- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- /// This IK solver operates on a single bone (specified as a transform in model space). It rotates it so the forward axis (m_fwdLS) points towards the
- /// specified target (targetMS). The movement is clamped around a cone specified by m_limitAxisMS and m_limitAngle. Finally, the rotation applied by the IK
- /// can be weighted by a gain value (gain), in the range [0..1]. The solver returns false if the target is over limits. Optionally, the user may specify
- /// individual limits for the up, down, left, and right directions of motion
- class hkaLookAtIkSolver : public hkReferencedObject
- {
- public:
- /// Setup information passed to hkaLookAtIkSolver::solve()
- struct Setup
- {
- /// Forward vector in the local space of the bone; must be a unit vector
- hkVector4 m_fwdLS;
- /// "Eye" position in the local space of the bone.
- /// Defaults to (0,0,0). If the offset is not (0,0,0) (the eye is not located
- /// at the joint's position), the required correction is calculated.
- hkVector4 m_eyePositionLS;
- /// Axis of the limiting cone, specified in model space; must be a unit vector
- hkVector4 m_limitAxisMS;
- /// Angle of the limiting cone; must be in range [ 0, pi ]
- hkReal m_limitAngle;
- /// Constructor
- Setup()
- {
- m_eyePositionLS.setZero4();
- }
- };
- // Setup information for optionally specifying individual range limits
- struct RangeLimits
- {
- /// Limiting angles in the up direction; must be in range [ -pi/2, pi/2 ]
- hkReal m_limitAngleUp; // Example: pi/4 (45deg up)
- hkReal m_limitAngleDown; // Example: -pi/6 (30deg down)
- /// Limiting angle in the side direction; must be in range [ -pi, pi ]
- hkReal m_limitAngleLeft; // Example: pi/2 (90deg left)
- hkReal m_limitAngleRight;// Example: -pi/2 (90deg right)
- /// Up unit vector in model space, must be
- /// perpendicular to setup.m_limitAxisMS
- /// Side vector is calculated as cross( setup.m_limitAxisMS, m_upAxisMS )
- hkVector4 m_upAxisMS;
- };
- /// Solves the specified lookAt constraint. Check the documentation for hkaLookAtIkSolver for details.
- static hkBool HK_CALL solve ( const Setup& setup, const hkVector4& targetMS, hkReal gain, hkQsTransform& boneModelSpaceInOut, const RangeLimits* limits = HK_NULL );
- /// Converts from spherical to cartesian coordinates
- /// Like a globe: X axis near London, Y axis near China, Z axis through the North Pole
- /// XYZ <- rho theta phi (radius, longitude, lattitude )
- static void HK_CALL cartesianFromSpherical( hkVector4& sphericalInCartesianOut );
- /// Converts from cartesian to spherical coordinates
- /// Like a globe: X axis near London, Y axis near China, Z axis through the North Pole
- /// XYZ -> rho theta phi (radius, longitude, lattitude )
- static void HK_CALL sphericalFromCartesian( hkVector4& cartesianInSphericalOut );
- /// Wrapper for atan2 function
- static hkReal HK_CALL lookAtAtan2( hkReal y, hkReal x );
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */