

  1. Model {
  2.   Name   "duyi"
  3.   Version   6.6
  4.   MdlSubVersion   0
  5.   GraphicalInterface {
  6.     NumRootInports     0
  7.     NumRootOutports     0
  8.     ParameterArgumentNames  ""
  9.     ComputedModelVersion    "1.115"
  10.     NumModelReferences     0
  11.     NumTestPointedSignals   0
  12.   }
  13.   SavedCharacterEncoding  "ibm-1386_P100-2002"
  14.   SaveDefaultBlockParams  on
  15.   SampleTimeColors   off
  16.   LibraryLinkDisplay   "none"
  17.   WideLines   off
  18.   ShowLineDimensions   off
  19.   ShowPortDataTypes   off
  20.   ShowLoopsOnError   on
  21.   IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
  22.   ShowStorageClass   off
  23.   ShowTestPointIcons   on
  24.   ShowViewerIcons   on
  25.   SortedOrder   off
  26.   ExecutionContextIcon   off
  27.   ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
  28.   ScopeRefreshTime   0.035000
  29.   OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
  30.   DisableAllScopes   off
  31.   DataTypeOverride   "UseLocalSettings"
  32.   MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
  33.   MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
  34.   BlockNameDataTip   off
  35.   BlockParametersDataTip  off
  36.   BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
  37.   ToolBar   on
  38.   StatusBar   on
  39.   BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
  40.   BrowserLookUnderMasks   off
  41.   Created   "Thu May 24 15:15:58 2007"
  42.   Creator   "Administrator"
  43.   UpdateHistory   "UpdateHistoryNever"
  44.   ModifiedByFormat   "%<Auto>"
  45.   LastModifiedBy   "Administrator"
  46.   ModifiedDateFormat   "%<Auto>"
  47.   LastModifiedDate   "Sun Jun 07 10:48:03 2009"
  48.   ModelVersionFormat   "1.%<AutoIncrement:115>"
  49.   ConfigurationManager   "None"
  50.   SimulationMode   "normal"
  51.   LinearizationMsg   "none"
  52.   Profile   off
  53.   ParamWorkspaceSource   "MATLABWorkspace"
  54.   AccelSystemTargetFile   "accel.tlc"
  55.   AccelTemplateMakefile   "accel_default_tmf"
  56.   AccelMakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  57.   AccelVerboseBuild   off
  58.   TryForcingSFcnDF   off
  59.   RecordCoverage   off
  60.   CovPath   "/"
  61.   CovSaveName   "covdata"
  62.   CovMetricSettings   "dw"
  63.   CovNameIncrementing   off
  64.   CovHtmlReporting   on
  65.   covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
  66.   CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
  67.   CovCumulativeVarName   "covCumulativeData"
  68.   CovCumulativeReport   off
  69.   CovReportOnPause   on
  70.   ExtModeBatchMode   off
  71.   ExtModeEnableFloating   on
  72.   ExtModeTrigType   "manual"
  73.   ExtModeTrigMode   "normal"
  74.   ExtModeTrigPort   "1"
  75.   ExtModeTrigElement   "any"
  76.   ExtModeTrigDuration   1000
  77.   ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
  78.   ExtModeTrigHoldOff   0
  79.   ExtModeTrigDelay   0
  80.   ExtModeTrigDirection   "rising"
  81.   ExtModeTrigLevel   0
  82.   ExtModeArchiveMode   "off"
  83.   ExtModeAutoIncOneShot   off
  84.   ExtModeIncDirWhenArm   off
  85.   ExtModeAddSuffixToVar   off
  86.   ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
  87.   ExtModeArmWhenConnect   on
  88.   ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
  89.   ExtModeLogAll   on
  90.   ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
  91.   BufferReuse   on
  92.   ProdHWDeviceType   "32-bit Generic"
  93.   ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
  94.   ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
  95.   Array {
  96.     Type     "Handle"
  97.     Dimension     1
  98.     Simulink.ConfigSet {
  99.       $ObjectID       1
  100.       Version       "1.2.0"
  101.       Array {
  102. Type "Handle"
  103. Dimension 7
  104. Simulink.SolverCC {
  105.   $ObjectID   2
  106.   Version   "1.2.0"
  107.   StartTime   "0.0"
  108.   StopTime   "0.5"
  109.   AbsTol   "auto"
  110.   FixedStep   "auto"
  111.   InitialStep   "auto"
  112.   MaxNumMinSteps   "-1"
  113.   MaxOrder   5
  114.   ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
  115.   MaxConsecutiveZCs   "1000"
  116.   ExtrapolationOrder   4
  117.   NumberNewtonIterations  1
  118.   MaxStep   "auto"
  119.   MinStep   "auto"
  120.   MaxConsecutiveMinStep   "1"
  121.   RelTol   "1e-3"
  122.   SolverMode   "Auto"
  123.   Solver   "ode23tb"
  124.   SolverName   "ode23tb"
  125.   ZeroCrossControl   "UseLocalSettings"
  126.   AlgebraicLoopSolver   "TrustRegion"
  127.   SolverResetMethod   "Fast"
  128.   PositivePriorityOrder   off
  129.   AutoInsertRateTranBlk   off
  130.   SampleTimeConstraint   "Unconstrained"
  131.   RateTranMode   "Deterministic"
  132. }
  133. Simulink.DataIOCC {
  134.   $ObjectID   3
  135.   Version   "1.2.0"
  136.   Decimation   "1"
  137.   ExternalInput   "[t, u]"
  138.   FinalStateName   "xFinal"
  139.   InitialState   "xInitial"
  140.   LimitDataPoints   on
  141.   MaxDataPoints   "10000000"
  142.   LoadExternalInput   off
  143.   LoadInitialState   off
  144.   SaveFinalState   off
  145.   SaveFormat   "Array"
  146.   SaveOutput   on
  147.   SaveState   off
  148.   SignalLogging   on
  149.   InspectSignalLogs   off
  150.   SaveTime   on
  151.   StateSaveName   "xout"
  152.   TimeSaveName   "tout"
  153.   OutputSaveName   "yout"
  154.   SignalLoggingName   "logsout"
  155.   OutputOption   "RefineOutputTimes"
  156.   OutputTimes   "[]"
  157.   Refine   "1"
  158. }
  159. Simulink.OptimizationCC {
  160.   $ObjectID   4
  161.   Array {
  162.     Type     "Cell"
  163.     Dimension     5
  164.     Cell     "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
  165.     Cell     "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
  166.     Cell     "InitFltsAndDblsToZero"
  167.     Cell     "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
  168.     Cell     "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
  169.     PropName     "DisabledProps"
  170.   }
  171.   Version   "1.2.0"
  172.   BlockReduction   on
  173.   BooleanDataType   on
  174.   ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
  175.   InlineParams   off
  176.   InlineInvariantSignals  on
  177.   OptimizeBlockIOStorage  on
  178.   BufferReuse   on
  179.   EnforceIntegerDowncast  on
  180.   ExpressionFolding   on
  181.   ExpressionDepthLimit   2147483647
  182.   FoldNonRolledExpr   on
  183.   LocalBlockOutputs   on
  184.   RollThreshold   5
  185.   SystemCodeInlineAuto   off
  186.   StateBitsets   off
  187.   DataBitsets   off
  188.   UseTempVars   off
  189.   ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
  190.   ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
  191.   InitFltsAndDblsToZero   on
  192.   NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
  193.   EfficientFloat2IntCast  off
  194.   OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
  195.   LifeSpan   "inf"
  196.   BufferReusableBoundary  on
  197. }
  198. Simulink.DebuggingCC {
  199.   $ObjectID   5
  200.   Version   "1.2.0"
  201.   RTPrefix   "error"
  202.   ConsistencyChecking   "none"
  203.   ArrayBoundsChecking   "none"
  204.   SignalInfNanChecking   "none"
  205.   ReadBeforeWriteMsg   "UseLocalSettings"
  206.   WriteAfterWriteMsg   "UseLocalSettings"
  207.   WriteAfterReadMsg   "UseLocalSettings"
  208.   AlgebraicLoopMsg   "warning"
  209.   ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
  210.   CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
  211.   CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
  212.   CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
  213.   SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
  214.   BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
  215.   MinStepSizeMsg   "warning"
  216.   TimeAdjustmentMsg   "none"
  217.   MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg   "error"
  218.   SolverPrmCheckMsg   "warning"
  219.   InheritedTsInSrcMsg   "warning"
  220.   DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
  221.   MultiTaskDSMMsg   "warning"
  222.   MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "none"
  223.   MultiTaskRateTransMsg   "error"
  224.   SingleTaskRateTransMsg  "none"
  225.   TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
  226.   SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
  227.   CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
  228.   IntegerOverflowMsg   "warning"
  229.   Int32ToFloatConvMsg   "warning"
  230.   ParameterDowncastMsg   "error"
  231.   ParameterOverflowMsg   "error"
  232.   ParameterUnderflowMsg   "none"
  233.   ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
  234.   ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
  235.   UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
  236.   UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
  237.   VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
  238.   InvalidFcnCallConnMsg   "error"
  239.   FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
  240.   SignalLabelMismatchMsg  "none"
  241.   UnconnectedInputMsg   "warning"
  242.   UnconnectedOutputMsg   "warning"
  243.   UnconnectedLineMsg   "warning"
  244.   SFcnCompatibilityMsg   "none"
  245.   UniqueDataStoreMsg   "none"
  246.   BusObjectLabelMismatch  "warning"
  247.   RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
  248.   AssertControl   "UseLocalSettings"
  249.   EnableOverflowDetection off
  250.   ModelReferenceIOMsg   "none"
  251.   ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
  252.   ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
  253.   ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
  254.   ModelReferenceSimTargetVerbose off
  255.   UnknownTsInhSupMsg   "warning"
  256.   ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
  257.   ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
  258.   ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
  259.   StateNameClashWarn   "warning"
  260.   StrictBusMsg   "None"
  261. }
  262. Simulink.HardwareCC {
  263.   $ObjectID   6
  264.   Version   "1.2.0"
  265.   ProdBitPerChar   8
  266.   ProdBitPerShort   16
  267.   ProdBitPerInt   32
  268.   ProdBitPerLong   32
  269.   ProdIntDivRoundTo   "Undefined"
  270.   ProdEndianess   "Unspecified"
  271.   ProdWordSize   32
  272.   ProdShiftRightIntArith  on
  273.   ProdHWDeviceType   "32-bit Generic"
  274.   TargetBitPerChar   8
  275.   TargetBitPerShort   16
  276.   TargetBitPerInt   32
  277.   TargetBitPerLong   32
  278.   TargetShiftRightIntArith on
  279.   TargetIntDivRoundTo   "Undefined"
  280.   TargetEndianess   "Unspecified"
  281.   TargetWordSize   32
  282.   TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
  283.   TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
  284.   TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
  285.   TargetHWDeviceType   "Specified"
  286.   TargetUnknown   off
  287.   ProdEqTarget   on
  288. }
  289. Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
  290.   $ObjectID   7
  291.   Version   "1.2.0"
  292.   UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
  293.   CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
  294.   ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
  295.   ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
  296.   ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
  297. }
  298. Simulink.RTWCC {
  299.   $BackupClass   "Simulink.RTWCC"
  300.   $ObjectID   8
  301.   Array {
  302.     Type     "Cell"
  303.     Dimension     1
  304.     Cell     "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
  305.     PropName     "DisabledProps"
  306.   }
  307.   Version   "1.2.0"
  308.   SystemTargetFile   "grt.tlc"
  309.   GenCodeOnly   off
  310.   MakeCommand   "make_rtw"
  311.   GenerateMakefile   on
  312.   TemplateMakefile   "grt_default_tmf"
  313.   GenerateReport   off
  314.   SaveLog   off
  315.   RTWVerbose   on
  316.   RetainRTWFile   off
  317.   ProfileTLC   off
  318.   TLCDebug   off
  319.   TLCCoverage   off
  320.   TLCAssert   off
  321.   ProcessScriptMode   "Default"
  322.   ConfigurationMode   "Optimized"
  323.   ConfigAtBuild   off
  324.   IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
  325.   LaunchReport   off
  326.   TargetLang   "C"
  327.   IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap off
  328.   IncludeERTFirstTime   on
  329.   Array {
  330.     Type     "Handle"
  331.     Dimension     2
  332.     Simulink.CodeAppCC {
  333.       $ObjectID       9
  334.       Array {
  335. Type "Cell"
  336. Dimension 9
  337. Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
  338. Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
  339. Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
  340. Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
  341. Cell "DefineNamingRule"
  342. Cell "SignalNamingRule"
  343. Cell "ParamNamingRule"
  344. Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
  345. Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
  346. PropName "DisabledProps"
  347.       }
  348.       Version       "1.2.0"
  349.       ForceParamTrailComments off
  350.       GenerateComments       on
  351.       IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on
  352.       IncHierarchyInIds       off
  353.       MaxIdLength       31
  354.       PreserveName       off
  355.       PreserveNameWithParent  off
  356.       ShowEliminatedStatement off
  357.       IncAutoGenComments      off
  358.       SimulinkDataObjDesc     off
  359.       SFDataObjDesc       off
  360.       IncDataTypeInIds       off
  361.       PrefixModelToSubsysFcnNames on
  362.       MangleLength       1
  363.       CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
  364.       CustomSymbolStrType     "$N$R$M"
  365.       CustomSymbolStrField    "$N$M"
  366.       CustomSymbolStrFcn      "$R$N$M$F"
  367.       CustomSymbolStrBlkIO    "rtb_$N$M"
  368.       CustomSymbolStrTmpVar   "$N$M"
  369.       CustomSymbolStrMacro    "$R$N$M"
  370.       DefineNamingRule       "None"
  371.       ParamNamingRule       "None"
  372.       SignalNamingRule       "None"
  373.       InsertBlockDesc       off
  374.       SimulinkBlockComments   on
  375.       EnableCustomComments    off
  376.       InlinedPrmAccess       "Literals"
  377.       ReqsInCode       off
  378.     }
  379.     Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
  380.       $BackupClass       "Simulink.TargetCC"
  381.       $ObjectID       10
  382.       Array {
  383. Type "Cell"
  384. Dimension 12
  385. Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
  386. Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
  387. Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
  388. Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
  389. Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
  390. Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"
  391. Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
  392. Cell "SupportNonFinite"
  393. Cell "SupportComplex"
  394. Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
  395. Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
  396. Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
  397. PropName "DisabledProps"
  398.       }
  399.       Version       "1.2.0"
  400.       TargetFcnLib       "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
  401.       TargetLibSuffix       ""
  402.       TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
  403.       GenFloatMathFcnCalls    "ANSI_C"
  404.       UtilityFuncGeneration   "Auto"
  405.       GenerateFullHeader      on
  406.       GenerateSampleERTMain   off
  407.       GenerateTestInterfaces  off
  408.       IsPILTarget       off
  409.       ModelReferenceCompliant on
  410.       IncludeMdlTerminateFcn  on
  411.       CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
  412.       SuppressErrorStatus     off
  413.       IncludeFileDelimiter    "Auto"
  414.       ERTCustomFileBanners    off
  415.       SupportAbsoluteTime     on
  416.       LogVarNameModifier      "rt_"
  417.       MatFileLogging       on
  418.       MultiInstanceERTCode    off
  419.       SupportNonFinite       on
  420.       SupportComplex       on
  421.       PurelyIntegerCode       off
  422.       SupportContinuousTime   on
  423.       SupportNonInlinedSFcns  on
  424.       EnableShiftOperators    on
  425.       ParenthesesLevel       "Nominal"
  426.       PortableWordSizes       off
  427.       ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
  428.       ExtMode       off
  429.       ExtModeStaticAlloc      off
  430.       ExtModeTesting       off
  431.       ExtModeStaticAllocSize  1000000
  432.       ExtModeTransport       0
  433.       ExtModeMexFile       "ext_comm"
  434.       RTWCAPISignals       off
  435.       RTWCAPIParams       off
  436.       RTWCAPIStates       off
  437.       GenerateASAP2       off
  438.     }
  439.     PropName     "Components"
  440.   }
  441. }
  442. PropName "Components"
  443.       }
  444.       Name       "Configuration"
  445.       CurrentDlgPage       "Solver"
  446.     }
  447.     PropName     "ConfigurationSets"
  448.   }
  449.   Simulink.ConfigSet {
  450.     $PropName     "ActiveConfigurationSet"
  451.     $ObjectID     1
  452.   }
  453.   BlockDefaults {
  454.     Orientation     "right"
  455.     ForegroundColor     "black"
  456.     BackgroundColor     "white"
  457.     DropShadow     off
  458.     NamePlacement     "normal"
  459.     FontName     "Helvetica"
  460.     FontSize     10
  461.     FontWeight     "normal"
  462.     FontAngle     "normal"
  463.     ShowName     on
  464.   }
  465.   BlockParameterDefaults {
  466.     Block {
  467.       BlockType       BusCreator
  468.       Inputs       "4"
  469.       DisplayOption       "none"
  470.       UseBusObject       off
  471.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  472.       NonVirtualBus       off
  473.     }
  474.     Block {
  475.       BlockType       Clock
  476.       DisplayTime       off
  477.     }
  478.     Block {
  479.       BlockType       ComplexToMagnitudeAngle
  480.       Output       "Magnitude and angle"
  481.       SampleTime       "-1"
  482.     }
  483.     Block {
  484.       BlockType       Constant
  485.       Value       "1"
  486.       VectorParams1D       on
  487.       SamplingMode       "Sample based"
  488.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
  489.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  490.       ConRadixGroup       "Use specified scaling"
  491.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  492.       SampleTime       "inf"
  493.       FramePeriod       "inf"
  494.     }
  495.     Block {
  496.       BlockType       DataTypeConversion
  497.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via back propagation"
  498.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  499.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  500.       LockScale       off
  501.       ConvertRealWorld       "Real World Value (RWV)"
  502.       RndMeth       "Zero"
  503.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  504.       SampleTime       "-1"
  505.     }
  506.     Block {
  507.       BlockType       Demux
  508.       Outputs       "4"
  509.       DisplayOption       "none"
  510.       BusSelectionMode       off
  511.     }
  512.     Block {
  513.       BlockType       DiscreteIntegrator
  514.       IntegratorMethod       "Integration: Forward Euler"
  515.       gainval       "1.0"
  516.       ExternalReset       "none"
  517.       InitialConditionSource  "internal"
  518.       InitialCondition       "0"
  519.       InitialConditionMode    "State and output"
  520.       SampleTime       "1"
  521.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  522.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  523.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  524.       LockScale       off
  525.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  526.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  527.       LimitOutput       off
  528.       UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
  529.       LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
  530.       ShowSaturationPort      off
  531.       ShowStatePort       off
  532.       IgnoreLimit       off
  533.       StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
  534.       RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
  535.     }
  536.     Block {
  537.       BlockType       EnablePort
  538.       StatesWhenEnabling      "held"
  539.       ShowOutputPort       off
  540.       ZeroCross       on
  541.     }
  542.     Block {
  543.       BlockType       From
  544.       IconDisplay       "Tag"
  545.     }
  546.     Block {
  547.       BlockType       Fcn
  548.       Expr       "sin(u[1])"
  549.       SampleTime       "-1"
  550.     }
  551.     Block {
  552.       BlockType       Gain
  553.       Gain       "1"
  554.       Multiplication       "Element-wise(K.*u)"
  555.       ParameterDataTypeMode   "Same as input"
  556.       ParameterDataType       "sfix(16)"
  557.       ParameterScalingMode    "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"
  558.       ParameterScaling       "2^0"
  559.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as input"
  560.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  561.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  562.       LockScale       off
  563.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  564.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  565.       SampleTime       "-1"
  566.     }
  567.     Block {
  568.       BlockType       Goto
  569.       IconDisplay       "Tag"
  570.     }
  571.     Block {
  572.       BlockType       Ground
  573.     }
  574.     Block {
  575.       BlockType       SignalConversion
  576.       OverrideOpt       off
  577.     }
  578.     Block {
  579.       BlockType       Inport
  580.       Port       "1"
  581.       UseBusObject       off
  582.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  583.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  584.       PortDimensions       "-1"
  585.       SampleTime       "-1"
  586.       DataType       "auto"
  587.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  588.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  589.       SignalType       "auto"
  590.       SamplingMode       "auto"
  591.       LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
  592.       LatchByCopyingInsideSignal off
  593.       Interpolate       on
  594.     }
  595.     Block {
  596.       BlockType       Integrator
  597.       ExternalReset       "none"
  598.       InitialConditionSource  "internal"
  599.       InitialCondition       "0"
  600.       LimitOutput       off
  601.       UpperSaturationLimit    "inf"
  602.       LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
  603.       ShowSaturationPort      off
  604.       ShowStatePort       off
  605.       AbsoluteTolerance       "auto"
  606.       IgnoreLimit       off
  607.       ZeroCross       on
  608.       ContinuousStateAttributes "''"
  609.     }
  610.     Block {
  611.       BlockType       Logic
  612.       Operator       "AND"
  613.       Inputs       "2"
  614.       IconShape       "rectangular"
  615.       AllPortsSameDT       on
  616.       OutDataTypeMode       "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"
  617. "tion)"
  618.       LogicDataType       "uint(8)"
  619.       SampleTime       "-1"
  620.     }
  621.     Block {
  622.       BlockType       Lookup
  623.       InputValues       "[-4:5]"
  624.       OutputValues       " rand(1,10)-0.5"
  625.       LookUpMeth       "Interpolation-Extrapolation"
  626.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as input"
  627.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  628.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  629.       LockScale       off
  630.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  631.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  632.       SampleTime       "-1"
  633.       LUTDesignTableMode      "Redesign Table"
  634.       LUTDesignDataSource     "Block Dialog"
  635.       LUTDesignFunctionName   "sqrt(x)"
  636.       LUTDesignUseExistingBP  on
  637.       LUTDesignRelError       "0.01"
  638.       LUTDesignAbsError       "1e-6"
  639.     }
  640.     Block {
  641.       BlockType       Mux
  642.       Inputs       "4"
  643.       DisplayOption       "none"
  644.       UseBusObject       off
  645.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  646.       NonVirtualBus       off
  647.     }
  648.     Block {
  649.       BlockType       Outport
  650.       Port       "1"
  651.       UseBusObject       off
  652.       BusObject       "BusObject"
  653.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  654.       PortDimensions       "-1"
  655.       SampleTime       "-1"
  656.       DataType       "auto"
  657.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  658.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  659.       SignalType       "auto"
  660.       SamplingMode       "auto"
  661.       OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
  662.       InitialOutput       "[]"
  663.     }
  664.     Block {
  665.       BlockType       PMComponent
  666.       SubClassName       "unknown"
  667.     }
  668.     Block {
  669.       BlockType       PMIOPort
  670.     }
  671.     Block {
  672.       BlockType       Product
  673.       Inputs       "2"
  674.       Multiplication       "Element-wise(.*)"
  675.       CollapseMode       "All dimensions"
  676.       CollapseDim       "1"
  677.       InputSameDT       on
  678.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as first input"
  679.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  680.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  681.       LockScale       off
  682.       RndMeth       "Zero"
  683.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  684.       SampleTime       "-1"
  685.     }
  686.     Block {
  687.       BlockType       RealImagToComplex
  688.       Input       "Real and imag"
  689.       ConstantPart       "0"
  690.       SampleTime       "-1"
  691.     }
  692.     Block {
  693.       BlockType       RelationalOperator
  694.       Operator       ">="
  695.       InputSameDT       on
  696.       LogicOutDataTypeMode    "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"
  697. "tion)"
  698.       LogicDataType       "uint(8)"
  699.       ZeroCross       on
  700.       SampleTime       "-1"
  701.     }
  702.     Block {
  703.       BlockType       Saturate
  704.       UpperLimit       "0.5"
  705.       LowerLimit       "-0.5"
  706.       LinearizeAsGain       on
  707.       ZeroCross       on
  708.       SampleTime       "-1"
  709.     }
  710.     Block {
  711.       BlockType       Scope
  712.       ModelBased       off
  713.       TickLabels       "OneTimeTick"
  714.       ZoomMode       "on"
  715.       Grid       "on"
  716.       TimeRange       "auto"
  717.       YMin       "-5"
  718.       YMax       "5"
  719.       SaveToWorkspace       off
  720.       SaveName       "ScopeData"
  721.       LimitDataPoints       on
  722.       MaxDataPoints       "5000"
  723.       Decimation       "1"
  724.       SampleInput       off
  725.       SampleTime       "-1"
  726.     }
  727.     Block {
  728.       BlockType       Selector
  729.       NumberOfDimensions      "1"
  730.       IndexMode       "One-based"
  731.       InputPortWidth       "-1"
  732.       SampleTime       "-1"
  733.     }
  734.     Block {
  735.       BlockType       "S-Function"
  736.       FunctionName       "system"
  737.       SFunctionModules       "''"
  738.       PortCounts       "[]"
  739.     }
  740.     Block {
  741.       BlockType       Sin
  742.       SineType       "Time based"
  743.       TimeSource       "Use simulation time"
  744.       Amplitude       "1"
  745.       Bias       "0"
  746.       Frequency       "1"
  747.       Phase       "0"
  748.       Samples       "10"
  749.       Offset       "0"
  750.       SampleTime       "-1"
  751.       VectorParams1D       on
  752.     }
  753.     Block {
  754.       BlockType       StateSpace
  755.       A       "1"
  756.       B       "1"
  757.       C       "1"
  758.       D       "1"
  759.       X0       "0"
  760.       AbsoluteTolerance       "auto"
  761.       ContinuousStateAttributes "''"
  762.       Realization       "auto"
  763.     }
  764.     Block {
  765.       BlockType       SubSystem
  766.       ShowPortLabels       "FromPortIcon"
  767.       Permissions       "ReadWrite"
  768.       PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
  769.       TreatAsAtomicUnit       off
  770.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  771.       RTWFcnNameOpts       "Auto"
  772.       RTWFileNameOpts       "Auto"
  773.       RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  774.       RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
  775.       RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  776.       RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  777.       RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  778.       SimViewingDevice       off
  779.       DataTypeOverride       "UseLocalSettings"
  780.       MinMaxOverflowLogging   "UseLocalSettings"
  781.     }
  782.     Block {
  783.       BlockType       Sum
  784.       IconShape       "rectangular"
  785.       Inputs       "++"
  786.       CollapseMode       "All dimensions"
  787.       CollapseDim       "1"
  788.       InputSameDT       on
  789.       OutDataTypeMode       "Same as first input"
  790.       OutDataType       "sfix(16)"
  791.       OutScaling       "2^0"
  792.       LockScale       off
  793.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  794.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  795.       SampleTime       "-1"
  796.     }
  797.     Block {
  798.       BlockType       Switch
  799.       Criteria       "u2 >= Threshold"
  800.       Threshold       "0"
  801.       InputSameDT       on
  802.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  803.       RndMeth       "Floor"
  804.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
  805.       ZeroCross       on
  806.       SampleTime       "-1"
  807.     }
  808.     Block {
  809.       BlockType       Terminator
  810.     }
  811.     Block {
  812.       BlockType       TransportDelay
  813.       DelayTime       "1"
  814.       InitialOutput       "0"
  815.       BufferSize       "1024"
  816.       FixedBuffer       off
  817.       TransDelayFeedthrough   off
  818.       PadeOrder       "0"
  819.     }
  820.     Block {
  821.       BlockType       Trigonometry
  822.       Operator       "sin"
  823.       OutputSignalType       "auto"
  824.       SampleTime       "-1"
  825.     }
  826.     Block {
  827.       BlockType       UnitDelay
  828.       X0       "0"
  829.       SampleTime       "1"
  830.       StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
  831.       RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
  832.     }
  833.   }
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  869.       BlockType       Reference
  870.       Name       "3-PhasenSequence Analyzer"
  871.       Ports       [1, 2]
  872.       Position       [525, 81, 590, 139]
  873.       DialogController       "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  874.       SourceBlock       "powerlib_extras/Measurements/3-PhasenSequence "
  875. "Analyzer"
  876.       SourceType       "3-Phase Sequence analyzer"
  877.       ShowPortLabels       "FromPortIcon"
  878.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  879.       FunctionWithSeparateData off
  880.       RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  881.       RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
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  883.       RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
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  886.       n       "1"
  887.       seq       "Negative"
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  889.     Block {
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  917.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
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  919. Block {
  920.   BlockType   BusCreator
  921.   Name   "BusnCreator"
  922.   Ports   [2, 1]
  923.   Position   [590, 246, 595, 284]
  924.   ShowName   off
  925.   Inputs   "2"
  926.   DisplayOption   "bar"
  927. }
  928. Block {
  929.   BlockType   Reference
  930.   Name   "Current Measurement2"
  931.   Ports   [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  932.   Position   [430, 323, 455, 347]
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  935.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  936.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Measurements/Current Measurement"
  937.   SourceType   "Current Measurement"
  938.   ShowPortLabels   "FromPortIcon"
  939.   SystemSampleTime   "-1"
  940.   FunctionWithSeparateData off
  941.   RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  942.   RTWMemSecFuncExecute   "Inherit from model"
  943.   RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  944.   RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  945.   RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  946.   PhasorSimulation   off
  947.   OutputType   "Complex"
  948.   PSBequivalent   "0"
  949. }
  950. Block {
  951.   BlockType   Reference
  952.   Name   "DC "
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  956.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  957.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/ElectricalnSources/DC Voltage Sou"
  958. "rce"
  959.   SourceType   "DC Voltage Source"
  960.   ShowPortLabels   "FromPortIcon"
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  963.   RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
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  966.   RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  967.   RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  968.   Amplitude   "20000"
  969.   Measurements   "None"
  970. }
  971. Block {
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  978.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
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  985.   LConnTagsString   "a"
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  990.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  991.   Position   [735, 350, 760, 380]
  992.   Orientation   "left"
  993.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  994.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  995.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  996.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
  997.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  998.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  999.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  1000.   RightPortType   "p1"
  1001.   LConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1002.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1003.   BranchType   "L"
  1004.   Resistance   "1.0"
  1005.   Inductance   "0.2e-3"
  1006.   SetiL0   off
  1007.   InitialCurrent   "0"
  1008.   Capacitance   "1.0"
  1009.   Setx0   off
  1010.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  1011.   Measurements   "None"
  1012. }
  1013. Block {
  1014.   BlockType   Reference
  1015.   Name   "Linear Transformer"
  1016.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2]
  1017.   Position   [550, 330, 610, 410]
  1018.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1019.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Linear Transformer"
  1020.   SourceType   "Linear Transformer"
  1021.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  1022.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  1023.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  1024.   RightPortType   "p1"
  1025.   LConnTagsString   "a|b"
  1026.   RConnTagsString   "A|B"
  1027.   UNITS   "pu"
  1028.   NominalPower   "[ 255.6e3 50 ] "
  1029.   winding1   "[ 6e3  0.002  0.08 ]"
  1030.   winding2   "[ 2e3 0.002  0.08 ]"
  1031.   ThreeWindings   off
  1032.   winding3   "[ 60e3 0.005 0.02 ]"
  1033.   RmLm   "[ 500 500 ]"
  1034.   Measurements   "None"
  1035.   DataType   off
  1036. }
  1037. Block {
  1038.   BlockType   Reference
  1039.   Name   "PWM Generator"
  1040.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1041.   Position   [740, 187, 810, 233]
  1042.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1043.   SourceBlock   "powerlib_extras/Control nBlocks/PWM Genera"
  1044. "tor"
  1045.   SourceType   "PWM Generator"
  1046.   ShowPortLabels   "FromPortIcon"
  1047.   SystemSampleTime   "-1"
  1048.   FunctionWithSeparateData off
  1049.   RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  1050.   RTWMemSecFuncExecute   "Inherit from model"
  1051.   RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  1052.   RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  1053.   RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  1054.   GeneratorMode   "2-arm  bridge (4 pulses)"
  1055.   Fc   "10000"
  1056.   Internal   off
  1057.   mIndex   "0.4"
  1058.   Freq   "60"
  1059.   Phase   "0"
  1060. }
  1061. Block {
  1062.   BlockType   Scope
  1063.   Name   "Scope1"
  1064.   Ports   [1]
  1065.   Position   [940, 224, 970, 256]
  1066.   Floating   off
  1067.   Location   [188, 390, 512, 629]
  1068.   Open   off
  1069.   NumInputPorts   "1"
  1070.   List {
  1071.     ListType     AxesTitles
  1072.     axes1     "%<SignalLabel>"
  1073.   }
  1074.   SaveName   "ScopeData1"
  1075.   DataFormat   "StructureWithTime"
  1076.   SampleTime   "0"
  1077. }
  1078. Block {
  1079.   BlockType   Sum
  1080.   Name   "Sum"
  1081.   Ports   [2, 1]
  1082.   Position   [655, 200, 675, 220]
  1083.   ShowName   off
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  1085.   Inputs   "|+-"
  1086.   CollapseMode   "All dimensions"
  1087.   InputSameDT   off
  1088.   OutDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
  1089.   SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1090. }
  1091. Block {
  1092.   BlockType   Reference
  1093.   Name   "Universal Bridge"
  1094.   Ports   [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2]
  1095.   Position   [835, 322, 890, 398]
  1096.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1097.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/PowernElectronics/Universal Bridg"
  1098. "e"
  1099.   SourceType   "Universal Bridge"
  1100.   ShowPortLabels   "FromPortIcon"
  1101.   SystemSampleTime   "-1"
  1102.   FunctionWithSeparateData off
  1103.   RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  1104.   RTWMemSecFuncExecute   "Inherit from model"
  1105.   RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  1106.   RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  1107.   RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  1108.   Arms   "2"
  1109.   SnubberResistance   "1e5"
  1110.   SnubberCapacitance   "inf"
  1111.   Device   "IGBT / Diodes"
  1112.   Ron   "1e-3"
  1113.   Lon   "0"
  1114.   ForwardVoltages   "[  0  0  ]"
  1115.   ForwardVoltage   "0"
  1116.   GTOparameters   "[ 10e-6 , 20e-6 ]"
  1117.   IGBTparameters   "[ 1e-6 , 2e-6 ]"
  1118.   Measurements   "None"
  1119.   converterType   "Rectifier"
  1120. }
  1121. Block {
  1122.   BlockType   Reference
  1123.   Name   "Voltage Measurement"
  1124.   Ports   [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2]
  1125.   Position   [700, 403, 725, 427]
  1126.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1127.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Measurements/Voltage Measurement"
  1128.   SourceType   "Voltage Measurement"
  1129.   ShowPortLabels   "FromPortIcon"
  1130.   SystemSampleTime   "-1"
  1131.   FunctionWithSeparateData off
  1132.   RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  1133.   RTWMemSecFuncExecute   "Inherit from model"
  1134.   RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  1135.   RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  1136.   RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  1137.   PhasorSimulation   off
  1138.   OutputType   "Complex"
  1139.   PSBequivalent   "0"
  1140. }
  1141. Block {
  1142.   BlockType   SubSystem
  1143.   Name   "xiebo"
  1144.   Ports   [1, 1]
  1145.   Position   [525, 180, 565, 240]
  1146.   MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  1147.   RTWSystemCode   "Auto"
  1148.   FunctionWithSeparateData off
  1149.   MaskHideContents   off
  1150.   System {
  1151.     Name     "xiebo"
  1152.     Location     [398, 242, 1238, 598]
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  1168.       Position       [25, 113, 55, 127]
  1169.       IconDisplay       "Port number"
  1170.     }
  1171.     Block {
  1172.       BlockType       Reference
  1173.       Name       "2nd-OrdernFilter"
  1174.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1175.       Position       [375, 40, 430, 90]
  1176.       DialogController       "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1177.       SourceBlock       "powerlib_extras/Control nBlocks/2nd-Or"
  1178. "dernFilter"
  1179.       SourceType       "2nd-Order Filter"
  1180.       ShowPortLabels       "FromPortIcon"
  1181.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  1182.       FunctionWithSeparateData off
  1183.       RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  1184.       RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
  1185.       RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  1186.       RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  1187.       RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  1188.       FilterType       "Lowpass"
  1189.       Fo       "20"
  1190.       Zeta       "0.707"
  1191.       Initialize       off
  1192.       Vac_Init       "[1 45 60]"
  1193.       Vdc_Init       "-0.5"
  1194.       PlotResponse       off
  1195.       param1       "[1 500 1]"
  1196.     }
  1197.     Block {
  1198.       BlockType       Reference
  1199.       Name       "2nd-OrdernFilter1"
  1200.       Ports       [1, 1]
  1201.       Position       [375, 190, 430, 240]
  1202.       DialogController       "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1203.       SourceBlock       "powerlib_extras/Control nBlocks/2nd-Or"
  1204. "dernFilter"
  1205.       SourceType       "2nd-Order Filter"
  1206.       ShowPortLabels       "FromPortIcon"
  1207.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  1208.       FunctionWithSeparateData off
  1209.       RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  1210.       RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
  1211.       RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  1212.       RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  1213.       RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  1214.       FilterType       "Lowpass"
  1215.       Fo       "20"
  1216.       Zeta       "0.707"
  1217.       Initialize       off
  1218.       Vac_Init       "[1 45 60]"
  1219.       Vdc_Init       "-0.5"
  1220.       PlotResponse       off
  1221.       param1       "[1 500 1]"
  1222.     }
  1223.     Block {
  1224.       BlockType       Gain
  1225.       Name       "Gain"
  1226.       Position       [470, 50, 500, 80]
  1227.       Gain       "2"
  1228.       ParameterDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
  1229.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1230.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1231.     }
  1232.     Block {
  1233.       BlockType       Gain
  1234.       Name       "Gain1"
  1235.       Position       [470, 200, 500, 230]
  1236.       Gain       "2"
  1237.       ParameterDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
  1238.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1239.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1240.     }
  1241.     Block {
  1242.       BlockType       Product
  1243.       Name       "Product"
  1244.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1245.       Position       [265, 52, 295, 83]
  1246.       CollapseMode       "All dimensions"
  1247.       InputSameDT       off
  1248.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1249.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1250.     }
  1251.     Block {
  1252.       BlockType       Product
  1253.       Name       "Product1"
  1254.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1255.       Position       [265, 197, 295, 228]
  1256.       CollapseMode       "All dimensions"
  1257.       InputSameDT       off
  1258.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1259.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1260.     }
  1261.     Block {
  1262.       BlockType       Product
  1263.       Name       "Product2"
  1264.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1265.       Position       [555, 42, 585, 73]
  1266.       CollapseMode       "All dimensions"
  1267.       InputSameDT       off
  1268.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1269.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1270.     }
  1271.     Block {
  1272.       BlockType       Product
  1273.       Name       "Product3"
  1274.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1275.       Position       [550, 207, 580, 238]
  1276.       CollapseMode       "All dimensions"
  1277.       InputSameDT       off
  1278.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1279.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1280.     }
  1281.     Block {
  1282.       BlockType       Sin
  1283.       Name       "Sine Wave"
  1284.       Ports       [0, 1]
  1285.       Position       [120, 225, 150, 255]
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  1287.       Frequency       "314"
  1288.       SampleTime       "0"
  1289.     }
  1290.     Block {
  1291.       BlockType       Sum
  1292.       Name       "Sum"
  1293.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1294.       Position       [640, 130, 660, 150]
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  1300.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1301.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1302.     }
  1303.     Block {
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  1305.       Name       "Sum1"
  1306.       Ports       [2, 1]
  1307.       Position       [705, 130, 725, 150]
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  1313.       OutDataTypeMode       "Inherit via internal rule"
  1314.       SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  1315.     }
  1316.     Block {
  1317.       BlockType       Sin
  1318.       Name       "cos"
  1319.       Ports       [0, 1]
  1320.       Position       [115, 50, 145, 80]
  1321.       SineType       "Time based"
  1322.       Amplitude       "-1"
  1323.       Frequency       "314"
  1324.       Phase       "-pi/2"
  1325.       SampleTime       "0"
  1326.     }
  1327.     Block {
  1328.       BlockType       Outport
  1329.       Name       "Out1"
  1330.       Position       [785, 133, 815, 147]
  1331.       IconDisplay       "Port number"
  1332.       BusOutputAsStruct       off
  1333.     }
  1334.     Line {
  1335.       SrcBlock       "In1"
  1336.       SrcPort       1
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  1338.       Branch {
  1339. Points [0, 210; 645, 0]
  1340. DstBlock "Sum1"
  1341. DstPort 2
  1342.       }
  1343.       Branch {
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  1345. Branch {
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  1348. }
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  1352. }
  1353.       }
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  1360. DstBlock "Product"
  1361. DstPort 1
  1362.       }
  1363.       Branch {
  1364. Points [0, -30; 335, 0]
  1365. DstBlock "Product2"
  1366. DstPort 1
  1367.       }
  1368.     }
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  1373.       Branch {
  1374. Points [10, 0; 0, -20]
  1375. DstBlock "Product1"
  1376. DstPort 2
  1377.       }
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  1401.       DstPort       1
  1402.     }
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  1404.       SrcBlock       "Gain"
  1405.       SrcPort       1
  1406.       DstBlock       "Product2"
  1407.       DstPort       2
  1408.     }
  1409.     Line {
  1410.       SrcBlock       "2nd-OrdernFilter1"
  1411.       SrcPort       1
  1412.       DstBlock       "Gain1"
  1413.       DstPort       1
  1414.     }
  1415.     Line {
  1416.       SrcBlock       "Gain1"
  1417.       SrcPort       1
  1418.       DstBlock       "Product3"
  1419.       DstPort       1
  1420.     }
  1421.     Line {
  1422.       SrcBlock       "Sum"
  1423.       SrcPort       1
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  1425.       DstPort       1
  1426.     }
  1427.     Line {
  1428.       SrcBlock       "Sum1"
  1429.       SrcPort       1
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  1431.       DstPort       1
  1432.     }
  1433.     Line {
  1434.       SrcBlock       "Product3"
  1435.       SrcPort       1
  1436.       Points       [65, 0]
  1437.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  1438.       DstPort       2
  1439.     }
  1440.     Line {
  1441.       SrcBlock       "Product2"
  1442.       SrcPort       1
  1443.       Points       [15, 0; 0, 80]
  1444.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  1445.       DstPort       1
  1446.     }
  1447.   }
  1448. }
  1449. Block {
  1450.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  1451.   Name   "kuixianin"
  1452.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  1453.   Position   [310, 331, 340, 349]
  1454.   Port   "1"
  1455.   Side   "Left"
  1456. }
  1457. Block {
  1458.   BlockType   Outport
  1459.   Name   "jiancexiebo"
  1460.   Position   [635, 168, 665, 182]
  1461.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1462.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1463. }
  1464. Block {
  1465.   BlockType   Outport
  1466.   Name   "genzhong"
  1467.   Position   [630, 258, 660, 272]
  1468.   Port   "2"
  1469.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
  1470.   BusOutputAsStruct   off
  1471. }
  1472. Line {
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  1476.   DstBlock   "DC "
  1477.   DstPort   LConn1
  1478. }
  1479. Line {
  1480.   LineType   "Connection"
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  1485.   DstPort   RConn1
  1486. }
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  1512.     DstPort     RConn1
  1513.   }
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  1515.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  1516.     Points     [0, 60]
  1517.     DstBlock     "Voltage Measurement"
  1518.     DstPort     LConn1
  1519.   }
  1520. }
  1521. Line {
  1522.   LineType   "Connection"
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  1525.   Points   [-170, 0]
  1526.   Branch {
  1527.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  1528.     Points     [-25, 0]
  1529.     DstBlock     "Linear Transformer"
  1530.     DstPort     RConn2
  1531.   }
  1532.   Branch {
  1533.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  1534.     Points     [0, 35]
  1535.     DstBlock     "Voltage Measurement"
  1536.     DstPort     LConn2
  1537.   }
  1538. }
  1539. Line {
  1540.   SrcBlock   "xiebo"
  1541.   SrcPort   1
  1542.   Points   [5, 0]
  1543.   Branch {
  1544.     Points     [10, 0]
  1545.     Branch {
  1546.       DstBlock       "Sum"
  1547.       DstPort       1
  1548.     }
  1549.     Branch {
  1550.       Points       [0, -35]
  1551.       DstBlock       "jiancexiebo"
  1552.       DstPort       1
  1553.     }
  1554.   }
  1555.   Branch {
  1556.     DstBlock     "BusnCreator"
  1557.     DstPort     1
  1558.   }
  1559. }
  1560. Line {
  1561.   SrcBlock   "Sum"
  1562.   SrcPort   1
  1563.   DstBlock   "PWM Generator"
  1564.   DstPort   1
  1565. }
  1566. Line {
  1567.   SrcBlock   "PWM Generator"
  1568.   SrcPort   1
  1569.   Points   [50, 0; 0, 30]
  1570.   Branch {
  1571.     Points     [0, 70; -45, 0]
  1572.     DstBlock     "Universal Bridge"
  1573.     DstPort     1
  1574.   }
  1575.   Branch {
  1576.     DstBlock     "Scope1"
  1577.     DstPort     1
  1578.   }
  1579. }
  1580. Line {
  1581.   SrcBlock   "In1"
  1582.   SrcPort   1
  1583.   Points   [20, 0; 0, 55]
  1584.   DstBlock   "xiebo"
  1585.   DstPort   1
  1586. }
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  1588.   LineType   "Connection"
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  1591.   DstBlock   "Current Measurement2"
  1592.   DstPort   RConn1
  1593. }
  1594. Line {
  1595.   LineType   "Connection"
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  1598.   Points   [30, 0; 0, 15]
  1599.   DstBlock   "Linear Transformer"
  1600.   DstPort   LConn1
  1601. }
  1602. Line {
  1603.   SrcBlock   "Current Measurement2"
  1604.   SrcPort   1
  1605.   Points   [-40, 0; 0, -55; 160, 0]
  1606.   Branch {
  1607.     DstBlock     "BusnCreator"
  1608.     DstPort     2
  1609.   }
  1610.   Branch {
  1611.     Points     [0, 20; 120, 0]
  1612.     DstBlock     "Sum"
  1613.     DstPort     2
  1614.   }
  1615. }
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  1617.   SrcBlock   "BusnCreator"
  1618.   SrcPort   1
  1619.   DstBlock   "genzhong"
  1620.   DstPort   1
  1621. }
  1622.       }
  1623.     }
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  1664.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
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  1674.     }
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  1688.       RightPortType       "p1"
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  1690.     }
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  1704.       RightPortType       "p1"
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  1706.     }
  1707.     Block {
  1708.       BlockType       Reference
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  1711.       Position       [774, 435, 796, 460]
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  1718.       SubClassName       "unknown"
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  1720.       RightPortType       "p1"
  1721.       LConnTagsString       "a"
  1722.     }
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  1725.       Name       "PPF"
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  1772.   Measurements   "None"
  1773. }
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  1851. }
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  1916.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  1917.   RightPortType   "p1"
  1918.   LConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1919.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1920.   BranchType   "L"
  1921.   Resistance   "1"
  1922.   Inductance   "0.1531"
  1923.   SetiL0   off
  1924.   InitialCurrent   "0"
  1925.   Capacitance   "1e-6"
  1926.   Setx0   off
  1927.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  1928.   Measurements   "None"
  1929. }
  1930. Block {
  1931.   BlockType   Reference
  1932.   Name   "RLC 4"
  1933.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  1934.   Position   [396, 95, 424, 165]
  1935.   Orientation   "down"
  1936.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  1937.   ShowName   off
  1938.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1939.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  1940.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
  1941.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  1942.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  1943.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  1944.   RightPortType   "p1"
  1945.   LConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1946.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1947.   BranchType   "L"
  1948.   Resistance   "1"
  1949.   Inductance   "0.1804"
  1950.   SetiL0   off
  1951.   InitialCurrent   "0"
  1952.   Capacitance   "1e-6"
  1953.   Setx0   off
  1954.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  1955.   Measurements   "None"
  1956. }
  1957. Block {
  1958.   BlockType   Reference
  1959.   Name   "Rhp"
  1960.   Ports   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  1961.   Position   [151, 215, 179, 285]
  1962.   Orientation   "down"
  1963.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  1964.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  1965.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  1966.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
  1967.   PhysicalDomain   "powersysdomain"
  1968.   SubClassName   "unknown"
  1969.   LeftPortType   "p1"
  1970.   RightPortType   "p1"
  1971.   LConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1972.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
  1973.   BranchType   "R"
  1974.   Resistance   "769.3"
  1975.   Inductance   "1e-3"
  1976.   SetiL0   off
  1977.   InitialCurrent   "0"
  1978.   Capacitance   "1e-6"
  1979.   Setx0   off
  1980.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  1981.   Measurements   "None"
  1982. }
  1983. Block {
  1984.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  1985.   Name   "IN"
  1986.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  1987.   Position   [270, 26, 300, 44]
  1988.   Port   "1"
  1989.   Side   "Left"
  1990. }
  1991. Block {
  1992.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  1993.   Name   "OUT"
  1994.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  1995.   Position   [170, 416, 200, 434]
  1996.   Port   "2"
  1997.   Side   "Right"
  1998. }
  1999. Line {
  2000.   LineType   "Connection"
  2001.   SrcBlock   "IN"
  2002.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2003.   Points   [15, 0; 0, 35]
  2004.   Branch {
  2005.     ConnectType     "DEST_DEST"
  2006.     Points     [325, 65; 5, 0; 0, 5]
  2007.     Branch {
  2008.       ConnectType       "SRC_SRC"
  2009.       Points       [85, 0]
  2010.       DstBlock       "RLC 4"
  2011.       DstPort       LConn1
  2012.     }
  2013.     Branch {
  2014.       ConnectType       "SRC_DEST"
  2015.       Points       [250, 65; 75, 0]
  2016.       Branch {
  2017. ConnectType "SRC_DEST"
  2018. SrcBlock "L3 "
  2019. SrcPort LConn1
  2020. Points [0, -10]
  2021.       }
  2022.       Branch {
  2023. ConnectType "SRC_SRC"
  2024. Points [-155, 0]
  2025. DstBlock "Chp"
  2026. DstPort LConn1
  2027.       }
  2028.     }
  2029.   }
  2030.   Branch {
  2031.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  2032.     DstBlock     "L5"
  2033.     DstPort     LConn1
  2034.   }
  2035. }
  2036. Line {
  2037.   LineType   "Connection"
  2038.   SrcBlock   "Chp"
  2039.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2040.   Points   [0, 0]
  2041.   Branch {
  2042.     ConnectType     "DEST_DEST"
  2043.     SrcBlock     "Lhp"
  2044.     SrcPort     LConn1
  2045.     Points     [0, -10; 50, 0]
  2046.   }
  2047.   Branch {
  2048.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  2049.     Points     [70, 0]
  2050.     DstBlock     "Rhp"
  2051.     DstPort     LConn1
  2052.   }
  2053. }
  2054. Line {
  2055.   LineType   "Connection"
  2056.   SrcBlock   "C3"
  2057.   SrcPort   LConn1
  2058.   DstBlock   "L3 "
  2059.   DstPort   RConn1
  2060. }
  2061. Line {
  2062.   LineType   "Connection"
  2063.   SrcBlock   "OUT"
  2064.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2065.   Points   [0, -90; 10, 0]
  2066.   Branch {
  2067.     ConnectType     "DEST_DEST"
  2068.     Points     [110, 310; 0, 25; 115, 0]
  2069.     Branch {
  2070.       ConnectType       "SRC_DEST"
  2071.       SrcBlock       "Lhp"
  2072.       SrcPort       RConn1
  2073.       Points       [0, 10; 65, 0]
  2074.     }
  2075.     Branch {
  2076.       ConnectType       "SRC_SRC"
  2077.       Points       [55, 0]
  2078.       DstBlock       "Rhp"
  2079.       DstPort       RConn1
  2080.     }
  2081.   }
  2082.   Branch {
  2083.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  2084.     Points     [105, 0; 0, -35]
  2085.     Branch {
  2086.       ConnectType       "DEST_DEST"
  2087.       SrcBlock       "C3"
  2088.       SrcPort       RConn1
  2089.       Points       [0, 15; 80, 0]
  2090.     }
  2091.     Branch {
  2092.       ConnectType       "DEST_SRC"
  2093.       Points       [80, 0]
  2094.       DstBlock       "C7"
  2095.       DstPort       RConn1
  2096.     }
  2097.     Branch {
  2098.       ConnectType       "DEST_DEST"
  2099.       SrcBlock       "C5"
  2100.       SrcPort       RConn1
  2101.       Points       [0, 15]
  2102.     }
  2103.   }
  2104. }
  2105. Line {
  2106.   LineType   "Connection"
  2107.   SrcBlock   "C5"
  2108.   SrcPort   LConn1
  2109.   DstBlock   "L5"
  2110.   DstPort   RConn1
  2111. }
  2112. Line {
  2113.   LineType   "Connection"
  2114.   SrcBlock   "C7"
  2115.   SrcPort   LConn1
  2116.   DstBlock   "RLC 4"
  2117.   DstPort   RConn1
  2118. }
  2119. Annotation {
  2120.   Name   "L7"
  2121.   Position   [392, 133]
  2122. }
  2123.       }
  2124.     }
  2125.     Block {
  2126.       BlockType       Scope
  2127.       Name       "Scope1"
  2128.       Ports       [2]
  2129.       Position       [550, 201, 580, 234]
  2130.       Floating       off
  2131.       Location       [5, 52, 1445, 865]
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  2135.       List {
  2136. ListType AxesTitles
  2137. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2138. axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2139.       }
  2140.       TimeRange       "0.1"
  2141.       YMin       "-55000~-100"
  2142.       YMax       "55000~100"
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  2145.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
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  2147.       SampleTime       "0"
  2148.     }
  2149.     Block {
  2150.       BlockType       Scope
  2151.       Name       "Scope2"
  2152.       Ports       [1]
  2153.       Position       [1045, 434, 1075, 466]
  2154.       Floating       off
  2155.       Location       [5, 52, 1445, 865]
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  2158.       ZoomMode       "xonly"
  2159.       List {
  2160. ListType AxesTitles
  2161. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2162.       }
  2163.       TimeRange       "0.1"
  2164.       YMin       "-350"
  2165.       YMax       "350"
  2166.       SaveToWorkspace       on
  2167.       SaveName       "PHAPF2"
  2168.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
  2169.       MaxDataPoints       "5000000"
  2170.       SampleTime       "0"
  2171.     }
  2172.     Block {
  2173.       BlockType       Scope
  2174.       Name       "Scope3"
  2175.       Ports       [1]
  2176.       Position       [885, 219, 915, 251]
  2177.       Floating       off
  2178.       Location       [6, 56, 1030, 741]
  2179.       Open       off
  2180.       NumInputPorts       "1"
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  2182.       List {
  2183. ListType AxesTitles
  2184. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2185.       }
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  2187.       YMin       "2250"
  2188.       YMax       "6000"
  2189.       SaveToWorkspace       on
  2190.       SaveName       "BCQ"
  2191.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
  2192.       MaxDataPoints       "5000000"
  2193.       SampleTime       "0"
  2194.     }
  2195.     Block {
  2196.       BlockType       Scope
  2197.       Name       "Scope4"
  2198.       Ports       [1]
  2199.       Position       [790, 219, 820, 251]
  2200.       Floating       off
  2201.       Location       [6, 56, 1030, 741]
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  2205.       List {
  2206. ListType AxesTitles
  2207. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2208.       }
  2209.       TimeRange       "0.1"
  2210.       YMin       "-350"
  2211.       YMax       "350"
  2212.       SaveToWorkspace       on
  2213.       SaveName       "PHAPF"
  2214.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
  2215.       MaxDataPoints       "5000000"
  2216.       SampleTime       "0"
  2217.     }
  2218.     Block {
  2219.       BlockType       Scope
  2220.       Name       "Scope5"
  2221.       Ports       [1]
  2222.       Position       [1050, 349, 1080, 381]
  2223.       Floating       off
  2224.       Location       [1, 52, 1441, 865]
  2225.       Open       off
  2226.       NumInputPorts       "1"
  2227.       ZoomMode       "xonly"
  2228.       List {
  2229. ListType AxesTitles
  2230. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2231.       }
  2232.       TimeRange       "0.1"
  2233.       YMin       "-150"
  2234.       YMax       "175"
  2235.       SaveToWorkspace       on
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  2238.       MaxDataPoints       "5000000"
  2239.       SampleTime       "0"
  2240.     }
  2241.     Block {
  2242.       BlockType       Scope
  2243.       Name       "Scope6"
  2244.       Ports       [2]
  2245.       Position       [665, 81, 695, 114]
  2246.       Floating       off
  2247.       Location       [6, 56, 1030, 741]
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  2251.       List {
  2252. ListType AxesTitles
  2253. axes1 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2254. axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"
  2255.       }
  2256.       TimeRange       "0.1"
  2257.       YMin       "53.42~54.59"
  2258.       YMax       "53.61~54.82"
  2259.       SaveToWorkspace       on
  2260.       SaveName       "PHAPF3"
  2261.       DataFormat       "StructureWithTime"
  2262.       MaxDataPoints       "5000000"
  2263.       SampleTime       "0"
  2264.     }
  2265.     Block {
  2266.       BlockType       Reference
  2267.       Name       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  2268.       Ports       [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]
  2269.       Position       [415, 262, 465, 338]
  2270.       DialogController       "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  2271.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/Measurements/Three-PhasenV-I Measurem"
  2272. "ent"
  2273.       SourceType       "Three-Phase VI Measurement"
  2274.       ShowPortLabels       "FromPortIcon"
  2275.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  2276.       FunctionWithSeparateData off
  2277.       RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  2278.       RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
  2279.       RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  2280.       RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  2281.       RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  2282.       VoltageMeasurement      "phase-to-ground"
  2283.       SetLabelV       off
  2284.       LabelV       "Vabc"
  2285.       Vpu       off
  2286.       CurrentMeasurement      "yes"
  2287.       SetLabelI       off
  2288.       LabelI       "Iabc"
  2289.       Ipu       off
  2290.       Pbase       "100e6"
  2291.       Vbase       "500e3"
  2292.       OutputType       "Complex"
  2293.       PhasorSimulation       off
  2294.       PSBequivalent       "0"
  2295.     }
  2296.     Block {
  2297.       BlockType       Reference
  2298.       Name       "Three-Phase Source"
  2299.       Ports       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]
  2300.       Position       [295, 271, 380, 329]
  2301.       DialogController       "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  2302.       SourceBlock       "powerlib/ElectricalnSources/Three-Phase Source"
  2303.       SourceType       "Three-Phase Source"
  2304.       ShowPortLabels       "FromPortIcon"
  2305.       SystemSampleTime       "-1"
  2306.       FunctionWithSeparateData off
  2307.       RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
  2308.       RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
  2309.       RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
  2310.       RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
  2311.       RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  2312.       Voltage       "110e3/sqrt(3)"
  2313.       PhaseAngle       "0"
  2314.       Frequency       "50"
  2315.       InternalConnection      "Yg"
  2316.       SpecifyImpedance       on
  2317.       Resistance       "0.8929"
  2318.       Inductance       "16.58e-3"
  2319.       ShortCircuitLevel       "100e6"
  2320.       BaseVoltage       "25e3"
  2321.       XRratio       "7"
  2322.     }
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  2324.       BlockType       SubSystem
  2325.       Name       "jiche2"
  2326.       Ports       [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
  2327.       Position       [940, 227, 985, 303]
  2328.       MinAlgLoopOccurrences   off
  2329.       RTWSystemCode       "Auto"
  2330.       FunctionWithSeparateData off
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  2333. Name "jiche2"
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  2351.   Position   [355, 360, 385, 390]
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  2353.   Amplitude   "239.7*sqrt(2)"
  2354.   Frequency   "2*pi*50"
  2355.   Phase   "-pi/6"
  2356.   SampleTime   "0"
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  2360.   Name   "11"
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  2362.   Position   [460, 485, 490, 515]
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  2371.   Name   "3"
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  2373.   Position   [440, 390, 470, 420]
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  2376.   Frequency   "6*pi*50"
  2377.   Phase   "-2*pi/3"
  2378.   SampleTime   "0"
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  2382.   Name   "5"
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  2390. }
  2391. Block {
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  2393.   Name   "7"
  2394.   Ports   [0, 1]
  2395.   Position   [370, 440, 400, 470]
  2396.   SineType   "Time based"
  2397.   Amplitude   "14.7*sqrt(2)"
  2398.   Frequency   "14*pi*50"
  2399.   Phase   "5*pi/6"
  2400.   SampleTime   "0"
  2401. }
  2402. Block {
  2403.   BlockType   Sin
  2404.   Name   "9"
  2405.   Ports   [0, 1]
  2406.   Position   [415, 465, 445, 495]
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  2408.   Amplitude   "8.2*sqrt(2)"
  2409.   Frequency   "18*pi*50"
  2410.   Phase   "pi/2"
  2411.   SampleTime   "0"
  2412. }
  2413. Block {
  2414.   BlockType   Sum
  2415.   Name   "Add"
  2416.   Ports   [6, 1]
  2417.   Position   [640, 368, 670, 432]
  2418.   Inputs   "++++++"
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  2421.   OutDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
  2422.   OutScaling   "2^-10"
  2423.   SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  2424. }
  2425. Block {
  2426.   BlockType   Sum
  2427.   Name   "Add1"
  2428.   Ports   [5, 1]
  2429.   Position   [655, 513, 685, 577]
  2430.   Inputs   "+++++"
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  2433.   OutDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
  2434.   OutScaling   "2^-10"
  2435.   SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
  2436. }
  2437. Block {
  2438.   BlockType   Reference
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  2443.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  2444.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/ElectricalnSources/Controlled Cur"
  2445. "rent Source"
  2446.   SourceType   "Controlled Current Source"
  2447.   ShowPortLabels   "FromPortIcon"
  2448.   SystemSampleTime   "-1"
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  2454.   RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
  2455.   Initialize   on
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  2457.   Amplitude   "248.5167*sqrt(2)"
  2458.   Phase   "0"
  2459.   Frequency   "50"
  2460.   Measurements   "None"
  2461. }
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  2466.   Position   [935, 359, 965, 391]
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  2472.     ListType     AxesTitles
  2473.     axes1     "%<SignalLabel>"
  2474.   }
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  2476.   DataFormat   "StructureWithTime"
  2477.   SampleTime   "0"
  2478. }
  2479. Block {
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  2486.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
  2487.   SourceBlock   "powerlib/Elements/Series RLC Branch"
  2488.   SourceType   "Series RLC Branch"
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  2490.   SubClassName   "unknown"
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  2492.   RightPortType   "p1"
  2493.   LConnTagsString   "__new0"
  2494.   RConnTagsString   "__new0"
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  2496.   Resistance   "10000000"
  2497.   Inductance   "1.0"
  2498.   SetiL0   off
  2499.   InitialCurrent   "0"
  2500.   Capacitance   "1.0"
  2501.   Setx0   off
  2502.   InitialVoltage   "0"
  2503.   Measurements   "None"
  2504. }
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  2507.   Name   "T2"
  2508.   Position   [685, 295, 715, 310]
  2509.   Orientation   "down"
  2510.   Port   "1"
  2511.   Side   "Left"
  2512. }
  2513. Block {
  2514.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2515.   Name   "R"
  2516.   Position   [745, 133, 775, 147]
  2517.   Port   "2"
  2518.   Side   "Right"
  2519. }
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  2522.   Name   "Out1"
  2523.   Position   [775, 538, 805, 552]
  2524.   IconDisplay   "Port number"
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  2526. }
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  2531.   DstPort   RConn1
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  2536.     Points     [0, -20; 65, 0]
  2537.   }
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  2542.     Points     [65, 0; 0, 40]
  2543.   }
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  2556.     Points     [0, -5]
  2557.     DstBlock     "Scope"
  2558.     DstPort     1
  2559.   }
  2560.   Branch {
  2561.     DstBlock     "Controlled Current Source1"
  2562.     DstPort     1
  2563.   }
  2564. }
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  2574.     Points     [0, 5; 90, 0]
  2575.   }
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  2578.     DstBlock     "Series RLC Branch"
  2579.     DstPort     LConn1
  2580.   }
  2581. }
  2582. Line {
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  2585.   DstBlock   "Out1"
  2586.   DstPort   1
  2587. }
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  2591.   Points   [0, -20; 135, 0]
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  2594.     DstPort     2
  2595.   }
  2596.   Branch {
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  2599.     DstPort     1
  2600.   }
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  2609.   }
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  2613.     DstPort     2
  2614.   }
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  2622.     DstPort     4
  2623.   }
  2624.   Branch {
  2625.     Points     [0, 140]
  2626.     DstBlock     "Add1"
  2627.     DstPort     3
  2628.   }
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  2633.   Points   [100, 0; 0, -65; 45, 0]
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  2636.     DstPort     5
  2637.   }
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  2639.     Points     [0, 140]
  2640.     DstBlock     "Add1"
  2641.     DstPort     4
  2642.   }
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  2750.   RightPortType   "p1"
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  2752. }
  2753. Block {
  2754.   BlockType   Reference
  2755.   Name   "Multi-WindingnTransformer"
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  2757.   Position   [245, 25, 320, 125]
  2758.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
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  2760. "r"
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  2778.   WindingInductances   "[ 0.02  0.02  0.02  0.02 ]"
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  2781.   Lm   "50"
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  2790.   DataType   off
  2791. }
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  2797.   DialogController   "POWERSYS.PowerSysDialog"
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  2799. "r"
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  2815.   NominalVoltages   "[ 110e3  27.5e3  27.5e3 27.5e3]"
  2816.   WindingResistances   "[ 0.005  0.005  0.005  0.005]"
  2817.   WindingInductances   "[ 0.02  0.02  0.02  0.02 ]"
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  2820.   Lm   "50"
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  2829.   DataType   off
  2830. }
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  2838. "r"
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  2854.   NominalVoltages   "[ 110e3  27.5e3]"
  2855.   WindingResistances   "[ 0.005  0.005  0.005  0.005]"
  2856.   WindingInductances   "[ 0.02  0.02  0.02  0.02 ]"
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  2859.   Lm   "50"
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  2867.   BreakLoop   off
  2868.   DataType   off
  2869. }
  2870. Block {
  2871.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2872.   Name   "A"
  2873.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  2874.   Position   [140, 41, 170, 59]
  2875.   Port   "1"
  2876.   Side   "Left"
  2877. }
  2878. Block {
  2879.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2880.   Name   "B"
  2881.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  2882.   Position   [135, 181, 165, 199]
  2883.   Port   "2"
  2884.   Side   "Left"
  2885. }
  2886. Block {
  2887.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2888.   Name   "C"
  2889.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  2890.   Position   [140, 321, 170, 339]
  2891.   Port   "3"
  2892.   Side   "Left"
  2893. }
  2894. Block {
  2895.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2896.   Name   "a"
  2897.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  2898.   Position   [425, 196, 455, 214]
  2899.   Orientation   "left"
  2900.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  2901.   Port   "4"
  2902.   Side   "Right"
  2903. }
  2904. Block {
  2905.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2906.   Name   "b"
  2907.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  2908.   Position   [430, 256, 460, 274]
  2909.   Orientation   "left"
  2910.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  2911.   Port   "5"
  2912.   Side   "Right"
  2913. }
  2914. Block {
  2915.   BlockType   PMIOPort
  2916.   Name   "c"
  2917.   Tag   "PMCPort"
  2918.   Position   [430, 321, 460, 339]
  2919.   Orientation   "left"
  2920.   NamePlacement   "alternate"
  2921.   Port   "6"
  2922.   Side   "Right"
  2923. }
  2924. Line {
  2925.   LineType   "Connection"
  2926.   SrcBlock   "C"
  2927.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2928.   Points   [45, 0]
  2929.   DstBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer2"
  2930.   DstPort   LConn1
  2931. }
  2932. Line {
  2933.   LineType   "Connection"
  2934.   SrcBlock   "B"
  2935.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2936.   Points   [50, 0]
  2937.   DstBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  2938.   DstPort   LConn1
  2939. }
  2940. Line {
  2941.   LineType   "Connection"
  2942.   SrcBlock   "A"
  2943.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2944.   DstBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer"
  2945.   DstPort   LConn1
  2946. }
  2947. Line {
  2948.   LineType   "Connection"
  2949.   Points   [215, 380; 15, 0; 0, 20]
  2950.   DstBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer2"
  2951.   DstPort   LConn2
  2952.   Branch {
  2953.     ConnectType     "SRC_SRC"
  2954.     DstBlock     "Ground"
  2955.     DstPort     LConn1
  2956.   }
  2957.   Branch {
  2958.     ConnectType     "SRC_DEST"
  2959.     Points     [220, 245; -5, 0; 0, 135]
  2960.     Branch {
  2961.       ConnectType       "SRC_SRC"
  2962.       Points       [10, 0]
  2963.       DstBlock       "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  2964.       DstPort       LConn2
  2965.     }
  2966.     Branch {
  2967.       ConnectType       "SRC_DEST"
  2968.       SrcBlock       "Multi-WindingnTransformer"
  2969.       SrcPort       LConn2
  2970.       Points       [-10, 0; 0, 145]
  2971.     }
  2972.   }
  2973. }
  2974. Line {
  2975.   LineType   "Connection"
  2976.   SrcBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  2977.   SrcPort   RConn2
  2978.   DstBlock   "a"
  2979.   DstPort   RConn1
  2980. }
  2981. Line {
  2982.   LineType   "Connection"
  2983.   SrcBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  2984.   SrcPort   RConn5
  2985.   DstBlock   "b"
  2986.   DstPort   RConn1
  2987. }
  2988. Line {
  2989.   LineType   "Connection"
  2990.   SrcBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer2"
  2991.   SrcPort   RConn1
  2992.   Points   [0, -20; 45, 0]
  2993.   Branch {
  2994.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  2995.     DstBlock     "c"
  2996.     DstPort     RConn1
  2997.   }
  2998.   Branch {
  2999.     ConnectType     "DEST_DEST"
  3000.     SrcBlock     "Multi-WindingnTransformer"
  3001.     SrcPort     RConn2
  3002.     Points     [45, 0; 0, 230]
  3003.   }
  3004. }
  3005. Line {
  3006.   LineType   "Connection"
  3007.   Points   [350, 185; 0, 60; -15, 0]
  3008.   DstBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  3009.   DstPort   RConn4
  3010.   Branch {
  3011.     ConnectType     "SRC_DEST"
  3012.     SrcBlock     "Multi-WindingnTransformer"
  3013.     SrcPort     RConn1
  3014.     Points     [15, 0; 0, 135]
  3015.   }
  3016.   Branch {
  3017.     ConnectType     "SRC_DEST"
  3018.     SrcBlock     "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  3019.     SrcPort     RConn1
  3020.     Points     [15, 0]
  3021.   }
  3022. }
  3023. Line {
  3024.   LineType   "Connection"
  3025.   SrcBlock   "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  3026.   SrcPort   RConn3
  3027.   Points   [30, 0; 0, 60]
  3028.   Branch {
  3029.     ConnectType     "DEST_SRC"
  3030.     Points     [0, 115]
  3031.     DstBlock     "Multi-WindingnTransformer2"
  3032.     DstPort     RConn2
  3033.   }
  3034.   Branch {
  3035.     ConnectType     "DEST_DEST"
  3036.     SrcBlock     "Multi-WindingnTransformer1"
  3037.     SrcPort     RConn6
  3038.     Points     [30, 0]
  3039.   }
  3040. }
  3041.       }
  3042.     }
  3043.     Line {
  3044.       LineType       "Connection"
  3045.       SrcBlock       "Current Measurement3"
  3046.       SrcPort       LConn1
  3047.       Points       [-25, 0]
  3048.       Branch {
  3049. ConnectType "DEST_SRC"
  3050. DstBlock "Current Measurement4"
  3051. DstPort RConn1
  3052.       }
  3053.       Branch {
  3054. ConnectType "DEST_SRC"
  3055. Points [5, 0]
  3056. DstBlock "PPF"
  3057. DstPort LConn1
  3058.       }
  3059.     }
  3060.     Line {
  3061.       LineType       "Connection"
  3062.       SrcBlock       "Current Measurement3"
  3063.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3064.       Points       [65, 0]
  3065.       DstBlock       "jiche2"
  3066.       DstPort       LConn1
  3067.     }
  3068.     Line {
  3069.       LineType       "Connection"
  3070.       SrcBlock       "jiche2"
  3071.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3072.       DstBlock       "Ground1"
  3073.       DstPort       LConn1
  3074.     }
  3075.     Line {
  3076.       SrcBlock       "Current Measurement3"
  3077.       SrcPort       1
  3078.       Points       [10, 0]
  3079.       Branch {
  3080. Points [5, 0; 0, -45]
  3081. DstBlock "Scope3"
  3082. DstPort 1
  3083.       }
  3084.       Branch {
  3085. DstBlock "APF"
  3086. DstPort 1
  3087.       }
  3088.     }
  3089.     Line {
  3090.       LineType       "Connection"
  3091.       SrcBlock       "Three-Phase Source"
  3092.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3093.       Points       [0, -5]
  3094.       DstBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3095.       DstPort       LConn1
  3096.     }
  3097.     Line {
  3098.       LineType       "Connection"
  3099.       SrcBlock       "Three-Phase Source"
  3100.       SrcPort       RConn2
  3101.       DstBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3102.       DstPort       LConn2
  3103.     }
  3104.     Line {
  3105.       LineType       "Connection"
  3106.       SrcBlock       "Three-Phase Source"
  3107.       SrcPort       RConn3
  3108.       Points       [0, 5]
  3109.       DstBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3110.       DstPort       LConn3
  3111.     }
  3112.     Line {
  3113.       LineType       "Connection"
  3114.       SrcBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3115.       SrcPort       RConn3
  3116.       Points       [30, 0; 0, 15]
  3117.       DstBlock       "zkppph_before1"
  3118.       DstPort       LConn3
  3119.     }
  3120.     Line {
  3121.       LineType       "Connection"
  3122.       SrcBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3123.       SrcPort       RConn2
  3124.       Points       [35, 0]
  3125.       DstBlock       "zkppph_before1"
  3126.       DstPort       LConn2
  3127.     }
  3128.     Line {
  3129.       LineType       "Connection"
  3130.       SrcBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3131.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3132.       Points       [30, 0; 0, -25]
  3133.       DstBlock       "zkppph_before1"
  3134.       DstPort       LConn1
  3135.     }
  3136.     Line {
  3137.       SrcBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3138.       SrcPort       1
  3139.       Points       [20, 0; 0, -60]
  3140.       DstBlock       "Scope1"
  3141.       DstPort       1
  3142.     }
  3143.     Line {
  3144.       SrcBlock       "Three-PhasenV-I Measurement"
  3145.       SrcPort       2
  3146.       Points       [25, 0; 0, -60]
  3147.       Branch {
  3148. DstBlock "Scope1"
  3149. DstPort 2
  3150.       }
  3151.       Branch {
  3152. Points [0, -115]
  3153. DstBlock "3-PhasenSequence Analyzer"
  3154. DstPort 1
  3155.       }
  3156.     }
  3157.     Line {
  3158.       SrcBlock       "APF"
  3159.       SrcPort       1
  3160.       DstBlock       "BusnCreator"
  3161.       DstPort       2
  3162.     }
  3163.     Line {
  3164.       SrcBlock       "BusnCreator"
  3165.       SrcPort       1
  3166.       DstBlock       "Scope5"
  3167.       DstPort       1
  3168.     }
  3169.     Line {
  3170.       SrcBlock       "Current Measurement4"
  3171.       SrcPort       1
  3172.       Points       [10, 0]
  3173.       DstBlock       "Scope4"
  3174.       DstPort       1
  3175.     }
  3176.     Line {
  3177.       LineType       "Connection"
  3178.       SrcBlock       "Ground"
  3179.       SrcPort       LConn1
  3180.       Points       [-30, 0; 0, -15]
  3181.       DstBlock       "zkppph_before1"
  3182.       DstPort       RConn3
  3183.     }
  3184.     Line {
  3185.       SrcBlock       "jiche2"
  3186.       SrcPort       1
  3187.       Points       [25, 0; 0, 110]
  3188.       DstBlock       "BusnCreator"
  3189.       DstPort       1
  3190.     }
  3191.     Line {
  3192.       SrcBlock       "APF"
  3193.       SrcPort       2
  3194.       Points       [15, 0; 0, -15]
  3195.       DstBlock       "Scope2"
  3196.       DstPort       1
  3197.     }
  3198.     Line {
  3199.       SrcBlock       "3-PhasenSequence Analyzer"
  3200.       SrcPort       1
  3201.       Points       [55, 0]
  3202.       DstBlock       "Scope6"
  3203.       DstPort       1
  3204.     }
  3205.     Line {
  3206.       SrcBlock       "3-PhasenSequence Analyzer"
  3207.       SrcPort       2
  3208.       Points       [25, 0; 0, -20]
  3209.       DstBlock       "Scope6"
  3210.       DstPort       2
  3211.     }
  3212.     Line {
  3213.       LineType       "Connection"
  3214.       SrcBlock       "zkppph_before1"
  3215.       SrcPort       RConn1
  3216.       Points       [0, 5]
  3217.       DstBlock       "Current Measurement4"
  3218.       DstPort       LConn1
  3219.     }
  3220.     Line {
  3221.       LineType       "Connection"
  3222.       SrcBlock       "Ground2"
  3223.       SrcPort       LConn1
  3224.       DstBlock       "PPF"
  3225.       DstPort       RConn1
  3226.     }
  3227.   }
  3228. }
  3229. MatData {
  3230.   NumRecords   1
  3231.   DataRecord {
  3232.     Tag     DataTag0
  3233.     Data     "  %)30     .    X (   8    (     @         %    "
  3234. ""     $    !     0         %  0 #     $   !X    <&]W97)G=6D     <W1E861Y<W1A"
  3235. "=&4 :6YI='-T871E<P  ;&]A9&9L;W<     ;'1I=FEE=P      >FUE=&5R        9F9T=&]O;"
  3236. "       <F5P;W)T        :'ES=&5R97-I<P  ;&EN97!A<F%M    #@   #     &    "    "
  3237. " 8         !0    @               $         "0         .    ,     8    (    !"
  3238. "@         %    "                0         )          X    P    !@    @    & "
  3239. "         4    (               !          D         #@   #     &    "     8  "
  3240. "       !0    @               $         "0         .    ,     8    (    !@   "
  3241. "      %    "                0         )          X    P    !@    @    &     "
  3242. "     4    (               !          D         #@   #     &    "     8      "
  3243. "   !0    @               $         "0         .    ,     8    (    !@       "
  3244. "  %    "                0         )          X    P    !@    @    &         "
  3245. " 4    (               !          D         #@   #     &    "     8         !"
  3246. "0    @               $         "0         "
  3247.   }
  3248. }