Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/hkBase.h>
- struct hkGeometry;
- class hkpShape;
- class hkpRigidBodyCinfo;
- class hkpRigidBody;
- class hkpConstraintInstance;
- /// This structure holds the "mass and volume" properties of an object, and is filled in by each of the
- /// hkpInertiaTensorComputer methods.
- /// Volume is not strictly a mass property, but may be useful to help determine the mass required
- /// to achieve a given density for an object.
- struct hkpMassProperties
- {
- /// Initialize (to zero data).
- hkpMassProperties() : m_volume(0.0f), m_mass(0.0f) { m_centerOfMass.setZero4(); m_inertiaTensor.setZero(); }
- hkpMassProperties(class hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag flag) {}
- void scaleToDensity( hkReal density );
- void scaleToMass( hkReal newMass );
- /// The volume of an object
- hkReal m_volume;
- /// The mass of an object.
- hkReal m_mass;
- /// The center of mass.
- hkVector4 m_centerOfMass;
- /// The inertia tensor.
- hkMatrix3 m_inertiaTensor;
- };
- /// This structure is used by the hkpInertiaTensorComputer to help construct mass properties of "compound" objects.
- struct hkpMassElement
- {
- /// Initialize (to zero data).
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpMassElement(){ m_transform.setIdentity(); }
- /// Initialize given properties and transform.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpMassElement(const hkpMassProperties& properties,const hkTransform& transform) :
- m_properties(properties), m_transform(transform)
- {
- }
- /// All mass properties for this element.
- hkpMassProperties m_properties;
- /// A transform for this element (usually with respect to body Local space)
- /// ie an ElementToLocal transform.
- hkTransform m_transform;
- };
- /// A class to compute the inertia tensor, center of mass and volume of various classes of objects.
- class hkpInertiaTensorComputer
- {
- public:
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Explicit surface types calculations
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /// Creates mass properties given a sphere, considered as a volume of uniform density.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (radius, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeSphereVolumeMassProperties( hkReal radius, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties& result);
- /// Creates mass properties given box halfextents, considered as a volume of uniform density.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (halfExtents, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeBoxVolumeMassProperties(const hkVector4& halfExtents, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties& result);
- /// Creates mass properties given a capsule considered as a volume of uniform density.
- /// The capsule is specified by the start and end points of its axis (excluding radius), and a radius.
- /// The radius MUST be greater than zero. The height (length of axis) may be zero.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (radius, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeCapsuleVolumeMassProperties( const hkVector4& startAxis, const hkVector4& endAxis, hkReal radius, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties& result);
- /// Creates mass properties given a sphere hull, assumed to have a given thickness (measured "inwards") of uniform density.
- /// The thickness MUST be greater than zero and less than radius.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (radius, surfaceThickness, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeSphereSurfaceMassProperties( hkReal radius, hkReal mass, hkReal surfaceThickness, hkpMassProperties& result);
- /// Creates mass properties given box hull halfextents, assumed to have a given thickness (measured "inwards") of uniform density
- /// The thickness MUST be greater than zero and less than min of half-extents.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (halfExtents, surfaceThickness, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeBoxSurfaceMassProperties(const hkVector4& halfExtents, hkReal mass, hkReal surfaceThickness, hkpMassProperties& result);
- /// Creates mass properties given triangle vertices, assumed to have a given thickness, of uniform density
- /// The thickness MUST be greater than or EQUAL to zero. It can be zero, in which case the mass properties calculated are those
- /// of a triangular lamina. Otherwise it generates a triangular prism with center equal to the triangle center.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (surfaceThickness, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeTriangleSurfaceMassProperties(const hkVector4& v0, const hkVector4& v1, const hkVector4& v2, hkReal mass, hkReal surfaceThickness, hkpMassProperties& result);
- /// Creates mass properties given a cylinder, considered as a volume of uniform density.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (startAxis, endAxis, radius, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeCylinderVolumeMassProperties(const hkVector4& startAxis, const hkVector4& endAxis, hkReal radius, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties& result);
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Geometric/vertex-based calculations
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /// Creates mass properties given a point cloud, using the convex hull of the cloud, considered as a volume of uniform density.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (vertices coplanar, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeVertexHullVolumeMassProperties(const hkReal* vertexIn, int striding, int numVertices, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties &result);
- /// Creates mass properties given a point cloud, using vertices as point masses, with uniform mass distribution.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (vertices, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- /// No volume is assumed/calculated.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeVertexCloudMassProperties(const hkReal* vertexIn, int striding, int numVertices, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties &result);
- /// Creates mass properties for the given (possibly open/disconnected) geometry using triangles assumed to have a given thickness to provide volume.
- /// If distributeUniformly == true, the mass is distributed proportional to the area of each triangle.
- /// If distributeUniformly == false, the same mass is given to each triangle, independent of its area. This means that "highly tessellated"
- /// areas will have more mass, usually undesirable, but perhaps useful in some instances.
- /// The thickness MUST be greater than zero.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (geometry, surfaceThickness, mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeGeometrySurfaceMassProperties(const hkGeometry* geom, hkReal surfaceThickness, hkBool distributeUniformly, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties &result);
- /// Computes the inertia tensor and the center of mass given a total mass for the provided geometry.
- /// Asserts on failure (geometry, surfaceThickness, mass invalid), otherwise returns.
- /// WARNING: This function assumes the geometry is properly closed.
- static void HK_CALL computeGeometryVolumeMassProperties(const hkGeometry* geom, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties &result);
- /// Computes the inertia tensor and the center of mass given a total mass for the provided geometry.
- /// returns HK_FAILURE on failure (geometry, surfaceThickness, mass invalid), otherwise returns.
- /// WARNING: This function assumes the geometry is properly closed.
- static hkResult HK_CALL computeGeometryVolumeMassPropertiesChecked(const hkGeometry* geom, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties &result);
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Compound calculation
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /// Creates mass properties given a group of mass properties/transforms in a common space.
- /// For example, to compute mass properties for an hkpListShape-based compound body with children of different
- /// masses, use computeShapeVolumeMassProperties() to compute each child's mass element.
- /// (with m_transform left as identity), and then combine them using this method.
- /// Returns HK_FAILURE on failure (mass invalid), otherwise returns HK_SUCCESS.
- static hkResult HK_CALL combineMassProperties(const hkArray<hkpMassElement>& elements, hkpMassProperties& result );
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // "Shape" calculation
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /// Computes the inertia tensor and the center of mass given a total mass for a hkpShape (using "volume" methods).
- /// N.B. Every child shape of the shape passed in MUST have a volume. Triangles are automatically given a thickness of 0.01f
- static void HK_CALL computeShapeVolumeMassProperties(const hkpShape* shape, hkReal mass, hkpMassProperties &result);
- /// "Shape" calculation and assignment to a hkpRigidBodyCinfo (using "volume" methods).
- /// Useful for 1-line RigidBody mass property calculation.
- /// N.B. Every child shape of the shape passed in MUST have a volume. Triangles are automatically given a thickness of 0.01f
- static void HK_CALL setShapeVolumeMassProperties(const hkpShape* shape, hkReal mass, hkpRigidBodyCinfo& bodyInfo);
- /// assignment to a hkpRigidBodyCinfo (using "volume" methods).
- static void HK_CALL setMassProperties(const hkpMassProperties& props, hkpRigidBodyCinfo& bodyInfo);
- /// assignment to a hkpRigidBodyCinfo (using "volume" methods).
- static void HK_CALL setAndScaleToDensity(const hkpMassProperties& props, hkReal density, hkpRigidBodyCinfo& bodyInfo);
- /// assignment to a hkpRigidBodyCinfo (using "volume" methods).
- static void HK_CALL setAndScaleToMass(const hkpMassProperties& props, hkReal mass, hkpRigidBodyCinfo& bodyInfo);
- /// Increase the inertia of all axes to be at least (max(inertia of all axes)/maxInertiaRatio)
- static void HK_CALL clipInertia(hkReal maxInertiaRatio, hkpRigidBodyCinfo& bodyInfo);
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Inertia Tensor Simplification
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /// Computes a "best" approximation of a full inertia tensor as an oriented particle inertia tensor, which
- /// is constant along the diagonal, and zero on the off-diagonals, ie. = I * k for some k. The matrix passed in
- /// is set to this approximation.
- static void HK_CALL simplifyInertiaTensorToOrientedParticle(hkMatrix3 &inertia);
- /// Converts a full inertia tensor to a space, where the inertia is just a diagonal
- /// matrix. principleAxisOut is a matrix converting from the new principle axis space
- /// to the old inertia tensor space.
- static void HK_CALL convertInertiaTensorToPrincipleAxis( hkMatrix3& inertia, hkRotation& principleAxisOut );
- /// Recompute the inertia tensors of a constraint tree.
- /// The idea is that bodies up in the hierarchy should not get an inertia tensor smaller than the inertia
- /// of its children.
- /// The overall inertia of the constraint tree should not change significantly, however the individual inertias
- /// can change a lot.
- /// The purpose of the function is to make motors and constraint limits of a ragdoll
- /// much stiffer, without changing the "normal" behavior of the ragdoll visibly.
- /// Set inertiaFactorHint to 1 if you want the minimal amount of inertia increase,
- /// set inertiaFactorHint to > 1 (e.g. 5) if you allow for higher inertia increase
- static void HK_CALL optimizeInertiasOfConstraintTree( hkpConstraintInstance*const* constraints, int numConstraints, hkpRigidBody* rootBody, hkReal inertiaFactorHint = 1.5f );
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Helper functions
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /// Given an inertia tensor calculated in a space, and the center of mass in this space
- /// this function calculates the inertia around the center of mass. The physics simulation
- /// expects all inertia tensors to be expressed around the center of mass.
- static void HK_CALL shiftInertiaToCom(hkVector4& shift, hkReal mass, hkMatrix3& inertia);
- /// Given an inertia tensor calculated around the center of mass, and the center of mass itself
- /// this function calculates the inertia around a point shifted away from the
- /// center of mass. This allows you to move inertia tensors to a common space so they can be combined.
- static void HK_CALL shiftInertiaFromCom(hkVector4& shift, hkReal mass, hkMatrix3& inertia);
- /// Calculates the principal axes of the shape. Returns the axis with greatest extent in a majorAxis, and the next
- /// most significant axis in a minorAxis.
- static void HK_CALL calculatePrincipalAxis(const hkpShape* pShape, const hkMatrix3& inertiaTensor, hkVector4& majorAxis, hkVector4& minorAxis);
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */