- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/hkBase.h>
- #include <Common/Base/DebugUtil/MultiThreadCheck/hkMultiThreadCheck.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Types/Geometry/Aabb/hkAabb.h>
- class hkpBroadPhase;
- class hkpBroadPhaseHandle;
- class hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair;
- class hkAabb;
- class hkPrimitiveCastCallback;
- class hkpBroadPhaseCastCollector;
- hkpBroadPhase* HK_CALL hk3AxisSweep16CreateBroadPhase( const hkVector4& worldMin, const hkVector4& worldMax, int numMarkers );
- hkpBroadPhase* HK_CALL hk3AxisSweep32CreateBroadPhase( const hkVector4& worldMin, const hkVector4& worldMax, int numMarkers );
- //
- typedef char hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache;
- /// The job of the broadphase is to quickly find pairs of AABBs that are intersecting, and thus to identify
- /// pairs of objects that require narrowphase collision detection. Objects that can be
- /// processed by the broadphase must have an hkpBroadPhaseHandle, which is used as an id for each object by the broadphase. The broadphase actually keeps
- /// an internal pointer to each hkpBroadPhaseHandle, so do not forget this - for instance, do not copy handles.
- ///
- /// The 16bit broadphase:
- /// - Supports up to 2^14 objects (including markers)
- /// - Has an internal resolution of 15 bits.
- ///
- /// The 32bit broadphase:
- /// - Supports up to 2^31 objects (including markers)
- /// - Has an internal resolution of 31 bits.
- /// - Is twice as slow, and uses twice as much memory as the 16bit version
- ///
- /// Use the following macro to enable the 32bit broadphase. Put it *before* world construction, in the same scope as the call to hkpWorld's constructor.
- /// You will need to #include the hkpBroadPhase.h header:
- /// code
- /// #include <hkinternal/collide/broadphase/hkpBroadPhase.h>
- /// ...
- /// hkpBroadPhase::Enable32BitBroadphase broadphaseHelper;
- /// hkpWorld* myWorld = new hkpWorld(worldCinfo);
- /// endcode
- class hkpBroadPhase: public hkReferencedObject
- {
- public:
- hkpBroadPhase();
- ~hkpBroadPhase();
- enum BroadPhaseType
- {
- };
- /// Returns the type of the broadphase. This can be either 16bit or 32bit.
- virtual BroadPhaseType getType() const = 0;
- /// Adds an object to the broadphase. The new overlapping pairs are reported in pairsOut.
- virtual void addObject( hkpBroadPhaseHandle* object, const hkAabbUint32& aabb, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& pairsOut ) = 0;
- /// Adds an object to the broadphase. The new overlapping pairs are reported in pairsOut.
- virtual void addObject( hkpBroadPhaseHandle* object, const hkAabb& aabb, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& pairsOut ) = 0;
- /// Adds a list of objects to the broadphase. The new overlapping pairs are reported in pairsOut.
- /// This is faster than repeatedly calling addObject, if you have a list of objects to add
- virtual void addObjectBatch( hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandle*>& addObjectList, hkArray< hkAabb >& addAabbList, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& newPairs ) = 0;
- /// Removes an object from the broadphase. The removed overlapping pairs are reported in pairsOut.
- virtual void removeObject( hkpBroadPhaseHandle* object, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& pairsOut ) = 0;
- /// Removes a list of objects from the broadphase. The removed overlapping pairs are reported in pairsOut.
- /// This is faster than repeatedly calling removeObject, if you have a list of objects to remove
- virtual void removeObjectBatch( hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandle*>& removeObjectList, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& delPairsOut ) = 0;
- /// Queries the total number of objects added to the broadphase.
- virtual int getNumObjects() const = 0;
- /// Changes the position of an object and reports the changes. New overlaps are reported in addedPairs, removed pairs are reported in removedPairs.
- /// Note that a pair can be in both lists.
- virtual void updateAabbs( hkpBroadPhaseHandle* objects[], const hkAabb* aabbs, int numObjects, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& addedPairs, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& removedPairs ) = 0;
- // The same as updateAabbs(), only working on hkAabbUint32s.
- virtual void updateAabbsUint32( hkpBroadPhaseHandle* objects[], const hkAabbUint32* aabbs, int numObjects, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& addedPairs, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& removedPairs ) = 0;
- /// Optimizes internal memory layout. This can speed up the broadphase by up to 20%.
- /// This should be done after all static objects and before all dynamics objects
- /// are added to the scene.
- virtual void defragment() = 0;
- /// Gets all AABBs (for debug purposes).
- virtual void getAllAabbs( hkArray<hkAabb>& allAabbs ) const = 0;
- /// Gets AABB from hkpBroadPhaseHandle
- virtual void getAabb(const hkpBroadPhaseHandle* object, hkAabb& aabb) const = 0;
- /// Gets the current extents of the entire broadphase (passed in construction, but may have later been updated via shiftBroadPhase)
- virtual void getExtents(hkVector4& worldMinOut, hkVector4& worldMaxOut) const = 0;
- /// Finds all intersections between the input object and the rest.
- virtual void querySingleAabb( const hkAabb& aabb, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& pairs_out) const = 0;
- /// Finds all intersection of an existing object and the rest
- virtual void reQuerySingleObject( const hkpBroadPhaseHandle* object, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& pairs_out) const = 0;
- /// check whether 2 given broadphase handle already overlap
- virtual bool areAabbsOverlapping( const hkpBroadPhaseHandle* bhA, const hkpBroadPhaseHandle* bhB ) const = 0;
- /// If you want to shift all objects in the entire world but without altering the broadphase extents, you need to call this
- /// function. It will simply correct all internally stored offset information by the shiftDistance.
- /// Motivation for this method:
- /// If your world is very large and both our graphics and physics coordinate spaces are
- /// single-precision, and if you stray far enough from the origin you'll get floating point errors.
- /// To prevent this you have to periodically shift your coordinate spaces when you detect we have moved too far.
- /// To shift the coordinate space, you have to reposition all objects in the world, which you can do by calling
- /// hkpRigidBody::setPosition(). However this is pretty CPU intensive and can have same bad side effects (disabling
- /// tims for fixed objects).
- /// A better way is to silently reposition all objects:
- /// - shift all world space information of all objects silently(= avoid calling callbacks) by accessing their hkpMotion directly
- /// - update the broadphase to reflect these new positions by calling this method, hkpBroadPhase::shiftAllObjects()
- ///
- /// Important Usage Notes:
- /// - The broadphase cannot shift by an arbitrary floating point value, it has to round the shiftDistance up or down.
- /// The actual shift distance is reported using effectiveShiftDistanceOut
- /// - This function reports all new collision pairs (especially pairs between objects and the broadphase border)
- /// in the array newCollisionPairs. These are objects which 'left' the broadphase during the shift.
- /// - Please use the hkutilities/collide/hkpBroadPhaseBorder utility to prevent objects touching the world
- /// extents before the shift.
- /// - An object might appear in more than one pair.
- /// - This function does not work if markers are enabled
- virtual void shiftAllObjects( const hkVector4& shiftDistance, hkVector4& effectiveShiftDistanceOut, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& newCollisionPairs ) = 0;
- /// If you want to shift the broadphase extents without changing the world position of any objects, you need to call this function.
- /// It will modify the extents and then update the offset information.
- /// Note that this changes the current extents of the broadphase (in 'world' space) returned by hkpBroadPhase::getExtents().
- /// Same notes as shiftAllObjects apply, since the shift may cause objects to 'leave' the broadphase.
- /// Motivation for this method:
- /// If your world is large (but not large enough to run into floating point errors, when straying far from the
- /// origin), you may wish to keep a smaller broadphase active which only encompasses a subset of the full game world,
- /// probably those objects that are 'near' the current player or area of interaction.
- /// Thus your broadphase can fit more tightly than one which is large enough to encompass the whole game area.
- virtual void shiftBroadPhase( const hkVector4& shiftDistance, hkVector4& effectiveShiftDistanceOut, hkArray<hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair>& newCollisionPairs ) = 0;
- // Returns the 32bit low & high offset values.
- virtual void getOffsetLowHigh32bit(hkVector4& offsetLow32bit, hkVector4& offsetHigh32bit) const = 0;
- /// Input structure
- struct hkpCastRayInput
- {
- /// The 'from' position of multiple casts
- hkVector4 m_from;
- /// The number of casts you would like to make from the same m_from start position
- int m_numCasts;
- /// Pointer to the first 'to' position
- const hkVector4* m_toBase;
- /// the byte difference between two consecutive 'to' positions, typically sizeof(hkVector4) = 16
- int m_toStriding;
- /// An optional cache. Note: all rays should be within the aabb which was used to build the cache
- const hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* m_aabbCacheInfo;
- hkpCastRayInput(): m_numCasts(1), m_toStriding( hkSizeOf(hkVector4)),m_aabbCacheInfo(HK_NULL){}
- };
- /// Queries the broadphase for overlapping AABBs along the ray 'from-to'.
- /// For each aabb the ray cast hits the collector passed in receives a callback.
- /// Basically this cast allows for doing multiple casts starting from the same position.
- /// For each input ray( from, to[x] ) the collector:
- /// at memory address: (collectorBase+x*collectorStriding) is called.<br>
- /// E.g.
- /// - by setting collectorStriding to 0, always the collector collectorBase is called. You can identify
- /// the input ray by the castIndex in the hkpBroadPhaseCastCollector::addBroadPhaseHandle.
- /// - Or if you have an array of MyCollector collectors[10] you set the collectorBase to &collectors[0] and
- /// the collectorStriding = hkSizeOf(MyCollector)
- virtual void castRay( const hkpCastRayInput& input, hkpBroadPhaseCastCollector* collectorBase, int collectorStriding) const = 0;
- /// Get the size for the axis cache
- virtual int getAabbCacheSize() const = 0;
- /// Build the aabb cache. This is an optimization for broadphase raycasts.
- /// The idea is that the aabb cache is actually a reduced broadphase, just storing
- /// objects inside the aabb. Therefore using this cache can speed up rayCasts significantly<br>
- /// To work properly you have to:
- /// - Calc an aabb which encapsulates a set of raycasts. The smaller the aabb is the better.
- /// Sometimes it might make sense to sort the rays into groups and than build one cache
- /// for each group.
- /// - Allocate enough space to hold your cache (use getAabbCacheSize()). The cache size can be very
- /// big, it's actually 12 bytes per object in the broadphase. This is a worst case situation,
- /// however the cache size cannot be calculated easily in advance, so getAabbCacheSize always returns
- /// this worst case number. The best is to use hkAllocateStack to get the memory (check for overflows
- /// in your allocate stack memory, which could dramatically slow down the operations).
- /// - call calcAabbCache with your aabb and your cache memory.
- /// - Than you can call as many calls to castRay using these cache. As long as the rays are within the
- /// aabb everything works well.
- /// Note:
- /// The cache only represents a snapshot of the engine. As soon as something changes the broadphase
- /// (object moving, getting added, etc) the cache is invalid. If an invalid cache is used the engine
- /// can crash !!!!.
- virtual void calcAabbCache( const hkAabb& aabb, hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* aabbCacheOut) const = 0;
- /// Build the AABB cache from a list of collidables. This is useful for creating a cache when
- /// you already have an AABB Phantom or a list of object that you know you want to raycast against.
- /// This runs much faster that computing the cache from an AABB, because it doesn't have to search
- /// through the broadphase.
- virtual void calcAabbCache( const hkArray<class hkpCollidable*>& overlappingCollidables, hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* aabbCacheOut) const = 0;
- /// This structure is used as the input to hkpBroadPhase::castAabb
- struct hkpCastAabbInput
- {
- /// The start of the aabb cast (in world space)
- hkVector4 m_from;
- /// To end of the aabb cast (in world space)
- hkVector4 m_to;
- /// The half extents of the aabb
- hkVector4 m_halfExtents;
- /// An optional cache. Note: all casts should completely be within the aabb which was used to build the cache
- const hkpBroadPhaseAabbCache* m_aabbCacheInfo;
- hkpCastAabbInput(): m_aabbCacheInfo(HK_NULL){}
- };
- /// Queries the broadphase for overlapping AABBs along the aabb cast as specified in the input
- /// For each aabb the aabbcast hits the collector passed in receives a callback
- virtual void castAabb( const hkpCastAabbInput& input, hkpBroadPhaseCastCollector& collector ) const = 0;
- /// Set the 32bit offset and scale values for the broadphase. The broadphase will calculate some more internal values from that.
- virtual void set32BitOffsetAndScale(const hkVector4& offsetLow, const hkVector4& offsetHigh, const hkVector4& scale) = 0;
- /// Turn on locking and multithreading checks
- void enableMultiThreading( int spinCountForCriticalSection);
- inline hkMultiThreadCheck& getMultiThreadCheck();
- inline const hkMultiThreadCheck& getMultiThreadCheck() const;
- /// Mark this class and all child classes for read only access for this thread
- HK_FORCE_INLINE void markForRead() const;
- /// Mark this class and all child classes for read write access for this thread
- HK_FORCE_INLINE void markForWrite();
- /// Undo markForRead
- HK_FORCE_INLINE void unmarkForRead() const;
- /// Undo markForWrite
- HK_FORCE_INLINE void unmarkForWrite();
- /// lock the broadphase
- HK_FORCE_INLINE void lock();
- /// unlock the broadphase
- HK_FORCE_INLINE void unlock();
- typedef hkpBroadPhase* (HK_CALL *createBroadPhaseFunc)( const hkVector4& worldMin, const hkVector4& worldMax, int numMarkers );
- static createBroadPhaseFunc m_defaultCreationFunction;
- protected:
- void lockImplementation();
- void unlockImplementation();
- protected:
- mutable hkMultiThreadCheck m_multiThreadCheck;
- class hkCriticalSection *m_criticalSection;
- public:
- class Enable32BitBroadphase
- {
- public:
- Enable32BitBroadphase()
- {
- m_originalCreateBroadphaseFunc = hkpBroadPhase::m_defaultCreationFunction;
- hkpBroadPhase::m_defaultCreationFunction = hk3AxisSweep32CreateBroadPhase;
- }
- ~Enable32BitBroadphase()
- {
- hkpBroadPhase::m_defaultCreationFunction = m_originalCreateBroadphaseFunc;
- }
- public:
- createBroadPhaseFunc m_originalCreateBroadphaseFunc;
- private:
- };
- };
- // Use this help class to enable 32 bit broadphase. Put it *before* world construction, in the same scope as the call to hkpWorld's constructor.
- // You will need to #include this header
- // Example:
- // #include <hkinternal/collide/broadphase/hkpBroadPhase.h>
- // ...
- // hkpBroadPhase::Enable32BitBroadphase broadphaseHelper;
- // hkpWorld* myWorld = new hkpWorld(worldCinfo);
- #include <Physics/Internal/Collide/BroadPhase/hkpBroadPhase.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */