- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999 Thomas Coonan (tcoonan@mindspring.com)
- //
- // This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
- // and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
- // General Public License as published by the Free Software
- // Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- // any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
- //
- `timescale 1ns / 10ps
- module test;
- // For 50Mhz, period is 20ns, so set CLKHI to 10 and CLKLO to 10
- parameter CLKHI = 10;
- parameter CLKLO = 10;
- // Define some codes for each instruction opcode. These have nothing to do
- // with the actual encoding of the instructions. This is for display purposes.
- //
- parameter NOP = 1;
- parameter MOVWF = 2;
- parameter CLRW = 3;
- parameter CLRF = 4;
- parameter SUBWF = 5;
- parameter DECF = 6;
- parameter IORWF = 7;
- parameter ANDWF = 8;
- parameter XORWF = 9;
- parameter ADDWF = 10;
- parameter MOVF = 11;
- parameter COMF = 12;
- parameter INCF = 13;
- parameter DECFSZ = 14;
- parameter RRF = 15;
- parameter RLF = 16;
- parameter SWAPF = 17;
- parameter INCFSZ = 18;
- parameter BCF = 19;
- parameter BSF = 20;
- parameter BTFSC = 21;
- parameter BTFSS = 22;
- parameter OPTION = 23;
- parameter SLEEP = 24;
- parameter CLRWDT = 25;
- parameter TRIS = 26;
- parameter RETLW = 27;
- parameter CALL = 28;
- parameter GOTO = 29;
- parameter MOVLW = 30;
- parameter IORLW = 31;
- parameter ANDLW = 32;
- parameter XORLW = 33;
- // *** Basic Interface to the PICCPU
- reg clk;
- reg reset;
- // Declare I/O Port connections
- reg [7:0] porta; // INPUT
- wire [7:0] portb; // OUTPUT
- wire [7:0] portc; // OUTPUT
- // Declare ROM and rom signals
- wire [10:0] pramaddr;
- wire [11:0] pramdata;
- // *** Expansion Interface
- wire [7:0] expdin;
- wire [7:0] expdout;
- wire [6:0] expaddr;
- wire expread;
- wire expwrite;
- // Debug output ports on the core. These are just internal signals brought out so
- // they can be observed.
- //
- wire [7:0] debugw;
- wire [10:0] debugpc;
- wire [11:0] debuginst;
- wire [7:0] debugstatus;
- // Instantiate one CPU to be tested.
- cpu cpu (
- .clk (clk),
- .reset (reset),
- .paddr (pramaddr),
- .pdata (pramdata),
- .portain (porta),
- .portbout (portb),
- .portcout (portc),
- .expdin (expdin),
- .expdout (expdout),
- .expaddr (expaddr),
- .expread (expread),
- .expwrite (expwrite),
- .debugw (debugw),
- .debugpc (debugpc),
- .debuginst (debuginst),
- .debugstatus (debugstatus)
- );
- // Instantiate the Program RAM.
- pram pram (
- .clk (clk),
- .address (pramaddr),
- .we (1'b0), // This testbench doesn't allow writing to PRAM
- .din (12'b000000000000), // This testbench doesn't allow writing to PRAM
- .dout (pramdata)
- );
- // Output of the DDS in the Expansion module (see section on the DDS Demo in docs).
- wire [7:0] dds_out;
- // Instantiate one PICEXP (Expansion) module. This one is a DDS circuit.
- exp exp(
- .clk (clk),
- .reset (reset),
- .expdin (expdin),
- .expdout (expdout),
- .expaddr (expaddr),
- .expread (expread),
- .expwrite (expwrite),
- .dds_out (dds_out)
- );
- // This is the only initial block in the test module and this is where
- // you select what test you want to do.
- //
- initial begin
- $display ("Free-RISC8. Version 1.0");
- // Just uncomment out the test you want to run!
- // ** This is our top-level "Basic Confidence" test.
- basic;
- // ** This is the DDS example. Make sure the DDS circuit is in the Verilog command line.
- //dds_test;
- end
- // Event should be emitted by any task to kill simulation. Tasks should
- // use this to close files, etc.
- //
- event ENDSIM;
- // Capture some data
- task capture_data;
- begin
- $dumpfile ("risc8.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0, test);
- @(ENDSIM);
- $dumpflush;
- end
- endtask
- // Reset
- task reset_pic;
- begin
- reset = 1;
- #200;
- reset = 0;
- $display ("End RESET.");
- end
- endtask
- // Drive the clock input
- task drive_clock;
- begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #(CLKLO) clk = 1;
- #(CLKHI) clk = 0;
- end
- end
- endtask
- // ************* BASIC CONFIDENCE Test Tasks **************
- //
- //
- // This task will fork off all the other necessary tasks to cause reset, drive the clock, etc. etc.
- //
- //
- task basic;
- integer num_outputs;
- integer num_matches;
- integer num_mismatches;
- begin
- $display ("Free-RISC8 1.0. This is the BASIC CONFIDENCE TEST.");
- #1;
- $display ("Loading program memory with %s", "basic.rom");
- $readmemh ("basic.rom", pram.mem);
- fork
- // Capture data
- capture_data;
- // Run the clock
- drive_clock;
- // Do a reset
- reset_pic;
- // Monitor the number of cycles and set an absolute maximum number of cycles.
- monitor_cycles (5000);
- // More specific monitors
- //monitor_inst;
- monitor_portb;
- monitor_portc;
- // Drive PORTA with a toggling pattern. This is for one of the subtests.
- //
- basic_drive_porta;
- // Monitor the counting pattern on PORTB. This is our self-checking scheme for the test.
- //
- begin
- //
- num_outputs = 9; // Expect exactly 7 changes on the PORTB (0..6).
- // Call the following task which will watch PORTB for the patterns.
- //
- basic_monitor_output_signature (num_outputs, num_matches, num_mismatches);
- // See how we did!
- repeat (2) @(posedge clk);
- $display ("Done monitoring for output signature. %0d Matches, %0d Mismatches.", num_matches, num_mismatches);
- if (num_matches == num_outputs && num_mismatches == 0) begin
- $display ("SUCCESS.");
- end
- else begin
- $display ("Test FAILED!!");
- end
- // We are done. Throw the ENDSIM event.
- #0;
- $finish;
- end
- // Catch end of simulation event due to max number of cycles or pattern from PIC code.
- begin
- @(ENDSIM); // Catch the event.
- // Got it!
- $display ("End of simulation signalled. Killing simulation in a moment.");
- #0; // Let anything else see this event...
- $finish;
- end
- join
- end
- endtask
- // Monitor PORTB for an incrementing pattern. This is how we are doing our self-checking.
- // A good run will count from ZERO up to some number.
- //
- task basic_monitor_output_signature;
- input num_outputs;
- output num_matches;
- output num_mismatches;
- integer num_outputs;
- integer num_matches;
- integer num_mismatches;
- integer i;
- reg [7:0] expected_output;
- begin
- num_matches = 0;
- num_mismatches = 0;
- expected_output = 8'h00;
- i = 0;
- while (i < num_outputs) begin
- // Wait for any change on output port B.
- @(portb);
- #1; // Wait for a moment for any wiggling on different
- // bits to seetle out, just in case there's any gate-level going on..
- if (portb == expected_output) begin
- $display ("MONITOR_OUTPUT_SIGNATURE: Expected output observed on PORTB: %h", portb);
- num_matches = num_matches + 1;
- end
- else begin
- $display ("MONITOR_OUTPUT_SIGNATURE: Unexpected output on PORTB: %h", portb);
- num_mismatches = num_mismatches + 1;
- end
- expected_output = expected_output + 1;
- i = i + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task basic_drive_porta;
- begin
- forever begin
- porta = 8'h55;
- repeat (32) @(posedge clk);
- porta = 8'hAA;
- repeat (32) @(posedge clk);
- end
- end
- endtask
- // ************* DDS Demo Test Tasks **************
- //
- // DDS Test.
- //
- // This task will fork off all the other necessary tasks to cause reset, drive the clock, etc. etc.
- //
- // In a waveform viewer, check out PORTC[1:0] and also check out the 'dds_out' output.
- // You should see a modulated sine wave (e.g. FSK).
- //
- task dds_test;
- begin
- $display ("Free-RISC8 1.0. This is the DDS Demo.");
- #1;
- $display ("Loading program memory with %s", "dds.rom");
- $readmemh ("dds.rom", pram.mem);
- fork
- // Capture data
- capture_data;
- // Run the clock
- drive_clock;
- // Do a reset
- reset_pic;
- // Monitor the number of cycles and set an absolute maximum number of cycles.
- monitor_cycles (3000); // <--- this appeared about right for DDS demo to finish all bits
- // More specific monitors
- //monitor_inst;
- //monitor_portb;
- //monitor_portc;
- // Catch end of simulation event due to max number of cycles or pattern from PIC code.
- begin
- @(ENDSIM); // Catch the event.
- // Got it!
- $display ("End of simulation signalled. Killing simulation in a moment.");
- #0; // Let anything else see this event...
- $finish;
- end
- join
- end
- endtask
- // ***************************** Generic Tasks ************************** //
- // CYCLE monitor and end-of-simulation checker.
- //
- task monitor_cycles;
- input max_cycles;
- integer max_cycles;
- integer cycles;
- begin
- cycles = 0;
- fork
- // Count cycles.
- forever begin
- @(posedge clk);
- cycles = cycles + 1;
- end
- // Watch for max cycles. If we detect max cycles then throw our testbench ENDSIM event.
- //
- begin
- wait (cycles == max_cycles);
- end
- join
- end
- endtask
- // Generic Debug Display stuff.
- //
- task monitor_rom;
- begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- $display ("ROM Address = %h, Data = %h", pramaddr, pramdata);
- end
- end
- endtask
- task monitor_porta;
- reg [7:0] last_porta;
- begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- if (last_porta !== porta) begin
- $display ("porta changes to: %h", porta);
- last_porta = porta;
- end
- end
- end
- endtask
- task monitor_portb;
- reg [7:0] last_portb;
- begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- if (last_portb !== portb) begin
- $display ("MONITOR_PORTB: Port B changes to: %h", portb);
- last_portb = portb;
- end
- end
- end
- endtask
- task monitor_portc;
- reg [7:0] last_portc;
- begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- if (last_portc !== portc) begin
- $display ("MONITOR_PORTC: Port C changes to: %h", portc);
- last_portc = portc;
- end
- end
- end
- endtask
- task monitor_w;
- reg [7:0] last_w;
- begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- if (debugw !== last_w) begin
- $display ("W = %0h", debugw);
- end
- last_w = debugw;
- end
- end
- endtask
- task monitor_pc;
- begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- $display ("PC = %0h", debugpc);
- end
- end
- endtask
- // Monitor the INST register (e.g. the instruction) and display something
- // resembling a disassembler output. We'll use several helping tasks to
- // look up an appopriate mnemonic.
- //
- task monitor_inst;
- reg [11:0] last_pc;
- integer opcode;
- reg [8*8-1:0] mnemonic;
- begin
- fork
- // Always keep a copy of the LAST value of the PC. This is because
- // of our pipelining. The PC is really one value ahead. You really
- // want to see the address that corresponds to the instruction you
- // are looking at.
- //
- forever begin
- @(posedge clk);
- last_pc = debugpc;
- end
- begin
- #6;
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- // OK. We have an instruction. Take this instruction and call some tasks
- // to help us display a pretty output line. We will look up a nice mnemonic, etc.
- //
- lookup_opcode (debuginst, opcode); // Look up a simpler "opcode" number instead of the actual instruction.
- lookup_mnemonic (opcode, mnemonic); // Look up the ASCII instruction name
- // Depending on the specific instruction, we want to print out different stuff.
- // We may need to print out the 'K' field for literal instructions, or the 'f' field
- // for the MOVF types of instruction, or only the address and mnemonic for
- // simple instructions like SLEEP or CLRW.
- //
- if (opcode == CLRW ||
- opcode == NOP ||
- opcode == CLRWDT ||
- opcode == OPTION ||
- opcode == SLEEP) begin
- // These are instructions with no additional arguments. Display the PC and MNEMONIC only.
- //
- $display ("MONITOR_INST: %h %s", last_pc, mnemonic);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:10] == 2'b00) begin
- // These are the instructions with a register address. Display the 'd' and 'f' fields.
- //
- $display ("MONITOR_INST: %h %s %0d(0x%h), %s",
- last_pc, mnemonic,
- debuginst[4:0], debuginst[4:0],
- (debuginst[5]) ? "f" : "W"
- );
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:10] == 2'b01) begin
- // These are the "Bit-Oriented" instructions with a bit reference and register address.
- // Display the 'b' and 'f' fields.
- //
- $display ("MONITOR_INST: %h %s bit=%d, f=%0d(0x%h)",
- last_pc, mnemonic,
- debuginst[7:5],
- debuginst[4:0], debuginst[4:0]
- );
- end
- else if (debuginst[11] == 1'b1) begin
- // These are the "Literal and Control" instructions with a literal field. Display the 'k' field.
- //
- $display ("MONITOR_INST: %h %s %0d(0x%h)",
- last_pc, mnemonic,
- debuginst[7:0], debuginst[7:0]
- );
- end
- else begin
- $display ("MONITOR_INST: --- Unhandled instruction.. %h", debuginst);
- end
- end
- end
- join
- end
- endtask
- // Given the actual 12-bit instruction, return the "opcode". This is just an integer number
- // to help us handle printing and such and does NOT correspond to any hardware encoding.
- //
- task lookup_opcode;
- input inst;
- output opcode;
- reg [11:0] inst;
- integer opcode;
- begin
- casex (inst)
- 12'b0000_0000_0000: opcode = NOP;
- 12'b0000_001X_XXXX: opcode = MOVWF;
- 12'b0000_0100_0000: opcode = CLRW;
- 12'b0000_011X_XXXX: opcode = CLRF;
- 12'b0000_10XX_XXXX: opcode = SUBWF;
- 12'b0000_11XX_XXXX: opcode = DECF;
- 12'b0001_00XX_XXXX: opcode = IORWF;
- 12'b0001_01XX_XXXX: opcode = ANDWF;
- 12'b0001_10XX_XXXX: opcode = XORWF;
- 12'b0001_11XX_XXXX: opcode = ADDWF;
- 12'b0010_00XX_XXXX: opcode = MOVF;
- 12'b0010_01XX_XXXX: opcode = COMF;
- 12'b0010_10XX_XXXX: opcode = INCF;
- 12'b0010_11XX_XXXX: opcode = DECFSZ;
- 12'b0011_00XX_XXXX: opcode = RRF;
- 12'b0011_01XX_XXXX: opcode = RLF;
- 12'b0011_10XX_XXXX: opcode = SWAPF;
- 12'b0011_11XX_XXXX: opcode = INCFSZ;
- // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
- 12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = BCF;
- 12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = BSF;
- 12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = BTFSC;
- 12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = BTFSS;
- // *** Literal and Control Operations
- 12'b0000_0000_0010: opcode = OPTION;
- 12'b0000_0000_0011: opcode = SLEEP;
- 12'b0000_0000_0100: opcode = CLRWDT;
- 12'b0000_0000_0101: opcode = TRIS;
- 12'b0000_0000_0110: opcode = TRIS;
- 12'b0000_0000_0111: opcode = TRIS;
- 12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = RETLW;
- 12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = CALL;
- 12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = GOTO;
- 12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = MOVLW;
- 12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = IORLW;
- 12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = ANDLW;
- 12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: opcode = XORLW;
- default: opcode = 0;
- endcase
- end
- endtask
- // Given the opcode (see task 'lookup_opcode') return the ASCII string for the instruction.
- //
- task lookup_mnemonic;
- input opcode;
- output mnemonic;
- integer opcode;
- reg [8*8-1:0] mnemonic;
- begin
- case (opcode)
- NOP: mnemonic = "NOP ";
- MOVWF: mnemonic = "MOVWF ";
- CLRW: mnemonic = "CLRW ";
- CLRF: mnemonic = "CLRF ";
- SUBWF: mnemonic = "SUBWF ";
- DECF: mnemonic = "DECF ";
- IORWF: mnemonic = "IORWF ";
- ANDWF: mnemonic = "ANDWF ";
- XORWF: mnemonic = "XORWF ";
- ADDWF: mnemonic = "ADDWF ";
- MOVF: mnemonic = "MOVF ";
- COMF: mnemonic = "COMF ";
- INCF: mnemonic = "INCF ";
- DECFSZ: mnemonic = "DECFSZ ";
- RRF: mnemonic = "RRF ";
- RLF: mnemonic = "RLF ";
- SWAPF: mnemonic = "SWAPF ";
- INCFSZ: mnemonic = "INCFSZ ";
- // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
- BCF: mnemonic = "BCF ";
- BSF: mnemonic = "BSF ";
- BTFSC: mnemonic = "BTFSC ";
- BTFSS: mnemonic = "BTFSS ";
- // *** Literal and Control Operations
- OPTION: mnemonic = "OPTION ";
- SLEEP: mnemonic = "SLEEP ";
- CLRWDT: mnemonic = "CLRWDT ";
- TRIS: mnemonic = "TRIS ";
- RETLW: mnemonic = "RETLW ";
- CALL: mnemonic = "CALL ";
- GOTO: mnemonic = "GOTO ";
- MOVLW: mnemonic = "MOVLW ";
- IORLW: mnemonic = "IORLW ";
- ANDLW: mnemonic = "ANDLW ";
- XORLW: mnemonic = "XORLW ";
- default: mnemonic = "-XXXXXX-";
- endcase
- end
- endtask
- endmodule