- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/Base/System/Stopwatch/hkStopwatch.h>
- #include <Common/Visualize/hkVisualDebuggerDebugOutput.h>
- #include <Common/Visualize/hkDebugDisplay.h>
- #include <Common/Visualize/hkProcessContext.h>
- class hkStreamReader;
- class hkStreamWriter;
- static const hkUint32 HK_VISUAL_DEBUGGER_DEFAULT_PORT = 25001;
- /// This is the main visual debugger class on the server side. It takes care of all
- /// clients attaching them as listeners to the world and creating the appropriate
- /// display handlers to send the display information over the network. A plugin handler
- /// is also created to allow the client to create and delete viewers remotely.
- // Client tracking
- struct hkVisualDebuggerClient
- {
- class hkSocket* m_socket;
- class hkServerProcessHandler* m_processHandler; // one per client
- };
- // Object tracking (objects that can be inspected, which must have a hkClass)
- struct hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObject
- {
- void* m_ptr;
- const class hkClass* m_class;
- };
- // klass will be null on remove callback ( when 'added' == false )
- typedef void (HK_CALL* hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObjectCallback)( void* ptr, const hkClass* klass, hkBool wasAdded, void* userCallbackHandle );
- /// Visual Debugger server interface.
- class hkVisualDebugger : public hkReferencedObject
- {
- public:
- /// Creates a visual debugger for a given set of contexts
- /// A context is a container for hkWorlds, or user / animation data for instance
- /// Constructor. See the hkVisualDebugger::create.
- /// Will set the context owner as this vdb (assumes only one vdb)
- /// If you don
- hkVisualDebugger( const hkArray<hkProcessContext*>& contexts, const class hkVtableClassRegistry* classReg = HK_NULL );
- /// Instructs the visual debugger to start listening for client connections
- /// from the given TCP/IP port number. For the server to actually work the
- /// world associated with this hkVisualDebugger instance must have its
- /// hkpWorld::stepDeltaTime called as it uses the post simulation callback
- /// to poll for new clients.
- void serve(int listenPort = HK_VISUAL_DEBUGGER_DEFAULT_PORT);
- /// Instructs the visual debugger to start capturing the output of all
- /// of the default viewers to the specified filename. Note you do not
- /// have to call hkVisualDebugger::serve this is completely independent
- /// and can be used without any network serving.
- void capture(const char* captureFilename);
- /// End (all) captures to file.
- void endCapture();
- /// Shutdown the vdb. Can call shutdown and then serve again later.
- /// It removes all clients and shutsdown the server.
- /// Shutdown is called automatically by the dtor, but is safe to call more than once.
- void shutdown();
- /// Added a process to the list of default process. All process in this
- /// list will be selected by a client when a new connection is established.
- void addDefaultProcess(const char* processName);
- /// Removes a viewer from the list of default viewers. If a viewer is not
- /// in this list it will not be selected by a client when a new connection
- /// is established.
- void removeDefaultProcess(const char* viewerName);
- /// Added an object (with associated class) to the top level
- /// objects that can be inspected by clients.
- /// Group string currently ignored.
- void addTrackedObject(void* obj, const hkClass& klass, const char* group);
- /// Removes an object from the top level
- /// objects that can be inspected by clients (removed by listeners
- /// in the code that added the object on deletion usually).
- void removeTrackedObject(void* obj);
- /// Called when the macro HK_STEP_DISPLAY(frameTimeInMs) is called, this
- /// macro must be called for the visual debugger to function properly.
- virtual void step(hkReal frameTimeInMs = 0); // advances all clients to the next frame
- /// Called at the end of a world simulation step.
- /// WAS postSimulationCallback(world)
- virtual void pollForNewClients();
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~hkVisualDebugger();
- /// Get the contexts that the Processes can run under
- /// such as a context that lists hkWorlds, or one that has animation data for instance
- /// It is up to the Processes if they want to use the data in any to set themselves up
- const hkArray<hkProcessContext*>& getContexts() { return m_contexts; }
- void getCurrentProcesses( hkArray< class hkProcess* >& process );
- // Internal used by the inspection process:
- /// Get the list of tracjked objects. Use add and remove tracked object to change (eg. upon deletion)
- const hkArray<hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObject>& getTrackedObjects() const { return m_trackedObjects; }
- void addTrackedObjectCallback( hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObjectCallback callback, void* userHandle);
- void removeTrackedObjectCallback( hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObjectCallback callback );
- inline const hkVtableClassRegistry* getClassReg() const { return m_classReg; }
- void SupressPollForNewClient(bool val);
- protected:
- void deleteClient(int i);
- void createClient( hkSocket* socket, hkStreamReader* reader, hkStreamWriter* writer );
- void writeStep(int i, float t); // step cmd to given client id.
- // Server socket (we listen for new Clients on it)
- hkSocket* m_server;
- bool s_SuppressPollForNewClients;
- // All clients get a seperate process handler.
- hkArray<hkVisualDebuggerClient> m_clients;
- hkArray<hkProcessContext*> m_contexts;
- // Master list of currently tracked objects. Any changes raise the callbacks
- hkArray<hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObject> m_trackedObjects;
- hkArray<hkVisualDebuggerTrackedObjectCallback> m_trackCallbacks;
- hkArray<void*> m_trackCallbackHandles;
- const hkVtableClassRegistry* m_classReg;
- hkArray<hkString*> m_defaultProcesses; // Process that will always service a Client (auto created)
- hkBool m_amTimingFrame;
- hkStopwatch m_frameTimer;
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at
- *
- */