资源名称:vlc-1.0.5.zip [点击查看]
- /*****************************************************************************
- * extended_panels.cpp : Extended controls panels
- ****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 the VideoLAN team
- * $Id: cf4d0cc28ce925a97a3d3ef7a27bb2a3bef801aa $
- *
- * Authors: Clément Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org>
- * Antoine Cellerier <dionoea .t videolan d@t org>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * ( at your option ) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include <QLabel>
- #include <QVariant>
- #include <QString>
- #include <QFont>
- #include <QGridLayout>
- #include <QSignalMapper>
- #include <QComboBox>
- #include "components/extended_panels.hpp"
- #include "dialogs/preferences.hpp"
- #include "qt4.hpp"
- #include "input_manager.hpp"
- #include "../../audio_filter/equalizer_presets.h"
- #include <vlc_aout.h>
- #include <vlc_intf_strings.h>
- #include <vlc_vout.h>
- #include <vlc_osd.h>
- #include <vlc_charset.h> /* us_strtod */
- #if 0
- class ConfClickHandler : public QObject
- {
- public:
- ConfClickHandler( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, ExtVideo *_e ) : QObject ( _e ) {
- e = _e; p_intf = _p_intf;
- }
- virtual ~ConfClickHandler() {}
- bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *evt )
- {
- if( evt->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
- {
- e->gotoConf( obj );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private:
- ExtVideo* e;
- intf_thread_t *p_intf;
- };
- #endif
- QString ModuleFromWidgetName( QObject *obj )
- {
- return obj->objectName().replace( "Enable","" );
- }
- QString OptionFromWidgetName( QObject *obj )
- {
- /* Gruik ? ... nah */
- QString option = obj->objectName().replace( "Slider", "" )
- .replace( "Combo" , "" )
- .replace( "Dial" , "" )
- .replace( "Check" , "" )
- .replace( "Spin" , "" )
- .replace( "Text" , "" );
- for( char a = 'A'; a <= 'Z'; a++ )
- {
- option = option.replace( QString( a ),
- QString( '-' ) + QString( a + 'a' - 'A' ) );
- }
- return option;
- }
- ExtVideo::ExtVideo( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QTabWidget *_parent ) :
- QObject( _parent ), p_intf( _p_intf )
- {
- ui.setupUi( _parent );
- p_vout = NULL;
- #define SETUP_VFILTER( widget )
- {
- vlc_object_t *p_obj = ( vlc_object_t * )
- vlc_object_find_name( p_intf->p_libvlc,
- #widget,
- QCheckBox *checkbox = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>( ui.widget##Enable );
- QGroupBox *groupbox = qobject_cast<QGroupBox*>( ui.widget##Enable );
- if( p_obj )
- {
- vlc_object_release( p_obj );
- if( checkbox ) checkbox->setChecked( true );
- else groupbox->setChecked( true );
- }
- else
- {
- if( checkbox ) checkbox->setChecked( false );
- else groupbox->setChecked( false );
- }
- }
- CONNECT( ui.widget##Enable, clicked(), this, updateFilters() );
- #define SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( widget, signal )
- initComboBoxItems( ui.widget );
- setWidgetValue( ui.widget );
- CONNECT( ui.widget, signal, this, updateFilterOptions() );
- SETUP_VFILTER( adjust )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( hueSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( contrastSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( brightnessSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( saturationSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( gammaSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( brightnessThresholdCheck, stateChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( extract )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( extractComponentText, textChanged( const QString& ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( colorthres )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( colorthresColorText, textChanged( const QString& ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( colorthresSaturationthresSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( colorthresSimilaritythresSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( invert )
- SETUP_VFILTER( gradient )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( gradientModeCombo, currentIndexChanged( QString ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( gradientTypeCheck, stateChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( gradientCartoonCheck, stateChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( motionblur )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( blurFactorSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( motiondetect )
- SETUP_VFILTER( noise )
- SETUP_VFILTER( psychedelic )
- SETUP_VFILTER( sharpen )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( sharpenSigmaSlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( ripple )
- SETUP_VFILTER( transform )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( transformTypeCombo, currentIndexChanged( QString ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( rotate )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( rotateAngleDial, valueChanged( int ) )
- ui.rotateAngleDial->setWrapping( true );
- ui.rotateAngleDial->setNotchesVisible( true );
- SETUP_VFILTER( puzzle )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( puzzleRowsSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( puzzleColsSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( puzzleBlackSlotCheck, stateChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( magnify )
- SETUP_VFILTER( clone )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( cloneCountSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( wallRowsSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( wallColsSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( panoramix )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( panoramixRowsSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( panoramixColsSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER( erase )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( eraseMaskText, editingFinished() )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( eraseYSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( eraseXSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( marqMarqueeText, textChanged( const QString& ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( marqPositionCombo, currentIndexChanged( QString ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( logoFileText, editingFinished() )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( logoYSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( logoXSpin, valueChanged( int ) )
- SETUP_VFILTER_OPTION( logoTransparencySlider, valueChanged( int ) )
- CONNECT( ui.cropTopPx, valueChanged( int ), this, cropChange() );
- CONNECT( ui.cropBotPx, valueChanged( int ), this, cropChange() );
- CONNECT( ui.cropLeftPx, valueChanged( int ), this, cropChange() );
- CONNECT( ui.cropRightPx, valueChanged( int ), this, cropChange() );
- CONNECT( ui.leftRightCropSync, toggled ( bool ), this, cropChange() );
- CONNECT( ui.topBotCropSync, toggled ( bool ), this, cropChange() );
- CONNECT( ui.topBotCropSync, toggled( bool ),
- ui.cropBotPx, setDisabled( bool ) );
- CONNECT( ui.leftRightCropSync, toggled( bool ),
- ui.cropRightPx, setDisabled( bool ) );
- }
- ExtVideo::~ExtVideo()
- {
- }
- void ExtVideo::cropChange()
- {
- if( ui.topBotCropSync->isChecked() )
- ui.cropBotPx->setValue( ui.cropTopPx->value() );
- if( ui.leftRightCropSync->isChecked() )
- ui.cropRightPx->setValue( ui.cropLeftPx->value() );
- p_vout = THEMIM->getVout();
- if( p_vout )
- {
- var_SetInteger( p_vout, "crop-top", ui.cropTopPx->value() );
- var_SetInteger( p_vout, "crop-bottom", ui.cropBotPx->value() );
- var_SetInteger( p_vout, "crop-left", ui.cropLeftPx->value() );
- var_SetInteger( p_vout, "crop-right", ui.cropRightPx->value() );
- vlc_object_release( p_vout );
- }
- }
- void ExtVideo::clean()
- {
- ui.cropTopPx->setValue( 0 );
- ui.cropBotPx->setValue( 0 );
- ui.cropLeftPx->setValue( 0 );
- ui.cropRightPx->setValue( 0 );
- }
- void ExtVideo::ChangeVFiltersString( const char *psz_name, bool b_add )
- {
- char *psz_parser, *psz_string;
- const char *psz_filter_type;
- module_t *p_obj = module_find( psz_name );
- if( !p_obj )
- {
- msg_Err( p_intf, "Unable to find filter module "%s".", psz_name );
- return;
- }
- if( module_provides( p_obj, "video filter2" ) )
- {
- psz_filter_type = "video-filter";
- }
- else if( module_provides( p_obj, "video filter" ) )
- {
- psz_filter_type = "vout-filter";
- }
- else if( module_provides( p_obj, "sub filter" ) )
- {
- psz_filter_type = "sub-filter";
- }
- else
- {
- module_release (p_obj);
- msg_Err( p_intf, "Unknown video filter type." );
- return;
- }
- module_release (p_obj);
- psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_intf, psz_filter_type );
- if( !psz_string ) psz_string = strdup( "" );
- psz_parser = strstr( psz_string, psz_name );
- if( b_add )
- {
- if( !psz_parser )
- {
- psz_parser = psz_string;
- if( asprintf( &psz_string, ( *psz_string ) ? "%s:%s" : "%s%s",
- psz_string, psz_name ) == -1 )
- {
- free( psz_parser );
- return;
- }
- free( psz_parser );
- }
- else
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( psz_parser )
- {
- if( *( psz_parser + strlen( psz_name ) ) == ':' )
- {
- memmove( psz_parser, psz_parser + strlen( psz_name ) + 1,
- strlen( psz_parser + strlen( psz_name ) + 1 ) + 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- *psz_parser = ' ';
- }
- /* Remove trailing : : */
- if( strlen( psz_string ) > 0 &&
- *( psz_string + strlen( psz_string ) -1 ) == ':' )
- {
- *( psz_string + strlen( psz_string ) -1 ) = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- free( psz_string );
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Vout is not kept, so put that in the config */
- config_PutPsz( p_intf, psz_filter_type, psz_string );
- if( !strcmp( psz_filter_type, "video-filter" ) )
- ui.videoFilterText->setText( psz_string );
- else if( !strcmp( psz_filter_type, "vout-filter" ) )
- ui.voutFilterText->setText( psz_string );
- else if( !strcmp( psz_filter_type, "sub-filter" ) )
- ui.subpictureFilterText->setText( psz_string );
- /* Try to set on the fly */
- p_vout = THEMIM->getVout();
- if( p_vout )
- {
- if( !strcmp( psz_filter_type, "sub-filter" ) )
- var_SetString( p_vout->p_spu, psz_filter_type, psz_string );
- else
- var_SetString( p_vout, psz_filter_type, psz_string );
- vlc_object_release( p_vout );
- }
- free( psz_string );
- }
- void ExtVideo::updateFilters()
- {
- QString module = ModuleFromWidgetName( sender() );
- QCheckBox *checkbox = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>( sender() );
- QGroupBox *groupbox = qobject_cast<QGroupBox*>( sender() );
- ChangeVFiltersString( qtu( module ),
- checkbox ? checkbox->isChecked()
- : groupbox->isChecked() );
- }
- void ExtVideo::initComboBoxItems( QObject *widget )
- {
- QComboBox *combobox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( widget );
- if( !combobox ) return;
- QString option = OptionFromWidgetName( widget );
- module_config_t *p_item = config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ),
- qtu( option ) );
- if( p_item )
- {
- int i_type = p_item->i_type & CONFIG_ITEM;
- for( int i_index = 0; i_index < p_item->i_list; i_index++ )
- {
- if( i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER
- || i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL )
- combobox->addItem( qfu( p_item->ppsz_list_text[i_index] ),
- p_item->pi_list[i_index] );
- else if( i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_STRING )
- combobox->addItem( qfu( p_item->ppsz_list_text[i_index] ),
- p_item->ppsz_list[i_index] );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- msg_Err( p_intf, "Couldn't find option "%s".",
- qtu( option ) );
- }
- }
- void ExtVideo::setWidgetValue( QObject *widget )
- {
- QString module = ModuleFromWidgetName( widget->parent() );
- //std::cout << "Module name: " << module.toStdString() << std::endl;
- QString option = OptionFromWidgetName( widget );
- //std::cout << "Option name: " << option.toStdString() << std::endl;
- vlc_object_t *p_obj = ( vlc_object_t * )
- vlc_object_find_name( p_intf->p_libvlc,
- qtu( module ),
- int i_type;
- vlc_value_t val;
- if( !p_obj )
- {
- #if 0
- msg_Dbg( p_intf,
- "Module instance %s not found, looking in config values.",
- qtu( module ) );
- #endif
- i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, qtu( option ) ) & 0xf0;
- switch( i_type )
- {
- case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
- val.i_int = config_GetInt( p_intf, qtu( option ) );
- break;
- val.f_float = config_GetFloat( p_intf, qtu( option ) );
- break;
- val.psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_intf, qtu( option ) );
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- i_type = var_Type( p_obj, qtu( option ) ) & 0xf0;
- var_Get( p_obj, qtu( option ), &val );
- vlc_object_release( p_obj );
- }
- /* Try to cast to all the widgets we're likely to encounter. Only
- * one of the casts is expected to work. */
- QSlider *slider = qobject_cast<QSlider*> ( widget );
- QCheckBox *checkbox = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*> ( widget );
- QSpinBox *spinbox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox*> ( widget );
- QDoubleSpinBox *doublespinbox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( widget );
- QDial *dial = qobject_cast<QDial*> ( widget );
- QLineEdit *lineedit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*> ( widget );
- QComboBox *combobox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*> ( widget );
- if( i_type == VLC_VAR_INTEGER || i_type == VLC_VAR_BOOL )
- {
- if( slider ) slider->setValue( val.i_int );
- else if( checkbox ) checkbox->setCheckState( val.i_int? Qt::Checked
- : Qt::Unchecked );
- else if( spinbox ) spinbox->setValue( val.i_int );
- else if( dial ) dial->setValue( ( 540-val.i_int )%360 );
- else if( lineedit )
- {
- char str[30];
- snprintf( str, sizeof(str), "%06X", val.i_int );
- lineedit->setText( str );
- }
- else if( combobox ) combobox->setCurrentIndex(
- combobox->findData( val.i_int ) );
- else msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops %s %s %d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
- }
- else if( i_type == VLC_VAR_FLOAT )
- {
- if( slider ) slider->setValue( ( int )( val.f_float*( double )slider->tickInterval() ) ); /* hack alert! */
- else if( doublespinbox ) doublespinbox->setValue( val.f_float );
- else msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops %s %s %d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
- }
- else if( i_type == VLC_VAR_STRING )
- {
- if( lineedit ) lineedit->setText( qfu( val.psz_string ) );
- else if( combobox ) combobox->setCurrentIndex(
- combobox->findData( qfu( val.psz_string ) ) );
- else msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops %s %s %d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
- free( val.psz_string );
- }
- else
- msg_Err( p_intf,
- "Module %s's %s variable is of an unsupported type ( %d )",
- qtu( module ),
- qtu( option ),
- i_type );
- }
- void ExtVideo::updateFilterOptions()
- {
- QString module = ModuleFromWidgetName( sender()->parent() );
- //std::cout << "Module name: " << module.toStdString() << std::endl;
- QString option = OptionFromWidgetName( sender() );
- //std::cout << "Option name: " << option.toStdString() << std::endl;
- vlc_object_t *p_obj = ( vlc_object_t * )
- vlc_object_find_name( p_intf->p_libvlc,
- qtu( module ),
- int i_type;
- bool b_is_command;
- if( !p_obj )
- {
- msg_Warn( p_intf, "Module %s not found. You'll need to restart the filter to take the change into account.", qtu( module ) );
- i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, qtu( option ) );
- b_is_command = false;
- }
- else
- {
- i_type = var_Type( p_obj, qtu( option ) );
- b_is_command = ( i_type & VLC_VAR_ISCOMMAND );
- }
- if( !b_is_command )
- {
- msg_Warn( p_intf, "Module %s's %s variable isn't a command. You'll need to restart the filter to take change into account.",
- qtu( module ),
- qtu( option ) );
- /* FIXME: restart automatically somewhere near the end of this function */
- }
- /* Try to cast to all the widgets we're likely to encounter. Only
- * one of the casts is expected to work. */
- QSlider *slider = qobject_cast<QSlider*> ( sender() );
- QCheckBox *checkbox = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*> ( sender() );
- QSpinBox *spinbox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox*> ( sender() );
- QDoubleSpinBox *doublespinbox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( sender() );
- QDial *dial = qobject_cast<QDial*> ( sender() );
- QLineEdit *lineedit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*> ( sender() );
- QComboBox *combobox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*> ( sender() );
- i_type &= 0xf0;
- if( i_type == VLC_VAR_INTEGER || i_type == VLC_VAR_BOOL )
- {
- int i_int = 0;
- if( slider ) i_int = slider->value();
- else if( checkbox ) i_int = checkbox->checkState() == Qt::Checked;
- else if( spinbox ) i_int = spinbox->value();
- else if( dial ) i_int = ( 540-dial->value() )%360;
- else if( lineedit ) i_int = lineedit->text().toInt( NULL,16 );
- else if( combobox ) i_int = combobox->itemData( combobox->currentIndex() ).toInt();
- else msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops %s %s %d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
- config_PutInt( p_intf, qtu( option ), i_int );
- if( b_is_command )
- {
- if( i_type == VLC_VAR_INTEGER )
- var_SetInteger( p_obj, qtu( option ), i_int );
- else
- var_SetBool( p_obj, qtu( option ), i_int );
- }
- }
- else if( i_type == VLC_VAR_FLOAT )
- {
- double f_float = 0;
- if( slider ) f_float = ( double )slider->value()
- / ( double )slider->tickInterval(); /* hack alert! */
- else if( doublespinbox ) f_float = doublespinbox->value();
- else if( lineedit ) f_float = lineedit->text().toDouble();
- else msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops %s %s %d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
- config_PutFloat( p_intf, qtu( option ), f_float );
- if( b_is_command )
- var_SetFloat( p_obj, qtu( option ), f_float );
- }
- else if( i_type == VLC_VAR_STRING )
- {
- char *psz_string = NULL;
- if( lineedit ) psz_string = strdup( qtu( lineedit->text() ) );
- else if( combobox ) psz_string = strdup( qtu( combobox->itemData(
- combobox->currentIndex() ).toString() ) );
- else msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops %s %s %d", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
- config_PutPsz( p_intf, qtu( option ), psz_string );
- if( b_is_command )
- var_SetString( p_obj, qtu( option ), psz_string );
- free( psz_string );
- }
- else
- msg_Err( p_intf,
- "Module %s's %s variable is of an unsupported type ( %d )",
- qtu( module ),
- qtu( option ),
- i_type );
- if( p_obj ) vlc_object_release( p_obj );
- }
- #if 0
- void ExtVideo::gotoConf( QObject* src )
- {
- #define SHOWCONF( module )
- if( src->objectName().contains( module ) )
- {
- PrefsDialog::getInstance( p_intf )->showModulePrefs( module );
- return;
- }
- SHOWCONF( "clone" );
- SHOWCONF( "magnify" );
- SHOWCONF( "wave" );
- SHOWCONF( "ripple" );
- SHOWCONF( "invert" );
- SHOWCONF( "puzzle" );
- SHOWCONF( "wall" );
- SHOWCONF( "gradient" );
- SHOWCONF( "colorthres" )
- }
- #endif
- /**********************************************************************
- * v4l2 controls
- **********************************************************************/
- ExtV4l2::ExtV4l2( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent )
- : QWidget( _parent ), p_intf( _p_intf )
- {
- ui.setupUi( this );
- BUTTONACT( ui.refresh, Refresh() );
- box = NULL;
- }
- ExtV4l2::~ExtV4l2()
- {
- delete box;
- }
- void ExtV4l2::showEvent( QShowEvent *event )
- {
- QWidget::showEvent( event );
- Refresh();
- }
- void ExtV4l2::Refresh( void )
- {
- vlc_object_t *p_obj = (vlc_object_t*)vlc_object_find_name( p_intf, "v4l2", FIND_ANYWHERE );
- ui.help->hide();
- if( box )
- {
- ui.vboxLayout->removeWidget( box );
- delete box;
- box = NULL;
- }
- if( p_obj )
- {
- vlc_value_t val, text, name;
- int i_ret = var_Change( p_obj, "controls", VLC_VAR_GETCHOICES,
- &val, &text );
- if( i_ret < 0 )
- {
- msg_Err( p_intf, "Oops, v4l2 object doesn't have a 'controls' variable." );
- ui.help->show();
- vlc_object_release( p_obj );
- return;
- }
- box = new QGroupBox( this );
- ui.vboxLayout->addWidget( box );
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( box );
- box->setLayout( layout );
- for( int i = 0; i < val.p_list->i_count; i++ )
- {
- const char *psz_var = text.p_list->p_values[i].psz_string;
- var_Change( p_obj, psz_var, VLC_VAR_GETTEXT, &name, NULL );
- const char *psz_label = name.psz_string;
- msg_Dbg( p_intf, "v4l2 control "%x": %s (%s)",
- val.p_list->p_values[i].i_int, psz_var, name.psz_string );
- int i_type = var_Type( p_obj, psz_var );
- switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
- {
- {
- QLabel *label = new QLabel( psz_label, box );
- QHBoxLayout *hlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- hlayout->addWidget( label );
- int i_val = var_GetInteger( p_obj, psz_var );
- if( i_type & VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE )
- {
- QComboBox *combobox = new QComboBox( box );
- combobox->setObjectName( psz_var );
- vlc_value_t val2, text2;
- var_Change( p_obj, psz_var, VLC_VAR_GETCHOICES,
- &val2, &text2 );
- for( int j = 0; j < val2.p_list->i_count; j++ )
- {
- combobox->addItem(
- text2.p_list->p_values[j].psz_string,
- val2.p_list->p_values[j].i_int );
- if( i_val == val2.p_list->p_values[j].i_int )
- combobox->setCurrentIndex( j );
- }
- var_Change( p_obj, psz_var, VLC_VAR_FREELIST,
- &val2, &text2 );
- CONNECT( combobox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this,
- ValueChange( int ) );
- hlayout->addWidget( combobox );
- }
- else
- {
- QSlider *slider = new QSlider( box );
- slider->setObjectName( psz_var );
- slider->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
- vlc_value_t val2;
- var_Change( p_obj, psz_var, VLC_VAR_GETMIN,
- &val2, NULL );
- slider->setMinimum( val2.i_int );
- var_Change( p_obj, psz_var, VLC_VAR_GETMAX,
- &val2, NULL );
- slider->setMaximum( val2.i_int );
- var_Change( p_obj, psz_var, VLC_VAR_GETSTEP,
- &val2, NULL );
- slider->setSingleStep( val2.i_int );
- slider->setValue( i_val );
- CONNECT( slider, valueChanged( int ), this,
- ValueChange( int ) );
- hlayout->addWidget( slider );
- }
- layout->addLayout( hlayout );
- break;
- }
- case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
- {
- QCheckBox *button = new QCheckBox( psz_label, box );
- button->setObjectName( psz_var );
- button->setChecked( var_GetBool( p_obj, psz_var ) );
- CONNECT( button, clicked( bool ), this,
- ValueChange( bool ) );
- layout->addWidget( button );
- break;
- }
- case VLC_VAR_VOID:
- {
- if( i_type & VLC_VAR_ISCOMMAND )
- {
- QPushButton *button = new QPushButton( psz_label, box );
- button->setObjectName( psz_var );
- CONNECT( button, clicked( bool ), this,
- ValueChange( bool ) );
- layout->addWidget( button );
- }
- else
- {
- QLabel *label = new QLabel( psz_label, box );
- layout->addWidget( label );
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- msg_Warn( p_intf, "Unhandled var type for %s", psz_var );
- break;
- }
- free( name.psz_string );
- }
- var_Change( p_obj, "controls", VLC_VAR_FREELIST, &val, &text );
- vlc_object_release( p_obj );
- }
- else
- {
- msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Couldn't find v4l2 instance" );
- ui.help->show();
- }
- }
- void ExtV4l2::ValueChange( bool value )
- {
- ValueChange( (int)value );
- }
- void ExtV4l2::ValueChange( int value )
- {
- QObject *s = sender();
- vlc_object_t *p_obj = (vlc_object_t*)vlc_object_find_name( p_intf, "v4l2", FIND_ANYWHERE );
- if( p_obj )
- {
- char *psz_var = strdup( qtu( s->objectName() ) );
- int i_type = var_Type( p_obj, psz_var );
- switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
- {
- if( i_type & VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE )
- {
- QComboBox *combobox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( s );
- value = combobox->itemData( value ).toInt();
- }
- var_SetInteger( p_obj, psz_var, value );
- break;
- case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
- var_SetBool( p_obj, psz_var, value );
- break;
- case VLC_VAR_VOID:
- var_SetVoid( p_obj, psz_var );
- break;
- }
- free( psz_var );
- vlc_object_release( p_obj );
- }
- else
- {
- msg_Warn( p_intf, "Oops, v4l2 object isn't available anymore" );
- Refresh();
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * Equalizer
- **********************************************************************/
- static const QString band_frequencies[] =
- {
- " 60 Hz ", " 170 Hz ", " 310 Hz ", " 600 Hz ", " 1 kHz ",
- " 3 kHz ", " 6 kHz ", " 12 kHz ", " 14 kHz ", " 16 kHz "
- };
- Equalizer::Equalizer( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent ) :
- QWidget( _parent ) , p_intf( _p_intf )
- {
- QFont smallFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>( 0 ) );
- smallFont.setPointSize( smallFont.pointSize() - 3 );
- ui.setupUi( this );
- ui.preampLabel->setFont( smallFont );
- /* Setup of presetsComboBox */
- presetsComboBox = ui.presetsCombo;
- CONNECT( presetsComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ),
- this, updateUISliderValues( int ) );
- CONNECT( presetsComboBox, activated( int ), this, setCorePreset( int ) );
- /* Add the sliders for the Bands */
- QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( ui.frame );
- grid->setMargin( 0 );
- for( int i = 0 ; i < BANDS ; i++ )
- {
- bands[i] = new QSlider( Qt::Vertical );
- bands[i]->setMaximum( 400 );
- bands[i]->setValue( 200 );
- CONNECT( bands[i], valueChanged( int ), this, setCoreBands() );
- band_texts[i] = new QLabel( band_frequencies[i] + "n0.0dB" );
- band_texts[i]->setFont( smallFont );
- grid->addWidget( bands[i], 0, i );
- grid->addWidget( band_texts[i], 1, i );
- }
- /* Add the listed presets */
- for( int i = 0 ; i < NB_PRESETS ; i ++ )
- {
- presetsComboBox->addItem( qtr( preset_list_text[i] ),
- QVariant( preset_list[i] ) );
- }
- /* Connects */
- BUTTONACT( ui.enableCheck, enable() );
- BUTTONACT( ui.eq2PassCheck, set2Pass() );
- CONNECT( ui.preampSlider, valueChanged( int ), this, setPreamp() );
- /* Do the update from the value of the core */
- updateUIFromCore();
- }
- Equalizer::~Equalizer()
- {
- }
- void Equalizer::clean()
- {
- enable();
- }
- /* Write down initial values */
- void Equalizer::updateUIFromCore()
- {
- char *psz_af, *psz_pres;
- float f_preamp;
- int i_preset;
- aout_instance_t *p_aout = THEMIM->getAout();
- if( p_aout )
- {
- psz_af = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_aout, "audio-filter" );
- psz_pres = var_GetString( p_aout, "equalizer-preset" );
- if( var_GetBool( p_aout, "equalizer-2pass" ) )
- ui.eq2PassCheck->setChecked( true );
- f_preamp = var_GetFloat( p_aout, "equalizer-preamp" );
- i_preset = presetsComboBox->findData( QVariant( psz_pres ) );
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- else
- {
- psz_af = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "audio-filter" );
- psz_pres = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "equalizer-preset" );
- if( config_GetInt( p_intf, "equalizer-2pass" ) )
- ui.eq2PassCheck->setChecked( true );
- f_preamp = config_GetFloat( p_intf, "equalizer-preamp" );
- i_preset = presetsComboBox->findData( QVariant( psz_pres ) );
- }
- if( psz_af && strstr( psz_af, "equalizer" ) != NULL )
- ui.enableCheck->setChecked( true );
- enable( ui.enableCheck->isChecked() );
- presetsComboBox->setCurrentIndex( i_preset );
- free( psz_af );
- free( psz_pres );
- }
- /* Functin called when enableButton is toggled */
- void Equalizer::enable()
- {
- bool en = ui.enableCheck->isChecked();
- aout_EnableFilter( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "equalizer",
- en ? true : false );
- // aout_EnableFilter( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "upmixer",
- // en ? true : false );
- // aout_EnableFilter( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "vsurround",
- // en ? true : false );
- enable( en );
- if( presetsComboBox->currentIndex() < 0 )
- presetsComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
- }
- void Equalizer::enable( bool en )
- {
- ui.eq2PassCheck->setEnabled( en );
- presetsComboBox->setEnabled( en );
- ui.presetLabel->setEnabled( en );
- ui.preampLabel->setEnabled( en );
- ui.preampSlider->setEnabled( en );
- for( int i = 0 ; i< BANDS; i++ )
- {
- bands[i]->setEnabled( en ); band_texts[i]->setEnabled( en );
- }
- }
- /* Function called when the set2Pass button is activated */
- void Equalizer::set2Pass()
- {
- aout_instance_t *p_aout= THEMIM->getAout();
- bool b_2p = ui.eq2PassCheck->isChecked();
- if( p_aout == NULL )
- config_PutInt( p_intf, "equalizer-2pass", b_2p );
- else
- {
- var_SetBool( p_aout, "equalizer-2pass", b_2p );
- config_PutInt( p_intf, "equalizer-2pass", b_2p );
- for( int i = 0; i < p_aout->i_nb_inputs; i++ )
- {
- p_aout->pp_inputs[i]->b_restart = true;
- }
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- }
- /* Function called when the preamp slider is moved */
- void Equalizer::setPreamp()
- {
- const float f = ( float )( ui.preampSlider->value() ) /10 - 20;
- aout_instance_t *p_aout = THEMIM->getAout();
- ui.preampLabel->setText( qtr( "Preampn" ) + QString::number( f, 'f', 1 )
- + qtr( "dB" ) );
- if( p_aout )
- {
- //delCallbacks( p_aout );
- var_SetFloat( p_aout, "equalizer-preamp", f );
- //addCallbacks( p_aout );
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- config_PutFloat( p_intf, "equalizer-preamp", f );
- }
- void Equalizer::setCoreBands()
- {
- /**todo smoothing */
- QString values;
- for( int i = 0; i < BANDS; i++ )
- {
- const float f_val = (float)( bands[i]->value() ) / 10 - 20;
- QString val = QString("%1").arg( f_val, 5, 'f', 1 );
- band_texts[i]->setText( band_frequencies[i] + "n" + val + "dB" );
- values += " " + val;
- }
- const char *psz_values = values.toAscii().constData();
- aout_instance_t *p_aout = THEMIM->getAout();
- if( p_aout )
- {
- //delCallbacks( p_aout );
- var_SetString( p_aout, "equalizer-bands", psz_values );
- //addCallbacks( p_aout );
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- }
- void Equalizer::updateUISliderValues( int i_preset )
- {
- if( i_preset < 0 ) return;
- char *p = createValuesFromPreset( i_preset );
- char *psz = p;
- float f_preamp = eqz_preset_10b[i_preset]->f_preamp;
- if ( p )
- {
- for( int i = 0; i < BANDS; i++ )
- {
- const float f = us_strtod(p, &p );
- bands[i]->setValue( (int)( ( f + 20 ) * 10 ) );
- band_texts[i]->setText( band_frequencies[i] + "n"
- + QString("%1").arg( f, 5, 'f', 1 ) + "dB" );
- if( p == NULL || *p == ' ' )
- break;
- p++;
- if( *p == ' ' )
- break;
- }
- free( psz );
- }
- ui.preampSlider->setValue( (int)( ( f_preamp + 20 ) * 10 ) );
- ui.preampLabel->setText( qtr( "Preampn" )
- + QString::number( f_preamp, 'f', 1 ) + qtr( "dB" ) );
- }
- char * Equalizer::createValuesFromPreset( int i_preset )
- {
- char *psz_values;
- QString values;
- /* Create the QString in Qt */
- for( int i = 0 ; i< BANDS ;i++ )
- values += QString( " %1" ).arg( eqz_preset_10b[i_preset]->f_amp[i] );
- /* Convert it to char * */
- if( !asprintf( &psz_values, "%s", values.toAscii().constData() ) )
- return NULL;
- return psz_values;
- }
- void Equalizer::setCorePreset( int i_preset )
- {
- char *psz_values = createValuesFromPreset( i_preset );
- if( !psz_values ) return ;
- aout_instance_t *p_aout= THEMIM->getAout();
- if( p_aout )
- {
- delCallbacks( p_aout );
- var_SetString( p_aout , "equalizer-preset" , preset_list[i_preset] );
- var_SetString( p_aout, "equalizer-bands", psz_values );
- var_SetFloat( p_aout, "equalizer-preamp",
- eqz_preset_10b[i_preset]->f_preamp );
- addCallbacks( p_aout );
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- config_PutPsz( p_intf, "equalizer-bands", psz_values );
- config_PutPsz( p_intf, "equalizer-preset", preset_list[i_preset] );
- config_PutFloat( p_intf, "equalizer-preamp",
- eqz_preset_10b[i_preset]->f_preamp );
- free( psz_values );
- }
- static int PresetCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_cmd,
- vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval, void *p_data )
- {
- char *psz_preset = newval.psz_string;
- Equalizer *eq = ( Equalizer * )p_data;
- int i_preset = eq->presetsComboBox->findData( QVariant( psz_preset ) );
- eq->presetsComboBox->setCurrentIndex( i_preset );
- return VLC_SUCCESS;
- }
- void Equalizer::delCallbacks( aout_instance_t *p_aout )
- {
- //var_DelCallback( p_aout, "equalizer-bands", EqzCallback, this );
- //var_DelCallback( p_aout, "equalizer-preamp", EqzCallback, this );
- var_DelCallback( p_aout, "equalizer-preset", PresetCallback, this );
- }
- void Equalizer::addCallbacks( aout_instance_t *p_aout )
- {
- //var_AddCallback( p_aout, "equalizer-bands", EqzCallback, this );
- //var_AddCallback( p_aout, "equalizer-preamp", EqzCallback, this );
- var_AddCallback( p_aout, "equalizer-preset", PresetCallback, this );
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * Audio filters
- **********************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************
- * Spatializer
- **********************************************************************/
- static const char *psz_control_names[] =
- {
- "spatializer-roomsize", "spatializer-width",
- "spatializer-wet", "spatializer-dry", "spatializer-damp"
- };
- Spatializer::Spatializer( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent ) :
- QWidget( _parent ) , p_intf( _p_intf )
- {
- QFont smallFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>( 0 ) );
- smallFont.setPointSize( smallFont.pointSize() - 3 );
- QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this );
- layout->setMargin( 0 );
- enableCheck = new QCheckBox( qtr( "Enable spatializer" ) );
- layout->addWidget( enableCheck, 0, 0, 1, NUM_SP_CTRL );
- for( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_SP_CTRL ; i++ )
- {
- spatCtrl[i] = new QSlider( Qt::Vertical );
- if( i < 2 )
- {
- spatCtrl[i]->setMaximum( 10 );
- spatCtrl[i]->setValue( 2 );
- }
- else
- {
- spatCtrl[i]->setMaximum( 10 );
- spatCtrl[i]->setValue( 0 );
- spatCtrl[i]->setMinimum( -10 );
- }
- oldControlVars[i] = spatCtrl[i]->value();
- CONNECT( spatCtrl[i], valueChanged( int ), this, setInitValues() );
- ctrl_texts[i] = new QLabel( qfu( psz_control_names[i] ) + "n" );
- ctrl_texts[i]->setFont( smallFont );
- ctrl_readout[i] = new QLabel( "" );
- ctrl_readout[i]->setFont( smallFont );
- layout->addWidget( spatCtrl[i], 1, i );
- layout->addWidget( ctrl_readout[i], 2, i );
- layout->addWidget( ctrl_texts[i], 3, i );
- }
- BUTTONACT( enableCheck, enable() );
- /* Write down initial values */
- aout_instance_t *p_aout = THEMIM->getAout();
- char *psz_af;
- if( p_aout )
- {
- psz_af = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_aout, "audio-filter" );
- for( int i = 0; i < NUM_SP_CTRL ; i++ )
- {
- controlVars[i] = var_GetFloat( p_aout, psz_control_names[i] );
- }
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- else
- {
- psz_af = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "audio-filter" );
- for( int i = 0; i < NUM_SP_CTRL ; i++ )
- {
- controlVars[i] = config_GetFloat( p_intf, psz_control_names[i] );
- }
- }
- if( psz_af && strstr( psz_af, "spatializer" ) != NULL )
- enableCheck->setChecked( true );
- free( psz_af );
- enable( enableCheck->isChecked() );
- setValues( controlVars );
- }
- Spatializer::~Spatializer()
- {
- }
- void Spatializer::enable()
- {
- bool en = enableCheck->isChecked();
- aout_EnableFilter( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "spatializer",
- en ? true : false );
- enable( en );
- }
- void Spatializer::enable( bool en )
- {
- for( int i = 0 ; i< NUM_SP_CTRL; i++ )
- {
- spatCtrl[i]->setEnabled( en );
- ctrl_texts[i]->setEnabled( en );
- ctrl_readout[i]->setEnabled( en );
- }
- }
- void Spatializer::setInitValues()
- {
- setValues( controlVars );
- }
- void Spatializer::setValues( float *controlVars )
- {
- aout_instance_t *p_aout = THEMIM->getAout();
- for( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_SP_CTRL ; i++ )
- {
- float f = (float)( spatCtrl[i]->value() );
- ctrl_readout[i]->setText( QString::number( f, 'f', 1 ) );
- }
- if( p_aout )
- {
- for( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_SP_CTRL ; i++ )
- {
- if( oldControlVars[i] != spatCtrl[i]->value() )
- {
- var_SetFloat( p_aout, psz_control_names[i],
- ( float )spatCtrl[i]->value() );
- config_PutFloat( p_intf, psz_control_names[i],
- ( float ) spatCtrl[i]->value() );
- oldControlVars[i] = ( float ) spatCtrl[i]->value();
- }
- }
- vlc_object_release( p_aout );
- }
- }
- void Spatializer::delCallbacks( aout_instance_t *p_aout )
- {
- // var_DelCallback( p_aout, "Spatializer-bands", EqzCallback, this );
- // var_DelCallback( p_aout, "Spatializer-preamp", EqzCallback, this );
- }
- void Spatializer::addCallbacks( aout_instance_t *p_aout )
- {
- // var_AddCallback( p_aout, "Spatializer-bands", EqzCallback, this );
- // var_AddCallback( p_aout, "Spatializer-preamp", EqzCallback, this );
- }
- #include <QToolButton>
- #include <QGridLayout>
- SyncControls::SyncControls( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent ) :
- QWidget( _parent ) , p_intf( _p_intf )
- {
- QGroupBox *AVBox, *subsBox;
- QToolButton *moinsAV, *plusAV;
- QToolButton *moinssubs, *plussubs;
- QToolButton *moinssubSpeed, *plussubSpeed;
- QToolButton *updateButton;
- b_userAction = true;
- QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
- /* AV sync */
- AVBox = new QGroupBox( qtr( "Audio/Video" ) );
- QGridLayout *AVLayout = new QGridLayout( AVBox );
- moinsAV = new QToolButton;
- moinsAV->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
- moinsAV->setAutoRaise( true );
- moinsAV->setText( "-" );
- AVLayout->addWidget( moinsAV, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
- plusAV = new QToolButton;
- plusAV->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
- plusAV->setAutoRaise( true );
- plusAV->setText( "+" );
- AVLayout->addWidget( plusAV, 0, 3, 1, 1 );
- QLabel *AVLabel = new QLabel;
- AVLabel->setText( qtr( "Advance of audio over video:" ) );
- AVLayout->addWidget( AVLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
- AVSpin = new QDoubleSpinBox;
- AVSpin->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter );
- AVSpin->setDecimals( 3 );
- AVSpin->setMinimum( -100.0 );
- AVSpin->setMaximum( 100.0 );
- AVSpin->setSingleStep( 0.1 );
- AVSpin->setToolTip( qtr( "A positive value means thatn"
- "the audio is ahead of the video" ) );
- AVSpin->setSuffix( " s" );
- AVLayout->addWidget( AVSpin, 0, 2, 1, 1 );
- mainLayout->addWidget( AVBox, 1, 0, 1, 5 );
- /* Subs */
- subsBox = new QGroupBox( qtr( "Subtitles/Video" ) );
- QGridLayout *subsLayout = new QGridLayout( subsBox );
- moinssubs = new QToolButton;
- moinssubs->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
- moinssubs->setAutoRaise( true );
- moinssubs->setText( "-" );
- subsLayout->addWidget( moinssubs, 0, 1, 1, 1 );
- plussubs = new QToolButton;
- plussubs->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
- plussubs->setAutoRaise( true );
- plussubs->setText( "+" );
- subsLayout->addWidget( plussubs, 0, 3, 1, 1 );
- QLabel *subsLabel = new QLabel;
- subsLabel->setText( qtr( "Advance of subtitles over video:" ) );
- subsLayout->addWidget( subsLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
- subsSpin = new QDoubleSpinBox;
- subsSpin->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter );
- subsSpin->setDecimals( 3 );
- subsSpin->setMinimum( -100.0 );
- subsSpin->setMaximum( 100.0 );
- subsSpin->setSingleStep( 0.1 );
- subsSpin->setToolTip( qtr( "A positive value means thatn"
- "the subtitles are ahead of the video" ) );
- subsSpin->setSuffix( " s" );
- subsLayout->addWidget( subsSpin, 0, 2, 1, 1 );
- moinssubSpeed = new QToolButton;
- moinssubSpeed->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
- moinssubSpeed->setAutoRaise( true );
- moinssubSpeed->setText( "-" );
- subsLayout->addWidget( moinssubSpeed, 1, 1, 1, 1 );
- plussubSpeed = new QToolButton;
- plussubSpeed->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
- plussubSpeed->setAutoRaise( true );
- plussubSpeed->setText( "+" );
- subsLayout->addWidget( plussubSpeed, 1, 3, 1, 1 );
- QLabel *subSpeedLabel = new QLabel;
- subSpeedLabel->setText( qtr( "Speed of the subtitles:" ) );
- subsLayout->addWidget( subSpeedLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1 );
- subSpeedSpin = new QDoubleSpinBox;
- subSpeedSpin->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter );
- subSpeedSpin->setDecimals( 3 );
- subSpeedSpin->setMinimum( 1 );
- subSpeedSpin->setMaximum( 100 );
- subSpeedSpin->setSingleStep( 0.2 );
- subSpeedSpin->setSuffix( " fps" );
- subsLayout->addWidget( subSpeedSpin, 1, 2, 1, 1 );
- mainLayout->addWidget( subsBox, 2, 0, 2, 5 );
- updateButton = new QToolButton;
- updateButton->setAutoRaise( true );
- mainLayout->addWidget( updateButton, 0, 4, 1, 1 );
- /* Various Connects */
- CONNECT( moinsAV, clicked(), AVSpin, stepDown () );
- CONNECT( plusAV, clicked(), AVSpin, stepUp () );
- CONNECT( moinssubs, clicked(), subsSpin, stepDown () );
- CONNECT( plussubs, clicked(), subsSpin, stepUp () );
- CONNECT( moinssubSpeed, clicked(), subSpeedSpin, stepDown () );
- CONNECT( plussubSpeed, clicked(), subSpeedSpin, stepUp () );
- CONNECT( AVSpin, valueChanged ( double ), this, advanceAudio( double ) ) ;
- CONNECT( subsSpin, valueChanged ( double ), this, advanceSubs( double ) ) ;
- CONNECT( subSpeedSpin, valueChanged ( double ),
- this, adjustSubsSpeed( double ) );
- CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), synchroChanged(), this, update() );
- BUTTON_SET_ACT_I( updateButton, "", update,
- qtr( "Force update of this dialog's values" ), update() );
- /* Set it */
- update();
- }
- void SyncControls::clean()
- {
- b_userAction = false;
- AVSpin->setValue( 0.0 );
- subsSpin->setValue( 0.0 );
- subSpeedSpin->setValue( 1.0 );
- b_userAction = true;
- }
- void SyncControls::update()
- {
- b_userAction = false;
- int64_t i_delay;
- if( THEMIM->getInput() )
- {
- i_delay = var_GetTime( THEMIM->getInput(), "audio-delay" );
- AVSpin->setValue( ( (double)i_delay ) / 1000000 );
- i_delay = var_GetTime( THEMIM->getInput(), "spu-delay" );
- subsSpin->setValue( ( (double)i_delay ) / 1000000 );
- subSpeedSpin->setValue( var_GetFloat( THEMIM->getInput(), "sub-fps" ) );
- }
- b_userAction = true;
- }
- void SyncControls::advanceAudio( double f_advance )
- {
- if( THEMIM->getInput() && b_userAction )
- {
- int64_t i_delay = f_advance * 1000000;
- var_SetTime( THEMIM->getInput(), "audio-delay", i_delay );
- }
- }
- void SyncControls::advanceSubs( double f_advance )
- {
- if( THEMIM->getInput() && b_userAction )
- {
- int64_t i_delay = f_advance * 1000000;
- var_SetTime( THEMIM->getInput(), "spu-delay", i_delay );
- }
- }
- void SyncControls::adjustSubsSpeed( double f_fps )
- {
- if( THEMIM->getInput() && b_userAction )
- {
- var_SetFloat( THEMIM->getInput(), "sub-fps", f_fps );
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * Video filters / Adjust
- **********************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************
- * Extended playbak controls
- **********************************************************************/