资源名称:vlc-1.0.5.zip [点击查看]
- /*****************************************************************************
- * output.m: MacOS X Output Dialog
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2002-2007 the VideoLAN team
- * $Id: 74c04324607f954db8667eb84701b99b852c3b3f $
- *
- * Authors: Jon Lech Johansen <jon-vl@nanocrew.net>
- * Christophe Massiot <massiot@via.ecp.fr>
- * Derk-Jan Hartman <thedj@users.sourceforge.net>
- * Benjamin Pracht <bigben AT videolan DOT org>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Preamble
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc(), free() */
- #include <string.h>
- #include "intf.h"
- #include "output.h"
- /*****************************************************************************
- * VLCOutput implementation
- *****************************************************************************/
- @implementation VLCOutput
- - (id)init
- {
- self = [super init];
- o_mrl = [[NSArray alloc] init];
- o_transcode = [[NSString alloc] init];
- return self;
- }
- - (void)dealloc
- {
- [o_mrl release];
- [o_transcode release];
- [super dealloc];
- }
- - (void)setMRL:(NSArray *)o_mrl_array
- {
- [o_mrl autorelease];
- o_mrl = [o_mrl_array copy];
- }
- - (NSArray *)mrl
- {
- return [o_mrl copy];
- }
- - (void)setTranscode:(NSString *)o_transcode_string
- {
- [o_transcode autorelease];
- o_transcode = [o_transcode_string copy];
- }
- - (void)awakeFromNib
- {
- [self initStrings];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(outputInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_file_field];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(outputInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_stream_address];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(outputInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_stream_port];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(TTLChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_stream_ttl];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(transcodeInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_transcode_video_bitrate];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(transcodeInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_transcode_video_scale];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(transcodeInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_transcode_audio_bitrate];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(transcodeInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_transcode_audio_channels];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(transcodeInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_channel_name];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(transcodeInfoChanged:)
- name: NSControlTextDidChangeNotification
- object: o_sdp_url];
- [o_mux_selector setAutoenablesItems: NO];
- [self transcodeChanged:nil];
- }
- - (void)initStrings
- {
- NSArray *o_muxers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG TS", @"MPEG PS", @"MPEG 1",
- @"Ogg", @"AVI", @"ASF", @"MPEG 4", @"Quicktime", @"Raw", nil];
- NSArray *o_a_channels = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"1", @"2", @"4", @"6", nil];
- NSArray *o_a_bitrates = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"16", @"32", @"64", @"96",
- @"128", @"192", @"256", @"512", nil];
- NSArray *o_v_bitrates = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"16", @"32", @"64", @"96",
- @"128", @"192", @"256", @"384", @"512", @"768", @"1024", @"2048", @"3072", nil];
- NSArray *o_v_scales = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"0.25",@"0.5",@"0.75",@"1",@"1.25",@"1.5",@"1.75",@"2",nil];
- NSArray *o_a_codecs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"mpga", @"mp3 ", @"a52 ", @"vorb", @"flac", @"spx ", nil]; //@"mp4a"
- NSArray *o_v_codecs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"mp1v", @"mp2v", @"mp4v", @"DIV1",
- @"DIV2", @"DIV3", @"h263", @"h264", @"WMV1", @"WMV2", @"MJPG", @"theo", nil];
- [o_output_ckbox setTitle: _NS("Streaming/Saving:")];
- [o_output_settings setTitle: _NS("Settings...")];
- [o_btn_ok setTitle: _NS("OK")];
- [o_options_lbl setTitle: _NS("Streaming and Transcoding Options")];
- [o_display setTitle: _NS("Display the stream locally")];
- [[o_method cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("File")];
- [[o_method cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("Stream")];
- [o_dump_chkbox setTitle: _NS("Dump raw input")];
- [o_btn_browse setTitle: _NS("Browse...")];
- [o_stream_address_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Address")];
- [o_stream_port_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Port")];
- [o_stream_ttl_lbl setStringValue: @"TTL"];
- [[o_stream_type itemAtIndex: 0] setTitle: @"HTTP"];
- [[o_stream_type itemAtIndex: 1] setTitle: @"MMSH"];
- [[o_stream_type itemAtIndex: 2] setTitle: @"UDP"];
- [[o_stream_type itemAtIndex: 3] setTitle: @"RTP"];
- [o_stream_type_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Type")];
- [o_mux_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Encapsulation Method")];
- [o_mux_selector removeAllItems];
- [o_mux_selector addItemsWithTitles: o_muxers];
- [o_transcode_lbl setTitle: _NS("Transcoding options")];
- [o_transcode_video_chkbox setTitle: _NS("Video")];
- [o_transcode_video_selector removeAllItems];
- [o_transcode_video_selector addItemsWithTitles: o_v_codecs];
- [o_transcode_video_bitrate_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Bitrate (kb/s)")];
- [o_transcode_video_bitrate removeAllItems];
- [o_transcode_video_bitrate addItemsWithObjectValues: o_v_bitrates];
- [o_transcode_video_scale_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Scale")];
- [o_transcode_video_scale removeAllItems];
- [o_transcode_video_scale addItemsWithObjectValues: o_v_scales];
- [o_transcode_video_scale selectItemWithObjectValue: @"1"];
- [o_transcode_audio_chkbox setTitle: _NS("Audio")];
- [o_transcode_audio_selector removeAllItems];
- [o_transcode_audio_selector addItemsWithTitles: o_a_codecs];
- [o_transcode_audio_bitrate_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Bitrate (kb/s)")];
- [o_transcode_audio_bitrate removeAllItems];
- [o_transcode_audio_bitrate addItemsWithObjectValues: o_a_bitrates];
- [o_transcode_audio_channels_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Channels")];
- [o_transcode_audio_channels removeAllItems];
- [o_transcode_audio_channels addItemsWithObjectValues: o_a_channels];
- [o_misc_lbl setTitle: _NS("Stream Announcing")];
- [o_sap_chkbox setTitle: _NS("SAP announce")];
- [o_rtsp_chkbox setTitle: _NS("RTSP announce")];
- [o_http_chkbox setTitle:_NS("HTTP announce")];
- [o_file_chkbox setTitle:_NS("Export SDP as file")];
- [o_channel_name_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Channel Name")];
- [o_sdp_url_lbl setStringValue: _NS("SDP URL")];
- }
- - (IBAction)outputChanged:(id)sender;
- {
- if ([o_output_ckbox state] == NSOnState)
- {
- [o_output_settings setEnabled:YES];
- }
- else
- {
- [o_output_settings setEnabled:NO];
- }
- }
- - (IBAction)outputSettings:(id)sender
- {
- [NSApp beginSheet: o_output_sheet
- modalForWindow: o_open_panel
- modalDelegate: self
- didEndSelector: NULL
- contextInfo: nil];
- }
- - (IBAction)outputCloseSheet:(id)sender
- {
- [o_output_sheet orderOut:sender];
- [NSApp endSheet: o_output_sheet];
- }
- - (void)outputMethodChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification
- {
- NSString *o_mode;
- o_mode = [[o_method selectedCell] title];
- [o_sap_chkbox setEnabled: NO];
- [o_http_chkbox setEnabled: NO];
- [o_rtsp_chkbox setEnabled: NO];
- [o_file_chkbox setEnabled: NO];
- [o_channel_name setEnabled: NO];
- [o_sdp_url setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 0] setEnabled: YES];
- if( [o_mode isEqualToString: _NS("File")] )
- {
- [o_file_field setEnabled: YES];
- [o_btn_browse setEnabled: YES];
- [o_dump_chkbox setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_address setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_port setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_ttl setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_port_stp setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_ttl_stp setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_type setEnabled: NO];
- [o_mux_selector setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 1] setEnabled: YES]; // MPEG PS
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 2] setEnabled: YES]; // MPEG 1
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 3] setEnabled: YES]; // Ogg
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 4] setEnabled: YES]; // AVI
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 5] setEnabled: YES]; // ASF
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 6] setEnabled: YES]; // MPEG 4
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 7] setEnabled: YES]; // QuickTime
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 8] setEnabled: YES]; // Raw
- }
- else if( [o_mode isEqualToString: _NS("Stream")] )
- {
- [o_file_field setEnabled: NO];
- [o_dump_chkbox setEnabled: NO];
- [o_btn_browse setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_port setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_port_stp setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_type setEnabled: YES];
- [o_mux_selector setEnabled: YES];
- o_mode = [o_stream_type titleOfSelectedItem];
- if( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"HTTP"] )
- {
- [o_stream_address setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_ttl setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_ttl_stp setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 1] setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 2] setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 3] setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 4] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 5] setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 6] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 7] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 8] setEnabled: YES];
- }
- else if( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"MMSH"] )
- {
- [o_stream_address setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_ttl setEnabled: NO];
- [o_stream_ttl_stp setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 0] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 1] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 2] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 3] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 4] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 5] setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 6] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 7] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 8] setEnabled: NO];
- [o_mux_selector selectItemAtIndex: 5];
- }
- else if( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"UDP"] )
- {
- [o_stream_address setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_ttl setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_ttl_stp setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 1] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 2] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 3] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 4] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 5] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 6] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 7] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 8] setEnabled: YES];
- [o_sap_chkbox setEnabled: YES];
- [o_channel_name setEnabled: YES];
- }
- else if( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"RTP"] )
- {
- [o_stream_address setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_ttl setEnabled: YES];
- [o_stream_ttl_stp setEnabled: YES];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 0] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 1] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 2] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 3] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 4] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 5] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 6] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 7] setEnabled: NO];
- [[o_mux_selector itemAtIndex: 8] setEnabled: YES];
- [o_mux_selector selectItemAtIndex: 8];
- [o_sap_chkbox setEnabled: YES];
- [o_rtsp_chkbox setEnabled: YES];
- [o_http_chkbox setEnabled: YES];
- [o_file_chkbox setEnabled: YES];
- [o_channel_name setEnabled: YES];
- }
- }
- if( ![[o_mux_selector selectedItem] isEnabled] && ![o_mode isEqualToString: @"RTP"] )
- {
- [o_mux_selector selectItemAtIndex: 0];
- }
- else if (![[o_mux_selector selectedItem] isEnabled] && [o_mode isEqualToString: @"RTP"] )
- {
- [o_mux_selector selectItemAtIndex: 8];
- }
- [self outputInfoChanged: nil];
- }
- - (void)outputInfoChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification
- {
- NSString *o_mode, *o_mux, *o_mux_string;
- NSMutableString *o_announce = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
- NSMutableString *o_mrl_string = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@":sout=#"];
- NSArray *o_sout_options;
- [o_mrl_string appendString: o_transcode];
- if( [o_display state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_mrl_string appendString: @"duplicate{dst=display,dst="];
- }
- o_mode = [[o_method selectedCell] title];
- o_mux = [o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem];
- if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"AVI"] ) o_mux_string = @"avi";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"Ogg"] ) o_mux_string = @"ogg";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"MPEG PS"] ) o_mux_string = @"ps";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"MPEG 4"] ) o_mux_string = @"mp4";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"MPEG 1"] ) o_mux_string = @"mpeg1";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"Quicktime"] ) o_mux_string = @"mov";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"ASF"] ) o_mux_string = @"asf";
- else if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"Raw"] ) o_mux_string = @"raw";
- else o_mux_string = @"ts";
- if( [o_mode isEqualToString: _NS("File")] )
- {
- if( [o_dump_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- NSMutableArray * o_sout_options;
- o_sout_options = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- [NSString stringWithString:
- @":demux=dump"],
- [NSString stringWithFormat:
- @":demuxdump-file=%@",
- [o_file_field stringValue]],
- nil];
- [self setMRL:o_sout_options];
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- [o_mrl_string appendFormat:
- @"std{access=file,mux=%@,dst="%@"}",
- o_mux_string, [o_file_field stringValue]];
- }
- }
- else if( [o_mode isEqualToString: _NS("Stream")] )
- {
- o_mode = [o_stream_type titleOfSelectedItem];
- if ( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"HTTP"] )
- o_mode = @"http";
- else if ( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"MMSH"] )
- {
- if ( [o_mux isEqualToString: @"ASF"] ) o_mux_string = @"asfh";
- o_mode = @"mmsh";
- }
- else if ( [o_mode isEqualToString: @"UDP"] )
- {
- o_mode = @"udp";
- if( [o_sap_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- if ( ![[o_channel_name stringValue] isEqualToString: @""] )
- [o_announce appendFormat:
- @",sap,name=%@", [o_channel_name stringValue]];
- else
- [o_announce appendFormat:@",sap"];
- }
- }
- if ( ![o_mode isEqualToString: @"RTP"] )
- {
- /* split up the hostname and the following path to paste the
- * port correctly. Not need, if there isn't any path following the
- * hostname. */
- NSArray * o_urlItems = [[o_stream_address stringValue]
- componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
- NSMutableString * o_finalStreamAddress;
- o_finalStreamAddress = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
- if ([o_urlItems count] == 1)
- {
- [o_finalStreamAddress appendFormat: @""%@:%@"",
- [o_stream_address stringValue],[o_stream_port stringValue]];
- }
- else
- {
- [o_finalStreamAddress appendFormat: @""%@:%@", [o_urlItems
- objectAtIndex: 0], [o_stream_port stringValue]];
- unsigned int x;
- x = 1;
- while (x != [o_urlItems count])
- {
- [o_finalStreamAddress appendFormat: @"/%@", [o_urlItems
- objectAtIndex: x]];
- x = (x + 1);
- }
- [o_finalStreamAddress appendString: @"""];
- }
- [o_mrl_string appendFormat:
- @"std{access=%@,mux=%@,dst=%@%@}",
- o_mode, o_mux_string, o_finalStreamAddress, o_announce];
- }
- else
- {
- NSString * o_stream_name;
- if (![[o_channel_name stringValue] isEqualToString: @""] )
- {
- o_stream_name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@",name=%@",
- [o_channel_name stringValue]];
- }
- else
- {
- o_stream_name = @"";
- }
- if ( [o_sap_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_announce appendString: @",sdp=sap"];
- }
- if ([o_rtsp_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_announce appendFormat:@",sdp="rtsp://%@"",[o_sdp_url stringValue]];
- }
- if ([o_http_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_announce appendFormat:@",sdp="http://%@"",[o_sdp_url stringValue]];
- }
- if ([o_file_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_announce appendFormat:@",sdp="file://%@"",[o_sdp_url stringValue]];
- }
- [o_mrl_string appendFormat:
- @"rtp{dst="%@",port=%@%@%@}",[o_stream_address stringValue],
- [o_stream_port stringValue], o_stream_name, o_announce];
- }
- }
- if( [o_display state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_mrl_string appendString: @"}"];
- }
- o_sout_options = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: o_mrl_string,nil];
- [self setMRL:o_sout_options];
- }
- - (void)TTLChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification
- {
- intf_thread_t * p_intf = VLCIntf;
- config_PutInt( p_intf, "ttl", [o_stream_ttl intValue] );
- }
- - (IBAction)outputFileBrowse:(id)sender
- {
- NSSavePanel *o_save_panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
- NSString *o_mux_string;
- if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"MPEG PS"] )
- o_mux_string = @"vob";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"MPEG 1"] )
- o_mux_string = @"mpg";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"AVI"] )
- o_mux_string = @"avi";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"ASF"] )
- o_mux_string = @"asf";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"Ogg"] )
- o_mux_string = @"ogm";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"MPEG 4"] )
- o_mux_string = @"mp4";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"Quicktime"] )
- o_mux_string = @"mov";
- else if ( [[o_mux_selector titleOfSelectedItem] isEqualToString: @"Raw"] )
- o_mux_string = @"raw";
- else
- o_mux_string = @"ts";
- NSString * o_name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"vlc-output.%@",
- o_mux_string];
- [o_save_panel setTitle: _NS("Save File")];
- [o_save_panel setPrompt: _NS("Save")];
- if( [o_save_panel runModalForDirectory: nil
- file: o_name] == NSOKButton )
- {
- NSString *o_filename = [o_save_panel filename];
- [o_file_field setStringValue: o_filename];
- [self outputInfoChanged: nil];
- }
- }
- - (IBAction)streamPortStepperChanged:(id)sender
- {
- [o_stream_port setIntValue: [o_stream_port_stp intValue]];
- [self outputInfoChanged: nil];
- }
- - (IBAction)streamTTLStepperChanged:(id)sender
- {
- [o_stream_ttl setIntValue: [o_stream_ttl_stp intValue]];
- [self TTLChanged:nil];
- }
- - (void)transcodeChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification
- {
- if( [o_transcode_video_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_transcode_video_selector setEnabled: YES];
- [o_transcode_video_bitrate setEnabled: YES];
- [o_transcode_video_scale setEnabled: YES];
- }
- else
- {
- [o_transcode_video_selector setEnabled: NO];
- [o_transcode_video_bitrate setEnabled: NO];
- [o_transcode_video_scale setEnabled: NO];
- }
- if( [o_transcode_audio_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_transcode_audio_selector setEnabled: YES];
- [o_transcode_audio_bitrate setEnabled: YES];
- [o_transcode_audio_channels setEnabled: YES];
- }
- else
- {
- [o_transcode_audio_selector setEnabled: NO];
- [o_transcode_audio_bitrate setEnabled: NO];
- [o_transcode_audio_channels setEnabled: NO];
- }
- [self transcodeInfoChanged:nil];
- }
- - (void)transcodeInfoChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification
- {
- NSMutableString *o_transcode_string;
- if( [o_transcode_video_chkbox state] == NSOnState ||
- [o_transcode_audio_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- o_transcode_string = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"transcode{"];
- if ( [o_transcode_video_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_transcode_string appendFormat: @"vcodec="%@",vb="%@""
- ",scale="%@"",
- [o_transcode_video_selector titleOfSelectedItem],
- [o_transcode_video_bitrate stringValue],
- [o_transcode_video_scale stringValue]];
- if ( [o_transcode_audio_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_transcode_string appendString: @","];
- }
- }
- if ( [o_transcode_audio_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_transcode_string appendFormat: @"acodec="%@",ab="%@"",
- [o_transcode_audio_selector titleOfSelectedItem],
- [o_transcode_audio_bitrate stringValue]];
- if ( ![[o_transcode_audio_channels stringValue]
- isEqualToString: @""])
- {
- [o_transcode_string appendFormat: @",channels="%@"",
- [o_transcode_audio_channels stringValue]];
- }
- }
- [o_transcode_string appendString:@"}:"];
- }
- else
- {
- o_transcode_string = [NSString stringWithString:@""];
- }
- [self setTranscode: o_transcode_string];
- [self outputInfoChanged:nil];
- }
- - (IBAction)announceChanged:(id)sender
- {
- NSString *o_mode;
- o_mode = [[o_stream_type selectedCell] title];
- [o_channel_name setEnabled: [o_sap_chkbox state] ||
- [o_mode isEqualToString: @"RTP"]];
- if ([o_mode isEqualToString: @"RTP"])
- {
- /* if ([[sender title] isEqualToString: _NS("SAP announce")])
- {
- [o_rtsp_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- [o_http_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- }*/
- if ([[sender title] isEqualToString:_NS("RTSP announce")])
- {
- // [o_sap_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- [o_http_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- [o_file_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- }
- else if ([[sender title] isEqualToString:_NS("HTTP announce")])
- {
- // [o_sap_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- [o_rtsp_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- [o_file_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- }
- else if ([[sender title] isEqualToString:_NS("Export SDP as file")])
- {
- [o_rtsp_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- [o_http_chkbox setState:NSOffState];
- }
- if ( [o_rtsp_chkbox state] == NSOnState ||
- [o_http_chkbox state] == NSOnState ||
- [o_file_chkbox state] == NSOnState )
- {
- [o_sdp_url setEnabled: YES];
- }
- else
- {
- [o_sdp_url setEnabled: NO];
- }
- }
- [self outputInfoChanged: nil];
- }
- @end