- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/DebugUtil/DeterminismUtil/hkCheckDeterminismUtil.h>
- #include <Physics/ConstraintSolver/Accumulator/hkpVelocityAccumulator.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Entity/hkpEntity.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/hkpConstraintOwner.h>
- #include <Physics/Internal/Collide/Agent3/Machine/Nn/hkpAgentNnTrack.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Dispatch/BroadPhase/hkpBroadPhaseListener.h>
- class hkUnionFind;
- class hkpAction;
- class hkpEntity;
- class hkpConstraintInstance;
- class hkStepInfo;
- class hkpBroadPhase;
- class hkpWorld;
- class hkpCollisionDispatcher;
- struct hkpWorldDynamicsStepInfo;
- class hkpBroadPhaseHandlePair;
- struct hkpCollisionInput;
- struct hkpProcessCollisionOutput;
- /// These objects are internally managed by hkpWorld. They are created and destroyed continuously during simulation.
- /// At any one time, you can view the contents of the simulation islands, by calling hkpWorld::getActiveSimulationIslands
- /// and hkpWorld::getInactiveSimulationIslands. However you must NOT keep any handles to the simulation islands, and you
- /// must not alter anything in the simulation islands.
- class hkpSimulationIsland : public hkpConstraintOwner
- {
- public:
- /// Get the list of entities in the simulation island
- inline const hkArray<hkpEntity*>& getEntities() const;
- /// Get the list of actions in the simulation island
- inline const hkArray<hkpAction*>& getActions() const;
- /// Returns true if the island was processed during the last frame.
- ///
- /// Deactivation happens at the beginning of a simulation step,
- /// therefore this property doesn't tell if the island will still be processed
- /// on the next frame.
- ///
- /// Also note that the fact that an island was processed during the last frame
- /// doesn't imply that it was fully solved and integrated -- it might had been
- /// activated by a merge with another island during collision detection, or during a TOI.
- inline hkBool wasActiveLastFrame() const;
- /// Returns true is the island is fixed
- inline hkBool isFixed() const;
- /// Get the world
- inline hkpWorld* getWorld();
- /// Gets the memory usage required to complete the next integration step on this island.
- /// This function is called internally to prevent the memory usage breaching the critical memory limit in
- /// hkMemory.
- inline int getMemUsageForIntegration();
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- void calcContentStatistics( hkStatisticsCollector* collector, const hkClass* cls) const;
- //
- // The remainder of the file is for Internal use only
- //
- protected:
- friend class hkpWorld;
- friend class hkpWorldOperationUtil;
- friend class hkpWorldCallbackUtil;
- friend class hkpSimulation;
- friend class hkpContinuousSimulation;
- hkpSimulationIsland( hkpWorld* world );
- ~hkpSimulationIsland();
- // Properly sets storage indices and pointers on the entity. Updates island's data with entity's motion info.
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- void internalAddEntity(hkpEntity* entity);
- // Properly sets storage indices and pointers on the entity. Updates island's data with entity's motion info.
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- void internalRemoveEntity(hkpEntity* entity);
- // hkpConstraintOwner interface implementation
- virtual void addConstraintToCriticalLockedIsland( hkpConstraintInstance* constraint );
- virtual void removeConstraintFromCriticalLockedIsland( hkpConstraintInstance* constraint );
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [constraint->getSimulationIsland()->getWorld(),HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- virtual void addCallbackRequest( hkpConstraintInstance* constraint, int request );
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_IGNORE] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- virtual void checkAccessRw();
- #endif
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- void addAction( hkpAction* act );
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- void removeAction( hkpAction* act );
- protected:
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- hkBool isFullyConnected( hkUnionFind& checkConnectivityOut );
- public:
- inline int getStorageIndex();
- public:
- void markForWrite( );
- inline void unmarkForWrite();
- public:
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- void isValid();
- void mergeConstraintInfo( hkpSimulationIsland& other );
- // helper functions for debugging multithreading
- inline void markAllEntitiesReadOnly() const;
- // helper functions for debugging multithreading
- inline void unmarkAllEntitiesReadOnly() const;
- hkMultiThreadCheck& getMultiThreadCheck() const { return m_multiThreadCheck; }
- public:
- hkpWorld* m_world;
- // The number of constraints in this island. This number could be more than 65k!
- int m_numConstraints;
- // Storage index of the island: either in hkpWorld::m_activeSimulationIslands or hkpWorld::m_inactiveSimulationIslands
- // depending on m_isInActiveIslandsArray
- hkObjectIndex m_storageIndex;
- // If the island is dirty, than the island is also stored in the hkpWorld::m_dirtySimulationIslands
- // dirty islands are cleaned up in hkpWorldOperationUtil::cleanupDirtyIslands
- hkObjectIndex m_dirtyListIndex;
- // A counter which is incremented each frame
- // only on every 7th frame we check for split or subisland deactivation
- hkUchar m_splitCheckFrameCounter;
- // set if a split is requested
- bool m_splitCheckRequested:2;
- // this is set if the island can be split into subislands, but it
- // is not done to avoid tiny islands.
- // See hkpWorldCinfo::m_minDesiredIslandSize for details
- bool m_sparseEnabled:2;
- // set if the action array need cleanup
- bool m_actionListCleanupNeeded:2;
- // for debugging multithreading
- bool m_allowIslandLocking:2;
- // see m_storageIndex
- bool m_isInActiveIslandsArray:2;
- // desired Activation State. Can only be deactivated if m_sparseEnabled is set to false
- bool m_activeMark:2;
- // if this is set to true, the island is integrated and cannot be modified, this is used for debugging multithreading only
- bool m_inIntegrateJob:2;
- protected:
- mutable hkMultiThreadCheck m_multiThreadCheck;
- public:
- hkReal m_timeSinceLastHighFrequencyCheck;
- hkReal m_timeSinceLastLowFrequencyCheck;
- hkArray<hkpAction*> m_actions;
- hkTime m_timeOfDeactivation;
- //
- // the next two 'objects' are both 16byte-aligned so we place them at the end of the class
- //
- // the entities (note: optimized for single entities)
- // for spus this must be 16 byte aligned (the constructor sets the initial capacity to 4
- // the maximum size of this inplace array must be one. Or the split simulation island code could generate an invalid dealloce, which
- // will be very difficult to track down.
- hkInplaceArray<hkpEntity*,1> m_entities;
- // for narrowphase collision agents
- hkpAgentNnTrack m_agentTrack;
- // This is a variable tag. At all times these are unique tags.
- };
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/World/hkpSimulationIsland.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */