Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/hkpShape.h>
- extern const hkClass hkpPhantomCallbackShapeClass;
- class hkpCollidable;
- struct hkpCollisionInput;
- /// This shape allows you to create "phantom" shapes, which have no physical effect in a scene but which can trigger events
- /// when other shapes come close. This shape is typically the child shape of a hkpBvShape,
- /// where the bounding volume of the hkpBvShape is the boundary used for the phantom.
- /// Phantom shapes can also be used without a hkpBvShape. In this case the phantom area is defined by it's Aabb. However, in
- /// this you are better of using hkdynamics/phantom/hkpAabbPhantom objects
- class hkpPhantomCallbackShape : public hkpShape
- {
- public:
- /// This callback is called when the phantom shape starts intersecting with another shape.
- virtual void phantomEnterEvent( const hkpCollidable* phantomColl, const hkpCollidable* otherColl, const hkpCollisionInput& env ) = 0;
- /// This callback is called when the phantom shape stops intersecting with another shape.
- virtual void phantomLeaveEvent( const hkpCollidable* phantomColl, const hkpCollidable* otherColl ) = 0;
- //
- // hkpShape interface
- //
- /// hkpShape interface implementation. Note that phantom shapes are most usually used in combination with an hkpBvShape,
- /// so getAabb() never gets called. However, if you are using the phantom shape directly with the broadphase, you need to
- /// implement this function. The default implementation returns an AABB with no volume.
- virtual void getAabbImpl( const hkTransform& localToWorld, hkReal tolerance, hkAabb& out ) const;
- /// hkpShape interface implementation. Always returns false
- virtual hkBool castRayImpl( const hkpShapeRayCastInput& input, hkpShapeRayCastOutput& results ) const;
- // hkpShape interface implementation
- virtual void castRayWithCollectorImpl( const hkpShapeRayCastInput& input, const hkpCdBody& cdBody, hkpRayHitCollector& collector ) const;
- virtual void calcContentStatistics( hkStatisticsCollector* collector, const hkClass* cls) const;
- public:
- hkpPhantomCallbackShape(): hkpShape( HK_SHAPE_PHANTOM_CALLBACK ){}
- public:
- hkpPhantomCallbackShape( hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag flag ) : hkpShape(flag) { m_type = HK_SHAPE_PHANTOM_CALLBACK; }
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */