wForm: Twincontrol);
- procedure RePaint(ahwnd:Thandle);
- procedure InitSkinData;
- procedure UpdateMainMenu;
- procedure DeleteSysbtn;
- function AddControlList(acontrol:TSkinControl):boolean;
- procedure AddControlh(ahwnd :HWND);
- procedure InitHwndControls(ahwnd:Thandle);
- procedure DeleteControl(c:TSkinControl);
- procedure DrawMenuItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
- Selected: Boolean);
- procedure MeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
- var Width, Height: Integer);
- procedure InitDlg(afsd:Tskindata);
- published
- end;
- TWinSkinSpy = class(TComponent)
- protected
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- public
- sf:TWinskinform;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- procedure Bitmapdraw(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap);
- procedure DrawBGbmp(acanvas:Tcanvas;Dst:Trect;Bitmap:TBitmap;SrcRect: TRect);
- function BitmapToRegion(bmp: TBitmap; xx,yy:integer;TransparentColor: TColor=clFuchsia;
- RedTol: Byte=1; GreenTol: Byte=1; BlueTol: Byte=1): HRGN;
- procedure DrawRect1(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;I,N:integer;Trans:integer=0);
- procedure DrawRect2(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src: TRect;I,N:integer;
- Trans:integer=0;Tile:integer=0;Spliter:integer=0);
- procedure DrawRect3(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;I,N:integer;Trans:integer=0);
- //procedure DrawRectTile(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src: TRect;I,N:integer;
- // Trans:integer=0;Spliter:integer=1);
- procedure DrawRectTile(acanvas:Tcanvas;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src: TRect;I,N:integer;
- Trans:integer=0;Spliter:integer=1);
- //procedure DrawTranmap(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;temp:TBitmap);
- procedure DrawTranmap(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;temp:TBitmap;transcolor:Tcolor=clFuchsia);
- {function TransparentStretchBlt(DstDC: HDC; DstX, DstY, DstW, DstH: Integer;
- SrcDC: HDC; SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH: Integer; MaskDC: HDC; MaskX,
- MaskY: Integer): Boolean;}
- function GetHMap(Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src:TRect;I,N:integer;
- Tile:integer=0;Spliter:integer=0):Tbitmap;
- function GetThumbMap(Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src:TRect;I,N:integer;
- Tile:integer=0;Spliter:integer=0):Tbitmap;
- procedure DrawBorder(Dc:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src:TRect;I,N:integer;
- Tile:integer=0;Spliter:integer=0);
- procedure DrawRectH(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src:TRect;I,N:integer;
- Tile:integer=0;Spliter:integer=0);
- procedure DrawRectV(DC:HDC;Dst:Trect;Bmp:TBitmap;Src:TRect;I,N:integer;
- Tile:integer=0;Spliter:integer=0);
- function Max(const A, B: Integer): Integer;
- function Min(const A, B: Integer): Integer;
- function MsgtoStr(aMsg: TMessage):string;
- procedure SkinAddLog(msg:string);
- function GetWindowClassname(ahwnd:Thandle):string;
- function CopyHMenu(amenu:Hmenu):Hmenu;
- procedure DeleteHMenu(amenu:Hmenu);
- function EnumControl(ahwnd :HWND;lParam: LPARAM):boolean;stdcall;
- procedure DrawParentImage( Control: TControl; DC: HDC; InvalidateParent: Boolean = False );
- function GetFormCaptionA(ahwnd:Thandle):string;
- function GetFormCaption(ahwnd:Thandle):widestring;
- function GetFormText(ahwnd:Thandle):string;
- //function SBCustomDraw(sb:Tskinscrollbar;PDraw:pNMCSBCUSTOMDRAW):integer;
- //procedure SetProperty(control: TObject;aprop,value:string);
- var WinVersion : Cardinal;
- BG : TBitmap;
- Logstring :Tstringlist;
- SkinCanLog:boolean;
- implementation
- //uses winsubclass;
- uses WinSkinDlg,winskinmenu;
- {$R vclskin.res}
- procedure TNCObject.MouseDown;
- begin
- if (sf.activebtn<>nil) and (sf.activebtn<>self) then
- sf.activebtn.mouseleave;
- if visible then begin
- sf.activebtn:=self;
- state:=2;
- draw;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNCObject.MouseUp;
- begin
- if visible then begin
- state:=3;
- draw;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNCObject.MouseEnter;
- var b:boolean;
- begin
- // if not sf.timer.enabled then sf.timer.enabled:=true;
- b:=false;
- if (sf.activebtn<>nil) then begin
- if (sf.activebtn<>self) then begin
- sf.activebtn.mouseleave;
- b:=true;
- end;
- end else b:=true;
- if b and visible then begin
- sf.activebtn:=self;
- state:=3;
- draw;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNCObject.MouseLeave;
- begin
- if visible then begin
- sf.activebtn:=nil;
- state:=1;
- draw;
- sf.HintReset();
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNCObject.Draw;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TWinSysButton.Draw;
- begin
- sf.drawsysbtn(self,state);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.UpdataBtn1;
- var i,n:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- newmenu:Thandle;
- begin
- newmenu := getmenu(sf.hwnd);
- if newmenu<>0 then hmenu := newmenu;
- if hmenu = 0 then exit;
- if sf.FForm<>nil then begin
- if sf.FForm.Menu=nil then exit;
- menu:=sf.FForm.Menu;
- end;
- for i:= 0 to high(Buttons) do Buttons[i].free;
- setlength(buttons,menu.Items.Count);
- count:=menu.Items.count;
- for i:= 0 to menu.Items.Count-1 do begin
- item := menu.Items[i];
- buttons[i]:=TMenuBtn.create;
- buttons[i].fsd:=fsd;
- buttons[i].sf:=sf;
- buttons[i].index:= i;
- buttons[i].visible:= item.visible;
- buttons[i].enabled:= item.Enabled;
- buttons[i].mid:= item.Command;
- // buttons[i].caption:= item.Caption;
- buttons[i].caption:=GetStringProp(item,'Caption');
- buttons[i].menuitem:= item;
- if item.count>0 then
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=item.Handle
- else
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=0;
- inc(n);
- end;
- SetMenu(sf.hwnd, 0);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.UpdataBtn;
- var i,n,j:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- newmenu:Thandle;
- b:boolean;
- begin
- b:= (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion <5);
- // b:= b or (winversion >= $80000000);
- b:=b or ((Win32MajorVersion=4) and (Win32MinorVersion=0));
- if b then begin
- updatabtn1;
- exit;
- end;
- newmenu := getmenu(sf.hwnd);
- if newmenu<>0 then hmenu := newmenu;
- if hmenu = 0 then exit;
- if sf.FForm<>nil then begin
- if sf.FForm.Menu=nil then exit;
- menu:=sf.FForm.Menu;
- end;
- // fsd.DoDebug('UpdataBtn');
- for i:= 0 to high(Buttons) do Buttons[i].free;
- count:= GetMenuItemCount(hmenu);
- if count<=0 then exit;
- setlength(buttons,count);
- for i:= 0 to count-1 do begin
- mi.cbSize:= sizeof(TMENUITEMINFO);
- fillchar(buffer,sizeof(buffer),#0);
- mi.dwTypeData := Buffer;
- Mi.cch := SizeOf(Buffer);
- GetMenuItemInfo(hmenu, i, TRUE, mi);
- buttons[i]:=TMenuBtn.create;
- buttons[i].fsd:=fsd;
- buttons[i].sf:=sf;
- buttons[i].index:= i;
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=mi.hSubMenu;
- buttons[i].enabled:= (mi.fState and MFS_DISABLED)=0;
- buttons[i].visible:= true;
- buttons[i].mid:=mi.wid;
- buttons[i].caption:= buffer;
- inc(n);
- //fsd.DoDebug(inttostr(mi.wid));
- //if (buttons[i].caption='') then begin
- Item := menu.FindItem(mi.wID,fkCommand);
- if item<>nil then begin
- if Assigned(item.Action) then item.Action.Update;
- buttons[i].caption:=GetStringProp(item,'Caption');
- buttons[i].enabled:= item.Enabled;
- buttons[i].menuitem:=item;
- if item.count>0 then
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=item.Handle
- else
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=0;
- end;
- //end;
- end;
- SetMenu(sf.hwnd, 0);
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinMenu.UpdataBtn1;
- var i,n:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- newmenu:Thandle;
- begin
- newmenu := getmenu(sf.hwnd);
- if newmenu<>0 then hmenu := newmenu;
- if hmenu = 0 then exit;
- for i:= 0 to high(Buttons) do Buttons[i].free;
- count:= GetMenuItemCount(hmenu);
- if count<=0 then exit;
- setlength(buttons,count);
- for i:= 0 to count-1 do begin
- mi.cbSize:= sizeof(TMENUITEMINFO);
- fillchar(buffer,sizeof(buffer),#0);
- mi.dwTypeData := Buffer;
- Mi.cch := SizeOf(Buffer);
- GetMenuItemInfo(hmenu, i, TRUE, mi);
- buttons[i]:=TMenuBtn.create;
- buttons[i].fsd:=fsd;
- buttons[i].sf:=sf;
- buttons[i].index:= i;
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=mi.hSubMenu;
- buttons[i].enabled:= (mi.fState and MFS_DISABLED)=0;
- buttons[i].visible:= true;
- buttons[i].mid:=mi.wid;
- buttons[i].caption:= buffer;
- inc(n);
- if (buttons[i].caption='') and (menu<>nil)
- and (i<menu.items.Count) then begin
- Item := menu.items[i];
- if item<>nil then begin
- if Assigned(item.Action) then item.Action.Update;
- buttons[i].caption:= item.caption;
- buttons[i].enabled:= item.Enabled;
- buttons[i].mid:=GetMenuItemID(hmenu,i);
- if item.count>0 then
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=item.Handle
- else
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- SetMenu(sf.hwnd, 0);
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.UpdataBtn3;
- var i,n:integer;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- newmenu:Thandle;
- begin
- newmenu := getmenu(sf.hwnd);
- if newmenu<>0 then hmenu := newmenu;
- for i:= 0 to high(Buttons) do Buttons[i].free;
- count:= menu.items.Count;
- if count<=0 then exit;
- setlength(buttons,count);
- for i:= 0 to count-1 do begin
- buttons[i]:=TMenuBtn.create;
- inc(n);
- Item := menu.items[i];
- if Assigned(item.Action) then item.Action.Update;
- buttons[i].caption:= item.caption;
- buttons[i].enabled:= item.Enabled;
- buttons[i].visible:= item.visible;
- buttons[i].mid:=item.Command;
- buttons[i].fsd:=fsd;
- buttons[i].sf:=sf;
- buttons[i].index:= i;
- if item.count>0 then
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=item.Handle
- else
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=0;
- end;
- SetMenu(sf.hwnd, 0);
- sf.activebtn:=nil;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.UpdataBtn2(newmenu:Thandle);
- var i,n,j:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- begin
- newmenu := getmenu(sf.hwnd);
- if newmenu<>0 then hmenu := newmenu;
- if hmenu = 0 then exit;
- if sf.FForm<>nil then begin
- if sf.FForm.Menu=nil then exit;
- menu:=sf.FForm.Menu;
- end;
- // fsd.DoDebug('UpdataBtn2');
- for i:= 0 to high(Buttons) do Buttons[i].free;
- count:= GetMenuItemCount(hmenu);
- if count<=0 then exit;
- setlength(buttons,count);
- for i:= 0 to count-1 do begin
- mi.cbSize:= sizeof(TMENUITEMINFO);
- fillchar(buffer,sizeof(buffer),#0);
- mi.dwTypeData := Buffer;
- Mi.cch := SizeOf(Buffer);
- GetMenuItemInfo(hmenu, i, TRUE, mi);
- buttons[i]:=TMenuBtn.create;
- buttons[i].fsd:=fsd;
- buttons[i].sf:=sf;
- buttons[i].index:= i;
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=mi.hSubMenu;
- buttons[i].enabled:= (mi.fState and MFS_DISABLED)=0;
- buttons[i].visible:= true;
- buttons[i].mid:=mi.wid;
- buttons[i].caption:= buffer;
- inc(n);
- if (buttons[i].caption='') then begin
- Item := menu.FindItem(mi.wID,fkCommand);
- if item<>nil then begin
- if Assigned(item.Action) then item.Action.Update;
- buttons[i].caption:= item.caption;
- buttons[i].enabled:= item.Enabled;
- buttons[i].mid:=item.Command;
- if item.count>0 then
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=item.Handle
- else
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- SetMenu(sf.hwnd, 0);
- SetMenuRect();
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinMenu.UpdataBtn;
- var i:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- begin
- hmenu:= getmenu(sf.hwnd);
- for i:= 0 to high(Buttons) do Buttons[i].free;
- count:= GetMenuItemCount(hmenu);
- if count=0 then exit;
- setlength(buttons,count);
- for i:= 0 to count-1 do begin
- buttons[i]:=TMenuBtn.create;
- buttons[i].fsd:=fsd;
- buttons[i].sf:=sf;
- buttons[i].index:= i;
- GetMenuString(hmenu,i,buffer,sizeof(buffer),MF_BYPOSITION);
- buttons[i].caption:= buffer;
- mi.cbSize:= sizeof(TMENUITEMINFO);
- // mi.fMask := MIIM_TYPE;
- mi.fType := MFT_STRING;
- fillchar(buffer,sizeof(buffer),#0);
- mi.dwTypeData := Buffer;
- Mi.cch := SizeOf(Buffer);
- GetMenuItemInfo(hmenu, i, TRUE, mi);
- // if mi.ftype=MFT_STRING then begin
- buttons[i].caption:= buffer;
- buttons[i].hsubmenu:=mi.hSubMenu;
- buttons[i].enabled:= (mi.fState and MFS_DISABLED)=0;
- buttons[i].visible:= true;
- // end;
- end;
- SetMenu(sf.hwnd, 0);
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.Copymenu(source,dst:Hmenu);
- var i,n,aid:integer;
- begin
- n:= GetMenuItemCount(source);
- for i:=0 to n-1 do begin
- aid:=GetMenuItemID(source, i);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TWinSkinMenu.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited create(AOwner);
- bkmap:=Tbitmap.create;
- end;
- destructor TWinSkinMenu.Destroy;
- var i:integer;
- begin
- for i:= 0 to length(Buttons)-1 do Buttons[i].free;
- setlength(Buttons,0);
- inherited destroy;
- end;
- type
- TMenuItemAccess = class(TMenuItem);
- TACControl = class(TControl);
- TACWinControl = class(TWinControl);
- TACGrid = class(TCustomGrid);
- TACBitmap = class(TBitmap);
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.DrawMenu(dc:HDC;rc:TRect);
- var i,w,h,x: integer;
- r,r1:Trect;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- btn:Tmenubtn;
- rightmargin:integer;
- begin
- // fsd.DoDebug('DrawMenu');
- r1:=rc;
- offsetrect(rc,-rc.left,;
- bg.width:=rc.right;
- bg.height:=rc.bottom;
- if fsd.menubar=nil then begin
- bg.canvas.brush.color:=fsd.colors[csMenuBar];
- bg.canvas.fillrect(rc);
- x:=6;
- end else begin
- if sf.FWindowActive then i:=1
- else i:=2;
- // DrawRect2(acanvas.handle,rc,,fsd.menubar.r,1,2,0,0,1);
- if fsd.menubar.tile=1 then
- DrawRect2(bg.canvas.handle,rc,,fsd.menubar.r,i,2,0,0,1)
- else
- DrawRectTile(bg.canvas,rc,,fsd.menubar.r,i,2);
- if Menu.IsRightToLeft then
- x:=8+fsd.menubar.r.right
- else
- x:=4+fsd.menubar.r.left;
- if x>rc.right then x:=12;
- end;
- //save bar map;
- bar:=r1;
- bkmap.assign(bg);
- bg.canvas.Font := Screen.MenuFont;
- bg.canvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csMenuBarText];
- bsclear;
- SetBkMode(bg.Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- topmenu:=true;
- if Menu.IsRightToLeft then begin
- //bidi righttoleft
- x:= rc.Right-x;
- if (sf.FormStyle=sfsMDIForm) and sf.MDIChildMax then begin
- for i:= 0 to high(sf.sysbtn) do
- if (sf.sysbtn[i].data.Visibility=100) and
- (not sf.sysbtn[i] then begin
- r:= sf.sysbtn[i].bounds;
- if x>(r.Left-5) then x:=(r.Left-5);
- end;
- end;
- for i:= 0 to high(buttons) do begin
- btn:=buttons[i];
- if not btn.visible then begin
- btn.bounds:=rect(0,0,0,0);
- continue;
- end;
- r := r1;
- Tnt_DrawTextW(bg.Canvas.Handle, btn.caption,r,DT_Left or DT_CALCRECT or DT_NOCLIP);
- w:= r.Right-r.left;
- // w:= bg.canvas.TextWidth(btn.caption);
- if w>0 then w:=w+10;
- r:= rect(x-w,0,x,rc.bottom-1);
- if btn.enabled then
- bg.canvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csMenuBarText]
- else
- bg.canvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csbuttonshadow];
- MyDrawCaption(bg.canvas,r,btn.caption,btn.enabled,false);
- r:= rect(r1.left+x-w,,r1.left+x,r1.bottom-1);
- btn.bounds:=r;
- x:=x-w;
- end;
- end else begin
- //bidi lefttoright
- for i:= 0 to high(buttons) do begin
- btn:=buttons[i];
- if not btn.visible then begin
- btn.bounds:=rect(0,0,0,0);
- continue;
- end;
- r := r1;
- Tnt_DrawTextW(bg.Canvas.Handle, btn.caption,r,DT_Left or DT_CALCRECT or DT_NOCLIP);
- w:= r.Right-r.left;
- //w:= bg.canvas.TextWidth(btn.caption);
- if w>0 then w:=w+10;
- r:= rect(x,0,x+w,rc.bottom-1);
- if btn.enabled then
- bg.canvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csMenuBarText]
- else
- bg.canvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csbuttonshadow];
- { if (item.imageindex<>-1) and (menu.images<>nil) then
- MyDrawImgCaption(bg.canvas,r,menu.images,item.imageindex,
- item.caption,item.enabled,false)
- else}
- MyDrawCaption(bg.canvas,r,btn.caption,btn.enabled,false);
- r:= rect(r1.left+x,,r1.left+x+w,r1.bottom-1);
- btn.bounds:=r;
- x:=x+w;
- end;
- end;
- topmenu:=false;
- if (sf.FormStyle=sfsMDIForm) and sf.MDIChildMax then begin
- for i:= 0 to high(sf.sysbtn) do
- if (sf.sysbtn[i].data.Visibility=100) and
- (not sf.sysbtn[i] then begin
- r:= sf.sysbtn[i].bounds;
- offsetrect(r,,;
- DrawRect1(bg.canvas.handle,r,
- sf.sysbtn[i],1,sf.sysbtn[i].data.frame,1);
- end;
- if not skinmanager.mdimax then skinmanager.setmdimax(true);
- end;
- BitBlt(dc,r1.left,,rc.right,rc.bottom,
- bg.Canvas.Handle ,0 ,0 ,SrcCopy);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.SetMenuRect;
- var i,w,h,x: integer;
- r,r1:Trect;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- btn:Tmenubtn;
- rc:Trect;
- begin
- rc:=rect(,,
-, ;
- r1:=rc;
- offsetrect(rc,-rc.left,;
- if (rc.Right<=0) or (rc.Bottom<=0) then exit;
- bg.width:=rc.right;
- bg.height:=rc.bottom;
- if fsd.menubar=nil then begin
- x:=6;
- end else begin
- if Menu.IsRightToLeft then
- x:=8+fsd.menubar.r.right
- else
- x:=4+fsd.menubar.r.left;
- if x>rc.right then x:=12;
- end;
- bg.canvas.Font := Screen.MenuFont;
- if Menu.IsRightToLeft then begin
- //bidi righttoleft
- x:= rc.Right-x;
- for i:= 0 to high(buttons) do begin
- btn:=buttons[i];
- if not btn.visible then begin
- btn.bounds:=rect(0,0,0,0);
- continue;
- end;
- r := r1;
- Tnt_DrawTextW(bg.Canvas.Handle, btn.caption,r,DT_Left or DT_CALCRECT or DT_NOCLIP);
- w:= r.Right-r.Left;
- if w>0 then w:=w+10;
- r:= rect(r1.left+x-w,,r1.left+x,r1.bottom-1);
- btn.bounds:=r;
- x:=x-w;
- end;
- end else begin
- //bidi lefttoright
- for i:= 0 to high(buttons) do begin
- btn:=buttons[i];
- if not btn.visible then begin
- btn.bounds:=rect(0,0,0,0);
- continue;
- end;
- r := r1;
- Tnt_DrawTextW(bg.Canvas.Handle, btn.caption,r,DT_Left or DT_CALCRECT or DT_NOCLIP);
- w:= r.Right-r.Left;
- //w:= bg.canvas.TextWidth(btn.caption);
- if w>0 then w:=w+10;
- r:= rect(r1.left+x,,r1.left+x+w,r1.bottom-1);
- btn.bounds:=r;
- x:=x+w;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMenuBtn.Draw;
- var DC: HDC;
- r,r2:Trect;
- begin
- DC := GetWindowDC(sf.hwnd);
- sf.fcanvas.handle:=DC;
- // menuitem.OnDrawItem:=nil;
- r:=rect(bounds.left,,bounds.right,;
- r2:=r;
- offsetrect(r2,,;
- sf.fcanvas.copyrect(r,,r2);
- if (state=3) or (state=2) then begin
- sf.fcanvas.brush.color:=fsd.colors[csButtonHilight];
- sf.fcanvas.FrameRect(bounds);
- end;
- sf.fcanvas.Font := Screen.MenuFont;
- := [];
- if enabled then
- sf.fcanvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csMenuBarText]
- else
- sf.fcanvas.Font.color:= fsd.colors[csbuttonshadow];
- // bsclear;
- // SetBkMode(sf.fCanvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- r:=bounds;
- { if (menuitem.imageindex<>-1) and (<>nil) then
- MyDrawImgCaption(sf.fcanvas,r,,menuitem.imageindex,
- menuitem.caption,menuitem.enabled,false)
- else }
- MyDrawCaption(sf.fcanvas,r,caption,enabled,false);
- sf.fCanvas.Handle:=0;
- ReleaseDC(sf.hwnd, DC);
- end;
- function TWinSkinMenu.FindBtn(p:Tpoint):TNcobject;
- var i:integer;
- begin
- result:=nil;
- for i:=0 to high(Buttons) do begin
- if PtInRect(buttons[i].bounds, p) and (buttons[i].caption<>'') then begin
- Result := buttons[i];
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinMenu.MouseMove(p:Tpoint);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- { i := findbtn(p);
- if i<>-1 then begin
- buttons[i].mouseenter;
- sf.done:=true;
- end else
- if sf.activebtn<>nil then begin
- sf.activebtn.mouseleave;
- end;}
- end;
- //menu hook
- var
- MenuHook: HHOOK;
- InitDone: Boolean = False;
- MenuBar : TWinSkinMenu;
- Skinform : TWinSkinForm;
- MenuButtonIndex: Integer;
- LastMenuItem: TMenuItem;
- LastMenuItemID: integer;
- LastMousePos: TPoint;
- StillModal: Boolean;
- lastselect:boolean = false;
- function ToolMenuGetMsgHook(Code: Integer; WParam: Longint; var Msg: TMsg): Longint; stdcall;
- const
- RightArrowKey: array[Boolean] of Word = (VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT);
- LeftArrowKey: array[Boolean] of Word = (VK_RIGHT, VK_LEFT);
- var
- P: TPoint;
- Target: TMenuBtn;
- Item: Integer;
- FindKind: TFindItemKind;
- ParentMenu: TMenu;
- function FindButton(Forward: Boolean): TMenuBtn;
- var
- Bar: TWinSkinMenu;
- I, J, Count: Integer;
- begin
- Bar :=; //MenuToolBar;
- if Bar <> nil then begin
- J := MenuButtonIndex;
- I := J;
- // Count := Bar.Count;
- Count := high(Bar.buttons)+1;
- if Forward then begin
- if I = Count - 1 then
- I := 0
- else
- Inc(I);
- Result := Bar.Buttons[I];
- end else begin
- if I = 0 then
- I := Count - 1
- else
- Dec(I);
- Result := Bar.Buttons[I];
- end;
- end else Result := nil;
- end;
- begin
- if LastMenuItem <> nil then begin
- ParentMenu := LastMenuItem.GetParentMenu;
- if ParentMenu <> nil then begin
- if ParentMenu.IsRightToLeft then
- if Msg.WParam = VK_LEFT then
- Msg.WParam := VK_RIGHT
- else if Msg.WParam = VK_RIGHT then
- Msg.WParam := VK_LEFT;
- end;
- end;
- Result := CallNextHookEx(MenuHook, Code, WParam, Longint(@Msg));
- if Result <> 0 then Exit;
- if (Code = MSGF_MENU) then begin
- Target := nil;
- if not InitDone then begin
- InitDone := True;
- PostMessage(Msg.Hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 0);
- end;
- case Msg.Message of
- begin
- if (HiWord(Msg.WParam) = $FFFF) and (Msg.LParam = 0) then begin
- if not StillModal then Skinform.CancelMenu;
- Exit;
- end else StillModal := False;
- FindKind := fkCommand;
- if HiWord(Msg.WParam) and MF_POPUP <> 0 then FindKind := fkHandle;
- if FindKind = fkHandle then
- Item := GetSubMenu(Msg.LParam, LoWord(Msg.WParam))
- else
- Item := LoWord(Msg.WParam);
- if<>nil then
- LastMenuItem :=, FindKind);
- end;
- if Msg.WParam = VK_MENU then begin
- SkinForm.CancelMenu;
- Exit;
- end;
- WM_KEYDOWN:begin
- if Msg.WParam = VK_RETURN then
- // Skinform.FMenuResult := True
- StillModal := false
- else if Msg.WParam = VK_ESCAPE then
- StillModal := false
- else if (Msg.WParam = VK_RIGHT) then begin
- if (LastMenuItem = nil) or (LastMenuItem.Count = 0) then
- Target := FindButton(True);
- end else if (Msg.WParam = VK_LEFT) then begin
- if (LastMenuItem = nil) then
- Target := FindButton(False)
- else if ((LastMenuItem.Parent.handle=skinform.activemenu)
- or (LastMenuItem.handle=skinform.activemenu)) then
- Target := FindButton(False);
- end else Target := nil;
- if Target <> nil then
- P := Point(Target.Bounds.left+1,;
- end;
- begin
- P :=;
- if (P.X <> LastMousePos.X) or (P.Y <> LastMousePos.Y) then begin
- p:= SkinForm.GetWinxy(p.x,p.y);
- Target := Tmenubtn(SKinForm.Menu.findbtn(P));
- LastMousePos := P;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (Target <> nil) and (Target is TMenuBtn) and
- (Target.Index <> MenuButtonIndex) then begin
- StillModal := True;
- // SkinForm.FCaptureChangeCancels := False;
- // SkinForm.ClickButton(Target);
- SkinForm.ClickButton(Target);
- lastselect:=true;
- // skinform.fsd.DoDebug('do click true '+TMenuBtn(Target).caption)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure InitMenuHooks;
- begin
- StillModal := False;
- InitDone := False;
- GetCursorPos(LastMousePos);
- if MenuHook = 0 then
- MenuHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER, @ToolMenuGetMsgHook, 0,
- GetCurrentThreadID);
- end;
- procedure ReleaseMenuHooks;
- begin
- if MenuHook <> 0 then UnhookWindowsHookEx(MenuHook);
- MenuHook := 0;
- LastMenuItem := nil;
- MenuBar := nil;
- MenuButtonIndex := -1;
- InitDone := False;
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinForm.ClearTempMenu;
- var
- I: Integer;
- Item: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if (FTempMenu <> nil) and (FButtonMenu<>nil) then begin
- for I := FTempMenu.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- Item := FTempMenu.Items[I];
- FTempMenu.Items.Delete(I);
- if item.tag<>c_windowid then
- FButtonMenu.Insert(0, Item);
- end;
- FTempMenu.Free;
- FTempMenu := nil;
- FButtonMenu := nil;
- end;
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinForm.ClickButton(Button: TMenuBtn);
- var
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- // FCaptureChangeCancels := False;
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, WTR);
- P := Point(Button.bounds.left+1+wtr.left,
- // timer.enabled:=true;
- PostMessage(hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, Longint(PointToSmallPoint(P)));
- // PostMessage(hwnd, CN_MenuSelect, 0, Longint(PointToSmallPoint(P)));
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.MenuSelect(var Msg:TMessage);
- var P: TPoint;
- btn:TNCobject;
- b:boolean;
- begin
- // if not fwindowactive then exit;
- P := GetWinXY(msg.LParamLo,msg.LParamhi);
- btn := findbtn(p);
- if (btn=nil) and (menu<>nil) then btn := menu.findbtn(p);
- b:=false;
- if (btn<>nil) and (btn is TMenuBtn) then begin
- CheckMenu(TMenuBtn(Btn));
- end;
- Msg.Result := 0;
- Msg.Msg := WM_NULL;
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.FindButtonFromAccel(Accel: Word): TMenuBtn;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- result:=nil;
- if menu=nil then exit;
- for I := 0 to high(menu.buttons) do begin
- Result :=Menu.Buttons[I];
- if Result.Enabled and Result.visible and
- IsAccel(Accel, Result.Caption) then
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.CancelMenu;
- begin
- if FInMenu then begin
- // ReleaseMenuKeyHooks;
- // MouseCapture := False;
- end;
- FInMenu := False;
- // FCaptureChangeCancels := False;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.SelectMDIform(Sender: TObject);
- var s:string;
- j:integer;
- b:boolean;
- WS: TWindowState;
- begin
- if not Assigned(Application.MainForm) then exit;
- s:= Tmenuitem(sender).caption;
- s:= StringReplace(s,'&','',[]);
- with Application.MainForm do
- if (FormStyle = fsMDIForm) and (MDIChildCount>0) then begin
- for j:= 0 to MDIChildCount-1 do begin
- if MDIChildren[j].caption=s then begin
- WS:=Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild.WindowState;
- // b:=MDIChildren[j].windowstate=wsmaximized;
- // MDIChildren[j].show;
- SendMessage(ClientHandle,WM_MDIACTIVATE ,MDIChildren[j].handle,0);
- MDIChildren[j].windowstate:=ws;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function CopyHMenu(amenu:Hmenu):Hmenu;
- var hMenuOurs:Hmenu;
- nID: UINT; // The ID of the menu.
- uMenuState :UINT ; // The menu state.
- hSubMenu: HMENU ; // A submenu.
- s:string;
- nmenu:integer;
- szBuf:array[0..127] of char;
- begin
- hMenuOurs := CreatePopupMenu;
- nmenu :=0;
- uMenuState :=GetMenuState(aMenu,nMenu,MF_BYPOSITION);
- while uMenustate<>$FFFFFFFF do begin
- GetMenuString(aMenu,nMenu, szBuf,sizeof(szBuf),MF_BYPOSITION);
- if (LOBYTE(uMenuState) and MF_POPUP)>0 then begin
- hSubMenu := GetSubMenu(aMenu,nMenu);
- AppendMenu(hMenuOurs,uMenuState,hSubMenu,szBuf);
- end else begin
- nID := GetMenuItemID(aMenu,nMenu);
- AppendMenu(hMenuOurs,uMenuState,nID,szBuf);
- end;
- inc(nmenu);
- uMenuState :=GetMenuState(aMenu,nMenu,MF_BYPOSITION);
- end;
- result:=hmenuours;
- end;
- procedure DeleteHMenu(amenu:Hmenu);
- var b:boolean;
- begin
- b:=RemoveMenu(amenu,0,MF_BYPOSITION);
- while b do
- b:=RemoveMenu(amenu,0,MF_BYPOSITION);
- DestroyMenu(amenu);
- end;
- procedure RethinkLines(aitem:Tmenuitem);
- var
- I, LLastAt: Integer;
- LLastBar: TMenuItem;
- begin
- // for i:= 0 to aitem.Count-1 do
- // aitem.Items[i].AutoHotkeys := maAutomatic;
- LLastAt := 0;
- LLastBar := nil;
- with aitem do begin
- for I := LLastAt to Count - 1 do
- if Items[I].Visible then
- if Items[I].IsLine then
- begin
- Items[I].Visible := False;
- end else begin
- LLastAt := I;
- System.Break;
- end;
- for I := LLastAt to Count - 1 do
- if Items[I].IsLine then
- begin
- if (LLastBar <> nil) and (LLastBar.Visible) then
- begin
- LLastBar.Visible := False;
- end;
- LLastBar := Items[I];
- end
- else if Items[I].Visible then
- begin
- if (LLastBar <> nil) and (not LLastBar.Visible) then
- begin
- LLastBar.Visible := True;
- end;
- LLastBar := nil;
- LLastAt := I;
- end;
- for I := Count - 1 downto LLastAt do
- if Items[I].Visible then
- if Items[I].IsLine then
- begin
- Items[I].Visible := False;
- end
- else
- System.Break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ActionUpdate(item:Tmenuitem);
- var
- i: Integer;
- a: TMenuItem;
- begin
- { for i:= 0 to item.Count-1 do begin
- a:=item.Items[i];
- if a.Action<>nil then a.Action.Update;
- end;}
- end;
- function GetFormCaption(ahwnd:Thandle):widestring;
- var buf:array[0..1000] of char;
- begin
- result:='';
- if Win32PlatformIsUnicode then begin
- SetLength(Result, GetWindowTextLengthW(ahwnd) + 1);
- GetWindowTextW(ahwnd, PWideChar(Result), Length(Result));
- SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - 1);
- end else begin
- sendmessage(ahwnd,WM_GETTEXT,1000,integer(@buf));
- result:=strpas(buf);
- end;
- end;
- function GetFormCaptionA(ahwnd:Thandle):string;
- var buf:array[0..1000] of char;
- begin
- sendmessage(ahwnd,WM_GETTEXT,1000,integer(@buf));
- result:=strpas(buf);
- end;
- function GetFormText(ahwnd:Thandle):string;
- var s:widestring;
- begin
- s:= GetFormCaption(ahwnd);
- result:=WideStringToStringEx(s);
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.CheckMenu(Button: TMenuBtn): Boolean;
- var
- Hook: Boolean;
- I: Integer;
- APoint: TPoint;
- aflags:integer;
- mp:tagTPMPARAMS;
- begin
- Result := False;
- lastselect:=false;
- mp.cbSize:=sizeof(mp);
- if (button=nil) then Exit;
- postmessage(hwnd,wm_command,button.mid,0);
- if (Button.hsubmenu=0) then Exit;
- if button.menuitem<>nil then begin
- // error happen 2006.5.04
- // RethinkLines(button.menuitem);
- ActionUpdate(button.menuitem);
- end;
- MenuButtonIndex := Button.Index;
- SkinForm := Self;
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, WTR);
- mp.rcExclude := rect(wtr.Right-5,wtr.Top,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMAXIMIZED),wtr.Bottom);
- if not ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion = 4)) then
- wminitmenu(button.hsubmenu);
- // skincanlog:=true;
- finmenu:=true;
- APoint := Point(Button.bounds.left+wtr.left,;
- if bidileft then begin
- APoint := Point(Button.bounds.right+wtr.left,;
- end else begin
- APoint := Point(Button.bounds.left+wtr.left,;
- end;
- // SendMessage(hwnd,WM_INITMENUPOPUP,button.hsubmenu,0);
- skinmanager.menutype:=m_menuitem;
- skinmanager.menuactive:=true;
- activemenu:=button.hsubmenu;
- InitMenuHooks;
- if Button.enabled then begin
- // if bidileft then
- // TrackPopupMenuex(button.hsubmenu, aflags,APoint.X, APoint.Y,hwnd,@mp)
- // else
- TrackPopupMenu(button.hsubmenu, aflags,APoint.X, APoint.Y,0,hwnd,nil );
- end;
- ReleaseMenuHooks;
- finmenu:=false;
- Result := True;
- end;
- //fixed by Brian Lowe
- procedure TWinSkinForm.CMDialogChar(var Message: TMessage); //TCMDialogChar
- var
- Button: TMenubtn;
- ShiftState: TShiftState;
- KeyState: TKeyboardState;
- begin
- OldWndProc(message);
- if message.result<>0 then exit;
- GetKeyboardState(KeyState);
- ShiftState := KeyboardStateToShiftState(KeyState);
- Button := FindButtonFromAccel(TWMKey(Message).CharCode);
- if (Button <> nil) and (ShiftState = [ssAlt]) then begin
- clickbutton(button);
- Message.Result := 1;
- done2:=true;
- end else begin
- //mdiform mainmenu shortcut
- if (formstyle=sfsmdichild) then begin
- if skinmanager.MDIForm.Perform(CM_DIALOGCHAR,
- TWMKey(Message).CharCode,TWMKey(Message).KeyData)<>0 then exit;
- end else if (fform<>application.MainForm) and (not (fsModal in fform.FormState)) then begin //has problem
- application.MainForm.Perform(CM_DIALOGCHAR,TWMKey(Message).CharCode,TWMKey(Message).KeyData);
- end;
- message.Result:=0;
- // OldWndProc(message);
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetAnimation(Value: Boolean);
- var
- Info: TAnimationInfo;
- begin
- Info.cbSize := SizeOf(TAnimationInfo);
- BOOL(Info.iMinAnimate) := Value;
- SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETANIMATION, SizeOf(Info), @Info, 0);
- end;
- constructor TWinSkinForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var i,l:integer;
- begin
- inherited create(aowner);
- bstr:=' ';
- SkinCanLog:=true;
- poptime := 0;
- charwidth := 0;
- winrgn := 0;
- DoubleTime := GetDoubleClickTime;
- // SkinCanLog:=false;
- CreateCaptionFont;
- fCanvas:= TCanvas.create;
- fCanvas2:= TCanvas.create;
- // bg:=Tbitmap.create;
- controllist:=Tlist.create;
- IconBmp:=Tbitmap.create;
- CaptionBuf:=Tbitmap.create;
- MenuHeight := 0;
- msglock:=0;
- mode:=0;
- activebtn:=nil;
- creating:=false;
- bidileft:=false;
- NewChildHwnd:=0;
- fwindowactive:=true;
- ActiveBtn:= nil;
- skinstate:=skin_Creating;
- fform:=nil;
- astr:=' ';
- {$IFnDEF demo}
- astr:=' ';
- {$else}
- astr:=' Vclskin Demo';
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- destructor TWinSkinForm.Destroy;
- begin
- DeleteControls;
- DeleteSysbtn;
- if not IsBadReadPtr(CaptionBuf, InstanceSize) then;
- if timer<>nil then;
- if menu<>nil then begin
- menu:=nil;
- end;
- if sysmenu<>nil then begin
- sysmenu:=nil;
- end;
- controllist:=nil;
- if skinmanager<>nil then skinmanager.DeleteForm2(hwnd);
- // skinaddlog('Skinform DESTROY '+caption);
- inherited destroy;
- end;
- // TabSheet := TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
- // this event happen when owern is form, it is problem
- procedure TWinSkinForm.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;Operation: TOperation);
- var j:integer;
- sc:Tskincontrol;
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- { if (Operation = opInsert) and (AComponent <> nil) then begin
- skinaddlog(format('Notification Insert :%s,%s',[acomponent.classname,]));
- end; }
- { if (skinstate<>Skin_Active) or (acomponent.tag=c_skintag) then exit;
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent <> nil) then begin
- skinaddlog(format('Notification Remove :%s',[acomponent.classname]));
- if (AComponent is TGraphicControl) then begin
- for j:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- sc:= Tskincontrol(controllist.items[j]);
- if sc.GControl = AComponent then begin
- controllist.Delete(j);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;//Tgraphiccontrol
- end else if (Operation = opInsert) and (AComponent <> nil) then begin
- // skinaddlog(format('Notification Insert :%s',[acomponent.classname]));
- end;}
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DeleteSysbtn;
- var i:integer;
- begin
- if high(sysbtn)=0 then exit;
- for i:= 0 to high(SysBtn) do
- SysBtn[i].free;
- setlength(sysbtn,0);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DeleteControl(c:TSkinControl);
- var i:integer;
- begin
- if controllist=nil then exit;
- for i:= controllist.count-1 downto 0 do begin
- if Controllist.items[i]=c then begin
- controllist.delete(i);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DeleteSkinDeleted;
- var i:integer;
- c:TSkinControl;
- begin
- for i:= controllist.count-1 downto 0 do begin
- c:=TSkinControl(Controllist.items[i]);
- if c.skinstate=skin_deleted then begin
- controllist.delete(i);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DeleteControls;
- var i:integer;
- c:TSkinControl;
- acontrol:Tcontrol;
- begin
- // for i:= controllist.count-1 to 0 do begin
- // if (Skinstate=skin_Destory) then exit;
- while controllist.count>0 do begin
- c:=TSkinControl(Controllist.items[0]);
- if (c.control<>nil) and (c.control is TToolbar) then begin
- Ttoolbar(c.control).OnCustomDrawButton:=nil;
- Ttoolbar(c.control).OnCustomDraw:=nil;
- end;
- if (Skinstate<>skin_Destory) and (c.skinstate<>skin_deleted) then c.unsubclass;
- controllist.delete(0);
- end;
- controllist.clear;
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.AddControlList(acontrol:TSkinControl):boolean;
- var i:integer;
- c:TSkinControl;
- b:boolean;
- begin
- b:=false;
- for i:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- c:=TSkinControl(Controllist.items[i]);
- if c=acontrol then begin
- b:=true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if not b then controllist.add(acontrol);
- result:=b;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.CreateCaptionFont;
- var
- NonClientMetrics: TNonClientMetrics;
- begin
- If Assigned(CaptionFont) then FreeAndNIL(CaptionFont);
- CaptionFont := TFont.Create;
- NonClientMetrics.cbSize := SizeOf(NonClientMetrics);
- if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, @NonClientMetrics, 0) then
- CaptionFont.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(NonClientMetrics.lfCaptionFont);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.changemdistyle;
- var Style: Longint;
- begin
- if fform.clienthandle<>0 then begin
- Style := GetWindowLong(fform.ClientHandle, GWL_STYLE);
- Style := Style and not WS_VSCROLL and not WS_HSCROLL;
- SetWindowLong(fform.ClientHandle, GWL_STYLE, Style);
- Style := GetWindowLong(fform.ClientHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- Style := Style and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
- SetWindowLong(fform.ClientHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, Style);
- SetWindowPos(fform.ClientHandle, 0, 0,0,0,0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED or SWP_NOACTIVATE or
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.SetActive(const Value: boolean);
- begin
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitTform(afsd:Tskindata;aform:Tform);
- begin
- fform:=aform;
- if assigned(afsd.OnBeforeSkinForm) then
- afsd.OnBeforeSkinForm(fform,hwnd,formclass);
- // fform.autoscroll:=false;
- if (xcMenuitem in afsd.SkinControls) then
- setproperty(fform,'AutoScroll','False');
- InitSkin(afsd);
- // if (xcMainMenu in afsd.SkinControls) then begin
- if sMainMenu then begin //for midchild border
- OldWndProc:= fform.WindowProc;
- fform.WindowProc := NewWndProc;
- end;
- formcolor:=aform.color;
- aform.color:= afsd.colors[csButtonFace];
- // if (xcPopupMenu in afsd.SkinControls) then
- // InitPopMenu(aForm,true,false);
- if (xcMenuitem in afsd.SkinControls) then begin
- InitMainMenu(aForm,true,false);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.GetBorderSize;
- var r1,r2:Trect;
- begin
- GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- getwindowrect(hwnd,r1);
- GetClientRect(hwnd,r2);
- oldsize:=rect(0,0,r1.right-r1.left-(r2.right-r2.left),
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitSkin(afsd:Tskindata);
- var Exdwstyle:Dword;
- r1,r2:Trect;
- cw:integer;
- begin
- if (FObjectInst=nil) Then begin
- skinmanager.state:=skin_Active;
- fsd:=afsd;
- timer:=TTimer.create(self);
- timer.Interval:=250;
- timer.Ontimer:=Ontimer;
- timer.enabled:=false;
- // CreateCaptionFont;
- sMainMenu := xcMainMenu in fsd.SkinControls;
- dwstyle := GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
- ExdwStyle := GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- bidileft := (exdwstyle and WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR)>0;
- ischildform := (dwstyle and ws_child)>0;
- // hsysmenu:=GetSystemMenu(hWnd, FALSE);
- // geticon(iconbmp);
- classname:=getwindowclassname(hwnd);
- parenthwnd:=GetWindow(hWnd, GW_OWNER);
- // GetBorderSize;
- { GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- getwindowrect(hwnd,r1);
- GetClientRect(hwnd,r2);
- oldsize:=rect(0,0,r1.right-r1.left-(r2.right-r2.left),
- formicons:=[];
- if ((dwstyle and WS_SYSMENU)>0) or (hsysmenu>0) then
- formicons:=formicons+[sbisystem];
- if (dwstyle and WS_MINIMIZEBOX)>0 then
- formicons:=formicons+[sbimin];
- if (dwstyle and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)>0 then
- formicons:=formicons+[sbimax];
- if (ExdwStyle and WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP)>0 then
- formicons:=formicons+[sbihelp];
- // createsysmenu2;
- getwindowstate;
- fsizeable := (dwstyle and WS_SIZEBOX)>0;
- GetFormstyle;
- if (Exdwstyle and ws_ex_mdichild)>0 then begin
- formstyle:=sfsMDIChild;
- if (xoMDIChildBorder in fsd.Options) then
- sMainMenu := false;
- end ;//{ else ShowWindow(hwnd,SW_HIDE)};
- //MDIchild window menu has problem
- formborder := sbsSingle;
- if {((dwstyle and WS_popup)>0) and}
- ((dwstyle and WS_Caption)<>WS_Caption) then
- formborder:=sbsnone
- else if ((dwstyle and WS_THICKFRAME)>0) or
- // ((ExdwStyle and WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE)>0) or
- //( formstyle=sfsMDIChild ) or
- ((dwstyle and WS_SIZEBOX)>0) then
- formborder:=sbsSizeable
- else if ((dwstyle and DS_MODALFRAME)>0) then
- formborder := sbsDialog;
- if (ExdwStyle and ws_EX_dlgmodalframe)>0 then
- formborder := sbsDialog ;
- if ((ExdwStyle and WS_EX_APPWINDOW)>0)
- and (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
- and (Win32MajorVersion>=5) and (Win32MinorVersion =0) then
- formicons := formicons + [sbicaption];
- if ((parenthwnd=0) and (formstyle<>sfsmdichild))
- and (Win32MajorVersion>=5) and (Win32MinorVersion =0) then
- formicons := formicons + [sbicaption];
- isunicode:=IsWindowUnicode(hwnd);
- ismessagebox:=false;
- if (classname='#32770') or (classname='TMessageForm') then begin
- formborder := sbsDialog;
- ismessagebox:=true;
- end;
- // lockwindowupdate(hwnd);
- StopUpdate;
- {$IFDEF demo}
- // setproperty(fform,'Caption',' ');
- {$endif}
- if (winversion >= $80000000) then
- fsd.skincontrols:=fsd.skincontrols-[xcSystemMenu];
- if formstyle=sfsmdiform then begin
- menuauto:=fsd.menuUpdate;
- subclassMDI;
- end;
- FObjectInst := MakeObjectInstance(WinWndProc);
- if isunicode then begin
- FPrevWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLongw(hwnd,GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLongw(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FObjectInst));
- end else begin
- FPrevWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FObjectInst));
- end;
- if sMainMenu then begin
- hmenu:=GetMenu(hWnd);
- if (hmenu<>0) and (formstyle<>sfsMDIChild) then begin
- menu:=TWinSkinMenu.create(self);
- menu.fsd:=fsd;
- Menu.sf := self;
- MenuHeight := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU);
- //***************
- if fform<>nil then;
- menu.UpdataBtn;
- end;
- if ((formstyle<>sfsmdichild) or (not skinmanager.mdimax)) and (windowstate<>swsmin) then
- EnableSysbtn(false);
- InitSkinData;
- end else skinstate := skin_active;
- cw:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
- // if (menuheight=0) and (cw> then
- if (formstyle=sfsMDIChild) and (cw> then
- menuheight := cw-bw.Top;
- // setmdimax if mainmenu is nil
- if (formstyle=sfsmdichild) and (windowstate=swsmax) and (not skinmanager.mdimax) then
- skinmanager.setmdimax(true);
- { if fform<>nil then
- InitControls(fform)
- else InitHwndControls(hwnd);}
- {$IFDEF test}
- SkinAddLog(format('%s skin active %1x',[caption,hwnd]));
- {$ENDIF}
- // InvalidateRect(hwnd, 0,true);
- end;
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinForm.EnableSysbtn(b:boolean);
- var exstyle:Dword;
- b2:boolean;
- begin
- if sbicaption in formicons then begin
- dwstyle := GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
- if b then dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_CAPTION
- else dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_CAPTION);
- SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwstyle );
- end;
- exit;
- //mdichildmax has all sysbtn
- if (formstyle=sfsmdichild) and (skinmanager.mdimax)
- and (not b) then exit;
- //embed form unskin, exit
- if b and (formstyle<>sfsmdichild) and (ischildform) then exit;
- hassysbtn:=b;
- dwstyle := GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
- ExStyle := GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- if b then begin
- if sbisystem in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_SYSMENU;
- if sbimin in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
- if sbimax in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
- if sbicaption in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_CAPTION;
- end else begin
- if (parenthwnd=0) or (formstyle=sfsmdiform) then begin
- formicons := formicons + [sbicaption];
- dwstyle := dwstyle and ( not WS_CAPTION);
- end else begin
- dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
- dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX);
- dwstyle := dwstyle and ( not WS_SYSMENU);
- end;
- b2:=false;
- if ((parenthwnd=0) and (formstyle<>sfsmdichild)) then b2:=true
- else if (exstyle and WS_EX_APPWINDOW>0) then b2:=true;
- if b2 and (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
- and (Win32MajorVersion>=5) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 1) then b2:=false;
- if b2 then begin
- formicons := formicons + [sbicaption];
- dwstyle := dwstyle and ( not WS_CAPTION);
- end else begin
- dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
- dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX);
- dwstyle := dwstyle and ( not WS_SYSMENU);
- end;
- end;
- SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwstyle );
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinForm.EnableSysbtn(b:boolean);
- var exstyle:Dword;
- b2:boolean;
- begin
- exit;
- if (formstyle<>sfsmdichild) then exit;
- //mdichildmax has all sysbtn
- if (skinmanager.mdimax) and (not b) then exit;
- hassysbtn:=b;
- dwstyle := GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
- ExStyle := GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- if b then begin
- if sbisystem in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_SYSMENU;
- if sbimin in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
- if sbimax in formicons then
- dwstyle := dwstyle or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
- end else begin
- dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_MINIMIZEBOX);
- dwstyle := dwstyle and (not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX);
- dwstyle := dwstyle and ( not WS_SYSMENU);
- end;
- SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwstyle );
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.SubclassMDI;
- var MDIunicode:boolean;
- begin
- MDIunicode:=false;
- FMDIObjectInst := MakeObjectInstance(WinMDIProc);
- if MDIunicode then begin
- FMDIWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLongw(Clienthwnd,GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLongw(Clienthwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FMDIObjectInst));
- end else begin
- FMDIWndProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(Clienthwnd,GWL_WNDPROC));
- SetWindowLong(Clienthwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FMDIObjectInst));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.UnSubclassMDI;
- var MDIunicode:boolean;
- begin
- if FMDIObjectInst<>nil then begin
- MDIunicode:=false;
- if MDIunicode then begin
- SetWindowLongw(Clienthwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FMDIWndProc));
- end else begin
- SetWindowLong(Clienthwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FMDIWndProc));
- end;
- FreeObjectInstance(FMDIObjectInst);
- FMDIObjectInst:=nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DefaultMDI(Var Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- msg.result:=CallWindowProc(FMDIWndProc,Clienthwnd,Msg.msg,msg.WParam,msg.LParam);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.AddSysMenuitem(acaption:string;action:integer);
- var item:Tmenuitem;
- begin
- Item := TMenuItem.Create(sysmenu);
- item.Caption := acaption;
- item.Tag:=action;
- item.onclick:=dosysmenu;
- item.OnDrawItem := DrawMenuItem;
- item.OnMeasureItem := MeasureItempop;
- item.ImageIndex :=action;
- if action=3 then
- item.ShortCut := TextToShortCut('ALT+F4');
- Sysmenu.Items.Add(item);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.CreateSysmenu2;
- var i,n,j:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- item:Tmenuitem;
- s:string;
- begin
- if sysmenu<>nil then begin
- sysmenu:=nil;
- end;
- if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion <5) then begin
- CreateSysmenu;
- exit;
- end;
- if hsysmenu = 0 then exit;
- n:= GetMenuItemCount(hsysmenu);
- sysmenu:=Tpopupmenu.create(self);
- sysmenu.Tag:=c_skintag;
- sysmenu.OwnerDraw := true;
- sysmenu.Images:=fsd.bmpmenu;
- for i:= 0 to n-1 do begin
- fillchar(mi,sizeof(mi),#0);
- mi.cbSize:= sizeof(TMENUITEMINFO);
- mi.fType := 0;
- mi.dwTypeData := Buffer;
- Mi.cch := SizeOf(Buffer);
- GetMenuItemInfo(hsysmenu, i, TRUE, mi);
- s:= buffer;
- Item := TMenuItem.Create(sysmenu);
- if s='' then item.Caption:= '-'
- else item.Caption := s;
- item.Tag:= mi.wID;
- case mi.wID of
- SC_MAXIMIZE: begin
- item.ImageIndex :=1;
- item.enabled:= (windowstate<>swsmax) and (sbimax in formicons);
- end;
- SC_MINIMIZE: begin
- item.ImageIndex :=2;
- item.enabled:= (windowstate<>swsmin) and (sbimin in formicons);
- end;
- Sc_Restore : begin
- item.ImageIndex :=0;
- item.enabled:= (windowstate<>swsnormal) ;
- end;
- SC_MOVE,SC_SIZE: begin
- item.enabled:= (windowstate<>swsmax) ;
- end;
- SC_CLOSE : item.ImageIndex :=3;
- else item.ImageIndex :=-1;
- end;
- item.onclick:=dosysmenu2;
- if mi.fState=3 then item.Enabled:=false;
- if (mi.fState and MFS_CHECKED)>0 then item.Checked:=true;
- //item.Enabled := not ((mi.fState and $0ff) = MFS_DISABLED);
- item.OnDrawItem := DrawMenuItem;
- item.OnMeasureItem := MeasureItempop;
- Sysmenu.Items.Add(item);
- end;
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.CheckSysmenu:boolean;
- var i,n,j:integer;
- mi:TMenuItemInfo;
- Buffer: array[0..79] of Char;
- begin
- result:=true;
- if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion <5) then begin
- exit;
- end;
- if winversion >= $80000000 then
- exit;
- fillchar(mi,sizeof(mi),#0);
- mi.cbSize:= sizeof(TMENUITEMINFO);
- mi.fMask := MIIM_STATE ;
- mi.fType := 0;
- mi.dwTypeData := Buffer;
- Mi.cch := SizeOf(Buffer);
- result:=GetMenuItemInfo(hsysmenu, SC_CLOSE, false, mi);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.CreateSysmenu;
- begin
- if sysmenu<>nil then begin
- sysmenu:=nil;
- end;
- sysmenu:=Tpopupmenu.create(self);
- sysmenu.Tag:=c_skintag;
- sysmenu.OwnerDraw := true;
- sysmenu.Images:=fsd.bmpmenu;
- AddSysMenuitem(' Restore ',0);
- if sbimax in formicons then AddSysMenuitem(' Maximize ',1);
- if sbimin in formicons then AddSysMenuitem(' Minimize ',2);
- AddSysMenuitem('-',100);
- AddSysMenuitem(' Close ',3);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.ResizeForm(i:integer);
- var w,h,minwidth,w2:integer;
- r1,r2,r3:Trect;
- fdc:HDC;
- acanvas:TCanvas;
- hctrl,temp : Thandle;
- p:Tpoint;
- dw:dword;
- begin
- {if SkinState=skin_change then} dw := dw or SWP_NOACTIVATE ;
- if windowstate<>swsmax then begin
- GetWindowRect(hwnd,r2);
- if (ismessagebox) or (SkinState=skin_change) then GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- w:=fClientRect.right+bw.left+bw.right;
- if i=0 then begin
- if fform<>nil then begin
- //*2-GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
- W := fform.clientWidth + Bw.Left + bw.right;
- fclientrect.Bottom := fform.ClientHeight-menuheight;
- //GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- //fClientRect.bottom:=fform.ClientHeight;
- //fClientRect.right:=fform.ClientWidth;
- if formstyle=sfsMDIChild then fclientrect.Bottom := fclientrect.Bottom+menuheight
- end;
- end else begin
- GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- + menuheight;
- end;
- {$IFDEF VER170} // Delphi 9
- //GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- //;
- //w:=fClientRect.right+bw.left+bw.right;
- {$endif}
- if (ismessagebox) and (i=0) then begin
- caption := getformcaption(hwnd);
- FDC := GetWindowDC(hwnd);
- acanvas:=Tcanvas.create;;
- acanvas.Handle := fdc;
- acanvas.font := CaptionFont;
- charwidth := acanvas.Textwidth(caption);
- ReleaseDc(hwnd,fdc);
- // minwidth := (length(caption))*charwidth+bw.Left+bw.Right+
- // fsd.title.r.left+fsd.title.r.right;
- // +fsd.title.backleft+fsd.title.backright;
- minwidth := charwidth+fsd.title.r.left+fsd.title.r.right;
- if w<minwidth then begin
- w2:=(minwidth-w) div 2;
- hCtrl := GetTopWindow( hWnd );
- while ( hCtrl<>0 ) do begin
- temp := GetNextWindow( hCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT );
- GetWindowRect(hCtrl,r3);
- p:=point(r3.Left,r3.Top);
- screentoclient(hwnd,p);
- SetWindowPos(hCtrl, 0, p.X+w2, p.y,
- r3.right-r3.Left,r3.Bottom-r3.Top,
- hCtrl := temp ;
- end;
- w:=minwidth;
- end;
- end;
- SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, r2.left,, w, h,dw);
- end else begin
- SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dw or SWP_NOSIZE );
- //Refresh;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.RePaint(ahwnd:Thandle);
- var w,h:integer;
- r,r2:Trect;
- begin
- // GetWindowRect(ahwnd,r2);
- // SetWindowPos(ahwnd, 0, r2.left,, r2.right-r2.left,,
- // getwindowrect(ahwnd,r);
- // offsetrect(r,-r.left,;
- // if phwnd<>0 then begin
- InvalidateRect(ahwnd, 0,true);
- UpdateWindow(ahwnd);
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.IsScrollControl(acontrol:TComponent):boolean;
- var hwnd:Thandle;
- Style:longword;
- begin
- result:=false;
- if not (acontrol is Twincontrol) then exit;
- hwnd:=Twincontrol(acontrol).handle;
- Style := GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE );
- if ((Style and WS_HSCROLL)=0) and
- ((Style and WS_VSCROLL)=0) then begin
- if (acontrol is Tlistbox)
- or (acontrol is Tmemo)
- // or (acontrol.tag = 55)
- // or (acontrol is Tlistview)
- or (acontrol is TCustomListBox)
- or (acontrol is TCustomTreeView)
- // or (acontrol is TCustomGrid)
- or (acontrol is Tscrollbox) then
- result:=true;
- end else result:=true;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitToolbarMenu(Item: TMenuItem;enable:boolean);
- var
- a: integer;
- procedure Activate(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- begin
- if Enable then begin
- MenuItem.OnDrawItem := DrawMenuItem;
- MenuItem.OnMeasureItem := MeasureItem;
- end else MenuItem.OnDrawItem := nil;
- end;
- begin
- Activate(Item);
- for a := 0 to Item.Count - 1 do
- InitToolbarMenu(Item.Items[a],enable);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitPopMenu(wForm: TWinControl; Enable, Update: boolean );
- var
- i, x: integer;
- Comp: TComponent;
- s:string;
- procedure Activate(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- begin
- if Enable then begin
- if (not assigned(MenuItem.OnDrawItem)) or (FOverrideOwnerDraw) then begin
- if sMainMenu then
- MenuItem.OnDrawItem := DrawMenuItem;
- end;
- if not assigned(MenuItem.OnMeasureItem) then
- MenuItem.OnMeasureItem := MeasureItem;
- end else MenuItem.OnDrawItem := nil;
- end;
- procedure Activatepop(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- begin
- if Enable then begin
- // if (not assigned(MenuItem.OnDrawItem)) then begin//or (FOverrideOwnerDraw) then begin
- MenuItem.OnDrawItem := DrawMenuItem;
- if not assigned(MenuItem.OnMeasureItem) then
- MenuItem.OnMeasureItem := MeasureItempop;
- // end ;
- end else begin
- MenuItem.OnDrawItem := nil;
- // if MenuItem.OnMeasureItem = MeasureItempop then
- MenuItem.OnMeasureItem := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ItrateMenu(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- var
- a: integer;
- begin
- Activate(MenuItem);
- for a := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do
- ItrateMenu(MenuItem.Items[a]);
- end;
- procedure ItrateMenupop(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- var
- a: integer;
- begin
- Activatepop(MenuItem);
- for a := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do
- ItrateMenupop(MenuItem.Items[a]);
- end;
- begin
- s:=fform.ClassName;
- if s='TwwRichEditForm' then exit;
- for i := 0 to wForm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- Comp := wForm.Components[i];
- if (Comp is TCustomFrame) then InitPopMenu(Twincontrol(comp),Enable, Update);
- if (Comp is TCustomForm) then InitPopMenu(Twincontrol(comp),Enable, Update);
- if (Comp is TPopupMenu) and
- (xcPopupmenu in fsd.SkinControls) and (comp.Tag <> fsd.disabletag)then
- begin
- TPopupMenu(Comp).OwnerDraw := Enable;
- for x := 0 to TPopupMenu(Comp).Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- Activatepop(TPopupMenu(Comp).Items[x]);
- ItrateMenupop(TPopupMenu(Comp).Items[x]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitMainMenu(wForm: TWinControl; Enable, Update: boolean );
- var
- i, x,j: integer;
- Comp: TComponent;
- procedure Activate(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- begin
- if Enable then begin
- if (j>1) and (not assigned(MenuItem.OnDrawItem)) then begin
- MenuItem.OnDrawItem := DrawMenuItem;
- MenuItem.OnMeasureItem := MeasureItem;
- end;
- end else begin
- MenuItem.OnDrawItem := nil;
- MenuItem.OnMeasureItem := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ItrateMenu(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
- var
- a: integer;
- begin
- inc(j);
- Activate(MenuItem);
- for a := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do
- ItrateMenu(MenuItem.Items[a]);
- dec(j);
- end;
- begin
- for i := 0 to wForm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- Comp := wForm.Components[i];
- if (Comp is TMainMenu) then //and (xcmainmenu in FSkinControls)
- // and ((Comp.Tag mod 100)<> fdisabletag)then
- begin
- TMainMenu(Comp).OwnerDraw := Enable;
- for x := 0 to TMainMenu(Comp).Items.Count - 1 do begin
- j:=0;
- // Activate(TMainMenu(Comp).Items[x]);
- ItrateMenu(TMainMenu(Comp).Items[x]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.FindSkinComp(acomp:Tcontrol):boolean;
- var isskin:integer;
- aname,name2:string;
- i:integer;
- sc:Tskincontrol;
- begin
- if acomp=nil then exit;
- result:=true;
- { if acomp is Twincontrol then
- isskin:=sendmessage(Twincontrol(acomp).Handle,CN_IsSkined,0,0)
- else }
- isskin:=acomp.Perform(CN_IsSkined,0,0);
- if isskin=1 then exit;
- for i:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- sc:= Tskincontrol(controllist.items[i]);
- if sc.control=acomp then begin
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result:=false;
- end;
- {function TWinSkinForm.FindSkinComp(acomp:Tcomponent):boolean;
- var i:integer;
- sc:Tskincontrol;
- aname,name2:string;
- begin
- result:=false;
- aname := fform.Name;
- name2 := lowercase(aname);
- for i:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- sc:= Tskincontrol(controllist.items[i]);
- if sc.GControl <> nil then begin
- if sc.gcontrol=acomp then begin
- result:=true;
- break;
- end;
- end else if acomp is Twincontrol then begin
- if Twincontrol(acomp).HandleAllocated then begin
- if sc.hwnd=Twincontrol(acomp).handle then begin
- result:=true;
- break;
- end;
- end else begin
- if (pos('preview',name2)>0) or
- (aname='TQRStandardPreview') or
- (aname='TppPrintPreview') or
- (aname='TdxfmStdPreview') then begin
- result:=true;
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DisableControl(Comp: TControl);
- var s:string;
- ctrl:Twincontrol;
- i:integer;
- begin
- if not(comp is Twincontrol) then exit;
- ctrl:=Twincontrol(comp);
- if ctrl.ControlCount=0 then exit;
- s:=lowercase(comp.ClassName);
- if (pos('radiogroup',s)=0) and (pos('checkgroup',s)=0) then exit;
- for i:= 0 to ctrl.controlcount-1 do
- ctrl.Controls[i].Tag:=fsd.DisableTag;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.AddComp(Comp: TControl;wForm: TWinControl);
- var
- i, x,j,tag: integer;
- subcomp:Twincontrol;
- subcontrol:Tcontrol;
- skin:TSkinControl;
- buf:array[0..100] of char;
- s,cname:string;
- b:boolean;
- chwnd:Thandle;
- skincomp: TComponent;
- tag2:integer;
- // spy:TWinSkinspy;
- begin
- //tag2:= comp.tag mod 100;
- if comp.tag=fsd.disabletag then begin
- DisableControl(comp);
- exit;
- end;
- if comp.Parent=nil then exit;
- if FindSkinComp(comp) then exit;
- cname:=Uppercase(comp.ClassName);
- // skinaddlog(format('Add control %s:%s:%1x',[comp.ClassName,,integer(comp)]));
- if (comp is Twincontrol) then begin
- chwnd:= TACWinControl(comp).WindowHandle;
- if chwnd=0 then
- try
- chwnd:=TACWinControl(comp).handle;
- except
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(fsd.OnSkinControl) then begin
- skincomp:= NIL;
- fsd.OnSkinControl(self, fsd, wForm, comp, cname, skincomp);
- if Assigned(skincomp) then begin
- if (skincomp is TSkinControl) then begin
- skin:= skincomp as TSkinControl;
- if skin.newcolor then b:=true
- else b:=false;
- if not addcontrollist(skin) then begin
- skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,b);
- if (Comp is TCustomPanel) then
- InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl);
- //self.InitControlA(Comp as TWinControl);
- end;
- ///skin.Inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).Handle, Self.fsd, self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Find3rdControl(cname,TWinControl(comp))) then exit;
- if (cname='TDBCOMBOBOXEH') then exit;
- // if (cname='TQRPREVIEW') then exit;
- if (cname='TFRDESIGNERPAGE') then exit;
- if (cname='TFRPBOX') then exit;
- // not success
- if (Comp is TCustomTabControl) and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (<>nil) then begin
- if (Comp is TPageControl) then begin
- // s:=GetStringProp(comp,'Style');
- if Tpagecontrol(comp).style=tsTabs then begin
- skin:=TSkinTab.create(comp);
- skin.Init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end else begin
- skin:=TSkinTabBtn.create(comp);
- skin.Init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- end else begin
- skin:=TSkinTab.create(comp);
- skin.kind:=2;
- skin.Init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- end
- else if (Comp is TToolbutton) and sMainMenu then begin
- if TToolbutton(comp).MenuItem<>nil then
- inittoolbarmenu(TToolbutton(comp).MenuItem,true);
- end
- else if (Comp is TCoolBar) and (xcToolbar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- for i:= 0 to Tcoolbar(comp).Bands.Count-1 do begin
- Tcoolbar(comp).Bands[i].Color:=fsd.colors[csButtonFace];
- end;
- end
- else if (cname='TTABSET') and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (<>nil) then begin
- // with TSkinTab31.create(comp) do
- // init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- skin:=TSkinTab31.create(comp);
- skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if (Comp is TTabSheet) and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (<>nil) then begin
- // with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- // init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- skin:=TSkinTabSheet.create(comp);
- skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end
- else if (cname='TTABBEDNOTEBOOK') and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (<>nil) then begin
- skin:=TSkinTab.create(comp);
- skin.Init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- // TSkinTab(skin).inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).handle,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (cname='TMVCPANEL') then
- InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl)
- else if ((Comp is TPageControl) and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls))
- and (<>nil) then begin
- s:=GetStringProp(comp,'Style');
- if s='tsTabs' then begin
- skin:=TSkinTab.create(self);
- skin.Init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- // TSkinTab(skin).inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).handle,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end else begin
- skin:=TSkinTabBtn.create(self);
- skin.Init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- end
- else if (comp is THeaderControl) and (xcPanel in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinHeader.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end
- else if ((Comp is TCustomCheckBox) and
- (xcCheckBox in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinCheckBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end
- else if ((comp is Ttrackbar) and
- (xctrackbar in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinTrackBar.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if (((cname='TUPDOWN') or (cname='TSPINBUTTON')) and
- (xcSpin in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinUpDown.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if ((cname='TMEDIAPLAYER') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinMP.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((Comp is TCustomRadiogroup))
- and (xcRadioButton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- for j:= 0 to TWincontrol(comp).ControlCount-1 do begin
- subcomp:=Twincontrol(Twincontrol(comp).Controls[j]);
- //TAccontrol(subcomp).ParentColor := false;
- with TSkinRadioButton.create(subcomp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- with TSkinGroupBox.create(comp) do
- // with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end
- else if (cname='TDBNAVIGATOR') and (xcPanel in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- //setproperty(Comp,'Flat','True');
- with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- for i := 0 to Twincontrol(comp).ControlCount-1 do begin
- subcontrol:= Twincontrol(comp).Controls[i];
- if subcontrol is Tcontrol then
- addcomp(subcontrol,nil);
- end;
- end
- else if ((cname='TRZDBCHECKBOX') or (cname='TRZCHECKBOX')) and
- (xccheckbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinObjimage.create(comp) do begin
- kind:=1;
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end;
- end
- else if ((cname='TRZRADIOBUTTON') or (cname='TRZDBRADIOBUTTON')) and
- (xcradiobutton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinObjimage.create(comp) do begin
- kind:=2;
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end;
- end
- else if ((cname='TCXDBCHECKBOX') or (cname='TCXCHECKBOX')) and
- (xccheckbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinObjimage.create(comp) do begin
- kind:=3;
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end;
- end
- else if ((Comp is TcustomGroupbox))
- and (xcPanel in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- self.InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl);
- with TSkinGroupbox.create(comp) do
- // with TSkinbox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end
- else if ((Comp is TRadioButton))
- and (xcRadioButton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinRadioButton.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- end
- {else if (comp is TLabel) then begin
- setproperty(Comp,'Transparent','True');
- end}
- else if (Comp is TToolbar) and (xcToolbar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- setproperty(Comp,'Flat','True');
- // setproperty(Comp,'Transparent','True');
- if (xcToolbar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- if not assigned(Ttoolbar(comp).OnCustomDrawButton) then
- Ttoolbar(comp).OnCustomDrawButton:=ToolBarDrawButton;
- if not assigned(Ttoolbar(comp).OnCustomDraw) then
- Ttoolbar(comp).OnCustomDraw:=ToolBarDrawBackground;
- with TSkinbox.create(comp) do
- // with TSkinToolbar.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- {$ifndef COMPILER_5}
- if Ttoolbar(comp).Menu<>nil then
- for j:=0 to Ttoolbar(comp).Menu.Items.count-1 do
- inittoolbarmenu(TToolbar(comp).Menu.items[j],true);
- {$endif}
- end;
- end
- {$ifndef COMPILER_5}
- else if ((Comp is TCustomStatusBar) and
- (xcStatusBar in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- {$else}
- else if ((Comp is TStatusBar) and
- (xcStatusBar in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- {$endif}
- //Tstatusbar(comp).sizegrip:=false;
- with TSkinStatusBar.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- end
- else if ((Comp is TProgressBar) and
- (xcProgress in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinProgress.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if ((Comp is TScrollbar) and (xcScrollbar in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinScControl.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (cname='TTNTCOMBOBOX') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinCombox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- // skin:=TSkinCombox.create(comp);
- // skin.inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).handle,self.fsd,fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (comp is TCustomComboBox) and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinCombox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if (comp is TDateTimePicker) and
- (xcedit in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- if (TDateTimePicker(comp).DateMode = dmUpDown) or
- (TDateTimePicker(comp).kind = dtkTime) then begin
- with TSkinEdit.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end else begin
- // with TSkinCombox.create(comp) do
- with TSkinDateTime.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) AND
- ((cname='TRICHEDIT')) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) AND
- ((cname='TWWDBRICHEDIT') or (cname='TDXDBMEMO')) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (Comp is Tbitbtn) then begin
- if (xcbitbtn in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinBitButton.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end else exit;
- end
- else if ((Comp is Tspeedbutton) and
- (xcSpeedButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinSpeedButton.create(comp) do
- InitGraphicControl(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if ((Comp is TCustomPanel))
- and (xcPanel in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl);
- with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end
- else if ((cname='TDXTREELIST') or (cname='TDXDBTREELIST') or
- (cname='TDXDBGRID')) and (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (Comp is TCustomListView)
- and (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinlistview.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (Comp is TCustomMemo) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (Comp is TCustomgrid) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and ( isscrollcontrol(Comp)) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if ((Comp is TButton) and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinButton.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if ((Comp is TCustomEdit)) and
- (xcedit in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- skin:=TSkinEdit.create(comp);
- skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end
- else if (cname='TDCEDIT') or (cname='TDCDBEDIT') then begin
- i:= GetIntProperty(comp,'NumButtons');
- if i=1 then begin
- if (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinCombox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- end else if i=0 then begin
- if (xcedit in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- skin:=TSkinEdit.create(comp);
- skin.inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).handle,self.fsd,fcanvas2,self);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if (Comp is TCustomFrame) then
- self.InitControlA(Comp as TWinControl)
- // InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl)
- else if (Comp is TCustomform) then begin
- with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- self.InitControlA(Comp as TWinControl);
- end;
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinForm.InitControls(wForm: TWinControl);
- var
- i, x,j,tag: integer;
- Comp: TComponent;
- begin
- DeleteSkinDeleted;
- for i := 0 to wForm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- Comp := wForm.Components[i];
- if comp is Tcontrol then
- addcomp(Tcontrol(comp),wform);
- end;
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitControlA(wForm: TWinControl);
- var
- i: integer;
- Comp: TComponent;
- begin
- for i := 0 to wForm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- Comp := wForm.Components[i];
- if comp is Tcontrol then
- addcomp(Tcontrol(comp),wform);
- end;
- if (xcPopupmenu in fsd.SkinControls) then
- InitPopMenu(wform,true,true);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitChildCtrl(wForm: TWinControl);
- var
- i: integer;
- Ctrl: TControl;
- begin
- for i := 0 to wForm.controlCount - 1 do begin
- Ctrl := wForm.controls[i];
- addcomp(ctrl,wform);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitControls(wForm: TWinControl);
- var
- i,n: integer;
- Ctrl: TWinControl;
- Comp: TComponent;
- list:Tlist;
- s:string;
- begin
- DeleteSkinDeleted;
- { if xoNoPreview in fsd.Options then begin
- s := lowercase(fform.Name);
- if (pos('preview',s)>0) then exit;
- end; }
- InitControlA(wform);
- list:=Tlist.create;
- wform.GetTabOrderList(list);
- for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do begin
- ctrl := list[i];
- if not FindSkinComp2(ctrl) then
- addcomp(ctrl,wform);
- end;
- list.Free;
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.FindSkinComp2(ctrl:Twincontrol):boolean;
- var isskin:integer;
- i:integer;
- sc:Tskincontrol;
- begin
- result:=true;
- {$ifdef CPPB_5}
- exit;
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef CPPB_6}
- exit;
- {$endif}
- // if ctrl=nil then exit;
- // ctrl.HandleNeeded;
- if not ctrl.HandleAllocated then exit;
- if ctrl.Tag=fsd.DisableTag then exit;
- isskin:= sendmessage(ctrl.Handle,CN_IsSkined,0,0);
- if isskin=1 then exit;
- for i:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- sc:= Tskincontrol(controllist.items[i]);
- if sc.hwnd=ctrl.handle then begin
- result:=true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- result:=false;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitNestform(wForm: Twincontrol);
- var
- i, x,j,tag: integer;
- Comp: TComponent;
- begin
- DeleteSkinDeleted;
- with TSkinBox.create(wform) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- for i := 0 to wForm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- Comp := wForm.Components[i];
- if comp is Tcontrol then
- addcomp(Tcontrol(comp),wform);
- end;
- InitPopMenu(wForm,true,true);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DoSkinEdit(aEdit: Twincontrol);
- var r1,r2:Trect;
- skin:TSkinControl;
- begin
- getwindowrect(aedit.handle,r1);
- offsetrect(r1,-r1.left,-r1.Top);
- getClientrect(aedit.handle,r2);
- offsetrect(r2,-r2.left,-r2.Top);
- if (r1.Right=r2.Right) and (r1.bottom=r2.Bottom) then exit;
- skin:=TSkinEdit.create(aEdit);
- skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.Find3rdControl(aname:string;comp:Twincontrol):boolean;
- var i,p:integer;
- s,s1,s2,s3:string;
- subcomp:Twincontrol;
- subcontrol:Tcontrol;
- skin:TSkinControl;
- begin
- s1:=lowercase(aname)+'=';
- s2:='';
- for i:= 0 to fsd.skin3rd.count-1 do begin
- s:=lowercase(fsd.Skin3rd[i]);
- if (pos(s1,s)=1) then begin
- p:=pos('=',s);
- s2:=copy(s,p+1,50);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- result:=false;
- if s2='' then exit;
- result:=true;
- if (s2='nil') then begin
- result:=true;
- end
- else if (s2='combobox') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinCombox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if (s2='comboboxex') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinCombox.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- hasbutton:=true;
- end;
- end
- else if (s2='edit') and (xcedit in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- DoSkinEdit(comp);
- // skin:=TSkinEdit.create(comp);
- // skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- // skin.inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).handle,self.fsd,fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (s2='radiobutton') and (xcRadioButton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinRadioButton.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end;
- end
- else if (s2='panel') and (xcpanel in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- setproperty(Comp,'Transparent','True');
- with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end
- else if ((s2='trackbar') and (xcbutton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- setproperty(Comp,'Transparent','True');
- with TSkinTrackBar.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if ((s2='button') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinButton.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='datetimepicker') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinDateTime.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='mediaplayer') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinMP.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='bitbtn') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- if s1='tcxbutton=' then begin
- s3:= GetEnumProperty(comp,'Kind');
- if s3='cxbkDropDownButton' then begin
- with TSkinMenuButton.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- result:=true;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- with TSkinbitButton.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='pngbitbtn') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinbitButton.create(comp) do begin
- PicField:='PngImage';
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='pngspeedbutton') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinSpeedButton.create(comp) do begin
- PicField:='PngImage';
- InitGraphicControl(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='menubtn') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinMenuButton.create(comp) do begin
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end;
- end
- else if ((s2='speedbutton') and (xcSpeedButton in Fsd.SkinControls)) then begin
- with TSkinSpeedButton.create(comp) do
- InitGraphicControl(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if (s2='tab') and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls)
- and (<>nil) then begin
- skin:=TSkinTab.create(comp);
- skin.init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- // TSkinTab(skin).inithwnd(TWinControl(Comp).handle,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end
- else if (s2='progress') and (xcprogress in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinProgress.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2);
- end
- else if (s2='scrollbar') and (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl);
- //InitControlA(Comp as TWinControl);
- end
- else if (s2='singlescrollbar') and (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(comp) do begin
- kind:=1;
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(Comp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end;
- end
- else if (s2='embedscrollbar') and (xcScrollBar in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- for i := 0 to TWincontrol(comp).ControlCount-1 do begin
- subcomp:=Twincontrol(Twincontrol(comp).Controls[i]);
- if subcomp is TScrollbar then begin
- with TSkinScControl.create(subcomp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(subComp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end else if isscrollcontrol(subComp) then begin
- with TSkinScrollBar.create(subcomp) do
- initScrollbar(TWinControl(subComp),self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,self);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if (s2='container') then begin
- InitChildCtrl(Comp as TWinControl);
- { for i := 0 to TWincontrol(comp).ControlCount-1 do begin
- subcontrol:=Twincontrol(comp).Controls[i];
- if subcontrol is Tcontrol then
- addcomp(subcontrol,nil);
- //if subcomp is Twincontrol then
- // Find3rdControl(subcomp.classname,subcomp);
- end; }
- end
- else if (s2='groupbox') and (xcgroupbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinGroupBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end
- else if ((s2='advpagecontrol') ) and (xctab in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinAdvPage.create(comp) do begin
- kind:=4;
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end;
- end
- else if (s2='radiogroup') and (xcgroupbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- if (xcradiobutton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- for i:= 0 to TWincontrol(comp).ControlCount-1 do begin
- subcomp:=Twincontrol(Twincontrol(comp).Controls[i]);
- if pos('TRZ',aname)=0 then begin
- with TSkinRadioButton.create(subcomp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end else begin
- with TSkinObjimage.create(subcomp) do begin
- kind:=2;
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (xcgroupbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then
- with TSkinGroupBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end
- else if (s2='checkgroup') and (xcpanel in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- if (xcradiobutton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- for i:= 0 to TWincontrol(comp).ControlCount-1 do begin
- subcomp:=Twincontrol(Twincontrol(comp).Controls[i]);
- // addcomp(subcomp,fform);
- //TAccontrol(subcomp).ParentColor := false;
- if pos('TRZ',aname)=0 then begin
- with TSkinCheckbox.create(subcomp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end else begin
- with TSkinObjimage.create(subcomp) do begin
- kind:=1;
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (xcgroupbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then
- with TSkinGroupBox.create(comp) do
- // with TSkinBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,true);
- end
- else if (s2='checkbox') AND (xcCheckBox in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- with TSkinCheckBox.create(comp) do
- init(self,self.fsd,self.fcanvas2,false);
- end
- else exit;
- result:=true;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitHwndControls(ahwnd:Thandle);
- var hctrl : Thandle;
- begin
- hCtrl := GetTopWindow( ahWnd );
- while ( hCtrl<>0 ) do begin
- if (GetWindowLong(hCtrl, GWL_STYLE ) and WS_CHILD)>0 then begin
- AddControlh( hCtrl);
- //if (aname='#32770') then InitHwndControls(hctrl);
- end;
- hCtrl := GetNextWindow( hCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT );
- end;
- // EnumChildWindows(hwnd, @enumcontrol, integer(self));
- end;
- function TWinSkinForm.Lookupcontrol(ahwnd:Thandle):Tskincontrol;
- var c:Tskincontrol;
- i: integer;
- begin
- result:=nil;
- for i:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- c:=Tskincontrol(controllist[i]);
- if c.hwnd=ahwnd then begin
- result:=c;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function EnumControl(ahwnd :HWND;lParam: LPARAM):boolean;stdcall;
- var s:string;
- sf:Twinskinform;
- begin
- result:=false;
- sf:= TWinskinform(lparam);
- // if (GetParent(ahwnd)= lparam) then begin
- sf.AddControlh( ahwnd);
- s:=getwindowclassname(ahwnd);
- // skinaddlog(format('***enumchild %1x,%s',[ahwnd,s]));
- result:=true;
- // end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.AddControlh(ahwnd :HWND);
- var Style,dwExStyle:dword;
- c:Tskincontrol;
- szBuf: array [0..MAX_CLASSNAME] of char;
- aname:string;
- control:TACwincontrol;
- begin
- c:= Lookupcontrol( ahWnd );
- if ( ahWnd=0 ) or (c<>nil) then exit;
- GetClassName( ahwnd, szBuf, MAX_CLASSNAME );
- aname:=szbuf;
- // skinaddlog(aname);
- aname:=lowercase(aname);
- Style := GetWindowLong( ahWnd, GWL_STYLE );
- dwExStyle := GetWindowLong( ahWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
- if (aname='button') and ((style and bs_ownerdraw)<>bs_ownerdraw) then begin
- if ((style and bs_groupbox)=bs_groupbox)
- or ((style and bs_bitmap)=bs_bitmap) then
- c:=nil
- else
- or ((Style and BS_CHECKBOX )=BS_CHECKBOX)
- or ((Style and BS_3STATE )=BS_3STATE) then begin
- // c:=nil
- if (xcCheckbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then
- c := Tskincheckbox.create(Self)
- or ((Style and BS_RADIOBUTTON)=BS_RADIOBUTTON) then begin
- if (xcRadioButton in Fsd.SkinControls) then
- c := Tskinradiobutton.create(Self);
- end else if (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls) then
- c := Tskinbutton.create(Self);
- end
- else if (aname='combobox') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- if ((Style and $03)<>CBS_SIMPLE) then
- c := TSkinCombox.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='comboboxex32') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- ahwnd := GetTopWindow( ahWnd );
- if ahwnd<>0 then
- c := TSkinCombox.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='scrollbar') and ((Style and WS_TabStop) =0) then begin
- // c := TSkinboxh.create(Self) ;
- c := TSkinSizer.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='systreeview32') then begin
- //syslistview32
- // c := TSkinScrollbarH.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='#32770') and ((Style and WS_TabStop) =0) then begin
- inithwndcontrols(ahwnd);
- c := TSkinboxh.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='tpanel') or ( aname='ttntpanel.unicodeclass')
- or (aname='ttntsilentpaintpanel.unicodeclass') then begin
- inithwndcontrols(ahwnd);
- control := TACWincontrol(FindControlx(ahwnd));
- if control<>nil then
- control.color := fsd.colors[csButtonFace];
- end
- else if (aname='tcheckbox') and (xcCheckbox in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- c := Tskincheckbox.create(Self);
- end
- else if (aname='tcombobox') and (xcCombo in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- c := TSkinCombox.create(Self);
- end
- else if (aname='tbutton') and (xcButton in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- c := Tskinbutton.create(Self);
- end
- else if (aname='tprogressbar') then begin
- c := TSkinProgress.create(Self);
- end
- else if (aname='tsilentpaintpanel') then begin
- control := TACWincontrol(FindControlx(ahwnd));
- if control<>nil then
- control.color := fsd.colors[csButtonFace];
- end
- else if (aname='systabcontrol32') and (xcTab in Fsd.SkinControls)
- c := TSkinTab.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='toolbarwindow32') then begin
- c := TSkinboxh.create(Self) ;
- end
- else if (aname='edit') and (xcEdit in Fsd.SkinControls) then begin
- c := TSkinedit.create(Self) ;
- end;
- if c<>nil then begin
- c.inithwnd(ahwnd,fsd,fcanvas2,self);
- // controllist.add(c);
- // skinaddlog(format('***add control %1x,%s',[ahwnd,aname]));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.Refresh;
- begin
- SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.InitSkinData;
- var i,cw:integer;
- begin
- if fsd.empty then exit;
- // GetClientRect(hwnd,fClientRect);
- if (formborder <> sbsnone) then begin
-[3].map.height div fsd.border[3].frame;
- bw.left:=fsd.border[1].map.width div fsd.border[1].frame;
- bw.right:=fsd.border[2].map.width div fsd.border[2].frame;
- bw.bottom:=fsd.border[4].map.height div fsd.border[4].frame;
- end else begin
- bw:= rect(0,0,0,0);
- // bw:= rect(2,2,2,2);
- MenuHeight := 0;
- end;
- { if (menu=nil) then begin
- cw:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
- if (cw> then
- menuheight := cw-bw.Top
- else menuheight:=0;
- end ; }
- deletesysbtn;
- BtnCount:= length(fsd.sysbtn);
- setlength(sysbtn,BtnCount);
- for i:= 0 to BtnCount-1 do begin
- sysbtn[i]:=TWinsysbutton.create;
- sysbtn[i].data:=fsd.sysbtn[i];
- sysbtn[i].sf:=self;
- sysbtn[i].enabled:=true;
- if fsd.sysbtn[i].action in [3,11] then begin
- GetIcon(iconbmp);
- //copybmp(iconbmp,fsd.sysbtn[i].map);//fsd.sysicon);
- if sysbtn[i] then
- copybmp(iconbmp,fsd.sysbtn[i].map);//fsd.sysicon);
- // copybmp(fsd.sysicon,fsd.sysbtn[i].map);
- // copybmp(Iconbmp,fsd.sysbtn[i].map);
- // fsd.sysbtn[i].map.assign(Iconbmp);
- if fsd.sysicon.empty then
- copybmp(Iconbmp,fsd.sysicon);
- fsd.sysbtn[i].frame:=1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.KeepClient;
- var r1:Trect;
- begin
- r1:=fform.ClientRect;
- // Form Change Height
- // Form Change Width
- fform.width:=r1.right+bw.left+bw.right;
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.DrawIcon(dc:HDC;rc:TRect);
- var SmallIcon: HIcon;
- begin
- DefIcon := SendMessage(application.handle, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0);
- if DefIcon = 0 then
- DefIcon := SendMessage(application.handle, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, 0);
- if deficon<>0 then begin
- DrawIconEx(dc,rc.Left,rc.Top, SmallIcon,iconx, iconx, 0, 0,DI_NORMAL);
- DestroyIcon(SmallIcon);
- end else begin
- DrawTranmap(DC,rc,iconbmp);
- // DrawRect1(dc,rc,iconbmp,1,1,1) ;
- end;
- end;
- {procedure TWinSkinForm.DrawIcon(dc:HDC;rc:TRect);
- var SmallIcon: HIcon;
- begin
- if deficon<>0 then begin
- SmallIcon := CopyImage(DefIcon, IMAGE_ICON, iconx, iconx,LR_CREATEDIBSECTION);// LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE);
- DrawIconEx(dc,rc.Left,rc.Top, defIcon ,iconx, iconx, 0, 0,DI_NORMAL);
- DestroyIcon(SmallIcon);
- end;
- end;}
- procedure TWinSkinForm.GetIcon(var bmp:Tbitmap);
- var
- SmallIcon: HIcon;
- cx, cy,i: Integer;
- sd:Tskindata;
- begin
- cx := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
- cy := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
- // bmp.Assign(nil);
- // bmp.canvas.brush.color:=clFuchsia;
- bmp.width:=cx;bmp.height:=cy;
- bmp.PixelFormat := pf16bit;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.color:=clFuchsia;
- bmp.canvas.fillrect(rect(0,0,cx,cy));
- iconx:=cx;
- // First try a small icon, then a big icon
- DefIcon := SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0);
- if DefIcon = 0 then
- DefIcon := SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, 0);
- if DefIcon <> 0 then begin
- SmallIcon := CopyImage(DefIcon, IMAGE_ICON, cx, cy, LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE);
- DrawIconEx(bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SmallIcon,
- cx, cy, 0, 0, DI_MASK or DI_IMAGE );//DI_NORMAL);
- DestroyIcon(SmallIcon);
- end else if not fsd.sysicon.empty then begin //otherwise no icon found
- //cause DLL exception
- //bmp.assign(fsd.sysicon) ;
- //bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- //copybmp(sd.SysIcon,bmp);
- end else begin
- for i:= 0 to skinmanager.dlist.count-1 do begin
- sd:= Tskindata(skinmanager.dlist.items[i]);
- if sd.skinformtype=sfMainform then begin
- if not sd.sysicon.empty then
- //copybmp(sd.SysIcon,bmp);
- //bmp.assign(sd.sysicon) ;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function GetWindowClassname(ahwnd:Thandle):string;
- var buf:array[0..MAX_CLASSNAME] of char;
- begin
- GetClassName(ahwnd, buf, MAX_CLASSNAME);
- result:=strpas(buf);
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.doLog(msg:string);
- var r:Trect;
- begin
- {$IFDEF test}
- exit;
- if msg='' then exit;
- // if not skinmanager.menuactive then exit;
- if formstyle=sfsmdichild then exit;
- // if fform<>nil then
- // exit;
- msg:=format('%s-%4x :%s WS:%1d',[caption,hwnd,msg,Ord(windowstate)]);
- // getwindowrect(hwnd,r);
- // msg:=msg+format(' W(W:%1d H:%1d)',[r.right-r.left,]);
- // getclientrect(hwnd,r);
- // msg:=msg+format(' C(w:%1d h:%1d)',[r.right-r.left,]);
- // msg:=msg+format(' (l:%1d r:%1d w:%1d h:%1d)',[r.left,,r.right,r.bottom]);
- // if crop then msg:=msg+' Crop:True'
- // else msg:=msg+' Crop:False';
- // if hassysbtn then msg:=msg+' SysBtn:True'
- // else msg:=msg+' SysBtn:False';
- if SkinCanLog then Logstring.add(msg);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.NewWndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- const s=' ';
- var b:boolean;
- begin
- {$IFDEF test}
- // dolog(MsgtoStr(aMsg));
- {$ENDIF}
- done2:=false;
- with aMsg do begin
- case Msg of
- CM_BEWAIT: begin
- // If message comes from Billenium Effects
- if aMsg.LParam = BE_ID then aMsg.Result := BE_ID
- else aMsg.Result :=1 ;
- end;
- if amsg.LParam = BE_ID then begin
- // If a device context is provided then render the non client area in it
- if amsg.WParam <> 0 then
- updatenc(amsg.WParam);
- amsg.Result := BE_ID;
- end
- end;
- CM_DialogChar:
- CMDialogChar(amsg);
- // CM_RELEASE: postmessage(hwnd,wm_close,0,0);
- OldWndProc(amsg);
- refresh;
- done2:=true;
- end;}
- CN_SkinChanged:begin
- SkinChange;
- done:=true;
- end;
- WM_SETTEXT : begin
- if IsWindowVisible(hwnd) then begin
- // mdiform has problem, change caption when created
- {if isunicode or (formstyle=sfsmdichild) then
- OldWndProc(amsg)
- else begin
- sendmessage(hwnd,WM_SETREDRAW,0,0);
- OldWndProc(amsg);
- sendmessage(hwnd,WM_SETREDRAW,1,0);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end; }
- OldWndProc(amsg);
- if (windowstate=swsmax) then
- postmessage(skinmanager.clienthwnd,CN_NewMDIChild,hwnd,0);
- if windowstate=swsmin then
- updatenc(0)
- else refresh;
- end else begin //visible=false
- OldWndProc(amsg);
- end;
- done2:=true;
- end;
- else OldWndProc(amsg);
- end;
- end;
- // if not Done2 then OldWndProc(amsg);
- end;
- // RedrawWindow(hwnd,0,0,RDW_FRAME or RDW_INVALIDATE or RDW_UPDATENOW);
- procedure TWinSkinForm.SkinChange;
- var i:integer;
- c,fc:Twincontrol;
- sc:Tskincontrol;
- b:boolean;
- begin
- fc:=nil;
- b:=false;
- if fform<>nil then begin
- fform.color:=fsd.colors[csButtonFace];
- for i := 0 to fForm.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
- if fForm.Components[i] is Tcustomform then
- Tcustomform(fForm.Components[i]).color:=fsd.colors[csButtonFace]
- else if fForm.Components[i] is TCustomGrid then
- TacGrid(fForm.Components[i]).fixedcolor:=fsd.colors[csButtonFace];
- end;
- // fc:=fform.ActiveControl;
- // if fc<>nil then b:=fc.Focused;
- end;
- for i:= 0 to controllist.count-1 do begin
- sc:=Tskincontrol(controllist.items[i]);
- sc.skinchange;
- end;
- SkinState:=skin_change;
- if (sMainMenu) and (fform<>nil) then begin
- if fform<>nil then
- InitPopmenu(fform,true,true);
- ResizeForm(1);
- // SkinState:=skin_Active;
- // cropwindow;}
- fform.Height:=fform.height+1;
- fform.Height:=fform.height-1;
- end;
- AfterSkin;
- // if b and (fc<>Nil) then fc.SetFocus;
- SkinState:=skin_Active;
- // skinaddlog('**********************skin change************');
- end;
- procedure TWinSkinForm.UnSubclass;
- var w,h:integer;
- p:Tpoint;
- r2:Trect;
- style:dword;
- begin
- if not sMainMenu then begin
- Unsubclass2;
- exit;
- end;
- if sysmenu<>nil then begin
- sysmenu:=nil;
- end;
- timer.enabled:=false;
- if fobjectinst=nil then exit;
- if (fform<>nil) and assigned(oldwndproc) then begin
- fform.WindowProc := OldWndProc;
- oldwndproc:=nil;
- end;
- if isunicode then
- SetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FPrevWndProc))
- else
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC,LongInt(FPrevWndProc));
- FreeObjectInstance(FObjectInst);
- fobjectinst:=nil;
- DeleteControls;
- if fform<>nil then begin
- InitPopMenu(fform,false,false);
- if (xcMenuitem in fsd.SkinControls) then
- InitMainMenu(fForm,false,false);
- if Skinstate<>skin_Destory then
- fform.color:=formcolor;
- end;
- UpdateStyle(false);
- EnableSysbtn(true);
- if menu<>nil then begin
- if hmenu<>menu.hmenu then
- SetMenu(Hwnd, menu.hmenu)
- else
- SetMenu(Hwnd, hmenu);
- menu:=nil;