- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Physics/ConstraintSolver/Solve/hkpSolverResults.h>
- #include <Physics/ConstraintSolver/Constraint/Atom/hkpConstraintAtom.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/Chain/hkpConstraintChainData.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Action/hkpArrayAction.h>
- /// hkPoweredChainData connects a series of bodies by 6d constraints.
- ///
- /// The powered chain is essentially composed of a hkpBallSocketChainData with angular motors added on top of it.
- ///
- /// hkpPoweredChainData is suited to the accurate simulation of character limbs.
- /// This constraints also allows for motors with a torque limit to model real human muscles.
- class hkpPoweredChainData : public hkpConstraintChainData
- {
- public:
- hkpPoweredChainData();
- ~hkpPoweredChainData();
- /// Not implemented. Returns always true.
- hkBool isValid() const { return true; }
- /// Get type from this constraint.
- virtual int getType() const;
- /// Returns the number of stored constraint infos.
- virtual int getNumConstraintInfos() { return m_infos.getSize(); }
- /// Adds a constraint info to the chain.
- /// param pivotInA Pivot point in bodyA's local space.
- /// param pivotInB Pivot point in bodyB's local space.
- /// param aTc Relative orientation of the two bodies to be enforced. Specifies orientation of bodyB reference direction in relation to bodyA's space.
- /// param bTc Relative orientation of the motors' space. Specifies orientation of the motors in bodyB's space.
- /// param switchBodies When set the link is 'reversed' and treates bodyB as bodyA and the other way around.
- /// param motor Motor that is to be used by the constraints. The motor specifies the maximum forces exerted at the constraint, and
- /// error correction parameters.
- void addConstraintInfoInBodySpace(const hkVector4& pivotInA, const hkVector4& pivotInB, const hkQuaternion& aTc,
- class hkpConstraintMotor* xMotor, class hkpConstraintMotor* yMotor, class hkpConstraintMotor* zMotor);
- /// This is disables processing of a motor in a chain. An excluded motor is always processed by the iterative solver before other constraints in the chain.
- static void HK_CALL enableMotor(class hkpConstraintChainInstance* instance, int constraintIndex, int motorIndex);
- /// This is re-enables processing of a motor in a chain. Initially all motors are enabled.
- static void HK_CALL disableMotor(class hkpConstraintChainInstance* instance, int constraintIndex, int motorIndex);
- public:
- struct Runtime
- {
- // Stores hkpSolverResults [6 * m_infos.getSize()]
- // hkp3dAngularMotorSolverInfo::Status [m_infos.getSize()] // flags for angular constraints
- // hkQuaternion [m_infos.getSize()] // motor's runtime data
- };
- inline const Runtime* getRuntime( hkpConstraintRuntime* runtime ) { return reinterpret_cast<Runtime*>(runtime); }
- inline hkpSolverResults* getSolverResults(hkpConstraintRuntime* runtime) { return reinterpret_cast<hkpSolverResults*>( runtime ); }
- // assuming we always want solver results
- // -- other wise swap the order of solverResults and externalRuntimeData
- inline hkp3dAngularMotorSolverInfo::Status* getConstraintFlags(hkpConstraintRuntime* runtime)
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<hkp3dAngularMotorSolverInfo::Status*>( hkAddByteOffset(runtime, m_infos.getSize() * 6 * sizeof(hkpSolverResults) ));
- }
- inline hkReal* getMotorRuntimeQuaternions( hkpConstraintRuntime* runtime)
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<hkReal*>( hkAddByteOffset( getConstraintFlags(runtime), HK_NEXT_MULTIPLE_OF(4, m_infos.getSize() * sizeof(hkp3dAngularMotorSolverInfo::Status)) ) );
- }
- public:
- //
- // Internal functions
- //
- /// Interface implementation.
- virtual void buildJacobian( const hkpConstraintQueryIn &in, hkpConstraintQueryOut &out );
- /// Interface implementation.
- virtual void getConstraintInfo( hkpConstraintData::ConstraintInfo& infoOut ) const;
- /// Interface implementation.
- virtual void getRuntimeInfo( hkBool wantRuntime, hkpConstraintData::RuntimeInfo& infoOut ) const;
- public:
- /// Serialization ctor.
- hkpPoweredChainData(hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag f);
- public:
- struct hkpBridgeAtoms m_atoms;
- struct ConstraintInfo
- {
- /// Constraint's pivot point in bodyA's space.
- hkVector4 m_pivotInA;
- /// Constraint's pivot point in bodyB's space.
- hkVector4 m_pivotInB;
- /// Relative orientation of the two bodies to be enforced. Specifies orientation of bodyB's reference direction in relation to bodyA's space.
- hkQuaternion m_aTc;
- /// Specifies the reference frame of the constraint in the bodyB's space (or bodyA's space when m_switchBodies == true).
- hkQuaternion m_bTc;
- /// Pointers to motors for the angular constraints.
- // Those cannot be HK_NULL because we take tau/damping from them.
- class hkpConstraintMotor* m_motors[3];
- /// When set to true, it switches the roles of bodyA and bodyB:
- /// The target m_aTb quaternion is interpreted as m_bTa; the constraint space is aligned to the body A instead of body B.
- /// Note that the pivot vectors are not swapped.
- hkBool m_switchBodies;
- };
- /// Constraint infos for the chain's constraints.
- hkArray<struct ConstraintInfo> m_infos;
- /// Solver tau, this overrides the global value from hkpSolverInfo when processing the ball-socket part of the constraint.
- /// The angular parts use the tau/dumping values from the motors.
- hkReal m_tau;
- /// Solver damping, this overrides the global value from hkpSolverInfo.
- /// The angular parts use the tau/dumping values from the motors.
- hkReal m_damping;
- /// Constraint force mixing parameter.
- ///
- /// Adding this value makes the constraint softer and it behaves in a spring-like manner.
- /// This is achieved by adding this value to the diagonal of the constraint matrix for the linear velocity equations.
- ///
- /// Should be zero or tiny, e.g. a fraction of HK_REAL_EPSILON. When this value is zero, then some chain configurations
- /// may result in a division by zero when solving.
- hkReal m_cfmLinAdd; //+default(0.1f*1.19209290e-07f)
- /// Constraint force mixing parameter, See m_cfmLinAdd for more details.
- ///
- /// Multiplication factor for the diagonal value of the constraint matrix for the linear velocity equations.
- /// This parameter should be equal or greater than 1.0f. For visible effect try the value of 1.5f. You might set this value to as high as 10.0f.
- /// Note that in chains, you'd usually leave this parameter at 1.0f (as you rearely want to affect the ball-and-socket part of the chain) and
- /// increase the angular-part cfm instead.
- hkReal m_cfmLinMul; //+default(1.0f)
- /// Constraint force mixing parameter, see m_cfmLinAdd for more details.
- ///
- /// Should be zero or tiny, e.g. a fraction of HK_REAL_EPSILON. When this value is zero, then some chain configurations
- /// may result in a division by zero when solving.
- hkReal m_cfmAngAdd; //+default(0.1f*1.19209290e-07F)
- /// Constraint force mixing parameter, see m_cfmLinAdd for more details.
- ///
- /// Multiplication factor for the diagonal value of the constraint matrix for the angular velocity equations.
- /// This parameter should be equal or greater than 1.0f. For visible effect try the value of 1.5f. You might set this value to as high as 10.0f.
- hkReal m_cfmAngMul; //+default(1.0f)
- /// Specifies the maximum distance error in constraints allowed before the stabilization algorithm kicks in.
- /// The algorithm eliminates explosions in may cases, but due to its nature it yields incorrect results in certain use cases.
- /// It is disabled by default.
- hkReal m_maxErrorDistance;
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
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- */