Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/hkBase.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/Compound/Collection/hkpShapeCollection.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/HeightField/SampledHeightField/hkpSampledHeightFieldShape.h>
- extern const hkClass hkpTriSampledHeightFieldCollectionClass;
- class hkpSampledHeightFieldShape;
- class hkpTriSampledHeightFieldBvTreeShape;
- extern hkReal hkConvexShapeDefaultRadius;
- /// You can use this shape to wrap a hkSampledHeightFieldBase shape. To use this, you must also combine this shape
- /// with the hkpTriSampledHeightFieldBvTreeShape, i.e. create a hkpTriSampledHeightFieldBvTreeShape, passing
- /// this shape into its constructor. This shape provides an alternative implementation to the sampled heightfield,
- /// where a different collision algorithm is used, while maintaining the memory usage of the heightfield.
- /// Instead of the approximate collision detection algorithm used by the heightfield shape (where colliding objects
- /// are represented by sets of spheres), this shape converts the heightfield into triangles on the fly.
- /// Collision detection may be slower, but will be fully exact.
- /// Because the shapes pulled out during collision detection are actual hkTriangleShapes, they may need a radius
- /// (which would not be necessary if using the approximate collision detection algorithm).
- /// Ray casting is performed using the standard heightfield raycast implementation.
- /// N.B. Per-triangle filtering can be done by inheriting and implementing the method hkpShapeCollection::getCollisionFilterInfo( hkpShapeKey key )
- /// as required. The current implementation does not implement this method because the user can best decide where to store the filter info.
- /// NOTE: Linear casting is performed using a simple implementation where the aabb of the linear cast is queried against
- /// the heightfield, and all overlapping triangles are checked with a linear cast. WARNING: for long linear casts,
- /// (particularly those parallel to the heightfield surface) this can be very slow.
- class hkpTriSampledHeightFieldCollection : public hkpShapeCollection
- {
- public:
- /// The constructor takes a hkSampledHeightFieldBase, and a radius. Note that the heightfield
- /// does not have a radius by default, but when converting the heightfield into triangles for collision detection
- /// it is advisable to give the triangles a non-zero radius for best performance.
- /// This adds a reference to the hkSampledHeightFieldBase passed in.
- hkpTriSampledHeightFieldCollection( const hkpSampledHeightFieldShape* shape, hkReal radius = hkConvexShapeDefaultRadius );
- hkpTriSampledHeightFieldCollection( hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag flag ) : hkpShapeCollection( flag ), m_weldingInfo(flag)
- {
- if( flag.m_finishing )
- {
- }
- }
- /// Removes a reference from the referenced heightfield.
- ~hkpTriSampledHeightFieldCollection();
- //
- // hkpShapeCollection interface
- //
- /// Gets the first key for the collection.
- /// The key returned by this function can be used to create a triangle shape corresponding to the key.
- /// The mapping is as follows:
- /// The lowest bit is used for the triangle "flag" determining which triangle of the quad is being referenced.
- /// The next lowest 15 bits of the key are used for the x coordinate of the quad.
- /// The upper 16 bits of the key are used for the z coordinate of the quad.
- /// So you can extract subpart/triangle indices like this:<br>
- /// int xCoord = (key & 0x0000ffff) >> 1;
- /// int zCoord = key >> 16;
- /// int whichTriangle = (key & 1); // will be 0 or 1<br>
- /// For this reason only heightfields of resolution less than 65535 are allowed to be used with this shape.
- /// For more detail please refer to the heightfield section of the user guide.
- virtual hkpShapeKey getFirstKey() const;
- /// Get the next key. This iterates over the heightfield's x-z grid. See getFirstKey() for a description of the
- /// key returned.
- virtual hkpShapeKey getNextKey( hkpShapeKey oldKey ) const;
- // hkpShapeCollection interface implementation.
- HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL const hkpShape* getChildShapeImpl( HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL_THIS hkpShapeKey key, ShapeBuffer& buffer ) HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL_CONST;
- HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL hkUint32 getCollisionFilterInfoImpl( HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL_THIS hkpShapeKey key ) HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL_CONST;
- //
- // hkpShape interface
- //
- // hkpShape interface implementation.
- HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL void getAabbImpl( HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL_THIS const hkTransform& localToWorld, hkReal tolerance, hkAabb& out ) HKP_SHAPE_VIRTUAL_CONST;
- // hkpShape interface implementation.
- virtual int calcSizeForSpu(const CalcSizeForSpuInput& input, int spuBufferSizeLeft) const;
- /// Get the heightfield referenced by the shape, DMAing from PPU if necessary
- const hkpSampledHeightFieldShape* getHeightFieldShape() const;
- /// Get the radius of this shape. This will be the radius of all triangles created by the shape.
- inline hkReal getRadius() const;
- /// Sets the radius of this shape.
- inline void setRadius(hkReal newRadius);
- // Gets the extrusion used by triangles returned from getChildShape.
- inline const hkVector4& getTriangleExtrusion() const;
- /// Sets the extrusion used by triangles returned from getChildShape.
- inline void setTriangleExtrusion(hkVector4Parameter e);
- void computeWeldingInfo(const hkpTriSampledHeightFieldBvTreeShape* bvtree);
- protected:
- /// Utility method
- inline int getXFromShapeKey(hkpShapeKey key) const;
- /// Utility method
- inline int getZFromShapeKey(hkpShapeKey key) const;
- /// Gets the index into m_weldingInfo for a given shape key
- inline int getIndexFromShapeKey(hkpShapeKey key) const;
- const hkpSampledHeightFieldShape* m_heightfield;
- mutable int m_childSize; //+nosave
- /// Convex radius applied to all child triangles.
- hkReal m_radius;
- /// Stored information for welding triangles. These are computed by computeWeldingInfo();
- /// The welding type is always hkpWeldingUtility::WELDING_TYPE_ANTICLOCKWISE
- hkArray<hkUint16> m_weldingInfo;
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkUint16 getWeldingInfo(hkpShapeKey key) const;
- /// Extrusion applied to all child triangles. See hkpTriangleShape::m_extrusion for more information.
- hkVector4 m_triangleExtrusion;
- };
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/HeightField/TriSampledHeightField/hkpTriSampledHeightFieldCollection.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */