资源名称:vlc-1.0.5.zip [点击查看]
- --[==========================================================================[
- rc.lua: remote control module for VLC
- --[==========================================================================[
- Copyright (C) 2007-2009 the VideoLAN team
- $Id$
- Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan dot org>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- --]==========================================================================]
- description=
- [============================================================================[
- Remote control interface for VLC
- This is a modules/control/rc.c look alike (with a bunch of new features)
- Use on local term:
- vlc -I luarc
- Use on tcp connection:
- vlc -I luarc --lua-config "rc={host='localhost:4212'}"
- Use on multiple hosts (term + 2 tcp ports):
- vlc -I luarc --lua-config "rc={hosts={'*console','localhost:4212','localhost:5678'}}"
- Note:
- -I luarc is an alias for -I lua --lua-intf rc
- Configuration options setable throught the --lua-config option are:
- * hosts: A list of hosts to listen on.
- * host: A host to listen on. (won't be used if `hosts' is set)
- The following can be set using the --lua-config option or in the interface
- itself using the `set' command:
- * prompt: The prompt.
- * welcome: The welcome message.
- * width: The default terminal width (used to format text).
- * autocompletion: When issuing an unknown command, print a list of
- possible commands to autocomplete with. (0 to disable,
- 1 to enable).
- * autoalias: If autocompletion returns only one possibility, use it
- (0 to disable, 1 to enable).
- * flatplaylist: 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
- ]============================================================================]
- require("common")
- skip = common.skip
- skip2 = function(foo) return skip(skip(foo)) end
- setarg = common.setarg
- strip = common.strip
- --[[ Setup default environement ]]
- env = { prompt = "> ";
- width = 70;
- autocompletion = 1;
- autoalias = 1;
- welcome = "Remote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help.";
- flatplaylist = 0;
- }
- --[[ Import custom environement variables from the command line config (if possible) ]]
- for k,v in pairs(env) do
- if config[k] then
- if type(env[k]) == type(config[k]) then
- env[k] = config[k]
- vlc.msg.dbg("set environement variable `"..k.."' to "..tostring(env[k]))
- else
- vlc.msg.err("environement variable `"..k.."' should be of type "..type(env[k])..". config value will be discarded.")
- end
- end
- end
- --[[ Command functions ]]
- function set_env(name,client,value)
- if value then
- local var,val = split_input(value)
- if val then
- s = string.gsub(val,""(.*)"","%1")
- if type(client.env[var])==type(1) then
- client.env[var] = tonumber(s)
- else
- client.env[var] = s
- end
- else
- client:append( tostring(client.env[var]) )
- end
- else
- for e,v in common.pairs_sorted(client.env) do
- client:append(e.."="..v)
- end
- end
- end
- function save_env(name,client,value)
- env = common.table_copy(client.env)
- end
- function alias(client,value)
- if value then
- local var,val = split_input(value)
- if commands[var] and type(commands[var]) ~= type("") then
- client:append("Error: cannot use a primary command as an alias name")
- else
- if commands[val] then
- commands[var]=val
- else
- client:append("Error: unknown primary command `"..val.."'.")
- end
- end
- else
- for c,v in common.pairs_sorted(commands) do
- if type(v)==type("") then
- client:append(c.."="..v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function fixme(name,client)
- client:append( "FIXME: unimplemented command `"..name.."'." )
- end
- function logout(name,client)
- if client.type == host.client_type.net then
- client:send("Bye-bye!")
- client:del()
- else
- client:append("Error: Can't logout of stdin/stdout. Use quit or shutdown to close VLC.")
- end
- end
- function shutdown(name,client)
- client:append("Bye-bye!")
- h:broadcast("Shutting down.")
- vlc.msg.info("Requested shutdown.")
- vlc.misc.quit()
- end
- function quit(name,client)
- if client.type == host.client_type.net then
- logout(name,client)
- else
- shutdown(name,client)
- end
- end
- function add(name,client,arg)
- -- TODO: par single and double quotes properly
- local f
- if name == "enqueue" then
- f = vlc.playlist.enqueue
- else
- f = vlc.playlist.add
- end
- local options = {}
- for o in string.gmatch(arg," +:([^ ]*)") do
- table.insert(options,o)
- end
- arg = string.gsub(arg," +:.*$","")
- f({{path=arg,options=options}})
- end
- function playlist_is_tree( client )
- if client.env.flatplaylist == 0 then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function playlist(name,client,arg)
- function playlist0(item,prefix)
- local prefix = prefix or ""
- if not item.flags.disabled then
- local str = "| "..prefix..tostring(item.id).." - "..item.name
- if item.duration > 0 then
- str = str.." ("..common.durationtostring(item.duration)..")"
- end
- if item.nb_played > 0 then
- str = str.." [played "..tostring(item.nb_played).." time"
- if item.nb_played > 1 then
- str = str .. "s"
- end
- str = str .. "]"
- end
- client:append(str)
- end
- if item.children then
- for _, c in ipairs(item.children) do
- playlist0(c,prefix.." ")
- end
- end
- end
- local playlist
- local tree = playlist_is_tree(client)
- if name == "search" then
- playlist = vlc.playlist.search(arg or "", tree)
- else
- if tonumber(arg) then
- playlist = vlc.playlist.get(tonumber(arg), tree)
- elseif arg then
- playlist = vlc.playlist.get(arg, tree)
- else
- playlist = vlc.playlist.get(nil, tree)
- end
- end
- if name == "search" then
- client:append("+----[ Search - "..(arg or "`reset'").." ]")
- else
- client:append("+----[ Playlist - "..playlist.name.." ]")
- end
- if playlist.children then
- for _, item in ipairs(playlist.children) do
- playlist0(item)
- end
- else
- playlist0(playlist)
- end
- if name == "search" then
- client:append("+----[ End of search - Use `search' to reset ]")
- else
- client:append("+----[ End of playlist ]")
- end
- end
- function playlist_sort(name,client,arg)
- if not arg then
- client:append("Valid sort keys are: id, title, artist, genre, random, duration, album.")
- else
- local tree = playlist_is_tree(client)
- vlc.playlist.sort(arg,false,tree)
- end
- end
- function services_discovery(name,client,arg)
- if arg then
- if vlc.sd.is_loaded(arg) then
- vlc.sd.remove(arg)
- client:append(arg.." disabled.")
- else
- vlc.sd.add(arg)
- client:append(arg.." enabled.")
- end
- else
- local sd = vlc.sd.get_services_names()
- client:append("+----[ Services discovery ]")
- for n,ln in pairs(sd) do
- local status
- if vlc.sd.is_loaded(n) then
- status = "enabled"
- else
- status = "disabled"
- end
- client:append("| "..n..": " .. ln .. " (" .. status .. ")")
- end
- client:append("+----[ End of services discovery ]")
- end
- end
- function print_text(label,text)
- return function(name,client)
- client:append("+----[ "..label.." ]")
- client:append "|"
- for line in string.gmatch(text,".-r?n") do
- client:append("| "..string.gsub(line,"r?n",""))
- end
- client:append "|"
- client:append("+----[ End of "..string.lower(label).." ]")
- end
- end
- function help(name,client,arg)
- local width = client.env.width
- local long = (name == "longhelp")
- local extra = ""
- if arg then extra = "matching `" .. arg .. "' " end
- client:append("+----[ Remote control commands "..extra.."]")
- for i, cmd in ipairs(commands_ordered) do
- if (cmd == "" or not commands[cmd].adv or long)
- and (not arg or string.match(cmd,arg)) then
- local str = "| " .. cmd
- if cmd ~= "" then
- local val = commands[cmd]
- if val.aliases then
- for _,a in ipairs(val.aliases) do
- str = str .. ", " .. a
- end
- end
- if val.args then str = str .. " " .. val.args end
- if #str%2 == 1 then str = str .. " " end
- str = str .. string.rep(" .",(width-(#str+#val.help)-1)/2)
- str = str .. string.rep(" ",width-#str-#val.help) .. val.help
- end
- client:append(str)
- end
- end
- client:append("+----[ end of help ]")
- end
- function input_info(name,client)
- local categories = vlc.input_info()
- for cat, infos in pairs(categories) do
- client:append("+----[ "..cat.." ]")
- client:append("|")
- for name, value in pairs(infos) do
- client:append("| "..name..": "..value)
- end
- client:append("|")
- end
- client:append("+----[ end of stream info ]")
- end
- function playlist_status(name,client)
- local a,b,c = vlc.playlist.status()
- client:append( "( new input: " .. tostring(a) .. " )" )
- client:append( "( audio volume: " .. tostring(b) .. " )")
- client:append( "( state " .. tostring(c) .. " )")
- end
- function is_playing(name,client)
- if vlc.input.is_playing() then client:append "1" else client:append "0" end
- end
- function ret_print(foo,start,stop)
- local start = start or ""
- local stop = stop or ""
- return function(discard,client,...) client:append(start..tostring(foo(...))..stop) end
- end
- function get_time(var)
- return function(name,client)
- local input = vlc.object.input()
- client:append(math.floor(vlc.var.get( input, var )))
- end
- end
- function titlechap(name,client,value)
- local input = vlc.object.input()
- local var = string.gsub( name, "_.*$", "" )
- if value then
- vlc.var.set( input, var, value )
- else
- local item = vlc.var.get( input, var )
- -- Todo: add item name conversion
- client:append(item)
- end
- end
- function titlechap_offset(client,offset)
- return function(name,value)
- local input = vlc.object.input()
- local var = string.gsub( name, "_.*$", "" )
- vlc.var.set( input, var, vlc.var.get( input, var )+offset )
- end
- end
- function seek(name,client,value)
- common.seek(value)
- end
- function volume(name,client,value)
- if value then
- vlc.volume.set(value)
- else
- client:append(tostring(vlc.volume.get()))
- end
- end
- function rate(name,client)
- local input = vlc.object.input()
- if name == "normal" then
- vlc.var.set(input,"rate",1000) -- FIXME: INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT
- else
- vlc.var.set(input,"rate-"..name,nil)
- end
- end
- function listvalue(obj,var)
- return function(client,value)
- local o = vlc.object.find(nil,obj,"anywhere")
- if not o then return end
- if value then
- vlc.var.set( o, var, value )
- else
- local c = vlc.var.get( o, var )
- local v, l = vlc.var.get_list( o, var )
- client:append("+----[ "..var.." ]")
- for i,val in ipairs(v) do
- local mark = (val==c)and " *" or ""
- client:append("| "..tostring(val).." - "..tostring(l[i])..mark)
- end
- client:append("+----[ end of "..var.." ]")
- end
- end
- end
- function eval(client,val)
- client:append(loadstring("return "..val)())
- end
- --[[ Declare commands, register their callback functions and provide
- help strings here.
- Syntax is:
- "<command name>"; { func = <function>; [ args = "<str>"; ] help = "<str>"; [ adv = <bool>; ] [ aliases = { ["<str>";]* }; ] }
- ]]
- commands_ordered = {
- { "add"; { func = add; args = "XYZ"; help = "add XYZ to playlist" } };
- { "enqueue"; { func = add; args = "XYZ"; help = "queue XYZ to playlist" } };
- { "playlist"; { func = playlist; help = "show items currently in playlist" } };
- { "search"; { func = playlist; args = "[string]"; help = "search for items in playlist (or reset search)" } };
- { "sort"; { func = playlist_sort; args = "key"; help = "sort the playlist" } };
- { "sd"; { func = services_discovery; args = "[sd]"; help = "show services discovery or toggle" } };
- { "play"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.play); help = "play stream" } };
- { "stop"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.stop); help = "stop stream" } };
- { "next"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.next); help = "next playlist item" } };
- { "prev"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.prev); help = "previous playlist item" } };
- { "goto"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.goto); help = "goto item at index" } };
- { "repeat"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.repeat_); args = "[on|off]"; help = "toggle playlist repeat" } };
- { "loop"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.loop); args = "[on|off]"; help = "toggle playlist loop" } };
- { "random"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.random); args = "[on|off]"; help = "toggle playlist random" } };
- { "clear"; { func = skip2(vlc.playlist.clear); help = "clear the playlist" } };
- { "status"; { func = playlist_status; help = "current playlist status" } };
- { "title"; { func = titlechap; args = "[X]"; help = "set/get title in current item" } };
- { "title_n"; { func = titlechap_offset(1); help = "next title in current item" } };
- { "title_p"; { func = titlechap_offset(-1); help = "previous title in current item" } };
- { "chapter"; { func = titlechap; args = "[X]"; help = "set/get chapter in current item" } };
- { "chapter_n"; { func = titlechap_offset(1); help = "next chapter in current item" } };
- { "chapter_p"; { func = titlechap_offset(-1); help = "previous chapter in current item" } };
- { "" };
- { "seek"; { func = seek; args = "X"; help = "seek in seconds, for instance `seek 12'" } };
- { "pause"; { func = setarg(common.hotkey,"key-play-pause"); help = "toggle pause" } };
- { "fastforward"; { func = setarg(common.hotkey,"key-jump+extrashort"); help = "set to maximum rate" } };
- { "rewind"; { func = setarg(common.hotkey,"key-jump-extrashort"); help = "set to minimum rate" } };
- { "faster"; { func = rate; help = "faster playing of stream" } };
- { "slower"; { func = rate; help = "slower playing of stream" } };
- { "normal"; { func = rate; help = "normal playing of stream" } };
- { "fullscreen"; { func = skip2(vlc.video.fullscreen); args = "[on|off]"; help = "toggle fullscreen"; aliases = { "f", "F" } } };
- { "info"; { func = input_info; help = "information about the current stream" } };
- { "get_time"; { func = get_time("time"); help = "seconds elapsed since stream's beginning" } };
- { "is_playing"; { func = is_playing; help = "1 if a stream plays, 0 otherwise" } };
- { "get_title"; { func = ret_print(vlc.input.get_title); help = "the title of the current stream" } };
- { "get_length"; { func = get_time("length"); help = "the length of the current stream" } };
- { "" };
- { "volume"; { func = volume; args = "[X]"; help = "set/get audio volume" } };
- { "volup"; { func = ret_print(vlc.volume.up,"( audio volume: "," )"); args = "[X]"; help = "raise audio volume X steps" } };
- { "voldown"; { func = ret_print(vlc.volume.down,"( audio volume: "," )"); args = "[X]"; help = "lower audio volume X steps" } };
- { "adev"; { func = skip(listvalue("aout","audio-device")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get audio device" } };
- { "achan"; { func = skip(listvalue("aout","audio-channels")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get audio channels" } };
- { "atrack"; { func = skip(listvalue("input","audio-es")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get audio track" } };
- { "vtrack"; { func = skip(listvalue("input","video-es")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get video track" } };
- { "vratio"; { func = skip(listvalue("vout","aspect-ratio")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get video aspect ratio" } };
- { "vcrop"; { func = skip(listvalue("vout","crop")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get video crop"; aliases = { "crop" } } };
- { "vzoom"; { func = skip(listvalue("vout","zoom")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get video zoom"; aliases = { "zoom" } } };
- { "snapshot"; { func = common.snapshot; help = "take video snapshot" } };
- { "strack"; { func = skip(listvalue("input","spu-es")); args = "[X]"; help = "set/get subtitles track" } };
- { "hotkey"; { func = skip(common.hotkey); args = "[hotkey name]"; help = "simulate hotkey press"; adv = true; aliases = { "key" } } };
- { "menu"; { func = fixme; args = "[on|off|up|down|left|right|select]"; help = "use menu"; adv = true } };
- { "" };
- { "set"; { func = set_env; args = "[var [value]]"; help = "set/get env var"; adv = true } };
- { "save_env"; { func = save_env; help = "save env vars (for future clients)"; adv = true } };
- { "alias"; { func = skip(alias); args = "[cmd]"; help = "set/get command aliases"; adv = true } };
- { "eval"; { func = skip(eval); help = "eval some lua (*debug*)"; adv =true } }; -- FIXME: comment out if you're not debugging
- { "description"; { func = print_text("Description",description); help = "describe this module" } };
- { "license"; { func = print_text("License message",vlc.misc.license()); help = "print VLC's license message"; adv = true } };
- { "help"; { func = help; args = "[pattern]"; help = "a help message"; aliases = { "?" } } };
- { "longhelp"; { func = help; args = "[pattern]"; help = "a longer help message" } };
- { "logout"; { func = logout; help = "exit (if in a socket connection)" } };
- { "quit"; { func = quit; help = "quit VLC (or logout if in a socket connection)" } };
- { "shutdown"; { func = shutdown; help = "shutdown VLC" } };
- }
- commands = {}
- for i, cmd in ipairs( commands_ordered ) do
- if #cmd == 2 then
- commands[cmd[1]]=cmd[2]
- if cmd[2].aliases then
- for _,a in ipairs(cmd[2].aliases) do
- commands[a]=cmd[1]
- end
- end
- end
- commands_ordered[i]=cmd[1]
- end
- --[[ From now on commands_ordered is a list of the different command names
- and commands is a associative array indexed by the command name. ]]
- -- Compute the column width used when printing a the autocompletion list
- env.colwidth = 0
- for c,_ in pairs(commands) do
- if #c > env.colwidth then env.colwidth = #c end
- end
- env.coldwidth = env.colwidth + 1
- -- Count unimplemented functions
- do
- local count = 0
- local list = "("
- for c,v in pairs(commands) do
- if v.func == fixme then
- count = count + 1
- if count ~= 1 then
- list = list..","
- end
- list = list..c
- end
- end
- list = list..")"
- if count ~= 0 and env.welcome then
- env.welcome = env.welcome .. "rnWarning: "..count.." functions are still unimplemented "..list.."."
- end
- end
- --[[ Utils ]]
- function split_input(input)
- local input = strip(input)
- local s = string.find(input," ")
- if s then
- return string.sub(input,0,s-1), strip(string.sub(input,s))
- else
- return input
- end
- end
- function call_command(cmd,client,arg)
- if type(commands[cmd]) == type("") then
- cmd = commands[cmd]
- end
- local ok, msg
- if arg ~= nil then
- ok, msg = pcall( commands[cmd].func, cmd, client, arg )
- else
- ok, msg = pcall( commands[cmd].func, cmd, client )
- end
- if not ok then
- local a = arg or ""
- if a ~= "" then a = " " .. a end
- client:append("Error in `"..cmd..a.."' ".. msg)
- end
- end
- function call_libvlc_command(cmd,client,arg)
- local ok, vlcerr, vlcmsg = pcall( vlc.var.libvlc_command, cmd, arg )
- if not ok then
- local a = arg or ""
- if a ~= "" then a = " " .. a end
- client:append("Error in `"..cmd..a.."' ".. vlcerr) -- when pcall fails, the 2nd arg is the error message.
- end
- return vlcerr
- end
- function call_object_command(cmd,client,arg)
- local var, val = split_input(arg)
- local ok, vlcmsg, vlcerr, vlcerrmsg = pcall( vlc.var.command, cmd, var, val )
- if not ok then
- client:append("Error in `"..cmd.." "..var.." "..val.."' ".. vlcmsg) -- when pcall fails the 2nd arg is the error message
- end
- if vlcmsg ~= "" then
- client:append(vlcmsg)
- end
- return vlcerr
- end
- --[[ Setup host ]]
- require("host")
- h = host.host()
- -- No auth
- h.status_callbacks[host.status.password] = function(client)
- client.env = common.table_copy( env )
- client:send( client.env.welcome .. "rn")
- client:switch_status(host.status.read)
- end
- -- Print prompt when switching a client's status to `read'
- h.status_callbacks[host.status.read] = function(client)
- client:send( client.env.prompt )
- end
- h:listen( config.hosts or config.host or "*console" )
- --[[ The main loop ]]
- while not vlc.misc.should_die() do
- h:accept()
- local write, read = h:select(0.1)
- for _, client in pairs(write) do
- local len = client:send()
- client.buffer = string.sub(client.buffer,len+1)
- if client.buffer == "" then client:switch_status(host.status.read) end
- end
- for _, client in pairs(read) do
- local input = client:recv(1000)
- local done = false
- if string.match(input,"n$") then
- client.buffer = string.gsub(client.buffer..input,"r?n$","")
- done = true
- elseif client.buffer == ""
- and ((client.type == host.client_type.stdio and input == "")
- or (client.type == host.client_type.net and input == "