Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/hkpConstraintData.h>
- #include <Physics/ConstraintSolver/Constraint/Atom/hkpConstraintAtom.h>
- class hkpRigidBody;
- extern const hkClass hkpRagdollConstraintDataClass;
- /// The ragdoll constraint. You can use this constraint to to realistically
- /// simulate the behavior of body joints, such as hips, shoulders, and knees.
- /// Ragdoll constraint allows you to activate motors to drive the 3 angles. If
- /// you are using a motor with a target position to set, set it to 0. During
- /// the hkpConstraintMotor::motor() callback the difference between the current
- /// angle the desired angle will be passed in. This will result in your motor
- /// driving the difference in the angle to zero. If the motor is enabled, all
- /// friction will be disabled, however once you disable the motor, friction
- /// will be enabled again.
- class hkpRagdollConstraintData : public hkpConstraintData
- {
- public:
- hkpRagdollConstraintData();
- /// Will dereference any motors held.
- ~hkpRagdollConstraintData();
- /// Setup a ragdoll constraint based on information in world space.
- /// Use the set angle limit methods to add in the extra data.
- /// Use the set motors and set angle limit methods to add in the extra data.
- /// Will set the target frame B to match the current setup frame for B
- /// param bodyA The attached body transform
- /// param bodyB The reference body transform
- /// param pivot The pivot point, specified in world space.
- /// param twistAxisW The twist axis, specified in world space.
- /// param planeAxisW The plane axis, specified in world space.
- void setInWorldSpace(const hkTransform& bodyATransform, const hkTransform& bodyBTransform,
- const hkVector4& pivot, const hkVector4& twistAxisW,
- const hkVector4& planeAxisW);
- /// Setup a ragdoll constraint based on information in body space.
- /// Use the set angle limit methods to add in the extra data.
- /// Use the set motors and set angle limit methods to add in the extra data.
- /// Will set the target frame B to match the current setup frame for B
- /// param pivotA The pivot point, specified in bodyA space.
- /// param pivotB The pivot point, specified in bodyB space.
- /// param twistAxisA The twist axis, specified in bodyA space.
- /// param twistAxisB The twist axis, specified in bodyB space.
- /// param planeAxisA The plane axis, specified in bodyA space.
- /// param planeAxisB The plane axis, specified in bodyB space.
- void setInBodySpace( const hkVector4& pivotA, const hkVector4& pivotB,
- const hkVector4& planeAxisA, const hkVector4& planeAxisB,
- const hkVector4& twistAxisA, const hkVector4& twistAxisB);
- /// Gets the constraint frame.
- /// param constraintFrameA Column 0 = twist axis, Column 1 = plane, Column 2 = twist cross plane.
- void getConstraintFrameA( hkMatrix3& constraintFrameA ) const;
- /// Gets the constraint frame.
- /// param constraintFrameB Column 0 = twist axis, Column 1 = plane, Column 2 = twist cross plane.
- void getConstraintFrameB( hkMatrix3& constraintFrameB ) const;
- /// Sets the minimum twist limit (in radians).
- inline void setTwistMinAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Sets the maximum twist limit (in radians).
- inline void setTwistMaxAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Sets the maximum plane limit (in radians).
- inline void setPlaneMaxAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Sets the minimum plane limit (in radians).
- inline void setPlaneMinAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Sets the half angle used to define the cone of possible movement (in radians).
- inline void setConeAngularLimit(hkReal rad);
- /// Enables/disables cone limit stabilization.
- void setConeLimitStabilization(hkBool enable);
- /// Sets the angle used to define the cone of possible movement in terms of
- /// a min and max angle which it bisects and then calls setConeAngularLimit()
- /// and also adjusts the twist axis in body B accordingly.
- /// The angles are specified in radians.
- void setAsymmetricConeAngle(hkReal cone_min, hkReal cone_max );
- /// Sets the friction value. Set this before adding to the system.
- /// Note that this value is an absolute torque value and is therefore
- /// dependent on the masses of constrained bodies and not limited
- /// between 0.0f and 1.0f. If trying to stiffen up ragdoll constraints,
- /// try setting this value sufficiently high so that constraints are
- /// completely stiff and then reduce until the desired behavior has
- /// been achieved.
- void setMaxFrictionTorque(hkReal tmag);
- /// Sets the m_angularLimitsTauFactor. This is a factor in the range
- /// between 0 and 1 which controls the stiffness of the angular limits.
- /// If you slowly increase this value from 0 to 1 for a newly created
- /// constraint, you can nicely blend in the limits.
- inline void setAngularLimitsTauFactor( hkReal mag );
- /// Gets the angular limits tau factor for this constraint.
- inline hkReal getAngularLimitsTauFactor() const;
- /// Gets the minimum twist limit (in radians).
- inline hkReal getTwistMinAngularLimit() const;
- /// Gets the maximum twist limit (in radians).
- inline hkReal getTwistMaxAngularLimit() const;
- /// Gets the maximum plane limit (in radians).
- inline hkReal getPlaneMaxAngularLimit() const;
- /// Gets the minimum plane limit (in radians).
- inline hkReal getPlaneMinAngularLimit() const;
- /// Gets the cone angle limit (in radians).
- inline hkReal getConeAngularLimit() const;
- /// Gets the state of cone limit stabilization.
- inline hkBool getConeLimitStabilization() const;
- /// Gets the friction value.
- inline hkReal getMaxFrictionTorque() const;
- /// Sets the maximum impulse that can be applied for this atom.
- /// Set it to HK_REAL_MAX to effectively disable the limit.
- virtual void setMaxLinearImpulse(hkReal maxImpulse);
- /// Gets the maximUm impulse that can be applied by this constraint.
- virtual hkReal getMaxLinearImpulse() const;
- /// Choose the body to be notified when the constraint's impulse is breached.
- virtual void setBodyToNotify(int bodyIdx);
- /// Returns the index of the body that is notified when the constraint's impulse limit is breached.
- virtual hkUint8 getNotifiedBodyIndex() const;
- //
- // Motor-related methods.
- //
- /// Sets target relative orientation between the constraints reference frames attached to
- /// each of the bodies.
- /// See also: setTargetRelativeOrientationOfBodies()
- void setTarget( const hkMatrix3& target_cbRca );
- /// Sets target relative orientation between bodies.
- /// This bypasses and ignores actual orientation of the constraint space in relation to each of the bodies.
- /// See also: setTarget()
- void setTargetRelativeOrientationOfBodies( const hkRotation& bRa );
- /// Get the target frame
- void getTarget(hkMatrix3& target_cbRca );
- /// Return the motor used to drive the twist axis angle.
- hkpConstraintMotor* getTwistMotor() const;
- /// Set the motor used to drive the twist axis angle.
- /// The measured angle passed in to the motor will be a relative angle
- /// between the current deflection around the twist axis and the
- /// desired deflection. i.e. the target angle that the motor should
- /// be trying to achieve is zero.
- /// Increments reference of new motor, decrements counter of replaced
- /// motor ( if any, can be null )
- void setTwistMotor( hkpConstraintMotor* motor );
- /// Return the motor used to drive the cone axis angle.
- hkpConstraintMotor* getConeMotor() const;
- /// Set the motor used to drive the cone axis angle.
- /// The measured angle passed in to the motor will be a relative
- /// angle between the current deflection around the cone axis and
- /// the desired deflection. i.e. the target angle that the motor
- /// should be trying to achieve is zero.
- /// Increments reference of new motor, decrements counter of
- /// replaced motor (if any, can be null).
- void setConeMotor( hkpConstraintMotor* motor );
- /// Return the motor used to drive the plane axis angle.
- hkpConstraintMotor* getPlaneMotor() const;
- /// Set the motor used to drive the plane axis angle.
- /// The measured angle passed in to the motor will be a relative angle
- /// between the current deflection around the plane axis and the desired
- /// deflection. i.e. the target angle that the motor should be trying
- /// to achieve is zero.
- /// Increments reference of new motor, decrements counter of replaced
- /// motor (if any, can be null).
- void setPlaneMotor( hkpConstraintMotor* motor );
- /// Check is the motors are active.
- hkBool getMotorsActive() const;
- /// Turn the motors on or off
- /// param instance The constraint instance to modify.
- /// param toBeEnabled The desired state of the motors.
- void setMotorsActive( hkpConstraintInstance* instance, hkBool toBeEnabled );
- /// Check consistency of constraint
- hkBool isValid() const;
- /// Get type from this constraint
- virtual int getType() const;
- enum
- {
- SOLVER_RESULT_MOTOR_0 = 0, // the angular motor value
- SOLVER_RESULT_MOTOR_1 = 1, // the angular motor value
- SOLVER_RESULT_MOTOR_2 = 2, // the angular motor value
- SOLVER_RESULT_FRICTION_0 = 3, // the angular friction value
- SOLVER_RESULT_FRICTION_1 = 4, // the angular friction value
- SOLVER_RESULT_FRICTION_2 = 5, // the angular friction value
- SOLVER_RESULT_TWIST = 6, // angular limits defined around m_freeAxisA
- SOLVER_RESULT_CONE = 7, // angular constraint defined by m_constrainedAxis1A
- SOLVER_RESULT_PLANE = 8, // angular constraint defined by m_constrainedAxis2A
- SOLVER_RESULT_LIN_0 = 9, // linear constraint defined by (1,0,0) in object space A
- SOLVER_RESULT_LIN_1 = 10, // linear constraint defined by (0,1,0) in object space A
- SOLVER_RESULT_LIN_2 = 11, // linear constraint defined by (0,0,1) in object space A
- SOLVER_RESULT_MAX = 12 // keep in sync with solver res array below
- };
- struct Runtime
- {
- HK_ALIGN16( class hkpSolverResults m_solverResults[12/*VC6 doesn't like the scoping for SOLVER_RESULT_MAX*/] );
- /// Tells whether the previous target angles have been initialized.
- /// This is zeroed when created.
- hkUint8 m_initialized[3];
- /// Target angles for the individual motors
- hkReal m_previousTargetAngles[3];
- /// Soft recovery parameter for the cone limit.
- hkReal m_coneAngleOffset;
- };
- static inline Runtime* HK_CALL getRuntime( hkpConstraintRuntime* runtime ) { return reinterpret_cast<Runtime*>(runtime); }
- /// hkpConstraintData interface implementations
- virtual void getConstraintInfo( hkpConstraintData::ConstraintInfo& infoOut ) const;
- /// hkpConstraintData interface implementation
- virtual void getRuntimeInfo( hkBool wantRuntime, hkpConstraintData::RuntimeInfo& infoOut ) const;
- struct Atoms
- {
- struct hkpSetLocalTransformsConstraintAtom m_transforms;
- struct hkpRagdollMotorConstraintAtom m_ragdollMotors;
- struct hkpAngFrictionConstraintAtom m_angFriction;
- struct hkpTwistLimitConstraintAtom m_twistLimit;
- struct hkpConeLimitConstraintAtom m_coneLimit;
- struct hkpConeLimitConstraintAtom m_planesLimit;
- struct hkpBallSocketConstraintAtom m_ballSocket;
- enum Axis
- {
- };
- Atoms(){}
- /// Get a pointer to the first atom
- const hkpConstraintAtom* getAtoms() const { return &m_transforms; }
- /// Get the size of all atoms
- /// Note: we can't use sizeof(*this) because of align16 padding.
- int getSizeOfAllAtoms() const { return hkGetByteOffsetInt(this, &m_ballSocket+1); }
- Atoms(hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag f) : m_transforms(f), m_ragdollMotors(f), m_angFriction(f), m_twistLimit(f), m_coneLimit(f), m_planesLimit(f), m_ballSocket(f) {}
- };
- HK_ALIGN16( struct Atoms m_atoms );
- enum MotorIndex
- {
- };
- /// Sets the motor specified by the index.
- /// Increments reference of new motor, decrements counter of
- /// replaced motor (if any, can be null).
- void setMotor(MotorIndex index, hkpConstraintMotor* newMotor);
- public:
- inline hkpRagdollConstraintData(hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag f);
- };
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/Bilateral/Ragdoll/hkpRagdollConstraintData.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */