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- Recommendations T.0-T.63
- Blanc
- "Telematic services" is used provisionally and includes such
- services as Videotex, Teletex, facsimile, etc.
- Recommendation A.21 published in Volume I is reproduced
- below for the convenience of the reader.
- Recommendation A.21
- (Geneva, 1980, amended at Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984)
- The CCITT,
- considering
- (a) that, according to Article 1 of the agreement between the
- United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union, the
- United Nations recognizes the International Telecommunication Union
- as the specialized agency responsible for taking such action as may
- be appropriate under its basic instrument for the accomplishment of
- the purposes set forth therein;
- (b) that Article 4 of the International Telecommunication Con-
- vention | (Nairobi, 1982) states that the purposes of the Union
- are:
- "a) to maintain and extend international cooperation
- between all Members of the Union for the improvement and rational
- use of telecommunications of all kinds, as well as to promote and
- to offer technical assistance to developing countries in the field
- of telecommunications;
- " b) to promote the development of technical facili-
- ties and their most efficient operation with a view to improving
- the efficiency of telecommunication services, increasing their use-
- fulness and making them, as far as possible, generally available to
- the public;
- " c) to harmonize the actions of nations in the
- attainment of those ends.";
- (c) that Article 40 of the Convention states that "in further-
- ance of complete international coordination on matters affecting
- telecommunication, the Union shall cooperate with international
- organizations having related interests and activities";
- (d) that this cooperation has to recognize the advisory capa-
- city of organizations participating in the work of CCITT;
- (e) that, in the study of terminals for new CCITT-defined
- telematic services (e.g. for Teletex , Telefax , Datafax ,
- Bureaufax , Videotex services), ISO in particular is invited to
- give advice to CCITT based on their work on data systems and data
- communications;
- (f ) that this cooperation has to be organized in a manner
- that will avoid duplication of work and of decisions that would be
- contrary to the principles set out above;
- recognizes the following principles
- (1) It is the responsibility of the CCITT alone to make the
- decisions regarding the operational, technical (including factors
- needed to ensure international interworking) and tariff principles
- of the CCITT-defined services.
- (2) While the CCITT will define many of the relevant factors
- for the CCITT-defined telematic services, other international
- organizations will be invited to give specialist advice to CCITT on
- subjects that are of mutual interest, such as:
- - character sets and coding;
- - end-to-end control procedures including error
- protection;
- - interfaces between terminals and circuit ter-
- minating equipment;
- - terminal transmitter distortion and receiver mar-
- gin;
- - paper sizes and text formatting.
- (3) Standardization, if required, of hardware and software
- implementation of terminals, such as printing systems, paper feed,
- character type fonts, paper characteristics, etc., are outside the
- scope of CCITT.
- Recommendation A.22
- (Melbourne, 1988)
- The CCITT,
- considering
- (a) that the purposes of the International Telecommunication
- Union and the recognition of CCITT relations with other organiza-
- tions were given in 1964 and later, in CCITT Recommendation A.20
- which concerns data transmission;
- (b) that the principles of responsibility in regard to
- CCITT-defined Telematic services were given in 1980 and later, in
- Recommendation A.21 which mentions some subjects of mutual
- interest;
- (c) that CCITT Resolution No. 7 in 1984 further recognized
- common interests with ISO and IEC concerning Information Technology
- and cooperation with them by appropriate means,
- recognizes the following principles
- (1) that in accordance with CCITT Recommendations A.20 and
- A.21 and Resolution No. 7, every effort should be made in estab-
- lishing respective study programmes to identify overlapping studies
- with a view to avoiding duplication of work;
- (2) that where subjects are identified in which coordination
- seems desirable, text should be drawn up mutually and kept aligned;
- (3) that in carrying on the respective programmes of Informa-
- tion Technology studies, collaborative meetings at appropriate lev-
- els should be scheduled, where necessary. In drafting aligned text,
- it is necessary to take into account the respective timing for
- approvals and publication, particularly with the ISO/IEC Joint
- Technical Committee 1 (JTC1) on Information Technology;
- (4) that commonality of text with ISO/IEC and cross-references
- is considered desirable in certain areas of mutual interest, such
- as:
- - Message Handling Systems,
- - Directory Systems,
- - Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) architecture -
- service definitions and protocol specifications,
- - certain areas of Interworking,
- - certain aspects of Telematic Services,
- - Document Architecture,
- - certain aspects of ISDN.
- Recommendation T.0
- (Geneva, 1976; amended at Geneva, 1980;
- Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984 and Melbourne, 1988)
- 1 For document facsimile transmission by international commun-
- ications carried on the public networks there is a need for provid-
- ing sufficient operating speeds to meet users' requirements.
- 2 Users' requirements may best be served at the present time
- by classifying the following four basic categories of document fac-
- simile apparatus.
- 2.1 Apparatus for use over the public telephone network
- Group 1 (see Note 1)
- Apparatus which uses double sideband modulation without any
- special measures to compress the bandwidth of the transmitted sig-
- nal and which is suitable for the transmission of documents of
- ISO A4 size at nominally 4 lines per mm in about six minutes via a
- telephone-type circuit.
- Apparatus in this group may be designed to operate at a lower
- definition suitable for the transmission of documents of ISO A4
- size in a time between three and six minutes.
- Group 2 (see Note 2)
- Apparatus which exploits bandwidth compression techniques in
- order to achieve a transmission time of about three minutes for the
- transmission of an ISO A4 size document at nominally 4 lines
- per mm via a telephone-type circuit. Bandwidth compression in this
- context includes encoding and/or vestigial sideband working but
- excludes processing of the document signal to reduce redundancy.
- Group 3 (see Note 3)
- Apparatus which incorporates means for reducing the redundant
- information in the document signal prior to the modulation process
- and which can achieve a transmission time of about 1 minute for a
- typical typescript document of ISO A4 size via a telephone-type
- circuit. The apparatus may incorporate bandwidth compression of the
- line signal.
- 2.2 Apparatus for use over the public data networks
- Group 4 (see Note 4)
- Apparatus which incorporates means for reducing the redundant
- information in the document signal prior to transmission mainly via
- public data networks (PDNs). The apparatus will utilize procedures
- applicable to the PDN and will assure an essentially error-free
- reception of the document. The apparatus may also be used on the
- public telephone network where an appropriate modulation process
- will be utilized.
- 3 The users will choose among this apparatus, in accordance
- with their needs and the facilities afforded by the connection and
- the network.
- 4 Procedures for Groups 1, 2 and 3 document facsimile
- transmission in the public switched telephone network should be in
- accordance with Recommendation T.30.
- 5 Procedures for Group 4 document facsimile transmission
- should be in accordance with Recommendations T.62, T.62 | fIbis ,
- and T.70.
- Note 1 - This apparatus has been standardized in
- Recommendation T.2.
- Note 2 - This apparatus has been standardized in
- Recommendation T.3.
- Note 3 - This apparatus has been standardized in
- Recommendation T.4.
- Note 4 - This apparatus has been standardized in
- Recommendations T.6, T.503, T.521 and T.563.
- 6 Annex A contains definitions for terms used in the T-series
- Recommendations applicable to facsimile apparatus.
- (to Recommendation T.0)
- Definitions for terms used in the T-series Recommendations
- applicable to fascimile apparatus
- The following definitions apply to Recommendations T.1, T.2,
- T.3 and T.4:
- A.1 dead sector (Recommendations T.1, T.2)
- In drum apparatus, that portion of the drum surface the scan-
- ning time of which cannot be used for picture signal transmission.
- A.2 drum factor (Recommendation T.1)
- In drum apparatus, the ratio of the usable scanning length of
- the drum to its diameter.
- A.3 facsimile (Series T)
- The process of scanning a document (page), converting the
- image scanned into electrical signals for transmission to a remote
- receiver and the conversion of the received signals to produce a
- copy of the image originally scanned.
- A.4 factor of cooperation (Recommendation T.1)
- The product of the total scanning line length and the scanning
- density.
- A.5 flat-bed transmitter (Recommendation T.1)
- Apparatus in which the original document is placed flat and
- scanned line by line.
- A.6 index of cooperation (Recommendations T.1, T.2, T.3)
- Quotient of the factor of cooperation divided by the quan-
- tity ~~. In the case of a drum apparatus, the index of cooperation
- is also equal to the product of the drum diameter and the scanning
- density.
- A.7 judder, longitudinal (Recommendation T.1)
- Effect due to the irregular rotation of the drum or helix
- causing, on the reproduced picture, slight waviness or breaks in
- lines that are regular on the original document.
- A.8 judder, transverse (Recommendation T.1)
- Effect due to irregularity of the scanning pitch resulting in
- concurrent overlapping and underlapping in the reproduced picture.
- A.9 lost time (Recommendation T.3)
- The portion of the scanning line period which cannot be used
- for picture signal transmission.
- Note - In the case of drum apparatus, this is the same as the
- dead sector scanning time.
- A.10 nominal black (white) (Recommendation T.1)
- Level or frequency of the signal corresponding to a pure black
- (white).
- A.11 pel (Series T)
- A contraction of "picture element".
- A.12 phasing (Recommendations T.1, T.2, T.3)
- At the receiver, ensuring the exact coincidence of the mid-
- point of the scanning field, with the corresponding point at the
- transmitter so as to ensure the correct positioning of the picture
- on the recording medium.
- A.13 phasing signal (Recommendations T.1, T.2, T.3)
- A signal sent by the transmitter for phasing purposes.
- Note - Phasing is known as "phase white (black)" if the phas-
- ing signal is a black (white) signal of which a short interruption
- corresponding to the white (black) is sent during the lost time.
- A.14 phototelegraphy (Recommendation T.1)
- Method of reception of facsimile telegraphy which is chiefly
- intended for the reproduction of graded tonal densities and in
- which a photographic process is used at the receiver.
- A.15 picture element (Recommendations T.3, T.4)
- a) at transmission:
- The part of the area of the original document which coincides
- with the scanning spot at a given instant and which is of one
- intensity only, with no distinction of the details that may be
- included.
- b) at reception:
- The area of the finest detail that can be effectively
- reproduced on the recording medium.
- A.16 reproduction ratio (Recommendation T.1)
- The ratio of the linear dimensions of the reproduced document
- to the corresponding dimensions of the original document.
- A.17 resolution (Series T)
- A measure of the capability for delineating picture detail. In
- Group 3 and Group 4 facsimile transmission resolution is expressed
- as picture elements or pels per mm (horizontal resolution) and
- lines per mm (vertical resolution).
- A.18 scanning density (Recommendations T.1, T.2, T.3)
- Number of scanning pitches per unit length.
- A.19 scanning line (Recommendations T.1, T.2, T.3)
- The area explored by the scanning spot in one sweep from one
- side to the other of the scanning field.
- A.20 scanning pitch (Recommendation T.1)
- The distance between the corresponding edges of two consecu-
- tive scanning lines.
- A.21 skew (Recommendation T.3)
- A defect in reproduction in which lines that should be at
- right-angles to the scanning direction are inclined to it, owing to
- a difference between the scanning speeds at transmission and recep-
- tion.
- A.22 synchronization (Recommendation T.1)
- The establishment of equal scanning line frequencies at the
- transmitter and receiver.
- Recommendation T.1
- (former CCIT Recommendation D.1; amended at
- New Delhi, 1960; Geneva, 1964; Mar del Plata, 1968;
- Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984 and Melbourne, 1988)
- The CCITT,
- considering
- that the transmission of pictures is possible only if certain
- characteristics of the transmitting and receiving equipments are
- identical,
- unanimously declares the view
- that phototelegraph apparatus and the associated modulating
- and demodulating equipment should be constructed and employed
- according to the following standards:
- 1 Scanning track
- At the transmitting apparatus the message area should be
- scanned in a "negative" direction. The orientation of the document
- in relation to the scanning plane will depend upon its dimensions
- and is of no consequence.
- At the receiving apparatus scanning takes place in a "nega-
- tive" direction for "positive" reception and in a "positive" direc-
- tion for "negative" reception.
- 2 Index of cooperation
- The normal index is 352 (corresponds to a factor of coopera-
- tion of 1105).
- The preferred alternative index, for use when less dense scan-
- ning is required, or when the characteristics of circuits (and par-
- ticularly combined radio and metallic circuits) so demand, is 264
- (a factor of cooperation of 829). The admissible tolerances on the
- above-mentioned values are _ | %.
- 3 Dimensions of apparatus
- 3.1 Apparatus with drum scanning
- The most currently used drum diameters are 66, 70 and 88 mm.
- The drum factor of the sending apparatus shall not be more
- than 2.4.
- The drum factor of the receiving apparatus shall not be less
- than 2.4.
- The width of the picture-retaining device (dead sector) may
- not exceed 15 mm. An allowance of 3% of the total length of a scan-
- ning line is also made for phasing. Thus, since the total cir-
- cumference of a drum of the diameter of 66 mm is about 207 mm, the
- usable circumference will be at least 186 mm.
- 3.2 Apparatus with flat-bed scanning
- The total lengths of the most current scanning lines are 207,
- 220 and 276 mm of which 15 mm are not used for effective transmis-
- sion, because of the possibility that the receiving station may use
- a drum apparatus.
- Before transmitting a picture to a receiving station using a
- drum apparatus, it is necessary to ensure that the value of ratio:
- otal length of a scanning line
- ____________________________________ x ~~
- is less or at most equal to the drum factor of the receiver used.
- 3.3 Table 1/T.1 gives corresponding values of index of
- cooperation M , factor of cooperation C , drum diameter D , total
- length of scanning line L , scanning pitch P and scanning density F
- for apparatus in most common use.
- H.T. [T1.1]
- TABLE 1/T.1
- _________________________
- Measured in the direction perpendicular to the scanning
- line.
- _________________________________________________________
- M C D (mm) L (mm) P (mm) F (lines/mm)
- _________________________________________________________
- 264 829 66 207 1/4.77 4.77
- 264 829 70 220 1/3.77 3.77
- 264 829 88 276 1/3.77 3.77
- 350 1099 70 220 1/5.77 5.77
- 352 1105 66 207 3/16 7 16/3
- 352 1105 88 276 1/4.77 4.77
- _________________________________________________________
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- Note - The maximum dimensions of the pictures to be transmitted
- result from the parameters given in the table.
- Tableau 1/T.1 [T1.1], p.
- 4 Reproduction ratio
- In the case where apparatus working with different lengths of
- scanning line (but with the same index of cooperation) are inter-
- connected, there will be a slight change in size and the reproduc-
- tion will bear the same proportion as the original, the ratio being
- that of the total lengths of the scanning lines.
- 5 Drum rotation speed - scanning line frequency
- 5.1 Table 2/T.1 gives the normal and approved alternative com-
- binations of drum rotation speeds or of scanning line frequencies
- and indices of cooperation.
- H.T. [T2.1]
- TABLE 2/T.1
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
- Metallic circuits {
- {
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
- Normal conditions 60 90 352 352 264
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
- {
- Alternatives for use when the phototelegraph
- apparatus and metallic circuits are suitable
- } 90 120 150 {
- 264 and 352
- 264 and 352
- 264
- }
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
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- Note 1 - In the case of transmitters operating on metallic cir-
- cuits, the index 264 is not intended to be used with an 88-mm drum.
- In the case of transmitters operating on combined metallic and
- radio circuits, the index 264 associated with a drum diameter
- of 88-mm is intended to be used only exceptionally.
- Note 2 - The provisions given in the table are not intended to
- require the imposition of such standards on users who use their own
- equipment for the transmission of pictures over leased circuits.
- However, the characteristics of the apparatus used should be compa-
- tible with the characteristics of the circuits used.
- Tableau 2/T.1 [T2.1], p.
- 5.2 The speed of transmitters must be maintained as nearly as
- possible to the nominal speed and in any case within _ | 0 parts
- in 106 of the nominal speed. The speed of receivers must be adju-
- stable and the range of adjustment should be at least _ | 0 parts
- in 106 from the nominal speed. After regulation, the speeds of the
- transmitting and receiving sets should not differ by more than
- 10 parts in 106.
- 6 Judder
- The stability of the speed during one rotation should be such
- that the maximum shift of the drum surface from the average posi-
- tion should not exceed one quarter of the scanning pitch P at nor-
- mal index 352, which means that the maximum angle of the oscilla-
- tions should not exceed 0.08 degree measured from the average posi-
- tion.
- 7 Synchronization
- When phototelegraph stations have available a standard of fre-
- quency which is better than _ | parts in 106, verification of the
- synchronism between the two stations may be dispensed with. In view
- of the saving of time, this method should be adopted wherever pos-
- sible.
- To compare the speeds of a transmitter and a receiver, an
- alternating current whose frequency bears an unvarying relationship
- to the transmitter speed and has a nominal value of 1020 Hz is
- used.
- Where there is the possibility that the transmitter and
- receiver may be connected by a circuit liable to introduce fre-
- quency drifts, for example, by a carrier telephone circuit, the use
- of the simple 1020-Hz synchronizing tone is unsatisfactory. The
- preferred method of overcoming this difficulty is to transmit the
- phototelegraph carrier (of about 1900 Hz) modulated by the 1020-Hz
- synchronizing tone.
- At the receiving end, the 1020-Hz synchronizing frequency is
- restored by detection and can then be used in the normal manner.
- 8 Phasing
- Phasing is performed after the speeds of the transmitter and
- receiver drums have been equalized.
- For phasing purposes, the transmitter sends a series of alter-
- nating white and black signals in such a way that the black
- lasts 95% and the white 5% of the total scanning line period
- (admissible tolerance: _ | .5% of the total duration of a scanning
- line). The apparatus must be so adjusted that the pulses
- corresponding to the signal for white are transmitted:
- - during scanning of the " dead sector ", when drum
- apparatus is used,
- - during "lost time", when flat-bed apparatus is
- used,
- and that they are placed at the middle of the dead sector (or of
- the interval corresponding to the lost time ).
- (Tolerance admitted in the position of the "white" pulses:
- __E = _ 1% of a "total scanning line length".)
- At the receiving station, phasing signals are used to start
- the apparatus so that short white pulses occur in the middle of the
- "lost time" (tolerance admitted: __R = _ 2% of a "total scanning
- line length").
- Note - These tolerances allow for the fact that the restitu-
- tion of the original may deviate from its nominal position by 3% of
- a "total scanning line length", when the sending and receiving sta-
- tions are operating with the maximum authorized drift in the same
- direction.
- 9 Contrast
- The transmitter must transmit the original document without
- changing the contrast of the tone scales of the picture to be
- transmitted.
- 10 Modulation and demodulation equipment
- 10.1 Amplitude modulation
- Phototelegraph equipment shall normally provide for transmis-
- sion and reception of an amplitude modulated audio-frequency car-
- rier, which is the normal mode of transmission for international
- metallic circuits.
- The level of the output signal of the transmitter shall be
- greatest for white and least for black. It is desirable that the
- ratio of nominal white signal to nominal black signal should be
- approximately 30 decibels.
- To simplify multi-destination operation and AM/FM conversion
- for radio operation it is desirable that the amplitude of the
- transmitted signal should vary linearly with the photocell voltage
- and that no corrections for tone scale should be made at the photo-
- telegraph transmitting station.
- For audio-frequency telephone circuits, the frequency of the
- picture carrier-current is fixed at about 1300 Hz. This frequency
- gives the least delay distortion on lightly loaded underground
- cables.
- In the case of carrier telephone circuits providing a
- transmission band from 300 to 3400 Hz, a carrier-current frequency
- of about 1900 Hz is recommended.
- 10.2 Frequency modulation
- Preferably phototelegraph apparatus should also provide for
- transmission and reception of a frequency-modulated audio-frequency
- carrier for use when necessary:
- a) on combined metallic and radio circuits;
- b) on wholly metallic circuits.
- In such a case, the characteristics of the frequency-modulated
- output should be: mean frequency 1900 Hz
- white frequency 1500 Hz
- black frequency 2300 Hz
- The deviation of frequency should vary linearly with photocell
- voltage or, in the case of conversion from amplitude modulation to
- frequency modulation, with the amplitude of the amplitude-modulated
- carrier.
- The stability of the transmission must be such that the
- frequency corresponding to a given tone does not vary by more than
- 8 Hz in a period of 1 second and by more than 16 Hz in a period of
- 15 minutes.
- The receiving apparatus must be capable of operating correctly
- when the drift of black and white frequencies received does not
- exceed their nominal value by more than _ | 2 Hz.
- Note - It is recognized that there are difficulties operating
- with these frequency limits on the public switched telephone net-
- work (PSTN) where certain types of signalling equipment are used.
- By prior agreement between users on the PSTN, alternative frequen-
- cies of 1300 Hz for white and 2100 Hz for black may be used.
- 11 Positive or negative reception
- Selection of positive or negative reception should be made by
- adjustment at the receiver. The adaptation of the transmitted sig-
- nals to the characteristics of the photographic materials must also
- be effected at the receiving end according to the type of reproduc-
- tion, negative or positive.
- 12 Colour transmission (optional)
- 12.1 Phototelegraphy apparatus constructed in accordance with
- this Recommendation can be used in colour phototelegraphy by split-
- ting the spectrum of light reflected from the picture elements into
- three basic colours and transmitting the three resulting signals
- sequentially. Then each signal can be treated and transmitted as a
- phototelegraphy signal as specified in this Recommendation above.
- 12.2 The splitting of light reflected from picture element
- into three spectral components should be performed simultaneously.
- Thus synchro and phase coincidence and electronic colour correction
- can be achieved.
- 12.3 The triad RGB (red, green, blue) shall be used as a basis
- of main colours. The red colour shall be in range of 575-700 nm,
- green 485-575 nm, blue 400-485 nm.
- Note - For the high quality reproduction of art images by
- means of graphic facilities, transmission of fourth components
- (i.e. black overtone) is desirable.
- 12.4 The order of signal transmission shall be as follows:
- red, green, blue. In the case of negative reproduction the order of
- colour separated signals transmission is reversed.
- 12.5 The speeds of the transmitting and receiving sets should
- not differ by more than 1 part in 107.
- Recommendation T.2
- (Mar del Plata, 1968; amended at Geneva, 1972 and 1976)
- The CCITT,
- considering
- (a) that there is a requirement for Group 1 facsimile
- apparatus which enables an ISO A4 document to be transmitted over a
- telephone-type circuit in approximately six minutes;
- (b) that document facsimile transmission may be requested
- alternately with telephone conversation or when either or both sta-
- tions are unattended; in both cases the facsimile operation should
- conform to Recommendation T.30,
- unanimously declares the view
- that Group 1 facsimile apparatus for use on the general
- switched telephone network and international leased circuits should
- be designed and operated according to the following standards:
- 1 Scanning track
- The message area should be scanned in the same direction in
- the transmitter and receiver. Viewing the message area in a verti-
- cal plane, the scanning direction should be from left to right, and
- subsequent scans should be adjacent and below the previous scan.
- 2 Index of cooperation
- The nominal index of cooperation is 264. In cases where a
- lower vertical resolution is acceptable, and by agreement between
- the users, an optional index of cooperation of 176 may be used.
- These values should be observed with a nominal tolerance of _
- | % for each equipment.
- 3 Dimensions of apparatus
- 3.1 The apparatus should accept documents up to a minimum of
- ISO A4 size (nominally 210 mm x 297 mm).
- 3.2 The total scanning line length ( active sector plus dead
- sector) should be nominally 215 mm. Nominally 200 mm should be
- available for scanning or recording, the remainder being the dead
- sector
- 3.3 For any one document the nominal number of scans should
- be 1144 for an index of cooperation of 264 (762 scans for an index
- of 176). The receiver should be capable of recording nominally
- 1144 scans per document for an index of cooperation of 264 (or
- 762 scans for an index of 176).
- 3.4 Apparatus with other dimensions may be used provided that
- the index of cooperation is respected, that the total scanning line
- length lies between 210 and 250 mm and the usable recording line
- length retains the same ratio to the total scanning line length.
- 4 Scanning density
- Scanning density is normally 3.85 lines per mm.
- 5 Scanning line frequency
- In the subscriber-to-subscriber service via the general
- switched telephone network, the scanning line frequency should be
- 180 lines per minute (see Note).
- For leased circuits operation the best line frequency, which
- may be higher or lower than 180 lines per minute, may be chosen
- according to the circuit characteristics.
- The scanning line frequency during the transmission should be
- kept within _ | 0 parts in 106 of the nominal value.
- Note - With manual control at the two ends of connection set
- up over the general switched telephone network, another scanning
- line frequency (e.g. 240 per minute) may be chosen by agreement
- between the two operators.
- 6 Phasing
- The duration of the phasing signal for transmitters should be
- 15 _ 1 seconds.
- In a preferred method of phasing (see Note 1), the transmitter
- sends a series of alternating white and black signals in such a way
- that the white pulse (phasing pulse) is 4 to 6% of the total scan-
- ning line length and the leading edge is 2 to 3% in advance of the
- middle of the dead sector.
- Receiving apparatus should synchronize the middle of its dead
- sector 0.5 to 4.5% lagging the leading edge of the received phasing
- pulse (see Note 2).
- Note 1 - In a permitted method of phasing for present genera-
- tion machines, the transmitter sends a series of white and black
- signals in such a way that the white pulse is 2 to 12% of the total
- scanning line length and the leading edge is 2 to 3% in advance of
- the middle of the dead sector.
- Note 2 - Maximum reduction of recorded scanning line length
- due to synchronizing misalignment should not exceed 3% of total
- scanning line length. Maximum reduction of recorded scanning line
- length due to the combined effect of deviations of the transmitter
- and receiver scanning line frequencies should not exceed 4% of
- total scanning line length. The effect of these reductions of
- recorded scanning line length may cause it to be less than the nom-
- inal 200 mm.
- 7 Modulation and demodulation equipments
- 7.1 Amplitude modulation | (for leased circuits only)
- The facsimile signal level is higher for black and lower for
- white.
- The carrier frequency should range between 1300 and 1900 Hz
- and will depend upon the characteristics of the circuits used.
- 7.2 Frequency modulation | (for leased circuits and for
- switched connections)
- The frequency corresponding to black will normally
- be f0 + 400 Hz and the frequency corresponding to white will nor-
- mally be f0 - 400 Hz (see Note).
- For switched connections f0 = 1700 Hz (provisional). For
- leased circuits f0should range between 1300 and 1900 Hz: the choice
- of the centre frequency f0will depend upon the circuit characteris-
- tics. However, if the user, in some cases, wishes to use the
- apparatus on switched connections, f0 = 1700 Hz.
- The stability of the transmitter must be such that the signi-
- ficant frequencies do not vary by more than 32 Hz from their nomi-
- nal value in a period of 15 minutes.
- Note - Attention is drawn to the fact that there are some
- equipments currently in operation for which black and white ele-
- ments are represented in the opposite sense, but the preferred
- standard for new equipment is as indicated above.
- 7.3 Power at the transmitter output
- When amplitude modulation is used, the power of black at the
- transmitter output must be able to be adjusted between -7 dBm and
- 0 dBm. The white level must be approximately 15 dB below the black
- level.
- In frequency-modulated systems, the level at the output of the
- facsimile apparatus must be able to be adjusted between -15 dBm and
- 0 dBm.
- The equipment should be so designed that there is no possibil-
- ity of this adjustment being tampered with by an operator.
- 7.4 Power at the receiver input
- The facsimile receiver must be so designed that it functions
- correctly when the input power ranges between 0 dBm and -40 dBm,
- the latter value being considered provisional. In the case of
- amplitude modulation, this concerns the power of the black signal.
- No control of receiver sensitivity should be provided for operator
- use.
- Recommendation T.3
- (Geneva, 1976; amended at Geneva, 1980)
- The CCITT,
- considering
- (a) that Recommendation T.2 refers to Group 1 type apparatus
- for ISO A4 document transmission in approximately six minutes;
- (b) that there is a demand for Group 2 apparatus which enables
- an ISO A4 document to be transmitted over a telephone-type circuit
- in approximately three minutes;
- (c) that the Group 2 apparatus reproduces document quality
- similar to Group 1 apparatus;
- (d) that such a service may be requested either alternatively
- with telephone conversation, or when either or both stations are
- not attended; in both cases, the facsimile operation will follow
- Recommendation T.30;
- (e) interconnection between two machines of different designs,
- both conforming to Recommendation T.3 as published in the
- Orange Book may give a lower guaranteed reproducible area in cer-
- tain cases;
- unanimously declares the view
- that Group 2 facsimile apparatus for use on the general
- switched telephone network and international leased circuits shall,
- in future, be designed and operated in accordance with this Recom-
- mendation. Apparatus conforming to Recommendation T.3 of the
- Orange Book may continue in service.
- 1 Scanning track
- The message area should be scanned in the same direction in
- the transmitter and receiver. Viewing the message area in a verti-
- cal plane, the scanning direction should be from left to right and
- subsequent scans should be adjacent and below the previous scan.
- In order to avoid loss of information, users should insert
- documents so that the scanning direction is from the wider to the
- narrower margin.
- 2 Dimensions of apparatus
- The following dimensions are recommended but apparatus with
- other dimensions may be used provided that the factor of coopera-
- tion is respected and that the total scanning line length lies
- between 215 and 222 mm.
- Factor of cooperation (FOC) 829 _ 1%
- Total scanning line-length (TLL) 215 mm
- Usable scanning line-length (ULL) 205 mm minimum
- The end of ULL shall lie between 0 and 1 mm within
- the nominal position of the right hand edge of an ISO A4 size docu-
- ment.
- Input document size Up to a minimum of ISO A4 size
- (nominally 210 x 297 mm)
- The foregoing dimensions give rise to the following approxi-
- mate secondary dimensions.
- Index of cooperation (IOC) 264
- Scanning density 3.85 line/mm
- Number of scanning lines in a document 297 mm long
- 1145
- 3 Scanning line frequency
- 3.1 The scanning line frequency should be 360 lines per
- minute.
- Note - Another scanning line frequency (e.g. 300 lines per
- minute) may be chosen by agreement between the two stations.
- 3.2 The scanning line frequency during the transmission should
- be kept within _ | parts in 106 of the nominal value.
- 4 Phasing
- For phasing prior to transmission of document information the
- transmitter sends a signal as shown in Figure 1/T.3. The start of
- the carrier indicates the end of the lost time time to the start of
- carrier should be _ | .5% of TLL. The receiver should phase its
- reference point with an accuracy of _ | % of TLL to this start of
- the carrier. The reference point should be 209 mm before the end of
- ULL (see Figure 2/T.3).
- Note - In the case of the multiple page transmission the
- phasing procedure may need to be repeated between pages.
- Figure 1/T.3, (M) p.
- Figure 2/T.3, (M) p.
- 5 Document transmission
- 5.1 During transmission of document information the
- transmitter should transmit full amplitude carrier during the lost
- time for at least 4% of the transmission time for TLL. The phase of
- the carrier may be reversed at the end of this signal.
- Following the lost time the information transmitted to the
- receiver is the one contained in ULL. The value of ULL is defined
- in S 2.
- The receiver must be able to reproduce at least ULL on the
- reproduction media after the end of the lost time.
- 5.2 This signal may be used at the receiver as an amplitude
- reference independent of the document signal and also to indicate
- to the receiver that document transmission is still in progress.
- 6 Paper alignment
- All types of apparatus should be designed to ensure that paper
- is positioned within _ | .5 mm of nominal in the horizontal direc-
- tion. In the vertical direction it must be ensured that paper is
- positioned in such a way that scanning and recording start not more
- than 4 mm down the document from the top edge.
- 7 Modulation and demodulation
- 7.1 Equivalent modulated waveforms with vestigial sideband
- amplitude modulation - phase modulation characteristics should be
- used for Group 2 apparatus operated on leased circuits and on the
- general switched telephone network. The carrier frequency should be
- 2100 _ 10 Hz (see Note). A white signal should be represented by
- maximum carrier and a black signal by minimum (at least 26 dB below
- white) or no carrier. The phase of the carrier representing white
- may be reversed after each transition through black.
- Note - It should be noted that there are equipments in ser-
- vice using, inter alia, a carrier frequency of 2048 Hz.
- 7.2 The facsimile transmission could contain a limited range
- of half-tones represented by a carrier amplitude less than that
- sent during the lost time.
- 7.3 A vestigial sideband filter symmetrical about the 2100-Hz
- carrier frequency should be provided at the transmitter. The
- response of this filter should conform to Figure 3/T.3. The accu-
- racy of this filter is not critical but the relative transmittance
- at the carrier frequency should be 0.5 with a tolerance of _ | .05
- and the characteristic should be sensibly symmetrical about the
- carrier frequency.
- Figure 3/T.3, (M) p.
- 7.4 The receiving apparatus must be capable of operating
- correctly when the drift of carrier frequency does not exceed its
- nominal value by more than _ | 6 Hz.
- 7.5 A fixed compromise equalizer, an automatic equalizer or an
- adaptive equalizer may be provided in the receiver but this should
- be a matter for further study.
- 8 Power at the transmitter output
- The power of the white signal should be adjustable from
- -15 dBm to 0 dBm but the equipment should be so designed that there
- is no possibility of this adjustment being tampered with by an
- operator. The black level should be at least 26 dB below the white
- level.
- 9 Power at the receiver input
- The receiving apparatus should be capable of functioning
- correctly when the received signal level for white is within the
- range 0 dBm to -40 dBm, the latter value being considered provi-
- sional. No control of receiver sensitivity should be provided for
- operator use.
- (to Recommendation T.3)
- Guaranteed
- reproducible area for Group 2 machines
- conforming to Recommendation T.3
- Figure I-1/T.3, (M), p.6
- I.1 Horizontal loss
- Figure I-2/T.3, (M), p.7
- H.T. [T1.3]
- TABLE I-1/T/3
- Results
- _____________________________________________________________
- Left margin (mm) Right margin (mm)
- Horizontal losses 205 210 205 210
- _____________________________________________________________
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- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Transmitter a _0.5% 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11
- Phasing Receiver b _1.0% 2.22 2.22 2.22|
- |
- 2.22
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Skew c {
- _5 x 10 | uDlF2616
- } 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Enlarging d - - 6.46 6.62
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Paper insertion f 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Min. x - - 1.00 1.00
- Lost time Max. x 5.00 - - -
- _________________________________________________________________________________
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- Tableau I-1/T.3 [T1.3], p.8
- I.2 Vertical loss
- Figure I-3/T.3, (M), p.9
- H.T. [T2.3]
- TABLE I-2/T.3
- ___________________________________________________
- Top (mm) Bottom (mm)
- ___________________________________________________
- Gripping loss g 4.0 4.0
- ___________________________________________________
- Paper insertion h
- ___________________________________________________
- Enlarging + FOC i - 15.15
- ___________________________________________________
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- Tableau I-2/T.3 [T2.3], p.10
- Recommendation T.4
- (Geneva, 1980, amended at Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984 and Melbourne,
- 1988)
- The CCITT,
- considering
- (a) that Recommendation T.2 refers to Group 1 type apparatus
- for ISO A4 document transmission over a telephone-type circuit in
- approximately six minutes;
- (b) that Recommendation T.3 refers to Group 2 type apparatus
- for ISO A4 document transmission over a telephone-type circuit in
- approximately three minutes;
- (c) that there is a demand for Group 3 apparatus which enables
- an ISO A4 document to be transmitted over a telephone-type circuit
- in approximately one minute;
- (d) that for a large number of applications black and white
- reproduction is sufficient;
- (e) that such a service may be requested either alternatively
- with telephone conversation, or when either or both stations are
- not attended; in both cases, the facsimile operation will follow
- Recommendation T.30;
- unanimously declares the view
- that Group 3 facsimile apparatus for use on the general
- switched telephone network and international leased circuits should
- be designed and operated according to the following standards:
- 1 Scanning track
- The message area should be scanned in the same direction in
- the transmitter and receiver. Viewing the message area in a verti-
- cal plane, the picture elements should be processed as if the scan-
- ning direction were from left to right with subsequent scans adja-
- cent and below the previous scan.
- 2 Dimensions of apparatus
- Note - The tolerances on the factors of cooperation are
- subject to further study.
- 2.1 The following dimensions should be used:
- a) a standard resolution and an optional higher
- resolution of 3.85 line/mm _ 1% and 7.7 line/mm _ 1% respectively
- in vertical direction,
- b) 1728 black and white picture elements along the
- standard scan line length of 215 mm _ 1%,
- c) optionally, 2048 black and white picture ele-
- ments along a scan line length of 255 mm _ 1%,
- d) optionally, 2432 black and white picture ele-
- ments along a scan line length of 303 mm _ 1%,
- and, for equipment which provides A5 and/or A6 facilities:
- e) optionally, 864 black and white picture elements
- along a scan line length of 107 mm _ | %,
- f ) optionally, 1216 black and white picture ele-
- ments along a scan line length of 151 mm _ | %,
- g) Optionally, 1728 black and white picture ele-
- ments along a scan line length of 107 mm _ | %,
- h) Optionally, 1728 black and white picture ele-
- ments along a scan line length of 151 mm _ | %.
- The normal method of interworking when transmitting from an A5
- or A6 machine to an A4 machine not signalling such capabilities, is
- that the A5 or A6 content will be enlarged to fill the A4 page (see
- also Note 3). This means that if the document is then retransmit-
- ted, or if it has been stored for later retransmission, it will be
- received without additional reduction.
- Where the full image contents being received from an A4
- machine need to be maintained, g) or h) respectively should be
- used.
- Interworking between equipments with A5/A6 and A4 facilities
- and between equipments with combinations of these facilities is
- shown in Annex C.
- Note 1 - Cases e) to h) describe equipments which may be
- implemented singly or in any combination and would not, for A5/A6
- facsimile equipments, require implementation of a) or b). These
- equipments may be implemented with cases different for sending and
- receiving.
- Note 2 - In cases e) to h), 1728 pels will always be provided
- to the coder (see Annex C).
- In cases e) and f ), the additional pels required are produced
- by pel processing (i.e., either by picture processing or by adding
- white pels on each side of the central picture information) prior
- to coding.
- Note 3 - It could be possible, by a setting on the A5/A6
- transmitting machine, to send the document so that it is received
- equal size on an A4 machine not signalling such capabilities. In
- this case the vertical resolution will be 3.85 (or 7.7) line/mm.
- The user should be made aware that in this particular equal size
- case if the received copy is transmitted back to the A5/A6 machine
- the subsequent copy will be reduced.
- Note 4 - Some Administrations may require that equipments
- using e) or f ) dimensions, when working with a receiver not sig-
- nalling such capabilities, insert a message e.g., "ISO A6" or
- "ISO A5", as the case may be, into the picture at the transmitting
- side.
- 2.2 Input documents up to a minimum of ISO A4 size should be
- accepted.
- Note - The size of the guaranteed reproducible area is shown
- in Appendix I.
- 3 Transmission time per total coded scan line
- The total coded scan line is defined as the sum of DATA bits
- plus any required FILL bits plus the end-of-line (EOL) bits.
- For the optional two-dimensional coding scheme as described in
- S 4.2, the total coded scan line is defined as the sum of DATA bits
- plus any required FILL bits plus the EOL bits plus a tag bit.
- To handle various printing methods, several optional minimum
- total coded scan line times are possible in addition to the 20 mil-
- liseconds standard.
- 3.1 The minimum transmission times of the total coded scan
- line should conform to the following:
- 1) Alternative 1, where the minimum transmission
- time of the total coded scan line is the same both for the standard
- resolution and for the optional higher resolution:
- a) 20 milliseconds recommended standard,
- b) 10 milliseconds recognized option with a manda-
- tory fall-back to the 20 milliseconds standard,
- c) 5 milliseconds recognized option with a manda-
- tory fall-back to the 10 milliseconds option and the 20 mil-
- liseconds standard,
- d) 0 millisecond recognized option with a mandatory
- fall-back to the 5 milliseconds option, the 10 milliseconds option
- and the 20 milliseconds standard, and an optional fall-back to the
- 40 milliseconds option,
- e) 40 milliseconds recognized option.
- 2) Alternative 2, where the minimum transmission
- time of the total coded scan line for the optional higher resolu-
- tion is half of that for the standard resolution (see Note). These
- figures refer to the standard resolution:
- a) 10 milliseconds recognized option with a manda-
- tory fall-back to the 20 milliseconds standard,
- b) 20 milliseconds recommended standard,
- c) 40 milliseconds recognized option.
- The identification and choice of this minimum transmission
- time is to be made in the pre-message (phase B) portion of
- Recommendation T.30 control procedure.
- Note - Alternative 2 applies to equipment with printing
- mechanisms which achieve the standard vertical resolution by print-
- ing two consecutive, identical higher resolution lines. In this
- case, the minimum transmission time of the total coded scan line
- for the standard resolution is double the minimum transmission time
- of the total coded scan line for the higher resolution.
- 3.2 The maximum transmission time of any total coded scan line
- should be less than 5 seconds. When this transmission time exceeds
- 5 seconds, the receiver must proceed to disconnect the line.
- 3.3 Error correction mode
- For the optional error correction mode, an HDLC frame struc-
- ture is utilized to transmit the total coded scan line. This error
- correction mode is defined in Annex A.
- 4 Coding scheme
- 4.1 One-dimensional coding scheme
- The one-dimensional run length coding scheme recommended for
- Group 3 apparatus is as follows:
- 4.1.1 Data
- A line of Data is composed of a series of variable length code
- words. Each code word represents a run length of either all white
- or all black. White runs and black runs alternate. A total of
- 1728 picture elements represent one horizontal scan line of 215 mm
- length.
- In order to ensure that the receiver maintains colour syn-
- chronization, all Data lines will begin with a white run length
- code word. If the actual scan line begins with a black run, a white
- run length of zero will be sent. Black or white run lengths, up to
- a maximum length of one scan line (1728 picture elements or pels )
- are defined by the code words in Tables 1/T.4 and 2/T.4. The code
- words are of two types: Terminating code words and Make-up code
- words one Make-up code word followed by a Terminating code word.
- Run lengths in the range of 0 to 63 pels are encoded with
- their appropriate Terminating code word. Note that there is a dif-
- ferent list of code words for black and white run lengths.
- Run lengths in the range of 64 to 1728 pels are encoded first
- by the Make-up code word representing the run length which is equal
- to or shorter than that required. This is then followed by the Ter-
- minating code word representing the difference between the required
- run length and the run length represented by the Make-up code
- 4.1.2 End-of-line (EOL)
- This code word follows each line of Data. It is a unique code
- word that can never be found within a valid line of Data; there-
- fore, resynchronization after an error burst is possible.
- In addition, this signal will occur prior to the first Data
- line of a page.
- Format: 000000000001
- 4.1.3 Fill
- A pause may be placed in the message flow by transmitting
- Fill. Fill may be inserted between a line of Data and an EOL, but
- never within a line of Data. Fill must be added to ensure that the
- transmission time of Data, Fill and EOL is not less than the
- minimum transmission time of the total coded scan line established
- in the pre-message control procedure.
- Format: variable length string of 0s.
- H.T. [T1.4]
- TABLE 1/T.4
- Terminating codes
- ________________________________________________________________
- White run length Code word Black run length Code word
- ________________________________________________________________
- 0 00110101 0 0000110111
- 1 000111 1 010
- 2 0111 2 11
- 3 1000 3 10
- 4 1011 4 011
- 5 1100 5 0011
- 6 1110 6 0010
- 7 1111 7 00011
- 8 10011 8 000101
- 9 10100 9 000100
- 10 00111 10 0000100
- 11 01000 11 0000101
- 12 001000 12 0000111
- 13 000011 13 00000100
- 14 110100 14 00000111
- 15 110101 15 000011000
- 16 101010 16 0000010111
- 17 101011 17 0000011000
- 18 0100111 18 0000001000
- 19 0001100 19 00001100111
- 20 0001000 20 00001101000
- 21 0010111 21 00001101100
- 22 0000011 22 00000110111
- 23 0000100 23 00000101000
- 24 0101000 24 00000010111
- 25 0101011 25 00000011000
- 26 0010011 26 000011001010
- 27 0100100 27 000011001011
- 28 0011000 28 000011001100
- 29 00000010 29 000011001101
- 30 00000011 30 000001101000
- 31 00011010 31 000001101001
- 32 00011011 32 000001101010
- 33 00010010 33 000001101011
- 34 00010011 34 000011010010
- 35 00010100 35 000011010011
- 36 00010101 36 000011010100
- 37 00010110 37 000011010101
- 38 00010111 38 000011010110
- 39 00101000 39 000011010111
- 40 00101001 40 000001101100
- 41 00101010 41 000001101101
- 42 00101011 42 000011011010
- 43 00101100 43 000011011011
- 44 00101101 44 000001010100
- 45 00000100 45 000001010101
- 46 00000101 46 000001010110
- 47 00001010 47 000001010111
- 48 00001011 48 000001100100
- 49 01010010 49 000001100101
- 50 01010011 50 000001010010
- 51 01010100 51 000001010011
- 52 01010101 52 000000100100
- 53 00100100 53 000000110111
- 54 00100101 54 000000111000
- 55 01011000 55 000000100111
- 56 01011001 56 000000101000
- 57 01011010 57 000001011000
- 58 01011011 58 000001011001
- 59 01001010 59 000000101011
- 60 01001011 60 000000101100
- 61 00110010 61 000001011010
- 62 00110011 62 000001100110
- 63 00110100 63 000001100111
- ________________________________________________________________
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- Tableau 1/T.4 [T1.4],p.11
- H.T. [T2.4]
- TABLE 2/T.4
- Make-up codes