- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Animation/Animation/Animation/hkaAnimation.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Math/Util/hkConvertCoordinateSpace.h>
- class hkaAnimationBinding;
- class hkaMirroredSkeleton;
- /// This class allows the user to wrap a child animation and 'mirror' it at runtime, so that
- /// for example the data for a single 'turn left' animation can be (re)used for both 'turn left' and turn right'
- /// runtime playback. Please see the userguide section "Mirroring Animations" for more details.
- class hkaMirroredAnimation : public hkaAnimation
- {
- public:
- /// Constructor for hkaMirroredAnimation
- /// param originalAnimation Animation to mirror
- /// param originalBinding Binding for the original animation
- /// param mirroredSkeleton Mirrored skeleton
- hkaMirroredAnimation( const hkaAnimation* originalAnimation,
- const hkaAnimationBinding* originalBinding,
- const hkaMirroredSkeleton* mirroredSkeleton );
- ~hkaMirroredAnimation();
- /// Create a *new* binding appropriate for this mirrored animation. Deletion must be handled by the user.
- /// return A new binding appropriate for this mirrored animation.
- hkaAnimationBinding *createMirroredBinding();
- /// Destroy an hkaAnimationBinding created by the createMirroredBinding member function
- /// param bind Binding to destroy
- static void HK_CALL destroyMirroredBinding( hkaAnimationBinding *binding );
- /// Return original binding
- const hkaAnimationBinding* getOriginalBinding() const;
- virtual void sampleTracks(hkReal time, hkQsTransform* tracksOut, hkReal* floatTracksOut, hkaChunkCache* cache) const;
- /// Get a subset of the the first 'maxNumTracks' tracks of a pose at a given time (all tracks from 0 to maxNumTracks-1 inclusive).
- virtual void samplePartialTracks(hkReal time, hkUint32 maxNumTransformTracks, hkQsTransform* transformTracksOut, hkUint32 maxNumFloatTracks, hkReal* floatTracksOut, hkaChunkCache* cache) const;
- /// Sample individual animation tracks
- virtual void sampleIndividualTransformTracks( hkReal time, const hkInt16* tracks, hkUint32 numTracks, hkQsTransform* transformOut ) const;
- /// Sample a individual floating tracks
- virtual void sampleIndividualFloatTracks( hkReal time, const hkInt16* tracks, hkUint32 numTracks, hkReal* out ) const;
- /// Returns the number of original samples / frames of animation
- virtual int getNumOriginalFrames() const;
- /// Return the number of chunks of data required to sample a pose at time t
- virtual int getNumDataChunks(hkReal time) const;
- /// Return the maximum total size of all combined chunk data which could be returned by getDataChunks for this animation.
- virtual int getMaxSizeOfCombinedDataChunks() const;
- /// Return the chunks of data required to sample a pose at time t
- virtual void getDataChunks(hkReal time, DataChunk* dataChunks, int numDataChunks) const;
- /// Get a subset of the tracks at a given time using data chunks. Sample is calculated using pose[frameIndex] * (1 - frameDelta) + pose[frameIndex+1] * frameDelta.
- static void HK_CALL samplePartialWithDataChunks(hkUint32 frameIndex, hkReal frameDelta,
- hkUint32 maxNumTransformTracks, hkQsTransform* transformTracksOut,
- hkUint32 maxNumFloatTracks, hkReal* floatTracksOut,
- const DataChunk* dataChunks, int numDataChunks);
- /// Returns the motion stored (previously extracted from the animation) at time t.
- /// This motion represents the absolute offset from the start of the animation.
- virtual void getExtractedMotionReferenceFrame(hkReal time, hkQsTransform& motionOut) const;
- /// Returns the change in reference frame between two times for extracted motion.
- virtual void getExtractedMotionDeltaReferenceFrame( hkReal time, hkReal nextTime, int loops, hkQsTransform& deltaMotionOut ) const;
- /// Get all annotations which occur between startTime and deltaTime
- /// param annotations Must be pre-allocated to the appropriate size, see getNumAnnotations
- /// return The number of annoatations found
- virtual hkUint32 getAnnotations( hkReal startTime, hkReal deltaTime, TrackAnnotation* annotationsOut, hkUint32 maxNumAnnotations = HK_INT32_MAX ) const;
- private:
- /// Mirror a pose in track space
- /// param poseInOut Array of transforms
- /// param n Maximum track to consider
- /// param additive True if the animation is additive
- void mirrorTrackPose( hkQsTransform* poseInOut, int n, hkBool additive ) const;
- /// Mirror a pose of individual tracks in track space
- /// param poseInOut Array of transforms
- /// param trackIndices Array of track indices
- /// param numTracks Number of tracks to consider
- /// param additive True if the animation is additive
- void mirrorIndividualTrackPose( hkQsTransform* poseInOut, const hkInt16* trackIndices, hkUint32 numTracks, hkBool additive) const;
- /// Animation tracks which are to be mirrored
- const hkaAnimation *m_originalAnimation;
- /// Original binding
- const hkaAnimationBinding *m_originalBinding;
- /// Skeleton, used to compute the mirroring transforms
- const hkaMirroredSkeleton *m_mirroredSkeleton;
- /// This is a copy of original binding hint for easy DMAing ('Additive' animations mirror differently).
- hkBool m_originalIsAdditive;
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */