- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Phantom/hkpPhantom.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Types/Geometry/Aabb/hkAabb.h>
- struct hkpWorldRayCastInput;
- struct hkpWorldRayCastOutput;
- class hkpRayHitCollector;
- struct hkpLinearCastInput;
- class hkpCdPointCollector;
- class hkpCdPointCollector;
- class hkpCollidable;
- extern const hkClass hkpAabbPhantomClass;
- /// This phantom simply maintains a list of hkpCollidable objects that overlap with the phantom's aabb
- /// hkAabbPhantoms are very fast as they use only broadphase collision detection. They are recommended
- /// - for any triggers / regions you need for game logic for which a detailed shape is not necessary (i.e you can
- /// use an aabb). This phantom has no hkpShape associated with it. If you call getShape() on the hkpCollidable
- /// stored in this phantom, it will return HK_NULL.<br>
- /// - to speed up short-ray casts, which are repeated every frame at roughly the same position
- /// (e.g the wheels of the car in the Havok vehicle SDK).
- /// See hkpAabbPhantom::castRay() for details.<br>
- /// Note: This is highly not recommended if you have long or non frame coherent raycasts.
- class hkpAabbPhantom : public hkpPhantom
- {
- public:
- /// To add a phantom to the world, you use hkpWorld::addEntity( myPhantom ).
- hkpAabbPhantom( const hkAabb& aabb, hkUint32 collisionFilterInfo = 0 );
- ~hkpAabbPhantom();
- /// Gets the hkpPhantom type. For this class the type is HK_PHANTOM_AABB
- virtual hkpPhantomType getType() const;
- /// Gets the list of collidables that are currently overlapping with the phantom.
- /// Although unlikely, it is possible that the order of elements in the array is
- /// nondeterministic. To ensure determinism, proceed the call by a call to
- /// ensureDeterministicOrder().
- inline hkArray<hkpCollidable*>& getOverlappingCollidables();
- /// Casts a ray specified by "input". For each hit found the "collector" object receives
- /// a callback. See the hkpRayHitCollector for details.
- /// Note: You must make sure that the hkAabb for the phantom contains the ray being cast.
- /// call setAabb() with an aabb of the correct size in the correct place if this is not the case.
- /// The phantom castRay collects up all the collidables overlapping with the aabb of the ray, and
- /// calls castRay against these collidables. This is usually much fast than calling hkpWorld::castRay().
- /// If you are calling a long ray cast, you should use
- /// hkpWorld::castRay instead.
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- void castRay( const hkpWorldRayCastInput& input, hkpRayHitCollector& collector ) const;
- /// Casts a ray specified by "input". This fills out the output structure with the closest
- /// ray hit.
- /// Note: You must make sure that the hkAabb for the phantom contains the ray being cast.
- /// call setAabb() with an aabb of the correct size in the correct place if this is not the case.
- /// The phantom castRay collects up all the collidables overlapping with the aabb of the ray, and
- /// calls castRay against these collidables. If you are calling a long ray cast, you should use
- /// hkpWorld::castRay instead.
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- void castRay( const hkpWorldRayCastInput& input, hkpWorldRayCastOutput& output ) const;
- /// Casts the collidable "toBeCast" against each of this phantoms's overlapping
- /// collidables.
- /// The collision filter of the given collidable is tested against the
- /// collision filter of any collidables overlapping with the phantom, using the
- /// world's collision filter.
- /// This is a convenience function for performing asynchronous queries like
- /// hkpAabbPhantom::castRay, and does not modify the phantom or the collidable
- /// which is cast.
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- void linearCast(const hkpCollidable* const toBeCast, const hkpLinearCastInput& input, hkpCdPointCollector& castCollector, hkpCdPointCollector* startCollector ) const;
- //
- // hkpPhantom interface
- //
- // hkpPhantom interface implementation
- virtual void calcAabb( hkAabb& aabb );
- // hkpPhantom interface implementation
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- virtual void addOverlappingCollidable( hkpCollidable* collidable );
- // hkpPhantom interface implementation
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_IGNORE] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- virtual hkBool isOverlappingCollidableAdded( const hkpCollidable* collidable );
- // hkpPhantom interface implementation
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- virtual void removeOverlappingCollidable( hkpCollidable* collidable );
- /// hkpPhantom clone interface
- virtual hkpPhantom* clone() const;
- /// Sets the aabb.
- /// This will also update the the broadphase, which may trigger the callbacks addOverlappingCollidable and removeOverlappingCollidable
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- void setAabb(const hkAabb& newAabb);
- /// Get the aabb of the phantom
- inline const hkAabb& getAabb( ) const;
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RO] );
- void calcContentStatistics( hkStatisticsCollector* collector, const hkClass* cls ) const;
- protected:
- virtual hkMotionState* getMotionState(){ return HK_NULL; }
- class hkAabb m_aabb;
- hkArray<hkpCollidable*> m_overlappingCollidables; //+nosave
- public:
- hkpAabbPhantom( class hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag flag );
- //
- //
- /// ###ACCESS_CHECKS###( [m_world,HK_ACCESS_RO] [this,HK_ACCESS_RW] );
- virtual void deallocateInternalArrays();
- private:
- inline void ensureSpuAlignment();
- public:
- /// Ensures that collidables returned by getOverlappingCollidables are in deterministic
- /// order.
- virtual void ensureDeterministicOrder();
- public:
- /// False if the array of collidables has changed since we last sorted it.
- hkBool m_orderDirty; //+nosave
- /// Order relation on m_overlappingCollidables.
- class OrderByUid;
- };
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Phantom/hkpAabbPhantom.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */