- // This is part of the Professional User Interface Suite library.
- // Copyright (C) 2001-2009 FOSS Software, Inc.
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // http://www.prof-uis.com
- // mailto:support@prof-uis.com
- //
- // This source code can be used, modified and redistributed
- // under the terms of the license agreement that is included
- // in the Professional User Interface Suite package.
- //
- // Warranties and Disclaimers:
- #if (!defined __EXT_TOOLCONTROLBAR_H)
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_DEF_H)
- #include <ExtMfcDef.h>
- #endif // __EXT_MFC_DEF_H
- #if (!defined __EXT_CONTROLBAR_H)
- #include <ExtControlBar.h>
- #endif
- #if (!defined __EXT_CMD_ICON_H)
- #include <ExtCmdIcon.h>
- #endif // __EXT_CMD_ICON_H
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- class CExtBarButton;
- class CExtToolControlBar;
- class CExtMenuControlBar;
- class CExtCmdItem;
- class CExtPopupInplaceListBox;
- class CExtPopupUndoRedoMenuWnd;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- class CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip;
- class CExtPopupKeyTipWnd;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define __EXT_MFC_IMPLEMENT_TT_REDIR_OnToolHitTest_EX( __FROM__, __TO__, __TT_MEMBER__, __POINT_PARM__, __TOOLINFO_PTR__, __DEPTH__ )
- if( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ != NULL && GetSafeHwnd() != NULL )
- {
- HWND __local_hWndParent__ = ::GetParent( m_hWnd );
- int __local_nParentDepth__ = 1;
- for( ;
- ( __local_hWndParent__ != NULL )
- && ( __local_nParentDepth__ < __DEPTH__ );
- __local_nParentDepth__ ++
- )
- __local_hWndParent__ = ::GetParent( __local_hWndParent__ );
- if( __local_hWndParent__ != NULL )
- {
- CWnd * __local_pWndPermanent__ =
- CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(
- __local_hWndParent__
- );
- if( __local_pWndPermanent__ != NULL )
- {
- __TO__ * __local_pTypedParentWnd__ =
- __TO__,
- __local_pWndPermanent__
- );
- if( __local_pTypedParentWnd__ != NULL )
- {
- CPoint __local_pointForTypedParentWnd__ = __POINT_PARM__ ;
- ClientToScreen(
- & __local_pointForTypedParentWnd__
- );
- __local_pTypedParentWnd__ -> ScreenToClient(
- & __local_pointForTypedParentWnd__
- );
- CRect __local_rcSaved__ =
- __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> rect;
- ClientToScreen(
- &( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> rect )
- );
- __local_pTypedParentWnd__ ->
- ScreenToClient(
- &( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> rect )
- );
- __TOOLINFO_PTR__->hwnd =
- __local_pTypedParentWnd__ -> m_hWnd;
- struct __local_friendy_typed_parent__
- : public __TO__
- {
- friend class __FROM__ ;
- };
- __EXT_MFC_INT_PTR __local_nRetVal__ =
- ( ( __local_friendy_typed_parent__* )
- __local_pTypedParentWnd__
- ) ->
- OnToolHitTest(
- __local_pointForTypedParentWnd__,
- );
- ::CopyRect(
- &( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> rect ),
- & __local_rcSaved__
- );
- __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> hwnd = m_hWnd;
- if( ( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> lpszText ) != NULL
- && ( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> lpszText ) != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK
- )
- {
- if( __local_nRetVal__ != -1
- && ( __TT_MEMBER__ .GetSafeHwnd() == NULL
- || ( __TT_MEMBER__ .GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE ) == 0
- )
- )
- {
- __FROM__ * pNonConstThis =
- const_cast < __FROM__ * > ( this );
- pNonConstThis -> SetTooltipText(
- LPCTSTR( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> lpszText )
- )
- );
- pNonConstThis -> ActivateTooltip();
- }
- ::free( __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> lpszText );
- __TOOLINFO_PTR__ -> lpszText = NULL;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #define __EXT_MFC_IMPLEMENT_TT_REDIR_OnToolHitTest( __FROM__, __TO__ )
- __EXT_MFC_IMPLEMENT_TT_REDIR_OnToolHitTest_EX( __FROM__, __TO__, m_wndToolTip, point, pTI, 1 )
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarButton
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- // ribbon bar's visual informativeness level (simple case like buttons)
- // ribbon bar's effective informativeness level
- #define __EXT_RIBBON_ILE_MIN 0
- #define __EXT_RIBBON_ILE_MAX 10
- | ( DWORD( (__TOOL_WRAP__) ? 1 : 0 ) << 15 )
- )
- ( ( ( (DWORD(__ENTRY__) >> 15 ) & 0x01 ) != 0 ) ? true : false )
- class CExtRibbonNode;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarButton
- : public CObject
- , public CExtAnimationClient
- {
- public:
- protected:
- CExtToolControlBar * m_pBar;
- CExtBarButton * m_pParentButton;
- CArray < CExtBarButton *, CExtBarButton * > m_arrChildren;
- UINT m_nButtonCmdID; // Command ID or ID_SEPARATOR
- UINT m_nEffectiveCmdID;
- UINT m_nStyle; // button styles
- CSize m_ActiveSize;
- CRect m_ActiveRect;
- bool m_bWrapH:1, m_bWrapV:1, m_bWrapF:1,
- m_bVisible:1,
- m_bHover:1,
- m_bCtrlAutoDestroyed:1,
- m_bVertDocked:1,
- m_bPopupMenu:1,
- m_bAutoDestroyMenu:1,
- m_bAppendMdiWindowsMenu:1,
- m_bSeparatedDropDown:1,
- m_bAutoChangeID:1,
- m_bDropDownHT:1,
- m_bNoRotateVerticalLayout:1,
- m_bCtrlVisibleVert:1,
- m_bPressedTracking:1,
- m_bDrawBorder:1;
- INT m_nIconAlignment;
- INT m_nTextAlignment;
- CRect m_rcIconMargins;
- CRect m_rcTextMargins;
- INT m_nMaxButtonWidth;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * m_pCmdNodeI, * m_pCmdNodeC;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- CWnd * m_pCtrl;
- HMENU m_hMenu;
- virtual bool _UpdateCtrlIsEnabled();
- virtual void _UpdateCtrl();
- void _UpdateCmdIdFromStyle()
- {
- if( m_nStyle & TBBS_SEPARATOR )
- {
- m_nStyle &= ~(TBBS_BUTTON);
- m_nButtonCmdID = m_nEffectiveCmdID = ID_SEPARATOR;
- }
- else
- {
- m_nStyle |= TBBS_BUTTON;
- }
- }
- void _DestroyMenu();
- public:
- CExtBarButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0
- );
- virtual ~CExtBarButton();
- CExtToolControlBar * GetSafeBar();
- const CExtToolControlBar * GetSafeBar() const;
- virtual CExtToolControlBar * GetBar();
- const CExtToolControlBar * GetBar() const;
- virtual void SetBar( CExtToolControlBar * pBar );
- virtual bool IsLargeIcon() const;
- virtual bool IsDisplayScreenTip() const;
- virtual bool IsDisplayShortcutKeysOnScreenTip() const;
- virtual UINT GetCmdID(
- bool bEffective = true
- ) const;
- virtual void SetCmdID(
- UINT nCmdID,
- bool bEffectiveOnly = false,
- bool bEffectiveRecalcLayout = false
- );
- virtual bool GetSeparatedDropDown() const;
- virtual void SetSeparatedDropDown(
- bool bSeparatedDropDown = true
- );
- virtual bool GetAutoChangeID() const;
- virtual void SetAutoChangeID(
- bool bAutoChangeID = true
- );
- virtual bool GetNoRotateVerticalLayout() const;
- virtual void SetNoRotateVerticalLayout(
- bool bNoRotateVerticalLayout = true
- );
- virtual bool GetCtrlVisibleVertically() const;
- virtual void SetCtrlVisibleVertically( bool bVisible );
- virtual CWnd * CtrlGet();
- const CWnd * CtrlGet() const;
- virtual void CtrlSet(
- CWnd * pCtrl,
- bool bCtrlAutoDestroyed
- );
- virtual CWnd * CtrlDetach();
- void SetMaxButtonWidth(
- INT nWidth
- );
- INT GetMaxButtonWidth() const;
- void SetTextAlignment(
- INT nAlignment
- );
- INT GetTextAlignment() const;
- void SetIconAlignment(
- INT nAlignment
- );
- INT GetIconAlignment() const;
- void SetTextMargins(
- INT nLeft,
- INT nTop,
- INT nRight,
- INT nBottom
- );
- void SetTextMargins(
- const RECT & rcMargins
- );
- void SetTextMargins(
- LPCRECT lprcMargins
- );
- void SetIconMargins(
- INT nLeft,
- INT nTop,
- INT nRight,
- INT nBottom
- );
- void SetIconMargins(
- const RECT & rcMargins
- );
- void SetIconMargins(
- LPCRECT lprcMargins
- );
- void GetTextMargins(
- INT & nLeft,
- INT & nTop,
- INT & nRight,
- INT & nBottom
- ) const;
- CRect GetTextMargins() const;
- void GetIconMargins(
- INT & nLeft,
- INT & nTop,
- INT & nRight,
- INT & nBottom
- ) const;
- CRect GetIconMargins() const;
- bool GetDrawBorder() const;
- void SetDrawBorder(
- bool bEnable = true
- );
- virtual UINT GetStyle() const;
- virtual void SetStyle( UINT nStyle );
- virtual void ModifyStyle(
- UINT nAdd,
- UINT nRemove = 0
- );
- virtual void OnUpdateParentStyle();
- virtual bool OnInvalidateButton();
- virtual void OnPressedTrackingStart();
- virtual void OnPressedTrackingStop();
- virtual bool IsPressedTracking() const;
- virtual void SetVertDocked( bool bVertDocked );
- enum e_wrap_t
- {
- __EVT_HORZ = 0,
- __EVT_VERT = 1,
- __EVT_FLOAT = 2,
- __EVT_MIN_VALUE = 0,
- __EVT_MAX_VALUE = 2,
- };
- virtual bool IsWrap(
- CExtBarButton::e_wrap_t _evt
- ) const;
- virtual void SetWrap(
- CExtBarButton::e_wrap_t _evt,
- bool bWrap = true
- );
- virtual bool IsSeparator() const;
- virtual bool IsDisabled() const;
- virtual bool IsShowTipWhenDisabled() const;
- bool IsEnabled() const;
- virtual bool IsIndeterminate() const;
- virtual bool IsPressed() const;
- virtual void Show(
- bool bShow = true
- );
- virtual bool IsVisible() const;
- virtual void SetHover(
- bool bHover = true
- );
- virtual bool IsHover() const;
- virtual CExtSafeString GetText() const;
- virtual void SetLayoutRect( CDC &dc, const RECT & rectButton );
- virtual void SetRect( const RECT & rectButton );
- virtual CRect Rect() const;
- virtual CRect RectDropDown() const;
- virtual CRect RectWithoutDropDown() const;
- operator CRect() const
- {
- return Rect();
- }
- virtual CSize Size() const
- {
- return m_ActiveSize;
- }
- virtual void Size( const SIZE & _size )
- {
- m_ActiveSize = _size;
- }
- operator CSize() const
- {
- return m_ActiveSize;
- }
- virtual void SetMenu(
- HMENU hMenu,
- bool bPopupMenu,
- bool bAutoDestroyMenu
- );
- virtual HMENU GetMenu()
- {
- return m_hMenu;
- }
- operator HMENU()
- {
- return GetMenu();
- }
- virtual void SetAppendMdiWindowsMenu(
- bool bAppendMdiWindowsMenu
- )
- {
- m_bAppendMdiWindowsMenu = bAppendMdiWindowsMenu;
- }
- virtual bool IsAppendMdiWindowsMenu()
- {
- return m_bAppendMdiWindowsMenu;
- }
- virtual bool CanBePressedInDisabledState();
- virtual bool IsPaintDropDown(
- bool bCustomizeMode = false
- ) const;
- virtual bool IsAbleToTrackMenu(
- bool bCustomizeMode = false
- ) const;
- virtual bool IsContainerOfPopupLikeMenu();
- virtual CSize CalculateLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CSize sizePreCalc,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- virtual BOOL PutToPopupMenu(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup
- );
- virtual CExtCmdIcon * GetIconPtr();
- const CExtCmdIcon * GetIconPtr() const;
- CExtCmdIcon & GetIcon();
- const CExtCmdIcon & GetIcon() const;
- virtual CWnd * GetCmdTargetWnd();
- virtual const CExtAnimationParameters *
- AnimationClient_OnQueryAnimationParameters(
- INT eAPT // __EAPT_*** animation type
- ) const;
- virtual bool AnimationClient_CacheNextState(
- CDC & dc,
- const RECT & rcAcAnimationTarget,
- bool bAnimate,
- INT eAPT // __EAPT_*** animation type
- );
- virtual bool AnimationClient_StatePaint(
- CDC & dc
- );
- virtual void AnimationClient_StateDoStep();
- virtual bool IsHorzBarOrientation() const;
- virtual bool IsPaintAble( CDC & dc ) const;
- virtual void PaintParentChain(
- CDC & dc
- );
- virtual void PaintChildren(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bPaintOneNearestChildrenLevelOnly
- );
- virtual void Paint( // old version version (left for compatibility)
- CDC & dc,
- bool bHorz // unused, same as IsHorzBarOrientation()
- );
- virtual void Paint( // new simplified version (for simple toolbars)
- CDC & dc
- );
- virtual void PaintCompound( // new fully featured version (for compound toolbars and rendering animation parts)
- CDC & dc,
- bool bPaintParentChain,
- bool bPaintChildren,
- bool bPaintOneNearestChildrenLevelOnly
- );
- virtual COLORREF OnQueryCustomAccentEffectForIcon(
- CDC & dc
- );
- virtual bool OnQueryHoverBasedMenuTracking() const;
- virtual CExtPopupMenuWnd * OnCreatePopupMenuWnd();
- virtual UINT OnTrackPopup(
- CPoint point,
- bool bSelectAny,
- bool bForceNoAnimation
- );
- virtual void OnHover(
- CPoint point,
- bool bOn,
- bool & bSuspendTips
- );
- virtual void OnHovering(
- CPoint point,
- bool & bSuspendTips
- );
- static CExtBarButton * g_pTrackingMenuTBB;
- virtual void OnClick(
- CPoint point,
- bool bDown
- );
- virtual bool OnRClick(
- CPoint point,
- bool bDown
- );
- virtual bool OnDblClick(
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual void OnDeliverCmd();
- virtual __EXT_MFC_INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(
- CPoint point,
- );
- virtual LRESULT OnHelpHitTest(
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(
- CWnd * pTarget,
- BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler,
- int nIndex
- );
- virtual bool CanStartCommandDrag();
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- protected:
- virtual void _UpdateCmdNodeFromStyle();
- public:
- virtual bool IsCustomizeActiveItem();
- virtual void SetCustomizeActiveItem();
- virtual int CalculateDropOverEffect(
- CPoint point,
- CExtCustomizeSite::CCmdDragInfo & _dragInfo,
- bool bAllowTrackNodePopup = true
- );
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * GetCmdNode(
- bool bInitial = false
- );
- const CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * GetCmdNode(
- bool bInitial = false
- ) const;
- virtual void OnCustomizeUpdateProps(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode = NULL // update from basic node
- );
- virtual void SetBasicCmdNode(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- virtual void SetCustomizedCmdNode(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * OnCustomizeNodeInit(
- CExtCustomizeSite * pSite,
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pParentNode // toolbar node
- );
- virtual int GetInitialResizingStateH( // -1 - left side resizing, 1 - right side resizing, 0 - no resizing at specified point (in bar's client coord)
- CPoint point,
- int * p_nWidthMin = NULL,
- int * p_nWidthMax = NULL
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_BUILTIN_TEXTFIELD)
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual void RedrawButton(
- bool bUpdateNow = false
- );
- virtual UINT OnGetTrackPopupFlags();
- virtual bool OnSetCursor( CPoint point );
- virtual bool IsChildButton(
- const CExtBarButton * pTestChildTBB,
- bool bTestOneLevelOnly = false
- ) const;
- virtual CExtBarButton * ParentButtonGet();
- const CExtBarButton * ParentButtonGet() const;
- virtual void ParentButtonSet(
- CExtBarButton * pParentButton = NULL
- );
- virtual INT ChildButtonGetCount() const;
- virtual CExtBarButton * ChildButtonGetAt( INT nPos );
- const CExtBarButton * ChildButtonGetAt( INT nPos ) const;
- virtual bool ChildButtonSetAt(
- INT nPos,
- CExtBarButton * pTBB
- );
- virtual void ChildButtonInsertAt(
- INT nPos,
- CExtBarButton * pTBB
- );
- void ChildButtonAdd(
- CExtBarButton * pTBB
- );
- bool ChildButtonRemove(
- CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- bool bDestroy = false
- );
- void ChildButtonRemoveAll(
- bool bDestroy = false
- );
- virtual INT ChildButtonRemoveAt(
- INT nPos,
- INT nCountToRemove = 1, // -1 remove up to end
- bool bDestroy = false
- );
- virtual INT ChildButtonGetIndexOf(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB
- ) const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual bool IsRibbonPaintingMode() const;
- virtual bool IsNoRibbonLayout() const;
- virtual CExtRibbonNode * Ribbon_GetNode(
- bool bInitial = false
- );
- const CExtRibbonNode * Ribbon_GetNode(
- bool bInitial = false
- ) const;
- virtual CSize RibbonILV_CalcSize(
- CDC & dc,
- INT nILV = -1 // -1 use current visual level
- ) const;
- bool RibbonWrapFromILE( INT nILE ) const;
- virtual INT RibbonILV_fromILE(
- bool * p_bIsWrap = NULL
- ) const;
- virtual INT RibbonILV_Get(
- INT nType = 0 // -1 min, 0 current, 1 - max
- ) const;
- virtual void RibbonILV_Set(
- INT nType = 0 // -1 min, 0 current, 1 - max
- );
- virtual INT RibbonILE_Get() const;
- virtual bool RibbonILE_Set( INT nILE ); // returns flag indicating whether ILV changed
- virtual INT RibbonILE_GetCollapsed() const;
- virtual bool RibbonILE_SetCollapsed( INT nILE ); // returns flag indicating whether collapsed state changed
- virtual CRect OnRibbonGetContentPadding() const;
- virtual void OnRibbonAlignContent( CDC & dc );
- virtual INT OnRibbonGetSeparatorExtent( bool bHorz );
- virtual void OnRibbonCalcMinMaxILE( INT & nMinILE, INT & nMaxILE );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- protected:
- CExtPopupKeyTipWnd * m_pWndKeyTip;
- public:
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip * OnKeyTipGetInfo();
- virtual CExtSafeString OnKeyTipGetText(
- INT nIndent
- );
- virtual CWnd * OnKeyTipGetParentWnd();
- virtual CPoint OnKeyTipGetGuideLines();
- virtual CExtPopupKeyTipWnd * OnKeyTipGetWnd();
- virtual void OnKeyTipTrackingQuery(
- bool bShow,
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip * pKeyTipChain,
- HDWP & hPassiveModeDWP
- );
- virtual void OnKeyTipTrackingQueryNested(
- bool bShow,
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip * pKeyTipChain,
- bool bApplyToThisItem,
- HDWP & hPassiveModeDWP
- );
- virtual bool OnKeyTipTranslate(
- DWORD dwKeyCode,
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip * pKeyTipChain,
- bool bAutoInvokeAction,
- bool & bActionInvoked,
- bool & bContinueKeyTipMode
- );
- virtual void OnKeyTipDisplay(
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip & keyTipChain
- );
- virtual bool OnKeyTipInvokeAction(
- bool & bContinueKeyTipMode
- );
- #endif // from (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual void OnFlatTrackingStart(
- HDWP & hPassiveModeDWP
- );
- virtual void OnFlatTrackingStop();
- virtual bool OnQueryFlatTrackingEnabled() const;
- virtual CRect OnQueryFlatWalkingCalcRect() const;
- virtual CRect OnQueryBorderSizes(
- bool bHorz = true
- ) const;
- virtual INT OnQueryAlignmentText(
- bool bHorz = true
- ) const;
- virtual INT OnQueryAlignmentIcon(
- bool bHorz = true
- ) const;
- virtual CRect OnQueryMarginsText(
- bool bHorz = true
- ) const;
- virtual CRect OnQueryMarginsIcon(
- bool bHorz = true
- ) const;
- virtual INT OnQueryMaxButtonWidth(
- bool bHorz = true
- ) const;
- friend class CExtToolControlBar;
- }; // class CExtBarButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarColorButton
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarColorButton : public CExtBarButton
- {
- COLORREF m_clrDefault, m_clrSelected;
- LPARAM m_lParamCookie;
- bool m_bEnableBtnColorDefault:1, m_bEnableBtnColorCustom:1;
- CExtSafeString m_sBtnTextColorDefault, m_sBtnTextColorCustom;
- public:
- enum e_def_icon_type_t
- {
- __DIT_BOX = 0,
- __DIT_FRAME = 1,
- __DIT_CHAR = 2,
- __DIT_FILL_2007 = 3,
- __DIT_CHAR_2007 = 4,
- };
- private:
- e_def_icon_type_t m_eDIT;
- public:
- virtual void OnSyncIcon();
- virtual CSize CalculateLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CSize sizePreCalc,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarColorButton );
- CExtBarColorButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0,
- COLORREF clrDefault = RGB(0,0,0),
- COLORREF clrSelected = RGB(0,0,0),
- LPARAM lParamCookie = 0L,
- bool bEnableBtnColorDefault = true,
- bool bEnableBtnColorCustom = true,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR sBtnTextColorDefault = NULL,
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR sBtnTextColorCustom = NULL,
- e_def_icon_type_t eDIT = __DIT_BOX
- )
- : CExtBarButton( pBar, nCmdID, nStyle )
- , m_clrDefault( clrDefault )
- , m_clrSelected( clrSelected )
- , m_lParamCookie( lParamCookie )
- , m_bEnableBtnColorDefault( bEnableBtnColorDefault )
- , m_bEnableBtnColorCustom( bEnableBtnColorCustom )
- , m_sBtnTextColorDefault( (sBtnTextColorDefault==NULL) ? _T("") : sBtnTextColorDefault )
- , m_sBtnTextColorCustom( (sBtnTextColorCustom==NULL) ? _T("") : sBtnTextColorCustom )
- , m_eDIT( eDIT )
- {
- OnSyncIcon();
- }
- virtual COLORREF ColorGet( bool bSelected ) const;
- virtual void ColorSet( COLORREF clr, bool bSelected );
- virtual LPARAM LParamCookieGet() const;
- virtual void LParamCookieSet(
- LPARAM lParamCookie = 0L
- );
- virtual bool IsEnabledBtnColorDefault() const;
- virtual void EnableBtnColorDefault(
- bool bEnable = true
- );
- virtual bool IsEnabledBtnColorCustom() const;
- virtual void EnableBtnColorCustom(
- bool bEnable = true
- );
- virtual __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR BtnTextDefaultGet() const;
- virtual void BtnTextDefaultSet(
- );
- virtual __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR BtnTextCustomGet() const;
- virtual void BtnTextCustomSet(
- );
- e_def_icon_type_t IconTypeGet() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return m_eDIT;
- }
- void IconTypeSet( e_def_icon_type_t eDIT = __DIT_BOX )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- if( m_eDIT != eDIT )
- {
- m_eDIT = eDIT;
- OnSyncIcon();
- }
- }
- virtual void OnGenerateColorIcon(
- CExtCmdIcon & icon
- );
- virtual CExtCmdIcon * GetIconPtr();
- virtual BOOL PutToPopupMenu(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup
- );
- bool CanBePressedInDisabledState();
- virtual bool IsAbleToTrackMenu(
- bool bCustomizeMode = false
- ) const;
- virtual UINT OnTrackPopup(
- CPoint point,
- bool bSelectAny,
- bool bForceNoAnimation
- );
- virtual __EXT_MFC_INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(
- CPoint point,
- );
- virtual LRESULT OnHelpHitTest(
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(
- CWnd * pTarget,
- BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler,
- int nIndex
- );
- virtual bool CanStartCommandDrag();
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual int CalculateDropOverEffect(
- CPoint point,
- CExtCustomizeSite::CCmdDragInfo & _dragInfo,
- bool bAllowTrackNodePopup = true
- );
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * GetCmdNode(
- bool bInitial = false
- );
- virtual void SetBasicCmdNode(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- virtual void SetCustomizedCmdNode(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * OnCustomizeNodeInit(
- CExtCustomizeSite * pSite,
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pParentNode // toolbar node
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual void OnDeliverCmd();
- }; // class CExtBarColorButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarCheckBoxButton
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarCheckBoxButton : public CExtBarButton
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarCheckBoxButton );
- CExtBarCheckBoxButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0
- );
- virtual ~CExtBarCheckBoxButton();
- virtual CSize CalculateLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CSize sizePreCalc,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- virtual void PaintCompound(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bPaintParentChain,
- bool bPaintChildren,
- bool bPaintOneNearestChildrenLevelOnly
- );
- virtual CExtCmdIcon * GetIconPtr();
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual bool IsNoRibbonLayout() const;
- virtual INT RibbonILV_Get(
- INT nType = 0 // -1 min, 0 current, 1 - max
- ) const;
- virtual CSize RibbonILV_CalcSize(
- CDC & dc,
- INT nILV = -1 // -1 use current visual level
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- protected:
- virtual INT _GetBoxState() const;
- virtual CSize _GetBoxSize(
- CDC & dc
- ) const;
- virtual void _PaintBox(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcBox
- ) const;
- }; // class CExtBarCheckBoxButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarRadioBoxButton
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarRadioBoxButton : public CExtBarCheckBoxButton
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarRadioBoxButton );
- CExtBarRadioBoxButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0
- );
- virtual ~CExtBarRadioBoxButton();
- protected:
- virtual INT _GetBoxState() const;
- virtual CSize _GetBoxSize(
- CDC & dc
- ) const;
- virtual void _PaintBox(
- CDC & dc,
- CRect & rcBox
- ) const;
- }; // class CExtBarRadioBoxButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarLabelButton
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarLabelButton : public CExtBarButton
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarLabelButton );
- CExtBarLabelButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0
- );
- virtual ~CExtBarLabelButton();
- virtual CExtCmdIcon * GetIconPtr();
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(
- CWnd * pTarget,
- BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler,
- int nIndex
- );
- virtual bool IsHover() const;
- virtual bool IsPressed() const;
- virtual bool IsPressedTracking() const;
- virtual void SetHover(
- bool bHover = true
- );
- virtual void OnHover(
- CPoint point,
- bool bOn,
- bool & bSuspendTips
- );
- virtual void OnClick(
- CPoint point,
- bool bDown
- );
- virtual bool AnimationClient_OnQueryEnabledState(
- INT eAPT // __EAPT_*** animation type
- ) const;
- virtual BOOL PutToPopupMenu(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup
- );
- virtual bool OnQueryFlatTrackingEnabled() const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- virtual bool IsNoRibbonLayout() const;
- virtual INT RibbonILV_Get(
- INT nType = 0 // -1 min, 0 current, 1 - max
- ) const;
- virtual CSize RibbonILV_CalcSize(
- CDC & dc,
- INT nILV = -1 // -1 use current visual level
- ) const;
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_RIBBON_BAR)
- }; // class CExtBarLabelButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarContentExpandButton
- typedef
- CArray < CExtBarButton *, CExtBarButton * >
- _tb_buttons_container_t;
- #define __ID_TOOLBAR_RIGHT_BUTTON__ ((UINT)-66)
- #define __RIGHT_BUTTON_HORZ_DX__ 11 // 14
- #define __RIGHT_BUTTON_VERT_DY__ 11 // 12
- class CExtPopupBaseWnd;
- class CExtPopupMenuWnd;
- class CExtPopupMenuSite;
- class CExtMiniDockFrameWnd;
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarContentExpandButton : public CExtBarButton
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarContentExpandButton );
- protected:
- bool m_bClearContent:1;
- _tb_buttons_container_t m_buttons;
- public:
- CExtBarContentExpandButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL
- );
- virtual ~CExtBarContentExpandButton();
- bool IsContentClear()
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return m_bClearContent;
- }
- void ClearContent( bool bClearContent = true )
- {
- if( this == NULL )
- return;
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- m_bClearContent = bClearContent;
- }
- const _tb_buttons_container_t & GetButtons() const
- {
- return m_buttons;
- }
- _tb_buttons_container_t & GetButtons()
- {
- return m_buttons;
- }
- virtual CSize CalculateLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CSize sizePreCalc,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- virtual BOOL PutToPopupMenu(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup
- );
- virtual void PaintCompound(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bPaintParentChain,
- bool bPaintChildren,
- bool bPaintOneNearestChildrenLevelOnly
- );
- virtual UINT OnGetTrackPopupFlags();
- virtual UINT OnTrackPopup(
- CPoint point,
- bool bSelectAny,
- bool bForceNoAnimation
- );
- virtual void OnHover(
- CPoint point,
- bool bOn,
- bool & bSuspendTips
- );
- virtual void OnClick(
- CPoint point,
- bool bDown
- );
- virtual __EXT_MFC_INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(
- CPoint point,
- );
- virtual LRESULT OnHelpHitTest(
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual bool CanStartCommandDrag();
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * GetCmdNode(
- bool bInitial = false
- );
- virtual void SetBasicCmdNode(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- virtual void SetCustomizedCmdNode(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * OnCustomizeNodeInit(
- CExtCustomizeSite * pSite,
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pParentNode // toolbar node
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- }; // class CExtBarContentExpandButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarSliderButton
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarSliderButton : public CExtBarButton
- {
- public:
- enum e_SliderArea_t
- {
- __ESA_ICON_AND_TEXT = 0, // both icon and text
- __ESA_SLIDER = 1, // all slider
- __ESA_SCROLLABLE = 2, // scrollable part of slider
- __ESA_PAGE_UP = 3,
- __ESA_PAGE_DOWN = 4,
- __ESA_LINE_UP = 5,
- __ESA_LINE_DOWN = 6,
- __ESA_THUMB = 7,
- __ESA_COUNT = 8,
- };
- protected:
- ULONG m_nScrollTotalRange, m_nScrollPos, m_nScrollPageSize;
- INT m_nScrollButtonExtentH, m_nScrollButtonExtentV,
- m_nScrollControlExtentH, m_nScrollControlExtentV;
- CRect m_arrAreaRects[__ESA_COUNT];
- e_SliderArea_t m_eAreaTracked, m_eAreaPressed;
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarSliderButton );
- CExtBarSliderButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0,
- ULONG nScrollTotalRange = 0L,
- ULONG nScrollPos = 0L,
- ULONG nScrollPageSize = 0L,
- INT nScrollButtonExtentH = 0,
- INT nScrollButtonExtentV = 0,
- INT nScrollControlExtentH = 50,
- INT nScrollControlExtentV = 50
- )
- : CExtBarButton( pBar, nCmdID, nStyle )
- , m_nScrollTotalRange( nScrollTotalRange )
- , m_nScrollPos( nScrollPos )
- , m_nScrollPageSize( nScrollPageSize )
- , m_nScrollButtonExtentH( nScrollButtonExtentH )
- , m_nScrollButtonExtentV( nScrollButtonExtentV )
- , m_nScrollControlExtentH( nScrollControlExtentH )
- , m_nScrollControlExtentV( nScrollControlExtentV )
- , m_eAreaTracked( __ESA_UNKNOWN_OR_NOWHERE )
- , m_eAreaPressed( __ESA_UNKNOWN_OR_NOWHERE )
- {
- for( int nRectNo = 0;
- nRectNo < __ESA_COUNT;
- nRectNo++
- )
- m_arrAreaRects[ nRectNo ].
- SetRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- ASSERT( m_nScrollPos <= m_nScrollTotalRange );
- ASSERT( m_nScrollButtonExtentH >= 0 );
- ASSERT( m_nScrollButtonExtentV >= 0 );
- ASSERT( m_nScrollControlExtentH >= 0 );
- ASSERT( m_nScrollControlExtentV >= 0 );
- }
- ULONG ScrollLimitGet() const;
- virtual ULONG ScrollTotalRangeGet() const;
- virtual ULONG ScrollTotalRangeSet( ULONG nScrollTotalRange );
- virtual ULONG ScrollPosGet() const;
- virtual ULONG ScrollPosSet( ULONG nScrollPos );
- virtual ULONG ScrollPageSizeGet() const;
- virtual ULONG ScrollPageSizeSet( ULONG nScrollPageSize );
- virtual INT ScrollButtonExtentHorzGet() const;
- virtual INT ScrollButtonExtentHorzSet( INT nScrollButtonExtent );
- virtual INT ScrollButtonExtentVertGet() const;
- virtual INT ScrollButtonExtentVertSet( INT nScrollButtonExtent );
- virtual INT ScrollControlExtentHorzGet() const;
- virtual INT ScrollControlExtentHorzSet( INT nScrollControlExtent );
- virtual INT ScrollControlExtentVertGet() const;
- virtual INT ScrollControlExtentVertSet( INT nScrollControlExtent );
- virtual void RecalcSliderLayout();
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- virtual void AssertValid() const;
- virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- CExtBarSliderButton::e_SliderArea_t GetTrackedArea() const;
- CExtBarSliderButton::e_SliderArea_t GetPressedArea() const;
- CRect GetAreaRect( CExtBarSliderButton::e_SliderArea_t eSA ) const;
- // slider button overrides
- virtual void OnPaintScrollArea(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtBarSliderButton::e_SliderArea_t eSA,
- bool bHorz
- );
- // CExtBarButton overrides
- virtual bool GetSeparatedDropDown() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return false;
- }
- virtual void SetSeparatedDropDown( bool bSeparatedDropDown = true )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- bSeparatedDropDown;
- return;
- }
- virtual bool GetAutoChangeID() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return false;
- }
- virtual void SetAutoChangeID( bool bAutoChangeID = true )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- bAutoChangeID;
- return;
- }
- virtual void CtrlSet(
- CWnd * pCtrl,
- bool bCtrlAutoDestroyed
- )
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- pCtrl;
- bCtrlAutoDestroyed;
- return;
- }
- // virtual bool GetNoRotateVerticalLayout() const
- // {
- // return true;
- // }
- // virtual void SetNoRotateVerticalLayout( bool bNoRotateVerticalLayout = true )
- // {
- // bNoRotateVerticalLayout;
- // return;
- // }
- virtual void SetMenu(
- HMENU hMenu,
- bool bPopupMenu,
- bool bAutoDestroyMenu
- );
- virtual HMENU GetMenu();
- // virtual bool IsLargeIcon() const;
- // virtual bool IsDisplayScreenTip() const;
- // virtual bool IsDisplayShortcutKeysOnScreenTip() const;
- virtual void SetRect( const RECT & rectButton );
- bool CanBePressedInDisabledState();
- virtual bool IsAbleToTrackMenu(
- bool bCustomizeMode = false
- ) const;
- virtual bool IsContainerOfPopupLikeMenu();
- // virtual CExtCmdIcon * GetIconPtr();
- virtual CSize CalculateLayout(
- CDC & dc,
- CSize sizePreCalc,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- virtual void PaintCompound(
- CDC & dc,
- bool bPaintParentChain,
- bool bPaintChildren,
- bool bPaintOneNearestChildrenLevelOnly
- );
- virtual UINT OnTrackPopup(
- CPoint point,
- bool bSelectAny,
- bool bForceNoAnimation
- );
- virtual void OnHover(
- CPoint point,
- bool bOn,
- bool & bSuspendTips
- );
- virtual void OnClick(
- CPoint point,
- bool bDown
- );
- virtual void OnDeliverCmd();
- virtual __EXT_MFC_INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(
- CPoint point,
- );
- virtual LRESULT OnHelpHitTest(
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(
- CWnd * pTarget,
- BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler,
- int nIndex
- );
- virtual bool OnSetCursor( CPoint point );
- }; // class CExtBarSliderButton
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtToolControlBar
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtToolControlBar : public CExtControlBar
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtToolControlBar );
- private:
- friend class CExtBarButton;
- friend class CExtBarContentExpandButton;
- friend class CExtBarMdiDocButton;
- class CExtToolControlBarCmdUI;
- friend class CExtPopupBaseWnd;
- friend class CExtPopupMenuWnd;
- friend class CExtPopupMenuSite;
- friend class CExtMiniDockFrameWnd;
- public:
- bool IsRightExpandButton( int nBtnIdx );
- protected:
- CExtBarContentExpandButton * m_pRightBtn;
- _tb_buttons_container_t m_buttons;
- virtual bool _AdjustBGInfo();
- virtual void _RemoveAllButtonsImpl();
- virtual int _GetButtonsCountImpl() const;
- virtual void _SetCursor(
- const CPoint & point
- );
- virtual void _RedrawOnPosChanged();
- // Construction
- public:
- CExtToolControlBar();
- virtual BOOL LoadToolBar(
- __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszResourceName,
- COLORREF clrTransparent = RGB(192,192,192)
- );
- BOOL LoadToolBar(
- UINT nIDResource,
- COLORREF clrTransparent = RGB(192,192,192)
- )
- {
- return
- LoadToolBar(
- clrTransparent
- );
- }
- virtual BOOL InsertButton(
- int nPos = -1, // append
- BOOL bDoRecalcLayout = TRUE
- );
- virtual BOOL InsertSpecButton(
- int nPos, // -1 - append
- CExtBarButton * pButton,
- BOOL bDoRecalcLayout = TRUE
- );
- virtual BOOL RemoveButton(
- int nPos,
- BOOL bDoRecalcLayout = TRUE
- );
- virtual bool IsShowTipWhenDisabled( const CExtBarButton * pTBB ) const;
- virtual BOOL SetButtons(
- const UINT * lpIDArray = NULL,
- int nIDCount = 0
- ); // lpIDArray can be NULL to allocate empty buttons
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- virtual BOOL SetButtons(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pNode
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- // Attributes
- public:
- static const UINT g_nMsgTrackButtonMenu;
- static const UINT g_nMsgContinueTrackMenu;
- bool m_bRightButtonDisplayBarsList:1;
- bool m_bPaletteMode:1;
- bool m_bForceBalloonGradientInDialogs:1;
- bool m_bForceNoBalloonWhenRedockable:1;
- int CommandToIndex( UINT nIDFind ) const;
- UINT GetButtonID( int nIndex ) const;
- virtual void GetButtonRect( int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect ) const;
- UINT GetButtonStyle( int nIndex ) const;
- void SetButtonStyle( int nIndex, UINT nStyle );
- CExtBarButton::e_wrap_t GetBtnWrapCode() const;
- protected:
- virtual bool _IsShowContentWhenDragging() const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- bool m_bKeyTipsDisplayed:1, m_bHelperKeyTipsSupported:1;
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip m_keyTipChain;
- public:
- virtual bool KeyTipsDisplayedGet() const;
- virtual void KeyTipsDisplayedSet(
- bool bKeyTipsDisplayed = true
- );
- virtual CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip & KeyTipChainGet();
- const CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip & KeyTipChainGet() const;
- virtual void KeyTipChainSet(
- const CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip & keyTipChain
- );
- void KeyTipChainEmpty();
- virtual INT KeyTipTranslate(
- DWORD dwKeyCode,
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip * pKeyTipChain,
- bool bAutoInvokeAction,
- bool & bActionInvoked,
- bool & bContinueKeyTipMode
- );
- virtual void KeyTipDisplay(
- CExtCustomizeCmdKeyTip & keyTipChain
- );
- #endif // from (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- public:
- virtual void OnFlatTrackingStart(
- HDWP & hPassiveModeDWP
- );
- virtual void OnFlatTrackingStop();
- virtual bool IsLargeIcons() const;
- virtual bool IsDisplayScreenTips() const;
- virtual bool IsDisplayShortcutKeysOnScreenTips() const;
- virtual LRESULT DoHelpHitTest( CPoint ptHelpHitTest );
- virtual CExtBarButton * OnCreateBarCommandBtn(
- UINT nCmdID,
- UINT nStyle = 0
- );
- virtual CExtBarContentExpandButton * OnCreateBarRightBtn();
- virtual COLORREF OnQueryCustomAccentEffectForIcon(
- CDC & dc,
- CExtBarButton * pTBB
- );
- BOOL InitContentExpandButton();
- // for changing button info
- void GetButtonInfo(
- int nIndex,
- UINT & nID,
- UINT & nStyle
- ) const;
- void SetButtonInfo(
- int nIndex,
- UINT nStyle
- );
- CExtBarButton * GetButton( int nIndex );
- CExtBarContentExpandButton * GetRightButton();
- CWnd * GetButtonCtrl(
- int nIndex
- );
- bool SetButtonCtrl(
- int nIndex,
- CWnd * pCtrl = NULL,
- bool bCtrlAutoDestroyed = TRUE
- );
- void SetButtonCtrlVisibleVertically(
- int nIndex,
- bool bVisible = true
- );
- bool GetButtonCtrlVisibleVertically(
- int nIndex
- ) const;
- int GetButtonByAccessKey( __EXT_MFC_SAFE_TCHAR vkTCHAR );
- HMENU GetButtonMenu(
- int nIndex
- );
- bool SetButtonMenu(
- int nIndex,
- HMENU hMenu = NULL,
- bool bPopupMenu = TRUE,
- bool bAutoDestroyMenu = TRUE,
- bool bDoRecalcLayout = TRUE
- );
- bool MarkButtonAsMdiWindowsMenu(
- int nIndex,
- bool bAppendMdiWindowsMenu = TRUE
- );
- virtual BOOL TrackButtonMenu(
- int nIndex,
- BOOL bSelectAny = FALSE,
- BOOL bDelayedTracking = FALSE,
- BOOL bNoAnimation = FALSE
- );
- int GetVisibleButton(
- int nBtnIdx,
- BOOL bNext,
- BOOL bPassDisabled = TRUE
- );
- bool m_bLastDropDownHT:1;
- bool m_bHelperFlatTrackingCalcEnabledLeftRight:1;
- bool m_bHelperFlatTrackingCalcEnabledUpDown:1;
- bool m_bHelperFlatTrackingCalcEnabledTab:1;
- virtual INT OnCalcFlatTrackingIndex(
- INT nStartSearchIndex
- );
- virtual bool OnCalcFlatTrackingIndexCheckPass(
- INT nPassIndex,
- const CExtBarButton * pPrevTBB,
- const CExtBarButton * pNextTBB
- ) const;
- virtual bool OnCalcFlatTrackingTabOrder(
- CTypedPtrArray < CPtrArray, CExtBarButton * > & arrTabOrder
- );
- virtual bool OnCalcFlatTrackingIndexCheckIntersectionEnabled(
- CExtBarButton * pTBB,
- );
- int GetButtonsCount() const
- {
- return _GetButtonsCountImpl();
- }
- int GetMenuTrackingButton() const
- {
- return m_nBtnIdxMenuTracking;
- }
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~CExtToolControlBar();
- LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(
- BOOL bStretch,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- virtual CSize CalcDynamicLayout(
- int nLength,
- DWORD dwMode
- );
- virtual void ToggleDocking();
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- virtual void AssertValid() const;
- virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- protected:
- virtual CExtBarButton * _GetButtonPtr( int nIndex ) const;
- public:
- virtual void _InvalidateButton( int nIndex );
- virtual void _UpdateButton( int nIndex );
- virtual void _CheckHitTestablePoint(
- CPoint & point
- );
- protected:
- CPoint m_ptLastClientHover;
- public:
- virtual bool _UpdateHoverButton(
- CPoint point = CPoint(-1,-1), // default is use ::GetCursorPos()
- bool bEnableUpdateWindow = true
- );
- protected:
- virtual DWORD RecalcDelayShow(
- );
- public:
- virtual bool OnQueryShiftRTL() const;
- virtual bool OnQueryRevertRTL() const;
- virtual void _RecalcPositionsImpl();
- virtual void _RecalcLayoutImpl();
- virtual void _RibbonPageRslaResetStateData();
- public:
- // rect should have client area size
- virtual void _CalcInsideRect(
- CRect & rect,
- BOOL bHorz
- ) const;
- virtual CSize _CalcLayout(
- DWORD dwMode,
- int nLength = -1
- );
- virtual CSize _CalcSize( BOOL bVerticallyDocked );
- virtual void _SizeToolBar(
- int nLength,
- BOOL bVert = FALSE
- );
- virtual int _WrapToolBarV(
- int nHeight
- );
- virtual int _WrapToolBarH(
- int nWidth,
- int nHeight = 32767
- );
- protected:
- virtual void _DraggingUpdateState(
- const CPoint & point,
- bool bForceFloatMode
- );
- virtual CSize _CalcDesiredMinOuterSize( BOOL bHorz ) const;
- CExtControlBar::InternalAffixmentData m_AffixmentData;
- virtual CExtControlBar::InternalAffixmentData *
- _AffixmentGetOuter();
- virtual void _AffixmentSetOuter(
- CExtControlBar::InternalAffixmentData * pAffixmentData
- );
- protected:
- bool m_bHelperTempFullRowMode:1, m_bInsideCalcLayout:1;
- public:
- virtual bool _AffixmentIsAlignedHW() const;
- virtual bool _GetFullRowMode() const;
- static LRESULT _ContinueHelpHitTestMode(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar
- );
- public:
- virtual CSize _GetDefButtonSize() const;
- int _GetIndexOf( CExtBarButton * pTBB );
- virtual bool IsPaletteChevronMenu() const;
- public:
- void _SwitchMenuTrackingIndex(
- int iNewMenuTrackingIndex = -1
- );
- static CExtToolControlBar * _GetMenuTrackingBar();
- static void _CloseTrackingMenus();
- static void _CloseCustomMenusAll();
- virtual void _CloseCustomMenus();
- static CExtToolControlBar * _GetMenuTrackingToolControlBar();
- static CExtMenuControlBar * _GetMenuTrackingMenuControlBar();
- static void _CbPaintCombinedContent(
- LPVOID pCookie,
- CDC & dc,
- const CWnd & refWndMenu,
- const CRect & rcExcludeArea, // in screen coords
- int eCombineAlign // CExtPopupMenuWnd::e_combine_align_t values
- );
- public:
- static bool g_bMenuTracking;
- static bool g_bMenuTrackingExpanded;
- static bool g_bToolbarLargeIcons;
- static bool g_bToolbarScreenTips;
- static bool g_bToolbarShortcutKeysOnScreenTips;
- bool m_bEnableDblClickToggleDocking:1;
- static bool g_bEnableDblClickToggleDocking;
- protected:
- int m_nBtnIdxMenuTracking;
- int m_nBtnIdxCapture; // index of button with capture (-1 => none)
- int m_nBtnIdxHover;
- volatile int m_nUpdateCtrlLockCount;
- public:
- virtual void _UpdateCtrlLock();
- virtual void _UpdateCtrlUnlock();
- virtual bool _UpdateCtrlIsLocked() const;
- virtual bool _UpdateCtrlIsEnabled(
- CExtBarButton * pTBB
- );
- virtual void _UpdateCtrlAll();
- int _GetTrackingButtonIndex() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return m_nBtnIdxMenuTracking;
- }
- int _GetHoverButtonIndex() const
- {
- ASSERT_VALID( this );
- return m_nBtnIdxHover;
- }
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(
- CFrameWnd* pTarget,
- BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler
- );
- virtual bool OnQueryMultiRowLayout() const;
- virtual bool _IsSimplifiedDropDownButtons() const;
- virtual bool _OnMouseMoveMsg(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- virtual bool IsForceHoverWhenMenuTracking() const;
- protected:
- virtual bool _CanDockToInnerCircles() const;
- virtual bool _CanDockToTabbedContainers(
- CExtControlBar * pDestBar
- ) const;
- public:
- virtual CFont * OnGetToolbarFont(
- bool bVert,
- bool bMeasureFont
- );
- virtual void DoPaint( CDC * pDC );
- protected:
- int _HitTestImpl(
- CPoint point,
- UINT nButtonStyleInclude = 0, // button must have style
- UINT nButtonStyleExclude = 0, // button must have not style
- bool bAllowFindNearest = false // if did not hit - find nearest
- ) const;
- public:
- virtual int HitTest( CPoint point ) const;
- protected:
- virtual __EXT_MFC_INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(
- CPoint point,
- ) const;
- public:
- virtual bool OnQueryHoverBasedMenuTracking(
- const CExtBarButton * pTBB
- ) const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- protected:
- CExtCustomizeSite * m_pCustomizeSite;
- CExtBarButton * m_pDragSourceTBB, * m_pDragTargetTBB;
- int m_nDragTargetShift;
- bool m_bHelperSeparatorAction:1;
- public:
- bool
- m_bCustomizationAllowed:1,
- m_bAutoShowOnCustomizationStart:1,
- m_bAutoHideOnCustomizationEnd:1;
- virtual CExtCustomizeSite * GetCustomizeSite();
- CExtCustomizeSite * GetCustomizeSite() const;
- virtual bool OnCustomizeRegisterBar(
- CExtCustomizeSite * pCustomizeSite
- );
- virtual void OnCustomizeGetBarInfo(
- CExtCustomizeSite::CToolBarCustomizeInfo * pInfo
- );
- virtual void OnCustomizeUpdateInitialBarState(
- CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode * pParentNode,
- bool bRecalcLayout
- );
- virtual void OnCustomizeModeEnter();
- virtual void OnCustomizeModeLeave();
- virtual void OnCustomizeListBoxUpdate( CExtCustomizeToolbarsListBox * pWndList );
- virtual bool _IsDockSiteCustomizeMode() const;
- // CExtCustomizeSite::ICustomizeDropTarget
- virtual DROPEFFECT OnCustomizeTargetOver(
- CExtCustomizeSite::CCmdDragInfo & _dragInfo,
- CPoint point,
- DWORD dwKeyState
- );
- virtual void OnCustomizeTargetLeave();
- virtual bool OnCustomizeTargetDrop(
- CExtCustomizeSite::CCmdDragInfo & _dragInfo,
- CPoint point,
- );
- virtual INT OnCustomizeCalcCmdNodePos(
- INT nButtonPos,
- bool * p_bReinitGroupStart = NULL
- );
- // CExtCustomizeSite::ICustomizeDropSource
- virtual void OnCustomizeSourceDragComplete(
- bool bCanceled,
- bool * p_bNoResetActiveItem
- );
- virtual bool OnCustomizeCanShowHideButtons();
- virtual void OnCustomizeInitShowHideButtonMenu(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pFolder
- );
- static bool stat_CbXtraMarkState(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup,
- LPVOID pItemData
- );
- static bool stat_CbCmdDeliver(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup,
- LPVOID pItemData
- );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- public:
- class __PROF_UIS_API FtLayoutQuery
- {
- public:
- CArray < CRect, CRect > m_arrRowRects;
- CArray < INT, INT > m_arrRowBtnIndices;
- CExtToolControlBar * m_pToolBar;
- CExtMiniDockFrameWnd * m_pMiniFrame;
- HWND m_hWndFor;
- FtLayoutQuery();
- ~FtLayoutQuery();
- void Empty();
- bool Query( HWND hWndFor );
- void ReMapRectsToTargetClient();
- void ReMapRectsToTargetWindow();
- void DrawRects( CDC & dc );
- }; // class FtLayoutQuery
- bool _DoFtLayoutQuery(
- FtLayoutQuery * pFtLayoutQuery,
- CDC * pToolBarOutputDC
- ) const;
- virtual bool OnDeliverCmd( CExtBarButton * pTBB );
- virtual void AnimationSite_OnProgressShutdownTimer( UINT nTimerID );
- protected:
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtToolControlBar)
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtToolControlBar)
- afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnCancelMode();
- afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* lpncsp);
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg void OnTimer(__EXT_MFC_UINT_PTR nIDEvent);
- afx_msg void OnCaptureChanged(CWnd *pWnd);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, __EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR lpszSection);
- afx_msg LRESULT OnTrackButtonMenu(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
- afx_msg LRESULT OnMenuClosed( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- #if _MFC_VER < 0x700
- afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, HTASK hTask);
- #else
- afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, DWORD hTask);
- #endif
- }; // class CExtToolControlBar
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtPanelControlBar
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtPanelControlBar : public CExtToolControlBar
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtPanelControlBar );
- // Construction
- public:
- CExtPanelControlBar();
- // Attributes
- public:
- CRect m_rcMargins;
- // Operations
- public:
- virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(
- BOOL bStretch,
- BOOL bHorz
- );
- virtual CSize CalcDynamicLayout(
- int nLength,
- DWORD dwMode
- );
- enum e_fixed_bar_size_query_t
- {
- __FSQ_DOCKED_H = 1,
- __FSQ_DOCKED_V = 2,
- };
- // called when need to know new bar size after re-docking
- virtual CSize OnQueryFixedBarNewSize(
- CExtPanelControlBar::e_fixed_bar_size_query_t eWhichSizeNeedToKnow
- ) const;
- // should return size of margins for single child window
- virtual CRect OnQueryFixedBarChildWindowMargins() const;
- protected:
- virtual CSize _QueryFixedBarNewSize(
- CExtPanelControlBar::e_fixed_bar_size_query_t eWhichSizeNeedToKnow
- ) const;
- CSize _CalcLayout(
- DWORD dwMode,
- int nLength = -1
- );
- virtual CSize _CalcDesiredMinOuterSize( BOOL bHorz ) const;
- virtual INT _CalcDesiredMinHW() const;
- virtual INT _CalcDesiredMinVH() const;
- virtual CSize _CalcDesiredMinFloatedSize() const;
- virtual void _RepositionChild(
- bool bRedraw = true
- );
- virtual CSize _GetChildSize() const;
- public:
- virtual bool _AffixmentIsAlignedHW() const;
- virtual bool OnQueryMultiRowLayout() const;
- #if (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- public:
- virtual CExtCustomizeSite * GetCustomizeSite();
- virtual bool OnCustomizeRegisterBar(
- CExtCustomizeSite * pCustomizeSite
- );
- virtual void OnCustomizeModeEnter();
- virtual void OnCustomizeModeLeave();
- virtual void OnCustomizeListBoxUpdate( CExtCustomizeToolbarsListBox * pWndList );
- #endif // (!defined __EXT_MFC_NO_CUSTOMIZE)
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~CExtPanelControlBar();
- virtual LRESULT DoHelpHitTest( CPoint ptHelpHitTest );
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CExtPanelControlBar)
- //{{AFX_MSG(CExtPanelControlBar)
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos);
- afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- }; // class CExtPanelControlBar
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CExtBarUndoRedoButton
- class __PROF_UIS_API CExtBarUndoRedoButton : public CExtBarButton
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CExtBarUndoRedoButton );
- CExtBarUndoRedoButton(
- CExtToolControlBar * pBar = NULL,
- UINT nStyle = 0
- );
- virtual ~CExtBarUndoRedoButton();
- virtual LPARAM LParamCookieGet() const;
- virtual void LParamCookieSet(
- LPARAM lParamCookie = 0L
- );
- bool CanBePressedInDisabledState();
- virtual bool IsAbleToTrackMenu(
- bool bCustomizeMode = false
- ) const;
- virtual LRESULT OnHelpHitTest(
- CPoint point
- );
- virtual UINT OnTrackPopup(
- CPoint point,
- bool bSelectAny,
- bool bForceNoAnimation
- );
- virtual BOOL PutToPopupMenu(
- CExtPopupMenuWnd * pPopup
- );
- virtual CExtPopupMenuWnd * OnCreateDropPopup(
- bool bContentExpand // true - inserting to content expand menu, false - tracking dropped popup
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxInitContent(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxSelChange(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxSelEndOK(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxSelEndCancel(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxClose(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxItemDraw(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
- );
- virtual bool OnPopupListBoxItemMeasure(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
- );
- virtual CSize OnPopupListBoxMeasureTrackSize() const;
- virtual CSize OnPopupListBoxCalcItemExtraSizes() const;
- virtual bool OnPopupUndoRedoFormatCaption(
- CExtSafeString & strCaption,
- CExtPopupUndoRedoMenuWnd * pUndoRedoPopupMenuWnd
- );
- protected:
- LPARAM m_lParamCookie;
- DWORD m_dwListBoxStyles; // popup list-box styles
- CExtSafeStringArray m_arrLbItems;
- INT m_nDropDownWidth; // (-1) - auto calc
- INT m_nDropDownHeightMax;
- static bool stat_CbFormatCaption(
- CExtSafeString & strCaption,
- CExtPopupUndoRedoMenuWnd * pUndoRedoPopupMenuWnd,
- CExtBarUndoRedoButton * pUndoRedoTBB
- );
- static bool stat_CbInitListBoxContent(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
- CExtBarUndoRedoButton * pUndoRedoTBB
- );
- static bool stat_CbListBoxSelection(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
- CExtBarUndoRedoButton * pUndoRedoTBB,
- int eSAT // CExtPopupInplaceListBox::e_sel_action_t
- );
- static bool stat_CbListBoxItemDraw(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
- CExtBarUndoRedoButton * pUndoRedoTBB,
- );
- static bool stat_CbListBoxItemMeasure(
- CExtPopupInplaceListBox & wndListBox,
- CExtBarUndoRedoButton * pUndoRedoTBB,
- );
- }; // class CExtBarUndoRedoButton