资源名称:vlc-1.0.5.zip [点击查看]
- /*****************************************************************************
- * vlcshell.cpp: a VLC plugin for Mozilla
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 the VideoLAN team
- * $Id: 4399b5470a163d868fac691099016f3ac3eaf209 $
- *
- * Authors: Samuel Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
- * Jean-Paul Saman <jpsaman@videolan.org>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Preamble
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "config.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- /* Mozilla stuff */
- # include <mozilla-config.h>
- #endif
- /* This is from mozilla java, do we really need it? */
- #if 0
- #include <jri.h>
- #endif
- #include "vlcplugin.h"
- #include "vlcshell.h"
- /* Enable/disable debugging printf's for X11 resizing */
- #undef X11_RESIZE_DEBUG
- #define WINDOW_TEXT "Waiting for video"
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Unix-only declarations
- ******************************************************************************/
- #if defined(XP_UNIX)
- static void Redraw( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event );
- static void ControlHandler( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event );
- static void Resize( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event );
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************
- * MacOS-only declarations
- ******************************************************************************/
- #ifdef XP_MACOSX
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Windows-only declarations
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef XP_WIN
- static LRESULT CALLBACK Manage( HWND p_hwnd, UINT i_msg, WPARAM wpar, LPARAM lpar );
- #endif
- /******************************************************************************
- * UNIX-only API calls
- *****************************************************************************/
- char * NPP_GetMIMEDescription( void )
- {
- static char mimetype[] = PLUGIN_MIMETYPES;
- return mimetype;
- }
- NPError NPP_GetValue( NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value )
- {
- static char psz_name[] = PLUGIN_NAME;
- static char psz_desc[1000];
- /* plugin class variables */
- switch( variable )
- {
- case NPPVpluginNameString:
- *((char **)value) = psz_name;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- case NPPVpluginDescriptionString:
- snprintf( psz_desc, sizeof(psz_desc), PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION,
- libvlc_get_version() );
- *((char **)value) = psz_desc;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- default:
- /* move on to instance variables ... */
- ;
- }
- if( instance == NULL )
- {
- }
- /* plugin instance variables */
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(instance->pdata);
- if( NULL == p_plugin )
- {
- // plugin has not been initialized yet !
- }
- switch( variable )
- {
- case NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject:
- {
- /* retrieve plugin root class */
- NPClass *scriptClass = p_plugin->getScriptClass();
- if( scriptClass )
- {
- /* create an instance and return it */
- *(NPObject**)value = NPN_CreateObject(instance, scriptClass);
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * there is some confusion in gecko headers regarding definition of this API
- * NPPVariable is wrongly defined as NPNVariable, which sounds incorrect.
- */
- NPError NPP_SetValue( NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *value )
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Mac-only API calls
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef XP_MACOSX
- int16 NPP_HandleEvent( NPP instance, void * event )
- {
- static UInt32 lastMouseUp = 0;
- libvlc_exception_t ex;
- libvlc_exception_init(&ex);
- if( instance == NULL )
- {
- return false;
- }
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(instance->pdata);
- if( p_plugin == NULL )
- {
- return false;
- }
- EventRecord *myEvent = (EventRecord*)event;
- switch( myEvent->what )
- {
- case nullEvent:
- return true;
- case mouseDown:
- {
- if( (myEvent->when - lastMouseUp) < GetDblTime() )
- {
- /* double click */
- p_plugin->toggle_fullscreen(&ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- }
- return true;
- }
- case mouseUp:
- lastMouseUp = myEvent->when;
- return true;
- case keyUp:
- case keyDown:
- case autoKey:
- return true;
- case updateEvt:
- {
- const NPWindow& npwindow = p_plugin->getWindow();
- if( npwindow.window )
- {
- bool hasVout = false;
- if( p_plugin->playlist_isplaying(&ex) )
- {
- hasVout = p_plugin->player_has_vout(NULL);
- }
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- if( ! hasVout )
- {
- /* draw the beautiful "No Picture" */
- ForeColor(blackColor);
- PenMode( patCopy );
- /* seems that firefox forgets to set the following
- * on occasion (reload) */
- SetOrigin(((NP_Port *)npwindow.window)->portx,
- ((NP_Port *)npwindow.window)->porty);
- Rect rect;
- rect.left = 0;
- rect.top = 0;
- rect.right = npwindow.width;
- rect.bottom = npwindow.height;
- PaintRect( &rect );
- ForeColor(whiteColor);
- MoveTo( (npwindow.width-80)/ 2 , npwindow.height / 2 );
- DrawText( WINDOW_TEXT , 0 , strlen(WINDOW_TEXT) );
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- case activateEvt:
- return false;
- case NPEventType_GetFocusEvent:
- case NPEventType_LoseFocusEvent:
- return true;
- case NPEventType_AdjustCursorEvent:
- return false;
- case NPEventType_MenuCommandEvent:
- return false;
- case NPEventType_ClippingChangedEvent:
- return false;
- case NPEventType_ScrollingBeginsEvent:
- return true;
- case NPEventType_ScrollingEndsEvent:
- return true;
- default:
- ;
- }
- return false;
- }
- #endif /* XP_MACOSX */
- /******************************************************************************
- * General Plug-in Calls
- *****************************************************************************/
- NPError NPP_Initialize( void )
- {
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- jref NPP_GetJavaClass( void )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- void NPP_Shutdown( void )
- {
- ;
- }
- NPError NPP_New( NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc,
- char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved )
- {
- NPError status;
- if( instance == NULL )
- {
- }
- VlcPlugin * p_plugin = new VlcPlugin( instance, mode );
- if( NULL == p_plugin )
- {
- }
- status = p_plugin->init(argc, argn, argv);
- if( NPERR_NO_ERROR == status )
- {
- instance->pdata = reinterpret_cast<void*>(p_plugin);
- #if 0
- NPN_SetValue(instance, NPPVpluginWindowBool, (void *)false);
- NPN_SetValue(instance, NPPVpluginTransparentBool, (void *)false);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- delete p_plugin;
- }
- return status;
- }
- NPError NPP_Destroy( NPP instance, NPSavedData** save )
- {
- if( NULL == instance )
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(instance->pdata);
- if( NULL == p_plugin )
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- instance->pdata = NULL;
- #if XP_WIN
- HWND win = (HWND)p_plugin->getWindow().window;
- WNDPROC winproc = p_plugin->getWindowProc();
- if( winproc )
- {
- /* reset WNDPROC */
- SetWindowLong( win, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)winproc );
- }
- #endif
- libvlc_exception_t ex;
- libvlc_exception_init(&ex);
- int val = p_plugin->playlist_isplaying(&ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- if(val)
- {
- p_plugin->playlist_stop(&ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- }
- delete p_plugin;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- NPError NPP_SetWindow( NPP instance, NPWindow* window )
- {
- #if defined(XP_UNIX)
- Window control;
- unsigned int i_control_height = 0, i_control_width = 0;
- #endif
- if( ! instance )
- {
- }
- /* NPP_SetWindow may be called before NPP_New (Opera) */
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(instance->pdata);
- if( NULL == p_plugin )
- {
- /* we should probably show a splash screen here */
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- #if defined(XP_UNIX)
- control = p_plugin->getControlWindow();
- #endif
- libvlc_exception_t ex;
- libvlc_exception_init(&ex);
- libvlc_instance_t *p_vlc = p_plugin->getVLC();
- /*
- * Before setting window to point to the
- * new window, you may wish to compare the new window
- * info to the previous window (if any) to note window
- * size changes, etc.
- */
- /* retrieve current window */
- NPWindow& curwin = p_plugin->getWindow();
- #ifdef XP_MACOSX
- if( window && window->window )
- {
- /* check if plugin has a new parent window */
- CGrafPtr drawable = (((NP_Port*) (window->window))->port);
- if( !curwin.window || drawable != (((NP_Port*) (curwin.window))->port) )
- {
- /* set/change parent window */
- libvlc_video_set_parent(p_vlc, (libvlc_drawable_t)drawable, &ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- }
- /* as MacOS X video output is windowless, set viewport */
- libvlc_rectangle_t view, clip;
- /*
- ** browser sets port origin to top-left location of plugin
- ** relative to GrafPort window origin is set relative to document,
- ** which of little use for drawing
- */
- view.top = ((NP_Port*) (window->window))->porty;
- view.left = ((NP_Port*) (window->window))->portx;
- view.bottom = window->height+view.top;
- view.right = window->width+view.left;
- /* clipRect coordinates are also relative to GrafPort */
- clip.top = window->clipRect.top;
- clip.left = window->clipRect.left;
- clip.bottom = window->clipRect.bottom;
- clip.right = window->clipRect.right;
- libvlc_video_set_viewport(p_vlc, p_plugin->getMD(&ex), &view, &clip, &ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- /* remember new window */
- p_plugin->setWindow(*window);
- }
- else if( curwin.window )
- {
- /* change/set parent */
- libvlc_video_set_parent(p_vlc, 0, &ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- curwin.window = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* XP_MACOSX */
- #ifdef XP_WIN
- if( window && window->window )
- {
- /* check if plugin has a new parent window */
- HWND drawable = (HWND) (window->window);
- if( !curwin.window || drawable != curwin.window )
- {
- /* reset previous window settings */
- HWND oldwin = (HWND)p_plugin->getWindow().window;
- WNDPROC oldproc = p_plugin->getWindowProc();
- if( oldproc )
- {
- /* reset WNDPROC */
- SetWindowLong( oldwin, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)oldproc );
- }
- /* attach our plugin object */
- SetWindowLongPtr((HWND)drawable, GWLP_USERDATA,
- reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(p_plugin));
- /* install our WNDPROC */
- p_plugin->setWindowProc( (WNDPROC)SetWindowLong( drawable,
- GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)Manage ) );
- /* change window style to our liking */
- LONG style = GetWindowLong((HWND)drawable, GWL_STYLE);
- SetWindowLong((HWND)drawable, GWL_STYLE, style);
- /* change/set parent */
- libvlc_video_set_parent(p_vlc, (libvlc_drawable_t)drawable, &ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- /* remember new window */
- p_plugin->setWindow(*window);
- /* Redraw window */
- InvalidateRect( (HWND)drawable, NULL, TRUE );
- UpdateWindow( (HWND)drawable );
- }
- }
- else if( curwin.window )
- {
- /* reset WNDPROC */
- HWND oldwin = (HWND)curwin.window;
- SetWindowLong( oldwin, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)(p_plugin->getWindowProc()) );
- p_plugin->setWindowProc(NULL);
- /* change/set parent */
- libvlc_video_set_parent(p_vlc, 0, &ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- curwin.window = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* XP_WIN */
- #if defined(XP_UNIX)
- /* default to hidden toolbar, shown at the end of this method if asked *
- * developers note : getToolbarSize need to wait the end of this method
- */
- i_control_height = 0;
- i_control_width = window->width;
- if( window && window->window )
- {
- Window parent = (Window) window->window;
- if( !curwin.window || (parent != (Window)curwin.window) )
- {
- Display *p_display = ( (NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)
- window->ws_info )->display;
- XResizeWindow( p_display, parent, window->width, window->height );
- int i_blackColor = BlackPixel(p_display, DefaultScreen(p_display));
- /* create windows */
- Window video = XCreateSimpleWindow( p_display, parent, 0, 0,
- window->width, window->height - i_control_height,
- 0, i_blackColor, i_blackColor );
- Window controls = (Window) NULL;
- controls = XCreateSimpleWindow( p_display, parent,
- 0, window->height - i_control_height-1,
- window->width, i_control_height-1,
- 0, i_blackColor, i_blackColor );
- XMapWindow( p_display, parent );
- XMapWindow( p_display, video );
- if( controls ) { XMapWindow( p_display, controls ); }
- XFlush(p_display);
- /* bind events */
- Widget w = XtWindowToWidget( p_display, parent );
- XtAddEventHandler( w, ExposureMask, FALSE,
- (XtEventHandler)Redraw, p_plugin );
- XtAddEventHandler( w, StructureNotifyMask, FALSE,
- (XtEventHandler)Resize, p_plugin );
- XtAddEventHandler( w, ButtonReleaseMask, FALSE,
- (XtEventHandler)ControlHandler, p_plugin );
- /* set/change parent window */
- libvlc_video_set_parent( p_vlc, (libvlc_drawable_t) video, &ex );
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- /* remember window */
- p_plugin->setWindow( *window );
- p_plugin->setVideoWindow( video );
- if( controls )
- {
- p_plugin->setControlWindow( controls );
- }
- Redraw( w, (XtPointer)p_plugin, NULL );
- /* now display toolbar if asked through parameters */
- if( p_plugin->b_toolbar )
- {
- p_plugin->showToolbar();
- }
- }
- }
- else if( curwin.window )
- {
- /* change/set parent */
- libvlc_video_set_parent(p_vlc, 0, &ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear(&ex);
- curwin.window = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* XP_UNIX */
- if( !p_plugin->b_stream )
- {
- if( p_plugin->psz_target )
- {
- if( p_plugin->playlist_add( p_plugin->psz_target, NULL ) != -1 )
- {
- if( p_plugin->b_autoplay )
- {
- p_plugin->playlist_play(NULL);
- }
- }
- p_plugin->b_stream = true;
- }
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- NPError NPP_NewStream( NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream *stream,
- NPBool seekable, uint16 *stype )
- {
- if( NULL == instance )
- {
- }
- VlcPlugin *p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin *>(instance->pdata);
- if( NULL == p_plugin )
- {
- }
- /*
- ** Firefox/Mozilla may decide to open a stream from the URL specified
- ** in the SRC parameter of the EMBED tag and pass it to us
- **
- ** since VLC will open the SRC URL as well, we're not interested in
- ** that stream. Otherwise, we'll take it and queue it up in the playlist
- */
- if( !p_plugin->psz_target || strcmp(stream->url, p_plugin->psz_target) )
- {
- /* TODO: use pipes !!!! */
- *stype = NP_ASFILEONLY;
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- }
- int32 NPP_WriteReady( NPP instance, NPStream *stream )
- {
- /* TODO */
- return 8*1024;
- }
- int32 NPP_Write( NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 offset,
- int32 len, void *buffer )
- {
- /* TODO */
- return len;
- }
- NPError NPP_DestroyStream( NPP instance, NPStream *stream, NPError reason )
- {
- if( instance == NULL )
- {
- }
- return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
- }
- void NPP_StreamAsFile( NPP instance, NPStream *stream, const char* fname )
- {
- if( instance == NULL )
- {
- return;
- }
- VlcPlugin *p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin *>(instance->pdata);
- if( NULL == p_plugin )
- {
- return;
- }
- if( p_plugin->playlist_add( stream->url, NULL ) != -1 )
- {
- if( p_plugin->b_autoplay )
- {
- p_plugin->playlist_play(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- void NPP_URLNotify( NPP instance, const char* url,
- NPReason reason, void* notifyData )
- {
- /***** Insert NPP_URLNotify code here *****
- PluginInstance* p_plugin;
- if (instance != NULL)
- p_plugin = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata;
- *********************************************/
- }
- void NPP_Print( NPP instance, NPPrint* printInfo )
- {
- if( printInfo == NULL )
- {
- return;
- }
- if( instance != NULL )
- {
- /***** Insert NPP_Print code here *****
- PluginInstance* p_plugin = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata;
- **************************************/
- if( printInfo->mode == NP_FULL )
- {
- /*
- * If your plugin would like to take over
- * printing completely when it is in full-screen mode,
- * set printInfo->pluginPrinted to TRUE and print your
- * plugin as you see fit. If your plugin wants Netscape
- * to handle printing in this case, set
- * printInfo->pluginPrinted to FALSE (the default) and
- * do nothing. If you do want to handle printing
- * yourself, printOne is true if the print button
- * (as opposed to the print menu) was clicked.
- * On the Macintosh, platformPrint is a THPrint; on
- * Windows, platformPrint is a structure
- * (defined in npapi.h) containing the printer name, port,
- * etc.
- */
- /***** Insert NPP_Print code here *****
- void* platformPrint =
- printInfo->print.fullPrint.platformPrint;
- NPBool printOne =
- printInfo->print.fullPrint.printOne;
- **************************************/
- /* Do the default*/
- printInfo->print.fullPrint.pluginPrinted = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* If not fullscreen, we must be embedded */
- /*
- * If your plugin is embedded, or is full-screen
- * but you returned false in pluginPrinted above, NPP_Print
- * will be called with mode == NP_EMBED. The NPWindow
- * in the printInfo gives the location and dimensions of
- * the embedded plugin on the printed page. On the
- * Macintosh, platformPrint is the printer port; on
- * Windows, platformPrint is the handle to the printing
- * device context.
- */
- /***** Insert NPP_Print code here *****
- NPWindow* printWindow =
- &(printInfo->print.embedPrint.window);
- void* platformPrint =
- printInfo->print.embedPrint.platformPrint;
- **************************************/
- }
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Windows-only methods
- *****************************************************************************/
- #if XP_WIN
- static LRESULT CALLBACK Manage( HWND p_hwnd, UINT i_msg, WPARAM wpar, LPARAM lpar )
- {
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(GetWindowLongPtr(p_hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA));
- switch( i_msg )
- {
- return 1L;
- case WM_PAINT:
- {
- PAINTSTRUCT paintstruct;
- HDC hdc;
- RECT rect;
- hdc = BeginPaint( p_hwnd, &paintstruct );
- GetClientRect( p_hwnd, &rect );
- FillRect( hdc, &rect, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH) );
- SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- DrawText( hdc, WINDOW_TEXT, strlen(WINDOW_TEXT), &rect,
- EndPaint( p_hwnd, &paintstruct );
- return 0L;
- }
- default:
- /* delegate to default handler */
- return CallWindowProc( p_plugin->getWindowProc(), p_hwnd,
- i_msg, wpar, lpar );
- }
- }
- #endif /* XP_WIN */
- /******************************************************************************
- * UNIX-only methods
- *****************************************************************************/
- #if defined(XP_UNIX)
- static void Redraw( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
- {
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(closure);
- Window control = p_plugin->getControlWindow();
- const NPWindow& window = p_plugin->getWindow();
- GC gc;
- XGCValues gcv;
- unsigned int i_control_height, i_control_width;
- if( p_plugin->b_toolbar )
- p_plugin->getToolbarSize( &i_control_width, &i_control_height );
- else
- i_control_height = i_control_width = 0;
- Window video = p_plugin->getVideoWindow();
- Display *p_display = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window.ws_info)->display;
- gcv.foreground = BlackPixel( p_display, 0 );
- gc = XCreateGC( p_display, video, GCForeground, &gcv );
- XFillRectangle( p_display, video, gc,
- 0, 0, window.width, window.height - i_control_height);
- gcv.foreground = WhitePixel( p_display, 0 );
- XChangeGC( p_display, gc, GCForeground, &gcv );
- XDrawString( p_display, video, gc,
- window.width / 2 - 40, (window.height - i_control_height) / 2,
- XFreeGC( p_display, gc );
- p_plugin->redrawToolbar();
- }
- static void ControlHandler( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
- {
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(closure);
- const NPWindow& window = p_plugin->getWindow();
- int i_height = window.height;
- int i_width = window.width;
- int i_xPos = event->xbutton.x;
- int i_yPos = event->xbutton.y;
- if( p_plugin && p_plugin->b_toolbar )
- {
- int i_playing;
- libvlc_exception_t ex;
- libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
- libvlc_media_player_t *p_md = p_plugin->getMD(&ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- i_playing = p_plugin->playlist_isplaying( &ex );
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- vlc_toolbar_clicked_t clicked;
- clicked = p_plugin->getToolbarButtonClicked( i_xPos, i_yPos );
- switch( clicked )
- {
- case clicked_Play:
- case clicked_Pause:
- {
- if( i_playing == 1 )
- p_plugin->playlist_pause( &ex );
- else
- p_plugin->playlist_play( &ex );
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- }
- break;
- case clicked_Stop:
- {
- p_plugin->playlist_stop(&ex);
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- }
- break;
- case clicked_Fullscreen:
- {
- p_plugin->set_fullscreen( 1, &ex );
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- }
- break;
- case clicked_Mute:
- case clicked_Unmute:
- {
- libvlc_audio_toggle_mute( p_plugin->getVLC(), &ex );
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- }
- break;
- case clicked_timeline:
- {
- /* if a movie is loaded */
- if( p_md )
- {
- int64_t f_length;
- f_length = libvlc_media_player_get_length( p_md, &ex ) / 100;
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- f_length = (float)f_length *
- ( ((float)i_xPos-4.0 ) / ( ((float)i_width-8.0)/100) );
- libvlc_media_player_set_time( p_md, f_length, &ex );
- libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
- }
- }
- break;
- case clicked_Time:
- {
- /* Not implemented yet*/
- }
- break;
- default: /* button_Unknown */
- break;
- }
- }
- Redraw( w, closure, event );
- }
- static void Resize ( Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event )
- {
- VlcPlugin* p_plugin = reinterpret_cast<VlcPlugin*>(closure);
- Window control = p_plugin->getControlWindow();
- const NPWindow& window = p_plugin->getWindow();
- Window drawable = p_plugin->getVideoWindow();
- Display *p_display = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window.ws_info)->display;
- int i_ret;
- Window root_return, parent_return, * children_return;
- Window base_window;
- unsigned int i_nchildren;
- unsigned int i_control_height, i_control_width;
- if( p_plugin->b_toolbar )
- {
- p_plugin->getToolbarSize( &i_control_width, &i_control_height );
- }
- else
- {
- i_control_height = i_control_width = 0;
- }
- #ifdef X11_RESIZE_DEBUG
- XWindowAttributes attr;
- if( event && event->type == ConfigureNotify )
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "vlcshell::Resize() ConfigureNotify %d x %d, "
- "send_event ? %sn", event->xconfigure.width,
- event->xconfigure.height,
- event->xconfigure.send_event ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
- }
- #endif /* X11_RESIZE_DEBUG */
- if( ! p_plugin->setSize(window.width, (window.height - i_control_height)) )
- {
- /* size already set */
- return;
- }
- i_ret = XResizeWindow( p_display, drawable,
- window.width, (window.height - i_control_height) );
- #ifdef X11_RESIZE_DEBUG
- fprintf( stderr,
- "vlcshell::Resize() XResizeWindow(owner) returned %dn", i_ret );
- XGetWindowAttributes ( p_display, drawable, &attr );
- /* X is asynchronous, so the current size reported here is not
- necessarily the requested size as the Resize request may not
- yet have been handled by the plugin host */
- fprintf( stderr, "vlcshell::Resize() current (owner) size %d x %dn",
- attr.width, attr.height );
- #endif /* X11_RESIZE_DEBUG */
- XQueryTree( p_display, drawable,
- &root_return, &parent_return, &children_return,
- &i_nchildren );
- if( i_nchildren > 0 )
- {
- /* XXX: Make assumptions related to the window parenting structure in
- vlc/modules/video_output/x11/xcommon.c */
- base_window = children_return[i_nchildren - 1];
- #ifdef X11_RESIZE_DEBUG
- fprintf( stderr, "vlcshell::Resize() got %d childrenn", i_nchildren );
- fprintf( stderr, "vlcshell::Resize() got base_window %pn",
- base_window );
- #endif /* X11_RESIZE_DEBUG */
- i_ret = XResizeWindow( p_display, base_window,
- window.width, ( window.height - i_control_height ) );
- #ifdef X11_RESIZE_DEBUG
- fprintf( stderr,
- "vlcshell::Resize() XResizeWindow(base) returned %dn",
- i_ret );
- XGetWindowAttributes( p_display, base_window, &attr );
- fprintf( stderr, "vlcshell::Resize() new size %d x %dn",
- attr.width, attr.height );
- #endif /* X11_RESIZE_DEBUG */
- }
- }
- #endif /* XP_UNIX */