- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/hkBase.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Entity/hkpRigidBody.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/Constraint/hkpConstraintInstance.h>
- #include <Physics/Dynamics/World/hkpPhysicsSystem.h>
- #include <Animation/Animation/Rig/hkaSkeleton.h>
- #include <Animation/Animation/Rig/hkaSkeletonUtils.h>
- extern const hkClass hkaRagdollInstanceClass;
- /// An hkaRagdollInstance encapsulates the rigid bodies, constraints and associated skeleton for a physical ragdoll.
- /// It also provides utilities to get / set poses, add and remove from world, cloning, and handling rigid body transforms.
- class hkaRagdollInstance : public hkReferencedObject
- {
- public:
- /// Constructor, requires a properly ordered set of rigid bodies and constraints.
- /// The must represent a tree (n rigid bodies, n-1 constraints), and the local
- /// transformation of the rigid bodies must match the pivot of the bone they represent.
- /// You can use hkaRagdollUtils::prepareSystemForRagdoll() in order to ensure this.
- /// The skeleton contains information about hierarchy, bone names, initial pose and bone constraints.
- /// You can generate an hkaSkeleton from a physics system by using the utility hkaRagdollUtils::constructSkeletonFromRagdoll().
- hkaRagdollInstance ( const hkArray<hkpRigidBody*>& rigidBodies, const hkArray<hkpConstraintInstance*>& constraints, const hkaSkeleton* skeleton );
- /// Same as the above constructor, but the extra bone-to-rigidbody map allows the ragdoll skeleton to have extra bones
- hkaRagdollInstance ( const hkArray<hkpRigidBody*>& rigidBodies, const hkArray<hkpConstraintInstance*>& constraints, const hkaSkeleton* skeleton , const hkArray<int>& boneToRigidBody);
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~hkaRagdollInstance ();
- /// Cloning - it returns a new hkaRagdollInstance cloned from this one.
- ///
- /// When using the hkConstraintInstane::CLONE_DATAS_WITH_MOTORS mode
- /// this method clones 'powered' hkConstraintDatas, therefore it also
- /// clones motors, what lets you set their targets independently of those of
- /// the original ragdoll's.
- virtual hkaRagdollInstance* clone(hkpConstraintInstance::CloningMode mode = hkpConstraintInstance::CLONE_INSTANCES_ONLY) const;
- //
- // Accessors
- //
- /// Number of bones.
- inline int getNumBones () const;
- /// Access the rigid body associated with the i-th bone.
- inline hkpRigidBody* getRigidBodyOfBone (int i) const;
- /// Get the bone index of the rigid body, or -1 if it is not a body in the ragdoll.
- inline int getBoneIndexOfRigidBody (hkpRigidBody* rb) const;
- /// Access the constraint associated with the i-th bone. The constraint associated with a bone is the constraint that links that bone with its parent.
- /// Notice, therefore, that getConstraint(0) returns HK_NULL.
- inline hkpConstraintInstance* getConstraintOfBone (int i) const;
- /// Access the associated skeleton
- inline const hkaSkeleton* getSkeleton () const;
- /// Retrieves the ID of the parent of a bone. -1 for the root (bone 0).
- inline int getParentOfBone (int i) const;
- /// Returns a (const) array of rigid bodies representing the bones
- inline const hkArray<hkpRigidBody*>& getRigidBodyArray() const;
- /// Returns a (const) array of constraint representing the joints. Notice that, since the root (bone 0) has no parent,
- /// the size of this array is n-1, where n is the number of bones.
- inline const hkArray<hkpConstraintInstance*>& getConstraintArray() const;
- /// Returns true if the ragdoll instance has more bones than rigid bodies. From 4.6, Ragdolls can have extra terminals bones,
- /// which can be useful in order to perform some operations.
- inline hkBool hasNonRigidBodyBones () const;
- //
- // Get/Set pose methods
- //
- /// Gets the current pose of the rag doll in world space.
- void getPoseWorldSpace (hkQsTransform* poseWorldSpaceOut) const;
- /// Gets the current pose of the rag doll in world space
- /// The user may optionally specify a local space pose for unmapped bones. If NULL, these bones are filled in with the reference pose.
- void getPoseWorldSpace (hkQsTransform* poseWorldSpaceOut, const hkQsTransform& worldFromModel, const hkQsTransform* localSpacePoseForUnmappedBonesOptional = HK_NULL ) const;
- /// Sets the current pose of the rag doll using a pose in world space - WARNING: This is for 'posing' the ragdoll and should not be called every frame - use controllers to drive a ragdoll.
- void setPoseWorldSpace (const hkQsTransform* poseModelSpaceIn);
- /// Gets the current pose of the rag doll in model space
- /// This is similar to getPoseWorldSpace but it uses the worldFromModel transform to transform the result to model space
- void getPoseModelSpace (hkQsTransform* poseModelSpaceOut, const hkQsTransform& worldFromModel) const;
- /// Sets the current pose of the rag doll using a pose in model space - WARNING: This is for 'posing' the ragdoll and should not be called every frame - use controllers to drive a ragdoll.
- void setPoseModelSpace (const hkQsTransform* poseModelSpaceIn, const hkQsTransform& worldFromModel);
- /// Sets the current pose and velocities of the rag doll using two poses in model space, separated by a given timestep.
- /// The rigid bodies are set to the positions and orientations of poseModelSpaceB, and the velocities are set to those
- /// that would have been required to bring the rigid bodies from poseModelSpaceA to poseModelSpaceB
- void setPoseAndVelocitiesModelSpace ( const hkQsTransform* poseModelSpaceA, const hkQsTransform& worldFromModelA,
- const hkQsTransform* poseModelSpaceB, const hkQsTransform& worldFromModelB, hkReal timestep);
- //
- // World add remove methods
- //
- /// Add to world; returns failure if the ragdoll is already in the world.
- /// The 'updateFilter' parameter can be used to force a filter update after both the bodies *and the constraints* have been added.
- /// This will only be necessary if the user has implemented filter logic (their own custom filter) based on the addition
- /// of constraints in the world - it will not be necessary for the supplied Havok filters:
- /// hkpGroupFilter, hkpCollisionFilterList, hkpNullCollisionFilter, hkpPairCollisionFilter, hkpPairwiseCollisionFilter - because they don't depend on constraints
- /// hkpConstrainedSystemFilter - because it uses listeners to update on constraint addition
- hkResult addToWorld (hkpWorld* world, hkBool updateFilter) const;
- /// Removes from world; returns failure if the ragdoll wasn't part of a world.
- hkResult removeFromWorld () const;
- /// Returns the world where the ragdoll has been added to (HK_NULL if none).
- inline hkpWorld* getWorld() const;
- //
- // Utility methods
- //
- /// Returns the current transform (worldFromBone) of the i-th bone (rigid body).
- /// Position and orientation are taken from the rb, scale is taken from the reference pose of the skeleton
- void getWorldFromBoneTransform (int i, hkQsTransform& worldFromBoneOut) const;
- /// Returns the current transform (bone-to-world) of the i-th bone (rigid body).
- /// Position and orientation are taken from the rb, scale is taken from the reference pose of the skeleton
- /// This method uses hkpRigidBody::approxTransformAt and is useful if you are stepping animation and physics independently.
- void getApproxWorldFromBoneTransformAt (int i, hkReal time, hkQsTransform& worldFromBoneOut) const;
- public:
- /// The rigid bodies associated with this rag doll.
- /*const*/ hkArray<hkpRigidBody*> m_rigidBodies;
- /// The constraints associated with this rag doll
- /*const*/ hkArray<hkpConstraintInstance*> m_constraints;
- /// For ragdolls with non-rigid-body bones, we need this map
- /*const*/ hkArray<int> m_boneToRigidBodyMap; // HKA-773
- /// The skeleton associated with this rag doll.
- const hkaSkeleton* m_skeleton;
- public:
- hkaRagdollInstance( hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag f ) :
- hkReferencedObject(f), m_rigidBodies(f), m_constraints(f), m_boneToRigidBodyMap(f) { }
- private:
- void commonInit (const hkArray<hkpRigidBody*>& rigidBodies, const hkArray<hkpConstraintInstance*>& constraints, const hkaSkeleton* skeleton);
- };
- #include <Animation/Ragdoll/Instance/hkaRagdollInstance.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */