资源名称:vlc-1.0.5.zip [点击查看]
- /*****************************************************************************
- * qtl.c: QuickTime Media Link Importer
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2006 the VideoLAN team
- * $Id: b667b69704735341e1325560f6ec5cb772d5c4a0 $
- *
- * Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea -@t- videolan -Dot- org>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- See
- http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QT6WhatsNew/Chap1/chapter_1_section_54.html
- and
- http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/WhatsNewQT5/QT5NewChapt1/chapter_1_section_39.html
- autoplay - true/false
- controller - true/false
- fullscreen - normal/double/half/current/full
- href - url
- kioskmode - true/false
- loop - true/false/palindrome
- movieid - integer
- moviename - string
- playeveryframe - true/false
- qtnext - url
- quitwhendone - true/false
- src - url (required)
- type - mime type
- volume - 0 (mute) - 100 (max)
- */
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Preamble
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include <vlc_common.h>
- #include <vlc_demux.h>
- #include "playlist.h"
- #include "vlc_xml.h"
- struct demux_sys_t
- {
- input_item_t *p_current_input;
- xml_t *p_xml;
- xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader;
- };
- typedef enum { FULLSCREEN_NORMAL,
- FULLSCREEN_FULL } qtl_fullscreen_t;
- const char* ppsz_fullscreen[] = { "normal", "double", "half", "current", "full" };
- typedef enum { LOOP_TRUE,
- LOOP_PALINDROME } qtl_loop_t;
- const char* ppsz_loop[] = { "true", "false", "palindrome" };
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Local prototypes
- *****************************************************************************/
- static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux);
- static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args );
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Import_QTL: main import function
- *****************************************************************************/
- int Import_QTL( vlc_object_t *p_this )
- {
- DEMUX_BY_EXTENSION_MSG( ".qtl", "using QuickTime Media Link reader" );
- p_demux->p_sys->p_xml = NULL;
- p_demux->p_sys->p_xml_reader = NULL;
- return VLC_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Deactivate: frees unused data
- *****************************************************************************/
- void Close_QTL( vlc_object_t *p_this )
- {
- demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_this;
- demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;
- if( p_sys->p_xml_reader )
- xml_ReaderDelete( p_sys->p_xml, p_sys->p_xml_reader );
- if( p_sys->p_xml )
- xml_Delete( p_sys->p_xml );
- free( p_sys );
- }
- static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
- {
- demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;
- xml_t *p_xml;
- xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader;
- char *psz_eltname = NULL;
- input_item_t *p_input;
- /* List of all possible attributes. The only required one is "src" */
- bool b_autoplay = false;
- bool b_controler = true;
- qtl_fullscreen_t fullscreen = false;
- char *psz_href = NULL;
- bool b_kioskmode = false;
- qtl_loop_t loop = LOOP_FALSE;
- int i_movieid = -1;
- char *psz_moviename = NULL;
- bool b_playeveryframe = false;
- char *psz_qtnext = NULL;
- bool b_quitwhendone = false;
- char *psz_src = NULL;
- char *psz_mimetype = NULL;
- int i_volume = 100;
- p_sys->p_current_input = p_current_input;
- p_xml = p_sys->p_xml = xml_Create( p_demux );
- if( !p_xml ) return -1;
- p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_xml, p_demux->s );
- if( !p_xml_reader ) return -1;
- p_sys->p_xml_reader = p_xml_reader;
- /* check root node */
- if( xml_ReaderRead( p_xml_reader ) != 1 )
- {
- msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid file (no root node)" );
- return -1;
- }
- if( xml_ReaderNodeType( p_xml_reader ) != XML_READER_STARTELEM ||
- ( psz_eltname = xml_ReaderName( p_xml_reader ) ) == NULL ||
- strcmp( psz_eltname, "embed" ) )
- {
- msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid root node %i, %s",
- xml_ReaderNodeType( p_xml_reader ), psz_eltname );
- free( psz_eltname );
- /* second line has <?quicktime tag ... so we try to skip it */
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "trying to read one more node" );
- xml_ReaderRead( p_xml_reader );
- if( xml_ReaderNodeType( p_xml_reader ) != XML_READER_STARTELEM ||
- ( psz_eltname = xml_ReaderName( p_xml_reader ) ) == NULL ||
- strcmp( psz_eltname, "embed" ) )
- {
- msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid root node %i, %s",
- xml_ReaderNodeType( p_xml_reader ), psz_eltname );
- free( psz_eltname );
- return -1;
- }
- }
- free( psz_eltname );
- while( xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_sys->p_xml_reader ) == VLC_SUCCESS )
- {
- char *psz_attrname = xml_ReaderName( p_sys->p_xml_reader );
- char *psz_attrvalue = xml_ReaderValue( p_sys->p_xml_reader );
- if( !psz_attrname || !psz_attrvalue )
- {
- free( psz_attrname );
- free( psz_attrvalue );
- return -1;
- }
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "autoplay" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "true" ) )
- {
- b_autoplay = true;
- }
- else
- {
- b_autoplay = false;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "controler" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "false" ) )
- {
- b_controler = false;
- }
- else
- {
- b_controler = true;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "fullscreen" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "double" ) )
- {
- fullscreen = FULLSCREEN_DOUBLE;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "half" ) )
- {
- fullscreen = FULLSCREEN_HALF;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "current" ) )
- {
- fullscreen = FULLSCREEN_CURRENT;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "full" ) )
- {
- fullscreen = FULLSCREEN_FULL;
- }
- else
- {
- fullscreen = FULLSCREEN_NORMAL;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "href" ) )
- {
- psz_href = psz_attrvalue;
- psz_attrvalue = NULL;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "kioskmode" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "true" ) )
- {
- b_kioskmode = true;
- }
- else
- {
- b_kioskmode = false;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "loop" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "true" ) )
- {
- loop = LOOP_TRUE;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "palindrome" ) )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- loop = LOOP_FALSE;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "movieid" ) )
- {
- i_movieid = atoi( psz_attrvalue );
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "moviename" ) )
- {
- psz_moviename = psz_attrvalue;
- psz_attrvalue = NULL;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "playeveryframe" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "true" ) )
- {
- b_playeveryframe = true;
- }
- else
- {
- b_playeveryframe = false;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "qtnext" ) )
- {
- psz_qtnext = psz_attrvalue;
- psz_attrvalue = NULL;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "quitwhendone" ) )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_attrvalue, "true" ) )
- {
- b_quitwhendone = true;
- }
- else
- {
- b_quitwhendone = false;
- }
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "src" ) )
- {
- psz_src = psz_attrvalue;
- psz_attrvalue = NULL;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "mimetype" ) )
- {
- psz_mimetype = psz_attrvalue;
- psz_attrvalue = NULL;
- }
- else if( !strcmp( psz_attrname, "volume" ) )
- {
- i_volume = atoi( psz_attrvalue );
- }
- else
- {
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Attribute %s with value %s isn't valid",
- psz_attrname, psz_attrvalue );
- }
- free( psz_attrname );
- free( psz_attrvalue );
- }
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "autoplay: %s (unused by VLC)",
- b_autoplay==true ? "true": "false" );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "controler: %s (unused by VLC)",
- b_controler==true?"true": "false" );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "fullscreen: %s (unused by VLC)",
- ppsz_fullscreen[fullscreen] );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "href: %s", psz_href );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "kioskmode: %s (unused by VLC)",
- b_kioskmode==true?"true":"false" );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "loop: %s (unused by VLC)", ppsz_loop[loop] );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "movieid: %d (unused by VLC)", i_movieid );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "moviename: %s", psz_moviename );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "playeverframe: %s (unused by VLC)",
- b_playeveryframe==true?"true":"false" );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "qtnext: %s", psz_qtnext );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "quitwhendone: %s (unused by VLC)",
- b_quitwhendone==true?"true":"false" );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "src: %s", psz_src );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "mimetype: %s", psz_mimetype );
- msg_Dbg( p_demux, "volume: %d (unused by VLC)", i_volume );
- if( !psz_src )
- {
- msg_Err( p_demux, "Mandatory attribute 'src' not found" );
- }
- else
- {
- p_input = input_item_New( p_demux, psz_src, psz_moviename );
- #define SADD_INFO( type, field ) if( field ) { input_item_AddInfo(
- p_input, "QuickTime Media Link", type, "%s", field ) ; }
- SADD_INFO( "href", psz_href );
- SADD_INFO( _("Mime"), psz_mimetype );
- input_item_AddSubItem( p_current_input, p_input );
- vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
- if( psz_qtnext )
- {
- p_input = input_item_New( p_demux, psz_qtnext, NULL );
- input_item_AddSubItem( p_current_input, p_input );
- vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
- }
- }
- free( psz_href );
- free( psz_moviename );
- free( psz_qtnext );
- free( psz_src );
- free( psz_mimetype );
- return 0; /* Needed for correct operation of go back */
- }
- static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args )
- {
- VLC_UNUSED(p_demux); VLC_UNUSED(i_query); VLC_UNUSED(args);
- return VLC_EGENERIC;
- }