- This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- electronic documentation provided with the library.
- See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- DRAWCLI Sample Microsoft Foundation Classes Application
- -------------------------------------------------------
- The DRAWCLI sample application illustrates the integration of OLE container
- support with application-specific features, effective use of polymorphism
- in C++, and Windows 95 logo compliance.
- OLE container support
- ---------------------
- The DRAWCLI was originally a stand-alone drawing application developed using
- the MFC classes. The stand-alone version of DRAWCLI was then integrated with
- a second skeleton version of DRAWCLI created using AppWizard's OLE Container
- feature. This process is similar to how the OLE Visual Editing server tutorial
- adds server support to create the Step 7 version of SCRIBBLE.
- The design of an MFC OLE container application should look essentially the same,
- regardless of whether you're adding OLE functionality to an existing stand-alone
- MFC (doc/view) application, or whether you're starting with an AppWizard-generated
- OLE container application. The following is a brief description of how DRAWCLI
- is separated into application-specific code and OLE container-specific code.
- Class CDrawObj, implemented in DRAWOBJ.CPP, is a base class for derived "shape"
- classes. This base class handles hit testing of shapes, moving of shapes, and
- resizing of shapes. Through the use of polymorphism, DRAWCLI can interact with
- objects of different classes through CDrawObj's interface.
- Classes CDrawRect and CDrawPoly are derived from CDrawObj. CDrawRect is used to
- draw rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, and lines. CDrawPoly is used to
- draw polygons. These two classes are independent of DRAWCLI's OLE container
- functionality.
- Class CDrawOleObj is also derived from CDrawObj, and is used to represent OLE
- embedded objects. CDrawOleObj delegates any OLE-specific operation to a contained
- CDrawItem object (described below). For generic shape operations, OLE embedded
- objects are treated like other shape objects in DRAWCLI because CDrawOleObj is
- derived from CDrawObj.
- Class CDrawItem, derived from COleClientItem, handles all the OLE-specific behavior
- for the OLE embedded object. The implementation of CDrawItem is similar to the
- implementation of the COleClientItem-derived classes in the CONTAIN and OCLIENT
- samples.
- Class CDrawDoc is derived from COleDocument. The document object maintains a
- CObjList of CDrawObj objects. CDrawDoc delegates several OLE container-specific
- menu commands, such as Edit Paste, Paste Link, and Links, to the base class
- COleDocument.
- Class CDrawView is derived from CScrollView. The OLE-specific implementation of
- CDrawView is similar to the implementation of the view classes in the CONTAIN and
- OCLIENT samples. The bulk of DRAWCLI's drawing-specific user interface is also
- implemented in CDrawView.
- Windows 95 Logo compliance
- --------------------------
- All MFC applications meet some of the requirements for the Windows 95 logo:
- having a Win32 executable, support for long filenames, support for UNC pathnames,
- use of system colors and metrics, and compatibility with Windows NT. DRAWCLI
- meets the remaining requirements for the Windows 95 logo by including the
- following features:
- - OLE support. DRAWCLI is an OLE container that stores its files in
- the compound file format, supports in-place activation, and acts as a drop
- target for drag-and-drop operations.
- - MAPI support. DRAWCLI provides a "Send as Mail" message on its File menu,
- allowing the user to send a document as a mail attachment.
- - Compliance with Win95 shell guidelines, including registration of large and
- small icons, use of the system registry instead of an .INI file, and having a
- setup and an uninstall program. For the latter, DRAWCLI includes a script
- compatible with InstallSHIELD, Stirling Software抯 toolkit for creating
- setup and uninstall programs.
- DRAWCLI also meets the following recommendations for Windows 95 applications:
- - Use of tabbed property pages.
- - Use of Windows 95 common controls.
- - Displays a shortcut menu in response to a right-button mouse click.
- - Storing Summary Information with its documents.
- In order to use the setup script (SETUP.RUL), you must first install
- InstallSHIELD from the ishield directory on the CD-ROM. Then create a directory
- tree with the following structure:
- +--+--DISK1
- |
- +--DATA
- |
- |
- |
- |
- +--HELP
- In the DATA directory, create a file named README.TXT (you can use this file).
- In the PROGRAM subdirectory, place a copy of DRAWCLI.EXE. In the SHARED
- subdirectory, place copies of MFC40.DLL, MFCO40.DLL, and MSVCRT40.DLL. In the
- SAMPLES subdirectory, create a file called SAMPLE.DRW. In the HELP subdirectory,
- create a file called DUMMY.HLP.(DRAWCLI does not currently support online help;
- this file is strictly a placeholder for demonstrating the setup program.)
- In the DISK1 directory, create an empty file named DISK1.ID. This acts as a
- disk identifier.
- Using InstallSHIELD's ICOMP.EXE, compress all the DRAWCLI files into a file
- named DATA.Z using the following command:
- > icomp data*.* disk1data.z -i
- Using InstallSHIELD's COMPILE.EXE, compile the script SETUP.RUL into SETUP.INS
- using the following command:
- > compile setup.rul
- Using InstallSHIELD's PACKLIST.EXE, compile the file SETUP.LST into SETUP.PKG
- using the following command:
- > packlist setup.lst
- Copy the following files to a floppy disk:
- (from Program FilesStirlingInstallSHIELDProgram)
- (from the directory where you placed DRAWCLI)
- (from your DISK1 subdirectory)
- - DISK1.ID
- - DATA.Z
- The resulting floppy disk can be used to install DRAWCLI.
- See the InstallSHIELD documentation for more information.