资源名称:vlc-1.0.5.zip [点击查看]
- /* This is public domain code developed by Elgato Systems GmbH. No GPL-covered
- * changes were added to this file by any members of the VideoLAN team. If you
- * want to do so, add a modified GPL header here, but keep a message emphasising
- * the non-licensed parts of this header file.
- * Ideally, VideoLAN-related changes should only go to eyetvplugin.h.
- *
- * $Id: 0343e8b6a65523968eb0f917f3c14ab002cb4965 $
- */
- #pragma once
- /*
- The EyeTV Plugin API
- ====================
- The EyeTV Software gives third parties access to the incoming MPEG-2 transport stream.
- At this time the API is available for the following products:
- - EyeTV 200 (analog)
- - EyeTV 300 (DVB-S)
- - EyeTV 400 (DVB-T)
- A plugin receives device plugged/unplugged notifications, it can request or release
- individual PIDs and most importantly it has access to transport stream packets in
- real time, as they arrive from the device. Note that the plugin is called before EyeTV
- itself looks at the packets, so it is even possible to modify the data.
- Plugins currently live in EyeTV.app/Contens/Plugins/
- A plugin is packaged as a bundle with a single entry point:
- long EyeTVPluginDispatcher(EyeTVPluginSelector selector,
- void *refCon,
- EyeTVPluginDeviceID deviceID,
- long param1,
- long param2,
- long param3,
- long param4);
- PID Filtering
- =============
- EyeTV employs both hardware and software PID filtering. A plugin's dispatch routine
- is called with the kEyeTVPluginSelector_PacketsArrived selector after the hardware
- PID filter (naturally) but prior to the software PID filter, so the plugin has access
- to all packets that are delivered by the hardware.
- A plugin can request PIDs that are not needed by EyeTV from the hardware PID filter by
- means of a callback routine, see eyeTVPluginSelector_SetCallback.
- Note that hardware PID filtering is on for single processor machines (to reduce the CPU
- load), but off for multi-processor machines (to improve channel switch times).
- This behaviour is controlled by the "hardware PID filter" key in com.elgato.eyetv.plist,
- which defaults to "Auto" ("Off" on MP machines, "On" on single-processor machines). EyeTV
- does not offer GUI to change this setting. A plugin hence needs to be prepared to handle
- both an entire transponder or multiplex and to request PIDs it might need.
- Note that the plugin is called on the real-time thread that receives the transport stream
- packets and that the packet buffers passed to the plugin are the actual hardware DMA buffers.
- Please return as quickly as possible from the kEyeTVPluginSelector_PacketsArrived call and
- avoid blocking the calling thread.
- Revision History:
- 02/27/2004: Initial Release.
- */
- #define EYETV_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x04021901
- #define EYETV_PLUGIN_API_MIN_VERSION 0x04021901
- typedef long long EyeTVPluginDeviceID;
- typedef long EyeTVPluginDeviceType;
- typedef long EyeTVPluginSelector;
- enum {
- kEyeTVPIDType_Video = 0,
- kEyeTVPIDType_MPEGAudio = 1,
- kEyeTVPIDType_VBI = 2, /* teletext */
- kEyeTVPIDType_PCR = 3,
- kEyeTVPIDType_PMT = 4,
- kEyeTVPIDType_Unknown = 5,
- kEyeTVPIDType_AC3Audio = 6
- };
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginPIDInfo EyeTVPluginPIDInfo;
- struct EyeTVPluginPIDInfo {
- long pid;
- long pidType;
- };
- /***********************************************************************************
- *
- * EyeTVPluginCallbackParams,
- *
- ***********************************************************************************/
- enum {
- kEyeTVPluginCallbackSelector_RetainPIDs = 0,
- kEyeTVPluginCallbackSelector_ReleasePIDs = 1
- };
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginCallbackParams EyeTVPluginCallbackParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginCallbackParams {
- EyeTVPluginDeviceID deviceID; // the deviceID
- long selector; // callback selector, see above
- long *pids; // list of pids to release/retain
- long pidsCount; // count of pids
- };
- /***********************************************************************************
- *
- * typedef for the callback function,
- *
- ***********************************************************************************/
- typedef long(* EyeTVPluginCallbackProc)(EyeTVPluginCallbackParams *params);
- /***********************************************************************************
- *
- * EyeTVPluginParamStructs
- *
- ***********************************************************************************/
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginInitializeParams EyeTVPluginInitializeParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginInitializeParams {
- long apiVersion; // version of the EyeTV_PLUGIN_API
- EyeTVPluginCallbackProc callback; // the callback
- }; /* 8 bytes */
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginGetInfoParams EyeTVPluginGetInfoParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginGetInfoParams {
- long *pluginAPIVersion; // <- EYETV_PLUGIN_API_VERSION
- char *pluginName; // <- points to a 128-byte buffer, the plugin is expected to fill the buffer with
- // a UTF-8 encoded string.
- char *description; // <- points to a 1024-byte buffer, the plugin is expected to fill the buffer with
- // a UTF-8 encoded string describing the plugin.
- }; /* 12 bytes */
- enum {
- kEyeTVPluginDeviceType_Unknown = 0,
- kEyeTVPluginDeviceType_e200 = 1,
- kEyeTVPluginDeviceType_e300 = 2,
- kEyeTVPluginDeviceType_e400 = 3
- } ;
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginDeviceAddedParams EyeTVPluginDeviceAddedParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginDeviceAddedParams {
- EyeTVPluginDeviceType deviceType;
- }; /* 4 bytes */
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginPacketsArrivedParams EyeTVPluginPacketsArrivedParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginPacketsArrivedParams {
- long **packets; // points to an array of packets
- long packetCount;
- }; /* 8 bytes */
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginServiceChangedParams EyeTVPluginServiceChangedParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginServiceChangedParams {
- long headendID; // new headend ID. For E300 it's the orbital position of the satellite
- // in tenth of a degree
- long transponderID; // new transponder ID (The Frequency in kHz)
- long serviceID; // new service ID (the ID of the used service as included in the DVB Stream)
- EyeTVPluginPIDInfo *pidList; // points to the list of active PIDs;
- long pidCount; // the length of pidList
- }; /* 20 bytes */
- /***********************************************************************************
- *
- * EyeTVPluginParams
- *
- ***********************************************************************************/
- typedef struct EyeTVPluginParams EyeTVPluginParams;
- struct EyeTVPluginParams {
- EyeTVPluginDeviceID deviceID; // ID of the device
- EyeTVPluginSelector selector; // selector
- void *refCon; // refCon
- union {
- EyeTVPluginInitializeParams initialize; // kEyeTVPluginSelector_Initialize
- // kEyeTVPluginSelector_Terminate, no additional parameters
- EyeTVPluginGetInfoParams info; // kEyeTVPluginSelector_GetInfo
- EyeTVPluginDeviceAddedParams deviceAdded; // kEyeTVPluginSelector_DeviceAdded
- // kEyeTVPluginSelector_DeviceRemoved, no additional parameters
- EyeTVPluginPacketsArrivedParams packetsArrived; // kEyeTVPluginSelector_PacketsArrived
- EyeTVPluginServiceChangedParams serviceChanged; // kEyeTVPluginSelector_ServiceChanged
- };
- };
- enum { // EyeTVPluginSelector
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_Initialize = 0,
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_Terminate = 1,
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_GetInfo = 2,
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_DeviceAdded = 3,
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_DeviceRemoved = 4,
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_PacketsArrived = 5,
- kEyeTVPluginSelector_ServiceChanged = 6
- };
- /***********************************************************************************
- *
- * EyeTVPluginEntryProc
- *
- ***********************************************************************************/
- typedef long(* EyeTVPluginEntryProc)(EyeTVPluginParams *params);