Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/hkBase.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Types/Geometry/Aabb/hkAabb.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Thread/Semaphore/hkSemaphoreBusyWait.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Thread/JobQueue/hkJobQueue.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/Compound/Tree/hkpBvTreeShape.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/hkpCollide.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Agent/Collidable/hkpCollidable.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Query/CastUtil/hkpWorldRayCastInput.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Query/CastUtil/hkpLinearCastInput.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/Compound/Collection/List/hkpListShape.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/Query/hkpShapeRayCastInput.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Shape/Query/hkpShapeRayCastOutput.h>
- #include <Physics/Internal/Collide/Mopp/Code/hkpMoppCode.h>
- #include <Common/Internal/KdTree/hkKdTree.h>
- #include <Common/Base/hkBase.h>
- struct hkpRootCdPoint;
- class hkpShapeCollectionFilter;
- class hkpBroadPhase;
- class hkpWorld;
- struct hkpShapeRayCastInput;
- struct hkpShapeRayCastOutput;
- struct hkpWorldRayCastOutput;
- class hkpCollisionFilter;
- /// Each collision query job needs an hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader. Usually this is passed in through the job's constructor.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: this header will be dma'd back and forth between PPU and SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- struct hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader
- {
- public:
- // This member can only be accessed if the job queue is locked once its governing job has been added to the job queue.
- HK_ALIGN16( mutable int m_openJobs );
- };
- //
- // The base class for all collision query jobs
- // Important: the 16bit m_jobType HAS to be the first member of this class and it HAS to be 16byte aligned! See hkJob for more details.
- //
- struct hkpCollisionQueryJob : public hkJob
- {
- public:
- enum JobSubType
- {
- };
- void atomicIncrementAndReleaseSemaphore() const;
- protected:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpCollisionQueryJob( JobSubType subType, hkUint16 size );
- public:
- // This semaphore is released once the original job (and all its spawned children) has finished.
- hkSemaphoreBusyWait* m_semaphore;
- // this header must be set for all jobs that potentially spawn additional jobs or that have been spawned by other jobs
- hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* m_sharedJobHeaderOnPpu;
- const hkpProcessCollisionInput* m_collisionInput;
- // The variable at this location will be incremented (atomically) when the job is done.
- hkUint32* m_jobDoneFlag;
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- /// An hkpPairLinearCastCommand can be used to calculate the linear casts between two objects.
- /// The first object is cast against the second one, with endpoints specified by the user.
- /// More than one collision result may return.
- struct hkpPairLinearCastCommand
- {
- public:
- enum { MAXIMUM_RESULTS_CAPACITY = 16 }; // the capacity has to be limited as we need to allocate this array on the SPU stack
- public:
- // ===================================================================
- // Input
- // ===================================================================
- /// The first collidable will be cast along a provided path against the second collidable.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidableA;
- /// The second collidable remains fixed.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidableB;
- /// The starting point of the linear cast path. The first collidable will move along this path.
- hkVector4 m_from;
- /// The endpoint of the linear cast path. The first collidable will move along this path.
- hkVector4 m_to;
- // ===================================================================
- // Output
- // ===================================================================
- /// Pointer to an hkpRootCdPoint array. The user has to pre-allocate this manually. Once the job has finished, this array will hold the results.
- /// Note that the results will be arbitrarily placed in the results array (i.e. without any specific order).
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: this array will be dma'd from SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- hkpRootCdPoint* m_results;
- /// The maximum number of results pre-allocated in m_results.
- int m_resultsCapacity;
- /// The number of results.
- /// This value is only valid after the job's semaphore has been released.
- int m_numResultsOut;
- hkpRootCdPoint* m_startPointResults;
- int m_startPointResultsCapacity;
- int m_startPointNumResultsOut;
- };
- /// An hkpPairLinearCastJob will take an arbitrary number of hkpPairLinearCastCommand and calculate the linear casts between the specified pairs. The job is able
- /// to split itself into two jobs if it holds more commands than the maximum allowed number that can be executed in one go. Jobs will be processed multithreaded
- /// (i.e. in parallel by different PPU and/or SPU threads, if available).
- struct hkpPairLinearCastJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- friend struct hkpCollisionQueryJobQueueUtils;
- public:
- /// When creating an hkpPairLinearCastJob you have to pass in an unique jobHeader as well as an array of commands.
- /// Only points closer than the supplied tolerance are reported.
- /// The supplied filter is used if any shape collections are queried.
- /// The supplied semaphore is released once all commands of this job have been completed and the job has been removed from the job queue.
- /// The number of commands that are grouped into one task is customizable.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: the jobHeader and the commandArray will be dma'd to SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpPairLinearCastJob( const hkpProcessCollisionInput* input, hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, const hkpPairLinearCastCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, const hkpShapeCollectionFilter* filter, hkReal tolerance, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore, int numCommandsPerTask = MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS_PER_TASK);
- /// This constructor is for internal use only! Please use the other constructor.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpPairLinearCastJob();
- /// Only necessary on PLAYSTATION(R)3.
- /// Use this method to assign this job to be processed on the SPU or PPU. This is automatically set depending on what the job references.
- /// If it references objects which are not supported on the spu
- /// this function will produce a warning (in debug) and the job will be processed on PPU.
- void setRunsOnSpuOrPpu();
- protected:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkJobQueue::JobPopFuncResult popJobTask( hkpPairLinearCastJob& out );
- public:
- hkReal m_tolerance; //
- const hkpShapeCollectionFilter* m_filter; // Filter to be used when searching for the closest point(s)
- // Linear cast tolerances
- hkReal m_maxExtraPenetration;
- hkReal m_iterativeLinearCastEarlyOutDistance; // For iterative linear cast only
- int m_iterativeLinearCastMaxIterations;
- int m_numCommandsPerTask; // maximum # of commands per task; once this limit is breached a subjob is spawned
- const hkpPairLinearCastCommand* m_commandArray;
- int m_numCommands;
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- /// An hkpWorldLinearCastCommand can be used to cast exactly one collidable through the broadphase. Depending on how many hits you want
- /// to be reported you have to supply a large enough m_results output array. Once this array has reached its capacity, the furthest
- /// hit will be dropped.
- /// Performance note: when supplying a m_results array-size of exactly 1, the broadphase will use an early-out algorithm to significantly
- /// speedup things. With an array-size > 1 this speedup will be lost.
- struct hkpWorldLinearCastCommand
- {
- public:
- enum { MAXIMUM_RESULTS_CAPACITY = 16 }; // the capacity has to be limited as we need to allocate this array on the SPU stack
- public:
- // ===================================================================
- // Input
- // ===================================================================
- /// The linear cast input data.
- hkpLinearCastInput m_input;
- /// This collidable will be cast along the provided path against.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidable;
- // ===================================================================
- // Output
- // ===================================================================
- /// Pointer to an hkpRootCdPoint array. The user has to pre-allocate this manually. Once the job has finished, this array will hold the results.
- /// Note that the results in this array will be only grouped on an object-pair-basis, but for one object pair they are arbitrarily placed in the results array (i.e. without any specific order).
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: this array will be dma'd from SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- hkpRootCdPoint* m_results;
- /// The maximum number of results pre-allocated in m_results.
- int m_resultsCapacity;
- /// The number of results.
- /// This value is only valid after the job's semaphore has been released.
- int m_numResultsOut;
- };
- /// An hkpWorldLinearCastJob will take an arbitrary number of hkWorldLinearCastCommands and perform the linear casts. The job is able
- /// to split itself into two jobs if it holds more commands than the maximum allowed number that can be executed in one go.
- /// Jobs will be processed multithreaded (i.e. in parallel by different PPU and/or SPU threads, if available).
- struct hkpWorldLinearCastJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- friend struct hkpCollisionQueryJobQueueUtils;
- public:
- /// When creating an hkpWorldLinearCastJob you have to pass in an unique jobHeader as well as an array of commands.
- /// The supplied broadphase is used to limit the number of possible object pairs and thus helps increasing performance.
- /// The supplied semaphore is released once all commands of this job have been completed and the job has been removed from the job queue.
- /// The number of commands that are grouped into one task is customizable.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: the jobHeader and the commandArray will be dma'd to SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpWorldLinearCastJob( const hkpProcessCollisionInput* input, hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, const hkpWorldLinearCastCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, const hkpBroadPhase* broadphase, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore, int numCommandsPerTask = MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS_PER_TASK);
- /// Only necessary on PLAYSTATION(R)3.
- /// Use this method to assign this job to be processed on the SPU or PPU. This is automatically set depending on what the job references.
- /// If it references objects which are not supported on the spu
- /// this function will produce a warning (in debug) and the job will be processed on PPU.
- void setRunsOnSpuOrPpu();
- protected:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkJobQueue::JobPopFuncResult popJobTask( hkpWorldLinearCastJob& out );
- public:
- // Inputs
- int m_numCommandsPerTask; // maximum # of commands per task; once this limit is breached a subjob is spawned
- const hkpWorldLinearCastCommand* m_commandArray;
- int m_numCommands;
- const hkpBroadPhase* m_broadphase;
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- /// An hkpMoppAabbCommand can be used to cast exactly one AABB cast against the job's global MOPP. It will return a maximum of MAX_OUTPUT_KEYS_PER_QUERY
- /// results. The last valid results in this array will be followed by an HK_INVALID_SHAPE_KEY.
- struct hkpMoppAabbCommand
- {
- public:
- typedef hkpShapeKey QueryOutput[MAX_OUTPUT_KEYS_PER_QUERY];
- public:
- // ===================================================================
- // Input
- // ===================================================================
- /// The AABB's input data.
- hkAabb m_aabbInput;
- // ===================================================================
- // Output
- // ===================================================================
- /// Pointer to an hkpShapeKey array.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: this array will be dma'd from SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- QueryOutput* m_results;
- };
- /// An hkpMoppAabbJob will take an arbitrary number of hkMoppAabbCommands and perform the AABB casts on the job's MOPP. The job is able
- /// to split itself into two jobs if it holds more commands than the maximum allowed number that can be executed in one go.
- /// Jobs will be processed multithreaded (i.e. in parallel by different PPU and/or SPU threads, if available).
- struct hkpMoppAabbJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- friend struct hkpCollisionQueryJobQueueUtils;
- public:
- /// When creating an hkpMoppAabbJob you have to pass in an unique jobHeader as well as an array of commands.
- /// All the job's commands are executed on the same MOPP code and info.
- /// The supplied semaphore is released once all commands of this job have been completed and the job has been removed from the job queue.
- /// The number of commands that are grouped into one task is customizable.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: the jobHeader and the commandArray will be dma'd to SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpMoppAabbJob( const hkpProcessCollisionInput* input, hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, const hkpMoppAabbCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, const hkUint8* moppCodeData, const hkpMoppCode::CodeInfo& moppCodeInfo, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore, int numCommandsPerTask = MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS_PER_TASK);
- protected:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkJobQueue::JobPopFuncResult popJobTask( hkpMoppAabbJob& out );
- public:
- hkpMoppCode::CodeInfo m_moppCodeInfo; // MOPP code info
- const hkUint8* m_moppCodeData; // MOPP code data
- int m_numCommandsPerTask; // maximum # of commands per task; once this limit is breached a subjob is spawned
- const hkpMoppAabbCommand* m_commandArray;
- int m_numCommands;
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- /// An hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand can be used to calculate the shortest distances (i.e. closest points) between two objects. Depending on the
- /// objects' shapes, more than 1 distance can exist. Depending on how many distances you want reported you have to supply a large
- /// enough m_results output array. Once this array is full, every time a closer point is added the currently longest distance will be dropped.
- HK_CLASSALIGN16(struct) hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand
- {
- public:
- enum { MAXIMUM_RESULTS_CAPACITY = 16 }; // the capacity has to be limited as we need to allocate this array on the SPU stack
- public:
- // ===================================================================
- // Input
- // ===================================================================
- /// The first of the two collidables for which we would like to find the closest point between.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidableA;
- /// The second of the two collidables for which we would like to find the closest point between.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidableB;
- // ===================================================================
- // Output
- // ===================================================================
- /// Pointer to an hkpRootCdPoint array. The user has to pre-allocate this manually. Once the job has finished, this array will hold the results.
- /// Note that the results will be arbitrarily placed in the results array (i.e. without any specific order).
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: this array will be dma'd from SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- hkpRootCdPoint* m_results;
- /// The maximum number of results pre-allocated in m_results.
- int m_resultsCapacity;
- /// The number of results.
- /// This value is only valid after the job's semaphore has been released.
- int m_numResultsOut;
- /// This variable is set automatically. Do not touch.
- // Automatically set to HK_NULL if m_results is private to this command.
- // If m_results is shared between multiple hkPairGetClosestPointsCommands this variable points to an index into m_results. Currently this is only the case for
- // hkPairGetClosestPointsCommands that have been created by an hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob and thus points to hkpWorldGetClosestPointsCommand::m_numResultsOut.
- hkUint32* m_indexIntoSharedResults;
- };
- /// An hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob will take an arbitrary number of hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand and calculate the shortest distances between the specified pairs. The job is able
- /// to split itself into two jobs if it holds more commands than the maximum allowed number that can be executed in one go. Jobs will be processed multithreaded
- /// (i.e. in parallel by different PPU and/or SPU threads, if available).
- struct hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- friend struct hkpCollisionQueryJobQueueUtils;
- public:
- /// When creating an hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob you have to pass in an unique jobHeader as well as an array of commands.
- /// Only closest points with a distance of the supplied tolerance (or smaller) are reported.
- /// The supplied semaphore is released once all commands of this job have been completed and the job has been removed from the job queue.
- /// The number of commands that are grouped into one task is customizable.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: the jobHeader and the commandArray will be dma'd to SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob( const hkpProcessCollisionInput* input, hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, const hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, hkReal tolerance, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore, int numCommandsPerTask = MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS_PER_TASK);
- /// This constructor is for internal use only! Please use the other constructor.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob();
- /// Only necessary on PLAYSTATION(R)3.
- /// Use this method to assign this job to be processed on the SPU or PPU. This is automatically set depending on what the job references.
- /// If it references objects which are not supported on the spu
- /// this function will produce a warning (in debug) and the job will be processed on PPU.
- void setRunsOnSpuOrPpu();
- protected:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkJobQueue::JobPopFuncResult popJobTask( hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob& out );
- public:
- hkReal m_tolerance;
- int m_numCommandsPerTask; // maximum # of commands per task; once this limit is breached a subjob is spawned
- const hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand* m_commandArray;
- int m_numCommands;
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- /// An hkpWorldGetClosestPointsCommand can be used to calculate the shortest distances (i.e. closest points) between the supplied object and all its surrounding objects.
- /// Processing this command will spawn hkPairGetClosestPointsJobs, so see hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob for more information.
- struct hkpWorldGetClosestPointsCommand
- {
- public:
- public:
- // ===================================================================
- // Input
- // ===================================================================
- /// We want the closest points all around this particular collidable.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidable;
- // ===================================================================
- // Output
- // ===================================================================
- /// Pointer to an hkpRootCdPoint array. The user has to pre-allocate this manually. Once the job has finished, this array will hold the results.
- /// Note that the results in this array will be only grouped on an object-pair-basis, but for one object pair they are arbitrarily placed in the results array (i.e. without any specific order).
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: this array will be dma'd from SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- hkpRootCdPoint* m_results;
- /// The maximum number of results pre-allocated in m_results.
- int m_resultsCapacity;
- /// The number of results.
- /// This value is only valid after the job's semaphore has been released.
- hkUint32 m_numResultsOut;
- };
- /// An hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob will take a limited number of hkWorldGetClosestPointsCommands and calculate the shortest distances between
- /// the specified objects and their surroundings.
- struct hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- // The maximum number of commands that can be processed by one single hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob
- // The job's m_openJobs variable will be preset with this value to assert that all spawned jobs finish first before releasing the job's semaphore.
- enum { OPEN_JOBS_PRESET = 1000000 };
- enum { MAXIMUM_RESULTS_CAPACITY = 16 }; // the capacity has to be limited as we need to allocate this array on the SPU stack
- public:
- /// When creating an hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob you have to pass in an unique jobHeader as well as an array of commands.
- /// The supplied broadphase is used to limit the number of possible object pairs and thus helps increasing performance.
- /// Only closest points for object pairs with a distance of the supplied tolerance (or smaller) are reported.
- /// The supplied semaphore is released once all commands of this job have been completed and the job has been removed from the job queue.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: the jobHeader and the commandArray will be dma'd to SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- /// PLAYSTATION(R)3 note: the pairGetClosestPointsCommandBuffer will be dma'd from SPU and therefore must not be allocated on PPU stack.
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob( const hkpProcessCollisionInput* input, hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, const hkpWorldGetClosestPointsCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand* pairGetClosestPointsCommandBuffer, int pairGetClosestPointsCommandBufferCapacity, const hkpBroadPhase* broadphase, hkReal tolerance, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore);
- /// Only necessary on PLAYSTATION(R)3.
- /// Use this method to assign this job to be processed on the SPU or PPU. This is automatically set depending on what the job references.
- /// If it references objects which are not supported on the spu
- /// this function will produce a warning (in debug) and the job will be processed on PPU.
- void setRunsOnSpuOrPpu();
- public:
- const hkpBroadPhase* m_broadphase;
- hkReal m_tolerance;
- // This buffer on PPU is used to store hkPairGetClosestPointsCommands for jobs that are spawned on the spu/ppu.
- hkpPairGetClosestPointsCommand* m_pairGetClosestPointsCommandBuffer; // if this is != HK_NULL it will be used to create actual hkPairGetClosestPointsJobs on the queue; make sure to reasonably size it
- int m_pairGetClosestPointsCommandBufferCapacity; // the above buffer's capacity
- const hkpWorldGetClosestPointsCommand* m_commandArray;
- int m_numCommands;
- // Some background info: hkpWorldGetClosestPointsJob can spawn hkpPairGetClosestPointsJob jobs. As there is no support for any addJobFunc in the job queue
- // we have no way of increasing m_openJobs when adding a new job to the queue. Doing this during popJobFunc can be too late, therefore we will preset m_openJobs
- // with a huge enough value to cover any reasonable amount of potentially spawned 'sub'jobs. To correct this exaggerated value during this job's finishJobFunc
- // we need to know how many 'sub'jobs were actually spawned.
- mutable int m_numJobsSpawned;
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- struct hkpKdTreeAabbCommand
- {
- // Input
- hkAabb m_aabb;
- int m_resultsCapacity;
- // Ouput
- hkPrimitiveId* m_results;
- int m_numResultsOut;
- };
- struct hkpKdTreeAabbJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- public:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpKdTreeAabbJob(hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, hkpKdTreeAabbCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore, int numCommandsPerTask = MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS_PER_TASK);
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkJobQueue::JobPopFuncResult popJobTask( hkpKdTreeAabbJob& out );
- public:
- enum {MAX_NUM_TREES = 4};
- // Inputs
- int m_numCommandsPerTask; // maximum # of commands per task; once this limit is breached a subjob is spawned
- hkpKdTreeAabbCommand* m_aabbCommandArray;
- int m_numAabbCommands;
- int m_numTrees;
- const class hkKdTree* m_trees[MAX_NUM_TREES];
- };
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // ===============================================================================================================================================================================================
- // No special command for kdtree linear casts; just reuse hkpWorldLinearCastCommand
- struct hkpWorldLinearCastCommand;
- struct hkpKdTreeLinearCastJob : public hkpCollisionQueryJob
- {
- public:
- public:
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkpKdTreeLinearCastJob( const hkpProcessCollisionInput* input, hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader, hkpWorldLinearCastCommand* commandArray, int numCommands, hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore, int numCommandsPerTask = MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS_PER_TASK);
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkJobQueue::JobPopFuncResult popJobTask( hkpKdTreeAabbJob& out );
- /// Only necessary on PLAYSTATION(R)3.
- /// Use this method to assign this job to be processed on the SPU or PPU. This is automatically set depending on what the job references.
- /// If it references objects which are not supported on the spu
- /// this function will produce a warning (in debug) and the job will be processed on PPU.
- void setRunsOnSpuOrPpu();
- public:
- enum {MAX_NUM_TREES = 4};
- // Inputs
- int m_numCommandsPerTask; // maximum # of commands per task; once this limit is breached a subjob is spawned
- hkpWorldLinearCastCommand* m_commandArray;
- int m_numCommands;
- const hkpProcessCollisionInput* m_collisionInput;
- hkpCollisionFilter* m_filter;
- int m_numTrees;
- const class hkKdTree* m_trees[MAX_NUM_TREES];
- };
- #include <Physics/Collide/Query/Multithreaded/CollisionQuery/hkpCollisionQueryJobs.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */