- virtual bool FixedBar_IsPaintRowBkMode(
- const CExtToolControlBar * pBar
- );
- enum e_2003_colors_t
- {
- _2003CLR_GRADIENT_LIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+0,
- _2003CLR_GRADIENT_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+1,
- _2003CLR_GRIPPER_DOT_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+3,
- _2003CLR_EXPBTN_LIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+4,
- _2003CLR_EXPBTN_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+5,
- _2003CLR_SEPARATOR_LIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+10,
- _2003CLR_SEPARATOR_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+11,
- _2003CLR_EXPGLYPH_LIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+12,
- _2003CLR_EXPGLYPH_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+13,
- _2003CLR_STATUSBAR_ITEM = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+14,
- _2003CLR_MLA_NORM_LEFT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+15,
- _2003CLR_MLA_NORM_MIDDLE = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+16,
- _2003CLR_MLA_NORM_RIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+17,
- _2003CLR_MLA_RARELY_LEFT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+18,
- _2003CLR_MLA_RARELY_MIDDLE = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+19,
- _2003CLR_MLA_RARELY_RIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+20,
- _2003CLR_BTN_HOVER_LEFT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+21,
- _2003CLR_BTN_HOVER_RIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+22,
- _2003CLR_BTN_PRESSED_LEFT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+23,
- _2003CLR_BTN_PRESSED_RIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+24,
- _2003CLR_BTN_HP_LEFT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+25,
- _2003CLR_BTN_HP_RIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+26,
- _2003CLR_PN_BORDER = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+27,
- _2003CLR_PN_GRIPPER_LIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+28,
- _2003CLR_PN_GRIPPER_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+29,
- _2003CLR_PN_ITEM_LIGHT = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+35,
- _2003CLR_PN_ITEM_DARK = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+36,
- _2003CLR_TBB_BK_COMBINED_TOP = __ExtMfc_2003_COLOR_SHIFT+43,
- };
- // install required translated color as
- // described in e_translated_colors_t enumeration
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual bool IsToolBarChevronMenuCombined();
- virtual bool GetCb2DbTransparentMode(
- CObject * pObjHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool PaintDockerBkgnd(
- bool bClientMapping,
- CDC & dc,
- CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = NULL
- );
- virtual bool PaintDockerBkgnd(
- bool bClientMapping,
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect &rcDst,
- const CRect &rcWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = NULL
- );
- virtual void PaintControlBarClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintDockBarClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTGRIPPERDATA & _pgd
- );
- virtual void PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectItem,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bTransparentBk,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual void PaintTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual void PaintControlFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintComboFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTCOMBOFRAMEDATA & _pcfd
- );
- virtual void PaintFloatToolbarRowBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const CExtToolControlBar * pBar,
- int nLastReviewBtnIdx,
- CRect & rcRowBk
- );
- virtual void PaintToolbarExpandButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcButtonArea,
- bool bHorz, // if false - down
- bool bBarIsCompletelyVisible,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bTransparentBackground = false
- );
- virtual void PaintControlBarBorders(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuCombinedArea(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- int eCombineAlign, // CExtPopupMenuWnd::e_combine_align_t values
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuExpandButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectButton,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuTearOffButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectButton,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual int GetMenuExpandButtonHeight();
- virtual CSize GetToolBarButtonOffset( BOOL bHorz ) const;
- virtual COLORREF GetIconAlphaColor() const;
- virtual double GetIconAlphaAdjustPercent() const;
- virtual bool AdjustIcon(
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon
- );
- virtual CSize FixedBar_GetRoundedAreaMerics() const;
- virtual void PaintResizingGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcGrip,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_PAGE_NAVIGATOR )
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorBorder(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcControl
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItemCaption(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItemPaneCaption(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bExpandable,
- bool bExpanded,
- bool bDrawTopLine = true
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItem(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcItem,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- bool bExpanded,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorSplitter(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcSplitter,
- bool bDrawDots = true
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_PAGE_NAVIGATOR )
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TASK_PANE )
- virtual void TaskPanePaintGroupCaption(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bHighlighted,
- bool bPaintExpandButton,
- bool bExpanded,
- CObject * pHelperSrc
- );
- virtual CRect TaskPaneQueryMarginsPage() const;
- virtual HFONT TaskPaneQueryGroupCaptionFont();
- virtual CRect TaskPaneQueryGroupCaptionTextMargins() const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TASK_PANE )
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DATE_PICKER)
- virtual void PaintDatePickerBorder(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcControl,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintDatePickerHeaderBackground(
- INT nCol,
- INT nRow,
- CDC & dc,
- INT nYear,
- INT nMonth,
- const RECT & rcHeader,
- const RECT & rcHeaderWithoutBorders,
- const RECT & rcHeaderDate,
- const RECT & rcScrollBtnBackward,
- const RECT & rcScrollBtnForward,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DATE_PICKER)
- #if( !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SPIN || !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DURATIONWND )
- virtual void PaintSpinButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcButton,
- bool bUp,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bFlat,
- bool bDrawBorder,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- bool bHotTrack,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #if( !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SPIN || !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DURATIONWND )
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DOCK_MARKERS)
- virtual void DockMarker_AdjustBmps(
- eDockMarkerType_t eDockMarkerType,
- CExtBitmap & bmpIn,
- COLORREF clrTransparentIn,
- CExtBitmap & bmpOut,
- COLORREF clrTransparentOut
- );
- virtual void DockMarker_AdjustHighlightedArea(
- COLORREF * pClrSurface,
- int nClrSurfaceDX,
- int nClrSurfaceDY,
- bool bTabShape,
- bool bTabsAtTop,
- const CRect & rcTabMainArea,
- const CRect & rcTabBottomMiddleArea,
- COLORREF clrAdjustMain = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrAdjustBorder = COLORREF(-1L),
- int nBorderMetric = 2
- );
- virtual void DockMarker_AdjustHighlightedLayer(
- HWND hWnd,
- int nDX,
- int nDY,
- bool bTabShape,
- bool bTabsAtTop,
- const CRect & rcTabMainArea,
- const CRect & rcTabBottomMiddleArea,
- COLORREF clrAdjustMain = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrAdjustBorder = COLORREF(-1L),
- int nBorderMetric = 2
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DOCK_MARKERS)
- virtual void PaintBarButtonCombinedArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_REPORTGRIDWND)
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintHeaderRowBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_REPORTGRIDWND)
- // header control
- virtual void Header_PaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rc,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Header_PaintItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rcItemEntire,
- CRect rcItemData,
- CRect rcIcon,
- CRect rcText,
- CRect rcSortArrow,
- CRect rcButton,
- CRect rcButtonIcon,
- bool bSorted,
- bool bSortedAscending,
- INT nColNo,
- INT nColCount,
- const CExtCmdIcon & iconItem,
- const CExtCmdIcon & iconButton,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bButtonEvent,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2003
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerStudio2005
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerStudio2005 : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2003
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerStudio2005 );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerStudio2005();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerStudio2005();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Studio2005;
- }
- virtual void GetTabOneNoteItemColors(
- bool bSelected,
- bool bHover,
- bool bEnabled,
- COLORREF &clrBorderLight,
- COLORREF &clrBorderDark,
- COLORREF &clrBkLight,
- COLORREF &clrBkDark,
- COLORREF &clrText
- );
- virtual bool OnQueryThemeColors(
- COLORREF *pclrFillHint,
- COLORREF *pclrAccentHint = NULL
- );
- enum e_STUDIO_2005_colors_t
- {
- };
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual void TabWnd_MeasureItemAreaMargins(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- LONG & nSpaceBefore,
- LONG & nSpaceAfter,
- LONG & nSpaceOver
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_UpdateItemMeasure(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- CExtTabWnd::TAB_ITEM_INFO * pTii,
- CDC & dcMeasure,
- CSize & sizePreCalc
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_AdjustItemCloseButtonRect(
- CRect & rcCloseButton,
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd
- );
- virtual void GetThemeAccentTabColors(
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemText,
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemFace = NULL,
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemBorderLight = NULL,
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemBorderDark = NULL,
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bCenteredText,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- bool bInGroupActive,
- bool bInvertedVerticalMode,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CSize sizeTextMeasured,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L),
- bool bDwmMode = false
- );
- virtual void PaintTabButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcButton,
- LONG nHitTest,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bFlat = false
- );
- virtual void PaintTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabbedTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual int GetThemeDockingType() const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CONTROLBARS)
- virtual int GetAutoHideTabsType() const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CONTROLBARS)
- // install required translated color as
- // described in e_translated_colors_t enumeration
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DOCK_MARKERS)
- virtual void DockMarker_AdjustBmps(
- eDockMarkerType_t eDockMarkerType,
- CExtBitmap & bmpIn,
- COLORREF clrTransparentIn,
- CExtBitmap & bmpOut,
- COLORREF clrTransparentOut
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DOCK_MARKERS)
- virtual COLORREF GetShadowAdjustColor();
- virtual void PaintGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTGRIPPERDATA & _pgd
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingCaptionButton(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual COLORREF GetIconAlphaColor() const;
- virtual double GetIconAlphaAdjustPercent() const;
- virtual void PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectItem,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bTransparentBk,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintPageBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcPageBk,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerStudio2005
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerStudio2008
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerStudio2008 : public CExtPaintManagerStudio2005
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerStudio2008 );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerStudio2008();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerStudio2008();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Studio2008;
- }
- enum e_STUDIO_2008_colors_t
- {
- };
- virtual bool OnQueryUseThemeColors() const;
- virtual int GetMenuIconAreaWidth() const;
- virtual bool IsMenuMustCombineExcludeArea(
- const CObject * pMenuTrackerObject = NULL
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuItemLeftAreaMarginXP(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid,
- const RECT & rcFillLeftPart,
- const RECT & rcFillRightPart
- );
- virtual bool PaintMenuItemSelectionAreaXP(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid,
- const RECT & rcSelectionArea
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual bool QueryTabWndHoverChangingRedraw(
- const CExtTabWnd * pWndTab,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_MeasureItemAreaMargins(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- LONG & nSpaceBefore,
- LONG & nSpaceAfter,
- LONG & nSpaceOver
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_UpdateItemMeasure(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- CExtTabWnd::TAB_ITEM_INFO * pTii,
- CDC & dcMeasure,
- CSize & sizePreCalc
- );
- virtual bool TabWnd_GetParentSizingMargin(
- INT & nMargin,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bCenteredText,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- bool bInGroupActive,
- bool bInvertedVerticalMode,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CSize sizeTextMeasured,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L),
- bool bDwmMode = false
- );
- #endif // #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual int GetThemeDockingType() const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DOCK_MARKERS)
- virtual BYTE DockMarker_GetAlpha(
- bool bHighlight,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool DockMarker_IsAdjustBmpsRequired(
- eDockMarkerType_t eDockMarkerType
- ) const;
- virtual void DockMarker_AdjustBmps(
- eDockMarkerType_t eDockMarkerType,
- CExtBitmap & bmpIn,
- COLORREF clrTransparentIn,
- CExtBitmap & bmpOut,
- COLORREF clrTransparentOut
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DOCK_MARKERS)
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- protected:
- CExtBitmapCache
- m_bmpMenuItemLunaBlue,
- m_bmpMenuItemLunaOliveGreen,
- m_bmpMenuItemLunaSilver,
- m_bmpMenuItemLunaRoyale,
- m_bmpMenuItemVista,
- m_bmpMenuItemOther;
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerStudio2008
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerNativeXP
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerNativeXP : public CExtPaintManager
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerNativeXP );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerNativeXP();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerNativeXP();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return NativeXP;
- }
- virtual bool OnQueryUseThemeColors() const;
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual bool PaintDockerBkgnd(
- bool bClientMapping,
- CDC & dc,
- CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = NULL
- );
- virtual bool GetCb2DbTransparentMode(
- CObject * pObjHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintControlFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintComboFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTCOMBOFRAMEDATA & _pcfd
- );
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- virtual void PaintPushButtonText(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcCaption,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- virtual void PaintPushButtonIcon(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcCaption,
- CRect & rcFocus,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- virtual INT GetDropDownButtonWidth(
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual INT GetSpinButtonWidth(
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CRect GetSpinButtonMargins(
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintToolbarExpandButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcButtonArea,
- bool bHorz, // if false - down
- bool bBarIsCompletelyVisible,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bTransparentBackground = false
- );
- virtual bool Toolbar_GetSizeOfCEB(
- SIZE & sizeReal,
- const SIZE & sizePreCalc,
- CDC & dc,
- BOOL bHorz,
- CExtBarContentExpandButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuExpandButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectButton,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CRect GetMenuBorderMetrics(
- CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintMenuBorder(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectClient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool PaintMenuItem_UX(
- HWND hWnd,
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuItemIcon(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuTearOffButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectButton,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool PaintSysCmdGlyph_UX(
- HWND hWnd,
- CDC & dc,
- UINT nHelperSysCmdID,
- const RECT & rcItem,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bEnabled,
- COLORREF clrForceGlyphColor = COLORREF(-1L)
- );
- virtual bool PaintMenuItemIcon_UX(
- HWND hWnd,
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuItemInPlaceWnd(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid
- );
- virtual bool PaintMenuSeparator_UX(
- HWND hWnd,
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectItem,
- int nIconAreaWidth,
- bool bRarelyUsed,
- bool bIsForceNoLeftGradient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectItem,
- int nIconAreaWidth,
- bool bRarelyUsed,
- bool bIsForceNoLeftGradient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectItem,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bTransparentBk,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintResizingGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcGrip,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual COLORREF GetMenuFrameFillColor(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintControlBarClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintDockBarClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintControlBarBorders(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTGRIPPERDATA & _pgd
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void FixedBar_AdjustClientRect(
- const CExtControlBar * pBar,
- CRect & rcPreCalc
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingCaptionButton(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual bool Bar_LayoutNcAreaButton(
- RECT & rcButton,
- const RECT & rcCaption,
- CExtBarNcAreaButton * pLayoutBtn,
- CExtBarNcAreaButton * pPrevBtn,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual bool Bar_MiniDockFrameGetNcMetrics(
- INT & nResizingFrameDX,
- INT & nResizingFrameDY,
- INT & nCaptionDY,
- CExtMiniDockFrameWnd * pMiniFrameWnd,
- CExtControlBar * pBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual bool QueryTabWndHoverChangingRedraw(
- const CExtTabWnd * pWndTab,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_MeasureItemAreaMargins(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- LONG & nSpaceBefore,
- LONG & nSpaceAfter,
- LONG & nSpaceOver
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_UpdateItemMeasure(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- CExtTabWnd::TAB_ITEM_INFO * pTii,
- CDC & dcMeasure,
- CSize & sizePreCalc
- );
- virtual bool TabWnd_GetParentSizingMargin(
- INT & nMargin,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintTabNcAreaRect(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rc,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bCenteredText,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- bool bInGroupActive,
- bool bInvertedVerticalMode,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CSize sizeTextMeasured,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L),
- bool bDwmMode = false
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual bool StatusBar_EraseBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- virtual bool StatusBar_ErasePaneBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- int nPaneIdx,
- const RECT & rcPane,
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- virtual bool StatusBar_PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- int nPaneIdxAfterSep,
- const RECT & rcPaneBefore,
- const RECT & rcPaneAfter,
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- #endif // __EXT_MFC_NO_STATUSBAR
- #if( !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SPIN || !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DURATIONWND )
- virtual CRect Spin_QueryNcAreaMargins(
- bool bSpinAlignRight,
- bool bSpinAlignLeft,
- bool bHasScrolBars
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintSpinButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcButton,
- bool bUp,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bFlat,
- bool bDrawBorder,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- bool bHotTrack,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #if( !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SPIN || !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DURATIONWND )
- #ifndef __EXT_MFC_NO_SLIDER
- virtual bool PaintSliderChannel(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcChannel,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool PaintSliderThumb(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcThumb,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bLeft,
- bool bRight,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bFocused,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // __EXT_MFC_NO_SLIDER
- virtual INT Duration_GetSpinButtonWidth(
- const CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual INT Duration_GetDropDownButtonWidth(
- const CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CRect Duration_GetSpinButtonExtraSpace(
- const CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CRect Duration_GetDropDownButtonExtraSpace(
- const CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void Duration_PaintSpinButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcButton,
- bool bUp,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHovered,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Duration_PaintDropDownButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcButton,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHovered,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TASK_PANE )
- virtual void TaskPanePaintGroupCaption(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bHighlighted,
- bool bPaintExpandButton,
- bool bExpanded,
- CObject * pHelperSrc
- );
- virtual CRect TaskPaneQueryGroupCaptionTextMargins() const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TASK_PANE )
- #ifndef __EXT_MFC_NO_GRIDWND
- virtual bool Grid_PaintHeaderSortArrow(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcSortArrow,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bAscending,
- COLORREF * pColorValues,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Grid_PaintHeaderBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- LONG nColNo,
- LONG nRowNo,
- INT nColType,
- INT nRowType,
- DWORD dwAreaFlags,
- DWORD dwHelperPaintFlags,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #ifndef __EXT_MFC_NO_GRIDWND
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_REPORTGRIDWND)
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintHeaderRowBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintHeaderSortArrow(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcSortArrow,
- bool bAscending,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintGroupAreaBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strEmptyAreaCaption, // not NULL if area is empty
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual COLORREF ReportGrid_GetHeaderTextColor(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_REPORTGRIDWND)
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetTabIntersectionHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bSelected,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L)
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintPageBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcPageBk,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CRect Ribbon_GetPageOuterContentPadding(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetGroupHeight(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void RibbonQuickAccessBar_PaintBkAtTheBottom(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rcQATB,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual void AdvTip_CalcRgn(
- HRGN hRgnPrecalc,
- const RECT & rcRectRgn,
- bool bDynamicShadowApplied,
- INT nSizeInnerShadowIncluded,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool AdvTip_PaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- bool bAdvTipWithShadow,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CFont * AdvTip_GetFont(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual COLORREF AdvTip_GetTextColor(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CSize GetPushedOffset();
- virtual const CExtAnimationParameters *
- Animation_GetParameters(
- INT eAPT, // __EAPT_*** animation type
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- const CExtAnimationClient * pAC,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual bool PaintProgress(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- // header control
- virtual void Header_PaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rc,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Header_PaintItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rcItemEntire,
- CRect rcItemData,
- CRect rcIcon,
- CRect rcText,
- CRect rcSortArrow,
- CRect rcButton,
- CRect rcButtonIcon,
- bool bSorted,
- bool bSortedAscending,
- INT nColNo,
- INT nColCount,
- const CExtCmdIcon & iconItem,
- const CExtCmdIcon & iconButton,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bButtonEvent,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- static bool stat_PaintHeaderPartUsingUxTheme(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rc,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam,
- bool bDrawItemLikeBackground = false,
- bool bHover = false,
- bool bPressed = false
- );
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerNativeXP
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2003NoThemes
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2003NoThemes : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2003
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2003NoThemes );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2003NoThemes();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2003NoThemes();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2003NoThemes;
- }
- virtual bool OnQueryUseThemeColors() const;
- double GetIconAlphaAdjustPercent() const;
- COLORREF GetIconAlphaColor() const;
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2003NoThemes
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2003
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl )
- bool m_bThemedMenuItemsEverywhere:1;
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl();
- COLORREF m_clrIconAlphaColor;
- double m_lfIconAlphaAdjustPercent;
- virtual COLORREF GetIconAlphaColor() const;
- virtual double GetIconAlphaAdjustPercent() const;
- COLORREF m_clrTransparentNcFrameActive, m_clrTransparentNcFrameInactive;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpNcFrameActive, m_bmpNcFrameInactive;
- CRect m_rcNcFrameBordersActive, m_rcNcFrameBordersInactive;
- INT m_nCaptionHeightActive, m_nCaptionHeightInactive;
- bool m_bUseNcFrameBmpForDockerBkgnd:1;
- COLORREF m_clrNcFrameTextActive, m_clrNcFrameTextInactive;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpNcButtonBkHover, m_bmpNcButtonBkHoverX, m_bmpNcButtonBkPressed, m_bmpNcButtonBkPressedX;
- CRect m_rcNcButtonBkPadding;
- CSize m_sizeNcButtonShapeInArr;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrNcButtonsHelp, m_bmpArrNcButtonsClose, m_bmpArrNcButtonsMaximize,
- m_bmpArrNcButtonsRestore, m_bmpArrNcButtonsMinimize;
- INT m_nNcBtnIdxDisabled, m_nNcBtnIdxNormalActive, m_nNcBtnIdxNormalInactive, m_nNcBtnIdxHover, m_nNcBtnIdxPressed;
- virtual bool NcFrame_IsSupported(
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual HRGN NcFrame_GenerateSkinFrameRGN(
- const RECT & rcWnd,
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual INT NcFrame_GetCaptionHeight(
- bool bActive,
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void NcFrame_GetMetrics(
- RECT & rcNcBorders,
- RECT & rcThemePadding,
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CRect NcFrame_GetHtRect(
- bool bScreenMapping,
- bool bLayoutBordersH,
- bool bLayoutBordersV,
- const CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void NcFrame_Paint(
- CDC & dc,
- const CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- UINT nDrawTextAlignFlags,
- const RECT & rcFrame,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- const RECT & rcIcon,
- const RECT & rcText,
- const RECT & rcHelp,
- const RECT & rcMinimize,
- const RECT & rcMaximizeRestore,
- const RECT & rcClose,
- bool bFrameActive,
- bool bFrameEnabled,
- bool bFrameMaximized,
- e_nc_button_state_t eStateButtonHelp,
- e_nc_button_state_t eStateButtonMinimize,
- e_nc_button_state_t eStateButtonMaximizeRestore,
- e_nc_button_state_t eStateButtonClose,
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void NcFrame_GetRects(
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- UINT nDrawTextAlignFlags,
- RECT & rcIcon,
- RECT & rcText,
- RECT & rcHelp,
- RECT & rcMinimize,
- RECT & rcMaximizeRestore,
- RECT & rcClose,
- const CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- protected:
- COLORREF m_clrFillHint;
- COLORREF m_clrAccentHint;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingFrameDark;
- COLORREF m_clrFloatingToolbarGripperSolid;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingFrameCaptionTextActive;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingFrameCaptionTextInactive;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingFrameCaptionTextFloatingFixed;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeFixedDisabled;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeResizableDisabled;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeFixedPushed;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeResizablePushed;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeFixedHover;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeResizableHover;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeFixedNormal;
- COLORREF m_clrDockingCaptionShapeResizableNormal;
- public:
- virtual bool OnQueryThemeColors(
- COLORREF *pclrFillHint,
- COLORREF *pclrAccentHint = NULL
- );
- virtual bool OnQueryUseThemeColors() const;
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual bool PaintDockerBkgnd(
- bool bClientMapping,
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect &rcDst,
- const CRect &rcWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = NULL
- );
- COLORREF m_clrDCA1, m_clrDCA2, m_clrDCA3; // style R1
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpDCA; // style R1 mask, style R2 top/left
- bool m_bDocumentClientAreaBkgndR2; // style R1 or R2 (2007)
- COLORREF m_clrDCA_Solid; // alternative DCA color
- virtual bool PaintDocumentClientAreaBkgnd(
- CDC & dc,
- CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = NULL
- );
- virtual void PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectItem,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bTransparentBk,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTGRIPPERDATA & _pgd
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintDockingCaptionButton(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_STATUSBAR)
- CRect m_rcStatusBkPadding;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpStatusBkLight, m_bmpStatusBkDark;
- CRect m_rcStatusSeparatorPadding;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpStatusSeparator;
- COLORREF m_clrStatusPaneTextColorDisabled, m_clrStatusPaneTextColorNormal;
- virtual bool StatusBar_EraseBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- virtual bool StatusBar_PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- int nPaneIdxAfterSep,
- const RECT & rcPaneBefore,
- const RECT & rcPaneAfter,
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- virtual bool StatusBar_PaintPane(
- CDC & dc,
- int nPaneIdx,
- const RECT & rcPane,
- DWORD dwPaneStyle,
- HICON hIcon,
- UINT nDrawTextFlags,
- COLORREF clrText,
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- virtual bool StatusBar_QuerySkinSupport(
- const CExtStatusControlBar * pStatusBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_STATUSBAR)
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- enum e_TabShapeOrientationIndex_t
- {
- __ETSOI_TOP = 0,
- __ETSOI_LEFT = 2,
- __ETSOI_RIGHT = 3,
- };
- CExtBitmapCache m_arrBmpTabShapeNormal[4], m_arrBmpTabShapeSelArea[4], m_arrBmpTabArea[4], m_arrBmpTabSeparator[4];
- CSize m_arrSizeTabShape[4], m_arrSizeTabSeparator[4];
- CRect m_arrRectTabShapePadding[4], m_arrRectTabAreaPadding[4], m_arrRectTabSeparatorPadding[4];
- INT m_arrTabAreaMargins[4];
- INT m_nIdxTabShapeDisabled, m_nIdxTabShapeNormal,
- m_nIdxTabShapeHover, m_nIdxTabShapePressed,
- m_nIdxTabShapeSelected, m_nIdxTabShapeSelectedHover;
- COLORREF m_clrTabTextNormal, m_clrTabTextSelected;
- COLORREF m_clrTabTextNormalDWM, m_clrTabTextSelectedDWM;
- virtual bool QueryTabWndHoverChangingRedraw(
- const CExtTabWnd * pWndTab,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabbedTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bCenteredText,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- bool bInGroupActive,
- bool bInvertedVerticalMode,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CSize sizeTextMeasured,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L),
- bool bDwmMode = false
- );
- virtual void PaintTabButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcButton,
- LONG nHitTest,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bFlat = false
- );
- virtual void PaintTabNcAreaRect(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rc,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_MeasureItemAreaMargins(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- LONG & nSpaceBefore,
- LONG & nSpaceAfter,
- LONG & nSpaceOver
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_UpdateItemMeasure(
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd,
- CExtTabWnd::TAB_ITEM_INFO * pTii,
- CDC & dcMeasure,
- CSize & sizePreCalc
- );
- virtual void TabWnd_AdjustItemCloseButtonRect(
- CRect & rcCloseButton,
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd
- );
- virtual void GetThemeAccentTabColors(
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemText,
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemFace = NULL,
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemBorderLight = NULL,
- COLORREF * pClrSetectedTabItemBorderDark = NULL,
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual int GetThemeDockingType() const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CONTROLBARS)
- virtual int GetAutoHideTabsType() const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CONTROLBARS)
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrStatesCheckBox, m_bmpArrStatesRadioButton;
- virtual CSize GetCheckButtonBoxSize(
- CDC & dc,
- ) const;
- virtual CSize GetRadioButtonBoxSize(
- CDC & dc,
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintCheckButtonBox(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintRadioButtonBox(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- COLORREF m_clrMenuItemLeftAreaMarginL, m_clrMenuItemLeftAreaMarginR;
- CExtBitmapCache
- m_bmpMenuItemLargeLeft,
- m_bmpMenuItemLargeRight,
- m_bmpMenuItemSmallLeft,
- m_bmpMenuItemSmallRight,
- m_bmpMenuArrow,
- m_bmpMenuCheckAreaChecked,
- m_bmpMenuCheckAreaUnchecked;
- CSize m_sizeMenuCheckAreaChecked, m_sizeMenuCheckAreaUnchecked;
- INT m_nMenuGlyphItemHeightSmall, m_nMenuGlyphItemHeightLarge;
- CRect m_rcMenuItemPaddingLargeLeft,
- m_rcMenuItemPaddingLargeRight,
- m_rcMenuItemPaddingSmallLeft,
- m_rcMenuItemPaddingSmallRight,
- m_arrRectMenuCheckAreaCheckedPadding[2],
- m_arrRectMenuCheckAreaUncheckedPadding[2];
- virtual void PaintMenuItemLeftAreaMarginXP(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid,
- const RECT & rcFillLeftPart,
- const RECT & rcFillRightPart
- );
- virtual bool PaintMenuItemBackgroundXP(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid,
- const RECT & rcSelectionArea
- );
- virtual bool PaintMenuItemCheckMarkAreaXP(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid,
- const RECT & rcCheckMarkArea,
- e_CheckMarkAreaTypeXP eCMATXP
- );
- virtual void PaintMenuScrollButton(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bTopButton,
- const RECT & rcScrollButton,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void PaintResizingGripper(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcGrip,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_PAGE_NAVIGATOR )
- // simple/gradient version of page navigator
- COLORREF m_arrClrPnCaptNormal[4], m_arrClrPnCaptActive[4],
- m_arrClrPnCaptHover[4], m_arrClrPnCaptPressed[4],
- m_arrClrPnSplitter[2], m_clrPnSplitterDots,
- m_clrPnCaptText, m_arrClrPnItemText[2],
- m_clrPnConfigButton;
- CExtSafeString m_strPnPaneCaptCustomFontFaceName;
- bool m_bPnPaneCaptFontBold:1;
- // bitmap based version of page navigator
- enum e_PnItemSkinType
- {
- ePn_Normal = 0,
- ePn_Hover = 1,
- ePn_Pressed = 2,
- ePn_Selected = 3,
- ePn_SelectedHover = 4,
- ePn_Count = 5,
- };
- // expanded item
- COLORREF m_arrClrPnItemTextBmpVer[ ePn_Count ];
- CRect m_arrRcPnItemPaddingExpanded[ ePn_Count ];
- CExtBitmap m_arrBmpPnItemExpanded[ ePn_Count ];
- // collapsed item
- CRect m_arrRcPnItemPaddingCollapsed[ ePn_Count ];
- CExtBitmap m_arrBmpPnItemCollapsed[ ePn_Count ];
- // pane
- COLORREF m_arrClrPnPaneTextBmpVer[ ePn_Count ];
- CRect m_arrRcPnPanePadding[ ePn_Count ];
- CExtBitmap m_arrBmpPnPane[ ePn_Count ];
- virtual INT PageNavigator_GetSplitterHeight() const;
- virtual INT PageNavigator_GetItemCaptionHeight() const;
- virtual INT PageNavigator_GetItemPaneCaptionHeight() const;
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItem(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcItem,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- bool bExpanded,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItemCaption(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorCaptionText(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcItem,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- bool bSelected,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- bool bAllowInvertTextColor = true,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L)
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItemPaneCaptionText(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorItemPaneCaption(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcCaption,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bExpandable,
- bool bExpanded,
- bool bDrawTopLine = true
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorConfigButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcItem,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorSplitter(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcSplitter,
- bool bDrawDots = true
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorSplitterDots(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcSplitter,
- INT nOffsetV = 0
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_PAGE_NAVIGATOR )
- CSize m_sizeComboBoxDropDown;
- CRect m_rcPaddingComboBoxDropDown;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrComboBoxDropDown;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR )
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonComboBackGroundNormal, m_clrRibbonComboBackGroundDisabled;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- COLORREF m_arrClrComboBoxBorder[4]; // normal=0, hover=1, pressed=2, disabled=3
- virtual void PaintComboFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTCOMBOFRAMEDATA & _pcfd
- );
- virtual void PaintControlFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- virtual void PaintToolbarTextField(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR )
- virtual CSize Ribbon_CalcButtonSize(
- CDC & dc,
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- m_SbSkinDataL_Zoom,
- m_SbSkinDataT_Zoom,
- m_SbSkinDataR_Zoom,
- m_SbSkinDataB_Zoom,
- m_SbSkinDataH_Light,
- m_SbSkinDataV_Light,
- m_SbSkinDataH_Dark,
- m_SbSkinDataV_Dark;
- virtual SCROLLBARSKINDATA * ScrollBar_GetSkinData(
- bool bHorzBar,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bLightAccent = true
- );
- virtual bool ScrollBar_GetMetrics(
- INT * p_nHorzBarHeight = NULL,
- INT * p_nVertBarWidth = NULL,
- INT * p_nHorzButtonWidth = NULL,
- INT * p_nVertButtonHeight = NULL,
- INT * p_nHorzThumbMinWidth = NULL,
- INT * p_nVertThumbMinHeight = NULL,
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- COLORREF m_clrGridHeaderBkTop, m_clrGridHeaderBkBottom, m_clrGridHeaderBorder,
- m_clrGridHeaderSeparator, m_clrGridHeaderSortArrow;
- #ifndef __EXT_MFC_NO_GRIDWND
- virtual bool Grid_PaintButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcButton,
- INT nButtonType,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bHovered,
- bool bFocused,
- bool bEnabled,
- COLORREF clrFace,
- COLORREF clrLight,
- COLORREF clrShadow,
- COLORREF clrWindow,
- COLORREF clrText,
- DWORD dwHelperPaintFlags,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Grid_PaintHeaderSortArrow(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcSortArrow,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bAscending,
- COLORREF * pColorValues,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Grid_PaintHeaderBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- LONG nColNo,
- LONG nRowNo,
- INT nColType,
- INT nRowType,
- DWORD dwAreaFlags,
- DWORD dwHelperPaintFlags,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #ifndef __EXT_MFC_NO_GRIDWND
- COLORREF m_clrRgHeaderBkTop, m_clrRgHeaderBkBottom, m_clrRgHeaderBorder,
- m_clrRgHeaderSeparator, m_clrRgHeaderSortArrow, m_clrRgHeaderText;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_REPORTGRIDWND)
- COLORREF m_clrRgGroupAreaBk, m_clrRgGroupAreaText;
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintHeaderRowBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintHeaderSortArrow(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcSortArrow,
- bool bAscending,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool ReportGrid_PaintGroupAreaBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcArea,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strEmptyAreaCaption, // not NULL if area is empty
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual COLORREF ReportGrid_GetHeaderTextColor(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_REPORTGRIDWND)
- enum e_push_button_glyph_type_t
- {
- __EPBGT_HOVER = 1,
- __EPBGT_HH = 5,
- };
- // INT m_nTbbLightWeightSimpleGlyphHeightH, m_nTbbLightWeightSimpleGlyphHeightV,
- // m_nTbbLightWeightSDDLeftGlyphHeightH, m_nTbbLightWeightSDDLeftGlyphHeightV,
- // m_nTbbLightWeightSDDRightGlyphHeightH, m_nTbbLightWeightSDDRightGlyphHeightV;
- // CRect m_rcTbbLightWeightSimplePaddingH, m_rcTbbLightWeightSimplePaddingV,
- // m_rcTbbLightWeightSDDLeftPaddingH, m_rcTbbLightWeightSDDLeftPaddingV,
- // m_rcTbbLightWeightSDDRightPaddingH, m_rcTbbLightWeightSDDRightPaddingV;
- // CExtBitmapCache
- // m_arrBmpTbbLightWeightSimpleH, m_arrBmpTbbLightWeightSimpleV,
- // m_arrBmpTbbLightWeightSDDLeftH, m_arrBmpTbbLightWeightSDDLeftV,
- // m_arrBmpTbbLightWeightSDDRightH, m_arrBmpTbbLightWeightSDDRightV;
- INT m_nPushBtnSimpleGlyphHeightH, m_nPushBtnSimpleGlyphHeightV,
- m_nPushBtnSDDLeftGlyphHeightH, m_nPushBtnSDDLeftGlyphHeightV,
- m_nPushBtnSDDRightGlyphHeightH, m_nPushBtnSDDRightGlyphHeightV;
- CRect m_rcPushBtnSimplePaddingH, m_rcPushBtnSimplePaddingV,
- m_rcPushBtnSDDLeftPaddingH, m_rcPushBtnSDDLeftPaddingV,
- m_rcPushBtnSDDRightPaddingH, m_rcPushBtnSDDRightPaddingV;
- CExtBitmapCache
- m_arrBmpPushBtnSimpleH, m_arrBmpPushBtnSimpleV,
- m_arrBmpPushBtnSDDLeftH, m_arrBmpPushBtnSDDLeftV,
- m_arrBmpPushBtnSDDRightH, m_arrBmpPushBtnSDDRightV;
- CExtBitmapCache
- m_arrBmpSpinArrowDown, m_arrBmpSpinArrowUp,
- m_arrBmpSpinDown, m_arrBmpSpinUp;
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- virtual bool IsMenuMustCombineExcludeArea(
- const CObject * pMenuTrackerObject = NULL
- ) const;
- CSize m_sizeRibbonComboBoxDropDown;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrRibbonComboBoxDropDown;
- CRect m_rcRibbonPaddingComboBoxDropDown;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonDDA;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonTabAreaBlur;
- CRect m_rcRibbonTabAreaBlurPadding;
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonTabClientAreaActive, m_clrRibbonTabClientAreaInactive; // non-dwm colors of ribbon tab client area
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonPageBk;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonGroupBkExpanded[2]; // 0 - normal, 1 - hover
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonGroupBkCollapsed[4]; // 0 - normal, 1 - hover, 2 - pressed, 3 - selected
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonGroupBkQATB[4]; // 0 - normal, 1 - hover, 2 - pressed, 3 - selected
- //CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonIconBkCollapsed[3]; // 0 - normal, 1 - hover, 2 - pressed
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonIconBkCF;
- INT m_nRibbonGroupIconBkVertOffset, m_nRibbonCaptionPartHeight,
- m_nRibbonGroupCaptionAreaHeightExpanded,
- m_nRibbonGroupCaptionAreaHeightCollapsed;
- CRect m_rcRibbonPageBkPadding,
- m_rcRibbonGroupPaddingBkExpanded,
- m_rcRibbonGroupPaddingBkCollapsed;
- bool m_bRibbonGroupCaptionAtTop:1, m_bRibbonGroupCaptionAreaHasPadding:1;
- INT m_nContractedMarginHeight;
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetContractedMarginHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- COLORREF m_clrContractedMargin1,m_clrContractedMargin2;
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintContractedMargin(
- CDC & dc,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetGroupHeight(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetToolGroupExtraOffset(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetToolGroupExtraLineDistance(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GroupCaptionGetHeight(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual bool Ribbon_GroupCaptionIsAtTop(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CExtCmdIcon * Ribbon_GetGroupCollapsedIcon(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintGroupBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcGroupBk,
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_PaintQuickAccessGroupButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcGroupBk,
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CRect m_rcRibbonPageOuterContentPadding;
- virtual CRect Ribbon_GetPageOuterContentPadding(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintPageBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcPageBk,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonSeparatorH, m_bmpRibbonSeparatorV;
- CRect m_rcRibbonSeparatorPaddingH, m_rcRibbonSeparatorPaddingV;
- INT m_nRibbonSeparatorDrawModeH, m_nRibbonSeparatorDrawModeV;
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintSeparator(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcTBB,
- const CExtBarButton * pSepTBB, // can be NULL
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- m_clrRibbonGroupCaptionTextExpanded,
- m_clrRibbonGroupCaptionTextShadowExpanded,
- m_clrRibbonGroupCaptionTextCollapsed,
- m_clrRibbonButtonNormal,
- m_clrRibbonButtonDisabled;
- CSize m_sizeRibbonGroupCaptionTextOffset;
- INT m_nRibbonGroupCaptionTextDF, m_nRibbonGroupCaptionTextShadowDF;
- virtual CRect Ribbon_CalcLargeDropDownRect(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintText(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcText,
- UINT nDrawTextFlags,
- bool bDrawDropDownArrow,
- CExtBitmap * pBmpAlternativeDropDownArrow,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CRect Ribbon_GetPopupGroupBorderMetrics(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_IsPopupGroupWithCaption(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- INT m_nRibbonQuickAccessBarButtonsAlignment;
- virtual INT RibbonQuickAccessBar_GetButtonsAlignment(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonQuickAccessBarBkAtTheBottom;
- CRect m_rcPaddingRibbonQuickAccessBarBkAtTheBottom;
- virtual void RibbonQuickAccessBar_PaintBkAtTheBottom(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rcQATB,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void RibbonQuickAccessBar_AdjustButtonLocation(
- CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- CRect & rcTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- INT m_nQatbAdditionalSpaceAtRight, m_nQatbAdditionalSpaceAtRightDWM;
- virtual INT RibbonQuickAccessBar_GetAdditionalSpaceAtRight(
- bool bDwmMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- INT m_nRibbonTabIntersectionHeight;
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetTabIntersectionHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bSelected,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L)
- );
- CRect m_rcRibbonNcCornerLeftCP, m_rcRibbonNcCornerRightCP;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonNcCornerDwmLeft, m_bmpRibbonNcCornerDwmRight;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonNcCornerActiveLeft, m_bmpRibbonNcCornerInactiveLeft;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonNcCornerActiveRight, m_bmpRibbonNcCornerInactiveRight;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonNcCornerHT, m_bmpArrRibbonFileButton;
- CRgn m_rgnRibbonNcCornerExclude, m_rgnRibbonNcCornerResizing;
- INT m_nRibbonFileButtonHeight;
- virtual HRGN Ribbon_GetRgnCornerExclude(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual HRGN Ribbon_GetRgnCornerResizing(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_EmbeddedCaptionAdjustTextRect(
- CRect & rcAdjust,
- const CExtRibbonBar * pRibbonBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_NcOverPaint(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bFrameActive,
- INT nWidthFromLeft,
- bool bDwmMode,
- LPCRECT pRectDwmText,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strDwmCaptionTitle,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- COLORREF m_clrRibbon_EmbeddedCaptionTextLeft, m_clrRibbon_EmbeddedCaptionTextRight;
- virtual void Ribbon_EmbeddedCaptionPaintText(
- CDC & dc,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaption,
- CRect rcDrawText,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR strCaptionDelimiter,
- const CExtRibbonBar * pRibbonBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- UINT m_nRibbonEmbeddedCaptionTextAlignmentFlags;
- virtual UINT Ribbon_EmbeddedCaptionGetTextAlignmentFlags(
- const CExtRibbonBar * pRibbonBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_FileMenuButtonQuery(
- LPVOID pData,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- bool m_bRibbonFileButtonItegrationSupported:1;
- virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonIsItegrationSupported() const;
- INT m_nRibbonFileButtonMenuIntersectionHeight;
- virtual INT Ribbon_FileButtonGetMenuIntersectionHeight() const;
- virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonCalcLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtNcFrameImpl * pExtNcFrameImpl,
- CExtRibbonButtonFile * pFileTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonPaint(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonFile * pFileTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrRibbonQACEB;
- CRect m_rcRibbonPaddingQACEB;
- INT m_nRibbonHeightOfQACEB,
- m_nIdxRibbonQACEB_Normal,
- m_nIdxRibbonQACEB_Hover,
- m_nIdxRibbonQACEB_Pressed,
- m_nIdxRibbonQACEB_Selected;
- virtual bool Ribbon_QuickAccessContentExpandButtonCalcLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonQuickAccessContentExpand * pQACEB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_QuickAccessContentExpandButtonPaint(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonQuickAccessContentExpand * pQACEB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CSize m_sizeAboveTheRibbonShiftQACEB;
- virtual CSize Ribbon_QuickAccessContentExpandGetShift(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonQuickAccessContentExpand * pQACEB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CExtBitmapCache m_arrBmpRibbonDLB;
- INT m_nRibbonHeightOfOneDLB,
- m_nDlbIdxDisabled, m_nDlbIdxNormal,
- m_nDlbIdxHover, m_nDlbIdxPressed;
- CRect rcRibbonContentPaddingDLB;
- virtual bool Ribbon_DLB_IsVisible(
- CExtRibbonButtonDialogLauncher * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CSize Ribbon_DLB_CalcSize(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonDialogLauncher * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_DLB_Paint(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonDialogLauncher * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CFont * RibbonGallery_GetItemFont(
- CExtRibbonGalleryWnd * pGalleryWnd,
- LPVOID pGalleryItemData,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CSize RibbonGallery_MeasureItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonGalleryWnd * pGalleryWnd,
- LPVOID pGalleryItemData,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool RibbonGallery_DrawItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonGalleryWnd * pGalleryWnd,
- const RECT & rcItem,
- LPVOID pGalleryItemData,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonGalleryInplaceBorderNormal;
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonGalleryInplaceBorderHover;
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonGalleryInplaceBkgndNormal;
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonGalleryInplaceBkgndHover;
- virtual bool RibbonGallery_EraseEntireBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcClient,
- const CRect & rcActiveChildArea,
- CRgn & rgnActiveChildArea,
- const CRect & rcActiveChildArea2,
- CRgn & rgnActiveChildArea2,
- CExtRibbonGalleryWnd * pGalleryWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- COLORREF m_rcRibbonGalleryScrollFill;
- CRect m_rcRibbonGalleryScrollButtonPadding;
- INT m_nHeightRibbonGalleryScrollButton, m_nIndexRibbonGalleryScrollButtonDisabled,
- m_nIndexRibbonGalleryScrollButtonNormal, m_nIndexRibbonGalleryScrollButtonHover,
- m_nIndexRibbonGalleryScrollButtonPressed;
- CExtBitmapCache
- m_bmpArrRibbonGalleryScrollButtonUp,
- m_bmpArrRibbonGalleryScrollButtonDown,
- m_bmpArrRibbonGalleryScrollButtonMenu;
- virtual void RibbonGallery_PaintScrollArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonGalleryInplaceScrollBar * pSB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- // tool buttons 2007
- enum e_button_tool_style_arr_t
- {
- __EBTSA_SOLID = 0,
- __EBTSA_LEFT = 1,
- __EBTSA_RIGHT = 3,
- };
- enum e_button_small_style_arr_t
- {
- __EBSSA_LEFT = 0,
- __EBSSA_RIGHT = 1,
- };
- enum e_button_large_style_arr_t
- {
- __EBLSA_MAIN = 0,
- __EBLSA_DD = 1,
- };
- enum e_tool_button_separator_t
- {
- __ETBS_HOVER = 0,
- };
- enum e_large_button_separator_t
- {
- __ELBS_HOVER = 0,
- };
- CRect m_rcPaddingOfButtonTS, m_rcPaddingOfButtonSS,
- m_rcPaddingOfButtonLSM, // m_rcPaddingOfButtonLSB,
- m_rcPaddingOfButtonLSXM, m_rcPaddingOfButtonLSXB,
- m_rcPaddingOfToolButtonSeparator, m_rcPaddingOfLargeButtonSeparator;
- INT m_nHeightOfButtonTS, m_nHeightOfButtonSS,
- m_nHeightOfButtonLSM, //, m_nHeightOfButtonLSB,
- m_nHeightOfButtonLSXM, m_nHeightOfButtonLSXB;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrButtonTS[4],
- m_bmpArrButtonSS_simple, m_bmpArrButtonSS_DD[2],
- m_bmpArrButtonLSM, // m_bmpArrButtonLSB,
- m_bmpArrButtonLSXM, m_bmpArrButtonLSXB,
- m_bmpToolBtnSeparator[2], m_bmpLargeBtnSeparator[2];
- enum e_button2007index_t
- {
- __E07BI_NORMAL = 0,
- __E07BI_HOVER = 1,
- __E07BI_PRESSED = 2,
- __E07BI_HDD = 3,
- __E07BI_SEL_T = 4,
- };
- enum e_button2007indexX_t
- {
- __E07BIX_NORMAL = 0,
- __E07BIX_HOVER = 1,
- __E07BIX_HOVER2 = 2,
- __E07BIX_PRESSED = 3,
- __E07BIX_PRESSED2 = 4,
- __E07BIX_PRESSED3 = 5,
- __E07BIX_SELECTED = 7,
- };
- INT m_arrIndicesButtonTS[6], m_arrIndicesButtonSS_Left[6], m_arrIndicesButtonSS_Right[6],
- m_arrIndicesButtonLSM[6], //, m_arrIndicesButtonLSB[6]
- m_arrIndicesButtonLSXM[8], m_arrIndicesButtonLSXB[8];
- virtual INT GetDropDownButtonWidth(
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual INT GetSpinButtonWidth(
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual HFONT CreateDefaultFont();
- virtual HFONT CreateCaptionFont();
- COLORREF m_clrRibbonModeMenuTextNormal;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonModeMenuBorder;
- CRect m_rcRibbonModeMenuBorderPadding, m_rcRibbonModeMenuMetrics;
- virtual void PaintMenuItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTMENUITEMDATA & _pmid
- );
- virtual CRect GetMenuBorderMetrics(
- CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = 0
- ) const;
- CRect m_rcPaddingRibbonMenuResizingMarginHV, m_rcPaddingRibbonMenuResizingMarginV;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonMenuResizingMarginHV, m_bmpRibbonMenuResizingMarginV;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonMenuResizingGripperHV, m_bmpRibbonMenuResizingGripperV;
- virtual void MenuBottomResizingMarginGetInfo(
- INT & nMarginHeight,
- INT & nResizingCornerPartWidth,
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void MenuBottomResizingMarginPaint(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcResizingArea,
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- COLORREF m_clrMenuCaptionText;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpMenuCaptionBk;
- CRect m_rcMenuCaptionBmpPadding;
- virtual void MenuCaption_Paint(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcMenuCaption,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR sMenuCaptionText,
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual void PaintMenuBorder(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rectClient,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void AdjustMenuDC(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup,
- CDC & dc,
- bool bMemoryDC,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual COLORREF GetShadowAdjustColor();
- virtual const CExtAnimationParameters *
- Animation_GetParameters(
- INT eAPT, // __EAPT_*** animation type
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- const CExtAnimationClient * pAC,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- #if( !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SPIN || !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DURATIONWND )
- virtual void PaintSpinButton(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcButton,
- bool bUp,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bFlat,
- bool bDrawBorder,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bHover,
- bool bHotTrack,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // #if( !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_SPIN || !defined __EXT_MFC_NO_DURATIONWND )
- #ifndef __EXT_MFC_NO_SLIDER
- virtual bool PaintSliderThumb(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcThumb,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bLeft,
- bool bRight,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bFocused,
- bool bHover,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // __EXT_MFC_NO_SLIDER
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpAdvTipBorder;
- CRect m_rcAdvTipPaddingBorder, m_rcAdvTipPaddingGradient;
- COLORREF m_clrAdvTipGradientTop, m_clrAdvTipGradientBottom, m_clrAdvTipText;
- bool m_bAdvTipOnePxExcludeMode:1;
- virtual void AdvTip_CalcRgn(
- HRGN hRgnPrecalc,
- const RECT & rcRectRgn,
- bool bDynamicShadowApplied,
- INT nSizeInnerShadowIncluded,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool AdvTip_PaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcClient,
- bool bAdvTipWithShadow,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CFont * AdvTip_GetFont(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual COLORREF AdvTip_GetTextColor(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CRect m_rcPaddingRibbonFileMenuBigBorder;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonFileMenuBigBorder;
- CRect m_rcPaddingRibbonFileMenuOptionsButton;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpRibbonFileMenuOptionsButtonHot, m_bmpRibbonFileMenuOptionsButtonCold;
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpResizingGripper;
- // CExtBitmapCache m_bmpZsThumbH, m_bmpZsThumbV, m_bmpZsPlus, m_bmpZsMinus;
- // CExtBitmapCache m_bmpZsThumbDisabledH, m_bmpZsThumbDisabledV, m_bmpZsPlusDisabled, m_bmpZsMinusDisabled;
- // COLORREF m_clrZsLineLightEnabled, m_clrZsLineDarkEnabled, m_clrZsLineLightDisabled, m_clrZsLineDarkDisabled;
- virtual bool PaintGroupBoxFrame(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcBorder,
- COLORREF clrFrame = COLORREF(-1L),
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CExtBitmapCache
- m_bmpProgressMainH, m_bmpProgressMainV,
- m_bmpProgressBorderH, m_bmpProgressBorderV;
- CRect
- m_rcProgressBarPartH,
- m_rcProgressBarPartV,
- m_rcProgressBackgroundPartH,
- m_rcProgressBackgroundPartV,
- m_rcProgressBarPaddingH,
- m_rcProgressBarPaddingV,
- m_rcProgressBackgroundPaddingH,
- m_rcProgressBackgroundPaddingV,
- m_rcProgressBorderPaddingH,
- m_rcProgressBorderPaddingV;
- virtual bool PaintProgress(
- CDC & dc,
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual COLORREF ScreenTip_GetTextColor(
- bool bCaption,
- bool bMainPart,
- CExtCustomizeCmdScreenTip & _CCST,
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void ScreenTip_PaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcScreenTip,
- CExtCustomizeCmdScreenTip & _CCST,
- CObject * pHelperSrc = NULL,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- // header control
- virtual void Header_PaintBackground(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rc,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Header_PaintItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect rcItemEntire,
- CRect rcItemData,
- CRect rcIcon,
- CRect rcText,
- CRect rcSortArrow,
- CRect rcButton,
- CRect rcButtonIcon,
- bool bSorted,
- bool bSortedAscending,
- INT nColNo,
- INT nColCount,
- const CExtCmdIcon & iconItem,
- const CExtCmdIcon & iconButton,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPressed,
- bool bButtonEvent,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R1 : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R1 );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R1();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R1();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R1;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual bool TabWnd_GetParentSizingMargin(
- INT & nMargin,
- DWORD dwOrientation,
- CExtTabWnd * pTabWnd
- ) const;
- #endif // #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetGroupHeight(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetToolGroupExtraOffset(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetToolGroupExtraLineDistance(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetOuterGroupDistance(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- bool bDistanceBefore,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CRect Ribbon_GetContentPadding(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CExtCmdIcon * Ribbon_GetGroupCollapsedIcon(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintPageBk(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcPageBk,
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_SyncFonts();
- virtual CRect Ribbon_GetPopupGroupBorderMetrics(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_IsPopupGroupWithCaption(
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonCalcLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtNcFrameImpl * pExtNcFrameImpl,
- CExtRibbonButtonFile * pFileTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonPaint(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtRibbonButtonFile * pFileTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintTabClientArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcClient,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- CRect & rcTabNearBorderArea,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- CExtBitmapCache m_bmpArrRibbonFileButtonR1, m_bmpRibbonFileButtonArea;
- virtual void Ribbon_PaintTabItem(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcTabItemsArea,
- bool bSelected,
- const CRect & rcEntireItem,
- CFont * pFont,
- CExtCmdIcon * pIcon,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- COLORREF clrForceText = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBk = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderLT = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabBorderRB = COLORREF(-1L),
- COLORREF clrForceTabSeparator = COLORREF(-1L)
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetTabLineHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- virtual CSize Ribbon_CalcButtonSize(
- CDC & dc,
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl );
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl();
- virtual bool PaintDocumentClientAreaBkgnd(
- CDC & dc,
- CWnd * pWnd,
- LPARAM lParam = NULL
- );
- CExtCmdIcon m_arrMdiRightIcons[3];
- virtual void PaintPushButtonMdiRight(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual CRect Ribbon_GetContentPadding(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetOuterGroupDistance(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- bool bDistanceBefore,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_HaveSeparatorsBetweenToolGroups() const;
- virtual bool Ribbon_FileButtonCalcLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtNcFrameImpl * pExtNcFrameImpl,
- CExtRibbonButtonFile * pFileTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual INT RibbonLayout_CalcQatbAboveRibbonHorzStart(
- CExtRibbonBar * pRibbonBar,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual bool Ribbon_IsSystemMenuIconPresent() const;
- virtual bool Ribbon_DwmAreaCoversTabs() const;
- virtual INT Ribbon_GetGroupHeight(
- const CExtRibbonButtonGroup * pGroupTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- virtual CSize Ribbon_CalcButtonSize(
- CDC & dc,
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_PAGE_NAVIGATOR )
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorSplitterDots(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcSplitter,
- INT nOffsetV = 0
- );
- virtual void PaintPageNavigatorSplitter(
- CDC & dc,
- const CRect & rcSplitter,
- bool bDrawDots = true
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_PAGE_NAVIGATOR )
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R1 : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R1 );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R1();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R1();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2010_R1;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Blue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Blue : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Blue );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Blue();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Blue();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2010_R2_Blue;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Blue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2010_R2_Silver;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Silver
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Black
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Black : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Black );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Black();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Black();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2010_R2_Black;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual void PaintTabButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcButton,
- LONG nHitTest,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bFlat = false
- );
- #endif // #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual COLORREF QueryObjectTextColor(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bFocused,
- bool bHovered,
- bool bPressed,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2010_R2_Black
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R2_LunaBlue;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual INT RibbonQuickAccessBar_GetBottomHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R2_Silver;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual INT RibbonQuickAccessBar_GetBottomHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Silver : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Silver
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Silver );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Silver();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Silver();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R3_Silver;
- }
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Silver
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_LunaBlue
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R3_LunaBlue;
- }
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Impl
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R2_Obsidian;
- }
- virtual void InitTranslatedColors();
- virtual void PaintPushButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtPaintManager::PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA & _ppbd
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual void PaintTabButton(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcButton,
- LONG nHitTest,
- bool bTopLeft,
- bool bHorz,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bHover,
- bool bPushed,
- bool bGroupedMode,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L,
- bool bFlat = false
- );
- #endif // #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_TAB_CTRL)
- virtual COLORREF QueryObjectTextColor(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bEnabled,
- bool bFocused,
- bool bHovered,
- bool bPressed,
- CObject * pHelperSrc,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- );
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual INT RibbonQuickAccessBar_GetBottomHeight(
- const CExtRibbonPage * pRibbonPage,
- LPARAM lParam = 0L
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R2_Obsidian
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian );
- // construction/destruction
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian();
- virtual e_paint_manager_name_t OnQueryPaintManagerName()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return Office2007_R3_Obsidian;
- }
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Blue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Blue : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_LunaBlue
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Blue );
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Blue();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Blue();
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Blue
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Black
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Black : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Obsidian
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Black );
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Black();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Black();
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Black
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Silver
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Silver : public CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_R3_Silver
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_SERIAL( CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Silver );
- CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Silver();
- virtual ~CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Silver();
- }; // class CExtPaintManagerOffice2007_Silver
- extern __PROF_UIS_API CExtPaintManager::CExtPaintManagerAutoPtr g_PaintManager;
- #endif // __EXT_PAINT_MANAGER_H