- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/Types/Geometry/Aabb/hkAabb.h>
- void HK_CALL hkpAabbUtil::calcAabb( const hkTransform& localToWorld, const hkVector4& halfExtents, float extraRadius, hkAabb& aabbOut )
- {
- #if defined (HK_PS2) && defined (HK_COMPILER_GCC) && (HK_CONFIG_SIMD == HK_CONFIG_SIMD_ENABLED)
- asm (
- " lqc2 vf8, 0x00(%3) # column(0) n"
- " qmtc2 %4, vf12 # extra radius n"
- " lqc2 vf9, 0x10(%3) # column(1) n"
- " lqc2 vf10, 0x20(%3) # column(2) n"
- " lqc2 vf11, 0x30(%3) # column(3) n"
- " vaddx.xyzw vf12, vf0, vf12 # broadcast extra radius n"
- " vf8, vf8, %2 # transformedX.setMul4( halfExtents(0), localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0)) n"
- " vf9, vf9, %2 # transformedY.setMul4( halfExtents(1), localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0)) n"
- " vf10,vf10, %2 # transformedZ.setMul4( halfExtents(2), localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0)) n"
- " vf8, vf8 # abs x n"
- " vf9, vf9 # abs y n"
- " vf10, vf10 # abs z n"
- " vmulaw.xyzw ACC, vf8, vf0 # x+y+zn"
- " vmaddaw.xyzw ACC, vf9, vf0 # n"
- " vmaddaw.xyzw ACC, vf12,vf0 # extra radius n"
- " vmaddw.xyzw %1, vf10, vf0 # extends = all togethern"
- " %0, vf11, %1 # min = offset - extends n"
- " %1, vf11, %1 # max += offset n"
- : "=j" (aabbOut.m_min.getQuad() ), "=j" (aabbOut.m_max.getQuad() )
- : "j"(halfExtents.getQuad()), "r"( &localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0) ), "r" ( extraRadius )
- : "vf8", "vf9", "vf10", "vf11", "vf12", "memory" );
- #else
- hkVector4 he0; he0.setBroadcast3clobberW( halfExtents, 0 );
- hkVector4 he1; he1.setBroadcast3clobberW( halfExtents, 1 );
- hkVector4 he2; he2.setBroadcast3clobberW( halfExtents, 2 );
- hkVector4 transformedX; transformedX.setMul4( he0, localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0));
- hkVector4 transformedY; transformedY.setMul4( he1, localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(1));
- hkVector4 transformedZ; transformedZ.setMul4( he2, localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(2));
- transformedX.setAbs4( transformedX );
- transformedY.setAbs4( transformedY );
- transformedZ.setAbs4( transformedZ );
- hkVector4 max = aabbOut.m_max; // copy so local on xbox etc
- hkVector4 min = aabbOut.m_min;
- hkVector4 extra; extra.setAll3( extraRadius );
- transformedZ.add4( extra );
- max.setAdd4( transformedX, transformedY );
- max.add4( transformedZ );
- min.setNeg4(max);
- max.add4( localToWorld.getTranslation() );
- min.add4( localToWorld.getTranslation() );
- aabbOut.m_max = max;
- aabbOut.m_min = min;
- #endif
- }
- void HK_CALL hkpAabbUtil::calcAabb( const hkTransform& localToWorld, const hkVector4& halfExtents, const hkVector4& center, float extraRadius, hkAabb& aabbOut )
- {
- asm (
- " lqc2 vf8, 0x00(%3) # column(0) n"
- " qmtc2 %4, vf12 # extra radius n"
- " lqc2 vf9, 0x10(%3) # column(1) n"
- " lqc2 vf10, 0x20(%3) # column(2) n"
- " lqc2 vf11, 0x30(%3) # column(3) n"
- " vaddx.xyzw vf12, vf0, vf12 # broadcast extra radius n"
- " ACC, vf8, %5 # vf13.setTransformedPos(center) n"
- " ACC, vf9, %5 # vf13.setTransformedPos(center) n"
- " ACC, vf10, %5 # vf13.setTransformedPos(center) n"
- " vf11, vf11, vf0 # vf13.setTransformedPos(center) n"
- " vf8, vf8, %2 # transformedX.setMul4( halfExtents(0), localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0)) n"
- " vf9, vf9, %2 # transformedY.setMul4( halfExtents(1), localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0)) n"
- " vf10,vf10, %2 # transformedZ.setMul4( halfExtents(2), localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0)) n"
- " vf8, vf8 # abs x n"
- " vf9, vf9 # abs y n"
- " vf10, vf10 # abs z n"
- " vmulaw.xyzw ACC, vf8, vf0 # x+y+zn"
- " vmaddaw.xyzw ACC, vf9, vf0 # n"
- " vmaddaw.xyzw ACC, vf10,vf0 # extra radius n"
- " vmaddw.xyzw %1, vf12, vf0 # extends = all togethern"
- " %0, vf11, %1 # min = offset - extends n"
- " %1, vf11, %1 # max += offset n"
- : "=j" (aabbOut.m_min.getQuad() ), "=j" (aabbOut.m_max.getQuad() )
- : "j"(halfExtents.getQuad()), "r"( &localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0) ), "r" ( extraRadius ), "j" (center.getQuad())
- : "vf8", "vf9", "vf10", "vf11", "vf12", "memory" );
- #else
- hkVector4 he0; he0.setBroadcast3clobberW( halfExtents, 0 );
- hkVector4 he1; he1.setBroadcast3clobberW( halfExtents, 1 );
- hkVector4 he2; he2.setBroadcast3clobberW( halfExtents, 2 );
- hkVector4 transformedX; transformedX.setMul4( he0, localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(0));
- hkVector4 transformedY; transformedY.setMul4( he1, localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(1));
- hkVector4 transformedZ; transformedZ.setMul4( he2, localToWorld.getRotation().getColumn(2));
- transformedX.setAbs4( transformedX );
- transformedY.setAbs4( transformedY );
- transformedZ.setAbs4( transformedZ );
- hkVector4 max = aabbOut.m_max; // copy so local on xbox etc
- hkVector4 min = aabbOut.m_min;
- hkVector4 extra; extra.setAll3( extraRadius );
- transformedZ.add4( extra );
- max.setAdd4( transformedX, transformedY );
- max.add4( transformedZ );
- min.setNeg4(max);
- hkVector4 temp;
- temp._setTransformedPos(localToWorld, center);
- max.add4( temp );
- min.add4( temp );
- aabbOut.m_max = max;
- aabbOut.m_min = min;
- #endif
- }
- void hkpAabbUtil::sweepAabb(const hkMotionState* motionState, hkReal tolerance, const hkAabb& aabbIn, hkAabb& aabbOut)
- {
- //
- // Expand the aabb by the angular part
- //
- hkReal radius = motionState->m_deltaAngle(3) * motionState->m_objectRadius;
- hkVector4 rotationalGain; rotationalGain.setAll(radius);
- aabbOut.m_min.setSub4(aabbIn.m_min, rotationalGain);
- aabbOut.m_max.setAdd4(aabbIn.m_max, rotationalGain);
- //
- // restrict the size of the AABB to the worst case radius size
- //
- {
- hkVector4 radius4; radius4.setAll3( motionState->m_objectRadius + tolerance );
- hkVector4 maxR; maxR.setAdd4( motionState->getSweptTransform().m_centerOfMass1, radius4 );
- hkVector4 minR; minR.setSub4( motionState->getSweptTransform().m_centerOfMass1, radius4 );
- (
- // I consider success when (aabbInOut.m_min <= maxR) and (minR <= aabbInOut.m_max) are true for all XYZ
- hkVector4Comparison a = aabbIn.m_min.compareLessThanEqual4( maxR );
- hkVector4Comparison b = minR.compareLessThanEqual4( aabbIn.m_max );
- hkVector4Comparison both; both.setAnd(a,b);
- HK_ASSERT2(0x366ca7b2, both.allAreSet(hkVector4Comparison::MASK_XYZ), "Invalid Radius. Did you make changes to a shape or change its center of mass while the owner was added to the world?" );
- );
- aabbOut.m_min.setMax4( aabbOut.m_min, minR );
- aabbOut.m_min.setMin4( aabbOut.m_min, aabbIn.m_min );
- aabbOut.m_max.setMin4( aabbOut.m_max, maxR );
- aabbOut.m_max.setMax4( aabbOut.m_max, aabbIn.m_max );
- }
- //
- // Sweep/expand the aabb along the motion path
- //
- hkVector4 invPath; invPath.setSub4( motionState->getSweptTransform().m_centerOfMass0, motionState->getSweptTransform().m_centerOfMass1 );
- hkVector4 zero; zero.setZero4();
- hkVector4 minPath; minPath.setMin4( zero, invPath );
- hkVector4 maxPath; maxPath.setMax4( zero, invPath );
- aabbOut.m_min.add4( minPath );
- aabbOut.m_max.add4( maxPath );
- #if defined(HK_DEBUG)
- hkReal diffMinX = aabbIn.m_min(0) - aabbOut.m_min(0);
- hkReal diffMinY = aabbIn.m_min(1) - aabbOut.m_min(1);
- hkReal diffMinZ = aabbIn.m_min(2) - aabbOut.m_min(2);
- hkReal diffMaxX = aabbOut.m_max(0) - aabbIn.m_max(0);
- hkReal diffMaxY = aabbOut.m_max(1) - aabbIn.m_max(1);
- hkReal diffMaxZ = aabbOut.m_max(2) - aabbIn.m_max(2);
- HK_ASSERT2( 0xaf63e413, diffMinX >= 0.0f && diffMinY >= 0.0f && diffMinZ >= 0.0f && diffMaxX >= 0.0f && diffMaxY >= 0.0f && diffMaxZ >= 0.0f, "Expanded AABB is smaller than the unexpanded AABB." );
- #endif
- }
- HK_ON_CPU( HK_FORCE_INLINE void HK_CALL hkpAabbUtil::sweepOffsetAabb(const hkpAabbUtil::OffsetAabbInput& input, const hkAabb& aabbIn, hkAabb& aabbOut) )
- HK_ON_SPU( HK_FORCE_INLINE void HK_CALL hkAabbUtil_sweepOffsetAabb(const hkpAabbUtil::OffsetAabbInput& input, const hkAabb& aabbIn, hkAabb& aabbOut) )
- {
- hkSimdReal half(0.5f);
- hkVector4 aabbHalfSize; aabbHalfSize.setSub4(aabbIn.m_max, aabbIn.m_min); aabbHalfSize.mul4(half);
- hkVector4 aabbCenter; aabbCenter.setInterpolate4(aabbIn.m_max, aabbIn.m_min, half);
- hkVector4 arm; arm._setTransformedPos(input.m_endTransformInv, aabbCenter);
- hkVector4 min = aabbCenter;
- hkVector4 max = aabbCenter;
- {
- hkVector4 p; p._setTransformedPos(input.m_startTransform, arm);
- min.setMin4(min, p);
- max.setMax4(max, p);
- }
- // extended arm for the in-between transforms (cos(22.5deg)
- const hkVector4 centerOfMassLocal = input.m_motionState->getSweptTransform().m_centerOfMassLocal;
- for (int i = 0; i < input.m_numTransforms; i++)
- {
- hkVector4 extendedArm;
- extendedArm.setSub4(arm, centerOfMassLocal);
- extendedArm.mul4(input.m_transforms[i].getTranslation().getSimdAt(3));
- extendedArm.add4(centerOfMassLocal);
- hkVector4 p; p._setTransformedPos(input.m_transforms[i], extendedArm);
- min.setMin4(min, p);
- max.setMax4(max, p);
- }
- //
- // Expand the aabb due to angular rotation of the shape around the aabbIn's center
- //
- {
- hkSimdReal r = aabbHalfSize.length3();
- hkVector4 radius; radius.setAll(r);
- aabbHalfSize.addMul4(input.m_motionState->m_deltaAngle.getSimdAt(3), radius);
- aabbHalfSize.setMin4(radius, aabbHalfSize);
- }
- aabbOut.m_min.setSub4(min, aabbHalfSize);
- aabbOut.m_max.setAdd4(max, aabbHalfSize);
- // We need to ensure that in order for our hkAabbUint32 compression to work
- aabbOut.m_min.setMin4(aabbIn.m_min, aabbOut.m_min);
- aabbOut.m_max.setMax4(aabbIn.m_max, aabbOut.m_max);
- }
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */