- // This is part of the Professional User Interface Suite library.
- // Copyright (C) 2001-2009 FOSS Software, Inc.
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // http://www.prof-uis.com
- // mailto:support@prof-uis.com
- //
- // This source code can be used, modified and redistributed
- // under the terms of the license agreement that is included
- // in the Professional User Interface Suite package.
- //
- // Warranties and Disclaimers:
- #if (!defined __EXT_SCROLLWND_H)
- #define __EXT_SCROLLWND_H
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_DEF_H)
- #include <ExtMfcDef.h>
- #endif // __EXT_MFC_DEF_H
- #if (!defined __AFXTEMPL_H__)
- #include <AfxTempl.h>
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_MOUSECAPTURESINK_H)
- #include <../Src/ExtMouseCaptureSink.h>
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_CONTROLBAR_H)
- #include <ExtControlBar.h>
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_HOOK_H)
- #include "../Src/ExtHook.h"
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_PAINT_MANAGER_H)
- #include <ExtPaintManager.h>
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_MEMORY_DC_H)
- #include <../Src/ExtMemoryDC.h>
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_LABEL_H)
- #include <ExtLabel.h>
- #endif
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SCROLLCONAINERWND)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtScrollBar window
- class CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer;
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_HERE 0x100
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_EDGE_LOWER 0x101
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_EDGE_UPPER 0x102
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_PAGE_LOWER 0x103
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_PAGE_UPPER 0x104
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_LINE_LOWER 0x105
- #define __EXT_ID_SCROLL_LINE_UPPER 0x106
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtScrollBar
- : public CScrollBar
- , public CExtAnimationSingleton
- , public CExtHookSpy
- {
- public:
- CExtScrollBar();
- public:
- INT m_nStepSize;
- virtual INT GetStepSize() const;
- /*
- SCROLLINFO m_scrollInfo;
- */
- enum eScrollerOrientation_t
- {
- __ESO_TOP = 0,
- __ESO_BOTTOM = 1,
- __ESO_LEFT = 2,
- __ESO_RIGHT = 3,
- __ESO_AUTO = 4,
- __ESO_NONE = 5,
- __ESO_MIN_VALUE = 0,
- __ESO_MAX_VALUE = 5,
- };
- eScrollerOrientation_t m_eSO;
- bool m_bAutoDeleteOnPostNcDestroy:1, m_bReflectParentSizing:1,
- m_bDisableAutoReserveSpace:1, m_bHelperLightAccent:1,
- m_bAutoReserveSpaceBefore:1, m_bAutoReserveSpaceAfter:1,
- m_bCompleteRepaint:1, m_bSmoothPainting:1,
- m_bHideHwndBefore:1, m_bHideHwndAfter:1,
- m_bEnabledToolTips:1, m_bEnabledTrackingToolTips:1,
- m_bEnableHookSpy:1, m_bHookCapturedState:1,
- m_bSendActionNotifications:1, m_bPopupInactiveLightMode:1,
- m_bSendEqualNotifications:1;
- HWND m_hWndBefore, m_hWndAfter;
- CExtSafeString
- m_strTipTextForUpButton, m_strTipTextForDownButton,
- m_strTipTextForPageUpArea, m_strTipTextForPageDownArea,
- m_strTipTextForThumbButton;
- int m_nMouseActivateCode;
- virtual void SyncReservedSpace( CExtScrollBar * pOtherBar );
- virtual eScrollerOrientation_t GetScrollerOrientation() const;
- public:
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtScrollBar)
- protected:
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
- virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- public:
- virtual bool OnHookSpyPreTranslateMessage(
- MSG * pMSG
- );
- virtual bool OnHookSpyMouseMoveMsg(
- MSG * pMSG
- );
- virtual bool OnHookSpyMouseClickMsg(
- MSG * pMSG
- );
- bool ScrollBar_OnMouseMoveMsg(
- MSG * pMSG
- );
- bool ScrollBar_OnMouseClickMsg(
- MSG * pMSG
- );
- virtual HWND ScrollBar_CaptureGet() const;
- virtual void ScrollBar_CaptureSet();
- virtual void ScrollBar_CaptureRelease();
- virtual void ScrollBar_TrackMouseLButtonDown(
- MSG * pMSG
- );
- virtual void OnSbPaint( CDC & dc );
- virtual bool _IsLockAbleMessage( UINT message ) const;
- virtual INT _GetScrollPos(
- bool bTrackPos = false
- ) const;
- virtual void _SetScrollPos(
- INT nPos,
- bool bTrackPos = false,
- bool bRedraw = true,
- bool bSendScrollingNotification = true
- );
- virtual ~CExtScrollBar();
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * _GetParentScrollContainer();
- virtual CExtPopupMenuTipWnd * OnAdvancedPopupMenuTipWndGet() const;
- virtual bool OnAdvancedPopupMenuTipWndGetInfo(
- CExtPopupMenuTipWnd & _ATTW,
- bool bTrackingTip,
- CRect & rcExcludeArea,
- CExtSafeString & strTipText
- ) const;
- virtual void OnAdvancedPopupMenuTipWndDisplay(
- CExtPopupMenuTipWnd & _ATTW,
- bool bTrackingTip
- ) const;
- virtual void OnAdvancedPopupMenuTipWndDisplay(
- CExtPopupMenuTipWnd & _ATTW,
- const RECT & rcExcludeArea,
- bool bTrackingTip
- ) const;
- virtual void PostNcDestroy();
- virtual bool AnimationClient_EnabledGet() const;
- virtual bool AnimationSite_EnabledGet() const;
- virtual void AnimationSite_OnProgressShutdownTimer( UINT nTimerID );
- virtual HWND AnimationSite_GetSafeHWND() const;
- virtual const CExtAnimationParameters *
- AnimationClient_OnQueryAnimationParameters(
- INT eAPT // __EAPT_*** animation type
- ) const;
- virtual bool AnimationClient_CacheNextState(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcAcAnimationTarget,
- bool bAnimate,
- INT eAPT // __EAPT_*** animation type
- );
- virtual void PmBridge_OnPaintManagerChanged(
- CExtPaintManager * pGlobalPM
- );
- INT m_nHorzBarHeight, m_nVertBarWidth,
- m_nHorzButtonWidth, m_nVertButtonHeight,
- m_nHorzThumbMinWidth, m_nVertThumbMinHeight;
- protected:
- virtual void _ScanSysMertics();
- bool m_bProcessingClick:1, m_bProcessingOutClick:1,
- m_bProcessingHover:1, m_bProcessingCancelMode:1,
- m_bHelperHaveTrackPos:1;
- INT m_nSBMHT, m_nHelperTrackPos;
- CPoint m_ptCtxMenuCache;
- public:
- bool m_bAlwaysSendThumbButtonNotifications:1, m_bEnableCtxMenu:1;
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtScrollBar)
- afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos);
- afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos);
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* lpncsp);
- afx_msg void OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point);
- afx_msg int OnMouseActivate(CWnd* pDesktopWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
- afx_msg void OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus);
- afx_msg void OnEnable(BOOL bEnable);
- afx_msg void OnCancelMode();
- afx_msg void OnCaptureChanged(CWnd *pWnd);
- afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
- afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnMButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnMButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- afx_msg UINT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnTimer(__EXT_MFC_UINT_PTR nIDEvent);
- afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszSection);
- afx_msg LRESULT OnSizeParent( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- afx_msg void OnScrollHere();
- afx_msg void OnScrollEdgeLower();
- afx_msg void OnScrollEdgeUpper();
- afx_msg void OnScrollPageLower();
- afx_msg void OnScrollPageUpper();
- afx_msg void OnScrollLineLower();
- afx_msg void OnScrollLineUpper();
- }; // class CExtScrollBar
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtNSB template
- // Provides any CWnd with Prof-UIS CExtScrollBar nicer scroll bars.
- // CWnd should use RepositionBars for docking Prof-UIS scroll bars to its borders.
- template < class _BT >
- class CExtNSB : public _BT
- {
- public:
- mutable CExtScrollBar m_wndScrollBarH, m_wndScrollBarV;
- virtual bool NSB_EnsureScrollBarsCreated() const
- {
- if( m_wndScrollBarH.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL
- && m_wndScrollBarV.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL
- )
- return true;
- m_wndScrollBarH.m_eSO = CExtScrollBar::__ESO_BOTTOM;
- m_wndScrollBarV.m_eSO = CExtScrollBar::__ESO_RIGHT;
- if( m_wndScrollBarV.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- {
- if( ! m_wndScrollBarV.Create(
- CRect(0,0,0,0),
- ((CWnd*)this),
- 1
- )
- )
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if( m_wndScrollBarH.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- {
- if( ! m_wndScrollBarH.Create(
- CRect(0,0,0,0),
- ((CWnd*)this),
- 2
- )
- )
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- m_wndScrollBarH.SyncReservedSpace( &m_wndScrollBarV );
- m_wndScrollBarV.SyncReservedSpace( &m_wndScrollBarH );
- return true;
- }
- virtual CScrollBar * GetScrollBarCtrl( int nBar ) const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- switch( nBar )
- {
- case SB_HORZ:
- case SB_VERT:
- if( NSB_EnsureScrollBarsCreated() )
- {
- CExtScrollBar * pExtScrollBar = ( nBar == SB_HORZ ) ? (&m_wndScrollBarH) : (&m_wndScrollBarV);
- ASSERT_VALID( pExtScrollBar );
- ASSERT( pExtScrollBar->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- //pExtScrollBar->m_bSendActionNotifications = false;
- return pExtScrollBar;
- }
- break;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- }; // class CExtNSB
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtZoomScrollBar window
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtZoomScrollBar : public CExtScrollBar
- {
- // Construction
- public:
- CExtZoomScrollBar();
- public:
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtZoomScrollBar)
- public:
- virtual ~CExtZoomScrollBar();
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtZoomScrollBar)
- //}}AFX_MSG
- }; // class CExtZoomScrollBar
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // class CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer : public CWnd
- {
- public:
- enum e_mode_t
- {
- __EM_MIN_VALUE = 0,
- __EM_MAX_VALUE = 3,
- };
- protected:
- mutable HWND m_hWndScrollingTaget;
- e_mode_t m_eMode;
- mutable CExtScrollBar * m_pWndScrollBar;
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer(
- HWND hWndScrollingTaget,
- e_mode_t eMode
- );
- virtual ~CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer();
- HWND GetSafeScrollingTargetHWND() const;
- CExtScrollBar * GetScrollBarInContainer() const;
- e_mode_t GetMode() const;
- virtual CExtScrollBar * OnInstantiateAndCreateScrollBar( bool bChildMode );
- virtual bool Create( CWnd * pWndParent );
- protected:
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
- virtual void PostNcDestroy();
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- }; /// class CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // template class CExtNCSB_Impl
- // skin scroll bars of any window with non-client area scroll bars
- template < class _BTNCSBimpl >
- class CExtNCSB_Impl : public _BTNCSBimpl
- {
- protected:
- mutable HWND m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal, m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical, m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner, m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle;
- mutable CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal, * m_pNcsbContainerVertical, * m_pNcsbContainerCorner, * m_pNcsbContainerMiddle;
- bool m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode:1, m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed:1;
- public:
- CPoint m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast;
- bool m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo:1, m_bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode:1,
- m_bNcsbProtectMessageLoopFromMfcToolHitTesting:1, m_bNcsbDelayedInitialization:1,
- m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel:1, m_bNcsbCreatingContainers:1,
- m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollInfoH:1, m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollInfoV:1,
- m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosH:1, m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosV:1;
- CRect m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes;
- COLORREF m_clrNcsbCustomNcAreaFill;
- CExtNCSB_Impl(
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- : m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerVertical( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerCorner( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerMiddle( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle( NULL )
- , m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo( true )
- , m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode( false )
- , m_bNcsbDelayedInitialization( bNcsbDelayedInitialization )
- , m_bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode( bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode )
- , m_bNcsbProtectMessageLoopFromMfcToolHitTesting( true )
- , m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast( -32767, -32767 )
- , m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes( -1, -1, -1, -1 )
- , m_clrNcsbCustomNcAreaFill( COLORREF(-1L) )
- , m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed( false )
- , m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel( false )
- , m_bNcsbCreatingContainers( false )
- , m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollInfoH( false )
- , m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollInfoV( false )
- , m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosH( false )
- , m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosV( false )
- {
- }
- CExtNCSB_Impl(
- UINT nIDTemplate,
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- : _BTNCSBimpl( nIDTemplate, pParentWnd )
- , m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerVertical( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerCorner( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerMiddle( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle( NULL )
- , m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo( true )
- , m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode( false )
- , m_bNcsbDelayedInitialization( bNcsbDelayedInitialization )
- , m_bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode( bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode )
- , m_bNcsbProtectMessageLoopFromMfcToolHitTesting( true )
- , m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast( -32767, -32767 )
- , m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes( -1, -1, -1, -1 )
- , m_clrNcsbCustomNcAreaFill( COLORREF(-1L) )
- , m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed( false )
- , m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel( false )
- , m_bNcsbCreatingContainers( false )
- {
- }
- CExtNCSB_Impl(
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName,
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- : _BTNCSBimpl( lpszTemplateName, pParentWnd )
- , m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerVertical( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerCorner( NULL )
- , m_pNcsbContainerMiddle( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner( NULL )
- , m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle( NULL )
- , m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo( true )
- , m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode( false )
- , m_bNcsbDelayedInitialization( bNcsbDelayedInitialization )
- , m_bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode( bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode )
- , m_bNcsbProtectMessageLoopFromMfcToolHitTesting( true )
- , m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast( -32767, -32767 )
- , m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes( -1, -1, -1, -1 )
- , m_clrNcsbCustomNcAreaFill( COLORREF(-1L) )
- , m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed( false )
- , m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel( false )
- , m_bNcsbCreatingContainers( false )
- {
- }
- virtual ~CExtNCSB_Impl()
- {
- NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- }
- virtual bool NCSB_IsDestructionMode() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode;
- }
- virtual bool NCSB_IsMiddleContainerRequired() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( m_bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- virtual CWnd * NCSB_GetParentWindow()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return NULL;
- DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle();
- if( (dwStyle&WS_CHILD) == 0 )
- return this;
- CWnd * pWndParent = GetParent();
- if( pWndParent->GetSafeHwnd() == ::GetDesktopWindow() )
- return this;
- return pWndParent;
- }
- virtual bool NSCB_IsLeftScrollBarMode() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- DWORD dwStyleEx = GetExStyle();
- if( (dwStyleEx&WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR) != 0 )
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- virtual CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::e_mode_t eMode ) const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- ASSERT( INT(CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_MIN_VALUE) <= INT(eMode) && INT(eMode) <= INT(CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_MAX_VALUE) );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWnd = NULL;
- HWND hWnd = NULL;
- switch( eMode )
- {
- case CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_MIDDLE_CONTAINER:
- pWnd = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle;
- hWnd = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle;
- break;
- case CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_CORNER_AREA:
- pWnd = m_pNcsbContainerCorner;
- hWnd = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner;
- break;
- case CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR:
- pWnd = m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal;
- hWnd = m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal;
- break;
- case CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR:
- pWnd = m_pNcsbContainerVertical;
- hWnd = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical;
- break;
- }
- if( pWnd == NULL
- || hWnd == NULL
- || (! ::IsWindow( hWnd ) )
- || LPVOID( CWnd::FromHandlePermanent( hWnd ) ) != LPVOID( pWnd )
- )
- return NULL;
- return pWnd;
- }
- virtual CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * NCSB_InstantiateAndCreateContainer(
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::e_mode_t eMode,
- CWnd * pWndParent
- )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL || pWndParent->GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return NULL;
- ASSERT_VALID( pWndParent );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWnd =
- new CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer(
- m_hWnd,
- eMode
- );
- if( ! pWnd->Create( pWndParent ) )
- return NULL;
- return pWnd;
- }
- virtual bool NCSB_EnsureContainersCreated()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( ! g_PaintManager.m_bAutoSkinScrollBars )
- return false;
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return false;
- if( m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal != NULL || m_pNcsbContainerVertical != NULL || m_pNcsbContainerCorner != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal != NULL && m_pNcsbContainerVertical != NULL && m_pNcsbContainerCorner != NULL );
- ASSERT( m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal != NULL && m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical != NULL && m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner != NULL );
- return true;
- }
- CWnd * pWndParent = NCSB_GetParentWindow();
- if( pWndParent == NULL )
- return false;
- ASSERT_VALID( pWndParent );
- ASSERT( pWndParent->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- if( m_bNcsbCreatingContainers )
- return false;
- m_bNcsbCreatingContainers = true;
- if( NCSB_IsMiddleContainerRequired() )
- {
- ASSERT( (GetStyle()&WS_CHILD) != 0 );
- if( m_pNcsbContainerMiddle == NULL )
- {
- m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NCSB_InstantiateAndCreateContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_MIDDLE_CONTAINER, pWndParent );
- m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle->GetSafeHwnd();
- if( m_pNcsbContainerMiddle == NULL )
- {
- m_bNcsbCreatingContainers = false;
- return false;
- }
- }
- pWndParent = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle;
- ASSERT( LPVOID(pWndParent) == LPVOID(NCSB_GetParentWindow()) );
- }
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = NCSB_InstantiateAndCreateContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR, pWndParent );
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal->GetSafeHwnd();
- if( m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal == NULL )
- {
- NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_bNcsbCreatingContainers = false;
- return false;
- }
- m_pNcsbContainerVertical = NCSB_InstantiateAndCreateContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR, pWndParent );
- m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerVertical->GetSafeHwnd();
- if( m_pNcsbContainerVertical == NULL )
- {
- NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_bNcsbCreatingContainers = false;
- return false;
- }
- m_pNcsbContainerCorner = NCSB_InstantiateAndCreateContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_CORNER_AREA, pWndParent );
- m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerCorner->GetSafeHwnd();
- if( m_pNcsbContainerCorner == NULL )
- {
- NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_bNcsbCreatingContainers = false;
- return false;
- }
- m_bNcsbCreatingContainers = false;
- return true;
- }
- virtual void NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWnd;
- pWnd = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR );
- if( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
- pWnd->DestroyWindow();
- pWnd = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR );
- if( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
- pWnd->DestroyWindow();
- pWnd = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_CORNER_AREA );
- if( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
- pWnd->DestroyWindow();
- pWnd = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_MIDDLE_CONTAINER );
- if( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
- pWnd->PostMessage( WM_CLOSE );
- }
- virtual INT NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( bool bHorizontal )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- INT nExtent = (INT)::GetSystemMetrics( bHorizontal ? SM_CYHSCROLL : SM_CXVSCROLL );
- return nExtent;
- }
- virtual void NCSB_GetScrollInfoWindow( bool bHorizontal, SCROLLINFO & _scroll_info )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- ::memset( &_scroll_info, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- _scroll_info.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- int nBar = bHorizontal ? SB_HORZ : SB_VERT;
- if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- {
- if( ((CWnd*)(this)) ->
- CWnd::GetScrollInfo(
- nBar,
- &_scroll_info,
- )
- )
- return;
- } // if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- INT nMin = 0, nMax = 0;
- CWnd::GetScrollRange( nBar, &nMin, &nMax );
- _scroll_info.nMin = nMin;
- _scroll_info.nMax = nMax;
- _scroll_info.nPos = _scroll_info.nTrackPos = CWnd::GetScrollPos( nBar );
- }
- virtual void NCSB_SetScrollInfoWindow( bool bHorizontal, SCROLLINFO & _scroll_info )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- ::memset( &_scroll_info, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- _scroll_info.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- int nBar = bHorizontal ? SB_HORZ : SB_VERT;
- if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- {
- if( ((CWnd*)(this)) ->
- CWnd::SetScrollInfo(
- nBar,
- &_scroll_info
- )
- )
- return;
- } // if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- if( ( _scroll_info.fMask & SIF_RANGE ) != 0 )
- CWnd::SetScrollRange( nBar, _scroll_info.nMin, _scroll_info.nMax );
- if( ( _scroll_info.fMask & SIF_POS ) != 0 )
- CWnd::SetScrollPos( nBar, _scroll_info.nPos );
- }
- virtual void NCSB_GetScrollInfoBar( CExtScrollBar * pScrollBar, SCROLLINFO & _scroll_info )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- ::memset( &_scroll_info, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- _scroll_info.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT_VALID( pScrollBar );
- ASSERT( pScrollBar->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- {
- if( pScrollBar->GetScrollInfo(
- &_scroll_info,
- )
- )
- return;
- } // if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- INT nMin = 0, nMax = 0;
- pScrollBar->GetScrollRange( &nMin, &nMax );
- _scroll_info.nMin = nMin;
- _scroll_info.nMax = nMax;
- _scroll_info.nPos = _scroll_info.nTrackPos = pScrollBar->GetScrollPos();
- }
- virtual void NCSB_UpdateChannelPos( bool bHorizontal, bool bTrackPos )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWnd =
- NCSB_GetContainer(
- bHorizontal
- : CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR
- );
- if( pWnd == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- CExtScrollBar * pScrollBar = pWnd->GetScrollBarInContainer();
- if( pScrollBar == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT( pScrollBar->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- int nBar = bHorizontal ? SB_HORZ : SB_VERT;
- INT nPos = (INT)pScrollBar->_GetScrollPos( bTrackPos );
- CWnd::SetScrollPos( nBar, nPos );
- }
- virtual void NCSB_UpdateChannel( bool bHorizontal )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWnd =
- NCSB_GetContainer(
- bHorizontal
- : CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR
- );
- if( pWnd == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- CExtScrollBar * pScrollBar = pWnd->GetScrollBarInContainer();
- if( pScrollBar == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT( pScrollBar->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- BOOL bWindowEnabled = IsWindowEnabled();
- pWnd->EnableWindow( bWindowEnabled );
- SCROLLINFO _scroll_info_window, _scroll_info_bar;
- ::memset( &_scroll_info_window, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- ::memset( &_scroll_info_bar, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- _scroll_info_window.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- _scroll_info_bar.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- if( bWindowEnabled )
- {
- NCSB_GetScrollInfoWindow( bHorizontal, _scroll_info_window );
- NCSB_GetScrollInfoBar( pScrollBar, _scroll_info_bar );
- }
- //_scroll_info_window.fMask = _scroll_info_bar.fMask = SIF_POS|SIF_TRACKPOS;
- //_scroll_info_window.nMin = _scroll_info_window.nMax = _scroll_info_window.nPage
- // = _scroll_info_bar.nMin = _scroll_info_bar.nMax = _scroll_info_bar.nPage
- // = 0;
- if( ::memcmp( &_scroll_info_window, &_scroll_info_bar, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) ) != 0 )
- NCSB_SetScrollInfoWindow( bHorizontal, _scroll_info_bar );
- }
- virtual void NCSB_RescanChannel( bool bHorizontal )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWnd =
- NCSB_GetContainer(
- bHorizontal
- : CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR
- );
- if( pWnd == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- CExtScrollBar * pScrollBar = pWnd->GetScrollBarInContainer();
- if( pScrollBar == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT( pScrollBar->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- BOOL bWindowEnabled = IsWindowEnabled();
- pWnd->EnableWindow( bWindowEnabled );
- SCROLLINFO _scroll_info_window, _scroll_info_bar;
- ::memset( &_scroll_info_window, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- ::memset( &_scroll_info_bar, 0, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) );
- _scroll_info_window.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- _scroll_info_bar.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
- if( bWindowEnabled )
- {
- NCSB_GetScrollInfoWindow( bHorizontal, _scroll_info_window );
- NCSB_GetScrollInfoBar( pScrollBar, _scroll_info_bar );
- }
- if( ::memcmp( &_scroll_info_window, &_scroll_info_bar, sizeof(SCROLLINFO) ) != 0 )
- {
- if( m_bNcsbUse32BitScrollInfo )
- pScrollBar->SetScrollInfo( &_scroll_info_window, FALSE );
- else
- {
- pScrollBar->SetScrollRange( _scroll_info_window.nMin, _scroll_info_window.nMax, FALSE );
- pScrollBar->SetScrollPos( _scroll_info_window.nPos, FALSE );
- }
- }
- BOOL bEnable =
- ( bWindowEnabled
- && ( _scroll_info_window.nMin < _scroll_info_window.nMax )
- && ( _scroll_info_window.nPage == 0
- || INT( _scroll_info_window.nMax - _scroll_info_window.nMin + 1 ) > INT(_scroll_info_window.nPage)
- )
- ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- pScrollBar->EnableWindow( bEnable );
- pScrollBar->Invalidate();
- pScrollBar->UpdateWindow();
- }
- virtual void NCSB_RescanContainers()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return;
- NCSB_RescanChannel( true );
- NCSB_RescanChannel( false );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWndC = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_CORNER_AREA );
- if( pWndC != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndC->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- pWndC->Invalidate();
- pWndC->UpdateWindow();
- }
- }
- virtual bool NCSB_RepositionContainers( bool bRescanScrollPositions = true )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( NCSB_IsDestructionMode() || GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
- return false;
- CWnd * pWndParent = NCSB_GetParentWindow();
- if( pWndParent == NULL )
- {
- NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- ASSERT( pWndParent->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- if( ! NCSB_EnsureContainersCreated() )
- return false;
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWndH = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWndV = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR );
- CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer * pWndC = NCSB_GetContainer( CExtNCSB_ScrollContainer::__EM_CORNER_AREA );
- CRect rcClient, rcLarger;
- GetClientRect( &rcClient );
- rcLarger = rcClient;
- bool bShowH = false, bShowV = false;
- DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle();
- bool bLeftScrollBarMode = NSCB_IsLeftScrollBarMode();
- if( (dwStyle&WS_HSCROLL) != 0 )
- {
- if( (dwStyle&WS_VISIBLE) != 0 )
- bShowH = true;
- rcLarger.bottom += NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( true );
- }
- if( (dwStyle&WS_VSCROLL) != 0 )
- {
- if( (dwStyle&WS_VISIBLE) != 0 )
- bShowV = true;
- if( bLeftScrollBarMode )
- rcLarger.left -= NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( false );
- else
- rcLarger.right += NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( false );
- }
- const CWnd * pWndInsertAfter = &CWnd::wndTop;
- bool bChildMode = ( (dwStyle&WS_CHILD) != 0 ) ? true : false;
- if( bChildMode && ::GetParent(m_hWnd) == ::GetDesktopWindow() )
- bChildMode = false;
- if( ! bChildMode )
- {
- pWndInsertAfter = &wndTopMost; // pWndParent;
- nBasecSetWindowPosFlags |= SWP_NOACTIVATE;
- }
- bool bShowC = ( bShowH && bShowV ) ? true : false;
- bool bVisibleH = false, bVisibleV = false, bVisibleC = false;
- if( pWndH != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndH->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- if( (pWndH->GetStyle()&WS_VISIBLE) != 0 )
- bVisibleH = true;
- }
- if( pWndV != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndV->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- if( (pWndV->GetStyle()&WS_VISIBLE) != 0 )
- bVisibleV = true;
- }
- if( pWndC != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndC->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- if( (pWndC->GetStyle()&WS_VISIBLE) != 0 )
- bVisibleC = true;
- }
- bool bAnyMoved = false;
- if( pWndH != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndH->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- CRect rcReal, rc(
- rcClient.left,
- rcClient.bottom,
- rcClient.right,
- rcLarger.bottom
- );
- ClientToScreen( &rc );
- pWndH->GetWindowRect( &rcReal );
- if( bVisibleH != bShowH || rcReal != rc )
- {
- bAnyMoved = true;
- if( bChildMode )
- pWndParent->ScreenToClient( &rc );
- pWndH->SetWindowPos(
- pWndInsertAfter, rc.left, rc.top, rc.Width(), rc.Height(),
- nBasecSetWindowPosFlags | ( bShowH ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW )
- );
- } // if( rcReal != rc )
- }
- if( pWndV != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndV->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- CRect rcReal, rc(
- bLeftScrollBarMode ? rcLarger.left : rcClient.right,
- rcClient.top,
- bLeftScrollBarMode ? rcClient.left : rcLarger.right,
- rcClient.bottom
- );
- ClientToScreen( &rc );
- pWndV->GetWindowRect( &rcReal );
- if( bVisibleV != bShowV || rcReal != rc )
- {
- bAnyMoved = true;
- if( bChildMode )
- pWndParent->ScreenToClient( &rc );
- pWndV->SetWindowPos(
- pWndInsertAfter, rc.left, rc.top, rc.Width(), rc.Height(),
- nBasecSetWindowPosFlags | ( bShowV ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW )
- );
- } // if( rcReal != rc )
- }
- if( pWndC != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( pWndC->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL );
- CRect rcReal, rc(
- bLeftScrollBarMode ? rcLarger.left : rcClient.right,
- rcClient.bottom,
- bLeftScrollBarMode ? rcClient.left : rcLarger.right,
- rcLarger.bottom
- );
- ClientToScreen( &rc );
- pWndC->GetWindowRect( &rcReal );
- if( bVisibleC != bShowC || rcReal != rc )
- {
- bAnyMoved = true;
- if( bChildMode )
- pWndParent->ScreenToClient( &rc );
- pWndC->SetWindowPos(
- pWndInsertAfter, rc.left, rc.top, rc.Width(), rc.Height(),
- nBasecSetWindowPosFlags | ( bShowC ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW )
- );
- } // if( rcReal != rc )
- }
- if( bRescanScrollPositions )
- NCSB_RescanContainers();
- return bAnyMoved;
- }
- virtual bool NSCB_MessageCanAffectScrollBars( UINT message ) const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( ( __EXT_MFC_WM_MOUSEFIRST <= message && message <= __EXT_MFC_WM_MOUSELAST )
- || ( WM_KEYFIRST <= message && message <= WM_KEYLAST )
- )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- protected:
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow()
- {
- m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode = false;
- _BTNCSBimpl::PreSubclassWindow();
- TCHAR szCompare[512] = _T("");
- ::GetClassName(
- m_hWnd,
- szCompare,
- sizeof( szCompare )/sizeof( szCompare[0] )
- );
- if( ! m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel )
- {
- if( _tcsicmp( szCompare, _T("LISTBOX") ) == 0
- || _tcsicmp( szCompare, _T("COMBOLBOX") ) == 0
- )
- m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel = true;
- }
- if( g_PaintManager.m_bIsWinVistaOrLater
- && _tcsicmp( szCompare, _T("SysTreeView32") ) == 0
- )
- m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosH = m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosV = true;
- if( ! m_bNcsbDelayedInitialization )
- NCSB_RepositionContainers();
- }
- virtual void PostNcDestroy()
- {
- m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode = true;
- m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed = true;
- //NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast.x = m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast.y = -32767;
- _BTNCSBimpl::PostNcDestroy();
- }
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
- {
- if( ( ! g_PaintManager.m_bAutoSkinScrollBars )
- || ( (! m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed)
- && message != WM_ERASEBKGND
- && message != WM_PAINT
- && message != WM_NCPAINT
- )
- )
- return _BTNCSBimpl::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );;
- switch( message )
- {
- if( m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.left >= 0
- && m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.top >= 0
- && m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.right >= 0
- && m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.bottom >= 0
- )
- {
- reinterpret_cast < NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS * > ( lParam );
- CRect rcCalcClient( pNCCSP->rgrc[0] );
- rcCalcClient.DeflateRect( &m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes );
- DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle();
- bool bLeftScrollBarMode = NSCB_IsLeftScrollBarMode();
- if( (dwStyle&WS_HSCROLL) != 0 )
- rcCalcClient.bottom -= NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( true );
- if( (dwStyle&WS_VSCROLL) != 0 )
- {
- if( bLeftScrollBarMode )
- rcCalcClient.left += NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( false );
- else
- rcCalcClient.right -= NCSB_GetScrollBarExtent( false );
- }
- ::CopyRect( &(pNCCSP->rgrc[0]), rcCalcClient );
- return 0L;
- }
- break;
- case WM_NCPAINT:
- m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed = true;
- if( m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.left >= 0
- && m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.top >= 0
- && m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.right >= 0
- && m_rcNcsbCustomNcAreaSizes.bottom >= 0
- )
- {
- CRect rcInBarWnd, rcInBarClient;
- GetWindowRect( &rcInBarWnd );
- GetClientRect( &rcInBarClient );
- ClientToScreen( &rcInBarClient );
- if( rcInBarWnd == rcInBarClient )
- return 0;
- CPoint ptDevOffset = -rcInBarWnd.TopLeft();
- rcInBarWnd.OffsetRect( ptDevOffset );
- rcInBarClient.OffsetRect( ptDevOffset );
- CWindowDC dcWindow( this );
- dcWindow.ExcludeClipRect( &rcInBarClient );
- CExtMemoryDC dc( &dcWindow );
- if( m_clrNcsbCustomNcAreaFill != COLORREF(-1L) )
- dc.FillSolidRect( &rcInBarWnd, m_clrNcsbCustomNcAreaFill );
- else if( ! g_PaintManager->PaintDockerBkgnd( true, dc, this ) )
- dc.FillSolidRect( &rcInBarWnd, g_PaintManager->GetColor( COLOR_3DDKSHADOW ) );
- dc.__Flush();
- NCSB_RepositionContainers();
- return 0;
- }
- NCSB_RepositionContainers();
- break;
- if( m_bNcsbProtectMessageLoopFromMfcToolHitTesting )
- {
- CPoint point( short(LOWORD(DWORD(lParam))), short(HIWORD(DWORD(lParam))) );
- if( m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast == point )
- return 0;
- m_ptNcsbProtectMouseMoveLast = point;
- }
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- case WM_ENABLE:
- NCSB_RepositionContainers();
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- m_bNcsbHelperDestructionMode = true;
- NCSB_EnsureContainersDestroyed();
- m_pNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_pNcsbContainerVertical = m_pNcsbContainerCorner = m_pNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- m_hWndNcsbContainerHorizontal = m_hWndNcsbContainerVertical = m_hWndNcsbContainerCorner = m_hWndNcsbContainerMiddle = NULL;
- break;
- default:
- if( NSCB_MessageCanAffectScrollBars( message ) )
- {
- if( NCSB_RepositionContainers() )
- Invalidate();
- }
- break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- m_bNcsbFirstPaintMessagePassed = true;
- break;
- } // switch( message )
- LRESULT lResult = _BTNCSBimpl::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );
- switch( message )
- {
- case WM_HSCROLL:
- NCSB_RescanContainers();
- if( m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollInfoH )
- NCSB_UpdateChannel( true );
- else if( m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosH )
- NCSB_UpdateChannelPos( true, true );
- break;
- case WM_VSCROLL:
- NCSB_RescanContainers();
- if( m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollInfoV )
- NCSB_UpdateChannel( false );
- else if( m_bNcsbUpdateTargetWindowScrollPosV )
- NCSB_UpdateChannelPos( false, true );
- break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- NCSB_RescanContainers();
- break;
- if( m_bNcsbForceRedrawOnMouseWheel )
- {
- Invalidate();
- UpdateWindow();
- }
- break;
- } // switch( message )
- return lResult;
- }
- }; /// template class CExtNCSB_Impl
- template < class _BTNCSB >
- class CExtNCSB : public CExtNCSB_Impl < _BTNCSB >
- {
- public:
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- : CExtNCSB_Impl < _BTNCSB > (
- bNcsbDelayedInitialization,
- bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode
- )
- {
- }
- UINT nIDTemplate,
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- : CExtNCSB_Impl < _BTNCSB > ( nIDTemplate, pParentWnd, bNcsbDelayedInitialization, bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode )
- {
- }
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName,
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- : CExtNCSB_Impl < _BTNCSB > ( lpszTemplateName, pParentWnd, bNcsbDelayedInitialization, bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode )
- {
- }
- virtual ~CExtNCSB()
- {
- }
- }; /// template class CExtNCSB
- template < class _BA > class CExtANCSB : public _BA
- {
- public:
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- {
- bNcsbDelayedInitialization;
- bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode;
- }
- UINT nIDTemplate,
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- {
- nIDTemplate;
- pParentWnd;
- bNcsbDelayedInitialization;
- bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode;
- }
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName,
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- {
- lpszTemplateName;
- pParentWnd;
- bNcsbDelayedInitialization;
- bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode;
- }
- virtual ~CExtANCSB()
- {
- }
- }; // template < class _BA > class CExtANCSB
- #if _MFC_VER >= 0x700
- template class __PROF_UIS_API CExtNCSB_Impl < CExtANCSB < CScrollView > >;
- #endif // #ifndef __EXT_PROFUIS_STATIC_LINK
- #endif // _MFC_VER >= 0x700
- template < > class __PROF_UIS_API CExtNCSB < CScrollView > : public CExtNCSB_Impl < CExtANCSB < CScrollView > >
- {
- public:
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- )
- {
- m_bNcsbDelayedInitialization = bNcsbDelayedInitialization;
- m_bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode;
- }
- virtual ~CExtNCSB()
- {
- }
- }; // template < > class CExtNCSB < CScrollView >
- #if _MFC_VER >= 0x700
- template class __PROF_UIS_API CExtNCSB_Impl < CExtANCSB < CListCtrl > >;
- #endif // #ifndef __EXT_PROFUIS_STATIC_LINK
- #endif // _MFC_VER >= 0x700
- template < > class __PROF_UIS_API CExtNCSB < CListCtrl > : public CExtNCSB_Impl < CExtANCSB < CListCtrl > >
- {
- public:
- bool bNcsbDelayedInitialization = false,
- bool bNcsbForceMiddleContainerMode = false
- );
- virtual ~CExtNCSB();
- virtual void AdjustScrollMetrics();
- protected:
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- }; // template < > class CExtNCSB < CListCtrl >
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SCROLLWND)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtScrollWnd window
- // based on MFC source code in viewscrl.cpp
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtScrollWnd
- : public CWnd
- , public CExtMouseCaptureSink
- , public CExtPmBridge
- {
- public:
- class __PROF_UIS_API CRectWH : public CRect
- {
- public:
- CRectWH( LONG x, LONG y, LONG w, LONG h )
- : CRect( x, y, ( x + w ), ( y + h ) )
- {
- }
- };
- DECLARE_CExtPmBridge_MEMBERS( CExtScrollWnd );
- CExtScrollWnd();
- virtual ~CExtScrollWnd();
- public:
- bool m_bScrollPhysical:1, m_bEatErasing:1,
- m_bClientCB:1, m_bBufferedPainting:1,
- m_bScrollInvalidate:1, m_bScrollErase:1,
- m_bScrollUpdateWindow:1, m_bRedrawUpdateWindow:1,
- m_bRedrawInvalidate:1, m_bRedrawErase:1,
- m_bUse32BitScrollInfo:1;
- protected:
- HFONT m_hFont;
- int m_nUpdateScrollBars;
- public:
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtScrollWnd)
- public:
- virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
- protected:
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- public:
- virtual void PmBridge_OnPaintManagerChanged(
- CExtPaintManager * pGlobalPM
- );
- virtual CSize OnSwGetTotalSize() const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetPageSize( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetLineSize( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual CRect OnSwRecalcLayout(
- bool bDoLayout,
- LPCRECT pRectClientSrc = NULL
- );
- virtual CRect OnSwGetClientRect() const;
- virtual bool OnSwCanAutoHideScrollBar( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual bool OnSwHasScrollBar( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual void OnSwEnableScrollBarCtrl( int nBar, bool bEnable );
- virtual bool OnSwScrollInfoAdjust(
- int nBar,
- bool bRedraw = true
- );
- virtual void OnSwSetScrollRange(
- int nBar,
- LONG nMinPos,
- LONG nMaxPos,
- bool bRedraw = true
- );
- virtual bool OnSwQueryThumbTrackEnabled( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual LONG ScrollLimit32Get( int nBar ) const;
- virtual void ScrollInfo32Get(
- int nBar,
- LONG * p_nMinPos,
- LONG * p_nMaxPos,
- LONG * p_nPageSize,
- LONG * p_nCurrPos,
- LONG * p_nTrackPos
- ) const;
- virtual LONG ScrollPos32Get(
- int nBar,
- bool bTrackPos = false
- ) const;
- virtual void ScrollPos32Set(
- int nBar,
- LONG nPos,
- bool bRedraw = true
- );
- virtual CPoint OnSwGetScrollPos() const;
- virtual CPoint OnSwGetScrollPaintPos() const;
- virtual void OnSwSetScrollPos( POINT pt );
- virtual void OnSwGetScrollBarState(
- CSize sizeClient,
- CSize & sizeNeedSB,
- CSize & sizeRange,
- CPoint & ptMove,
- bool bInsideClient
- ) const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetScrollBarSizes() const;
- virtual bool OnSwCalcClientSizes(
- CSize & size,
- CSize & sizeSb
- );
- virtual UINT OnSwCalcMouseScrollLines(
- UINT fFlags,
- short zDelta,
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual bool OnSwDoMouseWheel(
- UINT fFlags,
- short zDelta,
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual bool OnSwDoScroll(
- UINT nScrollCode,
- UINT nPos,
- bool bDoScroll = true
- );
- virtual bool OnSwDoScrollBy(
- CSize sizeScroll,
- bool bDoScroll = true
- );
- virtual void OnSwUpdateScrollBars();
- virtual void OnSwDoScrollWindow(
- int xAmount,
- int yAmount,
- LPCRECT lpRect = NULL,
- LPCRECT lpClipRect = NULL
- );
- virtual void OnSwEnsurePointAvail( CPoint point );
- virtual void OnSwInvalidate( bool bErase );
- virtual void OnSwUpdateWindow();
- virtual void OnSwDoRedraw();
- virtual void OnSwPaint( CDC & dc );
- virtual void OnSwPaintAreaBetweenScrollBarWindows(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcAreaBetweenScrollBarWindows
- );
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtScrollWnd)
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
- afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
- afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT fFlags, short zDelta, CPoint point);
- afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg void OnEnable( BOOL bEnable );
- afx_msg LRESULT OnSetFont( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- afx_msg LRESULT OnGetFont( WPARAM, LPARAM );
- //}}AFX_MSG
- afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
- afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszSection);
- afx_msg LRESULT OnDisplayChange( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- afx_msg LRESULT OnThemeChanged( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- }; // class CExtScrollWnd
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SCROLLITEMWND)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtScrollItemWnd window & CExtScrollItemCacheInfo helper
- // item scrolling type
- #define __ESIW_ST_NONE 0x00000000L
- #define __ESIW_ST_PIXEL 0x00000001L
- #define __ESIW_ST_ITEM 0x00000002L
- #define __ESIW_ST_VIRTUAL 0x00000003L
- #define __ESIW_ST_MASK 0x00000003L
- #define __ESIW_ST_BIT_COUNT 2L
- // item scroll window styles
- #define __ESIS_DISABLE_THUMBTRACK_H 0x00000010L
- #define __ESIS_DISABLE_THUMBTRACK_V 0x00000020L
- #define __ESIS_DISABLE_AUTOHIDE_SB_H 0x00000040L
- #define __ESIS_DISABLE_AUTOHIDE_SB_V 0x00000080L
- #define __ESIS_PREFER_HORZ_WALK 0x00000100L
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_GRIDBASEWND)
- // helper flags to optimize event processing when
- // all rows/columns have equal sizes
- #define __EGBS_FIXED_SIZE_COLUMNS 0x00000200L
- #define __EGBS_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS 0x00000400L
- // basic selection/focus type
- #define __EGBS_SFB_NONE 0x00000000L
- #define __EGBS_SFB_CELLS 0x00001000L
- #define __EGBS_SFB_FULL_ROWS 0x00002000L
- #define __EGBS_SFB_FULL_COLUMNS 0x00003000L
- #define __EGBS_SFB_MASK 0x00003000L
- // allow multiple row/column/cell selection
- #define __EGBS_SFM_ROWS 0x00000800L
- #define __EGBS_SFM_COLUMNS 0x00008000L
- // enabled multiple selection types
- // any selection mask
- // allow selection via outer row/column clicks
- #define __EGBS_SF_SELECT_OUTER_ROWS 0x00010000L
- #define __EGBS_SF_SELECT_OUTER_COLUMNS 0x00020000L
- // enable row/column resizing
- #define __EGBS_RESIZING_CELLS_OUTER_H 0x00040000L
- #define __EGBS_RESIZING_CELLS_OUTER_V 0x00100000L
- #define __EGBS_RESIZING_CELLS_INNER_H 0x00200000L
- #define __EGBS_RESIZING_CELLS_INNER_V 0x00400000L
- // auto move focused cell to bottom/right corner of selection
- #define __EGBS_AUTO_FOCUS_BOTTOM_RIGHT 0x00800000L
- // allow multiple cell ranges to be selected at a time
- #define __EGBS_MULTI_AREA_SELECTION 0x01000000L
- // no hide selection when not focused
- #define __EGBS_NO_HIDE_SELECTION 0x02000000L
- // draw grid lines
- #define __EGBS_GRIDLINES_H 0x04000000L
- #define __EGBS_GRIDLINES_V 0x08000000L
- // mouse click + move selects cell range
- #define __EGBS_LBEXT_SELECTION 0x10000000L
- // subtract overlapped cell ranges in selection areas
- #define __EGBS_SUBTRACT_SEL_AREAS 0x20000000L
- // resize rows/columns on-the-fly (no half-tone tracker lines)
- #define __EGBS_DYNAMIC_RESIZING_H 0x40000000L
- #define __EGBS_DYNAMIC_RESIZING_V 0x80000000L
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_GRIDBASEWND)
- // extended/behavior styles provided with
- // CExtScrollItemWnd::SiwGetStyleEx()
- // ( these styles are not intersected with
- // CExtScrollItemWnd::SiwGetStyle() style values )
- #if (!defined __EGWS_EX_PM_COLORS)
- #define __EGWS_EX_PM_COLORS 0x80000000L
- #endif
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtScrollItemCacheInfo
- {
- public:
- LONG m_nPosH;
- LONG m_nMaxH;
- LONG m_nPageSizeH;
- LONG m_nPosV;
- LONG m_nMaxV;
- LONG m_nPageSizeV;
- bool m_bBeginH:1;
- bool m_bEndH:1;
- bool m_bBeginV:1;
- bool m_bEndV:1;
- CExtScrollItemCacheInfo(
- LONG nPosH = 0L,
- LONG nMaxH = 0L,
- LONG nPageSizeH = 0L,
- LONG nPosV = 0L,
- LONG nMaxV = 0L,
- LONG nPageSizeV = 0L,
- bool bBeginH = false,
- bool bEndH = false,
- bool bBeginV = false,
- bool bEndV = false
- );
- CExtScrollItemCacheInfo(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other
- );
- CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & operator = (
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other
- );
- bool operator == (
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other
- ) const;
- bool operator != (
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other
- ) const;
- void Empty(
- bool bEmptyH = true,
- bool bEmptyV = true
- );
- void EmptyH();
- void EmptyV();
- bool IsEmpty(
- bool bCheckEmptyH = true,
- bool bCheckEmptyV = true
- ) const;
- bool IsEmptyH() const;
- bool IsEmptyV() const;
- bool IsValid() const;
- static bool IsEqual(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & left,
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & right,
- bool bComparePosH = true,
- bool bComparePosV = true,
- bool bCompareMaxH = true,
- bool bCompareMaxV = true,
- bool bComparePageSizeH = true,
- bool bComparePageSizeV = true,
- bool bCompareBofH = false,
- bool bCompareBofV = false,
- bool bCompareEofH = false,
- bool bCompareEofV = false
- );
- bool IsEqual(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other,
- bool bComparePosH = true,
- bool bComparePosV = true,
- bool bCompareMaxH = true,
- bool bCompareMaxV = true,
- bool bComparePageSizeH = true,
- bool bComparePageSizeV = true,
- bool bCompareBofH = false,
- bool bCompareBofV = false,
- bool bCompareEofH = false,
- bool bCompareEofV = false
- ) const;
- LONG GetExtentH() const;
- LONG GetExtentV() const;
- LONG GetPosChangingH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetPosChangingV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetMaxChangingH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetMaxChangingV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetExtentChangingH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetExtentChangingV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetPageSizeChangingH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- LONG GetPageSizeChangingV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- bool IsShiftToBofH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- bool IsShiftToBofV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- bool IsShiftToEofH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- bool IsShiftToEofV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- ) const;
- void FlipHV();
- void Assign(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other,
- bool bAssignH = true,
- bool bAssignV = true
- );
- void AssignH(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other
- );
- void AssignV(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & other
- );
- }; // class CExtScrollItemCacheInfo
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtScrollItemWnd : public CExtScrollWnd
- {
- public:
- CExtScrollItemWnd();
- public:
- bool m_bExtractResourceStyles:1;
- protected:
- static bool g_bScrollItemWndClassRegistered;
- bool m_bDirectCreateCall:1;
- DWORD m_dwScrollItemWndStyle, m_dwScrollItemWndStyleEx;
- public:
- virtual DWORD SiwGetStyle() const;
- virtual DWORD SiwModifyStyle(
- DWORD dwStyleAdd,
- DWORD dwStyleRemove = 0L,
- bool bUpdateWnd = true
- );
- virtual DWORD SiwGetStyleEx() const;
- virtual DWORD SiwModifyStyleEx(
- DWORD dwStyleExAdd,
- DWORD dwStyleExRemove = 0L,
- bool bUpdateWnd = true
- );
- DWORD SiwScrollTypeHGet() const;
- DWORD SiwScrollTypeVGet() const;
- DWORD SiwScrollTypeHSet(
- DWORD dwScrollTypeNew,
- bool bUpdateWnd = true
- );
- DWORD SiwScrollTypeVSet(
- DWORD dwScrollTypeNew,
- bool bUpdateWnd = true
- );
- bool SiwPreferHorizontalWalkGet() const;
- bool SiwPreferHorizontalWalkSet(
- bool bPreferHorizontalWalk
- );
- bool SiwThumbTrackEnabledGet( bool bHorz ) const;
- bool SiwThumbTrackEnabledSet(
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled = true
- );
- bool SiwAutohideScrollBarGet( bool bHorz ) const;
- bool SiwAutohideScrollBarSet(
- bool bHorz,
- bool bAutoHide = true
- );
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtScrollItemWnd)
- protected:
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
- virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
- public:
- virtual ~CExtScrollItemWnd();
- virtual BOOL Create(
- CWnd * pParentWnd,
- const RECT & rcWnd = CRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
- DWORD dwScrollItemWndStyle = 0L,
- CCreateContext * pContext = NULL
- );
- virtual bool _CreateHelper();
- static bool RegisterScrollItemWndClass();
- virtual void OnSwGetScrollBarState(
- CSize sizeClient,
- CSize & sizeNeedSB,
- CSize & sizeRange,
- CPoint & ptMove,
- bool bInsideClient
- ) const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetLineSize( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual void OnSwUpdateScrollBars();
- virtual CSize OnSwGetPageSize( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetTotalSize() const;
- virtual bool OnSwDoScroll(
- UINT nScrollCode,
- UINT nPos,
- bool bDoScroll = true
- );
- virtual bool OnSwDoScrollBy(
- CSize sizeScroll,
- bool bDoScroll = true
- );
- virtual bool SiwFireCacheChanging(
- LONG nScrollPosNewX = -1L, // if <0L - use current
- LONG nScrollPosNewY = -1L, // if <0L - use current
- bool bUpdate = true
- );
- virtual CPoint OnSwGetScrollPaintPos() const;
- virtual void OnSwPaint( CDC & dc );
- virtual bool OnSwQueryThumbTrackEnabled( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual bool OnSwCanAutoHideScrollBar( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual CSize OnSiwCalcItemSize() const;
- virtual CSize OnSiwCalcPageMetrics( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwQueryVirtualBOF( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwQueryVirtualEOF( bool bHorz ) const;
- virtual CRect OnSiwGetFrozenRange() const;
- virtual CRect OnSiwGetVisibleRange() const;
- virtual INT OnSiwQueryItemExtentH(
- LONG nColNo,
- INT * p_nExtraSpaceBefore = NULL,
- INT * p_nExtraSpaceAfter = NULL
- ) const;
- virtual INT OnSiwQueryItemExtentV(
- LONG nRowNo,
- INT * p_nExtraSpaceBefore = NULL,
- INT * p_nExtraSpaceAfter = NULL
- ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwVirtualEndTestH( LONG nColNo, LPARAM lParam ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwVirtualEndTestV( LONG nRowNo, LPARAM lParam ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwWalkCell(
- CDC & dc,
- LPVOID pQueryData,
- LONG nVisibleColNo,
- LONG nVisibleRowNo,
- LONG nColNo,
- LONG nRowNo,
- const RECT & rcCellExtra,
- const RECT & rcCell,
- const RECT & rcVisibleRange,
- bool & bVirtualRightReached,
- bool & bVirtualBottomReached,
- DWORD dwAreaFlags,
- bool bFocusedControl
- ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwWalkItemsH(
- CDC & dc,
- LPVOID pQueryData,
- const RECT & rcRowExtra,
- const RECT & rcRow,
- LONG nVisibleRowNo,
- LONG nRowNo,
- const RECT & rcVisibleRange,
- bool & bVirtualBottomReached,
- DWORD dwAreaFlags,
- bool bFocusedControl
- ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwWalkItemsV(
- CDC & dc,
- LPVOID pQueryData,
- const RECT & rcColExtra,
- const RECT & rcCol,
- LONG nVisibleColNo,
- LONG nColNo,
- const RECT & rcVisibleRange,
- bool & bVirtualRightReached,
- DWORD dwAreaFlags,
- bool bFocusedControl
- ) const;
- virtual void OnSiwPaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bFocusedControl
- ) const;
- virtual void OnSiwPaintForeground(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bFocusedControl
- ) const;
- virtual bool OnSiwQueryFocusedControlState() const;
- virtual void OnSiwDrawFocusRect(
- CDC &dc,
- LPCRECT pRect,
- CObject * pObjSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual COLORREF OnSiwGetReadOnlyTextColor() const;
- virtual COLORREF OnSiwGetReadOnlyBackgroundColor() const;
- virtual COLORREF OnSiwGetSysColor( int nIndex ) const;
- // nLighterOrDarker is related to COLOR_3DFACE brush:
- // -3 - darkest, -2 - darker, -1 - dark,
- // 1 - light, 2 - lighter, 3 - lightest
- virtual CBrush & OnSiwGetLighterOrDarkerBrush( int nLighterOrDarker ) const;
- virtual CFont & OnSiwGetDefaultFont() const;
- virtual bool OnSiwCacheChanged(
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciNew,
- const CExtScrollItemCacheInfo & _sciOld
- );
- protected:
- CExtScrollItemCacheInfo m_sciLast;
- virtual bool _NotifyCacheChanged(
- LONG nPosH,
- LONG nPosOldH,
- LONG nMaxH,
- LONG nPageSizeH,
- LONG nPosV,
- LONG nPosOldV,
- LONG nMaxV,
- LONG nPageSizeV,
- bool bBeginH,
- bool bEndH,
- bool bBeginV,
- bool bEndV
- );
- public:
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtScrollItemWnd)
- //}}AFX_MSG
- }; // class CExtScrollItemWnd
- #define __EXT_SCROLLITEMWND_CLASS_NAME _T("ProfUIS-ScrollItemWindow")
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SCROLLITEMWND)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtScrollContainerWnd window
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtScrollContainerWnd : public CExtScrollWnd
- {
- public:
- mutable CSize m_sizeToScroll;
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtScrollContainerWnd );
- CExtScrollContainerWnd();
- virtual ~CExtScrollContainerWnd();
- CExtScrollBar m_wndScrollBarH, m_wndScrollBarV;
- CExtLabel m_wndCorner;
- COLORREF m_clrBkColor;
- bool m_bAutoDelete:1, m_bRedirectPreTranslateMessage:1, m_bRedirectOnCmdMsg:1,
- m_bRedirectFocus:1, m_bSynchronizeEnabledState:1;
- UINT m_nScrollRedrawFlags;
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtScrollContainerWnd)
- public:
- virtual CScrollBar * GetScrollBarCtrl(int nBar) const;
- virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage( MSG * pMsg );
- virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg( UINT nID, int nCode, void * pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO * pHandlerInfo );
- protected:
- virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow( CREATESTRUCT & cs );
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
- virtual void PostNcDestroy();
- public:
- virtual bool Create(
- CWnd * pWndParent,
- const RECT & rc,
- );
- virtual CWnd * OnGetWndToScroll();
- virtual CPoint OnSwGetScrollPaintPos() const;
- virtual void OnSwPaint( CDC & dc );
- virtual void OnSwPaintAreaBetweenScrollBarWindows(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcAreaBetweenScrollBarWindows
- );
- virtual CSize OnSwGetTotalSize() const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetPageSize( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual CSize OnSwGetLineSize( int nDirection ) const;
- virtual CRect OnSwRecalcLayout(
- bool bDoLayout,
- LPCRECT pRectClientSrc = NULL
- );
- virtual bool OnSwDoScrollBy(
- CSize sizeScroll,
- bool bDoScroll = true
- );
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtScrollContainerWnd)
- afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct );
- afx_msg void OnSetFocus( CWnd * pOldWnd );
- afx_msg void OnEnable( BOOL bEnable );
- //}}AFX_MSG
- }; /// class CExtScrollContainerWnd
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SCROLLCONAINERWND)
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SCROLLWND)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined __EXT_SCROLLWND_H