资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*****************************************************************************
- * MediaControlView.cpp: beos interface
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 the VideoLAN team
- * $Id: b3cdf450ee04045c1d5f4364769c2513596f3fee $
- *
- * Authors: Tony Castley <>
- * Stephan Aßmus <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- /* System headers */
- #include <InterfaceKit.h>
- #include <AppKit.h>
- #include <String.h>
- /* VLC headers */
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include <vlc_common.h>
- #include <vlc_interface.h>
- extern "C"
- {
- #include <audio_output.h>
- }
- /* BeOS interface headers */
- #include "Bitmaps.h"
- #include "DrawingTidbits.h"
- #include "InterfaceWindow.h"
- #include "MsgVals.h"
- #include "TransportButton.h"
- #include "ListViews.h"
- #include "MediaControlView.h"
- #define BORDER_INSET 6.0
- #define MIN_SPACE 4.0
- #define VOLUME_MIN_WIDTH 70.0
- #define DIM_LEVEL 0.4
- // slider colors are hardcoded here, because that's just
- // what they currently are within those bitmaps
- const rgb_color kGreen = (rgb_color){ 152, 203, 152, 255 };
- const rgb_color kGreenShadow = (rgb_color){ 102, 152, 102, 255 };
- const rgb_color kBackground = (rgb_color){ 216, 216, 216, 255 };
- const rgb_color kSeekGreen = (rgb_color){ 171, 221, 161, 255 };
- const rgb_color kSeekGreenShadow = (rgb_color){ 144, 186, 136, 255 };
- const rgb_color kSeekRed = (rgb_color){ 255, 0, 0, 255 };
- const rgb_color kSeekRedLight = (rgb_color){ 255, 152, 152, 255 };
- const rgb_color kSeekRedShadow = (rgb_color){ 178, 0, 0, 255 };
- #define DISABLED_SEEK_MESSAGE _("Drop files to play")
- #define SEEKSLIDER_RANGE 2048
- enum
- {
- MSG_REWIND = 'rwnd',
- MSG_FORWARD = 'frwd',
- MSG_SKIP_FORWARD = 'skpf',
- };
- // constructor
- MediaControlView::MediaControlView( intf_thread_t * _p_intf, BRect frame)
- p_intf( _p_intf ),
- fCurrentStatus(-1),
- fBottomControlHeight(0.0),
- fIsEnabled( true )
- {
- BRect frame(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0);
- // Seek Slider
- fSeekSlider = new SeekSlider( p_intf, frame, "seek slider", this );
- fSeekSlider->SetValue(0);
- fSeekSlider->ResizeToPreferred();
- AddChild( fSeekSlider );
- // Buttons
- // Skip Back
- frame.SetRightBottom(kSkipButtonSize);
- fBottomControlHeight = kRewindBitmapHeight - 1.0;
- fSkipBack = new TransportButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kSkipBackBitmapBits,
- kPressedSkipBackBitmapBits,
- kDisabledSkipBackBitmapBits,
- new BMessage(MSG_SKIP_BACKWARDS));
- AddChild( fSkipBack );
- // Play Pause
- frame.SetRightBottom(kPlayButtonSize);
- if (fBottomControlHeight < kPlayPauseBitmapHeight - 1.0)
- fBottomControlHeight = kPlayPauseBitmapHeight - 1.0;
- fPlayPause = new PlayPauseButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- kPressedPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- kDisabledPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- kPlayingPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- kPressedPlayingPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- kPausedPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- kPressedPausedPlayButtonBitmapBits,
- new BMessage(START_PLAYBACK));
- AddChild( fPlayPause );
- // Skip Foward
- frame.SetRightBottom(kSkipButtonSize);
- fSkipForward = new TransportButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kSkipForwardBitmapBits,
- kPressedSkipForwardBitmapBits,
- kDisabledSkipForwardBitmapBits,
- new BMessage(MSG_SKIP_FORWARD));
- AddChild( fSkipForward );
- // Forward
- fForward = new TransportButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kForwardBitmapBits,
- kPressedForwardBitmapBits,
- kDisabledForwardBitmapBits,
- new BMessage(MSG_FORWARD));
- // AddChild( fForward );
- // Rewind
- fRewind = new TransportButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kRewindBitmapBits,
- kPressedRewindBitmapBits,
- kDisabledRewindBitmapBits,
- new BMessage(MSG_REWIND));
- // AddChild( fRewind );
- // Stop
- frame.SetRightBottom(kStopButtonSize);
- if (fBottomControlHeight < kStopBitmapHeight - 1.0)
- fBottomControlHeight = kStopBitmapHeight - 1.0;
- fStop = new TransportButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kStopButtonBitmapBits,
- kPressedStopButtonBitmapBits,
- kDisabledStopButtonBitmapBits,
- new BMessage(STOP_PLAYBACK));
- AddChild( fStop );
- // Mute
- frame.SetRightBottom(kSpeakerButtonSize);
- if (fBottomControlHeight < kSpeakerIconBitmapHeight - 1.0)
- fBottomControlHeight = kSpeakerIconBitmapHeight - 1.0;
- fMute = new TransportButton(frame, B_EMPTY_STRING,
- kSpeakerIconBits,
- kPressedSpeakerIconBits,
- kSpeakerIconBits,
- new BMessage(VOLUME_MUTE));
- AddChild( fMute );
- // Volume Slider
- fVolumeSlider = new VolumeSlider(BRect(0.0, 0.0, VOLUME_MIN_WIDTH,
- kVolumeSliderBitmapHeight - 1.0),
- "volume slider", 1, AOUT_VOLUME_MAX,
- new BMessage(VOLUME_CHG));
- fVolumeSlider->SetValue( config_GetInt( p_intf, "volume" ) );
- AddChild( fVolumeSlider );
- // Position Info View
- fPositionInfo = new PositionInfoView(BRect(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0), "led",
- p_intf);
- fPositionInfo->ResizeToPreferred();
- AddChild( fPositionInfo );
- }
- // destructor
- MediaControlView::~MediaControlView()
- {
- }
- // AttachedToWindow
- void
- MediaControlView::AttachedToWindow()
- {
- // we are now a valid BHandler
- fRewind->SetTarget(this);
- fForward->SetTarget(this);
- fSkipBack->SetTarget(this);
- fSkipForward->SetTarget(this);
- fVolumeSlider->SetTarget(Window());
- BRect r(_MinFrame());
- if (BMenuBar* menuBar = Window()->KeyMenuBar()) {
- float width, height;
- menuBar->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height);
- // r.bottom += menuBar->Bounds().Height();
- r.bottom += height;
- // see that our calculated minimal width is not smaller than what
- // the menubar can be
- width -= r.Width();
- if (width > 0.0)
- r.right += width;
- }
- Window()->SetSizeLimits(r.Width(), r.Width() * 1.8, r.Height(), r.Height() * 1.3);
- if (!Window()->Bounds().Contains(r))
- Window()->ResizeTo(r.Width(), r.Height());
- else
- FrameResized(Bounds().Width(), Bounds().Height());
- // get pulse message every two frames
- Window()->SetPulseRate(80000);
- }
- // FrameResized
- void
- MediaControlView::FrameResized(float width, float height)
- {
- BRect r(Bounds());
- // make sure we don't leave dirty pixels
- // (B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE == annoying flicker -> this is smarter)
- if (fOldBounds.Width() < r.Width())
- Invalidate(BRect(fOldBounds.right, + 1.0,
- fOldBounds.right, fOldBounds.bottom - 1.0));
- else
- Invalidate(BRect(r.right, + 1.0,
- r.right, r.bottom - 1.0));
- if (fOldBounds.Height() < r.Height())
- Invalidate(BRect(fOldBounds.left + 1.0, fOldBounds.bottom,
- fOldBounds.right - 1.0, fOldBounds.bottom));
- else
- Invalidate(BRect(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom,
- r.right - 1.0, r.bottom));
- // remember for next time
- fOldBounds = r;
- // layout controls
- _LayoutControls(r);
- }
- // GetPreferredSize
- void
- MediaControlView::GetPreferredSize(float* width, float* height)
- {
- if (width && height)
- {
- BRect r(_MinFrame());
- *width = r.Width();
- *height = r.Height();
- }
- }
- // MessageReceived
- void
- MediaControlView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message)
- {
- switch (message->what)
- {
- case MSG_REWIND:
- break;
- break;
- Window()->PostMessage(NAVIGATE_PREV);
- break;
- Window()->PostMessage(NAVIGATE_NEXT);
- break;
- default:
- BBox::MessageReceived(message);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Pulse
- void
- MediaControlView::Pulse()
- {
- InterfaceWindow* window = dynamic_cast<InterfaceWindow*>(Window());
- if (window && window->IsStopped())
- fPlayPause->SetStopped();
- unsigned short i_volume;
- aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, (audio_volume_t*)&i_volume );
- fVolumeSlider->SetValue( i_volume );
- }
- // SetProgress
- void
- MediaControlView::SetProgress( float position )
- {
- fSeekSlider->SetPosition( position );
- }
- // SetStatus
- void
- MediaControlView::SetStatus(int status, int rate)
- {
- // we need to set the button status periodically
- // (even if it is the same) to get a blinking button
- fCurrentStatus = status;
- switch( status )
- {
- case PLAYING_S:
- case OPENNING_S:
- fPlayPause->SetPlaying();
- break;
- case PAUSE_S:
- fPlayPause->SetPaused();
- break;
- default:
- fPlayPause->SetStopped();
- break;
- }
- if (rate != fCurrentRate)
- {
- fCurrentRate = rate;
- if ( rate < INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT )
- {
- // TODO: ...
- }
- }
- }
- // SetEnabled
- void
- MediaControlView::SetEnabled(bool enabled)
- {
- if( ( enabled && fIsEnabled ) ||
- ( !enabled && !fIsEnabled ) )
- {
- /* do not redraw if it is not necessary */
- return;
- }
- if( LockLooper() )
- {
- fSkipBack->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fPlayPause->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fSkipForward->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fStop->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fMute->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fVolumeSlider->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fSeekSlider->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fRewind->SetEnabled( enabled );
- fForward->SetEnabled( enabled );
- UnlockLooper();
- fIsEnabled = enabled;
- }
- }
- // SetAudioEnabled
- void
- MediaControlView::SetAudioEnabled(bool enabled)
- {
- fMute->SetEnabled(enabled);
- fVolumeSlider->SetEnabled(enabled);
- }
- // GetVolume
- uint32
- MediaControlView::GetVolume() const
- {
- return fVolumeSlider->Value();
- }
- // SetSkippable
- void
- MediaControlView::SetSkippable(bool backward, bool forward)
- {
- fSkipBack->SetEnabled(backward);
- fSkipForward->SetEnabled(forward);
- }
- // SetMuted
- void
- MediaControlView::SetMuted(bool mute)
- {
- fVolumeSlider->SetMuted(mute);
- }
- // _LayoutControls
- void
- MediaControlView::_LayoutControls(BRect frame) const
- {
- // seek slider
- BRect r(frame);
- // calculate absolutly minimal width
- float minWidth = fSkipBack->Bounds().Width();
- // minWidth += fRewind->Bounds().Width();
- minWidth += fStop->Bounds().Width();
- minWidth += fPlayPause->Bounds().Width();
- // minWidth += fForward->Bounds().Width();
- minWidth += fSkipForward->Bounds().Width();
- minWidth += fMute->Bounds().Width();
- minWidth += VOLUME_MIN_WIDTH;
- // layout time slider and info view
- float width, height;
- fPositionInfo->GetBigPreferredSize( &width, &height );
- float ratio = width / height;
- width = r.Height() * ratio;
- if (frame.Width() - minWidth - MIN_SPACE >= width
- && frame.Height() >= height)
- {
- r.right = r.left + width;
- fPositionInfo->SetMode(PositionInfoView::MODE_BIG);
- _LayoutControl(fPositionInfo, r, true, true);
- frame.left = r.right + MIN_SPACE;
- r.left = frame.left;
- r.right = frame.right;
- // r.bottom = + r.Height() / 2.0 - MIN_SPACE / 2.0;
- r.bottom = + fSeekSlider->Bounds().Height();
- _LayoutControl(fSeekSlider, r, true);
- }
- else
- {
- fPositionInfo->GetPreferredSize( &width, &height );
- fPositionInfo->SetMode(PositionInfoView::MODE_SMALL);
- fPositionInfo->ResizeTo(width, height);
- r.bottom = + r.Height() / 2.0 - MIN_SPACE / 2.0;
- r.right = r.left + fPositionInfo->Bounds().Width();
- _LayoutControl(fPositionInfo, r, true );
- r.left = r.right + MIN_SPACE;
- r.right = frame.right;
- _LayoutControl(fSeekSlider, r, true);
- }
- float currentWidth = frame.Width();
- float space = (currentWidth - minWidth) / 6.0;//8.0;
- // apply weighting
- // layout controls with "space" inbetween
- r.left = frame.left;
- = r.bottom + MIN_SPACE + 1.0;
- r.bottom = frame.bottom;
- // skip back
- r.right = r.left + fSkipBack->Bounds().Width();
- _LayoutControl(fSkipBack, r);
- // rewind
- // r.left = r.right + space;
- // r.right = r.left + fRewind->Bounds().Width();
- // _LayoutControl(fRewind, r);
- // stop
- r.left = r.right + space;
- r.right = r.left + fStop->Bounds().Width();
- _LayoutControl(fStop, r);
- // play/pause
- r.left = r.right + space;
- r.right = r.left + fPlayPause->Bounds().Width();
- _LayoutControl(fPlayPause, r);
- // forward
- // r.left = r.right + space;
- // r.right = r.left + fForward->Bounds().Width();
- // _LayoutControl(fForward, r);
- // skip forward
- r.left = r.right + space;
- r.right = r.left + fSkipForward->Bounds().Width();
- _LayoutControl(fSkipForward, r);
- // speaker icon
- r.left = r.right + space + space;
- r.right = r.left + fMute->Bounds().Width();
- _LayoutControl(fMute, r);
- // volume slider
- r.left = r.right + SPEAKER_SLIDER_DIST; // keep speaker icon and volume slider attached
- r.right = frame.right;
- _LayoutControl(fVolumeSlider, r, true);
- }
- // _MinFrame
- BRect
- MediaControlView::_MinFrame() const
- {
- // add up width of controls along bottom (seek slider will likely adopt)
- float minWidth = 2 * BORDER_INSET;
- minWidth += fSkipBack->Bounds().Width() + MIN_SPACE;
- // minWidth += fRewind->Bounds().Width() + MIN_SPACE;
- minWidth += fStop->Bounds().Width() + MIN_SPACE;
- minWidth += fPlayPause->Bounds().Width() + MIN_SPACE;
- // minWidth += fForward->Bounds().Width() + MIN_SPACE;
- minWidth += fSkipForward->Bounds().Width() + MIN_SPACE + MIN_SPACE;
- minWidth += fMute->Bounds().Width() + SPEAKER_SLIDER_DIST;
- minWidth += VOLUME_MIN_WIDTH;
- // add up height of seek slider and heighest control on bottom
- float minHeight = 2 * BORDER_INSET;
- minHeight += fSeekSlider->Bounds().Height() + MIN_SPACE + MIN_SPACE / 2.0;
- minHeight += fBottomControlHeight;
- return BRect(0.0, 0.0, minWidth - 1.0, minHeight - 1.0);
- }
- // _LayoutControl
- void
- MediaControlView::_LayoutControl(BView* view, BRect frame,
- bool resizeWidth, bool resizeHeight) const
- {
- if (!resizeHeight)
- // center vertically
- = ( + frame.bottom) / 2.0 - view->Bounds().Height() / 2.0;
- if (!resizeWidth)
- //center horizontally
- frame.left = (frame.left + frame.right) / 2.0 - view->Bounds().Width() / 2.0;
- view->MoveTo(frame.LeftTop());
- float width = resizeWidth ? frame.Width() : view->Bounds().Width();
- float height = resizeHeight ? frame.Height() : view->Bounds().Height();
- if (resizeWidth || resizeHeight)
- view->ResizeTo(width, height);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider
- *****************************************************************************/
- SeekSlider::SeekSlider( intf_thread_t * _p_intf,
- BRect frame, const char* name, MediaControlView *owner )
- : BControl(frame, name, NULL, NULL, B_FOLLOW_NONE,
- p_intf(_p_intf),
- fOwner(owner),
- fTracking(false)
- {
- BFont font(be_plain_font);
- font.SetSize(9.0);
- SetFont(&font);
- }
- SeekSlider::~SeekSlider()
- {
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::AttachedToWindow
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::AttachedToWindow()
- {
- BControl::AttachedToWindow();
- SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::Draw
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::Draw(BRect updateRect)
- {
- BRect r(Bounds());
- float knobWidth2 = SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2.0;
- float sliderStart = (r.left + knobWidth2);
- float sliderEnd = (r.right - knobWidth2);
- float knobPos = sliderStart
- + floorf((sliderEnd - sliderStart - 1.0) * Value()
- // draw both sides (the original from Be doesn't seem
- // to make a difference for enabled/disabled state)
- // DrawBitmapAsync(fLeftSideBits, r.LeftTop());
- // DrawBitmapAsync(fRightSideBits, BPoint(sliderEnd + 1.0,;
- // colors for the slider area between the two bitmaps
- rgb_color background = kBackground;//ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
- rgb_color shadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_2_TINT);
- rgb_color softShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_1_TINT);
- rgb_color darkShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_4_TINT);
- rgb_color midShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_3_TINT);
- rgb_color light = tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_MAX_TINT);
- rgb_color softLight = tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT);
- rgb_color green = kSeekGreen;
- rgb_color greenShadow = kSeekGreenShadow;
- rgb_color black = kBlack;
- rgb_color dotGrey = midShadow;
- rgb_color dotGreen = greenShadow;
- // draw frame
- _StrokeFrame(r, softShadow, softShadow, softLight, softLight);
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- _StrokeFrame(r, black, black, light, light);
- if (IsEnabled())
- {
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- // inner shadow
- _StrokeFrame(r, greenShadow, greenShadow, green, green);
- r.left++;
- _StrokeFrame(r, greenShadow, greenShadow, green, green);
- // inside area
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- SetHighColor(green);
- FillRect(r);
- // dots
- int32 dotCount = (int32)(r.Width() / 6.0);
- BPoint dotPos;
- dotPos.y = + 2.0;
- SetHighColor(dotGreen);
- for (int32 i = 0; i < dotCount; i++)
- {
- dotPos.x = sliderStart + i * 6.0 + 5.0;
- StrokeLine(dotPos, BPoint(dotPos.x, dotPos.y + 6.0));
- }
- // slider handle
- -= 4.0;
- r.bottom += 3.0;
- r.left = knobPos - knobWidth2;
- r.right = knobPos + knobWidth2;
- // black outline
- float handleBottomSize = 2.0;
- float handleArrowSize = 6.0;
- BeginLineArray(10);
- // upper handle
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left, + handleBottomSize),
- BPoint(r.left,, black);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0,,
- BPoint(r.right,, black);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right, + 1.0),
- BPoint(r.right, + handleBottomSize), black);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, + handleBottomSize + 1.0),
- BPoint(knobPos, + handleArrowSize), black);
- AddLine(BPoint(knobPos - 1.0, + handleArrowSize - 1.0),
- BPoint(r.left + 1.0, + handleBottomSize + 1.0), black);
- // lower handle
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom),
- BPoint(r.left, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), black);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom - handleBottomSize - 1.0),
- BPoint(knobPos, r.bottom - handleArrowSize), black);
- AddLine(BPoint(knobPos + 1.0, r.bottom - handleArrowSize + 1.0),
- BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), black);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize + 1.0),
- BPoint(r.right, r.bottom), black);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.bottom),
- BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom), black);
- EndLineArray();
- // inner red light and shadow lines
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- handleBottomSize--;
- handleArrowSize -= 2.0;
- BeginLineArray(10);
- // upper handle
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left, + handleBottomSize),
- BPoint(r.left,, kSeekRedLight);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0,,
- BPoint(r.right,, kSeekRedLight);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right, + 1.0),
- BPoint(r.right, + handleBottomSize), kSeekRedShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, + handleBottomSize + 1.0),
- BPoint(knobPos, + handleArrowSize), kSeekRedShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(knobPos - 1.0, + handleArrowSize - 1.0),
- BPoint(r.left + 1.0, + handleBottomSize + 1.0), kSeekRedLight);
- // lower handle
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom),
- BPoint(r.left, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), kSeekRedLight);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom - handleBottomSize - 1.0),
- BPoint(knobPos, r.bottom - handleArrowSize), kSeekRedLight);
- AddLine(BPoint(knobPos + 1.0, r.bottom - handleArrowSize + 1.0),
- BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize), kSeekRedShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right, r.bottom - handleBottomSize + 1.0),
- BPoint(r.right, r.bottom), kSeekRedShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.bottom),
- BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom), kSeekRedShadow);
- EndLineArray();
- // fill rest of handles with red
- SetHighColor(kSeekRed);
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- handleArrowSize -= 2.0;
- BPoint arrow[3];
- // upper handle arrow
- arrow[0].x = r.left;
- arrow[0].y =;
- arrow[1].x = r.right;
- arrow[1].y =;
- arrow[2].x = knobPos;
- arrow[2].y = + handleArrowSize;
- FillPolygon(arrow, 3);
- // lower handle arrow
- arrow[0].x = r.left;
- arrow[0].y = r.bottom;
- arrow[1].x = r.right;
- arrow[1].y = r.bottom;
- arrow[2].x = knobPos;
- arrow[2].y = r.bottom - handleArrowSize;
- FillPolygon(arrow, 3);
- }
- else
- {
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- _StrokeFrame(r, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow);
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- _StrokeFrame(r, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow, darkShadow);
- r.InsetBy(1.0, 1.0);
- SetHighColor(darkShadow);
- SetLowColor(shadow);
- // stripes
- float width = floorf(StringWidth(DISABLED_SEEK_MESSAGE));
- float textPos = r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0;
- pattern stripes = {{ 0xc7, 0x8f, 0x1f, 0x3e, 0x7c, 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xe3 }};
- BRect stripesRect(r);
- stripesRect.right = textPos - 5.0;
- FillRect(stripesRect, stripes);
- stripesRect.left = textPos + width + 3.0;
- stripesRect.right = r.right;
- FillRect(stripesRect, stripes);
- // info text
- r.left = textPos - 4.0;
- r.right = textPos + width + 2.0;
- FillRect(r);
- SetHighColor(shadow);
- SetLowColor(darkShadow);
- font_height fh;
- GetFontHeight(&fh);
- DrawString(DISABLED_SEEK_MESSAGE, BPoint(textPos, + ceilf(fh.ascent) - 1.0));
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::MouseDown
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::MouseDown(BPoint where)
- {
- if (IsEnabled() && Bounds().Contains(where))
- {
- SetValue(_ValueFor(where.x));
- fTracking = true;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::MouseMoved
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* dragMessage)
- {
- if (fTracking)
- {
- SetValue(_ValueFor(where.x));
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::MouseUp
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::MouseUp(BPoint where)
- {
- if (fTracking)
- {
- fTracking = false;
- input_thread_t * p_input;
- p_input = (input_thread_t *)
- vlc_object_find( p_intf, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, FIND_ANYWHERE );
- if( p_input )
- {
- var_SetFloat( p_input, "position",
- (float) Value() / SEEKSLIDER_RANGE );
- vlc_object_release( p_input );
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::ResizeToPreferred
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::ResizeToPreferred()
- {
- float width = 15.0 + StringWidth(DISABLED_SEEK_MESSAGE) + 15.0;
- ResizeTo(width, 17.0);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::SetPosition
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::SetPosition(float position)
- {
- if ( LockLooper() )
- {
- if( !fTracking )
- {
- SetValue( SEEKSLIDER_RANGE * position );
- }
- UnlockLooper();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::_ValueFor
- *****************************************************************************/
- int32
- SeekSlider::_ValueFor(float xPos) const
- {
- BRect r(Bounds());
- float knobWidth2 = SEEK_SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2.0;
- float sliderStart = (r.left + knobWidth2);
- float sliderEnd = (r.right - knobWidth2);
- int32 value = (int32)(((xPos - sliderStart) * SEEKSLIDER_RANGE)
- / (sliderEnd - sliderStart - 1.0));
- if (value < 0)
- value = 0;
- if (value > SEEKSLIDER_RANGE)
- return value;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * SeekSlider::_StrokeFrame
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- SeekSlider::_StrokeFrame(BRect r, rgb_color left, rgb_color top,
- rgb_color right, rgb_color bottom)
- {
- BeginLineArray(4);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left,, left);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.left + 1.0,, BPoint(r.right,, top);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right, + 1.0), BPoint(r.right, r.bottom), right);
- AddLine(BPoint(r.right - 1.0, r.bottom), BPoint(r.left + 1.0, r.bottom), bottom);
- EndLineArray();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider
- *****************************************************************************/
- VolumeSlider::VolumeSlider(BRect frame, const char* name, int32 minValue, int32 maxValue,
- BMessage* message, BHandler* target)
- : BControl(frame, name, NULL, message, B_FOLLOW_NONE,
- fLeftSideBits(NULL),
- fRightSideBits(NULL),
- fKnobBits(NULL),
- fTracking(false),
- fMuted(false),
- fMinValue(minValue),
- fMaxValue(maxValue)
- {
- SetTarget(target);
- // create bitmaps
- BRect r(BPoint(0.0, 0.0), kVolumeSliderBitmapSize);
- fLeftSideBits = new BBitmap(r, B_CMAP8);
- fRightSideBits = new BBitmap(r, B_CMAP8);
- r.Set(0.0, 0.0, kVolumeSliderKnobBitmapSize.x, kVolumeSliderKnobBitmapSize.y);
- fKnobBits = new BBitmap(r, B_CMAP8);
- _MakeBitmaps();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider destructor
- *****************************************************************************/
- VolumeSlider::~VolumeSlider()
- {
- delete fLeftSideBits;
- delete fRightSideBits;
- delete fKnobBits;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::AttachedToWindow
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::AttachedToWindow()
- {
- BControl::AttachedToWindow();
- SetViewColor(B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::SetValue
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::SetValue(int32 value)
- {
- if (value != Value())
- {
- BControl::SetValue(value);
- Invoke();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::SetEnabled
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::SetEnabled(bool enable)
- {
- if (enable != IsEnabled())
- {
- BControl::SetEnabled(enable);
- _MakeBitmaps();
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::Draw
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::Draw(BRect updateRect)
- {
- if (IsValid())
- {
- BRect r(Bounds());
- float sliderSideWidth = kVolumeSliderBitmapWidth;
- float sliderStart = (r.left + sliderSideWidth);
- float sliderEnd = (r.right - sliderSideWidth);
- float knobPos = sliderStart
- + (sliderEnd - sliderStart - 1.0) * (Value() - fMinValue)
- / (fMaxValue - fMinValue);
- // draw both sides (the original from Be doesn't seem
- // to make a difference for enabled/disabled state)
- DrawBitmapAsync(fLeftSideBits, r.LeftTop());
- DrawBitmapAsync(fRightSideBits, BPoint(sliderEnd + 1.0,;
- // colors for the slider area between the two bitmaps
- rgb_color background = kBackground;//ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
- rgb_color shadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_2_TINT);
- rgb_color softShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_1_TINT);
- rgb_color darkShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_4_TINT);
- rgb_color midShadow = tint_color(background, B_DARKEN_3_TINT);
- rgb_color light = tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_MAX_TINT);
- rgb_color softLight = tint_color(background, B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT);
- rgb_color green = kGreen;
- rgb_color greenShadow = kGreenShadow;
- rgb_color black = kBlack;
- rgb_color dotGrey = midShadow;
- rgb_color dotGreen = greenShadow;
- // make dimmed version of colors if we're disabled
- if (!IsEnabled())
- {
- shadow = (rgb_color){ 200, 200, 200, 255 };
- softShadow = dimmed_color_cmap8(softShadow, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- darkShadow = dimmed_color_cmap8(darkShadow, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- midShadow = shadow;
- light = dimmed_color_cmap8(light, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- softLight = dimmed_color_cmap8(softLight, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- green = dimmed_color_cmap8(green, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- greenShadow = dimmed_color_cmap8(greenShadow, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- black = dimmed_color_cmap8(black, background, DIM_LEVEL);
- dotGreen = dotGrey;
- }
- else if (fMuted)
- {
- green = tint_color(kBackground, B_DARKEN_3_TINT);
- greenShadow = tint_color(kBackground, B_DARKEN_4_TINT);
- dotGreen = greenShadow;
- }
- // draw slider edges between bitmaps
- BeginLineArray(7);
- AddLine(BPoint(sliderStart,,
- BPoint(sliderEnd,, softShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(sliderStart, r.bottom),
- BPoint(sliderEnd, r.bottom), softLight);
- r.InsetBy(0.0, 1.0);
- AddLine(BPoint(sliderStart,,
- BPoint(sliderEnd,, black);
- AddLine(BPoint(sliderStart, r.bottom),
- BPoint(sliderEnd, r.bottom), light);
- AddLine(BPoint(sliderStart,,
- BPoint(knobPos,, greenShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(knobPos,,
- BPoint(sliderEnd,, midShadow);
- AddLine(BPoint(sliderStart,,
- BPoint(knobPos,, greenShadow);
- EndLineArray();
- // fill rest inside of slider
- r.InsetBy(0.0, 1.0);
- r.left = sliderStart;
- r.right = knobPos;
- SetHighColor(green);
- FillRect(r, B_SOLID_HIGH);
- r.left = knobPos + 1.0;
- r.right = sliderEnd;
- -= 1.0;
- SetHighColor(shadow);
- FillRect(r, B_SOLID_HIGH);
- // draw little dots inside
- int32 dotCount = (int32)((sliderEnd - sliderStart) / 5.0);
- BPoint dotPos;
- dotPos.y = + 4.0;
- for (int32 i = 0; i < dotCount; i++)
- {
- dotPos.x = sliderStart + i * 5.0 + 4.0;
- SetHighColor(dotPos.x < knobPos ? dotGreen : dotGrey);
- StrokeLine(dotPos, BPoint(dotPos.x, dotPos.y + 1.0));
- }
- // draw knob
- -= 1.0;
- SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); // part of knob is transparent
- DrawBitmapAsync(fKnobBits, BPoint(knobPos - kVolumeSliderKnobWidth / 2,;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::MouseDown
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::MouseDown(BPoint where)
- {
- if (Bounds().Contains(where) && IsEnabled())
- {
- fTracking = true;
- SetValue(_ValueFor(where.x));
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::MouseMoved
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 transit, const BMessage* dragMessage)
- {
- if (fTracking)
- SetValue(_ValueFor(where.x));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::MouseUp
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::MouseUp(BPoint where)
- {
- fTracking = false;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::IsValid
- *****************************************************************************/
- bool
- VolumeSlider::IsValid() const
- {
- return (fLeftSideBits && fLeftSideBits->IsValid()
- && fRightSideBits && fRightSideBits->IsValid()
- && fKnobBits && fKnobBits->IsValid());
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::SetMuted
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::SetMuted(bool mute)
- {
- if (mute != fMuted)
- {
- fMuted = mute;
- _MakeBitmaps();
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::_MakeBitmaps
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- VolumeSlider::_MakeBitmaps()
- {
- if (IsValid())
- {
- // left side of slider
- memcpy(fLeftSideBits->Bits(), kVolumeSliderLeftBitmapBits,
- fLeftSideBits->BitsLength());
- // right side of slider
- memcpy(fRightSideBits->Bits(), kVolumeSliderRightBits,
- fRightSideBits->BitsLength());
- // slider knob
- int32 length = fKnobBits->BitsLength();
- memcpy(fKnobBits->Bits(), kVolumeSliderKnobBits, length);
- uint8* bits = (uint8*)fKnobBits->Bits();
- // black was used in the knob to represent transparency
- // use screen to get index for the "transarent" color used in the bitmap
- BScreen screen(B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID);
- uint8 blackIndex = screen.IndexForColor(kBlack);
- // replace black index with transparent index
- for (int32 i = 0; i < length; i++)
- if (bits[i] == blackIndex)
- if (!IsEnabled())
- {
- // make ghosted versions of the bitmaps
- dim_bitmap(fLeftSideBits, kBackground, DIM_LEVEL);
- dim_bitmap(fRightSideBits, kBackground, DIM_LEVEL);
- dim_bitmap(fKnobBits, kBackground, DIM_LEVEL);
- }
- else if (fMuted)
- {
- // replace green color (and shadow) in left slider side
- bits = (uint8*)fLeftSideBits->Bits();
- length = fLeftSideBits->BitsLength();
- uint8 greenIndex = screen.IndexForColor(kGreen);
- uint8 greenShadowIndex = screen.IndexForColor(kGreenShadow);
- rgb_color shadow = tint_color(kBackground, B_DARKEN_3_TINT);
- rgb_color midShadow = tint_color(kBackground, B_DARKEN_4_TINT);
- uint8 replaceIndex = screen.IndexForColor(shadow);
- uint8 replaceShadowIndex = screen.IndexForColor(midShadow);
- for (int32 i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- if (bits[i] == greenIndex)
- bits[i] = replaceIndex;
- else if (bits[i] == greenShadowIndex)
- bits[i] = replaceShadowIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VolumeSlider::_ValueFor
- *****************************************************************************/
- int32
- VolumeSlider::_ValueFor(float xPos) const
- {
- BRect r(Bounds());
- float sliderStart = (r.left + kVolumeSliderBitmapWidth);
- float sliderEnd = (r.right - kVolumeSliderBitmapWidth);
- int32 value = fMinValue + (int32)(((xPos - sliderStart) * (fMaxValue - fMinValue))
- / (sliderEnd - sliderStart - 1.0));
- if (value < fMinValue)
- value = fMinValue;
- if (value > fMaxValue)
- value = fMaxValue;
- return value;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::PositionInfoView
- *****************************************************************************/
- PositionInfoView::PositionInfoView( BRect frame, const char* name,
- intf_thread_t * p_interface )
- : BView( frame, name, B_FOLLOW_NONE,
- fMode( MODE_SMALL ),
- fCurrentFileIndex( -1 ),
- fCurrentFileSize( -1 ),
- fCurrentTitleIndex( -1 ),
- fCurrentTitleSize( -1 ),
- fCurrentChapterIndex( -1 ),
- fCurrentChapterSize( -1 ),
- fSeconds( -1 ),
- fTimeString( "-:--:--" ),
- fLastPulseUpdate( system_time() ),
- fStackedWidthCache( 0.0 ),
- fStackedHeightCache( 0.0 )
- {
- p_intf = p_interface;
- SetViewColor( B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT );
- SetLowColor( kBlack );
- SetHighColor( 0, 255, 0, 255 );
- SetFontSize( 11.0 );
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::~PositionInfoView
- *****************************************************************************/
- PositionInfoView::~PositionInfoView()
- {
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::Draw
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::Draw( BRect updateRect )
- {
- rgb_color background = ui_color( B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR );
- rgb_color shadow = tint_color( background, B_DARKEN_1_TINT );
- rgb_color darkShadow = tint_color( background, B_DARKEN_4_TINT );
- rgb_color light = tint_color( background, B_LIGHTEN_MAX_TINT );
- rgb_color softLight = tint_color( background, B_LIGHTEN_1_TINT );
- // frame
- BRect r( Bounds() );
- BeginLineArray( 8 );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.left, r.bottom ),
- BPoint( r.left, ), shadow );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.left + 1.0, ),
- BPoint( r.right, ), shadow );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.right, + 1.0 ),
- BPoint( r.right, r.bottom ), softLight );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.right - 1.0, r.bottom ),
- BPoint( r.left + 1.0, r.bottom ), softLight );
- r.InsetBy( 1.0, 1.0 );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.left, r.bottom ),
- BPoint( r.left, ), darkShadow );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.left + 1.0, ),
- BPoint( r.right, ), darkShadow );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.right, + 1.0 ),
- BPoint( r.right, r.bottom ), light );
- AddLine( BPoint( r.right - 1.0, r.bottom ),
- BPoint( r.left + 1.0, r.bottom ), light );
- EndLineArray();
- // background
- r.InsetBy( 1.0, 1.0 );
- FillRect( r, B_SOLID_LOW );
- // contents
- font_height fh;
- GetFontHeight( &fh );
- switch ( fMode )
- {
- case MODE_SMALL:
- {
- float width = StringWidth( fTimeString.String() );
- DrawString( fTimeString.String(),
- BPoint( r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0,
- + r.Height() / 2.0 + fh.ascent / 2.0 - 1.0 ) );
- break;
- }
- case MODE_BIG:
- {
- BFont font;
- GetFont( &font );
- BFont smallFont = font;
- BFont bigFont = font;
- BFont tinyFont = font;
- smallFont.SetSize( r.Height() / 5.0 );
- bigFont.SetSize( r.Height() / 3.0 );
- tinyFont.SetSize( r.Height() / 7.0 );
- float timeHeight = r.Height() / 2.5;
- float height = ( r.Height() - timeHeight ) / 3.0;
- SetFont( &tinyFont );
- SetHighColor( 0, 180, 0, 255 );
- DrawString( _("File"), BPoint( r.left + 3.0, + height ) );
- DrawString( _("Title"), BPoint( r.left + 3.0, + 2.0 * height ) );
- DrawString( _("Chapter"), BPoint( r.left + 3.0, + 3.0 * height ) );
- SetFont( &smallFont );
- BString helper;
- SetHighColor( 0, 255, 0, 255 );
- // file
- _MakeString( helper, fCurrentFileIndex, fCurrentFileSize );
- float width = StringWidth( helper.String() );
- DrawString( helper.String(), BPoint( r.right - 3.0 - width, + height ) );
- // title
- _MakeString( helper, fCurrentTitleIndex, fCurrentTitleSize );
- width = StringWidth( helper.String() );
- DrawString( helper.String(), BPoint( r.right - 3.0 - width, + 2.0 * height ) );
- // chapter
- _MakeString( helper, fCurrentChapterIndex, fCurrentChapterSize );
- width = StringWidth( helper.String() );
- DrawString( helper.String(), BPoint( r.right - 3.0 - width, + 3.0 * height ) );
- // time
- SetFont( &bigFont );
- width = StringWidth( fTimeString.String() );
- DrawString( fTimeString.String(),
- BPoint( r.left + r.Width() / 2.0 - width / 2.0,
- r.bottom - 3.0 ) );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::ResizeToPreferred
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::ResizeToPreferred()
- {
- float width, height;
- GetPreferredSize( &width, &height );
- ResizeTo( width, height );
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::GetPreferredSize
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::GetPreferredSize( float* width, float* height )
- {
- if ( width && height )
- {
- *width = 5.0 + ceilf( StringWidth( "0:00:00" ) ) + 5.0;
- font_height fh;
- GetFontHeight( &fh );
- *height = 3.0 + ceilf( fh.ascent ) + 3.0;
- fStackedWidthCache = *width * 1.2;
- fStackedHeightCache = *height * 2.7;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::Pulse
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::Pulse()
- {
- // allow for Pulse frequency to be higher, MediaControlView needs it
- bigtime_t now = system_time();
- if ( now - fLastPulseUpdate > 900000 )
- {
- #if 0
- int32 index, size;
- p_intf->p_sys->p_wrapper->GetPlaylistInfo( index, size );
- SetFile( index + 1, size );
- p_intf->p_sys->p_wrapper->TitleInfo( index, size );
- SetTitle( index, size );
- p_intf->p_sys->p_wrapper->ChapterInfo( index, size );
- SetChapter( index, size );
- SetTime( p_intf->p_sys->p_wrapper->GetTimeAsString() );
- fLastPulseUpdate = now;
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::GetBigPreferredSize
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::GetBigPreferredSize( float* width, float* height )
- {
- if ( width && height )
- {
- *width = fStackedWidthCache;
- *height = fStackedHeightCache;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::SetMode
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::SetMode( uint32 mode )
- {
- if ( fMode != mode )
- {
- fMode = mode;
- _InvalidateContents();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::SetFile
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::SetFile( int32 index, int32 size )
- {
- if ( fCurrentFileIndex != index || fCurrentFileSize != size )
- {
- fCurrentFileIndex = index;
- fCurrentFileSize = size;
- _InvalidateContents();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::SetTitle
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::SetTitle( int32 index, int32 size )
- {
- if ( fCurrentTitleIndex != index || fCurrentFileSize != size )
- {
- fCurrentTitleIndex = index;
- fCurrentTitleSize = size;
- _InvalidateContents();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::SetChapter
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::SetChapter( int32 index, int32 size )
- {
- if ( fCurrentChapterIndex != index || fCurrentFileSize != size )
- {
- fCurrentChapterIndex = index;
- fCurrentChapterSize = size;
- _InvalidateContents();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::SetTime
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::SetTime( int32 seconds )
- {
- if ( fSeconds != seconds )
- {
- if ( seconds >= 0 )
- {
- int32 minutes = seconds / 60;
- int32 hours = minutes / 60;
- seconds -= minutes * 60 - hours * 60 * 60;
- minutes -= hours * 60;
- fTimeString.SetTo( "" );
- fTimeString << hours << ":" << minutes << ":" << seconds;
- }
- else
- fTimeString.SetTo( "-:--:--" );
- fSeconds = seconds;
- _InvalidateContents();
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::SetTime
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::SetTime( const char* string )
- {
- fTimeString.SetTo( string );
- _InvalidateContents();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::_InvalidateContents
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::_InvalidateContents( uint32 which )
- {
- BRect r( Bounds() );
- r.InsetBy( 2.0, 2.0 );
- Invalidate( r );
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * PositionInfoView::_InvalidateContents
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PositionInfoView::_MakeString( BString& into, int32 index, int32 maxIndex ) const
- {
- into = "";
- if ( index >= 0 && maxIndex >= 0 )
- into << index;
- else
- into << "-";
- into << "/";
- if ( maxIndex >= 0 )
- into << maxIndex;
- else
- into << "-";
- }