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- /*
- * calculations.c: calculations needed by the input devices
- *
- * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
- *
- * $Id: b8d4443b42e01a3be04810c934561a99b260bba1 $
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "AtmoDefs.h"
- #include "AtmoCalculations.h"
- #include "AtmoConfig.h"
- #include "AtmoZoneDefinition.h"
- // set accuracy of color calculation
- #define h_MAX 255
- #define s_MAX 255
- #define v_MAX 255
- // macros
- #define MIN(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
- #define MAX(X, Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
- #define POS_DIV(a, b) ( (a)/(b) + ( ((a)%(b) >= (b)/2 ) ? 1 : 0) )
- tColorPacket CalcColorsAnalyzeHSV(CAtmoConfig *pAtmoConfig, tHSVColor *HSV_Img)
- {
- int i; // counter
- // static tWeightPacket Weight[IMAGE_SIZE];
- // Flip instead having a array with (64x48) entries of values for each channel
- // I have x arrays of 64x48 so each channel has its own array...
- // (or gradient which is use to judge about the pixels)
- static int Weight[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS][IMAGE_SIZE];
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Weight */
- /***************************************************************************/
- static int LastEdgeWeighting = -1;
- static int LastWidescreenMode = -1;
- int AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting = pAtmoConfig->getLiveView_EdgeWeighting();
- int AtmoSetup_WidescreenMode = pAtmoConfig->getLiveView_WidescreenMode();
- int AtmoSetup_DarknessLimit = pAtmoConfig->getLiveView_DarknessLimit();
- int AtmoSetup_BrightCorrect = pAtmoConfig->getLiveView_BrightCorrect();
- int AtmoSetup_SatWinSize = pAtmoConfig->getLiveView_SatWinSize();
- // calculate only if setup has changed
- if ((AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting != LastEdgeWeighting) ||
- (AtmoSetup_WidescreenMode != LastWidescreenMode))
- {
- for(i =0 ;i < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
- pAtmoConfig->getZoneDefinition(i)->UpdateWeighting(&Weight[i][0],
- AtmoSetup_WidescreenMode,
- AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting);
- /*
- original code from VDR sources... my one is just more flexible?*g*
- i = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < CAP_HEIGHT; row++)
- {
- float row_norm = (float)row / ((float)CAP_HEIGHT - 1.0f); // [0;Height] -> [0;1]
- float weight_3 = pow(1.0f - row_norm, AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting); // top
- float weight_4 = pow(row_norm, AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting); // bottom
- for (int column = 0; column < CAP_WIDTH; column++)
- {
- // if widescreen mode, top and bottom of the picture are not
- if ((AtmoSetup_WidescreenMode == 1) && ((row <= CAP_HEIGHT/8) || (row >= (7*CAP_HEIGHT)/8)))
- {
- Weight[i].channel[0] = Weight[i].channel[1] = Weight[i].channel[2] = Weight[i].channel[3] = Weight[i].channel[4] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- float column_norm = (float)column / ((float)CAP_WIDTH - 1.0f); // [0;Width] -> [0;1]
- Weight[i].channel[0] = 255;
- Weight[i].channel[1] = (int)(255.0 * (float)pow((1.0 - column_norm), AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting));
- Weight[i].channel[2] = (int)(255.0 * (float)pow(column_norm, AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting));
- Weight[i].channel[3] = (int)(255.0 * (float)weight_3);
- Weight[i].channel[4] = (int)(255.0 * (float)weight_4);
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- */
- LastEdgeWeighting = AtmoSetup_EdgeWeighting;
- LastWidescreenMode = AtmoSetup_WidescreenMode;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Hue */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*----------------------------*/
- /* hue histogram builtup */
- /*----------------------------*/
- // HSV histogram
- long int hue_hist[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS][h_MAX+1];
- // clean histogram
- memset(&hue_hist, 0, sizeof(hue_hist));
- i = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < CAP_HEIGHT; row++)
- {
- for (int column = 0; column < CAP_WIDTH; column++)
- {
- // forget black bars: perform calculations only if pixel has some luminosity
- if (HSV_Img[i].v > 10*AtmoSetup_DarknessLimit)
- {
- // builtup histogram for the 5 channels
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- // Add weight to channel
- hue_hist[channel][HSV_Img[i].h] += Weight[channel][i] * HSV_Img[i].v;
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------*/
- /* hue histogram windowing */
- /*----------------------------*/
- // windowed HSV histogram
- long int w_hue_hist[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS][h_MAX+1];
- // clean windowed histogram
- memset(&w_hue_hist, 0, sizeof(w_hue_hist));
- // steps in each direction; eg. 2 => -2 -1 0 1 2 windowing
- int hue_windowsize = pAtmoConfig->getLiveView_HueWinSize();
- for (i = 0; i < h_MAX+1; i++) // walk through histogram [0;h_MAX]
- {
- // windowing from -hue_windowsize -> +hue_windowsize
- for (int mywin = -hue_windowsize; mywin < hue_windowsize+1; mywin++)
- {
- // adressed histogram candlestick
- int myidx = i + mywin;
- // handle beginning of windowing -> roll back
- if (myidx < 0) { myidx = myidx + h_MAX + 1; }
- // handle end of windowing -> roll forward
- if (myidx > h_MAX) { myidx = myidx - h_MAX - 1; }
- // Apply windowing to all 5 channels
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- // apply lite triangular window design with gradient of 10% per discrete step
- w_hue_hist[channel][i] += hue_hist[channel][myidx] * ((hue_windowsize+1)-abs(mywin)); // apply window
- }
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- /* analyze histogram for most used hue */
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- // index of last maximum
- static int most_used_hue_last[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- // resulting hue for each channel
- int most_used_hue[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS];
- memset(&most_used_hue, 0, sizeof(most_used_hue));
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- int value = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < h_MAX+1; i++) // walk through histogram
- {
- if (w_hue_hist[channel][i] > value) // if new value bigger then old one
- {
- most_used_hue[channel] = i; // remember index
- value = w_hue_hist[channel][i]; // and value
- }
- }
- float percent = (float)w_hue_hist[channel][most_used_hue_last[channel]] / (float)value;
- if (percent > 0.93f) // less than 7% difference?
- {
- most_used_hue[channel] = most_used_hue_last[channel]; // use last index
- }
- most_used_hue_last[channel] = most_used_hue[channel]; // save current index of most used hue
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* saturation */
- /***************************************************************************/
- // sat histogram
- long int sat_hist[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS][s_MAX+1];
- // hue of the pixel we are working at
- int pixel_hue = 0;
- // clean histogram
- memset(&sat_hist, 0, sizeof(sat_hist));
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- /* saturation histogram builtup */
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- i = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < CAP_HEIGHT; row++)
- {
- for (int column = 0; column < CAP_WIDTH; column++)
- {
- // forget black bars: perform calculations only if pixel has some luminosity
- if (HSV_Img[i].v > 10*AtmoSetup_DarknessLimit)
- {
- // find histogram position for pixel
- pixel_hue = HSV_Img[i].h;
- // TODO: brightness calculation(if we require it some time)
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- // only use pixel for histogram if hue is near most_used_hue
- if ((pixel_hue > most_used_hue[channel] - hue_windowsize) &&
- (pixel_hue < most_used_hue[channel] + hue_windowsize))
- {
- // build histogram
- // sat_hist[channel][HSV_Img[i].s] += Weight[i].channel[channel] * HSV_Img[i].v;
- sat_hist[channel][HSV_Img[i].s] += Weight[channel][i] * HSV_Img[i].v;
- }
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- /* saturation histogram windowing */
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- // windowed HSV histogram
- long int w_sat_hist[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS][s_MAX+1];
- // clean windowed histogram
- memset(&w_sat_hist, 0, sizeof(w_sat_hist));
- // steps in each direction; eg. 2 => -2 -1 0 1 2 windowing
- int sat_windowsize = AtmoSetup_SatWinSize;
- // walk through histogram [0;h_MAX]
- for (i = 0; i < s_MAX + 1; i++)
- {
- // windowing from -hue_windowsize -> +hue_windowsize
- for (int mywin = -sat_windowsize; mywin < sat_windowsize+1; mywin++)
- {
- // adressed histogram candlestick
- int myidx = i + mywin;
- // handle beginning of windowing -> roll back
- if (myidx < 0) { myidx = myidx + s_MAX + 1; }
- // handle end of windowing -> roll forward
- if (myidx > h_MAX) { myidx = myidx - s_MAX - 1; }
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- /*
- apply lite triangular window design with
- gradient of 10% per discrete step
- */
- w_sat_hist[channel][i] += sat_hist[channel][myidx] *
- ((sat_windowsize+1)-abs(mywin)); // apply window
- }
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- /* analyze histogram for most used sat */
- /*--------------------------------------*/
- // resulting sat (most_used_hue) for each channel
- int most_used_sat[ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS];
- memset(&most_used_sat, 0, sizeof(most_used_sat));
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- int value = 0;
- // walk trough histogram
- for (i = 0; i < s_MAX+1; i++)
- {
- // if new value bigger then old one
- if (w_sat_hist[channel][i] > value)
- {
- // remember index
- most_used_sat[channel] = i;
- // and value
- value = w_sat_hist[channel][i];
- }
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* calculate average brightness within HSV image */
- /* uniform Brightness for all channels is calculated */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- int l_counter = 0;
- // average brightness (value)
- long int value_avg = 0;
- // TODO: extract into a function? in sat-histo-built
- i = 0;
- for (int row = 0; row < CAP_HEIGHT; row++)
- {
- for (int column = 0; column < CAP_WIDTH; column++)
- {
- // find average value: only use bright pixels for luminance average
- if (HSV_Img[i].v > 10*AtmoSetup_DarknessLimit)
- {
- // build brightness average
- value_avg += HSV_Img[i].v;
- l_counter++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- // calculate brightness average
- if (l_counter > 0) { value_avg = value_avg / l_counter; }
- else { value_avg = 10 * AtmoSetup_DarknessLimit; }
- /*----------------------------*/
- /* adjust and copy results */
- /*----------------------------*/
- tHSVColor hsv_pixel;
- // storage container for resulting RGB values
- tColorPacket ColorChannels;
- for (int channel = 0; channel < ATMO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++)
- {
- // copy values
- hsv_pixel.h = most_used_hue[channel];
- hsv_pixel.s = most_used_sat[channel];
- // adjust brightness
- int new_value = (int) ((float)value_avg * ((float)AtmoSetup_BrightCorrect / 100.0));
- if (new_value > 255) { new_value = 255; } // ensure brightness isn't set too high
- hsv_pixel.v = (unsigned char)new_value;
- // convert back to rgb
-[channel] = HSV2RGB(hsv_pixel);
- }
- return ColorChannels;
- }
- tHSVColor RGB2HSV(tRGBColor color)
- {
- int min, max, delta;
- int r, g, b;
- int h = 0;
- tHSVColor hsv;
- r = color.r;
- g = color.g;
- b = color.b;
- min = MIN(MIN(r, g), b);
- max = MAX(MAX(r, g), b);
- delta = max - min;
- hsv.v = (unsigned char) POS_DIV( max*v_MAX, 255 );
- if (delta == 0) // This is a gray, no chroma...
- {
- h = 0; // HSV results = 0 / 1
- hsv.s = 0;
- }
- else // Chromatic data...
- {
- hsv.s = (unsigned char) POS_DIV( (delta*s_MAX) , max );
- int dr = (max - r) + 3*delta;
- int dg = (max - g) + 3*delta;
- int db = (max - b) + 3*delta;
- int divisor = 6*delta;
- if (r == max)
- {
- h = POS_DIV(( (db - dg) * h_MAX ) , divisor);
- }
- else if (g == max)
- {
- h = POS_DIV( ((dr - db) * h_MAX) , divisor) + (h_MAX/3);
- }
- else if (b == max)
- {
- h = POS_DIV(( (dg - dr) * h_MAX) , divisor) + (h_MAX/3)*2;
- }
- if ( h < 0 ) { h += h_MAX; }
- if ( h > h_MAX ) { h -= h_MAX; }
- }
- hsv.h = (unsigned char)h;
- return hsv;
- }
- tRGBColor HSV2RGB(tHSVColor color)
- {
- tRGBColor rgb = {0, 0, 0};
- float h = (float)color.h/(float)h_MAX;
- float s = (float)color.s/(float)s_MAX;
- float v = (float)color.v/(float)v_MAX;
- if (s == 0)
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = rgb.r;
- rgb.b = rgb.r;
- }
- else
- {
- h = h * 6.0f;
- if (h == 6.0) { h = 0.0; }
- int i = (int)h;
- float f = h - i;
- float p = v*(1.0f-s);
- float q = v*(1.0f-(s*f));
- float t = v*(1.0f-(s*(1.0f-f)));
- if (i == 0)
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = (int)((t*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.b = (int)((p*255.0)+0.5);
- }
- else if (i == 1)
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((q*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.b = (int)((p*255.0)+0.5);
- }
- else if (i == 2)
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((p*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.b = (int)((t*255.0)+0.5);
- }
- else if (i == 3)
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((p*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = (int)((q*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.b = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- }
- else if (i == 4)
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((t*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = (int)((p*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.b = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- }
- else
- {
- rgb.r = (int)((v*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.g = (int)((p*255.0)+0.5);
- rgb.b = (int)((q*255.0)+0.5);
- }
- }
- return rgb;
- }