Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/Types/Physics/ContactPoint/hkContactPoint.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Collide/hkpDynamicsContactMgr.h>
- #include <Physics/ConstraintSolver/Constraint/Contact/hkpContactPointProperties.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Agent/ContactMgr/hkpContactMgr.h>
- #include <Physics/Collide/Agent/hkpProcessCollisionOutput.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Collide/hkpSimpleConstraintContactMgr.h>
- class hkpCollidable;
- struct hkpCollisionInput;
- struct hkpProcessCollisionOutput;
- class hkpEntity;
- class hkpDynamicsContactMgr;
- /// Accept or reject contact points.
- enum hkpContactPointAccept
- {
- /// Accept.
- /// Reject.
- };
- #if defined(HK_PLATFORM_PS3_SPU)
- template <> struct hkSpuStorage<hkpContactPointAccept> { typedef vec_int4 StorageType; typedef int PromoteType; };
- //HK_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(hkpContactPointAccept) == 4 );
- #endif
- struct hkpToiPointAddedEvent;
- struct hkpManifoldPointAddedEvent;
- struct hkpSimpleContactConstraintAtom;
- /// This collision event is passed to a hkpCollisionListener's contactPointAddedCallback() just when
- /// a new contact point is created by the engine
- struct hkpContactPointAddedEvent
- {
- /// This is the hkpCdBody that was used (for entity A) to generate the contact point. If the entity's collision
- /// detection representation is a single shape (for example one hkpConvexVerticesShape) this will actually be
- /// a reference to the entity's hkpCollidable. However if the entity has a more complicated shape hierarchy
- /// (such as a hkpMeshShape) then this will be a stack allocated hkpCdBody object, which may also reference a
- /// stack allocated hkpShape. Do not store a pointer to this hkpCdBody, or the shape it references for this
- /// reason, as the objects may be temporary. You can call getRootCollidable() on the hkpCdBody, which will
- /// return a reference to the (permanent) heap created hkpCollidable owned by the entity.
- /// The shape this points to is always the "leaf" shape, e.g. the actual triangle
- /// that created the contact point.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const hkpCdBody*) m_bodyA;
- /// This is the hkpCdBody that was used (for entity B) to generate the contact point. See the comments for m_bodyA
- /// for further details.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const hkpCdBody*) m_bodyB;
- enum Type { TYPE_TOI, TYPE_MANIFOLD };
- const hkEnum<Type, hkInt32> m_type;
- /// The entity this collision listener was added to
- /// (or HK_NULL if the collision listener was added to the world)
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpEntity*) m_callbackFiredFrom;
- /// The contact point. This cannot be changed by the user - it needs to be done in process callback.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const hkContactPoint*) m_contactPoint;
- /// Optional information about the feature type of that contact.
- /// This provides detailed information about the type of contact, e.g.
- /// point-point, point-edge .., edge-edge or point-triangle.
- /// Only valid if the gsk algorithm is used. However if hkpShapeCollection::m_disableWelding
- /// is set to false (default), this pointer might be HK_NULL.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const hkpGskCache*) m_gskCache;
- /// The contact point properties, including friction and restitution.
- /// This is changeable (and is the best place to change it).
- /// This is set to HK_NULL if you're using hkpReportContactMgr.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpContactPointProperties*) m_contactPointProperties;
- /// gets the body index to be used by getNumExtendedUserDatas and getExtendedUserData
- inline int getEntityIndex( const hkpEntity* entity ) const;
- /// gets the contact atom.
- inline const hkpSimpleContactConstraintAtom* getAtom() const;
- /// Gets number of extended user datas for that entity.
- inline int getNumExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity) const;
- /// Gets all user datas into the 'datasOut' buffer. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void getExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasOut, int numDatas) const;
- /// Writes all data from 'datasIn' buffer into the extended user data block. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void setExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasIn, int numDatas) const;
- /// The relative velocity of the objects at the point of contact projected onto the collision normal.<br>
- /// Note: this value is negative
- /// You can change its value, but it only has an effect for toi contact points
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkReal) m_projectedVelocity;
- /// Whether the contact point will actually be added to the constraint solver or not.
- /// By default this is HK_CONTACT_POINT_ACCEPT. If you set this to HK_CONTACT_POINT_REJECT
- /// the contact point will be removed and a remove callback will be triggered immediately.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpContactPointAccept) m_status;
- inline hkBool isToi() const;
- /// if the underlying contact point is a toi contact point, this will give you a safe access
- /// to the additional properties
- inline hkpToiPointAddedEvent& asToiEvent();
- /// if the underlying contact point is a normal collision point, this will give you a safe access
- /// to the additional properties
- inline hkpManifoldPointAddedEvent& asManifoldEvent();
- //
- // internal section
- //
- // The contact manager.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpDynamicsContactMgr*) m_internalContactMgr;
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const struct hkpProcessCollisionInput*) m_collisionInput;
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(struct hkpProcessCollisionOutput*) m_collisionOutput;
- // Creates a new hkpContactPointAddedEvent.
- inline hkpContactPointAddedEvent( hkpDynamicsContactMgr* contactMgr,
- const hkpProcessCollisionInput* m_collisionInput,
- hkpProcessCollisionOutput* m_collisionOutput,
- const hkpCdBody* a, const hkpCdBody* b,
- hkContactPoint* cp, const hkpGskCache* gskCache, hkpContactPointProperties* cpp,
- hkReal projectedVelocity, Type pointType );
- };
- /// additional properties, in case hkpContactPointAddedEvent is a toi event
- struct hkpToiPointAddedEvent: public hkpContactPointAddedEvent
- {
- /// The time of impact, you can modify this value
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkTime) m_toi;
- // Creates a new hkpContactPointAddedEvent.
- inline hkpToiPointAddedEvent( hkpDynamicsContactMgr* contactMgr,
- const hkpProcessCollisionInput* collisionInput,
- hkpProcessCollisionOutput* collisionOutput,
- const hkpCdBody* a, const hkpCdBody* b,
- hkContactPoint* cp, const hkpGskCache* gskCache, hkpContactPointProperties* cpp,
- hkTime toi, hkReal projectedVelocity );
- };
- /// Additional properties if the added event was fired by the normal discrete collision detection
- struct hkpManifoldPointAddedEvent : public hkpContactPointAddedEvent
- {
- /// Identifies the contact point in the contact mgr
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkContactPointId) m_contactPointId;
- /// This lets you specify the delay to the next process callback.
- /// This is by default initialized with 0
- mutable HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkUint16) m_nextProcessCallbackDelay;
- inline hkpManifoldPointAddedEvent( hkContactPointId contactPointId,
- hkpDynamicsContactMgr* contactMgr,
- const hkpProcessCollisionInput* collisionInput,
- hkpProcessCollisionOutput* collisionOutput,
- const hkpCdBody* a, const hkpCdBody* b,
- hkContactPoint* cp, const hkpGskCache* gskCache, hkpContactPointProperties* cpp,
- hkReal projectedVelocity);
- };
- /// This event is fired once for every new contact point exactly when
- /// its information is used for the very first time.
- /// You should use this:
- /// - to trigger high quality game events
- /// Warning: Due to the way this function is implemented, you cannot use it to
- /// apply forces or impulses at rigid bodies. The reason is that
- /// this callback is fired by the solver and at this stage the rigid
- /// body velocities are copied to internal solver data already.
- struct hkpContactPointConfirmedEvent
- {
- /// The first entity's hkpCollidable. Note that this is not the "leaf" hkpCdBody (as is the case for the hkpContactPointAddedEvent).
- /// This is because these events are fired after collision detection has been performed, and the hkpCdBody objects needed
- /// to create the contact points may no longer exist.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidableA;
- /// The second entity's hkpCollidable. Note that this is not the "leaf" hkpCdBody (as is the case for the hkpContactPointAddedEvent).
- /// This is because these events are fired after collision detection has been performed, and the hkpCdBody objects needed
- /// to create the contact points may no longer exist.
- const hkpCollidable* m_collidableB;
- /// The entity this collision listener was added to
- /// (or HK_NULL if the collision listener was added to the world)
- hkpEntity* m_callbackFiredFrom;
- /// returns true if the contact point is a toi contact point
- inline hkBool isToi() const;
- //
- // Changeable attributes:
- //
- /// The contact point.
- hkContactPoint* m_contactPoint;
- /// The contact point properties, including friction and restitution.
- /// This is set to HK_NULL if you're using hkpReportContactMgr.
- hkpContactPointProperties* m_contactPointProperties;
- /// gets the body index to be used by getNumExtendedUserDatas and getExtendedUserData
- inline int getEntityIndex( const hkpEntity* entity ) const;
- /// gets the contact atom.
- inline const hkpSimpleContactConstraintAtom* getAtom() const;
- /// Gets number of extended user datas for that entity.
- inline int getNumExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity) const;
- /// Gets all user datas into the 'datasOut' buffer. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void getExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasOut, int numDatas) const;
- /// Writes all data from 'datasIn' buffer into the extended user data block. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void setExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasIn, int numDatas) const;
- /// Specifies how much the contact normal should be rotated in toi events. This is only relevant for Toi points.
- /// When set to non-zero value, this parameter reduces number of toi collisions, artificially adding separating velocity to colliding bodies.
- /// The higher the relative velocity of the bodies in the contact's tangent plane, the higher the extra impulse.
- /// Note: This causes serious artifacts for collisions of e.g. a car riding along a wall and then crashing/sliding into the wall. Similarly,
- /// it may cause artifacts, when a car's chassis collides with landscape. It is advised to zero this parameter in a callback in such cases.
- hkReal m_rotateNormal;
- /// The relative velocity of the objects at the point of contact projected onto the collision normal.
- /// Changing this value influences the restitution. If this event is a toi event, you should
- /// only decrease its value, otherwise objects can sink in at the expense of tons of extra CPU.
- hkReal m_projectedVelocity;
- const hkEnum<hkpContactPointAddedEvent::Type, hkInt32> m_type;
- /// Gets the contact point id of this point (or -1 for TOIs)
- hkContactPointId getContactPointId() const;
- /// Gets the DynamicsContactMgr: Warning: This function only works if you are not implementing your own
- /// hkpDynamicsContactMgr
- //
- const class hkpDynamicsContactMgr* getContactMgr() const;
- // Internal section
- //
- /// Pointer to the contact constraint data that triggered the callback. This can be used to access the contact manager and
- /// extract the id of the contact point. This is only valid for in-manifold contact points, and is set to null for Toi contact points.
- const class hkpSimpleContactConstraintData* m_contactData;
- // Creates a new hkpContactPointAddedEvent.
- inline hkpContactPointConfirmedEvent( hkpContactPointAddedEvent::Type type,
- const hkpCollidable* a, const hkpCollidable* b,
- const hkpSimpleContactConstraintData* data,
- hkContactPoint* cp, hkpContactPointProperties* cpp,
- hkReal rotateNormal,
- hkReal projectedVelocity);
- };
- /// This collision event is passed to a hkpCollisionListener's contactPointRemovedCallback() before a contact point is removed.
- struct hkpContactPointRemovedEvent
- {
- /// gets the body index to be used by getNumExtendedUserDatas and getExtendedUserData
- inline int getEntityIndex( const hkpEntity* entity ) const;
- /// gets the contact atom.
- inline const hkpSimpleContactConstraintAtom* getAtom() const;
- /// Gets number of extended user datas for that entity.
- inline int getNumExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity) const;
- /// Gets all user datas into the 'datasOut' buffer. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void getExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasOut, int numDatas) const;
- /// Writes all data from 'datasIn' buffer into the extended user data block. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void setExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasIn, int numDatas) const;
- /// Identifies the contact point. Is set to HK_INVALID_CONTACT_POINT if this contact point was a toi
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkContactPointId) m_contactPointId;
- /// The properties of the contact point.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpContactPointProperties*) m_contactPointProperties;
- /// The first entity.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpEntity*) m_entityA;
- /// The second entity.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpEntity*) m_entityB;
- /// The entity this collision listener was added to
- /// (or HK_NULL if the collision listener was added to the world)
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpEntity*) m_callbackFiredFrom;
- /// returns true if the contact point is a toi contact point
- inline hkBool isToi();
- //
- // Internal section
- //
- // Creates a new hkpContactPointRemovedEvent.
- inline hkpContactPointRemovedEvent( hkContactPointId contactPointId, hkpDynamicsContactMgr* contactMgr, class hkpConstraintOwner* constraintOwner, hkpContactPointProperties* prop, hkpEntity* a, hkpEntity* b);
- // The contact manager.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpDynamicsContactMgr*) m_internalContactMgr;
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpConstraintOwner*) m_constraintOwner;
- };
- /// This collision event is passed to a hkpCollisionListener's contactProcessCallback() just after
- /// all collision agents between a pair of bodies have been executed.
- struct hkpContactProcessEvent
- {
- const hkpContactProcessEvent& operator=(const hkpContactProcessEvent&);
- /// gets the body index to be used by getNumExtendedUserDatas and getExtendedUserData
- inline int getEntityIndex( const hkpEntity* entity ) const;
- /// gets the contact atom.
- inline const hkpSimpleContactConstraintAtom* getAtom() const;
- /// Gets number of extended user datas for that entity.
- inline int getNumExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity) const;
- /// Gets all user datas into the 'datasOut' buffer. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void getExtendedUserDatas(int contactPointIndex, const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasOut, int numDatas) const;
- /// Writes all data from 'datasIn' buffer into the extended user data block. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void setExtendedUserDatas(int contactPointIndex, const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasIn, int numDatas) const;
- /// Gets all user datas into the 'datasOut' buffer. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void getToiExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasOut, int numDatas) const;
- /// Writes all data from 'datasIn' buffer into the extended user data block. The buffer's size must match the size of extended datas.
- inline void setToiExtendedUserDatas(const hkpEntity* entity, hkpContactPointProperties::UserData* datasIn, int numDatas) const;
- /// The first entity's hkpCollidable. Note that this is not the "leaf" hkpCdBody (as is the case for the hkpContactPointAddedEvent).
- /// This is because these events are fired after collision detection has been performed, and the hkpCdBody objects needed
- /// to create the contact points may no longer exist.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const hkpCollidable*) m_collidableA;
- /// The second entity's hkpCollidable. Note that this is not the "leaf" hkpCdBody (as is the case for the hkpContactPointAddedEvent).
- /// This is because these events are fired after collision detection has been performed, and the hkpCdBody objects needed
- /// to create the contact points may no longer exist.
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(const hkpCollidable*) m_collidableB;
- /// The entity this collision listener was added to
- /// (or HK_NULL if the collision listener was added to the world)
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpEntity*) m_callbackFiredFrom;
- /// All contact points including the toi contact point
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpProcessCollisionData*) m_collisionData;
- /// An array of additional properties, like friction, one pointer for each contact point in
- /// the m_collisionData->m_contactPoints array
- /// This is only available on ppu. On Spu use m_internalContactMgr->getContactPointProperty().
- hkpContactPointProperties* m_contactPointProperties[ HK_MAX_CONTACT_POINT ];
- //
- // Internal section
- //
- // Access to the contact manager
- HK_PAD_ON_SPU(hkpDynamicsContactMgr*) m_internalContactMgr;
- /// Creates a new hkpContactProcessEvent.
- inline hkpContactProcessEvent( hkpDynamicsContactMgr* contactMgr, const hkpCollidable* a, const hkpCollidable* b, hkpProcessCollisionData* cr);
- };
- /// The base interface for listeners that respond to collision events.
- /// There are two types of contacts:
- /// - Normal contacts, which are persistent between two objects and are part of the contact manifold
- /// - Toi contacts, which are just created if two objects hit with high velocity and the interaction
- /// of both objects is flagged as continuous.
- class hkpCollisionListener
- {
- public:
- /// Called after a contact point is created. This contact point is still a potential one.
- /// You can use this callback to:
- /// - Override the friction and restitution values in the contact point's hkContactPointMaterial.
- /// - Reject the contact point.
- /// In this call you get access to the full information of the new contact point.
- virtual void contactPointAddedCallback( hkpContactPointAddedEvent& event) = 0;
- /// Called when a new contact point is used for the very first time.
- /// At this stage the contact point no longer is a potential one.
- /// So this callback can be used to trigger high quality game events.
- /// This callback is fired:
- /// - If it is a normal (manifold) contact: by the constraint solver
- /// - If it is a toi contact: by the toi handler in hkpContinuousSimulation
- virtual void contactPointConfirmedCallback( hkpContactPointConfirmedEvent& event) = 0;
- /// Called before a contact point gets removed.
- virtual void contactPointRemovedCallback( hkpContactPointRemovedEvent& event ) = 0;
- /// Called just after all collision detection between 2 rigid bodies has been executed.
- /// NB: Callback frequency is related to hkpEntity::m_processContactCallbackDelay.
- /// This callback allows you to change any information in the result.
- /// You can and should use this callback to:
- /// - do custom welding
- /// - trigger sound effects, especially scratching and rolling
- virtual void contactProcessCallback( hkpContactProcessEvent& event ) {}
- /// Virtual destructor for derived objects
- virtual ~hkpCollisionListener() {}
- };
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Collide/hkpCollisionListener.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */