Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/DebugUtil/StatisticsCollector/hkStatisticsCollector.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Monitor/MonitorStreamAnalyzer/hkMonitorStreamAnalyzer.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Container/PointerMap/hkPointerMap.h>
- #define HK_MEM_STREAM_COMMAND_PUSH 'P' // new dir or new node
- #define HK_MEM_STREAM_COMMAND_POP 'p' // out of node/dir.
- #define HK_MEM_STREAM_COMMAND_CHUNK 'C' // new chunk alloc
- /// An implementation of a statistics collector.
- /// Similar to hkSimpleStatisticsCollector except that it does not create
- /// Nodes as it progresses through the stats collection, rather it writes
- /// to a command stream. That stream can then be interpreted later,
- /// possibly on a different platform (for use with the Visual Debugger for instance),
- /// and then created into Nodes. See the hkStatisticsCollector for more information
- class hkStreamStatisticsCollector: public hkStatisticsCollector
- {
- public:
- /// Create a hkStreamStatisticsCollector with the stream
- /// preallocated to the given size in bytes. If the stream
- /// uses more than this size it will reallocate itself automatically.
- hkStreamStatisticsCollector(hkVtableClassRegistry* vtblReg, int memSize);
- /// Delete the collector
- virtual ~hkStreamStatisticsCollector();
- /// The collector uses the same Nodes
- /// as the hkMonitorStreamAnalyzer so that the trees
- /// produced can be inspected by the same code that
- /// you use to inspect the hkMonitorStream.
- typedef hkMonitorStreamAnalyzer::Node Node;
- /// Begin a new section in the stream
- /// You can thus have different types of
- /// snapshot all in the same stream .
- /// For instance you may want the ENGINE
- /// only snapshot but also after that
- /// one that takes in all categories.
- void beginSnapshot( int statisticClasses );
- /// End the current snapshot.
- void endSnapshot( );
- /// Reset the whole stream (wipes all snapshots)
- void reset();
- /// Set the data stream from a different source, usually
- /// a different computer or console.
- void setDataByCopying(const char* buffer, int length, hkBool endianSwap = false);
- /// Make a Node tree from the current stream. If you provide an array to hold the strings
- /// for the Node names then the Nodes can persist after you have deleted this collector,
- /// but be default the Node names will just point into the original stream data (that
- /// has a copy of the names in it). Each node has two values corresponding to the
- /// Used and Allocated memory for the object(s) you collected.
- /// You own the returned Nodes, so delete them after you have inspected thier contents.
- /// The string table is optional. You will need to delete the hkStrings when you are done woth them if you requested them.
- void makeTree(hkArray<Node*>& m_nodesOut, hkArray<hkString*>* stringTable = HK_NULL);
- /// Write the stats to a text stream. It internally calls makeTree first and
- /// and deletes the nodes once produced when done. It is just a simple ascii
- /// version of the tree.
- void writeStatistics( hkOstream& outstream, int reportLevel );
- // hkStatisticsCollector interface
- virtual void addReferencedObject(const char* fieldName, const hkReferencedObject* obj, int flags = 0) ;
- // hkStatisticsCollector interface
- virtual void addObject( const hkClass& cls, const char* fieldName, const void* obj, int flags = 0);
- // hkStatisticsCollector interface
- virtual void addChunk(MemoryType type, const char* name, const void* chunkAddress, int usedSize, int allocatedSize = 0) ;
- // hkStatisticsCollector interface
- virtual void pushDir( const char* dirName );
- // hkStatisticsCollector interface
- virtual void popDir();
- /// Get the current data stream. Commonly used to then send this block of data to another process
- /// or computer
- inline const char* getDataStream() { return m_stream.getSize() > 0? m_stream.begin() : HK_NULL; }
- ///Get the size of the current data stream.
- inline int getDataStreamSize() { return m_stream.getSize(); }
- public:
- struct Command
- {
- char cmd; /// one of the three above
- hkUint8 slen; // chars following for name string. can be 0.
- hkUint16 memSize; // 0 for just a dir
- hkUint16 allocSize; // 0 for just a dir
- };
- hkArray<char> m_stream; // stream of commands (and names)
- inline hkBool hasSpace() { return m_stream.getCapacity() > (m_stream.getSize() + (int)sizeof(Command) + 64); }
- protected:
- hkBool _isKnown(const void* obj) const { return m_knownObjects.getWithDefault(obj, 0) != 0; }
- void _addKnown(const void* obj) { m_knownObjects.insert(obj, 1); }
- void _startObject( const char* name, int size);
- void _endObject( );
- hkPointerMap<const void*, int> m_knownObjects;
- //int m_enabledStatisticClasses;
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */