



  1. <!--#include file="wml.ini"-->
  2. <% 
  3. dim rss
  4. set rss = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset")
  5. sql="select * from Config where id=1 order by id desc"
  6.    set rss=conn.execute(sql)
  7. if not rss.eof and not rss.bof then
  8.    do while not rss.eof
  9. 'wapurl=rss("zc")
  10. 'wapname=rss("sm")
  11. Class_Style=Index_Class_Style
  12.      call wmlbegin(""&wap.filter("wml",rss("Title"))&"",""&rss("p")&"")
  13.      if rss("logo")<>"" then
  14.      call wmlimg(""&wap.filter("wml",rss("logo"))&"",""&wap.filter("wml",rss("title"))&"",true)
  15.      end if
  16. rss.movenext
  17. loop
  18. end if
  19. rss.close
  20. set rss=Nothing
  21.     call wmllink("Explore.Asp?action=rank&amp;datetime=new","最新",false)
  22.     call wmllink("explore.asp?action=rank","排行",false)
  23.     call wmllink("explore.asp?action=rank&amp;datetime=commend","推荐",false)
  24.   call wmllink("Search.Asp","搜索",true)
  25. set rs=conn.execute("select top " & Index_New_Amount & " * from [Album] WHERE Show=1 order by Add_Time desc")
  26. if not rs.eof then
  27. call wmlwrite("=*今日精彩推荐*=",true)
  28. do while not rs.eof
  29. ci=ci+1
  30. if(ci<Index_New_Pic_Amount+1) then
  31. set rs1=conn.execute("select top 1 * from [Picture] WHERE AlbumID=" & rs("id") & " order by newid()")
  32. do while not rs1.eof
  33. vv=wap.rndc()
  34. set   fso=Server.CreateObject   ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   
  35.     fpath=server.mappath(replace(rs1("File_Url"),"/",""))   
  36.     if   fso.FileExists(fpath)   then   
  37.   Call (new ImageClass).zoom(rs1("File_Url"),"images/temp/" & vv & rs1("id") &"_60x70." & wap.ftype(rs1("File_Url")) & "",60,70) 
  38.    call wmlimgl("/images/temp/" & vv & rs1("id") & "_60x70." & wap.ftype(rs1("File_Url")) & "",wap.filter("wml",rs1("Title")),"View.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "",wap.filter("wml",rs1("Title")),false)
  39.   end   if
  42.  if ci = Index_New_Pic_Amount then
  43.  response.write("<br/>")
  44.  end if
  45. rs1.movenext
  46. loop
  47. Closers1()
  48. else
  49. call wmllink("View.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("Album_Title")) & "",true)
  50. end if
  51. rs.movenext
  52. loop
  53. end if
  54. Closers()
  55. if Index_Ad_Top<>0 then
  56.  ads(cint(Index_Ad_Top))
  57. end if
  58.     call wmllink("Explore.Asp?action=rank&amp;datetime=new","更多最新...",true)
  59. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. set rs=conn.execute("select top " & Index_Recommend_Amount & " * from [Album] WHERE Show=1 and Recommend=1 order by newid()")
  61. if not rs.eof then
  62. call wmlwrite("=*辣图推荐*=",true)
  63. dim ci
  64. do while not rs.eof
  65. ci1=ci1+1
  66. if(ci1<Index_Recommend_Pic_Amount+1) then
  67. set rs1=conn.execute("select top 1 * from [Picture] WHERE AlbumID=" & rs("id") & " order by newid()")
  68. do while not rs1.eof
  69. v1=wap.rndc()
  70. 'call wmlwrite(rs1("File_Url"),true)
  71.         Call (new ImageClass).zoom(rs1("File_Url"),"images/temp/"& v1 & rs1("id") &"_60x70." & wap.ftype(rs1("File_Url")) & "",60,70)
  72.   call wmlimgl("/images/temp/" & v1 & rs1("id") & "_60x70." & wap.ftype(rs1("File_Url")) & "",wap.filter("wml",rs1("Title")),"View.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "",wap.filter("wml",rs1("Title")),false)
  73.  if ci1 = Index_Recommend_Pic_Amount then
  74.  response.write("<br/>")
  75.  end if
  76. rs1.movenext
  77. loop
  78. Closers1()
  79. else
  80. call wmllink("View.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("Album_Title")) & "",true)
  81. end if
  82. rs.movenext
  83. loop
  84. end if
  85. Closers()
  86. if Index_Ad_Medium<>0 then
  87.  ads(cint(Index_Ad_Medium))
  88. end if
  89.     call wmllink("explore.asp?action=rank&amp;datetime=commend","更多推荐...",true)
  90. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. select case Class_Style
  92. case 1
  93. set rs=conn.execute("select * from [Class] order by ids asc")
  94. if not rs.eof then
  95. call wmlwrite("=*精彩分类*=",true)
  96. do while not rs.eof
  97. dim br
  98. if rs("Newline")=1 then
  99. br=True
  100. else
  101. br=False
  102. end if
  103. call wmllink("Categories.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("Class_Title")) & "",br)
  104. rs.movenext
  105. loop
  106. end if
  107. Closers()
  108. case 2
  109. set rs=conn.execute("select * from [Class] order by newid() asc")
  110. if not rs.eof then
  111. call wmlwrite("=*精彩分类*=",true)
  112. do while not rs.eof
  113. call wmllink1("Categories.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("Class_Title")) & "",false)
  114. set rs1=conn.execute("select top 2 * from [Album] WHERE Album_ClassID=" & rs("id") & " order by newid()")
  115. do while not rs1.eof
  116. call WMLLink("View.Asp?id=" & rs1("id") & "","" & wap.filter("wml",rs1("Album_Title")) & "",false)
  117. response.write("|")
  118. rs1.movenext
  119. loop
  120. call wmllink("Categories.Asp?id=" & rs("id") & "","更多..",true)
  121. Closers1()
  122. rs.movenext
  123. loop
  124. end if
  125. Closers()
  126. end select
  127. if Index_Ad_Bottom<>0 then
  128.  ads(cint(Index_Ad_Bottom))
  129. end if
  130. set rs=conn.execute("select top 1 * from [analysis] order by anid desc")
  131. if not rs.eof then
  132. call wmlwrite("=*今日统计*=",true)
  133. do while not rs.eof
  134. call wmlwrite("新增",false)
  135. call WMLLink("Explore.Asp?action=rank&amp;datetime=new","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("pic_new")) & "",false)
  136. call wmlwrite("浏览",false)
  137. call WMLLink("Explore.Asp?action=rank","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("pic_view")) & "",false)
  138. call wmlwrite("下载",false)
  139. call WMLLink("Explore.Asp?action=rank&amp;datetime=Finally","" & wap.filter("wml",rs("pic_down")) & "",false)
  140. rs.movenext
  141. loop
  142. end if
  143. Closers()
  144.   wt=request("wt")
  145.   if wt="ok" then
  146.   Application.Lock
  147.   sql="insert into [wt](ip) values ("
  148.   sql=sql & sqlstr(wap.ip()) & ")"
  149.   conn.execute(sql)
  150.   Application.Unlock
  151.   end if
  152. %>
  153. <br/><a href='LinkIndex.Asp'>友链排行榜</a>
  154. <%
  155. call wmlend
  156. %>