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资源名称:ftp-com.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- I would like to thank everyone for using gFTP, and for sending in bug
- reports about it. I would also like to thank these specific people for
- sending in patches or translations:
- Steve Stites <stites@fastmail.ca> - updated USERS-GUIDE
- Yanko Kaneti <yaneti@declera.com> - Bulgarian updates
- John Franks <john@math.northwestern.edu> - Several HTTP fixes
- Myckel Habets <myckelhabets@netscape.net> - Norwegian updates
- Borislav Aleksandrov <B.Aleksandrov@cnsys.bg> - Bulgarian translation
- Gustavo D. Vranjes <gvranjes@abaconet.com.ar> - Spanish translation updates
- Anders Henriksen <andersh@cc.uit.no> - Norwegian translation
- Gorkem Cetin <gorkem@gelecek.com.tr> - Turkish translation
- Gabriele Stella <gstella@libero.it> - Italian translation
- Wu Yulun <migr@operamail.com> - Simplified Chinese translation
- Isa韆s V. Prestes <isix@uol.com.br> - Portuguese translation
- The Polish GNOME Translation Team <gnomepl@pandora.info.bielsko.pl> - Polish transation
- Domansky Petr <root@tien.cz.telecom.cz> - Czech translation
- Anders Eurenius <c96aes@cs.umu.se> - Swedish translation
- Sung-Hyun Nam <namsh@kldp.org> - Korean translation
- Yasuyuki Furukawa <yasu@on.cs.keio.ac.jp> - Japanese translation
- Valek Filippov <frob@df.ru> - Russian translation
- E. Sassaki <esassaki@hotmail.com> - Portuguese translation
- Fang Chun-Chih <ccfang1@ms21.hinet.net> - Chinese translation
- Tuomo Lukka <Luigi@iki.fi> - Finnish translation
- Birger Langkjer <birger.langkjer@image.dk> - Danish translation
- Vicente Aguilar <v.aguilar@terra.es> - Spanish translation
- Hein-Jan Leliveld <h.j.leliveld@student.tn.tudelft.nl> - Dutch translation
- Jochen Siebert <siebert@physik.rwth-aachen.de> - German translation
- Matthias Warkus <mawarkus@t-online.de> - Updates to German translation
- Jerome Couderc <j.couderc@ifrance.com> - French translation
- Peter Osterlund <peter.osterlund@mailbox.swipnet.se> - sent in some patches and did lots of code testing
- Toussaint Fr閐閞ic <ftoussin@club-internet.fr> - sent me some more icons
- David Kaelbling <drk@sgi.com> - Sent in patch to make gFTP compile on IRIX
- Gerard Lanois <gerard@msi.com> - sent in patch for MacOS ftp servers
- Noel T. Nunkovich <ntnunk@earthlink.net> - sent in patch for NT ftp servers
- Aaron Worley <planet_hoth@yahoo.com> - designed gftp logo
- Sean Finkel <alarion@worldspy.net> - designed a few icons for me
- Chi-Deok Hwang <cdhwang@sr.hei.co.kr> - sent in patches to fix some bugs
- Ryan Weaver <ryanw@infohwy.com> - RedHat package maintainer
- And finally special thanks goes out to:
- The Knights Who Say "NI!"
- ... and the aptly named Sir Not Appearing in this Program