- [MAIN]
- DebugMode=0 ;set to 1 to log everything - Check your resources (ship with =0)
- DumpNSToLog_before=0 ;Very verbose but good for debugging - dumps all NS info to log file before Registration
- DumpNSToLog_after=0 ;Very verbose but good for debugging - dumps all NS info to log file after Registration
- OKtoReport_FinalRegError=0 ;Report general error at end if a registration error was logged
- OKtoReport_FinalUnRegError=0 ;Report general error at end if a unregistration error was logged
- ;Advanced feature - These can be set then used as <userdir1> etc specifiers. They can
- ;also be set via the H2Reg.exe command line. Command line has preference over INI file.
- UserDir1=''
- UserDir2=''
- UserDir3=''
- UserDir4=''
- ; Resource Strings
- [en] ; English
- ErrSt_SysFileNotFound = 'Installation Error. Error reading system file or file not found.|%s'
- ErrSt_MSHelp2RTNotFound = 'MS Help 2.x runtime files are not installed on this PC.'
- ErrSt_NotAdminMode = 'You must be logged on as an Administrator.'
- ErrSt_Extra = 'Installation/registration of Help files cannot proceed.'
- Msg_Registering = 'Registering Online Documentation Files:'
- Msg_UnRegistering = 'Unregistering Online Documentation Files:'
- Msg_LoggingNSInfo = 'Logging Namespace Info'
- Msg_Registering_Namespaces = 'Registering Namespaces'
- Msg_Registering_Titles = 'Registering Titles'
- Msg_Registering_Plugins = 'Registering Plug-ins'
- Msg_Registering_Filters = 'Registering Filters'
- Msg_UnRegistering_Namespaces = 'Unregistering Namespaces'
- Msg_UnRegistering_Titles = 'Unregistering Titles'
- Msg_UnRegistering_Plugins = 'Unregistering Plug-ins'
- Msg_UnRegistering_Filters = 'Unregistering Filters'
- Msg_Merging_Namespaces = 'Merging Help Indexes. This may take several minutes'
- PopupSt_FinalRegError='There were errors reported while Registering help files.||View Log file?'
- PopupSt_FinalUnRegError='There were errors reported while Unregistering help files.||View Log file?'
- ; International Strings - Defaults to [en]
- [de] ; German
- [ja] ; Japanese
- [fr] ; French
- [es] ; Spanish
- [it] ; Italian
- [ko] ; Korean
- [cn] ; Chinese (Simplified)
- [tw] ; Chinese (Traditional)
- [sv] ; Swedish
- [nl] ; Dutch
- [ru] ; Russian
- [ar] ; Arabic
- [he] ; Hebrew
- [da] ; Danish
- [no] ; Norwegian
- [fi] ; Finnish
- [pt] ; Portuguese
- [br] ; Brazilian
- [cs] ; Czech
- [pl] ; Polish
- [hu] ; Hungarian
- [el] ; Greek
- [tr] ; Turkish
- [sl] ; Slovenian
- [sk] ; Slovakian
- [eu] ; Basque
- [ca] ; Catalan
- ;--- Optionally you can place your Registration Commands in this file
- ;------- Register -r switch
- [Reg_Namespace]
- ;<nsName>|<nsColfile>|<nsDesc>
- [Reg_Title]
- ;<nsName>|<TitleID>|<LangId>|<HxS_HelpFile>|<HxI_IndexFile>|<HxQ_QueryFile>|<HxR_AttrQueryFile>|<HxsMediaLoc>|<HxqMediaLoc>|<HxrMediaLoc>|<SampleMediaLoc>
- [Reg_Plugin]
- ;<nsName_Parent>|<HxT_Parent>|<nsName_Child>|<HxT_Child>|<HxA_Child>
- [Reg_Filter]
- ;<nsName>|<FilterName>|<FilterQueryStr>
- ;------- Unregister -u switch
- [UnReg_Filter]
- ;<nsName>|<FilterName>
- [UnReg_Plugin]
- ;<nsName_Parent>|<HxT_Parent>|<nsName_Child>|<HxT_Child>|<HxA_Child>
- [UnReg_Title]
- ;<nsName>|<TitleID>|<LangId>
- [UnReg_Namespace]
- ;<nsName>