资源名称:pccp047.zip [点击查看]
- /* Copyright (C) 1992 Peter Edward Cann, all rights reserved.
- */
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<fcntl.h>
- #include<systypes.h>
- #include<sysstat.h>
- #include<bios.h>
- #include<graph.h>
- #include"emu.h"
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int emufd, major, minor, scan, value;
- char c, fpname[256];
- _settextposition(25,1);
- printf("Copyright (C) 1992 Peter Edward Cann, all rights reserved.n");
- printf("You may set the environment variable PCCPPATH.n");
- printf("If not set we use the current directory.nn");
- printf("You should have a copy of emu.h to consult to program display functions.nn");
- printf("Making a variable length substitution token last in an");
- printf("function sequence is highly questionable.nn");
- if(!strcmp(getenv("REMOTE"), "YES"))
- {
- printf("You appear to be logged in remotely, judging by the environmentn");
- printf("variable REMOTE, so this is probably a very bad idea.n");
- printf("Are you sure you want to run EMUED? (y or n) --> ");
- if(getchar()!='y') /* Note getchar() and not getch()! */
- {
- printf("I didn't think so!n");
- exit(99);
- }
- else
- printf("OK, you're the boss!n");
- }
- if(argc!=2)
- {
- printf("USAGE: emued <emu file basename>n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(getenv("PCCPPATH")==NULL)
- sprintf(fpname, "%s.emu", argv[1]);
- else
- sprintf(fpname, "%s\%s.emu", getenv("PCCPPATH"), argv[1]);
- if((emufd=open(fpname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))==-1)
- {
- printf("Error opening existing emu file %s for read.nStarting from scratch.nn", fpname);
- nullemu();
- }
- else if(read(emufd, &emu, sizeof(emu))!=sizeof(emu))
- {
- printf("Error reading existing emu file %s.nStarting from scratch.nn", fpname);
- nullemu();
- }
- if(emufd!=-1)
- close(emufd);
- if((emufd=open(fpname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, S_IWRITE))==-1)
- {
- printf("Error opening emu file for write.n");
- exit(2);
- }
- printf("First column numeric address = %dn", emu.firstcoladdr);
- printf("First row numeric address = %dn", emu.firstrowaddr);
- printf("Modify? --> ");
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("ynEnter first column numeric address (decimal): --> ");
- scanf("%d", &value);
- emu.firstcoladdr=value;
- printf("Enter first row numeric address (decimal): --> ");
- scanf("%d", &value);
- emu.firstrowaddr=value;
- }
- else
- printf("nn");
- printf("ntophi_p = %d {1 => top row is 24; 0 => top is 1}n", (int)emu.tophi_p);
- printf("Binary row offset = %02xn", emu.binrowoff);
- printf("Binary column offset = %02xn", emu.bincoloff);
- printf("default_wrap_p = %dn", emu.default_wrap_p);
- printf("Modify? --> ");
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("ynEnter tophi_p (0 or 1): --> ");
- scanf("%d", &value);
- emu.tophi_p=value;
- printf("Enter binary row offset (hex): --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.binrowoff=value;
- printf("Enter binary column offset (hex): --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.bincoloff=value;
- printf("Enter default_wrap_p (0 or 1): --> ");
- scanf("%d", &value);
- emu.default_wrap_p=value;
- }
- else
- printf("nn");
- printf("nBinary attribute zero bitmap offest char = %02xn", emu.attroffset);
- printf("Bold attribute bitmask = %02xn", emu.boldmask);
- printf("Faint attribute bitmask = %02xn", emu.faintmask);
- printf("Blink attribute bitmask = %02xn", emu.blinkmask);
- printf("Inverse attribute bitmask = %02xn", emu.inversemask);
- printf("Modify? --> ");
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("ynEnter binary attribute zero bitmap offest char (hex): --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.attroffset=value;
- printf("Enter bold attribute bitmask (hex): -- > ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.boldmask=value;
- printf("Enter faint attribute bitmask (hex): --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.faintmask=value;
- printf("Enter blink attribute bitmask (hex): --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.blinkmask=value;
- printf("Enter inverse attribute bitmask (hex): --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- emu.inversemask=value;
- }
- else
- printf("nn");
- while(1)
- {
- printf("nnk(ey), f(unc), g(raphics char) or e(xit)? --> ");
- c=getch();
- printf("%cn", c);
- if(c=='k')
- {
- printf("Operate the key --> ");
- while(!_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READY));
- major=_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ);
- if(major&0xff)
- printf("n 07Not a programmable key!n");
- else
- {
- major=(major>>8)&0xff;
- printf("nScancode 0x%02x selected.", major);
- if(emu.keys[major].nullpause_p)
- printf(" Zero presently means pause 1.1 seconds and ff means break.n");
- else
- printf(" No special translations are in effect.n");
- printf("Present contents (blank line means empty):n");
- for(minor=0;minor<emu.keys[major].len;++minor)
- printf(" %02x", emu.keys[major].chars[minor]);
- printf("nModify? (y or n): --> ");
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("ynZero means 1.1 sec pause and ff means break? (y or n): --> ");
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("yn");
- emu.keys[major].nullpause_p=1;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("nn");
- emu.keys[major].nullpause_p=0;
- }
- printf("Enter chars (up to %d). INSERT to enter in hex. END to end:n-->nn", KEYLEN);
- _settextposition(23,4);
- minor=0;
- while(1)
- {
- value=_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ);
- if(value==0x5200)
- {
- printf("nEnter hex code: --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- _settextposition(24,1);
- printf("tttttttttr");
- }
- else
- if(value==0x4f00)
- value=END;
- else
- value&=0xff;
- if(value==END)
- {
- printf("n");
- emu.keys[major].len=minor;
- break;
- }
- else
- if(minor<KEYLEN)
- {
- emu.keys[major].chars[minor++]=value;
- _settextposition(23,1);
- for(scan=0;scan<minor;scan++)
- printf(" %02x", emu.keys[major].chars[scan]);
- printf(" -->");
- }
- else
- {
- printf("nExcess char ignored.n");
- emu.keys[major].len=KEYLEN;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- printf("nn");
- }
- }
- if(c=='f')
- {
- printf("Sequence number (decimal): --> ");
- scanf("%d", &major);
- if((major<0)||(major>=NFUNCS))
- printf("Bad sequence number.n");
- else
- {
- printf("Function is presently #%d decimal.n", emu.funcs[major].func);
- for(minor=0;emu.funcs[major].codes[minor]!=END;++minor)
- printf(" %03x", emu.funcs[major].codes[minor]);
- printf("nModify? (y or n): --> ");
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("ynEnter function number in decimal. --> ");
- scanf("%d", &value);
- if((value<0)||(value>LASTFUN))
- printf("Bad function number.n");
- else
- {
- emu.funcs[major].func=value;
- printf("Enter chars (up to %d). INSERT to enter in hex. END at end:n-->nn", FUNLEN-1);
- _settextposition(23,4);
- minor=0;
- while(1)
- {
- value=_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ);
- if(value==0x5200)
- {
- printf("nEnter hex code: --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- _settextposition(24,1);
- printf("tttttttr");
- }
- else
- if(value==0x4f00)
- value=END;
- else
- value&=0xff;
- emu.funcs[major].codes[minor++]=value;
- if(value==END)
- {
- printf("n");
- break;
- }
- else
- if(minor<FUNLEN)
- {
- _settextposition(23,1);
- for(scan=0;scan<minor;scan++)
- printf(" %03x", emu.funcs[major].codes[scan]);
- printf(" -->");
- }
- else
- {
- minor--;
- printf("nExcess code ignored.n");
- emu.funcs[major].codes[FUNLEN-1]=END;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- printf("nn");
- }
- }
- if(c=='g')
- {
- printf("Enter char or INSERT to enter in hex: --> ");
- value=_bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ);
- if(value==0x5200)
- {
- printf("Enter hex: --> ");
- scanf("%x", &value);
- }
- else
- {
- value&=0xff;
- printf("%cn", value);
- }
- if(emu.gchars[value])
- printf("Hex code %02x Current char: -->%c<-- Modify? (y or n) --> ", value, emu.gchars[value]);
- else
- printf("Hex code %02x Current char is zero (unspecified). Modify? (y or n) --> ", value);
- if(getch()=='y')
- {
- printf("ynEnter hex code of new graphics character: --> ");
- scanf("%x", &emu.gchars[value]);
- if(emu.gchars[value])
- printf("gchar %02x hex is now: -->%c<--n", value, emu.gchars[value]);
- else
- printf("gchar %02x hex is now zero (unspecified).n", value);
- }
- else
- printf("nn");
- }
- if(c=='e')
- break;
- }
- if(write(emufd, &emu, sizeof(emu))!=sizeof(emu))
- printf("Damn! Couldn't write the file!n");
- close(emufd);
- exit(0);
- }