- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/hkpConstraintData.h>
- #include <Physics/ConstraintSolver/Constraint/Atom/hkpConstraintAtom.h>
- extern const hkClass hkpHingeLimitsDataClass;
- /// This is a version of a hkLimitedHingeConstraint with removed linear constraints.
- /// This constraint is meant to be used with hkConstraintChains.
- /// (that correspond to the ball-and-socket part). Once a chain has been defined, this constraint can be simply overlayed on top of it to impose
- /// additional angular constraints.
- /// When this constraint is used together with hkpPoweredChainData,
- /// care should be taken not to set the target in the powered chain data to lay
- /// outside the limits defined here.
- class hkpHingeLimitsData : public hkpConstraintData
- {
- public:
- hkpHingeLimitsData();
- /// Set the data for a Limited Hinge constraint with information given in body space.
- void setInBodySpace(const hkVector4& axisA, const hkVector4& axisB,
- const hkVector4& axisAPerp, const hkVector4& axisBPerp);
- /// Set the data for a Limited Hinge constraint with information given in world space.
- void setInWorldSpace(const hkTransform& bodyATransform, const hkTransform& bodyBTransform, const hkVector4& axis);
- /// Check consistency of constraint members
- virtual hkBool isValid() const;
- /* Methods to set and get angle limits */
- /// Sets the maximum angular limit.
- inline void setMaxAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Sets the minimum angular limit.
- inline void setMinAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Gets the maximum angular limit.
- inline hkReal getMaxAngularLimit() const;
- /// Gets the minimum angular limit.
- inline hkReal getMinAngularLimit() const;
- /// sets the m_angularLimitsTauFactor. This is a factor in the range between 0 and 1
- /// which controls the stiffness of the angular limits. If you slowly increase
- /// this value from 0 to 1 for a newly created constraint,
- /// you can nicely blend in the limits.
- inline void setAngularLimitsTauFactor( hkReal mag );
- /// get the m_angularLimitsTauFactor;
- inline hkReal getAngularLimitsTauFactor() const;
- /// Get type from this constraint
- virtual int getType() const;
- enum
- {
- SOLVER_RESULT_LIMITS = 0, // angular limits defined around m_freeAxisA
- SOLVER_RESULT_ANG_AXIS_1 = 1, // angular constraint defined by m_constrainedAxis1A
- SOLVER_RESULT_ANG_AXIS_2 = 2, // angular constraint defined by m_constrainedAxis2A
- SOLVER_RESULT_MAX = 3 // keep this in sync with the hkSolverResult array below
- };
- struct Runtime
- {
- class hkpSolverResults m_solverResults[3/*VC6 doesn't like the scoping for SOLVER_RESULT_MAX*/];
- // used by limits
- hkReal m_lastAngle;
- };
- static inline Runtime* HK_CALL getRuntime( hkpConstraintRuntime* runtime ) { return reinterpret_cast<Runtime*>(runtime); }
- public:
- struct Atoms
- {
- struct hkpSetLocalRotationsConstraintAtom m_rotations;
- struct hkpAngLimitConstraintAtom m_angLimit;
- struct hkp2dAngConstraintAtom m_2dAng;
- enum Axis
- {
- AXIS_AXLE = 0,
- };
- Atoms(){}
- // get a pointer to the first atom
- const hkpConstraintAtom* getAtoms() const { return &m_rotations; }
- // get the size of all atoms (we can't use sizeof(*this) because of align16 padding)
- int getSizeOfAllAtoms() const { return hkGetByteOffsetInt(this, &m_2dAng+1); }
- Atoms(hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag f) :m_rotations(f), m_angLimit(f), m_2dAng(f) {}
- };
- HK_ALIGN16( struct Atoms m_atoms );
- public:
- // hkpConstraintData interface implementations
- virtual void getConstraintInfo( ConstraintInfo& infoOut ) const;
- // hkpConstraintData interface implementations
- virtual void getRuntimeInfo( hkBool wantRuntime, hkpConstraintData::RuntimeInfo& infoOut ) const;
- public:
- hkpHingeLimitsData(hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag f) : hkpConstraintData(f), m_atoms(f) {}
- };
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/Chain/HingeLimits/hkpHingeLimitsData.inl>
- #endif // HK_HINGE_LIMITS_H
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */